Markham, Gervase.
How to chuse, ride, traine, and diet, both hunting-horses and running horses. With all the secrets thereto belonging discouered: an arte neuer heere-to-fore written by any author. Also, a discourse of horsmanship, wherein the breeding, and ryding of horses for seruice, in breefe manner, is more methodically sette downe then hath beene heeretofore: with a more easie and direct course for the ignorant, to attaine to the said arte or knowledge. Together with a newe addition for the cure of horses diseases, of what kinde or nature soeuer.
At London: printed by J[ames] R[oberts] for Richard Smith, and are to bee solde at his shoppe at the west-doore of Poules [sic for Paules], Anno. Dom. 1595.
ESTC No. S123512.Grub Street ID 143000.
Markham, Gervase.
The poem of poems. Or, Sions muse, contayning the diuine song of King Salomon, deuided into eight eclogues.
At London: Printed by Iames Roberts for Mathew Lownes, and are to be solde at his shop in Saint Dunstones Church, [1596].
ESTC No. S119690.Grub Street ID 139329.
Markham, Gervase.
Marie Magdalens lamentations for the losse of her master Iesus.
London: Printed by Adam Islip for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop, dwelling at the little north dore of Paules, at the signe of the Gun, 1601.
ESTC No. S121922.Grub Street ID 141484.
Markham, Gervase.
Cauelarice or The English horse-man: containing all the art of horse-manship as much as is necessary for any man to vnderstand, whether hee be horse-breeder, horse-rider, horse-hunter, horse-runner, horse-ambler, horse-farrier, horse-keeper, coachman, smith, or sadler. Together, with a discouerie of the subtill trade or mistery of horse-coursers, & explanation of the excellency of horses vnderstanding: or how to teach the[m] to doe trickes like Banks his curtall: and that horses may bee made to draw dry-foot like a hound. Secrets before vnpublished, & now carefully set down for the profit of this whole nation.
London: printed [by Edward Allde and William Jaggard] for Ed: White, and are to bee solde at his shoppe nere the little north doore of Saint Paules-Church, at the signe of the Gunne, 1607.
ESTC No. S126809.Grub Street ID 145684.
Markham, Gervase.
Cauelarice, or The English horseman: contayning all the arte of horse-manship, as much as is necessary for any man to vnderstand, whether he be horse-breeder, horse-ryder, horse-hunter, horse-runner, horse-ambler, horse-farrier, horse-keeper, coachman, smith, or sadler. Together, with the discouery of the subtill trade or mistery of horse-coursers, & an explanatio[n] of the excellency of a horses vndersta[n]ding, or how to teach them to doe trickes like Bankes his curtall: and that horses may be made to drawe drie-foot like a hound. Secrets before vnpublished, & now carefully set down for the profit of this whole nation: by Geruase Markham.
[London: Printed [by Edward Allde and W. Jaggard] for Edward White, and are to be solde at his shop neare the little north doore of Saint Paules Church at the signe of the Gun, 1607].
ESTC No. S120787.Grub Street ID 140415.
Markham, Gervase.
The English arcadia, alluding his beginning from Sir Philip Sydnes ending. By Iaruis Markham.
London: printed by Edward Allde, and are to be solde by Henrie Rocket, at Saint Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, 1607.
ESTC No. S94111.Grub Street ID 152458.
Markham, Gervase.
The shape and porportion of a perfit horse, together with the three anotomies of horses bodies: that is to say, the anotomy of veines, the anotomy of bones and sinewes and the anotomy of bones. Moste necessarie for all horse-men whatsoeuer: as both teaching a man to know all the members and parts of a horse, and the way to finde out all sorances and imperfections in a horse, where they breede, and how they grow.
Imprinted at London: for Edward White, and are to be solde neere the little north doore of Saint Poules-Church at the signe of the Gun, 1607.
ESTC No. S94119.Grub Street ID 152461.
Markham, Gervase.
The shape and porportion of a perfect horse, together with the three anotomies of horses bodies: that is to say, the anotomy of vei[nes], the anotomy of bones and sinewes and the anotomy of bones. Moste necessarie for all horse-men w[hatso]euer: as both teaching a man to know all the members and parts of a horse, and the way to finde [out all] sorancews and imperfections in a horse, where they breede, and how they grow.
[London: for E. White, 1607].
ESTC No. S94120.Grub Street ID 152462.
Markham, Gervase.
The dumbe knight. A historicall comedy, acted sundry times by the children of his Maiesties Reuels.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Iohn Bache, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace, neere to the Royall Exchange, 1608.
ESTC No. S112116.Grub Street ID 131881.
Markham, Gervase.
The dumbe knight. A pleasant comedy, acted sundry times by the children of his Maiesties Reuels. Written by Iaruis Markham.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Iohn Bache, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace, neere to the Royall Exchange, 1608.
ESTC No. S112118.Grub Street ID 131883.
Markham, Gervase.
The dumbe knight. A historical comedy, acted sundry times by the children of his Maiesties Reuelles.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Iohn Bache, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace, neere to the Royall Exchange, 1608.
ESTC No. S114226.Grub Street ID 133946.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece. Or, VVhat doth a horse-man lacke. Containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses; drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being deuided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall. The second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Geruase Markham Gentleman.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by VVilliam VVelby, dwelling at the signe of the white Swan in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1610.
ESTC No. S112155.Grub Street ID 131919.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece. Or, What doth a horse-man lacke. Containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses; drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being deuided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall. The second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke. Reade me, practise me, and admire me. Written by Geruase Markham gentleman.
London: printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Arthur Iohnson, dwelling at the signe of the white Horse neere to the great North doore of S. Pauls Church, 1610.
ESTC No. S4777.Grub Street ID 148712.
Markham, Gervase.
The English husbandman. The first part: contayning the knowledge of the true nature of euery soyle within this kingdome: how to plow it; and the manner of the plough, and other instruments belonging thereto. Together with the art of planting, grafting, and gardening after our latest and rarest fashion. A worke neuer written before by any author: and now newly compiled for the benefit of this kingdome. By G.M.
London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Iohn Browne, and are to be sould at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, 1613.
ESTC No. S112063.Grub Street ID 131828.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the vvell-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Contayning the natures, breeding, choyse, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goates, swine, and tame-conies. Also, approued rules, for the cramming, and fatting, of all sorts of poultrie, and fowles, both tame and wilde, &c. And diuers good and well-approued medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes, of what kinde soeuer. Together, with the vse and profit of bees: the making of fishponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of this whole realme, by exact and assured experience from English practises, both certaine, easie, and cheape: differing from all former and forraine experiments, which eyther agreed not with our clime, or were too hard to come by, or ouer-costly, to little purpose: all which herein are auoyded.
London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Roger Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreet, neere the great Conduit, 1614.
ESTC No. S112022.Grub Street ID 131787.
Markham, Gervase.
The second booke of the English husbandman. Contayning the ordering of the kitchin-garden, and the planting of strange flowers: the breeding of all manner of cattell. Together with the cures, the feeding of cattell, the ordering both of pastures and meddow-ground: with the vse both of high-wood and vnder-wood. Whereunto is added a treatise, called Good mens recreation: contayning a discourse of the generall art of fishing, with the angle, and otherwise; and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together vvith the choyce, ordering, breeding, and dyeting of the fighting cocke. A worke neuer written before by any author. By G.M.
London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Iohn Browne, and are to be sould at his shop in S. Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1614.
ESTC No. S112058.Grub Street ID 131823.
Markham, Gervase.
A schoole for young souldiers containing in breife the whole discipline of vvarre, especially so much as is meet for captaine to teach, or the souldior to learne, that is, to trayne or to bee trayned : fit to be taught throughout England.
London: Printed for Iohn Trundle dwelling in Barbican at the signe of Nobody, [1615].
ESTC No. S3327.Grub Street ID 147591.
Markham, Gervase.
Countrey contentments, in two bookes: the first, containing the whole art of riding great horses in very short time, with the breeding, breaking, dyeting and ordring of them, and of running, hunting and ambling horses, with the manner how to vse them in their trauell. Likewise in two newe treatises the arts of hunting, hawking, coursing of grey-hounds with the lawes of the leash, shooting, bowling, tennis, baloone &c. By G.M. The second intituled, The English husvvife: containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman: as her phisicke, cookery, banqueting-stuffe, distillation, perfumes, wooll, hemp, flaxe, dairies, brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke very profitable and necessary for the generall good of this kingdome.
