Publications of John Tapp


  • Tapp, John. The seamans kalender, or An ephemerides of the sunne, moon, and certaine of the moste notable fixed starres. The third edition: newly corrected and enlarged, with an abridged table of signes, and some propositions thereupon, concering arethmeticall nauigation. London: printed by Ed. Allde, for Iohn Tapp, and are to be solde at his shop on Tower-Hill, nere the Bul-vvarke gate, 1608. ESTC No. S126277. Grub Street ID 145446.
  • Tapp, John. The seamans kalender, or an ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. London: printed by Edw. All-de, for Iohn Tappe, and are to be solde at his shop at Saint Magnus corner, anno Dom: 1617. ESTC No. S95467. Grub Street ID 153466.
  • Tapp, John. The seamans kalender, or an ephemerides of the sunne moone and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. ... London: printed by E. All-de for J. Tap, 1620. ESTC No. S95468. Grub Street ID 153467.
  • Tapp, John. The path-vvay to knovvledge; contayning the whole art of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers, and fractions; with the extraction of roots; as also a briefe introduction or entrance into the art of cossicke numbers, with many pleasant questions wrought thereby. Digested into a plaine and easie methode by way of dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of the learners thereof. Wherewith is also adioyned a briefe order for the keeping of marchants bookes of accompts, by way of debitor and creditor. At London: Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for Tho: Pauier, An. 1621. ESTC No. S118136. Grub Street ID 137800.
  • Tapp, John. The seamans kalender. Or An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. London: Printed by Edvv. All-de, for Iohn Tap, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Magnus corner, Anno Dom: 1625. ESTC No. S111342. Grub Street ID 131207.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for Iohn Tap, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Magnus corner, anno Dom. 1631. ESTC No. S1367. Grub Street ID 145806.
  • Tapp, John. [The sea-mans kalender: or An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres.]. [London: printed by B. A[lsop] and T. F[awcet], for J. Hurlocke, Anno Dom. 1632]. ESTC No. S123582. Grub Street ID 143066.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender. Or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude, of all the most eminent places of the world, very exactly calculated by John Tap. The twentieth impression, newl corrected and inlarged, with many additions, viz. Tables of the sunnes equall motions, and finding of the sunnes true place. New exact tables of the north-starre. New tables of 77 of the principall fixed starres, their time of comming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension and declination, &c. Also a discovery of finding the long hidden secret of longitude. By Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematickes at the Bulwark-gate neere the tower. London: printed by T. Forcet for George Hurlock, and are to bee sold at his shop at St. Magnus-corner, 1648. ESTC No. R213387. Grub Street ID 88849.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender. Or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world,most exactly calculated by John Tap. Newly corrected and enlarged with many additions. Viz: tables of the suns equall motions, and finding of the suns true place. New exact tables of the north-star. New tables of 77 of the principall fixed stars, their time of comming upon the meridian every day. With their right ascension and declination, &c. With the discovery oof a way to finde the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond .... London: printed by Robert and William Leybourn, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1652. ESTC No. R187579. Grub Street ID 75799.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender, or an Ephemerides of the sun, moon and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world ... By John Tap ... With the discovery of a way to finde the long hidden secre of longitude, by Henry Bond, ... London: printed for George Hurlock, 1657. ESTC No. R187580. Grub Street ID 75801.
