Pressick, George.
An answer to a little book, written by Henry Hagger, of the order of causes of Gods election, and reprobation, according to Gods fore-knowledge. As also, whether Christ dyed for all, or not for all. In answer to which, first, something is spoken of predestination, election, and reprobation, according to the scriptures. Secondly, shewing his contradiction of his own doctrine, the deceit and unsoundness of his arguments, in his order of causes of election and reprobation. And also, proving from scripture, that Christ dyed not for all, but for them that believe. By George Pressick of Dublin.
London : printed by J. Clowes, 1660].
ESTC No. R224385.Grub Street ID 98043.
Pressick, George.
A breife relation, of some of the most remarkable pasages of the Anabaptists in high and low Germany in the year, 1521. &c. Gathered out of the writings of Sleyden, Antonius, Servanus, Lambertus, John Gastio, and others who write of their practises. And Bullinger, Luther Melancthon, Calvin, Vrsinus, and others who write against their heresies. By George Pressick, of Dublin in Ireland.
London : printed by Tho. Ratcliff, 1660.
ESTC No. R208094.Grub Street ID 84389.
Pressick, George.
A case of conscience propounded to a great Bishop in Ireland, vizt. Whether after divorce, the innocent party may not lawfully marry. With the Bishop's answer to the question: and a reply to the Bishops answer. And also some quæries, whether the silencing of godly ministers be not near of kin to the killing of the two prophets, Revelation the 11. chap: by George Pressicke of Dubl'n.
London] : Printed for the author in March, 1661.
ESTC No. R24474.Grub Street ID 108260.
Pressick, George.
A plain discovery of the apostasie, superstition, blasphemy, and idolatry of the present Church of Rome. Which may indifferently serve for an answer to Mr. Herbert Thorndike his book, intituled, Just weight and measure, or The present state of religion weighed in the ballance, and measured by the standard of the sanctuary; and also in answer to Dr. William's [sic] book, Lord Bishop of Osserie, intituled, Antichrist revealed, but never before this time discovered. Shewing that his weight and measure will not hold out weight in the ballance, nor measure by the standard of the sanctuary: and proving also, that the Pope is Antichrist, and hath long since been discovered. By George Pressick.
London] : Printed for the author, 1663.
ESTC No. R216946.Grub Street ID 91792.