Publications of William Pain


  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, Youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; as centering for groins, niches, &c. Examples for roofs, sky lights, &c. The five orders laid down by a new scale. Mouldings, &c. at large, with their enrichments. Plans, elevations and sections of houses for town and country, lodges, hot-houses, green-houses, stables, &c. Design for a church, with plan, elevation, and two sections; an altar-piece, and pulpit. Designs for chimney-pieces, shop-fronts, door-cases. Section of a dining-room and library. Variety of stair-cases, with many other important articles, and useful embellishments. The whole illustrated, and made perfectly easy, by one hundred and forty-eight copper plates, with explanations to each. By William Pain, author of The practical builder, and British palladio. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, at the Stone-House, no 41, South Second-Street, 1797. ESTC No. W27792. Grub Street ID 337907.
  • Pain, William. The builder's companion, and workman's general assistant: Demonstrating, after the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the plan to the ornamental finish; illustrated with a greater number of useful and familiar examples than any work of that kind hitherto published; with clear and ample instructions, annexed to each subject or number, on the same plate; being not only useful but necessary to all masons, bricklayers, plasterers, carpenters, joiners, and others concerned in the several branches of building, &c. Also, the figure, description, and use of a new-invented joint-rule, to calculated as to render easy the drawing of any figure, architrave, frize, cornice, or moulding, that can be required to any given scale. The whole correctly engraven on seventy-seven folio copper-plates, from the designs of William Pain the subjects herein chiefly consist of, I. Of foundations, walls, and their diminutions, fitness of chimneys, and proportion of light to. London : Printed for the author, and Robert Sayer, opposite Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Street, MDCCLVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T120747. Grub Street ID 171750.
  • Pain, William. The builder's companion, and workman's general assistant: demonstrating, ... all the principal rules of architecture, from the plan to the ornamental finish; ... The whole correctly engraven on 102 folio copper-plates, ... By William Pain,. London : printed for the author, and Robert Sayer, 1762. ESTC No. N15224. Grub Street ID 4953.
  • Pain, William. The builder's pocket-treasure; or, Palladio delineated and explained, in such a manner as to render that most excellent author plain and intelligible ... The whole neatly and correctly engraved on forty-four copper plates, with printed explanations to face each plate. By William Pain. Engraved by Isaac Taylor. London : printed for W. Owen, 1763. ESTC No. N32102. Grub Street ID 20911.
  • Pain, William. The builder's companion, and workman's general assistant; demonstrating, after the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the plan to the ornamental finish; ... The whole correctly engraved on 92 folio copper-plates, ... By William Pain,. The second edition, with many improvements and additions by the author.. London : printed for Robert Sayer, 1765. ESTC No. T136583. Grub Street ID 184741.
  • Pain, William. The builder's pocket-treasure; or, Palladio delineated and explained, in such a manner as to render that most excellent author plain and intelligible to the meanest Capacity, in which not only the Theory, but the Practical Part of Architecture has been carefully attended to. Illustrated With New and Useful Designs of Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, &c. with their Bases, Capitals, and Entablatures, at large for Practice; Architrave Frontispieces, Cornices, and Mouldings for the Inside of Rooms, &c. the Construction of Stairs, with their Ramp and twist Rails; framing of Floors, Rooss, and Partitions; with the Method of finding the Length and Backing of Hips, streight or curvi-linear; the tracing of Groins, Angle-Blackets, splay'd or circular Soffits; with Plans and Elevations of a Dwelling-House, Hot-House, Garden Temple, Seat and Bridge; and a Table of Scantlings for cutting Timber for Building. The Whole neatly and correctly engraved on Forty-Four Copper Plates, With printed Explanations t. Second edition, with an appendix of eleven copper plates, with explanations.. London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet-Street, near Temple-Bar, [1766]. ESTC No. T120831. Grub Street ID 171807.
  • Pain, William. The builder's companion, and workman's general assistant; demonstrating, After the most easy and practical Method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the plan to the ornamental finish; Illustrated with a greater Number of useful and familiar Examples than any Work of that Kind hitherto published; With Clear and ample Instructions annexed to each Subject or Number, on the same Plate, with Estimates of Materials and Workmanship; Being not only useful to all Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Carpenters, Joiners, and others concerned in the several Branches of Building, &c. but also necessary for Gentlemen, who will be hereby enabled to know the exact Expence of any Building, Alteration, or Repair. The whole correctly engraved on 92 folio copper-plates, containing upwards of seven hundred designs on the following Subjects, &c. 1. Of Foundations, Walls, and their Diminutions, Fitness of Chimneys, and Proportion of Light to Rooms, with the due Scantlings of Timber to be cut for Buildi. The third edition, with many improvements and additions by the author.. London : printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Printseller, at the Golden Book, near Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T132462. Grub Street ID 181383.
