Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes or An essay concerning the assurance of Gods loue, and mans saluation; gathered out of the holy Scriptures. By Nicholas Byfield, one of the preachers for the citty of Chester.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale for Ionas Man, 1614.
ESTC No. S118320.Grub Street ID 137976.
Byfield, Nicholas.
An exposition vpon the Epistle to the Colossians. Wherein, not onely the text is methodically analysed, and the sence of the words, by the help of vvriters, both ancient and moderne is explayned: but also, by doctrine and vse, the intent of the holy Ghost is in euery place more fully vnfolded and vrged. And besides, the very marrow of most common-places is aptly diffused through-out the body of this exposition, as the nature of of [sic] this kinde of teaching would beare. And further, many chiefe cases of conscience are here resolued. All with conuenient varietie and breuitie. Being, the substance of neare seauen yeeres vveeke-dayes sermons, of N. Byfield, late one of the preachers for the citie of Chester.
London: Printed by T. S[nodham and Edward Griffin]. for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sould at his shop at the signe of the Pide-Bull in Pauls Church-yard, neare to S. Austins Gate, 1615.
ESTC No. S120678.Grub Street ID 140306.
Byfield, Nicholas.
Sermons vpon the first chapter of the first epistle generall of Peter. Wherein method, sense, doctrine and vse is with great varietie of matter profitably handled. By Nicholas Byfeild preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex. The rest of the epistle may be published in due time, if God will.
London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at the signe of the Pyde Bull at S. Austins gate, 1617.
ESTC No. S120373.Grub Street ID 140008.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The paterne of wholsome words. Or a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be belieued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie made euident by infallible plaine proofes of Scripture. And withall, the seuerall vses such principles should be pu to, are abundantly shevved. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Bifeild [sic], preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
At London: Imprinted by F. K[ingston] for Samuel Man, dwelling in Pauls Church yard, at the signe of the Swan, 1618.
ESTC No. S120680.Grub Street ID 140308.
Byfield, Nicholas.
Directions for the priuate reading of the Scriptures; wherein besides the number of chapters assigned to euery day, the order and drift of the whole Scriptures is methodically set downe: and choice rules (that shew how to read with profit) are likewise giuen: the vse whereof is shewed in the preface. By Nicolas Bifeild preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by E. Griffin for N. Butter neere St. Austens gate, 1618.
ESTC No. S119554.Grub Street ID 139193.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The cure of the feare of death. Shewing the course Christians may take to bee deliuered from these feares about death, which are found in the hearts of the most. A treatise of singular use for all sorts. By Nicholas Bifeild, Preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middelsex.
London: Printed by G. P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwaite at the Flower-de-Luce and Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1618.
ESTC No. S116195.Grub Street ID 135886.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The cure of the feare of death. Shewing the course Christians may take to be deliuered from those feares about death, which are found in the hearts of the most. A treatise of singular vse for all sorts. By Nicholas Bifeild, preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by G. P[urslowe]. for Ralph Rounthwaite, at the golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1619.
ESTC No. S115599.Grub Street ID 135289.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The beginning of the doctrine of Christ. Or A catalogue of sinnes, shewing how a Christian may finde out the euils, hee must take notice of in his repentance. With rules, that shew a course, how any Christian may be deliuered from the guilt and power of all his sinnes. B N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word, at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed G. P[urslowe]. for R. Rounthwaite, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Flower de-luce and Crowne, 1619.
ESTC No. S124660.Grub Street ID 144010.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or Diuers treatises, containing directions about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by George Purslovv for Ralph Rounthvvaite, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Flower de-luce and Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1619.
ESTC No. S124702.Grub Street ID 144047.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The rules of a holy life. Or A treatise containing the holy order of our liues, prescribed in the Scripture, concerning our carriage: towards God, towards men, towards our selues. With generall rules of preparation, that concerne either the helps, or the maner of a holy conuersation. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by G[eorge] P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to bee sold at the Flower de-luce and Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1619.
ESTC No. S122202.Grub Street ID 141758.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The spiritval tovchstone: or, The signes of a godly man: drawne in so plaine and profitable a maner, as all sorts of Christians may trie themselues thereby. Together with directions, how the weake Christian, by the vse of these signes may establish his assurance. By. N. Bifield preacher of Gods word at Isteworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by R. Field, for Ionas Man, 1619.
