Publications of Antonio de Guevara


  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour. [Londini: in aedibus Thomae Bertheleti Regii impressoris. Cum priuliegio a Rege indulto.], Anno M. D. XXXV. ESTC No. S92770. Grub Street ID 151443.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour. Anno. M.D.XLII. [Londini: in officina Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno. M.D.XLII. [1542]]. ESTC No. S122992. Grub Street ID 142516.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquente oratour. Londini: [Thomae Bertheleti], An. M.D.XLVI. [1546]. ESTC No. S122611. Grub Street ID 142143.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquente oratour. Londini: [In Fletestrete, in the house of Thomas Berthelet], An. M.D.XLVI. [1546]. ESTC No. S117886. Grub Street ID 137552.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour. Londini: [Thomas Berthelet], An. M.D.LIII [1553]. ESTC No. S114373. Grub Street ID 134088.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The diall of princes. Compiled by the reuerende father in God, Don Anthony of Gueuara, Bysshop of Guadix. Preacher and cronicler, to Charles the fyft Emperour of Rome. Englysshed oute of the Frenche, by Thomas North, seconde sonne of the Lorde North. Ryght necessary and pleasaunt, to all gentylmen and others whiche are louers of vertue. Anno. 1557. Imprinted at London: By [Thomas Marsh for] Iohn Waylande, [1557]. ESTC No. S120703. Grub Street ID 140332.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden booke of Marcus Aurelius emperour, and eloquent oratour. 1566. Imprinted at London: By Ihon Audeley[, dwelling in little Brittaine streete beyonde Aldersgate], [1566]. ESTC No. S118971. Grub Street ID 138615.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling. [London]: Now newly imprinted by Richarde Tottill, and Thomas Marshe, Anno. Domini. 1568. ESTC No. S120709. Grub Street ID 140338.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The golden booke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour, and eloquent oratour. Londini: M.D.LXXIII. Imprinted by Iohn Awdely, [1573]. ESTC No. S114995. Grub Street ID 134695.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The familiar epistles of Sir Anthony of Gueuara, preacher, chronicler, and counceller to the Emperour Charles the fifth. Translated out of the Spanish toung, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of the Leashe, and now newly imprinted, corrected, [and] enlarged with other epistles of the same author. VVherein are contained very notable letters ... Printed at London: by Henry Bynneman, for Raufe Nevvbery, dvvelling in Fleetstreete, a little aboue the Conduit, [1575?]. ESTC No. S122612. Grub Street ID 142144.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. A booke of the inuention of the art of nauigation, and of the greate trauelles whiche they passe that saile in Gallies: compiled by the famous Sir Anthonie of Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fift. Dedicate by the said authour, vnto the famous Sir Frances de la Cobos, great comptroller of Leon, and counseller vnto the said Emperour Charles the fift. Wherein are touched most excellent antiquities, and notable aduertisements for such as saile in Gallies. Imprinted at London: [By H. Middleton] for Ralph Newberrie dwelling in Fleetestreate, Anno. 1578. ESTC No. S115663. Grub Street ID 135353.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. The mysteries of Mount Calvary. Made by the reverend father in God, lord Anthonie de Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher and chronicler, vnto Charles the fift, Emperour. In this booke the authour handleth all the mysteries, of the Mount of Caluarie, from the time tha Christ was condemned by Pilat, vntill he was put into the sepulchre, by Ioseph and Nichodemus. London: printed by Adam Islip, for Edward White, and are to be sold at the little North dore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1594. ESTC No. S124965. Grub Street ID 144260.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. Archontorologion, or The diall of princes: containing the golden and famous booke of Marcus Aurelius, sometime Emperour of Rome. Declaring what excellcncy [sic] consisteth in a prince that is a good Christian: and what euils attend on him that is a cruell tirant. Written b the Reuerend Father in God, Don Antonio of Gueuara, Lord Bishop of Guadix; preacher and chronicler to the late mighty Emperour Charles the fift. First translated out of French by Thomas North, sonne to Sir Edward North, Lord North of Kirthling: and lately reperused, and corrected from many grosse imperfections. With addition of a fourth booke, stiled by the name of The fauoured courtier. London: imprinted by Bernard Alsop, dwelling by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1619. ESTC No. S120712. Grub Street ID 140341.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral; of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara: Bishop of Mondonedo, Chief Minister of State, and Historiographer Royal to the Emperor Charles V. Written by way of essay on different subjects, and every where intermixt with both raillerie and gallantry. Recommended by Sir R. L.'S. and made English from the best original by Mr. Savage. London: : printed for F. Saunders in the New-Exchange in the Strand, and A. Roper at the Black-Boy over-against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, [1697]. ESTC No. R227846. Grub Street ID 100650.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral; of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara: Bishop of Mondonedo, Chief Minister of State, and Historiographer Royal to the Emperor Charles V. Written by way of essay on different subjects, and every where intermixt with both raillerie and gallantry. Recommended by Sir R.L.'S. and made English from the best original by Mr. Savage. London: : printed for F. Saunders in the New-Exchange in the Strand, and A. Roper at the Black-Boy over-against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1697. ESTC No. R32962. Grub Street ID 115616.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral; of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara: Bishop of Mondonedo, chief minister of state, and historiographer royal to the Emperor Charles V. Written by way of essay on different subjects, and every where intermixt with both raillerie and gallantry. Recommended by Sir Roger L'Estrange, and made English from the best original by Mr. Savage. London : printed for A. Roper at the Black-Boy over-against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, and F. Saunders in the New-Exchange in the Strand, [1697]. ESTC No. R216443. Grub Street ID 91339.