Mauger, Claude.
The true advancement of the French tongue. Or a new method, and more easie directions for the attaining of it, then ever yct [sic] have been published. Whereunto are added many choise and select dialogues, containing not onely familiar discourses, but most exact instructions for travell, in a most elegant stile and phrase, very useful and necessary for all gentlemen that intend to travell into France. Also a chapter of Anglicismes, wherein those errors which the English usually commit in speaking French, are demonstrated, and corrected. By Claudius Mauger late professor of the French tongue at Blois, and now teacher of the said tongue here in London.
London: printed by Tho: Roycroft, for J. Martin, and J. Allestrye, at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R209207.Grub Street ID 85426.
Mauger, Claude.
Mr. Mauger's French grammar enriched with severall choise dialogues, containing an exact account of the state of France, ecclesiasticall, civil, and military, as it flourisheth at present under King Louis the fourteenth. Also a chapter of Anglicismes; vvith instructions fo travellers into France.
London: printed by R.D. for Iohn Martin, and Iames Allestree, at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1656.
ESTC No. R208947.Grub Street ID 85165.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Maugers French grammar, enriched with severall choise dialogues. Containing, an exact account of the most perfect state of France, ecclesiasticall, civil, and military, as it flourisheth in this year 1658, under Louis the Fourteenth. With a most curious and most ingenious addition of seven hundred French-verses upon the rules, with new dialogues. Also a chapter of Anglicismes, with instructions for travellers into France.
London: printed for John Martin, James Allestree and Thomas Dicas, and are to be sold at the Bell in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1658.
ESTC No. R217781.Grub Street ID 92529.
Mauger, Claude.
Oliva pacis in f.licissimam illam diuqûe exoptatam pacem inter Ludovicum decimum quartum Galliarum regem, et Philippum secundum Hispaniarum regem.
London] : Claudius Mauger, linguæ Gallicæ professor. Londini, [1660?.
ESTC No. R225708.Grub Street ID 98840.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar, enriched with 50. new short dialogues; containing for the most part, an exact account of Englands triumphs, with the state of France ecclesiastical, civil, and military, as it flourisheth now since Cardinal Mazarin's death. With a most curious and most ingenious addition of seven hundred French verses upon the rules. Also a chapter of Anglicisms with instruction for travellers into France.
The fourth edition: exactly corrected enlarged and perused by the great care and diligence of the author late publick professour of Blois, in France, for all travellers..
London : printed for John Martin, James Alleystry, and Thomas Dicas, and are to be sold at the Bell in Paul's Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R233922.Grub Street ID 105339.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar enriched with 50 new short dialogues, containing for the most part, an exact account of Englands triumphs, with the state of France ecclesiastical, civil and military, as it flourisheth now since Cardinal Mazarin's death : with a most curious and most ingenious addition of seven hundred French verses upon the rules : also a chapter of anglicisms, with instruction for travellers into France.
The fourth edition : exactly corrected, enlarged and perused by the great care and diligence of the author ... for all travellers..
London : Printed for John Martin, James Alleystry, and Thomas Dicas, and are to be sold at the Bell..., 1662.
ESTC No. R42165.Grub Street ID 123595.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar. Enriched with an exact pronunciation, and many new dialogues. Being digested in a most admirable order; for the most part containing an account of Englands triumphs, with the state of France, ecclesiastical, civil, and military. With an addition of seven hundred French verses upon the rules. Also a chapter of Anglicismes, with instruction for travellers into France. The fifth edition. Exactly corrected, enlarged, and perused by the great care and diligence of the author, late publick Professour of the French tongue at Blois in France, for all strangers where French is spoken in its purity.
London : printed for John Martyn, at the Bell without Temple-Bar, James Allestry, at the Rose and Crown in Duck-Lane, and Thomas Dicas, at the White-horse in Little-Brittain, 1667.
ESTC No. R180467.Grub Street ID 71497.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar; enlarged and enriched with eighty new dialogues, both familiar and high, with compliments, and their exact pronunciation. All digested in a most admirable order. With the state of France ecclesiastical, civil, and military. Also a chapter of anglicisms and francisms. With seven hundred French verses containing all the rules of the French tongue. As likewise the general rules of the English pronunciation. The sixth edition. Exactly corrected by the author; alias, publick Professour of the French tongue at Blois in France, and now teacher at London.
London : printed by T.R. for John Martyn, at the sign of the Bell, and James Allestry at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1670.
ESTC No. R215556.Grub Street ID 90566.
Mauger, Claude.
Mauger's letters written upon several subjects: faithfully translated into English, for the great facility of those, who have a desire to learn the French tongue. Corrected and revised by the author, formerly professor of the French tongue at Blois, now at London.
London : printed by Tho. Roycroft for the author, in Great Queen-street, over against Wild-street, at Mr. Peke's a Joyner, next door to the Swan, 1671.
