Publications of Francis Roberts


  • Roberts, Francis. A synopsis of theology or divinity. Drawn up by Francis Roberts, M.A. minister of the gospel, for the benefit of his flock. London: printed by James Young, for John Bartlet, at the signe of the Gilt-Cup, under Austins Gate, an. Dom. 1645. ESTC No. R210340. Grub Street ID 86517.
  • Roberts, Francis. A broken spirit, God's sacrifices. Or, the gratefulnesse of a broken spirit unto God. Represented in a sermon, before the right Honourable House of Peeres, in K. Henry the Seventh's chappell in the Abbey Westminster, upon Wednesday Decemb. 9. 1646. Being a day of publike humiliation for removing of the great judgment of rain and waters then upon the kingdome, &c. By Fran. Roberts M. A. Minister of Christ, at Austins, London. London: printed for George Calvert, of Austins parish, in the Old-Change, at the signe of the Golden Fleece, 1647 [i.e. 1646]. ESTC No. R201252. Grub Street ID 78695.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures. Whereby the ? order, ? names, 3 times, ? penmen, 5 occasion, ? scope, and 7 principall parts, containing the subject-matter of every book of Old and New Testament, ar familiarly and briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. By Francis Roberts, A.M. pastor of the church at Augustines, London. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for George Calvert, and are to sold [sic] at his shop at the signe of the Half-Moon in Watling-street, neer to Pauls stump, 1648. ESTC No. R20707. Grub Street ID 83499.
  • Roberts, Francis. Believers evidences for eternall life; collected out of the first epistle of John, which is Catholique: explained and confirmed by very many subservient-signes, or under-notes, grounded upon scriptures, and illustrated by testimonies both of ancient fathers, and modern writers. Whereby persons truly regenerate may divers wayes discover their present state of grace, and title unto glory. By Francis Roberts, A.M. Pastor of the church at Augustines, London. London: printed by T.R. and E.M. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Half-Moon in Watling-street, neer to Pauls stump, 1649 [i.e. 1648]. ESTC No. R208457. Grub Street ID 84708.
  • Roberts, Francis. Believers evidences for eternall life; collected out of the first epistle of John, which is catholique: explained and confirmed by very many subservient-signes, or vnder-notes, grounded upon Scriptures, and illustrated testimonies both of ancient fathers, and modern [sic] writers. Whereby persons truly regenerate, may divers wayes discover their present state of grace, & title unto glory. By Francis Roberts ... London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]., and are to be sold by the booksellers in Edinburgh, 1649. ESTC No. R182750. Grub Street ID 72722.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasurie of the Holy Scriptures. Whereby the 1 order, 2 names, 3 times, 4 penmen, 5 occasion, 6 scope, 7 principall parts, containing the subject-matter of every book of Old and New Testament, are familiarly an briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. By Francis Roberts, A.M pastor of the church at Augustines, London. Edinburgh: printed by Gedeon Lithgow, printer to the University of Edinburgh 1649. ESTC No. R27561. Grub Street ID 110713.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures. Whereby the ?order, ?names, ?times, ?penmen, ?occasion, ?scope and ?principal parts, containing the subject-matter of the books of Old and New Testament, are familiarly and briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. The second edition, very much enlarged. With addition of the Scripture-songs, metrically translated out of the Hebrew, and analytically explained. By Francis Roberts, M.A. pastor of the church at Augustines, London. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for George Calvert, and are sold at his shop at the signe of the Half-Moon in Watling-street, neer to Pauls Stump, 1649. ESTC No. R24149. Grub Street ID 107962.
  • Roberts, Francis. A communicant instructed: or, Practical directions for worthy receiving of the Lords-Supper. By Francis Roberts, M.A. pastour of the church of Christ, at Wryngton in the county of Sommerset. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Half-Moon in Watling-street neer Pauls stump, 1651. ESTC No. R203389. Grub Street ID 80487.
  • Roberts, Francis. A communicant instructed: or, Practical directions for worthy receiving of the Lords-Supper. By Francis Roberts, M.A. pastour of the Church of Christ, at Wrington in the county of Sommerset. London: printed by T.R. and E.M. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at the sign of the Half-Moon in the new buildings in Pauls-Church-yard neer the little North-door, 1653. ESTC No. R218028. Grub Street ID 92744.
  • Roberts, Francis. Believers evidences for eternall life; collected out of the first epistle of John which is catholique: explained and confirmed by very many subservient signes, or undernotes grounded upon Scriptures, and illustrated by testimonies both of ancient fathers, and modern writers. Whereby persons truly regenerate may divers wayes discover their present state of grace, and title unto glory. By Francis Roberts, A.M. pastor of the church at Augustines, London. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Half-Moon in Pauls Church-yard neer the little north-door, 1655. ESTC No. R29322. Grub Street ID 112323.
  • Roberts, Francis. A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper by Francis Roberts. London: Printed by J. Streater for G. Calvert, 1656. ESTC No. R28105. Grub Street ID 111209.
  • Roberts, Francis. Mysterium & medulla Bibliorum. The mysterie and marrow of the Bible: viz. God's covenants with man, in the first Adam, before the fall: and in the last Adam Iesus Christ, after the fall; from the beginning to the end of the world; unfolded & illustrated in positive aphorisms & their explanations. Wherein the general nature, several kinds, ... of all Gods holy covenants, ... together with their peculiar terms, occasions, author, ... are largely and familiarly expounded: the blessed person and office of Jesus Christ, ... is described: many choice fundamental points of Christianity, are explained: sundry practical questions, ... are resolved: ... and in all, the great supernatural mystery of the whole sacred Bible, touching Gods ... salvation of sinners by Jesus Christ through faith, ... is disclosed and un-veiled. By Francis Roberts, M.A. pastor of th Church at Wrington, in the county of Sommerset. London: printed by R[obert]. W[hite]. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Half-Moon in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R28802. Grub Street ID 111836.
