Holmes, John.
In obitum flebilem & perquam honorifici viri, ... Jacobi Astley, militis & baronetti; ... carmen pastorale.
[Norwich]: Excudebat Henricus Cross-grove, typographus Norvicensis, 1729.
ESTC No. T208943.Grub Street ID 237691.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive, and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... By J. H. Master of the Publick Grammar School in Holt, Norfolk.
London : sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; W. Chase, in Norwich, and A. Frazer [sic, for Feazer], in Holt, 1732.
ESTC No. T208707.Grub Street ID 237503.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: ... To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. By John Holmes, .
London : printed for the author: and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; the booksellers in Cambridge and Norwich; and A. Feazer, in Holt, 1735.
ESTC No. T143347.Grub Street ID 190440.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; Or, A short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: Wherein, for the greater ease of masters, and the more expeditious improvement of scholars, the common difficulties in the declensions, conjugations, contractions, accents, dialects, &c. are render'd clear and easy, and the usual obsecurities in syntaxis and Greek poetry entirely removed. The rules necessary to be committed to memory are distinguished by a larger character, and in Latin; the rest in a small letter, and in English. The whole methodiz'd on the principles of reason, and containing the substance of what has been taught by the best masters, both abroad and at home, viz. We..., Antesignanus, Clenard, Labra, Verwby, Golius, Korbir, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busey, Bp. Wettenhall, Dr. Sam. Clark, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c, to which is added a suitable vocabulary. By John Holmes, master of the publick grammar school, in Holt, Norfolk.
London : Printed for the author: and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-noster-Row; the booksellers in Cambridge and Norwick; and A. Feader, in Holt, MDCCXXXV. [1735].
ESTC No. T139803.Grub Street ID 187638.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; Or, A short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: Wherein, for the greater ease of masters, and the more expeditious improvement of scholars, the common difficulties in the declensions, conjugations, contractions, accents, dialects, &c. are render'd clear and easy, and the usual obscurities in syntaxis and Greek poetry entirely removed. The rules necessary to be committed to memory are distinguished by a larger character, and in Latin; the rest in a small letter, and in English. The whole methodized on the principles of reason, and containing the substance of what has been taught by the best masters, both abroad and at home, viz. Wellerus, Antesignanus, Clenard, Labbe, Verwey, Golius, Koeber, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busby, Bp. Wetten Hall, Dr. Sam. Clarke, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c. To which is added a suitable vocabulary. The second edition corrected. By John Holmes, master of the public.
London : Printed for the author: and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-noster-Row; the booksellers in Cambridge and Norwich; and A. Feazer, in Holt, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T166368.Grub Street ID 204603.
Holmes, John.
The history of England: being a compendium, adapted to the capacities and memories of youth at school. And likewise useful for all others who have weak memories, and would willingly retain what they read of the English history. Carefully and Impartially extracted from, and supported by the Authority of, the best Historians both Ancient and Modern, Viz. Julius Caesar, Corn. Tacitus, Suetonius, Eutropius, Dion Cassius, Venerable Bede, Matthew Paris, Cambden, Rapin, Salmon, Burnet, Clarendon, Baker, Speed, Echard, Kennet, &c. &c. With Declamations, Verses, and Orations, in Latin, Greek and English, interspers'd by Way of Prologue, Interludes, and Epilogue. Performed, before a large assembly of gentry and clergy, by the gentlemen of the publick grammar school at Holt in Norfolk, At their Christmass Breaking-up in 1735.
London : printed by A. Parker; and sold by A. Betteswworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row; the booksellers in Norwich and Cambridge; and A. Feazer in Holt, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T90581.Grub Street ID 310437.
Holmes, John.
Historiæ Anglicanæ breviarium, Latine conscriptum, ac collectum ex iis quæ scriptis tradiderunt historici celeberrimi Julius Caesar, Eutropius, Cornelius Tacitus, Venerabilis Beda, W. Malmsburiensis, Matthaeus Paris, Polydorus Virgilius, Dionysius Petavius, &c. In Usum Scholarum. Studio et curâ Johannis Holmes, Holtensis Gymnasiarchae.
