Waite, John.
The way to heaven by water, concomitated, by the sweet-breathing gales of the spirit: wherein, the point of originall sinne is touched; infants baptisme justified, and how far the guilt of originall sinne, in the elect, is therein ordinarily removed, &c. Delivered in severall lectures at Kingston upon Hull, by John Waite, B.D, and lecturer there for the present. Imprimatur, Jas. Craford, Decemb: 2, 1644.
York: printed by Tho: Broad, anno Dom. 1645.
ESTC No. R220794.Grub Street ID 95068.
Waite, John.
Of the creatures liberation from the bondage of corruption. Wherein is discussed I. What is most probably meant by (the creature.) II. The vanitie or corruption from which it shall be delivered, and its unwillingnesse to that vanitie. III. The manner or way of its deliverance. IV. What creatures are conceived as most capable of this, and of their use after restauration. V. And lastly is discussed that glorious libertie of the sonnes of God into which the creature is to be reduced. Discursu philosophico--theologico, by John Waite, B.D.
Printed at York: by Tho: Broad, and are to be sold at his shop near Common-Hall-Gates, 1650.
ESTC No. R220792.Grub Street ID 95067.
Waite, John.
H=e z=emia t=es agaps=e: the loss of love: or, Christ contending through the clouds with His spouse, for the loss of her first love. Being a sermon first preached before an honourable assembly upon Mount Zion: and since augmented with some after-gleanings. And now published for the good of the many thousands of Israel. Whereunto is added, A call for a Christless sinner: or, a few considerations for them that are going down to the damned. By John Waite, a poor servant of (a rich master) Jesus Christ.
London : printed for George Larkin, [1666].
ESTC No. R219499.Grub Street ID 94025.