Publications of Nicholas Robinson


  • Robinson, Nicholas. A letter from a physician at Penrith in Cumberland, to a gentleman in London, lately perverted to the Roman Catholick religion. Intended as a preservative against apostacy. With a letter by way of preface. London : printed and sold by John Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, 1717. ESTC No. T124489. Grub Street ID 174680.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A compleat treatise of the gravel and stone, with all their causes, symptoms and cures, accounted for. To which are added, Propositions demonstrating that the Stone may safely be dissolv'd, without any Detriment to the Body; drawn from Reason, Experiments, and Anatomical Observations. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. London : printed for G. Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church Yard, and W. and J. Innys, at the Prince's Arms the West End of St. Paul's, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T54643. Grub Street ID 281429.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A compleat treatise of the gravel and stone, with all their causes, symptoms and cures, accounted for. To which are added, propositions demonstrating that the stone may safely be dissolv'd, without any Detriment to the Body; drawn from Reason, Experiments, and Anatomical Observations. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. The second edition, with large additions.. London : printed for B. Cowse , in St. Paul's Church Yard ; T. Combes , in Pater-Noster-Row ; J. Lacy , in Fleetstreet ; and J. Clarke, at the Bible under the Royal Exchange in Corn-Hill, 1723. ESTC No. N4937. Grub Street ID 33730.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A new theory of physick and diseases, founded on the principles of the Newtonian philosophy. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. London : printed for C. Rivington at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Lacy at the Ship between the two Temple Gates; and J. Clarke at the Bible under the Royal Exchange, 1725. ESTC No. T54644. Grub Street ID 281430.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A new method of treating consumptions. Wherein all the decays incident to human bodies, are mechanically accounted for. With Some considerations, touching the Difference between Consumptions and those Decays that Naturally attend Old Age. To which are Added, Arguments in Defence of the Possibility of Curing Ulcers of the Lungs: As also Reasons demonstrating that the irregular Discharges of all the Evacuations in Consumptions, arise from the Resistance of the Heart not Decaying in a simple Proportion to the Resistance of the other Parts. By N. Robinson, M.D. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and T. Warner, in Pater-Noster-Row; G. Strahan, at the Golden-Ball, near the Royal-Exchange; and C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T54641. Grub Street ID 281427.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A new system of the spleen, vapours, and Hypochondriack Melancholy: wherein all the decays of the nerves, and lownesses of the spirits, are mechanically accounted for. To which is subjoin'd, A discourse upon the Nature, Cause, and Cure, of Melancholy, Madness, and Lunacy. With a particular dissertation on the Origine of the Passions; the Structure, Mechanism, and Modulation of the Nerves, necessary to produce Sensation in Animal Bodies. To which is prefix'd, A philosophical essay concerning the Principles of Thought, Sensation, and Reflection; and the Manner how those noble Endowments are disconcerted under the foregoing Diseases. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. and of the College of Physicians, London. London : Printed [by Samuel Aris] for A. Bettesworth, W. Innys, and C. Rivington, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T54640. Grub Street ID 281426.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A discourse upon the nature and cause of sudden deaths; And the Reason why such Numbers of People died suddenly in the Years 1730 and 1731; with the most proper Indications both to discover the Danger, and prevent the fatal Stroke from taking Effect. To which is added, A Dissertation upon Bleeding in a Fit of the Apoplexy; with Remarks upon the Case of an illustrious Person that lately dy'd abroad upon his Travels. To which is prefix'd. A Preface in Defence of the Theory of Medicine, against the Cavils and Exceptions of some late Writers: Clearly demonstration, that Hippocrates, Galen, and all the great Ancients grounded their practical Indications upon Principles, and a Theory. By Nicholas Robinson, M. D. And a Member of the College of Physicians, London. London : printed for T. Warner, at the Black-Boy, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1732]. ESTC No. T33041. Grub Street ID 263704.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A compleat treatise of the gravel and stone: wherein all their symptoms, causes, and cures, are mechanically accounted for. With arguments in Defence of the Possibility of Dissolving the stone in the bladder: All drawn from reason, experiments, and anatomical observations. To which is added, A dissertation upon the Operation of Nephrotomy; or the Possibility of cutting into the Kidney, for the Extraction of the Stone, when it is too large to pass; too hard to be dissolved, and occasions Pains above the Strength of human Nature. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. And a Member of the College of Physicians, London. The third edition, with additions.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Clarke at the Bible, under the Royal Exchange, 1734. ESTC No. T54642. Grub Street ID 281428.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A new treatise of the venereal disease. In three parts. Comprising The most effectual Methods to restore the Tone and Vigour of the several affected Organs, through every Branch and Stage of the Disease. To which is added, a particular dissertation upon the nature and properties of mercury; and its Effects upon human Bodies: Clearly demonstrating the pernicious Consequences of a Salivation under divers Circumstances of the Venereal Disease. By Nicholas Robinson, M. D. And a Member of the College of Physicians, London, &c. London : printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, W. Innys and R. Manby, 1736. ESTC No. T139551. Grub Street ID 187401.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. The Christian philosopher; or a divine essay on the doctrines of man's universal redemption. In five books. ... Book 1. Of the perfection, glory, and immortality of Adam, ... By Nicholas Robinson,. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1741. ESTC No. N52394. Grub Street ID 36379.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. The christian philosopher; or a divine essay on the principles of man's universal redemption. In five books. Proving, from the Doctrines of Nature, the Maxims of Philosophy, and the Sacred Records of the Old and New Testament; that the various Revolutions of the Human Nature, as they relate to the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man, are grounded upon eternal Reason, and the moral Fitness of Things. Book 1. Of the perfection, glory, and immortality of Adam, as created in his primitive State of Nature, by Almighty God. By Nicholas Robinson, M. D. and a Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London. London : printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and John Robinson, in Southampton-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T99738. Grub Street ID 318828.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A general scheme for a course of medical lectures, intended for the improvement of young physicians, and gentlemen, that are desirous of understanding the laws of the animal oeconomy; ... To begin on Friday, the 10th day of December next, ... By Dr. Nicholas Robinson,. London] : Subscriptions for the course are taken in by Mr.Hopson, apothecary; Mr. Rivington; Mr. Sandby; Mr. Nelthrop, apothecary; and by the author at his house, [1742?. ESTC No. T99755. Grub Street ID 318846.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. The Christian philosopher: or, a divine essay upon the principles of man's universal redemption. In twelve books. ... By Nicholas Robinson, . London] : Printed in the year, 1748. ESTC No. T99737. Grub Street ID 318827.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. An essay on the gout, and all gouty affections incident to affect mankind. Comprizing the various natures, symptoms, and causes, thro' every branch and stage of the disease; demonstrating, in the clearest Manner, that the Air, Diet, and Exercise, when rightly adjusted, are Remedies the most sovereignly efficacious, both to asswage the gouty Pains, and relieve the Disease, under all its various Changes. To which is prefixed, A brief, historical discourse, concerning the great Antiquity of the Gout; proving, from incontestable Authorities, that it is a Disease chiefly confined to those Countries, Climates, and People, where Vice, Wealth, and Luxury, greatly prevail and abound. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, and Physician to Christ's Hospital, London. London : printed for Edward Robinson, at Pope's Head, without Temple-Bar, [1755]. ESTC No. N2053. Grub Street ID 9931.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. An essay on the gout, and all gouty affections incident to affect mankind. Comprizing the various natures, symptoms, and causes, thro' every branch and stage of the disease; demonstrating, in the clearest Manner, that the Air, Diet, and Exercise, when rightly adjusted, are Remedies the most sovereignly efficacious, both to asswage the gouty Pains, and relieve the Disease, under all its various Changes. To which is prefixed, A brief historical Discourse, concerning the great Antiquity of the Gout; proving, from incontestable Authorities, that it is a Disease chiefly confined to those Countries, Climates, and People, where Vice, Wealth, and Luxury, greatly prevail and abound. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D.Member of the Royal College of Physicians, and Physician to Christ's Hospital, London. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Fuller, Bookseller and Publisher, at his State-Lottery Office, in Blowbladder-Street, Cheapside, [1756?]. ESTC No. T55011. Grub Street ID 281638.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, To which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the scurvy, gravel, stone, rheumatism; and divers other diseases, arising from obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the life of animals and keep them in health. By a Physician. London : Printed for E. Robinson, at Pope's Head, without Temple-Bar, and J. Fuller, at the Bible, in Blowbladder-Street, Cheapside, M.DCC.LVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T174210. Grub Street ID 211305.