Londini : prostant venum apud A. Bettesworth et C. Hitch; Cantabrigiæ et Norvici bibliopolas; et A. Feazer, in Holt, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T90628.Grub Street ID 310471.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... The second edition, corrected. By John Holmes, Master of the Publick Grammar School in Holt, Norfolk.
London : printed for the author: and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; W. Chase in Norwich; and A. Feazer in Holt, 1737.
ESTC No. T219152.Grub Street ID 243452.
Holmes, John.
The art of rhetoric made easy: or, the elements of oratory briefly stated, and fitted for the practice of the studious youth of Great-Britain and Ireland: in two books. The First comprehending the Principles of that excellent Art. conformable to, and supported by the Authority of the most accurate Orators and Rhetoricians, both Ancient and Modern, viz. Isocrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Dionysius Halicarnass. Quintilian, Vossius, Petrus Ramus, Cyp. Soarius, Aud. Talaeus, Dugard, Earnaby, Butler, Smith, Walker, Burton, Blackwall, Lowe, Rollin, A. B. of Cambray, Mess. de Port-Royal, &c. The Whole being distinguished into what is necessary to be repeated, and what may be made only Matter of Observations. The Second containing the Substance of Longinus's celebrated Treatise on the Sublime. In Both which all Technical Terms are fully explained, with their Derivations, and proper Examples applied to demonstrate and illustrate all the Tropes, Figures, and Fine Turns, that are to be met with, of imita.
London : printed by A. Parker; and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row, and the booksellers in Cambridge, Norwich, and Dublin, MDCCXXXIX. 1738- [1739].
ESTC No. T90627.Grub Street ID 310470.
Holmes, John.
Clavis grammaticalis: a key to, or examination of the Latin and Greek grammars. Proposed for the Ease of Masters and Furtherance of Scholars. Together with the practical method of parsing and scanning in both languages. By John Holmes, Master of the Publick Grammar-School, in Holt, Norfolk.
London : printed by A. Parker, for the author; and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. T139805.Grub Street ID 187640.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... The third edition, corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed by J. Bettenham, for the author: and sold by C. Hitch, 1743.
ESTC No. T206030.Grub Street ID 235634.
Holmes, John.
The grammarian's arithmetick: or, a compendious treatise of the art of cyphering, in all its branches, both vulgar and decimal. Adapted to the capacities of youth in general, and in particular to the little spare Time of such Young Gentlemen as in grammar schools are design'd for the University, or Liberal Professions. The rules to be repeated, and sums to be perform'd, for the ease of both master and scholar, Being printed, and by a peculiar Method render'd much plainer to be understood, and more expeditiously taught and learned, than in the Common Way. In four parts. By John Holmes, Master of the Publick Grammar School, in Holt, Norfolk.
London : printed by T. Parker, for the author: and sold by C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLIII. [1743].
ESTC No. T227615.Grub Street ID 248565.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: ... To which is added, a suitable vocabulary: the third edition revised and corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed for the author: and sold by C. Hitch; and the booksellers in Cambridge and Norwich, 1743.
ESTC No. T139804.Grub Street ID 187639.
Holmes, John.
The grammarian's geography and astronomy ancient and modern, exemplified in the use of the globes terraqueous and caelestial. In which all the Terms of Art, Parts of the Globes, and Problems thereon to be performed, with the Use of Maps, are so plainly and methodically consider'd and treated of, as scarce ever to be forgot when once taught and shown by the diligent Tutor. In two parts. Particularly adapted to the Capacities of young Gentlemen studying the Classicks; as well as, useful and entertaining to all others, who; not having had Opportunity of acquainting themselves with Mathematical Calculations, are yet desirous of some Knowledge of the Earth and Heavens. The geographical part comprehending the ancient and modern names, ... Length; and Breadth of most Places in the World; including Land and Water, namely, Continents, Islands, ... and Countries, Kingdoms, Cities, and Towns; with the Latitude and Longitude of the most principal Parts, and their Bearing and Distance from London; i.
London : printed by W. Strahan; and sold by C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLI. [1751].
ESTC No. T84843.Grub Street ID 305194.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... The fifth edition, corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed for the author: and sold by C. Hitch and L. Hawes, 1751.