ESTC No. R4597.Grub Street ID 124956.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar; with shorter, and more substantial rules than formerly; with many and easie additions, to help the learner, as the government of verbs, the conjugation of all such, as are irregular, by all their persons; the placing of the accent: togethe with several dialogues, both familiar, and eloquent. Besides, what was in the former editions. The seventh edition. Exactly corrected by the author himself, late professour of the said tongue at Blois in France.
London : printed by T.R. for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell in St. Pauls church-yard, 1673.
ESTC No. R221565.Grub Street ID 95698.
Mauger, Claude.
Le tableau du jugement universel avec d'autres discours spirituels. Par Claude Mauger, maître d'langues.
La premiere edition..
London] : Imprimé à Londres par T[homas]. D[awks]. & se vendent ch[ez] Mathieu Turner, libraire dans la rüe d'Holborn auprés du grand Turn-Stile, en langage du pais, & en François, du grand tourniquet, [1675.
ESTC No. R180473.Grub Street ID 71503.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions; enriched with a new method. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most perfect pronunciation, the conjugation of all irregular verbes, short and substantial rules: besides a most exact English grammar explained in French dialogues.
The eighth edition..
London : printed by T. Roycroft for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell in St. Paul's church-yard, 1676.
ESTC No. R217736.Grub Street ID 92484.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French and English letters, upon all subjects, mean and sublime. Enlarged with fifty new letters, many of which are on the late great occurrences and revolutions of Europe. All much amended and refined according to the most quaint and courtly mode; wherein yet the idiom and elegancy of both tongues, are far more exactly suited then formerly. Very useful to those who aspire to good language, and would know what addresses become them to all sorts of persons. Besides many notes in the end of the book, which are very necessary for commerce.
The second edition..
London : printed by Tho. Roycroft, and are to be sold by Samuel Lawndes, over against Exeter-house in the Strand, 1676.
ESTC No. R13195.Grub Street ID 61316.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language as it now flourishes in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which is subjoyned a most exact grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The ninth edition corrected and enlarged by the author, now professor of the languages in the court of France..
London : printed by S. Roycroft for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679.
ESTC No. R43435.Grub Street ID 124414.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions : enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language as it is now flourishing in the court of France : where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue, viz. a most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules : to which is subjoined a vocabulary and a most exact new grammar ofthe English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The tenth edition : exactly corrected and enlarged by the author ....
London : Printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes ..., 1682.
ESTC No. R42166.Grub Street ID 123596.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. A most perfect pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which is subjoined a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The tenth edition exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, now professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R. E. for R. Bently and M. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1682.
ESTC No. R227668.Grub Street ID 100560.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which are subjoined a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners. The eleventh edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, now professor of the languages at Paris.
London : printed for R[ichard]. B[entley]. and are to be sold by Tho. Harrison, at the White Swan, over against the west-end of the Royal-Exchange in Corn-Hill, 1684.
ESTC No. R180469.Grub Street ID 71498.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most perfect prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which is subjoined a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
London: printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for R[ichard]. Bentley and S. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1684.
ESTC No. R42167.Grub Street ID 123597.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which is subjoined a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The eleventh edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, now Professor of the Languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1684.
ESTC No. R227667.Grub Street ID 100559.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. A most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules: to which is subjoined a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The twelfth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, now Professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1686.
ESTC No. R214139.Grub Street ID 89460.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The thirteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris, and now at London..
London : printed by R. E[veringham] for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, at the Oxford Arms on the west-side of the Royal Exchange, 1688.
ESTC No. R180470.Grub Street ID 71500.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners. The thirteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris, and now at London.
London : printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1688.
ESTC No. R42168.Grub Street ID 123598.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. A most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The thirteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris, and now at London..
London : printed by R. E[veringham]. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, at the Oxford-Arms on the west side of the Royal Exchange, 1688.
ESTC No. R235363.Grub Street ID 106488.
Mauger, Claude.
Grammaire angloise de Claude Mauger succincte & methodique, expliquée en franois pour l'utilité de ceux qui souhaitent d'apprendre cette langue. O l'on voit un bon ordre & de bonnes raisons pour tout ce qu'elle contient, sans revoyer à l'usage. Exactement corrigée par l'auteur professeur des langues à Paris, & presentement à Londres.
A Londres: imprimée par R.E. pour R. Bentley en Russel-street au Covent-jardin, 1689.
ESTC No. R235061.Grub Street ID 106270.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing in the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. A most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The fourteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late Professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1689.
ESTC No. R214146.Grub Street ID 89466.
Mauger, Claude.
Nouvelle double grammmaire francoise-angloise et angloise-francoise par Messrs. Claude Mauger et Paul Festeau ...
