Publications of Cotton Mather


  • Mather, Cotton. The deplorable state of New-England, by reason of a covetous and treacherous governour, and pusillanimous counsellors with a vindication of the Honourable Mr. Higginson, Mr. Mason, and several other gentlemen, from the scandalous and wicked accusation of the votes, ordered by them to be published in their Botson [sic] news-letter. To which is added, an account of the shameful miscarriage of the late expedition against Port-Royal. [Boston]: London: printed in the year 1708. Reprinted [by Samuel Kneeland?], 1721. ESTC No. W18640. Grub Street ID 328253.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for communicants. An essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. Offered by an assembly of the New-English pastors, unto their own flocks, and unto all the churches in these American colonies: with a solemn testimony to that cause of God, and religion in them. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, and T. Crump; for Samuel Gerrish, and Daniel Henchman, and sold at their shops, 1715. Price 4d. single, and 3s. per doz. ESTC No. W19285. Grub Street ID 328937.
  • Mather, Cotton. A poem dedicated to the memory of the Reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes, the late pastor to Christ's flock and præsident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge. Who was gathered to his people on 25d 5 mo 1681. In the fifty'th year of his age. Boston in New-England: printed for John Ratcliff, 1682. ESTC No. R31243. Grub Street ID 114047.
  • Mather, Cotton. Souldiers counselled and comforted a discourse delivered unto some part of the forces engaged in the just war of New-England against the northern & eastern Indians, Sept. 1, 1689 / by Cotton Mather ... Boston: Printed by Samuel Green, 1689. ESTC No. R31163. Grub Street ID 113966.
  • Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathaniel Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for Heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereto are added some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. London : printed by J[ames]. Astwood, and are to be sold by J[ohn]. Dunton at the black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R180442. Grub Street ID 71482.
  • Mather, Cotton. Right thoughts in sad hours, representing the comforts and the duties of good men under all their afflictions; and particularly, that one, the untimely death of children: in a sermon delivered at Charls-town, New England; under a fresh experience of that calamity. London : printed by James Astwood, 1689. ESTC No. R220434. Grub Street ID 94805.
  • Mather, Cotton. Memorable providences, relating to vvitchcrafts and possessions. A faithful account of many wonderful and surprising things, that have befallen several bewitched and possesed persons in New-England. Particularly, a narrative of the marvellous trouble and releef experienced by a pious family in Boston, very lately and sadly molested with evil spirits. Whereunto is added, a discourse delivered unto a congregation in Boston, on the occasion of that illustrious providence. As also a discourse delivered unto the same congregation; on the occasion of an horrible self-murder committed in the town. With an appendix, in vindication of a chapter in a late book of remarkable providences, from the calumnies of a Quaker at Pen-silvania. Written by Cotton Mather, minister of the Gospel. And recommended by the ministers of Boston and Charleston. Printed at Boston in N. England: by R[ichard]. P[ierce]. 1689. Sold by Joseph Brunning at his shop at the corner of the Prison-Lane next the Exchange, [1689]. ESTC No. R31239. Grub Street ID 114044.
  • Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereto are added, some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. The second edition. With a prefatory epistle by Mr. Matthew Mead. London : printed by J. Astwood for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R20873. Grub Street ID 84956.
  • Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for Heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereunto are added some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. London : printed by J. Astwood, and are to be sold by J. dunton at the black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R235328. Grub Street ID 106464.
  • Mather, Cotton. The declaration, of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston, and the countrey adjacent. April 18th. 1689. [Boston: printed by Samuel Green, and sold by Benjamin Harris at the London Cofffee-House, 1689]. ESTC No. R102. Grub Street ID 58593.
  • Mather, Cotton. Small offers towards the service of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Four discourses, accommodated unto the designs of practical godliness. The first, concerning the methods wherein men ought to engage both themselves and their houses in the service of God. The second, concerning the right and best waies of redeeming time in the world. The third, concerning the carriage which we should have under trials used by God upon us. The fourth, concerning the end which in our desires of life, we should propound unto ourselves. Preached partly at Boston, partly at Charlston [sic]. By Cotton Mather, pastor of a church in Boston. Published by a gentleman lately restored from threatning sickness; as a humble essay to serve the interest of religion, in gratitude unto God for his recovery. [Boston]: Printed by R. Pierce. Sold by Jos. Brunning at his shop near the Exchange in Boston, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R26191. Grub Street ID 109539.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonderful works of God commemoratedÂ.¶Æbsp;Praises bespoke for the God of heaven, in a thanksgiving sermon; delivered on Decemb. 19. 1689. Containing just reflections upon the excellent things done by the great God, more generally in creation and redemption, and in the government of the world; but more particularly in the remarkable revolutions of Providence which are every where the matter of present observation. With a postscript giving an account of some very stupendous accidents, which have lately happened in France. By Cotton Mather. To which is added a sermon preached unto the convention of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England. With a short narrative of several prodigies, which New-England hath of late had the alarms of heaven in. Printed at Boston: by S. Green. & sold by Joseph Browning at the corner of the Prison Lane, and Benj. Harris at the London Coffee-House, 1690. ESTC No. W24924. Grub Street ID 334886.
  • Mather, Cotton. Addresses to old men, and young men, and little children. In three discourses ... To which may be added, a short scriptural catechism, accommodated unto their capacities. By Cotton Mather. Boston: Printed by R. Pierce, for Nicholas Buttolph, at the corner shop, next to Gutteridge's Coffee-House. 1690. ESTC No. W18383. Grub Street ID 327987.
  • Mather, Cotton. A companion for communicants. Discourses upon the nature, the design, and the subject of the Lords Supper; with devout methods of preparing for, and approaching to that blessed ordinance. By Cotton Mather, Pastor of a church at Boston. [Seven lines from Augustine]. Printed at Boston by Samuel Green for Benjamin Harris at the London Coffee-House, 1690. ESTC No. W18629. Grub Street ID 328243.
  • Mather, Cotton. The principles of the Protestant religion maintained, and churches of New-England, in the profession and exercise thereof defended, against all the calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker, in a book lately published at Pensilvania [sic], to undermine them both. By the ministers of the Gospel in Boston,. Boston, in New-England: printed by Richard Pierce, and sold by the booksellers, M DC XC. [1690]. ESTC No. W19401. Grub Street ID 329054.
  • Mather, Cotton. The serviceable man a discourse made unto the General Court of the Massachusets Colony, New-England, at the anniversary election, 28d. 3m. 1690 / by Cotton Mather ... Boston: Printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning .., 1690. ESTC No. R31244. Grub Street ID 114048.