Printed at London: By I[ohn] B[eale] for R. Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet-street Conduit, 1615.
ESTC No. S112047.Grub Street ID 131812.
Markham, Gervase.
The second booke of the English husbandman. Contayning the ordering of the kitchin-garden, and the planting of strange flowers: the breeding of all manner of cattell. Together with the cures, the feeding of cattell, the ordering both of pastures and meddow-ground: with the vse both of high-wood and vnder-wood. Whereunto is added a treatise, called Good mens recreation: contayning a discourse of the generall art of fishing, with the angle, and otherwise; and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together vvith the choyce, ordering, breeding, and dyeting of the fighting cocke. A worke neuer written before by any author. By G.M.
London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Iohn Browne, and are to be sould at his shop in S. Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1615.
ESTC No. S112067.Grub Street ID 131832.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams methode, or epitome: wherein is shevved his approoued remedies for all diseases whatsoeuer, incident to horses, oxen, kine, buls, calues, sheepe, lambs, goats, swine, dogs of all kinde, conies, all sorts of poultrie, all water-fowle, as geese, ducks, swans, and th like, pigeons, all singing birds, hawks of all kinde; and other creatures seruiceable for the vse of man. Deuided into twelue generall points or heads. By Gervase Markham. Gentleman.
Printed at London: By T. S[nodham] for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop right against the Conduit in Fleete-streete, 1616.
ESTC No. S121263.Grub Street ID 140857.
Markham, Gervase.
Hobsons horse-load of letters: or, A president for epistles. The first part. Being a most exact method for men, of what quality soeuer, how to indight, according to the forme of these times, whether it be for serious negotiations, priuate businesses, amorous accompliment, wanton merriment, or the defence of honour and reputation. A worke different from all former publications, and not vnworthy the eyes of the most noblest spirits.
London: Printed by G[eorge] P[urslow] for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery-lane, neere Serieants Inne, 1617.
ESTC No. S112099.Grub Street ID 131864.
Markham, Gervase.
Caualarice, or The English horseman: contayning all the art of horse-manship, asmuch as is necessary for any man to vnderstand, whether hee be horse-breeder, horse-ryder, horse-hunter, horse-runner, horse-ambler, horse-farrier, horse-keeper, coachman, smith, or sadler. Together, with the discouery of the subtil trade or mystery of hors-coursers, and an explanation of the excellency of a horses vnderstanding: or how to teach the[m] to do trickes like Bankes his curtall: and that horses may be made to draw dry-foot like a hound. Secret before vnpublished, & now carefully set downe for the profit of this whole nation: newly imprinted, corrected & augmented, with many worthy secrets not before knowne: by Geruase Markham.
[London: Printed by Edward Allde for Edward White, 1617].
ESTC No. S112112.Grub Street ID 131878.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams farwell to husbandry or, The inriching of all sorts of barren and sterill grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse, and grasse as the best grounds whatsoeuer: together with the anoyances, and preseruation of all graine and seede, from one yeare to many yeares. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels dayly labours, their expences, charges, and vttermost profits. Attained by trauell and experience, being a worke neuer before handled by any author: and published for the good of the whole kingdome.
London: Printed by I[ohn] B[eale and Augustine Mathewes] for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleete-streete Conduit, 1620.
ESTC No. S112107.Grub Street ID 131873.
Markham, Gervase.
Hungers preuention: or, The whole arte of fovvling by vvater and land. Containing all the secrets belonging to that arte, and brought into a true forme or method, by which the most ignorant may know how to take any kind of fowle, either by land or water. Also, exceeding necessary and profitable for all such as trauell by sea, and come into vninhabited places: especially, all those that haue any thing to doe with new plantations. By Geruase Markham.
London: Printed by A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Anne Helme and Thomas Langley, and are to be sold at their shops in Saint Dunstons Church yard, and ouer against the Sarazens head without Newgate, 1621.
ESTC No. S112097.Grub Street ID 131862.
Markham, Gervase.
A second part to the mothers blessing: or a cure against misfortunes. Diuided into certaine principall receipts, to cure the mind of man. By G.M.
London: printed by G[eorge]. P[urslowe]. for Thomas Dewe, and are to be sold in S. Dunstans Church-yard, 1622.
ESTC No. S125738.Grub Street ID 144970.
Markham, Gervase.
The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater: with the death of faire Marriam. According to Iosephus, the learned and famous Iewe. As it hath beene, of late, diuers times publiquely acted (with great applause) at the Red Bull, by the Company of his Maiesties Reuels. Written b Geruase Markham, and William Sampson. Gentlemen.
London: Printed by G. Eld, for Mathevv Rhodes, and are to bee sold at his shop at the vpper end of the Old Bayly, neere Newgate, 1622.
ESTC No. S112199.Grub Street ID 131963.
Markham, Gervase.
The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater: with the death of faire Marriam. According to Iosephus, the learned and famous Iew. As it hath beene, diuers times publiquely acted (with great applause) at the Red Ball, by the company of his Maiesties reuils. Written by Geruase Markham, and William Sampson. Gentlemen.
At London: Printed by G[eorge] Eld, for Mathevv Rhodes, and are to be sold at his shop at the vpper end of the Old Bayly .., 1622.
ESTC No. S114043.Grub Street ID 133766.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get vvealth: containing the foure principal offices which support and maintaine a familie. As first, the husbanding and inriching of all sorts of grounds, ... and a computation of men and cattles labors. Secondly, the ordering and curing, ... as also the riding and dieting of horses, either for warre or pleasure. Thirdly, the office of the English housewife in physicke, ... and the profit of oates. Fourthly, the office of planting and grafting, ... with the husbanding of bees, and other things of that nature. The first three bookes gathered by G. M. The last by Master William Lawson for the benefit of the empire of Great Britaine. And all these newly corrected and augmented by the authors.
Printed at London: for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet-Street Conduit, 1623.
ESTC No. S94121.Grub Street ID 152463.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the vvell-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Contayning the natures, breeding, choise, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goates, swine, and tame-conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great-horses, with the breaking and ordering of them: and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to vse them in their trauaile. Also, approued rules, for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry and fowles, ... Together with the vse and profit of bees: the making of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of this whole realme, by exact and assured experience from English practises, both certaine, easie, and cheape: differing from all former and forraine experiments, which eyther agreed not with our clime, or were too hard to come by, or ouer-costly, and to li.
London: printed by T[homas]. S[nodham]. for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere the Conduit in Fleetstreet, 1623.
ESTC No. S112039.Grub Street ID 131804.
Markham, Gervase.
Countrey contentments, or The English husvvife. Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles, banqueting-stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preseruing of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, oats, their excellent vses in a family, brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke generally approued, and now much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessarie for all men, and dedicated to the honour of the noble house of Exceter, and the generall good of this kingdome. By G.M.
Printed at London: by I[ohn]. B[eale]., for R. Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet-streete Conduit, 1623.
ESTC No. S112049.Grub Street ID 131814.
Markham, Gervase.
Honour in his perfection: or, A treatise in commendations of the vertues and renowned vertuous vndertakings of the illustrious and heroyicall princes Henry Earle of Oxenford. Henry Earle of Southampton, Robert Earle of Essex, and the euer praise-worthy and much honoured Lord, Robert Bartue, Lord Willoughby, of Eresby: with a briefe cronology of theirs, and their auncestours actions. And to the eternall memory of all that follow them now, or will imitate them hereafter, especially those three noble instances, the Lord Wriouthesley, the Lord Delaware, and the Lord Montioy.
London: Printed by B. Alsop, for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1624.
ESTC No. S112100.Grub Street ID 131866.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams farwell to husbandry or, The inriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse, and grasse, as the best grounds whatsoeuer: together with the annoyances, and preseruation of all graine and seede from one yeare to many yeares. As also a husbandly computation of mens and cattels dayly labours, their expences, charges, and vttermost profits. Newly reuiewed, corrected, and amended: together with many new additions, and cheape experiments: for the bettering of arable pasture, and woody grounds of making good all grounds againe, spoiled with ouerflowing of salt water by sea-breaches, as also the inriching of the hop garden, and many other things neuer published before.
