Publications of John Prince


  • Prince, John. A sermon preached at Exon, in the Cathedral of St. Peter; at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Anthony, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Exon. By John Prince, minister of the gospel, at St. Martins, Exon. London : printed by A[nne]. Maxwell for R[ichard]. Royston, bookseller to His Most Sacred Majesty; and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas, bookseller in Exon, MDCLXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R23297. Grub Street ID 104599.
  • Prince, John. A letter to a young divine containing some brief directions for composing and delivering of sermons. By J.P. presbyter of the Church of England. London : printed for Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1692. ESTC No. R182115. Grub Street ID 72430.
  • Prince, John. Danmonii orientales illustres: or, the worthies of Devon. A work, wherein the lives and fortunes of the most famous divines, statesmen, Swordsmen, Physicians, Writers, and other eminent persons, natives of that most noble province, from before the Norman Conquest, down to the present Age, are memoriz'd, in an Alphabetical Order, out of the most approved Authors, both in Print and Manuscript In which an account is given not only of diver very deserving persons, (many of which were never hitherto made Publick) but of several antient and noble families; their Seats and Habitations; the Distance they bear, as to the next great Towns; their Coats of Arms fairly Cut; with other things, no less profitable, than Pleasant and Delightful. By John Prince, Vicar of Berry-Pomeroy, In the same County. Exeter: printed by Sam. Farley, for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Paternoster-Row, London; and Charles Yeo and Philip Bishop in Exon., 1701. ESTC No. T140977. Grub Street ID 188597.
  • Prince, John. The beauty of God's house: or, consecrated places for religious worship vindicated with a pathetical perswasive to all Christian people, duly to Frequent the same. In a Discourse very Seasonable for these Prophane and Luke-Warm Times. By John Prince, V. B. P. Devon. London : printed by Freeman Collins for Samuel Keble, at the Turk's Head, in Fleet street, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T97187. Grub Street ID 316630.
  • Prince, John. Self-Murder asserted to be a very heinous crime; in opposition to all arguments brought by the Deists, to the contrary. To which is added, a prodigy of providence, containing, the wonderful preservation of a woman of Totnes, who endeavour'd, Jan. 25. 1707. to drown herself by leaping over the bridge, near 20 foot high, into the river running by that town. A Story well attested, yet hardly to be parallell'd in History. With many necessary Instructions how to avoid a Sin of this Nature. By John Prince, M. A. Vicar of Berry-Pomeroy, in the County of Devon. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1709. ESTC No. T140972. Grub Street ID 188592.
  • Prince, John. An anti-pestilential pill, for stopping that dreadful plague which now rageth in the kingdom of France; ... Prescribed in a fast sermon preached on the eighth of December last, ... By John Prince, . London : printed for S. R. and sold by J. Roberts, 1722. ESTC No. T22169. Grub Street ID 244861.