  • Pain, William. The builder's pocket-treasure; or, Palladio delineated and explained, in such a manner as to render that most excellent author plain and intelligible to the meanest capacity, in which not only the theory, but the practical part of architecture has been carefully attended to. Illustrated with new and useful designs of frontispieces, chimney-pieces, &c. with their bases, capitals, and entablatures, at large for practice; architrave frontispieces, cornices, and mouldings for the inside of rooms, &c. the construction of stairs, with their ramp and twist rails; framing of floors, roofs, and partitions; with the method of finding the lengths and backing of hips streight or curvi-linear; the tracing of groins, angle-brackets, splay'd or circular soffits; with plans and elevations of a dwelling house, hot-house, garden temple, seat and bridge; and a table of scantlings for cutting timber for building. The whole neatly and correctly engraved on forty-four copper plates, with printed explanations t. London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. N72333. Grub Street ID 52119.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder, or workman's general assistant: shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building, as The Use of the Tramel for Groins, Angle-Brackets, Niches, &c. Semi-Circular Arches on Flewing James, the preparing and making their Soffits. Rules of Carpentry; To find the Length and Backing of Hips, strait or curved; Trusses for Roofs, Domes, &c. - Trussing of Girders, Sections of Floors, &c. The Proportion of the Five Orders, in their general and particular Parts, Gluing of Columns, Stair-Cases with their ramp and twist Rails, fixing the Carriages, Newels, &c. Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, Ceilings, Cornices, Architraves, &c. in the newest Taste. With plans and elevations of gentlemans and farm-houses, yards, barns, &c. By William Pain, Architect and Joiner. Engraved on eighty-three plates. London : printed for I. Taylor, at the Bible and Crown, in Holborn, near Chancery-Lane, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T96026. Grub Street ID 315511.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's and joiner's repository: or, a new system of lines and proportions for doors, windows, chimnies, cornices & mouldings, For Finishing of Rooms, &c. &c. a Great Variety of Stair-Cases, On a Plan entirely New, and easy to be understood. Circular Circular Soffits, flewing and winding, in straight and circular Walls, Groins, Angle Brackets, circular and elliptical Sky-Lights; and the Method of Squaring and Preparing their circular Bars, Shop Fronts, &c. By W. Pain, joiner. Engraved on sixty-nine copper-plates. London : printed for the author; and sold by I. Taylor, at the Bible and Crown, in Holborn, near Chancery-Lane, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T96014. Grub Street ID 315499.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder, or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; The Use of the Tramel for Groins, Angle-Brackets, Niches, &c. Semi-Circular Arches on Flewing Jambs, the Preparing and Making their Soffits. Rules of carpentry; To find the Length and Backing of Hips, Straight or Curved. -- Trusses for Roofs, Domes, &c. -- Trussing of Girders, Sections of Floors, &c. The Proportion of the Five Orders, in their General and Particular Parts. -- Glewing of Columns, Stair-Cases with their Ramp and Twist Rails; Fixing the Carriages, Newels, &c. Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, Cielings, Cornices, Architraves, &c. in the Newest Taste. -- With Plans and Elevations of Gentlemens' and Farm-Houses, Yards, Barns, &c. A new edition, revised and corrected by the author William Pain, Architect and Joiner. Engraved on eighty-three plates. London : printed for I. Taylor, at the Bible and Crown, in Holborn, near Chancery-Lane, M,DCC,LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T121357. Grub Street ID 172191.
  • Pain, William. The builder's golden rule, or the youth's sure guide: containing the greatest variety of ornamental and useful designs in architecture and carpentry, ... The whole correctly engraved, on 104 copper-plates, with a full explanation in letter-press. To which is added, an estimate of prices for materials and labour, and labour only, ... By William Pain,. London : printed for the author, by H. D. Steel, 1781. ESTC No. T118284. Grub Street ID 169836.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's pocket directory; containing, the best methods of framing timber buildings of all figures and dimensions, with their several parts, as floors; roofs in ledgment, their Lengths and Backings; trussed roofs, spires, and domes; Trussing-Girders, Partitions, and Bridges, with Abutments; Centering for Arches, Vaults, &c. cutting Stone Ceilings, Groins, &c. with their Moulds; Centers for drawing Gothic Arches, Ellipses, &c. &c. With the plan and sections of a barn. Engraved on twenty-four plates, with explanations, forming the most complete and useful Work of the Kind yet published. By William Pain, Architect and Carpenter, Author of the Practical Builder, and the Carpenter's and Joiner's Repository. London : printed for I. Taylor, No. 56, nearly opposite Great Turnstile, Holborn, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T118288. Grub Street ID 169839.