London: Printed by M. F[lesher]. for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet-streete Conduit, 1625.
ESTC No. S112109.Grub Street ID 131875.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get vvealth, by approued rules of practice in good husbandry and huswifrie containing the foure principall offices which support and maintaine a familie as first, the husbanding and inriching of all sorts of grounds ..., secondly, the ordering and curing, with the natures, breeding, choice, vse, and feeding of all sorts of cattell and fowle ..., thirdly, the office of the English housewife in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles ..., fourthly, the office of planting and grafting, and the inriching of grounds for that purpose ... the first three booke gathered by G.M., the last by Mr. William Lawson ; for the benefit of the empire of Great Britaine ; and all these newly corrected and augmented by the authors.
Printed at London: For Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleetstreet conduit, 1625.
ESTC No. S4381.Grub Street ID 148404.
Markham, Gervase.
The souldiers grammar containing, the high, necessarie, and most curious rules of the art militarie : as first, whether it be in great motions in generall? or foote motions especially?, or motions of horse, generall, or speciall?, the ranges of foote, or horse?, the ranges of officers, the seuerall imbattailings of foote, and horse, the imbattailing of a regiment, the ioyning of many regiments, or the forming of maine battailes, of any extent, or number, with their formes, and figures, in liuely demonstration, &c. by G.M. ... ; vnto which, is added the Booke of postures, according to that which is ordered by the lords of His Maiesties most honorable Priuie Counsell.
Printed at London: For William Shefford, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes-head Alley, going into Lumbard Street, 1626.
ESTC No. S2808.Grub Street ID 147148.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams methode, or epitome, wherein is shewed his approued remedies for all diseases whatsoeuer, incident to horses, and they almost 300. all cured with twelue medicines onely, not of twelue pence cost, and to be got commonly euery where. Also for curing of all oxen, kine, buls, calues, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs, of all kind, comies, all sorts of poultrie, all water-fowle, as geese, ducks, swans, and the like, pigeons, all singing birds, hawkes of all kinde: and other creatures seruiceable for the vse of man. Diuided into twelue generall points or heads By Gervas Markham, gentleman.
Printed at London: for Michael Sparke, dwelling in Greene-Arbor, 1628.
ESTC No. S94115.Grub Street ID 152460.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams faithful farrier. VVherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approued secrets of horsemanship which the author neuer published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath been the glory of his practise. By Captaine Gervas Markham.
London: printed by T. Cotes and R. Cotes for Michael Sparke at the Blew Bible in Green-Arbor, 1629.
ESTC No. S94112.Grub Street ID 152459.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams faithfull farrier. Wherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approued secrets of horsemanship, which the author neuer published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath beene the glory of his practise.
Printed at London: By T[homas] C[otes] for Michael Sparke, dwelling in Greene Arbor, and are to be sold by Rich: Royston, at his shop in Iuie Lane, 1630.
ESTC No. S1627.Grub Street ID 146049.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get wealth: containing the sixe principall vocations or callings, in which everie good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As first, the natures ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattle and fowle, ... Secondly the knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meete for a gentleman. Thirdly, the office of the housewife, ... Fourthly, the enrichment of the weald in Kent. Fiftly, the husbanding, and enriching of all sorts of barraine grounds, ... Sixtly, the making of orchards, ... The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of great Britane.
Printed at London: By Nicholas Okes for John Harrison, at the golden Vnicorne in Pater noster-Row, 1631.
ESTC No. S112108.Grub Street ID 131874.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams farewell to husbandry or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse, and grasse, as the best grounds whatsoeuer: together with the annoyances, and preseruation of all graine and seede, from one yeare to many yeares. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels dayly labours, their expeneces [sic], charges, and vtmost profits, now newly the third time, reuised, corrected, and amended together with many new additions, and cheape experiments: for the bettering of arabl pasture, and wooddy grounds: of making good all grounds againe, spoyled with ouerflowing of salt water by sea-breaches, as also the inriching of the hop-garden, and many other things neuer published before.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, at the signe of the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1631.
ESTC No. S112113.Grub Street ID 131879.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Contayning the natures, breeding, choise, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goates, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great-horses ... and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse ... Also, approued rules, for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry and fowles ... Together with the vse and profit of bees: the making of fish-ponds, an the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of this whole realme, ... differing from all former and forraine experiments, which eyther agreed not with our clime, or were to too [sic] hard to come by, or ouer-costly, and to little purpose: all which herein ar auoyded. Newly corrected and inlarged with many excellent aditions, as may appeare by this marke.
London: printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster-row, 1631.
ESTC No. S121247.Grub Street ID 140841.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece. Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approoued experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being diuided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall: the sceond all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and quallity of euery simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Geruase Markham, Gent.
Imprinted at London: By Nicholas Okes and are to be sold by Nicholas Fussell and Humphrey Mosley, at the signe of the Ball in Paules Church-yard, 1631.
ESTC No. S112164.Grub Street ID 131928.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments: or, The husbandmans recreations. Contayning the wholesome experiences, in which any man ought to recreate himselfe after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds and the lawes of the lease, shooting i long-bowe or cros-bowe, bowling, tennis, baloone. The whole art of angling, and the vse of the fighting cocke. By G M.
London: printed by Nicholas Okes, for Iohn Harison, at the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1631.
ESTC No. S112050.Grub Street ID 131815.
Markham, Gervase.
The dumbe knight. An historicall comedy acted sundry times by the Children of his Maiesties Revells.
London: printed by A[ugustine]. M[athewes]. for William Sheares, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Chancery-Lane, neere Serieants Inne, 1633.
ESTC No. S112119.Grub Street ID 131884.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get vvealth containing six principal vocations or callings, in which euery good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselues, as I. The natures ordering, curing, breeding, choise use, and feeding of all sorts of cattle and fowle ..., II. The knowledge, vse, and laudable practise of all the recreations meet for a gentleman, III. The office of housewife, in physicke, surgery, extraction of oyles ..., IV. The enrichment of the weald in Kent, V. The husbanding, and enriching of all sorts of barraine grounds ..., VI. The making of orchards, planting, and grafting ... the first fiue books gathered by G.M., the last by Master W.L. ; for the benefit of Great Britaine.
Printed at London: For Iohn Harrison ..., [1633?].
ESTC No. S4382.Grub Street ID 148405.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments: or, The husbandmans recreations. Contayning the wholsome experiences in which any man ought to recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds, and the lawes of the lease, shooting in longbow or crosbow, bowling, tennis, baloone. The whole art of angling, and the vse of the fighting cock. By G.M.
London: Printed by Thomas Harper for Iohn Harison, at the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1633.
ESTC No. S120910.Grub Street ID 140522.
Markham, Gervase.
The art of archerie. Shewing how it is most necessary in these times for this kingdome, both in peace and war, and how it may be done without charge to the country, trouble to the people, or any hinderance to necessary occasions. Also, of the discipline, the postures, an whatsoever else is necessarie for the attayning to the art.
London: Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] and T[homas] F[awcett] for Ben: Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Talbot without Aldersgate, 1634.
ESTC No. S111944.Grub Street ID 131707.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams Faithfull farrier vvherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approoved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath beene the glory of his practise.
Printed at London: By T. C[otes] for Michael Sparke, and are to be sold at the blue Bible in Greene Arbour, 1635.
ESTC No. S114535.Grub Street ID 134244.
Markham, Gervase.
The English husbandman, drawne into two bookes, and each booke into tvvo parts. The first part contayning the knowledge of husbandly duties, the nature of all sorts of soiles within this kingdome, the manner of tillage, the diversity of ploughes, and all other instruments. The second part containing the art of planting, grafting, and gardening, the vse of the vine, the hopgarden, and the preservation of all sorts of fruits, the draught of all sorts of knots, mazes, and other ornaments. Newlie reviewed, corrected, and inlarged by the first author, G.M.
London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes and John Norton] for William Sheares, and are to be sold at his shops in Britaines Bursse, and neere Yorke-house, 1635.
ESTC No. S112064.Grub Street ID 131829.
Markham, Gervase.
The English husbandman, drawne into two bookes, and each booke into two parts. The first part contayning the knowledge of husbandly duties, the nature of all sorts of soiles within this kingdome, the manner of tillage, the diversity of ploughes, and all other instruments The second part containing the art of planting, grafting, and gardening, the vse of the vine, the hopgarden, and the preservation of all sorts of fruits, the draught of all sorts of knots, mazes, and other ornaments. Newlie reviewed, corrected, and inlarged by the first author, G.M.