ESTC No. N41707.Grub Street ID 28058.
Holmes, John.
The greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek Tongue : Wherein, For the greater Ease of Masters, and the more expeditious Improvement of Scholars, the common Difficulties in the Declensions, Conjugations, Contractions, Accents, Dialects, &c. are render'd clear and easy, and the usual Obscurities in Syntaxis and Greek Poetry entirely removed. The Rules necessary to be committed to Memory are distinguished by a larger Character, and in Latin; the rest in a small Letter, and in English. The Whole methodized on the Principles of Reason, and containing the Substance of what has been taught by the best Masters, both abroad and at home, viz. Wellerus, Antesignanus, Clenard, Labbe, Verwey, Golius, Koeber, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busby, Bp. Wettenhall, Dr. Samuel Clarke, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c. To which is added, a suitable vocabulary : the fourth edition, revised and corrected. By John Holmes, Mas.
London : printed for the author: and sold by C. Hitch and L. Hawes in Pater-Noster Row; and the booksellers in Cambridge and Norwich, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T126283.Grub Street ID 176296.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. Freed From The many Obscurities, Defects, Superfluities, and Errors, which render the Common Grammar an insufferable Impediment to the Progress of Education. Commodiously contrived, As well for the Initiating of Learners, as for the Covenience of Such as through Disuse may have partly lost their Latin. To which is added, a vocabulary, and Practical Apparatus to the making of Latin. The sixth edition, corrected By John Holmes, Master of the Publick Grammar School in Holt, Norfolk.
London : printed by W. Strahan for the author: and sold by C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T139806.Grub Street ID 187641.
Holmes, John.
The art of rhetoric made easy: or, the elements of oratory briefly stated, and fitted for the practice of the studious youth of Great-Britain and Ireland: in two books. The First comprehending the Principles of that excellent Art, conformable to, and supported by the Authority of the most accurate Orators and Rhetoricians, both Ancient and Modern, viz. Isocrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Dionysius Halicarnass. Quintilian, Vossius, Petrus Ramus, Cyp. Soarius, Aud. Talaeus, Dugard, Farnaby, Butler, Smith, Walker, Burton, Blackwall, Lowe, Rollin, A. B. of Cambray, Mess. de Port-Royal, &c. The Whole being distinguished into what is necessary to be repeated, and what may be made only Matter of Observation. The Second containing the Substance of Longinus's celebrated Treatise on the Sublime. In Both which all Technical Terms are fully explained, with their Derivations, and proper Examples applied to demonstrate and illustrate allthe Tropes, Figures, and Fine Turns, that are to be met with, or imitate.
London : printed for and sold by C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster Row, and the booksellers in Cambridge, Norwich and Dublin, MDCCLV. [1755].
ESTC No. T90583.Grub Street ID 310438.
Holmes, John.
The art of rhetoric made easy: or, the elements of oratory. Book II. Being the substance of Dionysius Longinus's celebrated treatise of The sublime, ... In several letters to a friend.
London : re-printed in the year, 1755.
ESTC No. T117590.Grub Street ID 169176.
Holmes, John.
The greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: Wherein, For the greater Ease of Masters, and the more expeditious Improvement of Scholars, the common Difficulties in the Declensions, Conjugations, Contractions, Accents, Dialects, &c. are rendered clear and easy, and the usual Obscurities in Syntaxis and Greek Poetry entirely removed. The Rules necessary to be committed to Memory are distinguished by a larger Character, and in Latin; the rest in a small Letter, and in English. The Whole methodized on the Principles of Reason, and containing the Substance of what has been taught by the best Masters, both abroad and at home, viz. Wellerus, Antesignanus, Clenard, Labbe, Verwey, Golius, Koeber, Messtkurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busby, Bp. Wettenhall. Dr. Samuel Clarks, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c. To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. The fifth edition, revised and corrected. By John Holmes, Master.
London : printed for the author by James Bettenham: and sold by C. Hitch and L. Hawes in Pater-Noster Row; and the booksellers in Cambridge, Norwich, and Dublin, MDCCLIX. [1759].
ESTC No. T128009.Grub Street ID 177659.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... The eighth edition, corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, 1762.