  • Tapp, John. Taps arithmetick, or, The path-way to the knowledge of the ground of arts. Containing the whole art of arithmetick in whole-numbers and fractions, with the extractions of roots. Also, most compendious and usefull tables of interest at any rate. Tables of interest upon interest, of rebate, and tables for purchasing of annuities, reversions, leases, fee-simples. London: printed by J. Streater for J. Wright, at the Kings-head in the Old-Bayley, 1658. ESTC No. R209730. Grub Street ID 85958.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world: first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and inlarged, with many additions: viz. New exact tables of the north-star, new tables of 65 of the principall fixed stars; their time of comming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension, and declination, &c. With the discovery of a way to finde the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher o the mathematicks at the Bulwark neer the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected and many new rules and tables added by Henry Phillippes, philo-nauticus. London: printed by Robert and William Leybourn, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop at Magnus Curch-corner, 1659. ESTC No. R214730. Grub Street ID 89909.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender: or, an ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. as also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world: first calculated by John Tap, since corrected and inlarged, with many additions: viz. new exact tables of the north-star, new tables of 65 of the principall fixed stars; their time of coming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension, and declination, &c. With the discovery of a way to finde the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry B[o]nd, tracher [sic] of the mathematicks in the Bulwark neer the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many new rules and tables added, by Henry Phillippes, philo-nauticus, [sic]. London : printed by William Leybourn, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop at Magnus Church-corner, 1662. ESTC No. R184868. Grub Street ID 74235.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world: first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and inlarged, with many additions. viz. New exact tables of the north-star, new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars; their time of coming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension and declination, &c. With the discovery of a way to finde the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark near the Tower: all which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added, by Henry Phillippes, philo-nauticus,. London : printed by Will. Leybourn, fo: [sic] George Hurlock, and are to be sould at his shop at Magnus Church-corner in Thames street, 1664. ESTC No. R230402. Grub Street ID 102732.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender. Or An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world: first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and enlarged with many additions Viz. new exact tables of the North-Star, new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars; their time of coming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension and declination, &c. With the discovery of a way to find the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark neer the tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added. By Henry Phillippes, philo-nauticus. London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop at St. Magnus-Church, at the hither end of London-Bridge, neer Thames-street, 1667. ESTC No. R187582. Grub Street ID 75802.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalenderDT Or, An ephimerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world: first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and enlarged with many additions. Viz. New exact tables of the North-Star, new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars; their time of coming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of a way to find the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark near the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added. By Henry Phillippes, philo-nauticus. London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. for G. Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop over against St. Magnus Church, on London-Bridge near Thames-Street, 1669. ESTC No. R213396. Grub Street ID 88857.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world, first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and enlarged with many additions. Viz. new exact tables of the north-star; new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars, their time of coming upon the meridian every day; with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of a way to find the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark near the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added. By Henry Philippes, philo-nauticus. London : printed by W. G[odbid]. for Benjamin Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop over-against St. Magnus Church, on London-Bridge near Thames-street, 1672. ESTC No. R227375. Grub Street ID 100283.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world, first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected and enlarged with many additions. Viz. new exact tables of the north-star; new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars, their time of coming upon the meridian every day; with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of a way to find the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark near the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added. By Henry Philippes, philo-nauticus. London : printed by W. Godbid, for E. Hurlock, [and are] to be sold at the Rose at the west end of ..., [1674]. ESTC No. R229867. Grub Street ID 102265.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalendar: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world, first calculated by John Tap. Since corrected, and enlarged with many additions. Viz. New exact tables of the north-star; new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars, their time of coming upon the meridian every day; with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of a way to find the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks in the Bulwark near the Tower. All which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many rules and tables added. By Henry Philippes, philo nauticus. London : printed by W. Godbid, for E. Hurlock [and are] to be sold at the Rose at the West end of S[t. Paul's-Church], 1674. ESTC No. R184869. Grub Street ID 74236.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars as also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world / first calculated by John Tap ; since corrected and enlarged with many additions ... by Henry Philippes. Amsterdam: Printed by Stephen Swart, 1676. ESTC No. R26273. Grub Street ID 109611.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalendar: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars: also, rules for finding the prime, epact, moons age, time of high water, with tables for the same; and the courses distances, and soundings of the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c. And a table of latitude and longitude, of the principal ports, head-lands, and islands in the world, first calculated by John Tap: now rectified and enlarged with many additions. Viz. A new exact table of the north-star, and new tables of 65 of the principal fixed stars, their coming upon the meridian every day, with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks. and many other rules and tables added, very usefull in the art of navigation. By Henry Philippes, philo nauticus. London : printed by A[nne]. Godbid and J[ohn]. Playford, for William Fisher, at the Postern-Gate, near Tower-Hill, T[homas]. Passenger, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, R[obert]. Boulter, at the Turks-Head, and R[alph]. Smith at the Bible in Cornhill, 1680. ESTC No. R187798. Grub Street ID 75952.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-man's kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. Also, rules for finding the prime, epact, moon's age, time of high-water, with tables for the same; and the courses, distances, and soundings of the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c. And a table of latitude and longitude, of the principal ports, head-lands, and islands in the world; first calculated by John Tap: now rectified and enlarg'd with many additions. Viz. A new exact table of the north-star, and new tables of 65 of the principal fixed-stars, their coming upon the meridian every day; with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks. And many other rules and tables added, very useful in the art of navigation. By Henry Philippes, philo nauticus. London : printed for Richard Mount at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1696. ESTC No. R213399. Grub Street ID 88859.