Publications of John Woodall


  • Woodall, John. The surgions mate, or A treatise discouering faithfully and plainely the due contents of the surgions chest, the vses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of the medicines, the cures of the most frequent diseases at sea: namely wounds, apostumes, vlcers, fistulaes, fractures, dislocations, with the true maner of amputation, the cure of the scuruie, the fluxes of the belly, of the collica and illiaca passio, tenasmus, and exitus ani, the callenture; with a briefe explanation of sal, sulphur, and mercury; with certaine characters, and tearmes of arte. Published chiefly for the benefit of young sea-surgions, imployed in the East-India Companies affaires. By Iohn Woodall Mr in Chirurgery. London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Laurence Lisle, at the Tygers-head in Pauls Church-yard, 1617. ESTC No. S120224. Grub Street ID 139860.
  • Woodall, John. The surgeons mate or Military & domestique surgery. Discouering faithfully & plainly ye method and order of ye surgeons chest, ye uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of ye medicines, w[i]th ye exact cures of wounds made by gun-shott, and otherwise as namely: wounds, apos fumes, vlcers, fistula's, fractures, dislocations, w[i]th ye most easie & safest wayes of amputation or dismembring. The cures of the scuruey, of ye fluxes of ye belly, of ye collicke and iliaca passia, of tenasmus and exitus ani, and of the calenture, with A treatise of ye cure of ye plague. Published for the service of his Matie. and of the com:wealth. By John Woodall Mr. in chyrurgerie. London: printed by Rob: Young (, J. Legate? and E. Purslowe), for Nicholas Bourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, MDCXXXIX [1639]. ESTC No. S95910. Grub Street ID 153796.
  • Woodall, John. The cure of the plague by an antidote called aurum vitæ. Being well approved to be an easie safe, and perfect cure thereof; as also of contagious agues, or feavers beginning either hot or cold. The description, order and use whereof, together with the said antidote, and are to be sold at the shop of Nicholas Bourne, stationer, at the south entrance of the royal exchange. Invented and produced by John Woodall, master in surgery. Published by authority. London: Printed by E. P[urslowe] for Nicholas Bourne, 1640. ESTC No. S113972. Grub Street ID 133696.
  • Woodall, John. The surgeons mate or Military & domestique surgery. Discouering faithfully & plainly ye method and order of ye surgeons chest, ye uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of ye medicines, with ye exact cures of wounds made by gunshott, and otherwise as namely: wounds, apos fumes, ulcers, fistula's, fractures, dislocations, with ye most easie & safest wayes of amputation or dismembring. The cures of the scuruey, of ye fluxes of ye belly, of ye collicke and iliaca passio, of tenasmus and exitus ani, and of the calenture, with A treatise of ye cure of ye plague. Published for the service of his Ma. tie and of the com:wealth. By John Woodall Mr. in chyrurgerie. London: printed by Iohn Legate, for Nicholas Bourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1655. ESTC No. R221201. Grub Street ID 95398.