  • Mather, Cotton. The way to prosperity. A sermon preached to the honourable convention of the governour, council, and representatives of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England; on May 23. 1689. By Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by R. Pierce. for Joseph Brunning, Obadiah Gill, and James Woode, MDCXC. [1690]. ESTC No. W4125. Grub Street ID 351122.
  • Mather, Cotton. The present state of New-England. Considered in a discourse on the necessities and advantages of a public spirit in every man; especially, at such a time as this. Made at the lecture in Boston, 20. d. 1. m. 1690. Upon the news of an invasion by bloody Indians and French-men, begun upon us. By Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by Samuel Green, 1690. ESTC No. R14946. Grub Street ID 62920.
  • Mather, Cotton. The way to prosperity. A sermon preached to the honourable convention of the governour, council, and representatives of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England; on May 23. 1689. By Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by Richard Pierce. for Benjamin Harris, anno Domini MDCXC. [1690]. ESTC No. R28821. Grub Street ID 111856.
  • Mather, Cotton. A scriptural catechism. The heads of the Christian religion plainly, briefly, and fully delivered in a catechism, which endeavours a sufficient answer to every question, barely with a pertinent sentence of sacred scripture, and enables the learner at once with ease to confirm as well as assert the great articles of the faith once delivered unto the saints. By Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by R. Pierce, for Nicholas Buttolph, at the corner shop, next to Guttridg's Coffee-House, 1691. ESTC No. R213832. Grub Street ID 89190.
  • Mather, Cotton. Things to be look'd for. Discourses on the glorious characters, with conjectures on the speedy approaches of that state, which is reserved for the church of God in the latter dayes. Together with an inculcation of serveral duties, which the undoubted characters and approaches of that state, invite us unto: deliverd unto the Artillery Company of the Massachusets colony: New England; at their election of officers, for the year 1691. By Cotton Mather. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by Samuel Green, & Barth. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at Gutteridg's Coffee House, in Boston, 1691. ESTC No. R24045. Grub Street ID 107878.
  • Mather, Cotton. Late memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions, clearly manifesting, not only that there are witches, but that good men (as well as others) may possibly have their lives shortned by such evil instruments of Satan. Written by Cotton Mather minister of th Gospel at Boston in New-England. The second impression. Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter in London, and by the ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New-England. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chapel, 1691. ESTC No. R15694. Grub Street ID 63609.
  • Mather, Cotton. Some considerations on the bills of credit now passing in New-England. Addressed unto the Worshipful, John Philips Esq; Published for the information of the inhabitants. Boston, Printed by Benjamin Harris, and John Allen: and are to be sold at the London-Coffee-House, 1691. ESTC No. W19433. Grub Street ID 329082.
  • Mather, Cotton. The life and death of the renown'd Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an account of the wonderful success which the Gospel has had amongst the heathen in that part of the world: and of the many strange customes of the pagan Indians, in New-England. Written by Cotton Mather. The second edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, M DC XCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R12687. Grub Street ID 60837.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ornaments for the daughters of Zion. Or The character and happiness of a vertuous woman: in a discourse which directs the female-sex how to express, the fear of God in every age and state of their life; and obtain both temporal and eternal blessedness. Written by Cotton Mather. [Four lines in Latin from Tertullian, followed by a six-line translation into English]. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by S.G. & B.G. [i.e., Samuel and Bartholomew Green] for Samuel Phillips at Boston. 1691. ESTC No. W2243. Grub Street ID 332256.
  • Mather, Cotton. The triumphs of the reformed religion, in America. The life of the renowned John Eliot; a person justly famous in the church of God, not only as an eminent Christian, and an excellent minister, among the English, but also, as a memorable evangelist among the Indians, of New-England; with some account concerning the late and strange success of the Gospel, in those parts of the world, which for many ages have lain buried in pagan ignorance. Written by Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by Benjamin Harris, and John Allen, for Joseph Brunning at the corner of the Prison-Lane, 1691. ESTC No. R3561. Grub Street ID 117991.
  • Mather, Cotton. Blessed unions an union with the Son of God by Faith, and an union in the Church of God by love, importunately pressed in a discourse which makes divers offers for those unions : together with a copy of those articles where-upon a most happy union ha's been lately made between those two eminent parties in England, which have now changed the names of Presbyterians and Congregationals, for that of United Brethren / by Cotton Mather. Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen for Samuel Phillips, 1692. ESTC No. R31225. Grub Street ID 114029.
  • Mather, Cotton. Fair weather, or, Considerations to dispel the clouds & allay the storms of discontent in a discourse which with an entertaining variety both of argument and history layes open the nature and evil of that pernicious vice and offers diverse antidotes against it / by Cotton Mather ... Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen for Nicholas Buttolph .., 1692. ESTC No. R31227. Grub Street ID 114031.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world. Observations as well historical as theological, upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. Accompany?d with, I. Some accounts of the grievous molestations, by daemons and witchcrafts, which have lately annoy'd th countrey; and the trials of some eminent malefactors executed upon occasion thereof: with several remarkable curiosities therein ocurring. II. Some counsils, directing a due improvement of the terrible things, lately done, by the unusual & amazing range of evil spirits, in our neighbourhood: & the methods to prevent the wrongs which those evil angels may intend against all sorts of people among us; especially in accusations of the innocent. III. Some conjectures upon the great events, likely to befall, the world in general, and New- England in particular; as also upon the advances of the time, when we shall see better dayes. IV A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swedeland, very much rese. Boston: printed by Benj. Harris for Sam. Phillips, 1693. [i.e. 1692]. ESTC No. R40456. Grub Street ID 122243.
  • Mather, Cotton. A midnight cry. An essay for our awakening out of that sinful sleep, to which we are at this time too much disposed; and for our discovering of what peculiar things there are in this time, that are for our awakening. In a discourse given on a day of prayer, kept by the North-Church in Boston. 1692. By Cotton Mather. Now published for the use of that church, together with a copy of acknowledgments and protestations made in pursuance of the reformation, whereto we are to be awakened. Boston: printed by John Allen, for Samuel Phillips, and are to be sold at his shop, at the west-end of the Town-House, 1692. ESTC No. W19282. Grub Street ID 328935.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world. Observations as well historical as theological, upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. Accompany?d with, I. Some accounts of the grievous molestations, by daemons and witchcrafts, which have lately annoy'd th countrey; and the trials of some eminent malefactors executed upon occasion thereof: with several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. II. Some councils, directing a due improvement of the terrible things, lately done, by the unusual & amazing range of evil spirits, in our neighbourhood: & th methods to prevent the wrongs which those evil angels may intend against all sorts of people among us; especially in accusations of the innocent. III. Some conjectures upon the great events, likely to befall, the world in general, and New-England in particular; as also upon the advances of the time, when we shall see better dayes. IV. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swedeland, very much rese. Boston: printed and sold by Benjamin Harris, 1693. [i.e. 1692]. ESTC No. R26804. Grub Street ID 110060.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ornaments for the daughters of Zion. Or The character and happiness of a vertuous woman: in a discourse which directs the female-sex how to express, the fear of God, in every age and state of their life; and obtain both temporal and eternal blessedness. Written by Cotton Mather [Four lines in Latin from Tertullian, followed by a six line translation into English]. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by S.G. & B.G. [i.e., Samuel and Bartholomew Green] for Samuel Phillips at Boston. 1692. ESTC No. W19300. Grub Street ID 328953.