ESTC No. S124755.Grub Street ID 144078.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The promises: or, A treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort, against all the distresses which by reason of any afflictions or temptations can befall him in this life. Containing al the most comfortable places through the whole Bible, orderly digested. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by G. P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwaite, 1619.
ESTC No. S120625.Grub Street ID 140254.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes of the wicked man. Together with directions that shew how the seuerall gifts and graces of Gods spirit may be attained. Needfull for such as want those graces, and for such as desire to increase in them. By N. Bifield, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by George Purslovv for Ralph Rounthvvaite, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Flower de-luce and Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1619.
ESTC No. S120630.Grub Street ID 140259.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or Divers treatises, containing directio[n]s about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed [by Richard Field] for Ralph Rounthwaite, at ye golde[n] Lyo[n] in Pa: Churchyard, 1620.
ESTC No. S122131.Grub Street ID 141688.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles or the patterne of wholesome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be belieued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie. Made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of scripture. And withall, the seueral vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shewed. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by T. S[nodham] for Samuel Man, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Swan, 1622.
ESTC No. S117086.Grub Street ID 136760.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or Divers treatises, containing directio[n]s about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, Preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed [by Richard Field] for Ralph Rounthwaite, at ye golde[n] Lyo[n] in Pa[aul's]: Churchyard, 1622.
ESTC No. S5034.Grub Street ID 148918.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The rvles of a holy life. Or, A treatise containing the holy order of our liues, prescribed in the Scripture, concerning our cariage, towards God, towards men, towards our selues. With generall rules of preparation, that concerne either the helpes or the manner of a holy conuersation. By N. Bifield late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by R. Field, for R. Rounthwaite, 1624.
ESTC No. S124298.Grub Street ID 143682.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or Divers treatises, containing directio[n]s about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N: Bifielde. late preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed [by Richard Field] for Ralph Rounthwaite, at ye golde[n] Lyo[n] in Pa: Churchyard, 1624.
ESTC No. S126043.Grub Street ID 145220.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes: or, an essay concerning the assurance of Gods loue, and mans saluation; gathered out of the holy Scriptures. By Nicholas Byfield one of the preachers for the citie of Chester.
London: printed by I.D. for William Sheffard, Iohn Bellamie, and Beniamin Fisher, 1624.
ESTC No. S125289.Grub Street ID 144535.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or, divers treatises, containing directio[n]s about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life by N: Bifielde, late preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed [by G. Miller and R. Badger] for Ralph Rounthwaite, at ye golde[n] Lyo[n] in Pa [sic] Churchyard [sold by P. Stephens and C. Meredith], 1625.
ESTC No. S121311.Grub Street ID 140905.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principall grounds of Christian religion. Briefely and plainly propounded by way of question and answere for the instructing of the younger sort. By that late and worthy diuine Mr. N. Byfield.
London: Printed by I. L[egat] for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to be solde at his shop, at the signe of the Golden Lyon in Paules Church-yard, 1625.
ESTC No. S119556.Grub Street ID 139195.
Byfield, Nicholas.
Directions for the priuate reading of the Scriptures; wherein besides the number of chapters assigned to euery day, the order and drift of the whole Scriptures is methodically set downe: and choice rules (that shew how to reade with profit) are likewise giuen: the vse whereof is shewed in the preface. The third edition. By Nicolas Bifeild preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesexe.
London: Printed by W. Stansby for N. Butter neere S. Austens gate, 1626.
ESTC No. S120677.Grub Street ID 140305.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The rvle of faith: or, An exposition of the apostles creed, so handled as it affordeth both milke for babes, and strong meat for such as are at full age. By that worthy seruant of Gods church, Master Nicholas Bifield, late Minister of Gods Word at Islevvorth, and by him in his life time fully perfected and transcribed, so much as is now published for the benefit of Gods Church, by his sonne, Adoniram Bifield.
London: printed by G. M[iller]. for [R. R.[ounthwaite].] Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at their shop at the golden Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1626.
ESTC No. S91265.Grub Street ID 150417.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The rule of faith: or, An exposition of the Apostles Creed, so handled as it affordeth both milke for babes, and strong meat for such as are at full age. By that worthy seruant of Gods Church, Master Nicholas Bifield, late minister of Gods Word at Islevvorth, and by him in his life time fully perfected and transcribed, so much as is now published for the benefit of Gods Church, by his sonne, Adoniram Bifield.
