Crompton, William.
A lasting ievvell, for religious vvoemen. In the summe of a sermon, preached at the funerall of Mistris Mary Crosse, late wife of Mr. Henry Crosse of Barnestaple in the countie of Deuon merchant, Nouemb. 11. 1628. and now published with some additions. With a briefe description of her life and death. By William Crompton, preacher of the Word of God at Barnestaple in Deuon.
London: printed [by W. Stansby] for Edvvard Blount, 1630.
ESTC No. S117122.Grub Street ID 136797.
Crompton, William.
A vvedding-ring, fitted to the finger of euery paire that haue or shall meete in the feare of God: or, That diuine circle of heauenly loue, wherein man and wife should walke all their dayes. The posie whereof is an expression of a good husbands kindnesse toward his vertuous wife, with her retaliacion of like affection.
London: Printed by Eliz. Allde for Edward Blount, 1632.
ESTC No. S121236.Grub Street ID 140830.
Crompton, William.
An explication of those principles of Christian religion, exprest or implyed in the catechisme of our Church of England, set downe in the Booke of Common Prayer: Vsefull for housholders, that desire heaven in earnest: and are willing to discharge their dutie in examination of their charge, before they send any of them to our communion. Begun and finisht in Barstaple, in the Countie of Devon, according to his maiesties late pious directions, for the renewing and continuing of the ordinance of catechising, so generally sleighted and neglected: now thus farre published respectively for the benefit of that corporation.
London: Printed by I.L[egat] for P. S[tephens] and C. M[eredith] and are to be sold at their shop, at the Golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1633.
ESTC No. S114531.Grub Street ID 134240.
Crompton, William.
An useful tractate to further Christians of these dangerous and back-sliding times, in the practice of the most needful duty of prayer. Wherein are discover'd the nature, necessity and successe of fervent prayer: many objections answered, several practical cases of conscience resolved; and all briefly applied from this text, viz. James 5. 16. The effectual fervent-prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Being the substance of several sermons preached in the town of Columpton in Devon. By William Crompton M.A. minister of that part of Christs Church there.
London: printed by J.H. for Philemon Stephens, at the Gilded Lion in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R210127.Grub Street ID 86332.
Crompton, William.
A vvilderness of trouble leading to a Canaan of comfort, or, The method and manner of God's dealing with the heirs of heaven in the ministry of the Word wherein is shewed how the Lord brings them into this trouble, supporteth them under it, and delivereth them out of it, so that none finally miscarry / by W. Crompton .
London : Printed by J.D. for J. Robinson .. to be sold by Mich. Hide .., 1679.
ESTC No. R31654.Grub Street ID 114435.
Crompton, William.
A vvildernes of trouble, leading to a Canaan of comfort. Or the method and manner of God's dealing with the heirs of heaven in the ministry of the Word. Wherein is shewed, how the Lord brings them into this trouble, supporteth them under it; and delivereth them out of it so that none finally miscarry. By W. Crompton, minister of the Gospel.
London : printed by J. D. for J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679.
ESTC No. R228944.Grub Street ID 101561.
Crompton, William.
Soveraign omnipotency the saint's security in evil days. Discoursed and concluded from Rom. IV. xvii, xviii.
London : printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter, 1682.
ESTC No. R231868.Grub Street ID 103797.