  • Mather, Cotton. The day, & the work of the day: a brief discourse, on what fears, we may have at this time to quicken us; what hopes there are for us at this time to comfort us: and what prayers would be likely to turn our fears into hopes. With reflections upon time and state, now come upon the church of God, and collections of certain prophesies relating to the present circumstances of New-England. Uttered on a fast, kept in Boston, July 6th. 1693. Boston: printed by B. Harris, for Samuel Phillips, 1693. ESTC No. R217667. Grub Street ID 92431.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several vvitches, lately excuted [sic] in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. Together with, I. Observations upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. II. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swede-land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. III. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil-spirits in New-England. IV. A brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of Satan. By Cotton Mather. Printed first, at Bostun [sic] in New-England; and reprinted at London : For John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R37620. Grub Street ID 119838.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. By Cotton Mather. The second edition.. Printed first, at Boston in New England, and reprinted at London : For John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R31168. Grub Street ID 113971.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. By Cotton Mather. The third edition.. Printed first at Boston in New-England, and reprinted at London : For John Duneon [sic], at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R35401. Grub Street ID 117811.
  • Mather, Cotton. Winter-meditations directions how to employ the liesure [sic] of the winter for the glory of God. Accompanied with reflections, as well historical, as theological, not only upon the circumstances of the winter, but also, upon the notable works of God, both in, creation and Providence: especially those, which more immediately concern every particular man, in the whole course of his life; and upon the religious works, wherewith every man should acknowledge God, in and from the accidents of the winter. By Cotton Mather. With a preface of the Reverend, Mr. John Higginson. Boston: printed and sold by Benj. Harris, over-against the Old-Meeting-House, 1693. ESTC No. R24049. Grub Street ID 107882.
  • Mather, Cotton. The life and death of the reverend Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an account of the wonderful success which the Gospel has had amongst the heathen in that part of the world: and of the many strange customs of the pagan Indians, in New-England. Written by Cotton Mather. The third edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R31238. Grub Street ID 114043.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ornaments for the daughters of Zion. Or the Character and happiness of a virtuous woman: in a disocurse which directs the female sex how to express the fear of God in every age and state of their life; and obtain both temporal and eternal blessedness. Written by Cotton Mather. Tertullian's advice for the ornaments of women. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower end of Cheapside, 1694. ESTC No. R39691. Grub Street ID 121568.
  • Mather, Cotton. Early religion urged in a sermon upon the duties wherein, and the reasons wherefore, young people should become religious whereto are added the extracts of several papers written by admonitions for the young survivers : with brief memoirs relating to the exemplary lives of some such, that have gone from hence to their everlasting rest / by Cotton Mather. Boston: Printed by B.H. for Michael Perry, 1694. ESTC No. R28816. Grub Street ID 111851.
  • Mather, Cotton. Durable riches. Two brief discourses, occasioned by the impoverishing blast of heaven, which the undertakings of men, both by sea and land, have met withal. The one, handling, the true cause of loosing; the other, giving, the true way of thriving. By Cotton Mather. Boston: printed by John Allen, for Vavasour Harris, and are to be sold at his shop over-against the Old Meeting-House, 1695. ESTC No. R61. Grub Street ID 126472.
  • Mather, Cotton. Batteries upon the kingdom of the Devil. Seasonable discourses upon some common, but woful, instances, wherein men gratifie the grand enemy of their salvation. By Mr. Cotton Mather, author of the late Memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions; and of Early piety exemplified. London : printed for Nath. Hiller, at the Princes-Armes in Leaden-Hall-Street, over-against St. Mary Axe, 1695. ESTC No. R1818. Grub Street ID 72233.
  • Mather, Cotton. Brontologia sacra: the voice of the glorious God in the thunder: explained and applyed in a sermon uttered by a minister of the Gospel in a lecture unto an assembly of Christians abroad, at the very same time when the thunder was by the permission and providence of God falling upon his own house at home. Whereunto are added some reflections formed on the Lords-Day following by the voices of thunders, upon the great things which the great God is now doing in the world. A discourse useful for all men at all times, but especially intended for an entertainment in th hours of thunder. London : printed by John Astwood, 1695. ESTC No. R180441. Grub Street ID 71481.
  • Mather, Cotton. Johannes in eremo. Memoirs, relating to the lives, of the ever memorable, Mr. John Cotton, who dyed, 23.d. 10.m. 1652. Mr. John Norton, who dyed, 5.d. 2.m. 1663. Mr. John Wilson, who dyed, 7.d. 6.m. 1667. Mr. John Davenport, who dyed, 15.d. 1.m. 1670. reverend and renowned ministers of the Gospel, all, in the more immediate service of one church, in Boston; and Mr. Thomas Hooker, who dyed, 7.d. 5.m. 1647. pastor of the church at Hartford; New-England. Written, by Cotton Mather. [Boston]: Printed for and sold by Michael Perry, at his shop, under the west end of the Town-House, 1695. ESTC No. R12984. Grub Street ID 61116.
  • Mather, Cotton. Seven select lectures of Mr. Cotton Mather of New-England, or, Seasonable discourses upon some common but woful distempers wherein men gratify the grand enemy of their salvation and upon the remedies of those distempers by a singular providence of God preserved from the hands of the French ... and now published by an English gentleman who providentially litt upon them. London : Printed for Nath. Hiller, 1695. ESTC No. R28818. Grub Street ID 111853.
