Publications of Marc-Antoine Laugier


  • Laugier, Marc-Antoine. An essay on the study and practice of architecture. Explaining the true principles of the science; And Directing the Gentleman and Builder to design and finish in every Article, with Judgment and Taste. Illustrated with figures, elegantly engraved, explaining the Five Orders, their several Parts, and just Proportions. With a Frontispiece, designed by Mr. Wale, and curiously engraved. To which are added, directions for the embellishment of cities, and for the laying out of gardens. London : printed for Stanley Crowder and Henry Woodgate, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row, 1756. ESTC No. N1527. Grub Street ID 4994.
  • Laugier, Marc-Antoine. The history of the negociations for the peace concluded at Belgrade September 18, 1739. between the emperor, Russia, and the Ottoman Porte, By the Mediation and under the Guarantee of France. Shewing The Grounds of the Present War between the Russians and the Turks. Translated from the French of M. l'abbĂ© Laugier. London : printed by W. and J. Richardson; for J. Murray (successor to Mr. Sandby) No. 32. opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, M.DCC.LXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T128728. Grub Street ID 178272.