Hieron, Samuel.
Truths purchase: or A commoditie, which no man may either neglect to buie, or dare to sell: laid forth in two sermons vpon Prov.23.23. by Samuel Hieron minister of the word, at Modburie in Deuon. Very necessary for the times, in which so few seeke after the truth, and so many fall away from the profession and practise of the truth.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1606. And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard by Simon Waterson [in London, 1606].
ESTC No. S116033.Grub Street ID 135726.
Hieron, Samuel.
The sermons of Master Samuel Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life time. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors. 1. The preachers plea. 2. An answer to a Popish rime. 3. Meditations touching death. 4. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. An helpe unto devotion. With five sermons not heretofore published.
London: printed by Iohn Legatt, [J. Beale,] [Eliot's Court Press,], 1634 (1632, 1633, 1635.).
ESTC No. S92973.Grub Street ID 151601.
Hieron, Samuel.
The preachers plea: or, A treatise in forme of a plain dialogue, making known the worth and necessary vse of preaching: shewing also how a man may profit by it, both for the informing of his iudgement, and the reforming of his life. By Samuel Hieron minister of the gospell at Modbury in the countie of Deuon.
London: Printed [by R. Field] for Simon Waterson, 1604.
ESTC No. S116029.Grub Street ID 135722.
Hieron, Samuel.
An answere to a popish ryme, lately scattered abroad in the west parts, and much relyed vpon by some simply-seduced. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the word of God, at Modbury in Deuon.
London: Printed by Simon Stafford, dwelling in Hosier lane, neere Smithfield, 1604.
ESTC No. S119038.Grub Street ID 138684.
Hieron, Samuel.
The preachers plea; or, A treatise in forme of a plaine dialogue, making known the worth and necessity of that which we call preaching: shewing also how a man may profite by it, both for the informing of his iudgement, and the reforming of his life. By Samuell Hieron minister of the Gospell at Modbury in the county of Deuon.
London: printed for Simon Waterson, 1605.
ESTC No. S122581.Grub Street ID 142114.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memorie, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuell Hieron, minister of the Gospel.
Imprinted at London: for Samuel Macham, and Mat. Cooke, and are to be sold at their shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Tygers head, 1606.
ESTC No. S124864.Grub Street ID 144163.
Hieron, Samuel.
Three sermons. 1. The good fight. Preached at the funerall of Henry Sommaster of Pens-ford in the country of Deuon, Esquire. Ian. 1606. 2. The worth of the water of life. 3. Dauids longing, and Dauids loue. By Sam. Hieron.
At Cambridge: Printed by Iohn Legate, Anno 1607.
ESTC No. S116031.Grub Street ID 135724.
Hieron, Samuel.
The Christians iournall shewing both the course to be held, and the way to be shund by all those, who desire (as they ought) to enter into life. In three sermons vpon Matthew 7.13.14. By Samuel Hieron.
At London: printed by Felix Kyngston for Thomas Man, 1607.
ESTC No. S5230.Grub Street ID 149045.
Hieron, Samuel.
The discovery of hypocrisie, in two sermons, vpon Mathew. 3. v. 10. and three other, called the perfect paterne of true conuersion, vpon Math. 13. v. 44. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the Gospel.
London: printed by T[homas]. C[reede]. for Thomas Man, 1607.
ESTC No. S5231.Grub Street ID 149046.
Hieron, Samuel.
Certaine sermons, the titles and texts whereof, are in the page following. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by T. C[reede] for Thomas Man, 1607.
ESTC No. S113030.Grub Street ID 132775.
Hieron, Samuel.
The dignitie of the Scripture togither with the indignity which the vnthankfull world offereth thereunto. In three sermons vpon Hose. 8. 12. By Samuel Hieron.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Iohn Legat printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1607. And are to be sold [in London] at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard by Simon VVaterson, [1607].
ESTC No. S119045.Grub Street ID 138691.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; & penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skil, to poure out their soules by petitions vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
Imprinted at London: by H[umphrey]. L[ownes]. for Samuel Macham, and are to be solde at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bull-head, 1608.
ESTC No. S123450.Grub Street ID 142952.
Hieron, Samuel.
Sixe sermons. The back-parts of Iehouah in foure sermons vpon Exod. Chap. 34. vers. 6.7. Cor. 1. 31. 12. Now we see through a glasse darkely. And The spirituall tillage, or, A briefe of two sermons preached vpon two places of Scripture, in which is laid forth, the different, both husbandrie and harvest of the righteous and the wicked. By Sam. Hieron.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Iohn Legate, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. And are to be sold [in London] in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crovvne, by Simon Waterson, 1608.