  • Mather, Cotton. Things for a distress'd people to think upon offered in the sermon to the General Assembly of the province of the Massachusetts Bay, at the anniversary election, May 27, 1696 : wherein I. The condition of the future, as well as former times, in which we are concerned, is considered, II. A narrative of the late wonderful deliverance, of the King and the three Kingdoms, & all the English dominions, is endeavoured, III. A relation, of no less than seven miracles, within this little while wrought by the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, for the confirmation of our hopes, that some glorious works, for the welfare of his church, are quickly to be done, is annexed / by Cotton Mather. Boston in N.E. [i.e. New England]: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Duncan Campbel .., 1696. ESTC No. R37997. Grub Street ID 120136.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good master well served a brief discourse on the necessary properties & practices of a good servant in every kind of servitude : and of the methods that should be taken by the heads of a family, to obtain such a servant / by Cotton Mather. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, 1696. ESTC No. R39687. Grub Street ID 121563.
  • Mather, Cotton. Faith at work a brief and plain essay upon certain articles of the Gospel most necessary to be understood by every Christian, to wit the nature, the order, and the necessity of the good works by which the faith of a Christian is to be evidenced. Boston in New England: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1697. ESTC No. R31229. Grub Street ID 114033.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pietas in patriam: the life of His Excellency Sir William Phips, Knt. late captain general and governour in chief of the province of the Massachuset-Bay, New England. Containing the memorable changes undergone, and actions performed by him. Written by one intimately acquainted with him. London : printed by Sam. Bridge in Austin-Friers, for Nath. Hiller at the Princes-Arms in Leaden-Hall Street, over against St. Mary-Ax, 1697. ESTC No. R931. Grub Street ID 129406.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ecclesiastes. The life of the reverend & excellent Jonathan Mitchel; a pastor of the church, and a glory of the colledge, in Cambridge, New-England. Written by Cotton Mather. [Boston] Massachuset: printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. Sold at the booksellers shops in Boston, 1697. ESTC No. R60. Grub Street ID 126383.
  • Mather, Cotton. Memorable providences, relating to vvitchcrafts and possessions: a faithful account of many wonderful and surprising things, that have befallen several bewitched and possessed persons in New-England. Particularly, a narrative of the marvellous trouble and relief, experienced by a pious family in Boston, very lately and sadly molested with evil spirits. Whereunto is added, a discourse delivered unto a congregation in Boston, on the occasion of that illustrious providence. As also, a discourse delivered unto the same congregation; on the occasion of an horrible self-murder committed in the town. With an appendix, in vindication of a chapter in a late book of remarkable providences, from the calumnies of a Quaker at Pen-silvania. Written by Cotton Mather, minister of the Gospel. And recommended by the ministers of Boston and Charleston. [Edinburgh]: Printed at Boston in New-England, and re-printed at Edinburgh by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, printer to His most excellent Majesty, anno Dom. 1697. ESTC No. R16658. Grub Street ID 64478.
  • Mather, Cotton. The thoughts of a dying man a faithful report of matters uttered by many, in the last minutes of their lives : and, a solemn warning unto all, to conform their lives, unto the belief of such unquestionable matters ... [Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for J. Wheeler, 1697]. ESTC No. R39695. Grub Street ID 121571.
  • Mather, Cotton. Terribilia Dei remarkable judgments of God on several sorts of offenders in several scores of instances among the people of New-England : observed, collected, related, and improved in two sermons at Boston-lecture in the month of July 1697 / by Cotton Mather. [Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1697]. ESTC No. R28820. Grub Street ID 111855.
  • Mather, Cotton. Eleutheria: or, An idea of the Reformation in England: and a history of non-conformity in and since that Reformation. With predictions of a more glorious reformation and revolution at hand Written in the year 1696. Mostly compiled and maintain'd from unexceptionable writings of conformable divines in the Church of England. To which is added, The conformists reasons for joining with the nonconformists in divine worship. By another hand. London : printed for J.R. and sold by Sam. Philips bookseller at Boston in New-England, 1698. ESTC No. R1888. Grub Street ID 76608.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good man making a good end. The life and death, of the Reverend Mr. John Baily, comprised and expressed in a sermon, on the day of his funeral. Thursday. 16.d. 10.m. 1697. By Cotton Mather. Boston in N.E.: printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Michael Perry, at his shop, under the west end of the Town House, 1698. ESTC No. R31237. Grub Street ID 114042.
  • Mather, Cotton. Mens sana in corpore sano a discourse upon recovery from sickness : directing how natural health may be improved into spiritual, especially by them that have lately recovered it. Boston in N.E. [i.e. New England]: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen for Samuel Phillips .., 1698. ESTC No. R31240. Grub Street ID 114046.
  • Mather, Cotton. Eleutheria: or, An idea of the Reformation in England: and a history of non-conformity in and since that Reformation. With predictions of a more glorious reformation and revolution at hand. Written in the year 1696. Mostly compiled and maintain'd from unexceptionable writings of conformable divines in the Church of England. To which is added, The conformists reasons for joining with the nonconformists in divine worship. By another hand. London : printed for J.R. and sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, 1698. ESTC No. R7621. Grub Street ID 127872.
  • Mather, Cotton. Eleutheria: or, An idea of the Reformation in England: and a history of non-conformity in and since that Reformation. With predictions of a more glorious reformation and revolution at hand. Written in the year 1696. Mostly compiled and maintain'd from unexceptionable writings of conformable divines in the Church of England. To which is added, The conformists reasons for joining with the nonconformists in divine worship. By another hand. London : printed for J.R. and sold by John Mackie bookseller in Edinburgh, 1698. ESTC No. R5682. Grub Street ID 126106.
  • Mather, Cotton. The serious Christian: or, Three great points of practical Christianity I. The great care of a Christian: or, What is the care of heart, which every Christian should use, for the keeping of his heart? II. The faithful steward: or, What are our talents, and what the methods, by which we may come to give a good account of our talents? III. Sacred archery: or, What may be said, for the direction and incouragement of those prayers, which we call ejaculatory? In three brief discourses. By an American. London : printed by Benj. Harris, and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1699. ESTC No. R180443. Grub Street ID 71483.
  • Mather, Cotton. The faith of the fathers. Or, The articles of the true religion, all of them exhibited in the express words of the Old TestamentÂ.†êartly, to confirm those who do profess that religion of God, and His Messiah. But chiefly, to engage the Jewish nation, unto the religion of their patriarchs; and, bring down the hearts of the fathers into the children, and the disobedient unto the wisdom of the just; and so, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. By Cotton Mather. Boston in New-England: printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, 1699. ESTC No. W18654. Grub Street ID 328263.
