Publications of Jonathan Edwards


  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the direct and plain opposition between it, and the religion revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures. The first part. By Jonath. Edwards. D.D. and Principal of Jesus Coll. Oxon. Oxon: printed at the Theater for Henry Clements, 1693. ESTC No. R24310. Grub Street ID 108113.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism. Shewing the direct and plain opposition between it, and the religion revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures. By Jonath. Edwards D.D. and principal of Jesus Coll. Oxon. The first part. Oxon: printed at the Theater for Henry Clements, MDCXCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R23227. Grub Street ID 104098.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the direct opposition between it and the Christian religion, particularly in those two great fundamental articles of our faith, concerning original sin, and the redemption of the world by the death and sufferings of our blessed Saviour. The second part. By Jonathan Edwards D.D. Oxon: printed at the Theater for H. Clements, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R224228. Grub Street ID 97933.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. Remarks upon a book lately published by Dr. Will. Sherlock dean of St. Pauls, &c. Entituled A modest examination of the Oxford decree, &c. Oxford: printed at the Theater, MDCXCV. And are to be sold by H. Clements, [1695]. ESTC No. R17931. Grub Street ID 70787.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the necessity of faith, and that Socinus and his followers on the contrary, by making the perswasion of the mind concerning divine truths, a useless or at best an indifferent matter, plainly undermine all revealed, and more especially the Christian religion. The third part. By Jonathan Edwards D.D. Oxon: printed at the Theater for H. Clements, MDCXDVII [sic]. [i.e. 1697]. ESTC No. R224229. Grub Street ID 97934.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism. The first part shewing the direct and plain opposition between it and the religion revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures / by Jonath. Edwards ... Oxon: Printed at the Theatre for Henry Clements, MDCXCVIII. ESTC No. R32777. Grub Street ID 115456.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the direct opposition between it and the Christian religion, particularly in those two great fundamental articles of our faith, concerning original sin, and the redemption of the world by the death and sufferings of our blessed Saviour. The second part. By Jonath. Edwards D.D. Oxon: printed at the Theater for H. Clements, 1698. ESTC No. R231736. Grub Street ID 103710.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the direct and plain opposition between it, and the religion revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures. The first part. By Jonath. Edwards D.D. and principal of Jesus Coll. Oxon. Oxon: printed at the Theater for Henry Clements, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R233291. Grub Street ID 104861.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. The exposition given by My Lord Bishop of Sarum, of the Second Article of Our religion, examined. London : printed for Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T61684. Grub Street ID 287328.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. A preservative against Socinianism: shewing the falshood and impiety of that pernicious opinion advanced by Socinus and his followers, viz. That reason is to be the great rule of our Faith, and the supreme judge of revealed religion. The fourth and last part. By Jonathan Edwards D. D. And Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. Oxon: printed at the Theater for H. Clements, 1703. ESTC No. T103403. Grub Street ID 157032.
  • Edwards, Jonathan. The doctrine of original sin, as it was always held in the Catholick Church, and particularly in the Church of England, asserted and vindicated from the exceptions and cavils of the Reverend Dr. Daniel Whitby. By Jonath. Edwards D. D. and Principal of Jesus College in Oxon. Oxford: printed at the Theatre, for Hen. Clements; and are to be sold by Hen. Clements, Bookseller at the Half Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard London, MDCCXI. [1711]. ESTC No. T86861. Grub Street ID 306962.