Publications of Thomas Wilson


  • Wilson, Thomas. An exposition of the tvvo first verses of the sixt chapter to the Hebrewes, in forme of a dialogue. Wherein you haue, a commendation of catechising, also a declaration of the sixe fundamentall principles, wherein the Christians of the primitiue apostolicall church were catechised. By T.W. minister of the Word. London: Printed [by Thomas Snodham] for Ioseph Bulkley [, Canterbury], 1609. ESTC No. S1743. Grub Street ID 146156.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionarie, opening the signification of the chiefe wordes dispersed generally through Holie Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed: a perticular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For th Canticles, or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues. By Tho: Wilson minister of the Word, at Saint Georges in Canterbury. London: Printed by W[illiam] Iaggard, 1612. ESTC No. S121081. Grub Street ID 140684.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. Containing for matter, the degeneration of our nature by Adams Fall; and the restauration thereof, by the grace of Christ. Together with the perfection of faith, and the imbecillity of workes, in the cause of iustification of elect sinners before God. For forme and maner of handling, it hath the coherence and method, the summe and scope, the interpretations & doctrines the reasons and vses, of most texts. All which, are set downe very familiarly and compendiously, in forme of a dialogue, betweene Tlmotheus [sic] and Silas, by Thomas Wilson, one of the six preachers in the cathedrall church of Canterbury. London: Printed by W. Iaggard, dwelling in Barbican, 1614. ESTC No. S120148. Grub Street ID 139785.
  • Wilson, Thomas. Theologicall rules, to guide vs in the vnderstanding and practise of holy Scriptures: two centuries: drawne partly out of Scriptures themselues: partly out of ecclesiasticall writers old and new. Also Ænigmata sacra, holy riddles; or misticall cases and secrets of diuinitie, with their resolutions. Foure centuries: the vnfolding whereof layeth open that truth that concerneth saluation. By T.W. preacher of the word. London: printed by Edw. Griffin for Fran. Burton, and are to be solde in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the greene Dragon, 1615. ESTC No. S120090. Grub Street ID 139727.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionary. Opening the signification of the chiefe vvords dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrewes. The second edition, augmented by addition of diuers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of Leuiticall rites: also, of most difficult and ambiguous speeches, with farre more profitable annotations then before. By Tho. Wilson, minister of the Word at S. Georges in Canterbury. London: Printed by William Iaggard, dwelling in Barbican, 1616. ESTC No. S120137. Grub Street ID 139774.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionary. Opening the signification of the chiefe vvords dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrewes. The third edition, augmented by addition of diuers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of Leuiticall rites: also, of most difficult and ambiguous speeches, with farre more profitable annotations then before. By Tho. Wilson, minister of the Word at S. Georges in Canterbury. London: printed by William Iaggard, dwelling in Barbican, 1622. ESTC No. S120134. Grub Street ID 139771.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A commentary on the most diuine Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes: containing for matter, the degeneration of our nature by Adams Fall; and the restauration thereof, by the grace of Christ. Together with the perfection of faith, and the imbecility of workes, in the cause of iustification of elect sinners, before Almighty God. For forme and manner of handling, it hath the coherence and method. The summe and scope. The interpretations and the docrines [sic]. The reasons and vses of euery text. All which, are set downe very familiarly and compendiously, in forme of a dialogue, betweene Timotheus and Silas. By Thomas Wilson late minister of Gods Word, at Saint Georges Church in Canterburie. London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard dwelling in Aldersgate-street, and are there to be sold, M.DC.XXVII. [1627]. ESTC No. S118561. Grub Street ID 138214.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionary. Opening the significations of the chiefe vvords dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for the Revelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrewes. The fourth edition; augmented by addition of divers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of Leviticall rites: also, of most difficult and ambiguous speeches, with farre more profitable annotations than before. By Tho. Wilson, minister of the Word at S. Georges in Canterbury. Whereunto is likewise added a large edition [sic], both of words and phrases, by Mr. Iohn Bagwell. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by Fulke Clifton dwelling upon New Fishstreet Hill, neare St. Margarets Church, [ca. 1635]. ESTC No. S120131. Grub Street ID 139768.