London: Printed by G. M[iller] for [R. R[ounthwaite],] Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at their shop at the golden Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1626.
ESTC No. S113882.Grub Street ID 133608.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles, or, The patterne of wholesome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessitie to be belieued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie. Made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of scriptures. And withall, the seueral vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shewed. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by W. Sansby [sic], for Phile. Stephens and Christ. Meridith, dwelling at the Golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1627.
ESTC No. S120660.Grub Street ID 140288.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles or, The patterne of wholesome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessitie to be belieued vnto saluation, separated out of the bodie of all theologie. Made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of Scriptures. And withall, the seueral vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shewed. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfeild, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by W. Stansby for Phile. Stephens and Christ. Meredith, dwelling at the Golden Lyon in Pauls Churchyard, 1627.
ESTC No. S121314.Grub Street ID 140908.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or Diuers treatises, containing directions about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by T. C[otes] for R. R[ounthwaite] and are to be sold by Philemon Stephens, and Christopher Meredith,. dwelling at the Golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1628.
ESTC No. S114170.Grub Street ID 133893.
Byfield, Nicholas.
An exposition vpon the Epistle to the Collossians. Wherein, not onely the text is methodically analysed, together with the metaphrase vpon euery chapter and verse throughout, with the sence of the words, by the helpe of writers both ancient and moderne is explained. But also, by doctrine and vse, the intent of the Holy Ghost is in euery place more fully vnfolded and vrged, and besides, the verie marrow of most common-places is aptly diffused throughout the body of this exposition, as the nature of this kind of teaching would beare. And further, many chiefe cases of conscience are here resolued. All with conuenient varietie and breuitie. Being, the substance of neere seuen yeeres weeke-dayes sermons, of N. Byfield, late one of the preachers for the citie of Chester.
London: printed by William Stansby for Nathaniell Butter, and are to be sold by Robert Allot at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Beare, 1628.
ESTC No. S115631.Grub Street ID 135322.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles, or, the patterne of wholesome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be beleeued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie: made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of scriptures. And withall, the seuera vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shewed. A proiect must be desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by Io. Beale, for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, dwelling at the golden Lyon in Pauls Churchyard, 1630.
ESTC No. S113440.Grub Street ID 133175.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or, diuers treatises, containing directions about sixe of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. by N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by John Legatt, and are to bee sold by P. Stephens, and C. Meredith, at the golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S120511.Grub Street ID 140140.
Byfield, Nicholas.
[The marrow of the oracles of God].
[London: Printed by John Legat, sold by Robert Allot, 1630].
ESTC No. S122238.Grub Street ID 141793.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes, or, An essay concerning the assurance of Gods loue, and mans saluation gathered out the Holy Scriptures by Nicholas Byfield ...
London: Printed by Iohn Davvson, for Iohn Bellamy, 1632.
ESTC No. S4553.Grub Street ID 148537.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The spirituall touch-stone, or, The signes of a godly man. Drawne in so plaine and profitable manner, as all sorts of Christians may try themselues thereby. Together with directions how the weake Christian, by the vse of these signes, may establish his assurance. By Nicholas Byfield late preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex, [sic].
Printed at London: by Iohn Dawson, and are to be sold by P. Stephens and C. Meredith, at the golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1632.
ESTC No. S91268.Grub Street ID 150419.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or, Divers treatises, containing directions about sixe of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt [for R. Allot, J. Bellamy, P. Stephens, C. Meredith and H. Overton], and are to be sold by George Edwards at the signe of the Angell in Greene Arbour, 1633.
ESTC No. S112981.Grub Street ID 132726.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles, or, the patterne of wholsome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be beleeued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie: made evident by infallible and plaine proofes of scriptures. And withall, the seueral vses such principles should he [sic] put to are abundantly shewed. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by G. Miller, for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, dwelling at the golden Lyon in Pauls Churchyard, 1634.
ESTC No. S115958.Grub Street ID 135650.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or, divers treatises, containing directions about sixe of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life by N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by John Legatt, 1636.
