Publications of Walter Garrett


  • Garrett, Walter. A discourse concerning Antichrist, grounded upon the angel's interpreteration of the vision, Rev. xvii 3 and from thence proceeding to a particular explication of the xiith and xiiith chapters. Shewing, that the Church of Rome is that woman mentioned Rev. xvii. 3. and th bishops of Rome that eighth King spoken of v. 11. who is usually known by the name of Antichrist. By Walter Garrett, vicar of Titchfield, sometimes fellow of Trinity College in Cambridg. London : printed for the author, to be sold by I. Harrison at the Greyhound in Chancery Lane, and at his shop in Lincolns-Inn Gate, 1680. ESTC No. R223642. Grub Street ID 97431.
  • Garrett, Walter. An essay upon the fourth and fifth chapters of the RevelationDT Shewing that the Church of England B.L.E. is particularly describ'd in those chapters. By Walter Garrett, Vicar of Titchfield in Hampshire; sometimes fellow of Trinity-Coledg in Cambridg. London : printed for the author, and sold by Israel Harrison at Lincolns-Inn-Gate in Chancery-Lane, 1690. ESTC No. R6105. Grub Street ID 126478.
  • Garrett, Walter. Theorems; evincing, that the subject of the fourth and fifth chapters of the Revelation, is the Church of England, B.L.E. With answers to objections. Humbly offered to the serious consideration of all enemies of the Church of England, dissenters and separatists. By Wal. Garrett, Rector of Everly in Wiltshire: sometime Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge. London : printed and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1690. ESTC No. R177535. Grub Street ID 69606.
  • Garrett, Walter. De vera ecclesia hodierna spiritus sancti testimonium: sive, quarti, quint`ique apocalypse=os capitum interpretario paraphrastica, cum notis Gual. Garreti, E.A.Pr. In quibus Ecclesiae Anglicanae reformatae politia, cultus, zelus, mors, resurrectio, erga reges fides, regum hypotyposes, Parliamenti species, &c. (breviter illa quidem, sed) ad vivum exhibentur. Londini : impensis Rob. Clavell; prostant apud J. Nutt juxta Basilicam Stationariorum, 1698. ESTC No. R223639. Grub Street ID 97427.
  • Garrett, Walter. Decimum caput Apocalypseos: sive reformatio Anglicana. Cum notis Gualteri Garretti, ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyteri. Londini : prostat venalis apud insigne clavium decussatarum & Bibliorum in vico dicto Cornhil, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R18162. Grub Street ID 72135.
  • Garrett, Walter. A paraphrase upon Rev. I. The plain meaning of the first chapter of the Revelation, set forth in way of paraphrase, and notes. Being also an exhortaion , not to rest in the literal sense of the epistles; but to seek out for such a one, as may be answerable to the stateliness of their common frontispeice, I know thy works. London : printed June, 1669. And are to be had at Mr. Ball's in Lee-street hard by Red-Lion-Square, 1699. ESTC No. R217952. Grub Street ID 92675.
  • Garrett, Walter. A persuasive to the study of the Revelation: or, An exposition of the three first verses of that prophecy. Wherein 1. There is an account given of the unintelligibleness of the Revelation for a long time, viz. till the time it self prefixes for the understanding of its own visions. 2. Dr. Hammond's key taken from things shortly to come to pass and seal not the prophecy is shewn to be a mistaken one. 3. That neither the doctor himself, nor anyone else in his time, understood the meaning of those passages. 4. That it can proceed from no better cause, than injudiciousness or unskilfulness in these mysteries, to take exceptions at our modern Protestant expositions of the Revelation, upon the account of novelty. By Wal. Garrett, rector of Everly. London : printed March, 1698/9. and are to be had (with the rest of the authors tracts) at W. Dotchen's, bookseller in Holborn, over-against Chancery-Lane-End; and at M. Ball's in Leestreet near Red Lyon Square, [1699]. ESTC No. R42043. Grub Street ID 123505.
  • Garrett, Walter. Oida sou ta erga. Or, the divine fore-knowledge of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, display'd in his epistles to the Churches. Wherein is shewed (in way of paraphrase, and notes,) that the said epistles are a prophecy of the Church of Rome, from the beginning to the reformation. By W.G. [Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, Jan. 1699/700 [1700]]. ESTC No. R223645. Grub Street ID 97434.
  • Garrett, Walter. Theorems; evincing, that the subject of the fourth and fifth chapters of the Revelation, is the Church of England, B.L.E. With answers to objections. Humbly offered to the serious consideration of all enemies of the Church of England, dissenters and separatists. By Wal. Garrett, rector of Everly in Wiltshire: sometime fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge. London : printed and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1700?. ESTC No. R218820. Grub Street ID 93429.
  • Garrett, Walter. The testimony, of the spirit of prophecy concerning the true church at this day. Set-forth in three parts, at three several times, under the title of peace and truth, or, The mystery of God laid op'n, in a discourse upon the fourth, and fifth chapters of the revelation. Wherein is, shew'd, that the Church of England by law establisht, has the special approbation of the spirit of God in prophecy; and (consequently) that she is set-forth as for a pattern for all other churches, and the center of their peace and union. London : [s.n.], Printed Feb. 1706, 7. ESTC No. T182549. Grub Street ID 218996.
  • Garrett, Walter. Demonstratio luculenta nova. Or, a new method of demonstrating, that by the woman, call'd Babylon (in Rev. xvii) is meant the church (and not the heathen city) of Rome. ... The second edition, revis'd. By a presbyter of the Church of England. London?] : Printed in the year, 1714. ESTC No. T103214. Grub Street ID 156867.