  • Roberts, Francis. The checqver-work of God's providences, towards His own people, made up of blacks and whites: viz. Of their abasements, and advancements; their distresses, and deliverances; their sullying tribulations, and beautifying relaxations: represented in a sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful servant of the Lord, Mary the late wife of Joseph Jackson Esq; Alderman of the city of Bristol; on the 5. day of May, Anno Dom. 1657. By Francis Roberts, Pastor of the Church at Wrington. London: printed by R.W. for G. Calvert, at the sign of the Half-Moon in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R6081. Grub Street ID 126456.
  • Roberts, Francis. A communicant instructed: or, Practical directions for worthy receiving of the Lords-Supper. By Francis Roberts, M.A. pastour of the Church of Christ at Wrington in the county of Sommerset. London: printed by T.R. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at the signe of the Half-Moon in the New Buildings in Pauls Church-yard, neer the little North-door, 1659. ESTC No. R218030. Grub Street ID 92747.
  • Roberts, Francis. The Christians advantage both by life and death. Discovered in a sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful and eminent servant of the Lord, Joseph Jackson, late Esq; and alderman of the city of Bristol, on the 17. day of January, an. Dom. 1661. By Fran. Roberts D.D rector of the church at Wrington in the county of Somerset. London : printed by Edw. Mottershed, 1662. ESTC No. R32381. Grub Street ID 115096.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum The key of the Bible : unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures / by Francis Roberts . London : Published by George Calvert .., 1664. ESTC No. R38129. Grub Street ID 120263.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures. Whereby the 1 order, 2 names, 3 times, 4 penmen, 5 occasion, 6 scope, and 7 principal parts, containing the subject-matter of the books of the Old and New Testament, are familiarly and briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. Wherein the Scripture-songs ... are metrically translated out of the Hebrew, and analytically explained: whereunto are added in this third edition, the metrical version of the whole book of hymnes or praises, viz. the book of Psalmes, ... together with a general preface, ... The third edition, diligently revised; by Francis Roberts D.D. Rector of the church at Wrington in the county of Somerset. London : printed by H.L. for George Calvert, at the Half-Moon, near the little north-door of Saint Pauls, 1665. ESTC No. R222744. Grub Street ID 96686.
  • Roberts, Francis. The communicant instructed, how to examine himself in some necessary interrogatives, for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. London : printed, and are to be sold by R. Pawlett at the Bible in Chancery-Lane, and Edward Pawlett bookseller in Grantham, 1668. ESTC No. R40854. Grub Street ID 122610.
  • Roberts, Francis. The true way to the tree of life: or, The natural man directed unto Christ. By Fran. Roberts D.D. Pastor of the Church of Christ at Wrington in the county of Somerset. London : printed by T.R. for Geo. Calvert, at the Golden Ball in Duck Lane, 1673. ESTC No. R31779. Grub Street ID 114540.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of Holy Scriptures· Whereby the 1 Order, 2 Names, 3 Times, 4 Penmen, 5 Occasion, 6 Scope, and 7 Principal parts, containing the subject-matter of the Books of Old and New Testament, are familiarly and briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. Wherein the Scripture-songs dispersed here and there in Old and New Testament, are metrically translated out of the Hebrew, and analytically explained: whereunto are added the metrical version of the whole book of hymns or praises, viz. the Book of Psalmes, immediately out of the Hebrew: and the analytical exposition of every Psalm: together with a general preface, prefixed thereunto. The fourth edition, diligently revised; by Francis Roberts D.D. Rector of the Church at Wrington in the county of Somerset. London : printed by J.R. for Peter Parker and Thomas Guy, and are to be sold at their shops, at the Leg and Star over against the Royal Exchange, and at the corner-shop of Little Lumbard-street and Cornhill, 1675. ESTC No. R471055. Grub Street ID 125117.
  • Roberts, Francis. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of Holy Scriptures· Whereby the 1 Order, 2 Names, 3 Times, 4 Penmen, 5 Occasion, 6 Scope, and 7 Principal parts, containing the subject-matter of the Books of Old and New Testament, are familiarly and briefly opened: for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible. Wherein the Scripture-songs dispersed here and there in Old and New Testament, are metrically translated out of the Hebrew, and analytically explained: whereunto are added the metrical version of the whole book of hymns or praises, viz. the Book of Psalmes, immediately out of the Hebrew: and the analytical exposition of every Psalm: together with a general preface, prefixed thereunto. The fourth edition, diligently revised; by Francis Roberts D.D. rector of the Church at Wrington in the county of Somerset. London : printed by J.R. for Peter Parker, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Leg and Star, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1675. ESTC No. R16661. Grub Street ID 64482.
  • Roberts, Francis. A communicant instructed: or Practical directions for worthy receiving of the Lords-Supper. By Francis Roberts, D.D. rector of the Church of Christ at Wrington in the county of Sommerset. The fifth edition, diligently revised and corrected by the author.. London : printed by F[rancis]. L[each], for George Calvert, and are to be sold at the signe of the Half-Moon in the New Buildings in Pauls Church-yard, neer the little north-door, 1676. ESTC No. R22280. Grub Street ID 96732.
  • Roberts, Francis. The great worth of scripture knowledge; with some general directions, or rules, for the right understanding of the Holy Scriptures. To which is added, a comment on the Lord's Prayer. By Francis Roberts, D. D. Rector of the Church at Wrington, in the County of Somerset, Abridged by John Tift. Burton-Upon-Trent: printed by T. Wayte, [1794]. ESTC No. T122256. Grub Street ID 172973.