  • Pain, William. The builder's golden rule, or the youth's sure guide: containing the greatest variety of ornamental and useful designs in architecture and carpentry, With the most ready practical Methods of executing the same, from the Plan to the Ornamental Finish, in the most prevailing modern Taste. The whole correctly engraved, on 106 copper-plates, with a full Explanation in Letter-Press. To which is added, An estimate of prices for materrals and labour, and Labour only, with References to the respective Designs. By William Pain, Author of the Practical Builder, &c. The second edition.. London : printed for the author, by H. D. Steel, Number 51, Lothburt, near Coleman-Street, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T94066. Grub Street ID 313680.
  • Pain, William. A supplement to The builder's golden rule: engraved on thirty-four folio copper-plates. By William Pain, Author of the Builder's Golden Rule, and other Pieces. London : printed for and sold by the author, No. 3, Little Red-Lion Court, Charter-House Lane, near West-Smithfield, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. N24619. Grub Street ID 13975.
  • Pain, William. The practical measurer, or youth's instructor: containing instructions for measuring all kinds of superficies and solids, by feet and inches and by decimals; including the Manner of measuring the several Artificers Works relative to building; with a Sketch of the Bricklayer's and Carpenter's Dimension-Books, and the Manner of squaring, abstracting, and making out the Bills. With every other particular necessary for the information of the workman, the builder, &c. To which are added plain and easy rules for measuring land, gauging, &c. By William Pain, Author of the Builder's Golden Rule, and other Works. London : printed for the author, Little Red-Lion Court, Charter-House Lane, near West-Smithfield, M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783]. ESTC No. T118286. Grub Street ID 169838.
  • Pain, William. The builder's pocket-treasure; or, Palladio delineated and explained, In such a Manner as to render that most excellent Author plain and intelligible to the meanest Capacity, in which not only the Theory, but the Practical Part of Architecture has been carefully attended to. Illustrated with new and useful designs of frontispieces, chimney-pieces. &c. their Bases, Capitals, and Entablatures, at large for Practice; Architrave Frontispieces, Cornices, and Mouldings for the Inside of Rooms, &c. the Construction of Stairs, with their Ramp and twist Rails; framing of Floors, Roofs, and Partitions; with the Method of finding the Length and Backing of Hips, streight or curvi-linear; the tracing of Groins, Angle-Brackets, splay'd or circular Soffits; besides Plans and Elevations of a Dwelling-House, Hot-House, Garden Temple, Seat and Bridge; and a table of scantlings for cutting Timber for Building. The whole neatly and correctly engraved on forty-four copper plates. With printed Explanations to. A new edition, with an appendix of eleven copper plates, and explanations.. London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T118285. Grub Street ID 169837.
  • Pain, William. Pain's British Palladio: or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating, in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. Illustrated with Several New and Useful Designs of Houses, with their Plans, Elevations, and Sections. Also, Clear and Ample Instructions, annexed to each Subject, in Letter-Press; with a List of Prices for Materials and Labour, and Labour only. This Work will be universally useful to all Carpenters, Bricklavers, Masons, Joiners, Plaisterers, and others, concerned in the several Branches of Building, &c. comprehending the following Subjects, viz. Plans, Elevations, and Sections, of Gentlemen's Houses. Designs for Doors, Chimneys, and Ceilings, with their proper Embellishments, in the most modern Taste. A great Variety of Mouldings, for Base and Surbase Architraves, Imposts, Friezes, and Cornices, with their proper Ornaments, for Practice, drawn to Half-Size: To which are added, Seales for e. London : printed by H. D. Steel, in Lothbury, for the authors, at No 3, Little Red-Lion-Court, Charterhouse-Lane, near West-Smithfield, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T96023. Grub Street ID 315509.