London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes and John Norton] for Henry Taunton, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1635.
ESTC No. S112073.Grub Street ID 131838.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece. Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being divided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever. Together with the true nature, vse, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the fifth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus [pointing hand]. Written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
Imprinted at London: by Nicholas and Iohn Okes, dwelling in the well yard in little St. Bartholmews neere the Hospitall Gate, 1636.
ESTC No. S112168.Grub Street ID 131932.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travaile. Also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry and fowles [...] Together with the use and profit of bees, the making of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of this whole realme [...] differing from all former and forraine experiments, which either agreed not with our clime, or were to hard to come by, or over-costly, and to little purpose: all which herein are avoyded.
Printed at London: By Anne Griffin, for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster-row, 1631 [i.e. 1637?].
ESTC No. S120836.Grub Street ID 140464.
Markham, Gervase.
The English house-wife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physick, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyles, banquetting stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distilations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, and dying: the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, of oates, their excellent uses in a family, of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke generally approved, and now the fifth time much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the generall good of this Kingdome. By G.M.
London: Printed by Anne Griffin for Iohn Harrison, at the Golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1637.
ESTC No. S120592.Grub Street ID 140221.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get vvealth: containing sixe principall vocations or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattell and fowle ... II. The knowledge, use, and laudable practise of all the recreations meete for a gentleman. III. The office of a housewife ... IV. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. V. The husbanding, and enriching of all sorts of barren grounds ... VI. The making of orchards ... The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of Great Britaine.
London: Printed by E[dward] G[riffin] for John Harison, and are to be sold at the Golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster Rowe, 1638.
ESTC No. S112152.Grub Street ID 131916.
Markham, Gervase.
The souldiers exercise: in three bookes. Containing most necessary and curious rules for the exact mustering both of horse-troopes, and foote-bands, with severall formes of battailes described in figures. A worke fit to bee studied, and meet for the knowledge of captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers, and generous spirits that love the honourable practise of armes. By G. Markham.
London: printed by Iohn Norton, for Iohn Bellamy, Hugh Perry, and Henry Overton, 1639.
ESTC No. S112105.Grub Street ID 131871.
Markham, Gervase.
The complete farriar, or The kings high-way to horsmanship. Experimentally unfolding 1. The dyeting and governing of the running horse. 2. How to order, feed, and keep any horse for war, pleasure, hunting, or travell. 3. How to know the age of any horse. Lastly, certaine rare and approved secrets for the cure of the worst infirmities in horses. By G. Markam.
London: Printed by I. D[awson] for R. Young, and are sold by P. Nevill in Ivie-lane, 1639.
ESTC No. S121248.Grub Street ID 140842.
Markham, Gervase.
The souldiers grammar. Contayning the high, necessary, and most curious rules of the art militarie. As first, Whether it be in great motions in generall? Or foot motions especially. Or motions of horse, generall, or speciall? The ranges of foot or horse? The ranges of officers. The severall imbattailings of foot, and horse. The imbattailing of a regiment. The ioyning of many regiments. Or the forming of maine battailes, of any extent, or number; with their formes, and figures, in lively demonstration, &c.
Printed at London: [by Iohn Norton] for [Iohn Bellamy, Hugh Perry, and] Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head alley, going into Lumbard Street, 1639.
ESTC No. S1628.Grub Street ID 146050.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams method or epitome wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300, all cured with twelue medicines onely, not of twelue pence cost, and to be got commonly euery where ... : divided into twelue general poynts or heads / by Gervas Markham ...
London: Printed by Iohn Okes for Iohn Harison and are to be sold at his shop .., 1641.
ESTC No. R32051.Grub Street ID 114796.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being divided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the sixt time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new mcdicines [sic] that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the auth.
Imprinted at London: by John Okes: and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, or in any other part of London, 1643.
ESTC No. R20994.Grub Street ID 86156.
Markham, Gervase.
The souldiers exercise: in three bookes. Containing most necessary and curious rules for the exact mustering both of horse-troopes, and foote-bands, with severall formes of battailes described in figures. A worke fit to be studied, and meete for the knowledge of captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers, and generous spirits that love the honourable practise of armes. By G. Markham, gent.
London: printed by John Dawson, and are to be sold by Lawrence Blaiklock, at the signe of the Sugar-loafe within Temple Barre, 1643.
ESTC No. R25022.Grub Street ID 108747.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams faithfull farrier. Wherein the depth of his skill is laid open in all those principall and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath been the glory of his practise.
Printed at London: by R. Cotes for Fulke Clifton, and are to be sold upon New fish street-hill, 1647.
ESTC No. R217389.Grub Street ID 92176.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies. ... the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking, and ordering of them, and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travaile. Also approoved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowles, both tame, and wild, &c. And ... medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes, ... Together with the use, and profit of bees, the making of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together ... from English practises, ... differing from all former and fotraign [sic] experiments, which either agreed not with our clime, or were too hard to come by, or over-costly, and to little purpose: ... newly corrected.
Printed at London: by Bernard Alsop, for Iohn Harrison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, 1648.
ESTC No. R180363.Grub Street ID 71437.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams farewell to hvsbandry: or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse and grasse, as the best grounds whatsoever: together with the annoyances, and preservation of all graine and seed from one yeare to many yeares. As also, a husbandly computation of men and cattels dayly labours, their expences, charges, and utmost profits. Now newly the fourth time, revised, corrected, and amended, together with many new additions, and cheape experiments: for the bettering of arable, pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds againe, spoiled with overflowing of salt water by sea-breaches; as also, the enriching of the hop-garden, and many other things never published before.
London: printed by William Wilson for Iohn Harison, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1649.
ESTC No. R23512.Grub Street ID 106309.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get wealth: containing five principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband, or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding, of all sorts of cattell, and fowle, fit for the service of man: as also the riding & dieting horses, either for warre or pleasur. II. The knowledge, use, and laudable practise of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. III. The office of a housewife, in phisick, surgery, ... brewing, baking, and the profit of oates. IV. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. V. The husbanding, & enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equal with the most fruitfull: with the preservation of swine, and computation of men, and cattels labours, &c. VI. The making of orchards, planting and grafting, the office of gardening, & the ornaments, wit the best husbanding of bees. The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of great Brittain.
London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls-Chnrch yard [sic], 1648 [i.e. 1649].
ESTC No. R38866.Grub Street ID 120911.
Markham, Gervase.
The inrichment of the Weald of Kent: or, A direction to the husband-man, for the true ordering, manuring, & inriching of all the grounds within the Wealds of Kent, and Sussex; and may generally serve for all the grounds in England of that nature: as, 1. Shewing the natur of all wealdish grounds, comparing it with the soyle of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marle is, and the severall sorts thereof, and where it is usually found. 3. The profitable use of marle, and other rich manuring, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase of corn and pasture through the kingdome. Painfully gathered for the good of this iland, by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author ; by Gervase Markham.
London: printed by Eliz. Purslow, for John Harison, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Holy-Lambe at the East-end of Pauls, 1649.
ESTC No. R619.Grub Street ID 126549.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments: or, The husbandmans recreations. Contayning the wholsome experiences in which any man ought to recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the lawes of lease, shooting in longbow or crosbow, bowling, tennis, baloone. The whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock. By G.M. The sixth edition. Newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, as may appeare by this marke, [hand].
London: printed by William Wilson, for Iohn Harison, in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1649.
ESTC No. R234914.Grub Street ID 106148.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams method or epitome wherein [is] shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300 all cured with twelve medicines onely, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly everywhere : also for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs ... and other creatures serviceable for the use of man / divided into twelve general points or heads by Gervase Markham.
London: Printed by Ja. Cottrel for John Harrison, and are to be sold at his shop .., M DC L [1650].
ESTC No. R33500.Grub Street ID 116110.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to smith farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the seventh time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast .
[Imprint]ed at London: by William Wilson, and are to be [sold] in Pauls Church-yard, or in any other part of London, 1651.