ESTC No. S119049.Grub Street ID 138695.
Hieron, Samuel.
The abridgement of the gospell: or The order and course of mans saluation, as it is set foorth by Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptist, Luke 1. 67. &c. and further opened in ten sermons thereupon: by Sam. Hieron.
London: Printed by M. Bradwood for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Bull-head, Anno 1609.
ESTC No. S118877.Grub Street ID 138522.
Hieron, Samuel.
The Christians iournall: shewing both the course to be held, and the way to be shund by all those, who desire (as they ought) to enter-into life. In three sermons vpon Matthewe 7. 13. 14. By Samuel Hieron.
At London: Printed by T. Creede, for Thomas Man, 1609.
ESTC No. S119042.Grub Street ID 138688.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, vvho haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petitions vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by H[umphrey]. L[ownes]. for Samuell Macham, 1610.
ESTC No. S122583.Grub Street ID 142116.
Hieron, Samuel.
The spirituall sonne-ship: as jt hath beene collected out of 1. Iohn 3.1. and deliuered in two sermons: by Samuel Hieron. Hereunto is annexed, The mariage-blessing, preached at a wedding.
At London: Printed by VVilliam Hall for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bull-head, 1611.
ESTC No. S116030.Grub Street ID 135723.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petitions vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by H. L[ownes] for Samuell Macham, 1611.
ESTC No. S120225.Grub Street ID 139861.
Hieron, Samuel.
The life and death of Dorcas. VVherein, hee that pleaseth to reade, may finde both good direction for the ordering of his course: and a necessary warning to be prepared for his end. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bulhead, 1612.
ESTC No. S116028.Grub Street ID 135721.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seueral occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by H. L[ownes] for Samuel Macham, 1612.
ESTC No. S118433.Grub Street ID 138087.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by H[umphrey]. L[ownes]. for Samuel Macham, 1613.
ESTC No. S122582.Grub Street ID 142115.
Hieron, Samuel.
The life and death of Dorcas. VVherein, hee that pleaseth to reade, may finde both good direction for the ordering of his course: and a necessary warning to be prepared for his end. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Samuel Macham, and are to be sould at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bull-head, 1613.
ESTC No. S116584.Grub Street ID 136271.
Hieron, Samuel.
The baptizing of the eunuch: in three sermons vpon Act. 8. 36. 37. 38. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Melch. Bradvvood for Samuel Macham, and are to be solde at his shop in Pauls church-yard at the signe of the Bull-head, 1613.
ESTC No. S119040.Grub Street ID 138686.
Hieron, Samuel.
The bridegroome by Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed [by M. Bradwood] for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Bull-head, 1613.
ESTC No. S115190.Grub Street ID 134885.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: Containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seurall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by H. L[ownes] for Samuel Macham, 1614.
ESTC No. S114942.Grub Street ID 134644.
Hieron, Samuel.
All the sermons of Samuel Hieron, minister of Gods Word, at Modbury in Deuon. heretofore sunderly published, now diligently reuised, and collected together into one volume. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors, 1 The preachers plea. 2 An answer to a popish rime. 3 The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 4 An helpe vnto deuotion.
Printed at London: By Iohn Legatt, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge [for Thomas Man, Samuel Macham, Cantrell Legge, and Simon Waterson; sold by Macham], 1614.
ESTC No. S119616.Grub Street ID 139256.
Hieron, Samuel.
The dignitie of preaching: in a sermon vpon 1. Thessal. 5.20. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by Felix Kyngston for VVilliam Welby, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard, 1615.
ESTC No. S120671.Grub Street ID 140299.
Hieron, Samuel.
Certaine usefull meditations touching death: collected out of St. Pauls words. By Sam. Hieron.
[London]: printed by H. L[ownes]. for Sa. Macham, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Bull-head, 1615.
ESTC No. S92974.Grub Street ID 151602.
Hieron, Samuel.
Three sermons ful of necessarie aduertisments and gracious comforts, for all those whose care is to worke out their owne saluation with feare and trembling. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Iohn Smith: and are to be solde at his shop vnder Saint Mildreds Church in the Poutrie, 1615.
ESTC No. S92985.Grub Street ID 151609.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by H[umphrey] L[owndes] for Samuel Macham, 1615.
