Publications of Richard Culmer


  • Culmer, Richard. Cathedrall nevves from Canterbury: shewing, the Canterburian Cathedrall to bee in an abbey-like corrupt, and rotten condition, which cals for a speedy reformation, or dissolution: vvhich dissolution is already foreshowne, and begun there, by many remarkeable passages upon that place, and the prelats there; amongst which passages of wonder is, the Archbishop of Canterburies passing-bell, rung miraculously in that Cathedrall. Recorded, and published by Richard Culmer, minister of Gods word, dwelling in Canterbury: heretofore of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge, Master of Arts. Printed at London: By Rich. Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, 1644. ESTC No. R209928. Grub Street ID 86144.
  • Culmer, Richard. Dean and chapter newes from Canterbury: shewing, the Canterburian Cathedrall to be in an abbey-like, corrupt, and rotten condition, which calls for a speedy reformation, or dissolution: which dissolution is already foreshown, and begun there, by many remarkable passages upon that place, & the prelates there. Recorded, and published by Richard Culmer, minister of Gods word, dwelling in Canterbury: heretofore of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge, Master of Arts. Imprimatur, John White. I have perused this relation of Dean and chapter news, and therein observed, that the hand of providence hath, indeed, wrought a new thing in our Israel, worthy to bee looked upon by all, with a due mixture of wonder, and thankefulnesse: and therefore conceive it necessary to bee published to the view of all. Jo. Caryll. Printed at London: by Richard Cotes, 1649. ESTC No. R205275. Grub Street ID 82059.
  • Culmer, Richard. The ministers hue and cry, or, A true discovery of the unsufferable injuries, robberies, cozenages and oppressions now acted against ministers and impropriators: especially, against ministers placed by authority of Parliament. Set forth in a dialogue between four men, viz. Paul Shepherd, a minister of the Gospel. Barnaby Sheaf, an impropriator or lay parson. Robin Rob-Minister, one that robs and defrauds the minister of his maintenance. Tom Tythe-short, one that paies his tythes and duties short of what is due. Published, by Richard Culmer, late minister of God Word at Harbledown near Canterbury. Let this hue and cry passe, and follow it post haste, haste. Imprimatur, John Downam. London: printed by Abraham Miller, 1651. ESTC No. R206467. Grub Street ID 82985.
  • Culmer, Richard. Lawles tythe-robbers discovered: who make tythe-revenue a mock-mayntenance, being encouraged thereunto by the defect of law and justice about ministers maintenance; and by the cavills and pretended objections against it. Which defect of law and justice is herein fully discovered, together with the frauds and wrongs occasioned by that defect, that they may be prevented by better laws, and more impartiall justice, now in Parliament-time, wherein remedies have always been most speedy and certain. Herein the many cavills and pretended objections made against tythes and all setled maintenance of ministers are recited and confuted. Herein also, some motives to the higher powers for speedy relief of ministers, by better laws. Together with some humble proposals of means for the rooting out and preventing of those frauds and wrongs. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy. London: printed for Thomas Newbery. in Cornhil neer the Royall Exchange, 1655. ESTC No. R207418. Grub Street ID 83807.
  • Culmer, Richard. Lawless tythe-robbers discovered, &c. [London: for Thomas Newbery, 1656]. ESTC No. R175867. Grub Street ID 68610.
  • Culmer, Richard. A parish looking-glasse for persecutors of ministers. Wherein such persecuting people may behold their ugly-faced sinfull condition, and the judgments of God falling on their heads. Or, the persecuted ministers apologie. Published by Richard Culmer for the common good. Especially, that the Christian magistrate may take more notice of, and be more zealous against persecutors and oppressors of faithfull ministers: which persecutors endeavour, first, to ruine ministers which are weaker in power than magistrates; intending afterwards more easily to ruine magistrates also, and level all. And that people (sectaries and others) which despise, mock, revile, slander, defraud, oppress faithful ministers, sent by the care and wisdom of the Christian magistrate, may be warned by the judgements full of horrour, upon such persecutors, herein recorded, which God hath se forth for example to others. And published by him more especially, in defence of his father Richard Culmer, minister of Mynster, ... London: printed by Abraham Miller, 1657. ESTC No. R17172. Grub Street ID 65849.