Publications of Titus Petronius Arbiter


  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The satyrical works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse. In three parts. Together with his life and character, written by Mons. St. Evremont; and a key to the satyr, by a person of quality. Made English by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Burnaby, Mr. Blount, Mr. Tho. Brown, Capt. Ayloff, and several others . And adorn'd with Cuts. To which is added, The charms of liberty; a poem, by the late Duke of D-. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and are to be sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708. ESTC No. T105571. Grub Street ID 158835.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of T. Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse; in three parts. With A Critical Preface in Defence of the Author, and his Life and Character, written by Mons. St. Evremont; and a Key to the Satyres by a Person of Quality. The second edition, adorn'd with cuts. Made English by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Burnaby, Mr. Blount, Mr. Tho. Brown, Capt. Ayloff, and several others. To which is prefix'd, The Charms of Liberty, a Poem, by the late Duke of Devonshire. London : printed for S. Briscoe, and sold by James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and J. Murphew near Stationers-Hall, 1710. ESTC No. T121188. Grub Street ID 172039.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. Titi Petronii Arbitri, equitis Romani, Satyricon: Cum Fragmentis Albae Graecae recuperatis ann. 1688. Nunc Demum Integrum. Londini : impensis E. Curll, ad Insigne Horologij & Bibliorum, in Vico vulgo vocato Fleet-Street, MDCCXI. Qui distrahit etiam, Musae Britannicae, e Poematis varij Argumenti, vel hactemis Ineditis, vel Sparsim Editis & Rarissimis, Constantes. Pretium 2 s. 6 d, [1711]. ESTC No. N13414. Grub Street ID 3332.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse. In three parts. Together with his life and character, written by Mons. St. Evremont. And a key to the Satyr, by a person of quality. Made English by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Burnaby, Mr. Blount, Mr. Tho. Brown, Capt. Ayloft, and several others. And adorn'd with cuts. To which is added, The charms of liberty; a poem, by the late Duke of Devonshire. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by J. Morphew, and Ja. Woodward, 1712. ESTC No. T128410. Grub Street ID 178003.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter, translated by several hands. With a key by a Person of Honour, and also his life and character, by Monsieur St. Evremont. Viz. Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius. And Translations from the Greek of Pindar, Anacreon and Sappho. With a Poem on Telemachus, By the Duke of Devonshire; And an Essay on Poetry, by John Duke of Buckingham. The whole Adorn'd with Cuts. The fourth edition. To which is added, some other of the Roman poets, ... London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, and Ja. Woodward in Scalding-Alley, against Stocks-Market, 1713. ESTC No. T17788. Grub Street ID 214800.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter, translated by several hands. With a key by a Person of Honour, and also his life and character, by Monsieur St. Evremont. Viz. Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius. And Translations from the Greek of Pindar, Anacreon and Sappho. With a Poem on Telemachus, Ry the Duke of Devonsiiire; And an Essay on Poetry, by John Duke of Buckingham. The whole Adorn'd with Cuts. The fourth edition. To which is added, some other of the Roman poets, ... London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by W. Taylor in Pater-Noster-Row, W. Brand and J. Kent; Temple-Gate J. Graves in St. James's-Street, 1714. ESTC No. T17789. Grub Street ID 214810.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter, translated by several hands. With a key ... also his life and character, by Monsieur St. Evremont. The fourth edition. To which is added, some other of the Roman poets, viz. Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius. And translations from the Gree of Pindar, Anacreon and Sappho. With a poem on Telemachus, by the Duke of Devonshire; and an essay on poetry, by John Duke of Buckingham. The whole adorn'd with cuts. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by J. Morphew, and Ja. Woodward, 1714. ESTC No. T226686. Grub Street ID 248177.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter. Translated by several hands. With a key by a person of honour. And also his life and character by Monsieur St. Evremont. The fourth edition. To which is added, some other of the Roman poets viz. Catellus [sic], Tibullus and Propertius. And translations from the Greek of Pindar, Anacreon and Sappho. With a poem on Telemacus [sic]. By the Duke of Devonshire. And an essay on poetry, by John Duke of Buckingham the whole adorn'd with cuts. London : printed for Samuel Briscoe; and sold by Tho. Bickerton, 1721. ESTC No. T179717. Grub Street ID 216426.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse. Translated from the original Latin, by Mr. Addison. To which are prefix'd the life of Petronius, Done from the Latin: and a character of his writings by Monsieur St. Evremont. London : printed for J. Watts; and sold by J. Osborne at the Golden-Ball in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T101492. Grub Street ID 155374.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. Poeme de Petrone sur la guerre civile entre Cesar et Pompée; avec deux epitres d'Ovide: le tout traduit en vers franois avec des remarques: et des conjectures sur le poeme intitulé Pervigilium Veneris. Londres [i.e. Amsterdam]: chez Charles Hoguel & Compagnie, 1737. ESTC No. T200177. Grub Street ID 231925.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. Satyre de Pétrone. Par M. Boispreaux. Londres : chez Jean Nourse, M.DCC.XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T126209. Grub Street ID 176231.
  • Petronius Arbiter, Titus. The works of Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse. Translated from the original Latin, by Mr. Addison. To which are prefix'd the life of Petronius, ... and a character of his writings by Monsieur St. Evremont. A new edition.. London : printed for S. Leacroft, 1778. ESTC No. N65296. Grub Street ID 47192.