ESTC No. S119872.Grub Street ID 139510.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles, or, the patterne of wholsome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessitie to be beleeved unto salvation, separated out of the body of all theologie: made evident by infallible and plaine proofes of Scriptures. And withall, the severall uses such principles should be put to are abundantly shewed. A project much desired, & of singular use for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by Io. Dawson, for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, dwelling at the golden Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1637.
ESTC No. S114172.Grub Street ID 133895.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes, or, An essay concerning the assurance of Gods love and mans salvation gathered out the Holy Scriptures by Nicholas Byfield ...
London: Printed by A.M. for Henry Overton, 1637.
ESTC No. S263.Grub Street ID 146999.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes, or, An essay concerning the assurance of Gods love and mans salvation gathered out of the Holy Scriptures by Nicholas Byfield ...
London: Printed by A.M. for Iohn Bellamie, 1637.
ESTC No. S1837.Grub Street ID 146247.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The signes, or, an essay concerning the assurance of Gods love and mans salvation; gathered out of the holy scriptures. By Nicholas Byfield, one of the preachers for the citie of Chester.
London: printed by A. M[athewes]. for Philemon Stephens, and Christopher meredith, 1637.
ESTC No. S91267.Grub Street ID 150418.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The spirituall touch-stone, or, The signes of a godly man. Drawne in so plaine and profitable manner, as all sorts of Christians may trie themselves thereby. Together with directions, how the weak Christian, by the use of these signes, may establish his assurance. By Nicolas Byfield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: Printed by J. Norton, for Iohn Bellamy, 1637.
ESTC No. S118321.Grub Street ID 137977.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or, Divers treatises, containing directions about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by Iohn Legatt, 1640.
ESTC No. S1069.Grub Street ID 130102.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrovv of the oracles of God. Or, divers treatises, containing directions about six of the weightiest things can concern a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London: printed by Iohn Legatt, 1647.
ESTC No. R226522.Grub Street ID 99526.
Byfield, Nicholas.
Directions for the private reading of the Scriptures; wherein besides the number of the chapters assigned to every day, the order and drift of the whole Scripture is methodically set down: and choice rules (that shew how to read with profit) are likewise given. The use whereof is shewed in the preface. By Nich: Byfeild preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex. The fourth edition. Wherein the anyalyticall tables are much and profitably inlarged, and helps prescribed to those that cannot write or read: by Jo: Geree M.A. and pastour of Saint Faiths London. Whereunto is annexed a pithy direction to reconcile places of Scripture which seem repugnant.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for P. Stephens, at the gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1648.
ESTC No. R21263.Grub Street ID 88193.
Byfield, Nicholas.
An exposition upon the Epistle to the Colossians. Wherein, not onely the text is methodically analysed, and the sense of the words, by the helpe of writers, both ancient and modern, is explained; but also, by doctrine and use, the intent of the holy Ghost is in every place more fully unfolded and urged. And besides, the very marrow of most common-places is aptly diffused throughout the body of this exposition, as the nature of this kind of teaching would beare. And further, many chiefe cases of conscience are here resolved. All with convenient variety and brevity. Being the substance of neere seven yeares weeke-dayes sermons, of N. Byfield, late one of the preachers for the city of Chester.
London: printed by Miles Flesher, and are to be sold by Ralph Smith at the signe of the Bible in Cornhill, 1649.
ESTC No. R213471.Grub Street ID 88922.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or, Divers treatises, containing directions about six of the weightiest things can concern a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London : printed by John Field, and are to be sold by Peter Dring, at the Sun in the Poultrey next door to the Rose-Tavern, 1660.
ESTC No. R30880.Grub Street ID 113717.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The marrow of the oracles of God. Or, Divers treatises, containing directions about six of the weightiest things can concern a Christian in this life. By N. Bifield, late preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
London : printed by John Field, for himself and Philip Chetwind, 1660.
ESTC No. R236814.Grub Street ID 107469.
Byfield, Nicholas.
The principles, or, The pattern of wholesome words: containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be believed unto salvation, separated out of the body of all theology: made evident by infallible and plain proofs of Scriptures. And withall, the several uses such principles should be put to, are abundandtly shewed. A project much desired, and of singular use for all sorts of Christians. By N. Byfield, preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
The seventh edition, corrected and amended..
London : printed by E.T. for Peter Dring, at the Sun in the Poultry, next door to the Rose Tavern, 1665.
ESTC No. R30881.Grub Street ID 113718.