  • Mather, Cotton. A family well-ordered. Or An essay to render parents and children happy in one another. Handling two very important cases. I. What are the duties to be done by pious parents, for the promoting of piety in their children. II. What are the duties that must be paid by children to their parents, that they may obtain the blessings of the dutiful. By Cotton Mather. [Three lines from Malachi]. Boston: printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for Michael Perry, at his shop over-against the Town-House: & Benjamin Eliot, at this shop under the west-end of the Town-House. 1699. ESTC No. W18658. Grub Street ID 328267.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pillars of salt. An history of some criminals executed in this land for capital crimes. With some of their dying speeches; collected and published, for the warning of such as live in destructive courses of ungodliness. Whereto is added, for the better improvement of this history, a brief discourse, about the dreadful justice of God, in punishing of sin, with sin. Boston in New-England: printed by B. Greene, and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop near the Old-Meeting-House, 1699. ESTC No. R216307. Grub Street ID 91226.
  • Mather, Cotton. La fe del Christiano en veyntequatro articulos de la institucion de Christo embiada a los espa-oles, paraque abran sus ojos, y paraque se conviertan de las Tinieblas a la luz, y de la potestad de Satanas a Dios : paraque reciban por la fe que es en Jesu Christo, remissio de peccado, y suerte entre los sanctificados / por C. Mathero ... Boston: [by B. Green and J. Allen], 1699. ESTC No. R31236. Grub Street ID 114041.
  • Mather, Cotton. A pillar of gratitude, or, A brief recapitulation of the matchless favours with which God of Heaven hath obliged the hearty praises of his New-England Israel a sermon deliverd in the audience of His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont, captain general, and governour in chief, and of the council & representatives of the General Assembly of the Province of Massachusetts Bay convened at Boston, in New England, on May 29, 1700, the day for election of counsellors in that province / by Cotton Mather ; whereunto there is appendiced an extract of some accounts, concerning the wonderful success of the glorious Gospel in the East Indies. Boston: Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, 1700. ESTC No. R37995. Grub Street ID 120134.
  • Mather, Cotton. A warning to the flocks against wolves in sheeps cloathing, or, A Faithful advice, from several ministers of the Gospel, in and near Boston, unto the churches of New-England, relating to the dangers that may arise from imposters pretending to be ministers with a brief history of some impostors, remarkably and seasonably detected / written by one of the ministers in Boston to assert that advice, and prevent future mischiefs. Boston: Printed [by B. Green, and J. Allen] for the booksellers, 1700. ESTC No. R37998. Grub Street ID 120137.
  • Mather, Cotton. The resolved Christian; pursuing the designs of holiness and happiness, in ordering, first his own heart and life, and then his family. With further directions upon the great points, of spending our time, & of minding our end, and of behaving our selves well under all ou tryals. A treatise that may be of use, to persons of all conditions, and especially to be read in families. [One line of quotation in Latin]. [Boston]: To be sold by Nicholas Boone, at his shop, over against the Old Meeting House in Boston, 1700. ESTC No. W19415. Grub Street ID 329067.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religious marriner. A brief discourse tending to direct the course of sea-men, in those points of religion, which may bring them to the port, of eternal happiness. Boston in New-England: printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1700. ESTC No. R214132. Grub Street ID 89454.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter of advice to the churches of the non-conformists in the English nation: endeavouring their satisfaction in that point, who are the true Church of England?. London : printed, and sold by A. Baldwin at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1700. ESTC No. R8763. Grub Street ID 128899.
  • Mather, Cotton. Things that young people should think upon. Or, The death of young people improved, in some lively admonitions to the living. With consolations, to the bereaved parents of such young people, as are by an early, (and perhaps a sudden) death, taken from them. On Job I. 19. ... [Two lines from Zechariah in Latin]. Boston, in N.E. Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen: sold at the printing house, at the south end of the town. 1700. ESTC No. W19555. Grub Street ID 329205.
  • Mather, Cotton. The everlasting Gospel. The gospel of justification by the righteousness of God as 'tis held and preach'd in the churches of New-England: expressed in a brief discourse on that important article; made at Boston in the year, 1699. By Cotton MatherÂ.†Ånd, asserted with the attestations, of several reverend and eminent persons, now most considerable in those churches. Boston: printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Nicholas Buttolph, and sold at his shop at the corner of Gutteridges Coffee-House, 1700. ESTC No. W43661. Grub Street ID 353275.
  • Mather, Cotton. A Christian at his calling. Two brief discourses. One directing a Christian in his general calling; another directing him in his personal calling. [Two lines from Justin]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for Samuel Sewall Junior, at his shop, near the old meeting-house, 1701. ESTC No. W18618. Grub Street ID 328234.
  • Mather, Cotton. A collection, of some of the many offensive matters, contained in a pamphlet, entituled, The order of the Gospel revived. [Two lines of quotation in Latin and English]. [Boston]: Printed at Boston Sold by T. Green, 1701. ESTC No. W18627. Grub Street ID 328241.
  • Mather, Cotton. A companion for the afflicted. The duties and the comforts, of good men, under their afflictions in two brief and plain discourses. Accommodated unto the condition that all at some times, and some at all times, do encounter withal. [One line Latin epigram]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by T. Green, for, and sold by Samuel Sewall Junior, 1701. ESTC No. W18630. Grub Street ID 328244.
  • Mather, Cotton. American tears upon the ruines of the Greek churches. A compendious, but entertaining history of the darkness come upon the Greek churches, in Europe and Asia. Composed by an American. And published, partly to bespeak a more frequent remembrance of those (once) famous churches, in the prayers of the faithful afar off. And, partly, to suggest unto other churches, the advice and warning to be thence taken, that their candlestick, may not be removed out of its place. With, an appendix containing a relation of the conversion of a Jew, named, Shalome Ben Shalomoh. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for, & sold by Samuel Sewall Junior, 1701. ESTC No. W18389. Grub Street ID 327993.
  • Mather, Cotton. Death made easie at happy. Two brief discourses on the prudent apprehensions of death; which are to influence and regulate our lives. Together with serious thoughts in dying times: or, A discourse upon death; and the true methods of preparation for it. By Cotton Mather. 4 book which has been commended, and given for a token at a funeral. London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, 1701. ESTC No. N7037. Grub Street ID 51003.
  • Mather, Cotton. The young mans preservative. Or, Serious advice to all, and especially to young people, about their company. Whereto, there is added, a remarkable relation, of a young gentleman, by a wonderful hand of heaven, converted unto an heavenly life, and rescued from the snares of evil company. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by Timothy Green, and sold by the book-sellers, 1701. ESTC No. W19650. Grub Street ID 329296.