  • Pain, William. The builder's golden rule, or the youth's sure guide: containing the greatest variety of ornamental and useful designs in architecture and carpentry With the most ready practical Methods of executing the same, from the Plan to the ornamental Finish, in the most prevailing modern Taste. The whole correctly engraved, on 100 copper-plates, with a full explanation in letter-press. To which is added, a list of prices for materials and labour, and labour only, with References to the respective Designs. By William Pain, Author of the British Palladio. The third edition, with additions by the author.. London : printed for and sold by the author, At No. 12, Fisher Street, Red-Lion-Square, Holborn, by H. D. Steel, Number 51, Lothbury, Near Coleman-Street, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T118283. Grub Street ID 169835.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's and joiner's repository; or, a new system of lines and proportions for doors, windows, chimnies, Cornices, and Mouldings, for Finishing Rooms, &c. &c. a Great Variety of Stair-Cases, on a Plan Entirely New, and Easy to be Understood. Circular Circular Soffits, Flewing and Winding, in Strait and Circular Walls, Groins, Angle-Brackets, Circular and Elliptical Sky-Lights, and the Method of Squaring and Preparing their Circular Bars, Shop. Fronts, &c. By W. Pain, joiner. A new edition. Engraved on sixty-nine copper plates. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, No. 56, Holborn, Nearly Opposite Great Turn-Stile, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T96015. Grub Street ID 315500.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, The youth's instructor. Containing a great variety of mouldings at large for practice, with their proper embellishments, two designs for gentlemen's houses, with their plans, elevations, and sections; likewise, a great variety of stair-case work, laid down to a very large scale for practice. To which is added, a treatise on gothic architecture, with columns, entablatures, frontispieces, chimney pieces, shop fronts, cielings, &c. A plan and elevation of a gothic temple, and a plan and elevation of a gentleman's house in the gothic taste. All laid down in a plain and practical manner for practice. Engraved on thirty-four folio copper plates. By William Pain, author of the Golden Rule and British Palladio. The second edition, with additions.. London : printed for, and sold by the author, No. 12, Fisher Street, Red-Lion Square, Holborn, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. N72317. Grub Street ID 52103.
  • Pain, William. Pain's British Palladio: or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. Illustrated With Several New and Useful Designs of Houses, with their Plans, Elevations, and Sections. Also, Clear and Ample Instructions, annexed to each Subject, in Letter-Press; with a List of Prices for Materials and Labour, and Labour only. This Work will be universally useful to all Carpenters, Bricklayers, Masons, Joiners, Plaisterers, and others, concerned in the several Branches of Building, &c. comprehending the following Subjects, viz. Plans, Elevations, and Sections, of Gentlemen's Houses. Designs for Doors, Chimneys, and Ceilings, with their proper Embellishments, in the most modern Taste. A great Variety of Mouldings, for Base and Surbase Architraves, Imposts, Friezes, and Cornices, with their proper Ornaments, for Practice, drawn to Half-Size: To which are added, Scales for en. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, At The Architectural Library, No. 56, High Holborn, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T121355. Grub Street ID 172189.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter, or The youth's instructor: Containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; the five orders laid down by an entire new scale; with frontispieces, chimney pieces, stair cases, and mouldings at large; with their proper embellishments for practice. plans, elevations, and sections, for town and country houses. Printed on fifty-four quarto copper plates, with explanations to face each plate. By William Pain, author of the golden rule and British palladio. The second edition. With large additions, and a list of prices.. London : Printed for the author, No. 12, Fisher Street, Red Lion square, Holborn, M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. T174203. Grub Street ID 211298.
  • Pain, William. The builder's golden rule, or the youth's sure guide: containing the greatest variety of ornamental and useful designs in architecture and carpentry, with the most ready practical methods of executing the same, from the plan to the ornamental finish, in the most prevailing modern taste. The whole correctly engraved, on 106 copper-plates, with a full explanation in letter-press. To which is added, an estimate of prices for materials and labour, and labour only, with references to the respective designs. By William Pain, author of the Practical Builder, &c. The second edition.. London : printed by and for H.D. Steel, Number 51, Lothbury, near Coleman-Street: and to be had of the booksellers in town and country, M.DCC.LXXXIX [1789]. ESTC No. N72332. Grub Street ID 52118.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; ... rules of carpentry, ... Frontispieces, chimney-pieces, ceilings ... in the newest taste; with plans and elevations ... The fourth edition; revised and corrected by the author, William Pain, ... Engraved on eighty-three plates. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1789. ESTC No. T118986. Grub Street ID 170467.
