Publications of Simon Clement


  • Clement, Simon. A dialogue between a countrey gentleman and a merchant, concerning the falling of guinea's: wherein the whole argument relating to our money is discuss'd. London : printed by John Atwood for Samuel Crouch, at the corner of Popes-head-Alley in Cornhill, 1696. ESTC No. R35647. Grub Street ID 118027.
  • Clement, Simon. The interest of England, as it stands with relation to the trade of Ireland, considered; the arguments against the bill, for prohibitting the exportation of woollen manufactures from Ireland to forreign parts, fairly discusst ... [Dublin]: Re-printed in Dublin, and are to be sold by Mr. John Foster, book-seller in Skinner-row, and at the Fleece in Fish-amble-street, 1698. ESTC No. R171388. Grub Street ID 65651.
  • Clement, Simon. The interest of England, as it stands with relation to the trade of Ireland, considered; the arguments against the bill, for prohibiting the exportation of woollen manufactures from Ireland to forreign parts, fairly discusst, and the reasonableness and necessity of Englands restraining her colonies in all matters of trade, that may be prejudicial to her own commerce, clearly demonstrated. With short remarques on a book, entituled, Some thoughts on the bill depending before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, for prohibiting the exportation of the woollen manufactures of Ireland to forreign parts. London : printed by John Astwood, at his printing-house behind St. Christophers Church in Thread-needle-street, the backside of the Royal Exchange, 1698. ESTC No. R35616. Grub Street ID 117997.
  • Clement, Simon. A vindication of the Bank of England from the misrepresentations, and groundless suggestions of a late pamphlet, entituled, Remarks upon the Bank of England. To which is added, by way of Appendix, Essays upon Banks, upon Credit, and upon Plenty and Scarcity of Money. By a merchant. London : printed for R. Parker at the Unicorn under the Royal-Exchange, 1707. ESTC No. T66143. Grub Street ID 290951.
  • Clement, Simon. Faults on both sides; or, an essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. ... By way of answer to The thoughts of honest Tory. [Dublin]: London printed: and, re-printed for, and sold by M. Gunne in Essex-street, 1710. ESTC No. N1454. Grub Street ID 4361.
  • Clement, Simon. Faults on both sides: or, An essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. Shewing, That the Heads and Leaders on both Sides have always impos'd upon the Credulity of their respective Parties, in order to compass their own Selfish Designs at the Expence of the Peace and Tranquility of the Nation. Sincerely intended For the allaying the Heats and Animosities of the People, and persuading all Honest, Well - meaning Men to compose their Party - Quarrels, and unite their Hearts and Affections for the promoting the Publick Good, and Safety of their Queen and Country. By way of answer to the Thoughts of an honest Tory. The second edition.. London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1710. ESTC No. T35447. Grub Street ID 265582.
  • Clement, Simon. A vindication of the Faults on both sides, from the reflections of the Medley, the specimen-maker, and a pamphlet, entituled, Most faults on one side. With a dissertation on the nature and use of money and paper-credit in trade, and the true Value of Joint-Stocks, maintaining the Assertions of the Author, in Relation to those Matters. By the author of the Faults on both sides. London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1710. ESTC No. T50855. Grub Street ID 278393.
  • Clement, Simon. Faults on both sides: or, An essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. Shewing, That the Heads and Leaders on both Sides have always impos'd upon the Credulity of their respective Parties, in order to compass their own Selfish Designs at the Expence of the Peace and Tranquility of the Nation. Sincerely Intended For the allaying the Heats and Animosities of the People, and persuading all Honest, Well meaning Men to compose their Party-Quarrels, and unite their Hearts and Affections for the promoting the Publick Good, and Safety of their Queen and Country. By way of answer to the Thoughts of an honest Tory. The third edition.. London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1710. ESTC No. T186828. Grub Street ID 222946.
  • Clement, Simon. Faults on both sides: or, An essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. Shewing, That the Heads and Leaders on both Sides have always impos'd upon the Credulity of their respective Parties, in order to compass their own Selfish Designs at the Expence of the Peace and Tranquility of the Nation. Sincerely Intended For the allaying the Heats and Animosities of the People, and persuading all Honest, Well-Meaning Men to compose their Party-Quarrels, and unite their Hearts and Affections for the promoting the Publick Good, and Safety of their Queen and Country. By way of answer to the Thoughts of an honest Tory. London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1710. ESTC No. T73101. Grub Street ID 296438.
  • Clement, Simon. Faults on both sides, or, an essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. ... By way of answer to the Thoughts of an honest Tory. London : printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1715. ESTC No. N31551. Grub Street ID 20442.
  • Clement, Simon. Remarks upon a late ingenious pamphlet, entituled, A short but thorough search into what may be the real cause of the present Scarcity of our silver coin, &c. Wherein Some Mistakes of that Author are endeavoured to be removed; the Vulgar Errors about the Valuation of Money and Bullion Silver are throughly discuss'd and clear'd; the true Occasion of the Scarcity of Silver shewn; and Such a Remedy proposed, as cannot fail to make it become Plenty again. By an impartial hand. London : printed for S. Baker, at the Black-Boy and Anchor in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T103079. Grub Street ID 156736.
  • Clement, Simon. Remarks upon a late ingenious pamphlet, entituled, A short but thorough search into what may be the real cause of the present scarcity of our silver coin, &c. Wherein Some Mistakes of that Author are endeavoured to be removed; the Vulgar Errors about the Valuation of Money and Bullion Silver are throughly discuss'd and clear'd; the true Occasion of the Scarcity of Silver shewn; and Such a Remedy proposed, as cannot fail to make it become Plenty again. By an impartial hand. The second edition.. London : printed for S. Baker, at the Black-Boy and Anchor in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T9091. Grub Street ID 310754.