  • Mather, Cotton. Thaumatographia Christiana. The wonders of Christianity; discoursed, in a brief recapitulation of many wonderful mysteries, in our Lord Jesus Christ; which are admired by angels in heaven, and should be the contemplation and admiration of Christians on earth. [One line fro Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Sewall Junior, at his shop near the Old Meeting House, 1701. ESTC No. W19448. Grub Street ID 329094.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter concerning the terrible suffering of our Protestant brethren, on board the French Kings galleyes. (7.d. 3.m. 1701.). [Boston?: s.n, 1701]. ESTC No. W19220. Grub Street ID 328874.
  • Mather, Cotton. Triumphs over troubles. A sermon upon the good which God intends, and faith expects, for good men, from all their troubles in a troublesome world. By Cotton Mather. [Six lines of quotations in Latin]. Boston: Printed for and sold by B. Eliot, at the Town House, 1701. ESTC No. W19565. Grub Street ID 329212.
  • Mather, Cotton. Cares about the nurseries. Two brief discourses. The one, offering methods and motives for parents to catechise their children while yet under the tuition of their parents. The other, offering some instructions for children, how they may do well, when they come to years of doing for themselves. [Three lines from Luther]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by T. Green, for Benjamin Eliot, 1702. ESTC No. W18614. Grub Street ID 328230.
  • Mather, Cotton. Christianity to the life. Or, The example of the Lord Jesus Christ, propos'd unto the meditation, and the imitation, of every Christian. [Five lines in Latin from Salvian]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by T. Green, sold by Nicholas Boone, at his shop near the Old-Meeting-House, 1702. ESTC No. W18624. Grub Street ID 328239.
  • Mather, Cotton. An advice, to the churches of the faithful: briefly reporting, the present state of the church, throughout the world; and bespeaking, that fervent prayer for the church. Which this time calleth for. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, 1702. ESTC No. W18385. Grub Street ID 327989.
  • Mather, Cotton. The young mans preservative: or, serious advice to all, and especially to young people, about their company. Whereto there is added, a remarkable relation of a young gentleman, by a wonderful hand of heaven, converted unto an heavenly life, and rescued from the snares of evil company. By Cotton Mather. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, 1702. ESTC No. N61200. Grub Street ID 44110.
  • Mather, Cotton. The pourtraiture of a good man, drawn with the pencils of the sanctuary, in such colours as the oracles of the sacred Scriptures have given him. At a lecture, in the audience of the General Assembly at Boston. June 25. 1702. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed for, and sold by Benjamin Eliot, 1702. ESTC No. W19398. Grub Street ID 329051.
  • Mather, Cotton. Proposals, for the preservation of religion in the churches, by a due trial of them that stand candidates of the ministry. [Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1702]. ESTC No. W19404. Grub Street ID 329057.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Holy Bible itself, in some of its editions hath been affronted, with scandalous errors of the press-work ... [Boston: s.n, 1702]. ESTC No. W19208. Grub Street ID 328863.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ecclesiarum praelia: or, a book of the wars of the Lord. The seventh book of the new English history: relating the afflictive disturbances which the churches of New-England have suffered from their various adversaries ... Composed by Cotton Mather. . London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst, 1702. ESTC No. N65986. Grub Street ID 47781.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter to ungospellized plantations; briefly representing the excellency & necessity, of a peoples enjoying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ among them. Composed at the desire, and sent by the care, and in the name, of certain gentlemen, merchants, and others, of Boston, after their disbursements, to procure an offer of the glorious Gospel, unto the plantations (too willingly) destitute of an evangelical ministry. [Three lines from Matthew]. Boston: Printed [by B. Green, & J. Allen], in the year, 1702. ESTC No. W19221. Grub Street ID 328875.
  • Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620. unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books. ... By ... Cotton Mather,. London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst, 1702. ESTC No. T79039. Grub Street ID 300733.
  • Mather, Cotton. Christianus per ignem. Or, A disciple warming of himself and owning of his Lord: with devout and useful meditations, fetch'd out of the fire, by a Christian in a cold season, sitting before it. A work though never out of season, yet more particularly, designed for the seasonable and profitable entertainment, of them that would well employ their liesure [sic] by the fire-side. [Three lines in Latin from Alsted]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot at his shop, 1702. ESTC No. W30364. Grub Street ID 340692.
  • Mather, Cotton. Much in a little. Or, Three brief essayes, to sum up the whole Christian religion, for the more easy, & pleasant instruction of the weakest capacities. I. The creeds, delivered both in the Old & New Testament II. A body of divinity, first versified, and then inculcated, with questions, comprizing the whole, whereto nothing but yes, is to be answered. III. An abridgment of the Assemblies catechism; epitomizing that excellent composure, with no more than thirty two questions. Boston: Printed for Benjamin Eliot, 1702. ESTC No. W19290. Grub Street ID 328942.
  • Mather, Cotton. Necessary admonitions; containing just thoughts upon some sins, too little thought of. Or, A brief discourse concerning sins of omission. Made 11d. 4m. 1702. [One line Latin epigram]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1702. ESTC No. W19292. Grub Street ID 328944.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitory letter to them who needlessly & frequently absent themselves from the publick worship of God. Briefly representing the nature & intent of religious assemblies, and the grievous evil of profane absence from them. Published and dispersed by some, who desire the reformation, of than growing evil. [Three lines from Hebrews]. Boston, N.E.: Printed [by B. Green, & J. Allen?], in the year, 1702. ESTC No. W14897. Grub Street ID 324347.
  • Mather, Cotton. Conversion exemplified. [Boston?: Printed by T. Green?, 1703?]. ESTC No. W18631. Grub Street ID 328245.
  • Mather, Cotton. Agreeable admonitions for old & young. Or, Aged piety honoured, and early piety quickened. In a brief discourse, delivered, April 25. 1703. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Green, sold by Benjam.n [sic] Eliot, 1703. ESTC No. W18386. Grub Street ID 327990.
  • Mather, Cotton. The day which the Lord hath made. A discourse concerning the institution and observation of the Lords-Day. Delivered in a lecture, at Boston, 4d. 1m. 1703. [Four lines of Scripture text]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. Sold by Benj. Eliot, 1703. ESTC No. W18636. Grub Street ID 328249.
  • Mather, Cotton. A family-sacrifice. A brief essay to direct and excite family-religion; and produce the sacrifices of righteousness in our families. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. Sold by B. Eliot, 1703. ESTC No. W12096. Grub Street ID 321340.
  • Mather, Cotton. The glory of goodness. The goodness of God celebrated; in remarkable instances and improvements thereof: and more particularly in the redemption remarkably obtained for the English captives, which have been languishing under the tragical, and the terrible and the most barbarous cruelties of barbary. [Six lines from Psalms]. Boston, in N E.: Printed by T. Green, for Benjamin Eliot, 1703. ESTC No. W18664. Grub Street ID 328273.