ESTC No. R231915.Grub Street ID 103835.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get vvealth: containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife, may lawfully imploy themselves. As, 1. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattell, and fowle, fit for the service of man: as also the riding and dieting horses, either for war or pleasure. 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a house-wife, in physick, chyryrgery, extraction of oyles, banquets, cookery, ... 4. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding, & enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equall with the most fruitfull: ... 6. The making of orchards, planting and grafting, the office of gardening, and the ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of Great Brittaine.
London: printed by Thomas Harper, for John Harrison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls-Church Yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R180369.Grub Street ID 71442.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking, and ordering of them, and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travell. Also approved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowles, both tame and wild, &c. And divers good and well approved medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes, of what kind soever. ... Newly corrected and inlarged, with many excellent additions.
London: printed by Thomas Harper for John Harrison and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls-Church Yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R32513.Grub Street ID 115219.
Markham, Gervase.
The English hous-wife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman. As her skill in physick, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyles, banquetting stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hemp, flax, making cloth, and dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, of oates, their excellent uses in a family, of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A work generally approved, and now the fifth time much augmented, purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the generall good of this nation. By G.M.
London: printed by W[illiam]. Wilson, for E[dward]. Brewster, and George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, neere Fleet-bridge, 1653.
ESTC No. R32514.Grub Street ID 115220.
Markham, Gervase.
The inrichment of the weald of Kent. Or, A direction to the husband-man, for the true ordering, manuring and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent, and Sussex; and may generally serve for all the grounds in England of that nature: as, I. Shewing the nature of wealdish grounds, comparing it with the soyl [sic] of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marl is, and the severall sorts thereof, and where it is usually found. 3. The profitable use of Marl, and other rich manuring, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase o corn and pasture through the kingdome. Painefully gathered for the good of this iland, [sic] by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author. By G.M.
London: printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster and George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, neere Fleet-bridge, 1653.
ESTC No. R32515.Grub Street ID 115221.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get vvealth: containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife, may lawfully imploy themselves. As 1. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choyce, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattell, and fowle, fit for the service of man: as also the riding and dieting horses, either for war or pleasure. 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a house-wife, in physick, chyrurgery, ... brewing, baking, and the profit of oates. 4. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding, and enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equall with the most fruitfull: with the preservation of swine, and computation of men, and cattels labours, &c. 6. The making of orchards, planting and grafting, the office of gardening, and the ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of great Brittaine.
London: printed for E. Brewster, and George Sawbridge, and are to be sould at the signe of the Bible upon Ludgate Hill neere Fleet-Bridge, 1653.
ESTC No. R32526.Grub Street ID 115233.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations contayning the wholesome experiences in which any man ought to recreate himself after the toyle of more serious business : as namely hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the lawes of the lease, shooting in longbow or crossbow, bowling, tennis, baloone : the whole art of angling and the use of the fighting cock / by G.M.
London: Printed by W. Wilson for E. Brewster and George Sawbridge .., 1654.
ESTC No. R31183.Grub Street ID 113987.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horseman: or, The experienc'd secrets of Mr. Markhams fifty years practice. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices; viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farryer. Never printed before. An now published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R217443.Grub Street ID 92229.
Markham, Gervase.
Hungers prevention: or, The whole art of fovvling by water and land. Containing all the secrets belonging to that art, and brought into a true forme or method, by which the most ignorant may know how to take any kind of fowle, either by land or water. Also, exceeding necessary and profitable for all such as travell by sea, and come into uninhabited places: especially, all those that have anything to doe with new plantations. By Gervase Markham.
London: printed for Francis Grove, and are to be sold by Martha Harrison at the signe of the Lambe at the east end of St. Paules Church, 1655.
ESTC No. R12445.Grub Street ID 60624.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams faithfull farrier: wherein the depth of his skill is laid open in all those principall and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published but hath kept in his brest. [sic] and hath been the glory of his practice.
London: printed for Thomas Vere, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Angel, without Newgate, 1656.
ESTC No. R37946.Grub Street ID 120096.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horseman: or The experienced secrets of Mr. Markham's fifty years practice. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices; viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farrier. And now published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1656.
ESTC No. R20972.Grub Street ID 85946.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyle of more serious businesse : as namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grayhounds, and the lavves of lease, shooting in the longbow or crossbow, bouling, tennis, baloone, the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock / by G.M.
London: Printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster, and George Sawbridge .., 1656.
ESTC No. R39668.Grub Street ID 121543.
Markham, Gervase.
The inrichment of the weald of Kent. Or A direction to the husband-man, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent, and Sussex; and may generally serve for all the grounds in England of that nature: as, 1. Shewing the nature of wealdish grounds, comparing it with the soyl of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marl is, and the severall sorts thereof, and where it is usually found. 3. The profitable use of marl, and other rich maunuring, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase of cor and pasture through the kingdome. Painefully gathered for the good of this island, by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author. By G.M.
London: printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster, and George Sawbridge, at the Bible of Ludgate-hill, neere Fleet-bridge, 1656.
ESTC No. R28806.Grub Street ID 111840.
Markham, Gervase.
The English hous-wife containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman ... : a work generally approved, and now the sixth time much augmented, purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this nation b G.M.
London: Printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster and George Sawbridge ..., 1656.
ESTC No. R43425.Grub Street ID 124405.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second, all belonging to chirurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, no mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the eighth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authours br.
Imprinted at London: by W. Wilson, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgatehill, 1656.
ESTC No. R226920.Grub Street ID 99835.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get wealth containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or huswife may lawfully employ themselves ... / the first five bookes gathered by G.M., the last by master W.L. for the benefit of Great Brittaine.
London: Printed by W. Wilson for E. Brewster and George Sawbridge .., 1657.
ESTC No. R31203.Grub Street ID 114008.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, an tame conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth ...
London: Printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster, and George-Sawbridge .., 1657.
ESTC No. R39666.Grub Street ID 121542.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horse-man. Or The experienced secrets of Mr. Markhams fifty years practise. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knoledge [sic] of these seven offices: viz. the breeder feeder ambler rider keeper buyer farryer. Never printed before. And now published by Lancelot Thetford practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London : printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R180366.Grub Street ID 71440.
Markham, Gervase.
The inrichment of the vveald of KentDT Or A direction to the husbandman, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent, and Sussex; and may generally serve for all the grounds in England of that nature: as 1. Shewing the natur of wealdish ground comparing it with the soyle of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marle is, and the several sorts thereof, and where it is usually found. 3. The profitable use of marle, and other rich manuring, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase of corn and pasture through the kingdome. Painfully gathered for the good of this island, by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author. By G.M.
London : printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge, 1660.
ESTC No. R23511.Grub Street ID 106302.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments. Or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience, in which any ought to recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious business, As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the lawes of lease, shooting in long-bow or cross-bow, bouling, tennis, baloon: the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock. By G.M.
The ninth edition newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, as may appear by this mark [hand].
London : printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge, 1660.
ESTC No. R31184.Grub Street ID 113988.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get vvealth, containing sixe principall vocations, for [sic] callings, in which every good husband or huwife [sic], may lawfully imploy themselves. As 1. The natures, ordering curing, breeding, choyce, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattel, and fowl, fit for th service of man: as also the riding and dyeting of horses, either for war or pleasure. 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a hous-wive, in physick, chyrurgery, extraction of oyles, banquets, cookery, ordering of feasts, preserving of wine, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hemp, flax, dying, use of dayries, malting, brewing, baking, and the profit of oats. 4. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding and enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equal with the most fruitfull: with the preservation of swine. And a computation of men, and cattles labours, &c. 6. The making of orchards, planting and g.
The tenth time corrected, and augmented by the author..
London : printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge, 1660.
ESTC No. R32052.Grub Street ID 114797.
Markham, Gervase.
The English hous-wife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman: as her skill in physick, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyles, banquetting stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wool, hemp, flax: making cloth and dying; the knowledge of dayries: office of malting; of oats, their excellent uses in a family: of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A work generally approved, and now the seventh time much augmented, purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the generall good of this nation. By G.M.
London : printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster, and George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge, 1660.
ESTC No. R40453.Grub Street ID 122241.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattel, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tam conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth .
The tenth edition..
London : Printed by W. Wilson, for George Sawbridge .., 1660.