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, To which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the scurvy, gravel, stone, rheumatism, and divers other diseases, arising from obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the life of animals and keep them in health. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. member of the Royal College of Physicians, and Physician to Christ's Hospital, London. London : Printed for E. Robinson, at Pope's Head, without Temple-Bar, and J. Fuller, at the Bible, in Blow-bladder-Street, Cheapside, M.DCC.LVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T174211. Grub Street ID 211306.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, to which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, ... By Nicholas Robinson, ... Dublin: printed by James Hoey, 1757. ESTC No. T214776. Grub Street ID 241082.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread eat early in a morning, fasting. To which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, ... By Nicholas Robinson, ... Dublin: printed by James Hoey, 1757. ESTC No. N63955. Grub Street ID 46032.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, to which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some critical Observations concerning the Recrements of the Blood; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals and keep them in Health. By Nicholas Robinson, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, and Physician to Christ's Hospital, London. Dublin: printed by James Hoey, at the Mercury in Skinner-Row, next Door to the Tholsel, M.DCC.LVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T59650. Grub Street ID 285654.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, To which are added, some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied as when internally given, in the scurvy, gravel, stone, rheumatism, and divers other diseases, arising from obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the life of animals, and keep them in health. By an Eminent Physician. The third edition.. London : Printed for A. and C. Corbett, at their Fortunate and Correct State Lottery Office, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-street, MDCCLIX. [1759]. ESTC No. T193101. Grub Street ID 227344.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting, to which are added, some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other Diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals, and keep them in Health. By an eminent physician. The third edition.. London : printed for A. and C. Corbett, at their Fortunate and Correct State Lottery Office, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, MDCCLIX. [1759]. ESTC No. T143246. Grub Street ID 190343.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread Eat Early in a Morning Fasting. To which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other Diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some Critical Observations concerning the Recrements of the Blood; demonstrating that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals and keep them in Health. By Nicholas Robinson, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, and Physician to Christ's Hospital, London. Dublin: printed by James Hoey, at the Mercury in Skinner-Row, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T59651. Grub Street ID 285655.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting: to which are added, some particular remarks concerning cures accomplished by the saliva, or fasting-spittle, as well when externally applied as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other Diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that, when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals, and keep them in Health. By an eminent physician. The fourth edition.. London : printed for A. and C. Corbett, at their fortunate and correct State-Lottery Office, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street; and sold by J. Crouse, in Norwich, 1763. ESTC No. N14139. Grub Street ID 4031.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread, eat early in a morning fasting: to which are added, some particular remarks concerning cures accomplished by the saliva, or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other Diseases arising from Obstructions. With some critical observations concerning the recrements of the blood; demonstrating, that, when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals, and keep them in Health. By an eminent physician. The fifth edition.. London : printed for A. and C. Corbett, at their Fortunate and Correct State Lottery Office, at No. 30, and Dame Fortune, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, [1767]. ESTC No. T111930. Grub Street ID 163988.
  • Robinson, Nicholas. A complete treatise of stones, gravel, and all other sabulous concretions. Wherein are discovered the great virtues of the burdoc-seeds and wild carrot-seeds: and why the seeds of all plants are most efficacious in the cure of all diseases. By Nicholas Robinson, M.D. And Senior Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. London : printed for Messrs. Robinson and Roberts in Pater-Noster-Row, and W. Frederick at Bath, M.DCC.LXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. N5279. Grub Street ID 36781.