  • Mather, Cotton. The high attainment. A brief discourse concerning resignation to the will of God; a glorious duty incumbent on every Christian, and containing in it, the very spirit, and comfort, and glory of Christianity. [Three lines from Taulerus]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop near the Old-Meeting-House, 1703. ESTC No. W19207. Grub Street ID 328862.
  • Mather, Cotton. Meat out of the eater. Or, Funeral-discourses occasioned by the death of several relatives. Work accommodated unto the service of all that are in any affliction; but very particularly such as are afflicted with the loss of their consorts or children. By Cotton Mather. [Fou lines from I Corinthians]. Boston: Printed [by B. Green & J. Allen] for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop under the Town House, 1703. ESTC No. W19233. Grub Street ID 328887.
  • Mather, Cotton. Methods and motives for societies to supress disorders. [Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen?, 1703]. ESTC No. W19281. Grub Street ID 328934.
  • Mather, Cotton. The retired Christian. Or, The duty of secret prayer, publickly inculcated; in a sermon, at Boston-lecture, April 1st. 1703. By Cotton Mather. [Eight lines from Cyprian in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for S. Phillips, 1703. ESTC No. W21951. Grub Street ID 331753.
  • Mather, Cotton. Le vrai patron des saines paroles. [Boston: Printed by T. Green?, 1704]. ESTC No. W19578. Grub Street ID 329225.
  • Mather, Cotton. A comforter of the mourners. An essay for the undoing of heavy burdens, in an offer of such good words as have a tendency to cause glad hearts, in those that are stouping under various matters of heaviness. [Three lines of quotations in Latin]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1704. ESTC No. W18628. Grub Street ID 328242.
  • Mather, Cotton. The armour of Christianity. A treatise, detecting first, the plots of the devil against our happiness. Declaring then, the wiles by which those plots are managed. And propounding, lastly, the thoughts by which those wiles may be defeated. [Two lines from Numbers]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by Timothy Green, for Benjamin Eliot, under the west end of the Exchange, 1704. ESTC No. W18392. Grub Street ID 327997.
  • Mather, Cotton. Eureka. The vertuous woman found. A short essay on the memory of Mrs. Mary Brown, late consort of Benjamin Brown Esq. in Salem. [Three lines from Ruth III]. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1704. ESTC No. W18647. Grub Street ID 328258.
  • Mather, Cotton. Faithful warnings to prevent fearful judgments. Uttered in a brief discourse, occasioned, by a tragical spectacle, in a number of miserables under a sentence of death for piracy. At Boston in N.E. Jun. 22. 1704. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1704. ESTC No. W18655. Grub Street ID 328264.
  • Mather, Cotton. A weaned Christian. Or, Some good things, by which a serious Christian may be made easy when great things are deny'd unto him. In a brief essay, to render the language of heaven in multiplied judgments upon the earth, articulate. [Three lines of Latin quotation]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1704. ESTC No. W19642. Grub Street ID 329290.
  • Mather, Cotton. A tree planted by the rivers of water. Or, An essay, upon the godly and glorious inprovements, which baptised Christians are to make to their sacred baptism. [Nine lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by Barth. Green, for Samuel Phillips, at the Brick Shop, 1704. ESTC No. W11154. Grub Street ID 320330.
  • Mather, Cotton. Youth under a good conduct. A short essay to render young people happy, by engaging them in the wayes of early & serious religion made, at Boston-Lecture, 2.d. I.m. 1704. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north-end of the town, 1704. ESTC No. W19652. Grub Street ID 329298.
  • Mather, Cotton. A servant of the Lord, not ashamed of his Lord. A short essay to fortify the minds of all persons, especially of young persons, against the discouragements of piety, offered in the derisions of the impions [sic]. Made, in a sermon to a society of young persons, meeting for the exercises of religion, on the Lords-Day evening. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1704. ESTC No. W19423. Grub Street ID 329074.
  • Mather, Cotton. The nets of salvation. A brief essay, upon the glorious designs & methods of winning. The minds of men unto serious religion, [Four lines of quotations]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1704. ESTC No. W19294. Grub Street ID 328946.
  • Mather, Cotton. A faithful man, described and rewarded. Some observable & serviceable passages in the life and death of Mr. Michael Wigglesworth. Late Pastor of Maldon; who rested from his labours on the Lords-Day, June 10th. 1705. In the seventy fourth year of his age. And memorials of piety, left behind him among his written experiences. With a funeral sermon preached (for him) at Maldon; June 24. 1705. By Cotton Mather. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph at his shop at the corner of Gutteridges Coffee-House, 1705. ESTC No. W18659. Grub Street ID 328268.
  • Mather, Cotton. Parental wishes and charges. Or, The enjoyment of a glorious Christ, proposed, as the great blessedness, which Christian parents desire, both for themselves, and for their children. In a discourse, now put into the hands of such parents, as would be assisted in their duty, by putting such things into the hands of their children. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1705. ESTC No. W19387. Grub Street ID 329043.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter, about the present state of Christianity, among the Christianized Indians of New-England. Written to the Honourable, Sir William Ashhurst, governour of the Corporation, for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians, in New-England, and Parts Adjacent, in America. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by Timothy Green, 1705. ESTC No. W20633. Grub Street ID 330327.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religion of the closet. An essay, on the holy employments which are proper for a Christian in his daily retirements, or, A Christian furnished with, a companion for solitude. ... [Boston: Printed by Timothy Green?, 1705]. ESTC No. W19409. Grub Street ID 329061.
  • Mather, Cotton. The rules of a visit. An essay upon that case, how the visits of Christians to one another, may be so managed, as to answer the noble designs of Christianity. [Two lines from Acts]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1705. ESTC No. W19419. Grub Street ID 329070.
  • Mather, Cotton. The hatchets, to hew down the tree of sin, which bears the fruit of death. Or, The laws, by which the magistrates are to punish offences, among the Indians, as well as among the English. = Togkunkash, tummethamunate matcheseongane mehtug, ne meechumuoo nuppooonk. Asuh, Wunnaumatuongash, nish nashpe nananuacheeg kusnunt sasamatahamwog matcheseongash ut kenugke Indiansog netatuppe onk ut kenugke Englishmansog. (asuh chohkquog.). Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1705. ESTC No. W19202. Grub Street ID 328858.