A La Haye: Chez Adrian Moetjens .., MDCXCIII [1693].
ESTC No. R40457.Grub Street ID 122244.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The fifteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris.
London : printed [by Robert Everingham] for R. Bently, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, at the Oxford-Arms in Lombard-Street, 1693.
ESTC No. R232255.Grub Street ID 104086.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions : enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language as it is now flourishing at the court of France : where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue, viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules : to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The fifteenth edition : exactly corrected and enlarged by the author ....
London : Printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes ..., 1693.
ESTC No. R42169.Grub Street ID 123599.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The fifteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for R. Bently, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, 1693.
ESTC No. R43436.Grub Street ID 124415.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The sixteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for R. Bentley, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1694.
ESTC No. R217738.Grub Street ID 92486.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France... To which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all the advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The fifteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris...
London : printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for R[ichard]. Bentley & S. Magnes ..., 1694.
ESTC No. R180471.Grub Street ID 71501.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue[.] viz. A most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English Tongue with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
The sixteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for R[ichard]. Bentley, and are to be sold by T[homas]. Guy, at the Oxford-Arms in Lumbard Street, 1696.
ESTC No. R180472.Grub Street ID 71502.
Mauger, Claude.
Nouvelle double grammaire Francoise-Angloise et Angloise-Francoise par messrs. Claude Mauger et Paul Festeau ...
A Bruxelles: chez Eugene Henri Frix .., 1696.
ESTC No. R21023.Grub Street ID 86422.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue: viz. a most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoyned a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to foreigners.
The eighteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris..
London : printed by R.E. for K. Bentley, in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, 1698.
ESTC No. R216996.Grub Street ID 91837.
Mauger, Claude.
Grammaire angloise expliquée par regles generales : utile à ceux qui font curieux d'aprendre l'Anglois / par Claude Mauger ...
A Londres: chez John Edwark .., 1699.
ESTC No. R8042.Grub Street ID 128249.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, .
The ninteenth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, ...
London : printed by R. E. for R. Wellington and E. Rumball, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, 1702.
ESTC No. T217831.Grub Street ID 242623.
Mauger, Claude.
Nouvelle double grammaire francoise-angloise et angloise-francoise, par Messrs. Claude Mauger et Paul Festeau, ...
La Haye: chez Adrian Moetjens, 1703.
ESTC No. N10017.Grub Street ID 25.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, .
The twentieth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, ...
London : printed for R. Wellington, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, 1705.
ESTC No. N27071.Grub Street ID 16381.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions. Enriched with new words, and a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language, as it now flourishing at the Court of France. Where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue, viz. A most modish pronunciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules; to which are subjoined a vocabulary, and a most exact new grammar of the English tongue with all advantages that may make it desireable to foreigners.
The one and twentieth edition, exactly corrected and enlarged by the author, late professor of the languages at Paris..
London : Printed for R. Wellington, and are to be sold by Tho. Guy, at the Oxford-Arms in Lombard-street, 1708.
ESTC No. N5453.Grub Street ID 38263.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar, with additions: enriched with new words, a new method, and all the improvements of the French tongue, that famous language, .
The twenty-second edition, corrected of the errors that had crept into the former editions..
London : printed for R. Wellington, and sold by Tho. Guy, 1714.
ESTC No. T213152.Grub Street ID 240052.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar with additions: enriched with new words, a new method, and all the improvements of the French tongue, that famous language, as it is now flourishing at the court of France ... viz ...a most exact new grammar of the English tongue .
The twenty-third edition, corrected of the errors that had crept into the former editions..
London : printed for M. Wellington, 1719.
ESTC No. N64086.Grub Street ID 46147.
Mauger, Claude.
Grammaire angloise, expliquée par regles generales, utile à ceux qui sont curieux d'apprendre l'anglois, par Claude Mauger, Professeur des Langues.
A Rouen: chez Jacques Besongne Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, ru? S. Lo, vis-a-vis la Grande Porte du Palais. M.DCCXXII. Avec Privile'ge DU Roy, [1722].
ESTC No. N7921.Grub Street ID 52831.
Mauger, Claude.
Grammaire angloise, expliquée par regles generales, utile à ceux qui sont curieux d'apprendre l'anglois, par Claude Mauger, ...
Londres [i.e. Rouen?]: imprimée pour R. Wellington, & corrigée par Du Vivier, 1722.
ESTC No. T210384.Grub Street ID 238514.
Mauger, Claude.
Claudius Mauger's French grammar, with additions: enriched with new words, a new method, and all the improvements of that polite language, .
The twenty-fifth edition, wherein the many errors that had crept into the former editions are corrected..
London : printed for W. Feales; R. Wellington; J. Brindley; C. Corbett; and B. Wellington, 1736.
ESTC No. N37594.Grub Street ID 25558.