ESTC No. R39665.Grub Street ID 121541.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horse-man. Or The experienced secrets of Mr. Markhams fifty years practise. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices: viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farryer. Never printed before. An now published by Lancelot Thetford practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London : printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in Paul's Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R236862.Grub Street ID 107502.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams faithfull farrier wherein the depth of his skill is laid open in all those principall and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published but hath kept in his brest, and hath been the glory of his practise.
London : printed for Thomas Vere, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Angel, without Newgate, 1661.
ESTC No. R230418.Grub Street ID 102744.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams master-piece containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses ... being divided into two books, the first containing all cures physical, the second all belonging to chirurgery ... written by Gervas Markham, Gent.
Novv the ninth time nevvly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certain and approved, and heretofore never published ....
London] : Printed at London by William Wilson, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge ..., 1662.
ESTC No. R42157.Grub Street ID 123587.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheap and good husbandry, for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for the general cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattel, as horse, ox, cow, sheep, goats, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, and the dyeting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travel. Also, approved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowls, both tame and wild, &c. And diverse good and well approved medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawks, of what kind soever. Together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fishponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth, ... Newly corrected and enlarged with many excellent additions.
The eleventh edition..
London : printed by W. Wilson for George-Sawbridge[sic], at the Bible on Ludgate-hill neer Fleetbridge, 1664.
ESTC No. R31178.Grub Street ID 113981.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholsome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyl of more serious business : as namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grayhounds, and the laws of lease, shooting in the long-bo or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon, the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock by G.M.
The tenth edition. Newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, as may appear by this mark [fingerpost]..
London : Printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge ..., 1664.
ESTC No. R41332.Grub Street ID 122979.
Markham, Gervase.
The English hous-wife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman: as her skill in physick, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyls, banquetting stuff, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wool, hemp, flax: making cloth and dying; the knowldege of dayries: office of malting; of oats, their excellent uses in a family: of brewing, baking and all other things belonging to an houshold. A work generally approved, and now the eighth time much augmented purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this nation. By G.M.
London : printed by W. Wilson, George Sawbridge, at the bible on Ludgate-hill near Fleet-Bridge, 1664.
ESTC No. R221468.Grub Street ID 95614.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get vvealth, containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or houswife, may lawfully imploy themselves. As 1. The natures, ordering, curing[,] breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattel, and fowl, fit for the service of man: as also the riding and dieting of horses, either for war or pleasure. 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a hous-wife, in physick, chyrurgery, extraction of oyles, banquets, cookery, ordering of feasts, preserving of wine, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hemp, flax, dying, use of dayries, malting, brewing, baking; and the profit of oats. 4 The enrichment of the weald in Kent. 5 The husbanding and enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equal with the most fruitfull: with the preservation of swine. And a computation of men and cattles labours, &c. 6 The making of orchards, planting and graffing, the.
The eleventh time corrected, and augmented by the author..
London : printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge, 1660 [i.e. 1664?].
ESTC No. R41738.Grub Street ID 123288.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's farewel to husbandry: or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our nation, to be as fruitful in all manner of grain, pulse, and grass, as the best grounds whatsoever. Together with the annoiances and preservation of all grain and seed, from one year to many years. As also a husbandly computation of men and catt'ls daily labours, their expences, charges, and utmost profits. Now newly the eighth time revis'd, corrected and amended, together with many new additions, and cheap experiments: for the bettering of arable pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds again, spoiled with over-flowing of salt water by sea breaches; as also the enriching of the hop-garden. And many other things never published before. By G. M.
London: printed by W. Wilson, for George Sawbridge ..., 1664.
ESTC No. R473926.Grub Street ID 125178.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheap and good husbandry, for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for the general cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattel, as horse, ox, cow, sheep, goats, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, and the dyeting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travel. Also, approved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowls, ... Together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth, ... differing from all former and forrain experiments, .
Newly corrected and enlarged with many excellent additions. The twelfth edition..
London : printed by John Streater, for George Sawbridge, at his house on Clerken-well-Green, 1668.
ESTC No. R216240.Grub Street ID 91166.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's masterpiece containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses ... being divided into two books, the first containing all cures physical, the second all belonging to chirurgery ... / written by Gervas Markham, Gent.
Now the tenth newly imprinted, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters and above forty new medicines that are most certain and approved and heretofore never published ...
London] : Printed at London by Edward Okes, and are to be sold by Thomas Passenger .., 1668.
ESTC No. R32523.Grub Street ID 115230.
Markham, Gervase.
Markhams farwel to husbandry: or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our nation, to be as fruitful in all manner of grain, pulse, and grass, as the best grounds whatsoever. Together with the annoyances, and preservation of all grain and seed, from one year to many years. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels daily labours, their expences, charges, and utmost profits. Now newly the ninth time revis'd, corrected and amended, together with many new additions, and cheap experiments: for the bettering of arable pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds again, spoiled with over-flowing of salt water by sea breaches; as also the enriching of the hop-garden. And many other things never published before.
London : printed by E.O. for George Sawbridge, 1668.
ESTC No. R216241.Grub Street ID 91167.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get wealth containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, 1. The natures, ordering, curing, ... 6. The making of orchards, planting and grassing, the office of gardening, and the ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five books gathered by G.M. The last by master W.L. for the benefit of Great-Brittain.
The twelfth time corrected, and augemented by the author..
London : printed by John Streater, for George Sawbridge, at his house on Clarken-well-green, 1668.
ESTC No. R32527.Grub Street ID 115234.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience in which any ought to recreate himself after the toyle of more serious business : as namely hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the laws of the lease, shooting in long-bow or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon : the whole art of angling and the use of the fighting cock / by G.M.
The tenth edition newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions ...
London : Printed by J. Streater for George Sawbridge .., 1668.
ESTC No. R31196.Grub Street ID 114001.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's method, or epitome. Wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they almost 300. all cured with twelve medicines only, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly every where. Also for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs of all kinds, conies, all sorts of poultry, all water-fowl, as geese, ducks, swans, and the like; pigeons, all singing birds, hawks of all kinds; and other creatures serviceable for the use of man. Divided into twelve general points or heads. By Gervase Markham, gentleman.
The tenth edition corrected by the author..
London : printed for William Thackeray, and are to be sold at his shop in Duck-Lane, 1671.
ESTC No. R217398.Grub Street ID 92184.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horse-man. Or The experienced secrets of Mr. Markham's fifty years practice. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices; viz. the breeder feeder ambler rider keeper buyer farrier. The last edition, much enlarged. Published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London : printed by J.D. for Richard Chiswell, at the two Angels and Crown in Little Britain, 1671.
ESTC No. R217562.Grub Street ID 92333.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses; ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the eleventh time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht: all which in the authors life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattel, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. Never before made publick.
London : printed by Andrew Clark for Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on the middle of London-Bridge, 1675.
ESTC No. R217391.Grub Street ID 92178.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments. Or, The husbandmans recreations. Containing the wholesome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyl of more serious business. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds, and the laws of leash, shooting in the long-bow or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon; the whole art of angling; and the use of the fighting cock. By G. Markham.
The eleventh edition. Newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, as may appear by this mark..
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1675.
ESTC No. R235519.Grub Street ID 106600.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheap and good husbandry, for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for the general cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattel, as horse, oxe, cow, sheep, goats, swine, and tam conies. Shewing further the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, and the dyeting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travel. Also, approved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowls, ... Together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the general good and profit of the common-wealth, ... differing from all former and forrain experiments, ... Newly corrected and enlarged with many excellent additions.
The thirteenth edition..
London : printed by E.H. for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R224080.Grub Street ID 97803.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get wealth. Containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, 1. The nature, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattel, and fowl, fit for the service o man: as also the riding and dieting of horses, ... 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice or all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a house-wife, ... 4. The inrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding and inriching of all sorts of barren grounds, ... 6. The making of orchards, planting and grafting, the office of gardening, and the ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five books gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of Great-Brittain.
The thirteenth time corrected, and augmented by the author..
London : printed by E.H. for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R216245.Grub Street ID 91171.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's farewel to husbandry: or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our nation, to be as fruitful in all manner of grain, pulse, and grass, as the best grounds whatsoever. Together with the annoyances and preservation of all grain and seed, from one year to many years. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels daily labours, their expences, charges, and utmost profits. Now newly the tenth time revis'd, corrected and amended, together with many new additions, and cheap experiments. For the bettering of arable pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds again, spoiled with over-flowing of salt water by sea breaches; as also the enriching of the hop-garden. And many other things never published before. By G. Markham.