ESTC No. N50063.Grub Street ID 34184.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: ... To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. The fourth edition revised and corrected. By John Holmes, ...
Dublin: printed for A. Leathley, and J. Exshaw, 1764.
ESTC No. N2932.Grub Street ID 18495.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: ... To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. The sixth edition, revised and corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed by James Bettenham, for L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, 1765.
ESTC No. T112293.Grub Street ID 164288.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive and plain method of communicating that language to tender capacities. ... To which is added, a vocabulary, ... The ninth edition, corrected. By John Holmes, .
London : printed for Hawes, Clarke and Collins, 1766.
ESTC No. N41706.Grub Street ID 28057.
Holmes, John.
The art of rhetoric made easy: or, The elements of oratory briefly stated, and fitted for the practice of the studious youth of Great-Britain and Ireland: In two books. The first comprehending the principles of that excellent art, conformable to, and supported by the authority of the most accurate orators and rhetoricians, both ancient and modern, viz. Isocrates. Aristotle, Cicero, Dionysius Halicarnass. Quintilian, Vossius, Petrusramus, Cyp. Soarius, Aud. Tal&us, Dugaro, Farwaby, Butlen, Smith, Walker, Burton, Blackwall, Lowe. Rollin, ABp. of Cambray, Miss. De Port-Royal &, the whole being distinguished into what is necessary to be repeated, and what may be made only matter of observation. The second containing the substance of Lon-Ginus's celebrated treatise on the sublime. In both which all technical terms are fully explained, with their derivations, and proper examples applied to demonstrate and illustrate all the tropes, figures, and fine turns, that are to be met with, or imitated.
London : Printed for and sold by L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, in Pater-noster Row, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T90584.Grub Street ID 310439.
Holmes, John.
The Greek grammar; or, A short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue. Wherein, for the greater ease of masters, and the more expeditious improvement of scholars, the common difficulties in the declensions, conjugations, contractions, accents, dialects, &c. are rendered clear and easy, and the usual obscurities in syntaxis and Greek poetry entirely removed. The rules necessary to be committed to memory are distinguished by a larger character, and in Latin; the rest in a small letter, and in English. The whole methodized on the principles of reason, and containing the substance of what has been taught by the best masters, both abroad and at home, viz. Wellerus, Antesignanus, Clenard, Labbe, Verwey, Golius, Koeber, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busby, Bp. Wettenhall, Dr. Samuel Clarke, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c. To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. The seventh edition, revised and corrected. By John Holmes, late.
London : printed for L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins, in Pater-Noster Row; and W. Johnston, in Ludgate-Street, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. N2934.Grub Street ID 18515.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive, and plain method of teaching that language. Freed from The many Obscurities, Defects, Superfluities, and Errors, which render the Common Grammar an insufferable Impediment to the Progress of Education. Commodiously contrived, As well for initiating Learners, as for the Convenience of those who, through Disuse, may have partly lost their Latin. To which is added a vocabulary, and A Practical Apparatus for Latin Composition. By John Holmes, late Master of the Publick Grammar School in Holt, Norfolk. The twelfth edition, corrected and enlarged by E. Harwood, D.D. What wilt thou do? Wilt thou follow Reason, or thy Ancestors? Lact. Whatever Precepts you pretend to give, Be sure to lay them down both clear and brief; By that they're easier far to apprehend, By this more faithfully preserv'd in Mind: All Things superfluous are apt to cloy The Judgment, and surcharge the Memory. Oldham.
London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Caslon, T. Longman, G. Robinson, J. Wilkie, R. Baldwin, J. Johnson, J. Bew, and J. Walker, MDCCLXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. N10261.Grub Street ID 265.
Holmes, John.
A new grammar of the Latin tongue. Or, a rational, short, comprehensive, and plain method of teaching that language. ... To which is added a vocabulary, ... By John Holmes, .
The thirteenth edition, corrected and enlarged by E. Harwood, D.D..
London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, G.G.J. & J. Robinson, G. & T. Wilkie, R. Baldwin, [and 3 others in London], 1788.
ESTC No. N50065.Grub Street ID 34185.