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionary: opening the significations of the chiefe vvords dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for the Revelation of S. John. The Canticles or Song of Solomon. The Epistle to the Hebrews. The fifth edition. Augmented by addition of divers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of Leviticall rites: also, of most difficult and ambiguous speeches, with farre more profitable annotations than before. By Tho. Wilson, minister of the Word at S. Georges in Canterbury. Whereunto is likewise added a large edition, both of words and phrases, by Mr. John Bagwell. London: printed by Richard Cotes, and are to be sold by William Hope, at the signe of the Unicorne in Cornehill neer the Royall Exchange, 1647. ESTC No. R222034. Grub Street ID 96091.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A Christian dictionary. Opening the significations of the chiefe vvords dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for the Revelation of S. John. the Canticles or Song of Salomon. the Epistle to the Hebrewes. The fifth edition. Augmented by addition of divers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of leviticall rites. Also, of most difficult and ambiguous speeches, with farre more profitable annotations than before. By Tho. Wilson, minister of the word at S. Georges in Canterbury. Whereunto is likewise added a large edition [sic], both of words and phrases, by Mr. John Bagwell. London: printed By Richard Cotes, to be sold by William Hope, at the signe of the Unicorne in Cornehill neer the Royall Exchange, 1648. ESTC No. R186635. Grub Street ID 75218.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A complete Christian dictionary: wherein the significations and severall acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New-Testament, are fully opened, expressed, explained. Also, very many ambiguous speeches, hard and difficult phrases therein contained, are plainly interpreted, cleered, and expounded. With a particular dictionary for the Canticles, or Song of solomon. Epistle to the Hebrews. Revelation of St. John. All tending to the increase of Christian knowledge, and serving for the use of all; especially the unlearned, who have no skill in the originall languages, Hebrew and Greek, wherein the Scriptures were first written; Begun by that famous and worthy man of God, Mr. Thomas Wilson, ... Continued in the generall dictionary by Mr. John Bagvvell. And now in this sixth edition augmented and enlarged with a sixfold addition: ... Extracted out of the most approved authours, both ancient and moderne, especially Petri Ravanelli Bibliotheca sacra. By th. London: printed for E[llen]. Cotes, and are to be sold by Thomas Williams at the Bible in Little-Britain, M.DC.LV. [1655]. ESTC No. R38686. Grub Street ID 120749.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A complete Christian dictionary: wherein the significations and several acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are fully opened, expressed, explained. ... Begun by ... Mr. Thomas Wilson, minister of the word at St. Georges in Canterbury, ... Continued by Mr. John Bagwell. Augmented and enlarged with a sixfold addition: ... extracted out of the most approved authours, both ancient and modern, especially Petri Ravanelli Bibliotheca sacra. And now in this seventh edition very much enlarged, and digested into on complete alphabetical dictionary. By the diligent care and industrious pains of Andrew Simson, Minister of the Gospel. London : printed by E[llen]. Cotes, and are to be sold by Thomas Williams at the Bible in Little-Britain without Aldersgate, M. DC. LXI [1661]. ESTC No. R29490. Grub Street ID 112465.
  • Wilson, Thomas. A complete Christian dictionary: wherein the significations and several acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are fully opened, expressed, explained: also, very many ambiguous speeches, hard and difficult phrases therein contained, are plainly interpreted, cleared, and expounded. ... Begun by that famous and worth man of God, Mr. Thomas Wilson, ... Continued by John Bagwell. Augmented and enlarged with a sixfold addition: viz. I. Of above four thousand words, with their several acceptations, all wanting i the former editions. II. Of many more acceptations of the same words, mentioned and to be found therein. ... VI. Of the divers readings set in the margents of the Bibles of the last translation. Extracted out of the most approved authors, both ancient and modern, especially Petri Ravanelli Bibliotheca sacra. And now in this eighth edition very much enlarged, ... By the diligent care and industrious pains of Andrew Simson, . London : printed for Thomas Williams and Mary Clark, and are to be sold by Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Thomas Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-luces in Little-Britain, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R25202. Grub Street ID 108912.
  • Wilson, Thomas. Complete Christian dictionary. Eighth edition.. London : for Thomas Williams and Mary Clark, to be sold by Richard Chiswell, and Thomas Sawbridge, 1678. ESTC No. R186636. Grub Street ID 75219.