  • Pain, William. Pain's British Palladio: or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating, in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. ... The whole correctly engraved on forty-two folio copper-plates, from the original designs of William and James Pain. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1790. ESTC No. T121356. Grub Street ID 172190.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter, or the youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; The Five Orders laid down by an entire new Scale; with Frontispieces, Chimney Pieces, Stair Cases, and Mouldings at large; with their proper embellishments for practice. Plans, elevations, and sections, For Town and Country Houses. Printed on seventy-five quarto copper plates, with explanations to face each plate. By William Pain, Author of the Golden Rule and British Palladio. The third edition, with large additions, and a list of prices.. London : printed for the author, No. 12, Fisher Street, Red Lion Square, Holborn, M.DCC.XC. [1790] [1791]. ESTC No. N39830. Grub Street ID 27070.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's pocket directory; containing the best methods of framing timber buildings of all figures and dimensions, with their several parts: as floors; roofs in ledgment, ... trussed roofs, spires, and domes; ... &c. &c. With the plan and sections of a barn. Engraved on twenty-four plates, with explanations, ... By William Pain, . A new edition.. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1792. ESTC No. N26672. Grub Street ID 16038.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's and joiner's repository; or, a new system of lines and proportions for doors, windows, chimnies, ... &c. &c. ... By W. Pain, joiner. A new edition. Engraved on sixty-nine copper plates. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, 1792. ESTC No. N26676. Grub Street ID 16042.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; ... To which is added, a list of prices for materials and labour, labour only, and day prices. The whole illustrated, ... by 148 copper plates, ... by William Pain,. The fourth edition, with large additions.. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1792. ESTC No. N39829. Grub Street ID 27068.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder, or Workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; as the use of the tramel for groins, angle-brackets, niches, &c. semi-circular arches on flewing jambs, the preparing and making their soffits. Rules of carpentry; to find the length and backing of hips, straight or curved; trusses for roofs, doomes [sic], &c. trussing of girders, sections of floors, &c. The proportion of the five orders, in their general and particular parts:--glewing of columns, stair-cases with their ramp and twist rails; fixing the carriages, newels, &c. frontispieces, chimney-pieces, ceilings, cornices, architraves, &c. In the newest taste; with plans and elevations of gentlemen's and farm-houses, barns, &c. Engraved on eighty-three plates. Boston: Printed and sold by John Norman, no. 75 Newbury Street, M,DCC,XCII. [1792]. ESTC No. W27781. Grub Street ID 337895.
  • Pain, William. The builder's sketch book; or, the youth's pocket companion; containing great variety of out-line sketches in carpentry and architecture. The whole adapted to practice, for the benefit of youth, at their first beginning to draw in architecture. Printed on 48 octvavo copper plates, with full explanations in letter press, to face each plate. To which is added, a list of prices for materials and labour, and labour only. By William Pain. London : printed for, and sold by the author, 1793. ESTC No. N53816. Grub Street ID 37707.
  • Pain, William. Pain's British palladio: or, The builder's general assistant. Demonstrating, in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. Illustrated with several new and useful designs of houses, with their plans, elevations, and sections. Also, clear and ample instructions annexed to each subject, in letter-press; with a list of prices for materials and labour, and labour only. This work will be universally useful to all carpenters, bricklayers, masons, joiners, plaisterers, and other concerned in the several branches of building, &c. comprehending the following subjects, viz. Plans, elevations, and sections of gentlemen's houses. designs for doors, chimneys, and ceilings, with their proper embellishments, in the most modern taste. A great variety of mouldings, for base and surbase architraves, imposts, friezes and cornices, with their proper ornaments, for practice, drawn to half-size: to which are added, scales for enlarg. London : Printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, No. 56, High Holborn, M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T96024. Grub Street ID 315510.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; The Use of Tramel for Groins, Angle Brackets, Niches, &c. Semi-Circular Arches on flewing Jambs, the preparing and making their Soffits; Rules of Carpentry, To find the Length and Backing of Hips strait or curved; Trusses for Roofs, Domes, &c. Trussing of Girders, Sections of Floors, &c. The Proportion of the Five Orders in their general and particular Parts: Gluing of Columns; Stair-Cases with their Ramp and Twist Rails, fixing the Carriages, Newels, &c. Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, Ceilings, Cornices, Architraves, &c. In The Newest Taste; With Plans and Elevations of Gentlemen's and Farm Houses, Barns, &c. The fifth edition; revised and corrected by the author, William Pain, Architect and Joiner. Engraved on eighty-three plates. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, No. 56, Holborn, nearly opposite Turn-Stile, M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T136945. Grub Street ID 185013.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; As Centering for Groins, Niches, &c. Examples for Roofs, Sky-Lights, &c. The Five Orders laid down by a New Scale. Mouldings, &c. at large, with their Enrichments. Plans, Elevations and Sections of Houses for Town and Country, Lodges, Hot-Houses, Green-Houses, Stables, &c. Design for a Church, with Plan, Elevation, and two Sections; an Altar-Piece, and Pulpit. Designs for Chimney-Pieces, Shop-Fronts, Door-Cases. Section of a Dining-Room and Library. Variety of Stair-Cases, with many other important Articles, and useful Embellishments. To which is added, A list of prices for materials and labour, labour only, and day prices. The whole illustrated, and made perfectly easy, by 148 copper plates, With Explanations to each, By William Pain, Author of the Practical Builder, and British Palladio. The fifth edition, with additions.. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, No. 56, High Holborn, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T93532. Grub Street ID 313209.