ESTC No. S123531.Grub Street ID 143018.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrines triall: shewing both the necessity and the way of trying what is taught, in a sermon vpon 1 Thess.5.21. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for William Butler [jun.]; and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1616.
ESTC No. S116279.Grub Street ID 135968.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: printed by H. Lownes, for Tymothie Barlow, 1616.
ESTC No. S92978.Grub Street ID 151604.
Hieron, Samuel.
Three sermons ful of necessarie aduertisements, and gracious comforts, for all those whose care is to worke out their owne saluation with feare and trembling. By Sam. Hieron.
London: Printed by B. A[lsop] for Richard Woodroffe: and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Golden Key, 1616.
ESTC No. S118435.Grub Street ID 138089.
Hieron, Samuel.
The dignity of preaching: in a sermon vpon I. Thessal. 5. 20. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by F. K[ingston] for W. Welby, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Svvanne in Pauls Church-yard, 1616.
ESTC No. S120293.Grub Street ID 139929.
Hieron, Samuel.
The Christians liue-loode. Laid forth in a sermon vpon Math. 6. 33. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Edward Griffin for William Butler, and are to be sold at his shop vnder S. Dunstanes Church in Fleet-street, 1617.
ESTC No. S117032.Grub Street ID 136709.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
At London: Printed by Edward Griffin, for Joyce Macham Widdow, 1617.
ESTC No. S120227.Grub Street ID 139863.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuel Hieron minister of the Gospell.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale, for Ioyce Macham widow, 1617.
ESTC No. S113045.Grub Street ID 132789.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion. Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam: Hieron.
London: printed by I. Beale, for Ioyce Macham widdow, 1618.
ESTC No. S92979.Grub Street ID 151605.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion. Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Sam. Hieron.
London: printed by J. Beale, for Ioyce Macham widdow, 1618.
ESTC No. S5236.Grub Street ID 149050.
Hieron, Samuel.
The. vvorldlings, downefall. by Samuell Hieron.
Printed at London: By Iohn White, for Thomas Langley, and are to be sould at his shop ouer against the Sarazens-head without Newgate, 1618.
ESTC No. S113034.Grub Street ID 132779.
Hieron, Samuel.
The spirituall fishing. A sermon preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine, Mr Samuel Hieron. Printed by the true copie written with his owne hands a little before his decease. Luke 5. vers. 10. The last words of the verse.
At London: Printed by Iohn Beale, for widow Helme, and are to bee sold at her shop vnder St Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1618.
ESTC No. S119051.Grub Street ID 138697.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion. Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed by J. Beale, for Ioyce Macham widdow, 1620.
ESTC No. S126845.Grub Street ID 145711.
Hieron, Samuel.
The sermons of Master Samuell Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life-time. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors, 1. The preachers plea. 2. An answere to a popish rime. 3. Meditations touching death. 4. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 5. An helpe vnto deuotion. With fiue other of his sermons hereunto annexed.
At London: printed by Iohn Beale [and Iohn Legatt for Thomas Man, Ioyce Macham, Cantrell Legge, and Simon Waterson], 1620.
ESTC No. S125020.Grub Street ID 144310.
Hieron, Samuel.
The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon. The second volume.
London: Printed by Wi: Stansby and are to be sold by I. Parker, [1620?].
ESTC No. S119608.Grub Street ID 139248.
Hieron, Samuel.
The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon. The second volume.
London: printed by Wi: Stansby and are to be sold by I. Parker, [1620].
ESTC No. S119610.Grub Street ID 139250.
Hieron, Samuel.
The sermons of Master Samuel Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life time. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors. 1. The preachers plea. 2. An answer to a popish rime. 3. Meditations touching death. 4. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 5. An helpe vnto deuotion. With fiue sermons not heretofore published.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt [, John Beale, and J[ohn] D[awson] for Joyce Macham, Thomas Man, Cantrell Legge, and Simon Waterson; to be sold by Thomas Pavier, John Bellamie, and Simon Waterson], 1620.
ESTC No. S119618.Grub Street ID 139258.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion, Containing certaine moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seurall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Io. Beale, for Ioyce Macham widdow, 1622.
ESTC No. S117667.Grub Street ID 137334.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion. Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed by Jo. Beale, for Ioyce Macham widdow, 1625.
ESTC No. S92982.Grub Street ID 151607.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill, to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed by Io. Beale, and are to be sold by George Latham, 1625.
ESTC No. S120230.Grub Street ID 139866.
Hieron, Samuel.
