Knollys, Hanserd.
A moderate answer vnto Dr. Bastvvicks book; called Independency not Gods ordinance. Wherein is declared the manner how some churches in this city were gathered, and upon what tearmes their members were admitted; that so both the Dr. and the reader may judge, how near som beleevers who walk together in the fellowship of the gospell, do come in their practice to these apostolicall rules which are propounded by the Dr. as Gods method in gathering churches and admitting members. By Hanserd Knollys. Printed and published according to order. Imprimatur, Ja: Cranford.
London: printed by Iane Coe, 1645.
ESTC No. R200159.Grub Street ID 77703.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Christ exalted: a lost sinner sought, and saved by Christ: Gods people are an holy people. Being the summe of divers sermons preached in Suffolk; by Hanserd Knollys. Who for this doctrine had the meeting-house doores shut against him, and was stoned out of the pulpit (as h was preaching) by a rude multitude; who were gathered together, and set on by a malignant high-constable. Which hath been proved by divers witnesses of good reputation, before the Honourable Committee of Examination at London.
London: Printed by Jane Coe, according to order, 1646.
ESTC No. R200588.Grub Street ID 78084.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The shining of a flaming-fire in Zion. Or, A clear answer unto 13. exceptions, against the grounds of new baptism; (so called) in Mr. Saltmarsh his book; intituled, The smoke in the temple, p. 15, &c. Which exceptions, were tendered by him to all believers, to shew them, how little they have attained; and that there is a more glorious fulnesse to be revealed. Also, a postscript; wherein (to the like end) some queries are propounded unto believers. By Hanserd Knollys, a minister, and a witnesse of Jesus Christ.
London: printed by Jane Coe, according to order, 1646.
ESTC No. R200581.Grub Street ID 78077.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The rudiments of the Hebrew grammar in English. Published for the benefit of some friends, who being ignorant of the Latine, are desirous to understand the Bible in the originall tongue. By Hanserd Knollys.
London: printed by Moses Bell, for William Larner at the Blackmore neere Bishopsgate, and George Whittington at the blew Anchor in Cornhill neer the Exchange, 1648.
ESTC No. R208253.Grub Street ID 84521.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The rudiments of the Hebrew grammar in English. Published for the benefit of some friends, who being ignorant of the Latine, are desirous to understand the Bible in the originall tongue. By Hanserd Knollys.
London: printed by M[oses] B[ell], 1648.
ESTC No. R24418.Grub Street ID 108212.
Knollys, Hanserd.
An exposition of the first chapter of the Song of Solomon. Wherein the text is analysed, the allegories are explained, and the hidden mysteries are unveiled, according to the proportion of faith. With spiritual meditations upon every verse. By Hanserd Knollys.
London: printed by W[illiam]. Godbid, to be sold by Livewel Chapman at the Crown in Popeshead-alley, 1656.
ESTC No. R179507.Grub Street ID 70898.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Rhetoricæ adumbratio. Opera & studio H. Knollys.
Londini : [s.n], Anno Domini, 1663.
ESTC No. R34498.Grub Street ID 117021.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Grammaticæ Graecæ compendium. Operâ & studio H. Knollys.
Londini : [s.n], 1664.
ESTC No. R34493.Grub Street ID 117016.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Grammaticæ Latinæ compendium. Or An introduction to the Latine tongue. By H. Knollys.
London : [s.n], Printed in the year, 1664.
ESTC No. R34494.Grub Street ID 117017.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Linguæ Hebraicæ delineatio. Opera & studio H. Knollys.
Londini : [s.n], Anno Domini, 1664.
ESTC No. R34495.Grub Street ID 117018.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Radices Hebraicæ omnes, quæ in S. Scriptura, Veteris testamenti occurrunt. Opera & studio H. Knollys.
Londini : [s.n], Anno Domini 1664.
ESTC No. R34496.Grub Street ID 117019.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Radices simplicium vocum, flexilium maxime, Novi testamenti. Opera & studio H. Knollys.
Londini : [s.n], Anno Domini 1664.
ESTC No. R34497.Grub Street ID 117020.
Knollys, Hanserd.
Grammaticæ Latinæ, Græcæ, & Hebraicæ. Compendium. Rhetoricæ adumbratio. Item Radices Græcæ & Hebraicæ omnes quæ in Sacra Scriptura Veteris & Novi Testamenti occurrunt. Opera & studio Hanserdi Knollys.
Londini : typis Tho. Roycroft, anno Dom. 1665.
ESTC No. R27672.Grub Street ID 110810.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The parable of the kingdom of heaven expounded. Or, An exposition of the first thirteen verses of the twenty fifth chapter of Matthew. By Han. Knollis.
London : printed for Benjamin Harris, and are to be sold at the Stationers Armes in Sweetings Rents, in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1674.
ESTC No. R28971.Grub Street ID 111993.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The Baptists answer, to Mr. Obed. Wills, his appeal against Mr. H. Danvers.
London : printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhill, near the Royal-Exchange, 1675.
ESTC No. R7928.Grub Street ID 128142.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The vvorld that now is; and the vvorld that is to come: or The first and second coming of Jesus Christ. Wherein several prophecies not yet fulfilled are expounded. By Han. Knollys, a servant of Jesus Christ. Rev. I. 19.
London : printed by Tho. Snowden, an. 1681.
ESTC No. R217229.Grub Street ID 92039.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The gospel minister's maintenance vindicated. Wherein, a regular ministry in the churches, is first asserted, and the objections against a Gospel maintenance for ministers, answered. Also, the dignity, necessity, difficulty, use and excellency of the ministry of Christ i opened. Likewise, the nature and vveghtiness of that sacred vvork and office clearly evinc'd. Recommended to the baptized congregations, by several elders in and about the City of London.
London : printed, and are to be sold by John Harris at the Harrow, in the Poultrey, 1689.
ESTC No. R213604.Grub Street ID 89019.
Knollys, Hanserd.
An exposition of the whole book of the Revelation. Wherein the visions and prophecies of Christ are opened and expounded.: [sic] Shewing the great conquests of our lord Jesus Christ for his church over all his and her adversaries, pagan, arian and papal; and the glorious state of the Church of God in the new heavens and new earth, in these latter days. By H.K. Licensed, September 12. 1688.
London : printed for the author; and are to be sold by William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-street, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R29069.Grub Street ID 112086.
Knollys, Hanserd.
An answer to a brief discourse concerning singing in the publick worship of God in the Gospel-church, by I. M. 1690.
London : printed for the author H. K., 1691.
ESTC No. R227257.Grub Street ID 100163.
Knollys, Hanserd.
The life and death of that old disciple of Jesus Christ, and eminent minister of the Gospel, Mr. Hanserd Knollys, who dyed in the ninety third year of his age. Written with his own hand to the year 1672. and continued in general, in an epistle by Mr. VVilliam Kiffin. To which is added, his last legacy to the church.
London : printed for John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, 1692.
ESTC No. R25128.Grub Street ID 108840.