  • Pain, William. The builder's pocket-treasure. In which not only the theory, but the practical parts of architecture are carefully explained. Illustrated with useful designs ... Correctly engraved on fifty-five plates. With printed explanations to each. By William Pain. Author of the Practical builder, British palladio &c. [Boston]: London printed: Boston reprinted, and sold by William Norman, at his shop no. 75, Newbury-Street, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. W30066. Grub Street ID 340374.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, Youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; as centering for groins, niches, &c. Examples for roofs, sky lights, &c. The five orders laid down by a new scale. Mouldings, &c. at large, with their enrichments. Plans, elevations and sections of houses for town and country, lodges, hot-houses, green-houses, stables, &c. Design for a church, with plan, elevation, and two sections; and altar-piece, and pulpit. Designs for chimney-pieces, shop-fronts, door-cases. Section of a dining-room and library. Variety of stair-cases, with many other important articles, and useful embellishments. To which is added, a list of the price of carpenters' work. The whole illustrated, and made perfectly easy, by 148 copper plates, with explanations to each, by William Pain, author of the practical builder, and British palladio. Boston: Printed and sold by William Norman, bookseller and stationer, no. 75, Newbury-Street, 1796. ESTC No. W27791. Grub Street ID 337906.
  • Pain, William. The carpenter's pocket directory; containing the best methods of framing timber buildings of all figures and dimensions, with their several parts, as floors, roofs in ledgment, their lengths and backings; trussed roofs, spires, and domes; trussing-girders, partitions, an bridges, with abutments; centering for arches, vaults, &c. cutting stone ceilings, groins, &c. with their moulds; centers for drawing Gothic arches, ellipses, &c. &c. With the plan and sections of a barn. Engraved on twenty-four plates, with explanations, forming the most complete and useful work of the kind yet published. By William Pain, architect and carpenter, author of The practical builder, The carpenter's and joiner's repository, and The British Palladio. Philadelphia: Published by J.H. Dobelbower and J. Thackara, 1797. ESTC No. W30217. Grub Street ID 340535.
  • Pain, William. Pain's British Palladio: or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating, in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. ... The whole correctly engraved on forty-two folio copper-plates, from the original designs of William and James Pain. A new edition, corrected.. London : printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1797. ESTC No. N26236. Grub Street ID 15610.
  • Pain, William. The practical builder; or, workman's general assistant: shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; ... In the newest taste. ... The sixth edition; revised and corrected by the author, William Pain, ... Engraved on eighty-three plates. London : printed for J. Taylor, 1799. ESTC No. N63522. Grub Street ID 45679.
  • Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture; As Centring for Groins, Niches, &c. Examples for Roofs, Sky-Lights, &c. The Five Orders laid down by a new Scale. Mouldings, &c. at large, with their Enrichments. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houses for Town and Country, Lodges, Hot-Houses, Green-Houses, Stables, &c. Design for a Church, with Plan, Elevation, and Two Sections; an Altar-Piece, and Pulpit. Designs for Chimney-Pieces, Shop-Fronts, Door-Cases. Section of a Dining-Room and Library. Variety of Stair-Cases: with many other important Articles and useful Embellishments. To which is added, A list of prices for materials and labour, labour only, and day prices. The whole illustrated, and made perfectly easy, by 148 copper-plates, with Explanations to each. By William Pain, Author of the Practical Builder, and British Palladio. The sixth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, No. 59, High Holborn, 1799. ESTC No. T93534. Grub Street ID 313210.