Now newly the tenth time revis'd, corrected and amended together with many new additions, and cheap experiments..
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R31197.Grub Street ID 114002.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horse-man. Or, The experienced secrets of Mr. Markham's fifty years practice. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman by the knowledg of these seven offices, viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farrier. Published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
The last edition, corrected..
London : printed by J.D. for Richard Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680.
ESTC No. R32524.Grub Street ID 115231.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twelfth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd: all which in the author's life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. An now in this impression is added the complete jockey; wit methods for the training of horses up for racing: with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. With instructions to the buy.
London : printed by Evan Tyler and Ralph Holt, for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate Hill, and Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1681.
ESTC No. R217359.Grub Street ID 92149.
Markham, Gervase.
Cheap and good husbandry, for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for the general cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattel, as horse, oxe, cow, sheep, goats, swine and tame conies. Shewing further the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, ... Also, approved rules for the cramming, and fatting all sorts of poultry and fowls, both tame and wild, &c. ... Together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds, and the takin of all sorts of fish. Gathered together for the general good and profit of the common-wealth, ... Newly corrected and enlarged with many excellent additions.
The fourteenth impression..
London : printed by T[homas]. B[raddyll]. for Hannah Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R41318.Grub Street ID 122967.
Markham, Gervase.
The English house-wife, containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman. As her skill in Physick, Chirurgery, cookery, extraction of oyls, banqueting stuff, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sort of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfums, ordering of wool, hemp, flax: making cloath and dying; the knowledge of dayries: office of malting; of oats, their excellent uses in families: of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A work generally approved, and now the ninth time much augmented, purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this nation. By G. Markham.
London : printed for Hannah Sawbridge, at the Sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1683.
ESTC No. R32050.Grub Street ID 114795.
Markham, Gervase.
Country contentments; or The husbanmans [sic] recreations. Containing the wholsome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyl of more serious business: as namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds, and the laws of leash, shooting in the long-bow or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon; the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock. By G. Markham. The eleventh edition. Newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, as may appear by this mark.
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill-, 1683.
ESTC No. R232237.Grub Street ID 104078.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains from approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divide into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the thirteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd. To which is added by way of appendix, the country=man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added the compleat jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions.
[Thirteenth edition]..
London : Printed for John Wright at the crown on Ludgate Hill and Thomas Passinger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1683.
ESTC No. R215533.Grub Street ID 90551.
Markham, Gervase.
A way to get vvealth: containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wive may lawfully imploy themselves. As, I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use and feeding of all sorts of cattel and fowl, fit for the service of man: as also the riding and dieting of horses, either for war or pleasure. II. The knowledg, use and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. III. The office of a house-wife, in physick, chirurgery, extraction of oyles, banquets, cookery, ordering of feasts, perserving of wine, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wool, hemp, flax, dying, use of dayries, maulting, brewing, baking: and the profit of oats. IV. The inrichment of the weald in Kent. V. The husbanding and inriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equal with the most fruitful: with the preservation of swine. And a computation of men and cattels labours, &c. VI. The making of orchards, planting and graffing, t.
The fourteenth time corrected and augmented by the author..
London : printed by T[homas]. B[raddyll]. for Hannah Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1683.
ESTC No. R31884.Grub Street ID 114640.
Markham, Gervase.
The perfect horseman: or The experienced secrets of Mr. Markham's fifty years practice. Shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices; viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farrier. And now published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years.
London : printed by B[ernard]. W[hite]. for Richard Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684.
ESTC No. R180368.Grub Street ID 71441.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's farewel to husbandry: or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our nation, to be as fruitful in all manner of grain, pulse, and grass, as the best grounds whatsoever. Together with the annoyances and preservation of all grain and seed, from one year to many years. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels daily labours, their expences, charges, and utmost profits. Now newly the eleventh time revis'd, corrected and amended, together with many new additions, and cheap experiments. For the bettering of arable pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds again, spoiled with over-flowing of salt water by sea-breaches; as also the enriching of the hop-garden. And many other things never published before. By G. Markham.
London : printed for Hannah Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1684.
ESTC No. R32520.Grub Street ID 115227.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's method or epitome: wherein is shewed his approved remedies, for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300. all cured with twelve medicines only, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly every where. Also, for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs of all kinds, conies, all sorts of poultry, all water-fowl, as geese, ducks, swans, and the like; pigeons, all singing birds, hawks of all kinds, and other creatures serviceable for the use of man. Divided into twelve general points or heads. By Gervase Markham, Gentleman.
The eleventh edition corrected by the author..
London : printed for William Thackeray, and are to be sold at his shop at Duck-lane, 1684.
ESTC No. R32909.Grub Street ID 115569.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's faithful farrier: wherein the depth of his skill is laid open, in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship: which the author never published, but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise. To which is added divers choice receipts, found in the authors closet since his decease.
London : printed by J[ohn]. Millet, for J[onah] Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur-Street, 1686.
ESTC No. R180364.Grub Street ID 71438.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's faithful farrier wherein the depth of his skill is laid open, in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise : to which is added divers choice receipts, found in the authors closet since his decease.
London] : Printed for J. Deacon, and are to be sold by W. Thackeray ..., 1686.
ESTC No. R42353.Grub Street ID 123722.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's faithful farrier: wherein the depth of his skill is laid open, in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship: which the author never published, but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise. To which is added divers choice receipts, found in the authors closet since his decease.
London : printed by J. M[a]llet, for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-Spur-Street, 1687.
ESTC No. R180365.Grub Street ID 71439.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's faithful farrier: wherein the depth of his skill is laid open, in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship: which the author never published, but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise. To which is added divers choice receipts, found in the authors closet since his decease.
London] : Printed for J. Deacon and are to be sold by W. Thackeray in Duck Lane, 1687.
ESTC No. R35026.Grub Street ID 117492.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases, in horses . Drawn with great pains from approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the fourteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd. To which is added by way of appendix, the countrey-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instru.
London : printed by John Richardson for Tho. Passinger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, and M. Wotton and George Coniers, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street, near the Inner-Temple; and at the Ring on Ludgate-Hill against the Old Baily, 1688.
ESTC No. R34529.Grub Street ID 117052.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece revived; containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the fifteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht. To which is added by way of appendix, The countrey-man's care for his other cattle, containing th exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added The complete jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating horse-coursers; and all things necessary for gentlemen, and others. Never before.
London : printed by John Richardson for M. Wotton and George Coniers, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate, and at the Golden Ring in Little Brittain, 1694 [i.e. 1695].
ESTC No. R217396.Grub Street ID 92182.
Markham, Gervase.
A vvay to get vvealth: containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use and feeding of all sorts of cattle and fowl, fit for the service of man: as also the riding and dieting of horses, ... II. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. III. The office of a house-wife, ... IV. The inrichment of the weald in Kent. V. The husbanding and inriching of all sorts of barren grounds, ... VI. The making of orchards, planting and graffing [sic], the office of gardening, and the ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five books gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of Great-Brittain.
The fifteenth time corrected and augmented by the author..
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1695.
ESTC No. R217362.Grub Street ID 92152.
Markham, Gervase.
The way to get wealth: or , a new and easie way to make twenty three sorts of wine, equal to that of France; ... To which is added, a help to discourse, giving account of trade of all countries, ... By the author of the way to save wealth and one thousand notable things.
London : printed for G. Conyers, [1702].
ESTC No. N66898.Grub Street ID 48548.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great Pains from Approved Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. Containing Cures Physical: The II. All Cures Chirurgical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of every Simple mentioned through the whole Work. Now the sixteenth time printed, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and Forty New Medicines heretofore never Publish'd. To which is Added, The Exactest Receipts for Curing all Diseases in Oxen, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Dogs, and all smaller Cattle. Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training horses up for racing, with their Heats and Courses, and Manner of Keeping, &c. Also, Instructions to avoid being Cheated by Horse-Coursers. To which is Added, in this Sixteenth Impression, Directions to preserve all sorts of Cattl.
London : printed for M. Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet; and G. Coniers, at the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain, 1703.