The sermons of Master Samuel Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life time. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors. 1. The preachers plea. 2. An answer to a popish rime. 3. Meditations touching death. 4. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 5. An helpe vnto deuotion. With fiue sermons not heretofore published.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt [, John Beale, and J[ohn] D[awson] for Joyce Macham, Thomas Man, Cantrell Legge, and Simon Waterson; to be sold by Thomas Pavier, John Bellamie, and Simon Waterson], 1624 [i.e. 1625].
ESTC No. S119573.Grub Street ID 139212.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuel Hieron minister of the Gospell.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale, 1626.
ESTC No. S116921.Grub Street ID 136607.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto Deuotion. Containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill to poure out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed by Io. Beale, and are to be sold by william Lee, 1628.
ESTC No. S92983.Grub Street ID 151608.
Hieron, Samuel.
The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon.
London: printed by William Stansby, [1628?].
ESTC No. S125467.Grub Street ID 144706.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacitie, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authoritie. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the Gospell.
London: Printed by Iohn Hauiland, and are to be sold by Iohn Grismond, 1628.
ESTC No. S120222.Grub Street ID 139858.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authoritie. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the Gospell.
London: printed by Iohn Hauiland, and are to be sold by Iohn Grismond, 1630.
ESTC No. S92976.Grub Street ID 151603.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion[:] containing certaine moulds, or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill to powre out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed by Io: Beale, and are to bee sold by Iames Bowler, at the Marigold in Pauls Church yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S125241.Grub Street ID 144493.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto deuotion: containing certaine moulds, or formes of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skill to powre out their soules by petition vnto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale, 1632.
ESTC No. S123088.Grub Street ID 142611.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuel Hieron minister of the Gospell.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale, for Samuel Macham, 1632.
ESTC No. S118052.Grub Street ID 137717.
Hieron, Samuel.
The vvorkes of Mr. Sam. Hieron. late pastor of Modbury in Devon. The second uolume [sic].
London: Printed by William Stansby, 1634.
ESTC No. S122938.Grub Street ID 142464.
Hieron, Samuel.
The sermons of Master Samuell Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life-time. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors, 1. The preachers plea. 2. An answer to a popish rime. 3. Meditations touching death. 4. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 5. An helpe vnto deuotion. With fiue other sermons hereunto annexed.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale [, Thomas Man, and John Legat [i.e. Eliot's Court Press] for Joyce Macham, the assigns of Thomas Man, Samuell Macham, and Simon Waterson; sold by Waterson], 1635.
ESTC No. S119637.Grub Street ID 139277.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuel Hieron minister of the Gospell.
London: Printed by Iohn Beale, 1635.
ESTC No. S116922.Grub Street ID 136608.
Hieron, Samuel.
The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon.
London: Printed by William Stansby and Iohn Beale, [1635?].
ESTC No. S119592.Grub Street ID 139231.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto devotion: containing certaine moulds, or formes of prayer, fitted to severall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire than skill to powre out their soules by petition unto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: Printed by John Beale, 1635.
ESTC No. S118053.Grub Street ID 137718.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe vnto devotion: containing certaine moulds, or formes of prayer, fitted to severall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire than skill to powre out their soules by petition unto God. By Samvel Hieron.
London: printed by John Beale, M. DC. XXXVI. [1636].
ESTC No. S124865.Grub Street ID 144164.
Hieron, Samuel.
A helpe unto devotion: containing certaine moulds, or forms of prayer, fitted to severall occasions: and penned for the furtherance of those, who have more desire then skill to powre out their soules by peition unto God. By Samuel Hieron.
London: printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1650.
ESTC No. R216459.Grub Street ID 91350.
Hieron, Samuel.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ: Short for memory, plain for capacity, delivered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the Gospel.
London: printed for H. Robinson at the three Pigeons in Pauls Church yard, 1658.
ESTC No. R220349.Grub Street ID 94735.
Hieron, Samuel.
Fair-play on both sides: or, the surest way to heaven. Discovered in a dispute between a Roman-Catholick, and a Protestant.
London : printed for Richard Head, at the Heart and Bible in Little-Brittain, 1666.
ESTC No. R224206.Grub Street ID 97919.
Hieron, Samuel.
The Protestant mirrour, in proper postures and principles: or, The careful resident, and the careless non-resident.
London : printed for Tho. Cross, seignior; in Harp-Court, neer Fleet-Bridge, 1681.
ESTC No. R213455.Grub Street ID 88907.