ESTC No. T90960.Grub Street ID 310804.
Markham, Gervase.
The young sportman's instructor in angling, fowling, hawking, hunting, ... By G. M.
London] : Sold [by G. Conyers] at the Gold Ring in Little Britain, [1705?.
ESTC No. N14392.Grub Street ID 4276.
Markham, Gervase.
The compleat husbandman and gentleman's recreation: or, the whole art of husbandry; containing I. Directions to cure all diseases in horses, which are almost 300, with 12 medicines only not of 12d cost. Also to cure oxen. kine. bulls. calves. ... II. Directions to improv land. ... III. To brew pale ale and beer, ... IV. Of planting and raising trees for timber and fruit, ... V. To destroy moles, foxes and other vermin. VI. To heal all diseases in men or women with chew'd white bread. ... VII. Directions in angling. fowling. hawking. hunting. ringing, &c. By G. Markham gent.
London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold Ring in Little Brittain, [1707].
ESTC No. R230416.Grub Street ID 102743.
Markham, Gervase.
The compleat husbandman and gentleman's recreation: or, the whole art of husbandry; containing I. Directions to cure all diseases in horses, which are almost 300, with 12 medicines only not of 12d cost. Also to cure oxen. Kine. Bulls. Calves, sheep. Lambs. Goats. Swine. Dogs. Conies. Hares. Poultry. Geese. Ducks. Swans, &c. Pigeons. Singing birds. Hawks. Deer, &c. To teach dogs. II. Directions to improve land. Arable and pasture. To order flax. Hemp. Saffron. Liquorice. Bees. Silk-worms. and to make some new invented plows. III. To brew pale ale and beer, make cyder equal to canary, and not stand in 4d. charge per quart, and to make mead and metheglin. IV. Of planting and raising trees for timber and fruit, grafting and gardening, to order clover and St. Foin. V. To destroy moles, foxes and other vermin. VI. To heal all diseases in men or women with chew'd white bread. Also a pleasant and wholesome drink for a family, which will not cost a farthing a gallon, best for young and old, rich a.
London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold Ring in Little Brittain. Price. 1s, 1707.
ESTC No. T31012.Grub Street ID 261844.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains from approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical: the II. all cures chirurgical. Together with the nature, use, and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the seventeenth time printed, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd. To which is added, the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, dogs, and all smaller cattle. Also the compleat jockey; containing methods for the training horses up for racing, with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also, instructions to avoid being cheated by horse-coursers. To which is added, in this seventeenth impression, directions to preserve all sorts of c.
London : printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street; and G. Conyers, at the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain, 1710.
ESTC No. T121688.Grub Street ID 172446.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great Pains and Approved Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. Containing Cures Physical: The II. All Cures Chyrargical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of every Simple mentioned through the whole Work. Now the Nineteenth Time Printed, Corrected and Augmented, with above Thirty New Chapters, and Forty new Medicines, heretofore never Published. To which is Added, The Exactest Receipts for Curing all Diseases, in Oxen, Cow, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Dogs, and all small Catle. Also The compleat jockey. Containing Methods for the Training Horses up for Racing, with their Heats and Courses, and Manner of Keeping, &c. Also, Instructions to avoid being Cheated by Horsecoursers. To which is added in this nineteenth impression, Directions to preserve all sorts of Cattle from.
London : printed for N. and M. Boddington, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane; and G. Conyers, at the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain; and M. Wotton at the Cross Daggers in Fleet-street, 1717.
ESTC No. T122444.Grub Street ID 173128.
Markham, Gervase.
The gentleman's accomplish'd jockey: with the compleat horseman, and approved farrier. Containing, I. The excellent Constitution and Temper of Horses, Mares and Colts; the Manner of Breeding them, with their proper Feed, and Management for all Exercises. II. The Compleat Jockey's Method for Dieting, Physicking, and Ordering, the Race Horse, so as to be fit for any Match: Certain Rules for buying good Horses, and preventing Impositions and Cheats. III. Various Ways for making of Stars, Blazes, and Marks in the Fore-Head, or any Part of the Horse's Body, with other Curiosities, &c. IV. The Farrier's Master-Piece, in knowing the several Causes and Cures of all Distempers, Sores, Wounds, Bruises, and Hurts, incident to Horses; with an excellent Praxis, whereby any one may easily know how and when to Physick, Bleed, Purge, Rowel, Dock, Shoe, and Shape their Horses, being some peculiar Observations not before made publick. By G.M. Gent.
London : printed for H. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1722.
ESTC No. T106648.Grub Street ID 159781.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. ... Now the twentieth time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, ... Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, .
London : printed for G. Conyers, W. Wotton, and J. Clark, 1723.
ESTC No. T90471.Grub Street ID 310328.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece. Containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach. Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains, and approv'd experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The first containing cures physical; the 2d, all cures chirurgical. Together with the nature, use, and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twenty-first time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines, heretofore never publish'd. To which is added, the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in cows, oxen, sheep, hogs, goats, dogs, and all small cattle. Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, with their heats and courses, manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions to avoid being cheated by horse-coursers. To which is added in this twenty-first impression, directions to preserve all sorts of catt.
London : printed for G. Conyers , at the Ring in Litle-Britain ; J. Clarke, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane, 1734.
ESTC No. N19802.Grub Street ID 9224.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece. Containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach. Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great Pains, and Approv'd Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The First containing Cures Physical; the 2d, All Cures Chirurgical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of every Simple mentioned through the whole Work. Now the twenty-first time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and Forty New Medicines, heretofore never publish'd. To which is added, The Exactest Receipts for Curing all Diseases in Cows, Oxen, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Dogs, and all small Cattle. Als The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, with their Heats and Courses, Manner of Keeping, &c. Also Instructions to avoid being cheated by Horse-Coursers. To which is added in this Twenty-First Impression, Directions to preserve all Sorts of Cattl.
London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Birt, at the Bible in Ave-Maria Lane; R. Ware, at the Bible in Amen-Corner; J. Osborne, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row; and, James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge. 1734. Horic 5s., [1734].
ESTC No. T90260.Grub Street ID 310118.
Markham, Gervase.
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach. Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains, and approv'd experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The first containing cures physical; the 2d, all cures chirurgical. Together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twenty-first time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines, heretofore never publish'd. To which is added, the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in cows, oxen, sheep, hogs, goats, dogs, and all small cattle. Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, with their heats and courses, manner of keeping &c. Also instructions to avoid being cheated by horse-coursers. To which is added in this twenty-first impression, directions to preserve all sorts of cattle.
London : printed for J. Hazard, at the Bible, in Stationers-Court, near Stationers-Hall, M.D.CC.XXXIV. [1734].
ESTC No. N4445.Grub Street ID 29860.
Markham, Gervase.
The young sportsman's instructor in angling, fowling, hunting, ordering singing birds, poultry, conies, hares, and dogs ... By G. M.
[Worcester]: Printed and sold by S. Gamidge, bookseller, in Worcester, [1760?].
ESTC No. N63695.Grub Street ID 45814.
Markham, Gervase.
The citizen and countryman's experienced farrier. Containing, the most best approved method of ordering, dieting, exercising, purging, scouring, and cleaning of horses: also choice restoratives to chear the heart, procure an appetite, and to clear the lungs ... To all which is added, a valuable and fine collection of the surest and best receipts in the known world for the cure of all maladies and distempers that are incident to horses of what kind soever, with directions to know what is the ailment, or disease. By J. Markham, G Jefferies, and discreet Indians.
[Wilmington]: London, printed;-----and, Wilmington, re-printed, and sold by James Adams, at his printing-office, 1764.
ESTC No. W42541.Grub Street ID 352236.
Markham, Gervase.
The citizen and countryman's experienced farrier. Containing, the most best approved method of ordering, dieting, exercising, purging, scowring, and cleaning of horses: also choice restoratives to chear [sic] the heart, procure an appetite, and to clear the lungs ... To all which is added: a valuable and fine collection of the surest and best receipts in the known world for the cure of all maladies and distempers that are incident to horses of what kind soever, with directions to know what is the ailment, or disease. By J. Markham, G Jefferies, and discreet Indians.
Baltimore: Printed by Samuel Sower, M,DCC,XCVII. [1797].
ESTC No. W41612.Grub Street ID 351432.