  • Mather, Cotton. A faithful man, described and rewarded. Some observable & serviceable passages in the life and death of Mr. Michael Wigglesworth. Late Pastor of Maldon [i.e., Malden]; who rested from his labours, on the Lords-Day, June 10th. 1705. In the seventy fourth year of his age. And memorials of piety, left behind him among his written experiences. With a funeral-sermon preached (for him) at Maldon; June 24. 1705. By Cotton Mather. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the west-end of the Town-House, 1705. ESTC No. W12191. Grub Street ID 321445.
  • Mather, Cotton. Lex mercatoria. Or, The just rules of commerce declared. And offences against the rules of justice in the dealing of men with one another, detected. With a testimony publickly given against all dishonest gain, in the audience of the General Assembly of the province of the Massachuset-Bay, New-England. Nov. 9. 1704. [Two lines from Catullus]. Boston: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1705. ESTC No. W35366. Grub Street ID 346032.
  • Mather, Cotton. Mare pacificum. A short essay upon those noble principles of Christianity, which may always compose and rejoyce, the mind of the afflicted Christian: and procure unto him a perpetual calm of mind, under every storm of affliction, that may come upon him. [Two lines in Latin from Seneca]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips at the brick-shop, 1705. ESTC No. W19230. Grub Street ID 328884.
  • Mather, Cotton. Monica Americana. A funeral sermon, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Sarah Leveret, (once the honourable consort of John Leveret Esq. governour of the Massachuset-Colony, New-England,) who changed earth for heaven. 2 d. 11 m. 1704. With an elegy upon her memory. [Two lines from Augustine]. Boston: Printed for Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop, 1705. ESTC No. W19284. Grub Street ID 328936.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nicetas. Or, Temptations to sin, and particularly to the sin wherewith youth is most usually and easily ensnared; well answered & conquered. In a sermon, directing and engaging young people, to the resolutions of early piety. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1705. ESTC No. W19296. Grub Street ID 328948.
  • Mather, Cotton. Free-grace, maintained & improved. Or, The general offer of the Gospel, managed with considerations of the great things done by special grace, in the election and redemption and vocation of those who embrace that offer. And the illustrious doctrines of divine predestinatio and humane impotency, rescued from the abuses, which they too frequently meet withal; and rendered (as they are) highly useful to the designs of practical piety. In two brief discourses; published at the desire of some, who have been greatly apprehensive of growing occasions for such treatises. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1706. ESTC No. W20337. Grub Street ID 330001.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vigilantius. Or, A servant of the Lord found ready for the coming of the Lord. A discourse occasioned by the early death of seven young ministers, within a little while one of another: with some essay, upon their commendable and imitable character. And an elegy upon them. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed & sold by B. Green at the south end of the town, 1706. ESTC No. W19634. Grub Street ID 329285.
  • Mather, Cotton. The good old way. Or, Christianity described, from the glorious lustre of it appearing in the lives of the primitive Christians. An essay tending, from illustrious examples of a sober, & a righteous and a godly life, occurring in the ancient church-history, to revive the languishing interests of genuine and practical Christianity. [One line from Chronicles]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot at his shop under the west-end of the Town-House, 1706. ESTC No. W18671. Grub Street ID 328279.
  • Mather, Cotton. A conquest over the grand excuse of sinfulness and slothfulness. Or, The cause of God and religion, pleaded against those, who make their inability to do good, their plea, for their continuance in a way of evil-doing. An essay, to clinch the serious advice, which we leav with such as we would see take the steps of wisdom and the well-advised. [Four lines in Latin from Calvin]. Boston in New-England: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, 1706. ESTC No. W30489. Grub Street ID 340829.
  • Mather, Cotton. Private meetings animated & regulated. A short essay, to preserve and revive the ancient practice of lesser societies, formed among religious people, to promote the great interests of religion. Written at the desire of some, who ask to be furnished with such instruments of piety. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by T. Green, 1706. ESTC No. W19402. Grub Street ID 329055.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religion of the closet. An essay, on the holy employments which are proper for a Christian in his daily retirements, or, A Christian furnished with, a companion for solitude. ... Boston: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1706. ESTC No. W19410. Grub Street ID 329063.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Negro Christianized An essay to excite and assist the good work, the instruction of Negro-servants in Christianity. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1706. ESTC No. W28677. Grub Street ID 338861.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Christian temple. Or, An essay upon a Christian considered as a temple. A consideration of great consequence to the interests of Christianity. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed and sold by Bartholomew Green, 1706. ESTC No. W30353. Grub Street ID 340681.
  • Mather, Cotton. An epistle to the Christian Indians, giving them a short account, of what the English desire them to know and to do in order to their happiness. Written by an English minister, at the desire of an English magistrate, who sends unto them this token of love. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1706. ESTC No. W20272. Grub Street ID 329930.
  • Mather, Cotton. A very needful caution. A brief essay, to discover the sin that slayes its ten thousands; and represent the character and condition of the coveteous. With some antidotes against the infection of coveteousness and earthly-mindedness. [Five lines from Augustine]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1707. ESTC No. W19571. Grub Street ID 329218.
  • Mather, Cotton. A memorial of the present deplorable state of New-England, with the disadvantages it lyes under by the male-administration of their present Governour, Joseph Dudley, Esq. and his son Paul, &c. Together with The several Affidovits of People of Worth, Relating to several of the said Governour's Mercenary and Illegal Proceedings, but particularly his private Treacherous Correspondence with Her Majesty's Enemies the French and Indians. To which is Added, A Faithful, but Melancholy Account of several Barbarities lately Committed upon Her Majesty's Subjects, by the said French and Indians, in the East and West Parts of New-England. Faithfully digested from the several original letters, papers, and Mss. by Philopolites. London?] : Printed in the year, MDCCVII. and sold by S. Phillips N. Buttolph, and B. Elliot. Booksellers in Boston, [1707. ESTC No. T144394. Grub Street ID 191263.
  • Mather, Cotton. The day which the Lord hath made. A discourse concerning the institution and observation of the Lords-Day. Delivered in a lecture, at Boston, 4d. 1m. 1703. [Four lines of Scripture text]. Boston, N.E.: Re-printed by B. Green, 1707. ESTC No. W18637. Grub Street ID 328250.
  • Mather, Cotton. Another tongue brought in, to confess the great Saviour of the world. Or, Some communications of Christianity, put into a tongue used among the Iroquois Indians, in America. And, put into the hands of the English and the Dutch traders: to accommodate the great intention of communicating the Christian religion, unto the salvages, among whom they may find any thing of this language to be intelligible. [Three lines from Ezekiel]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1707. ESTC No. W18391. Grub Street ID 327996.
  • Mather, Cotton. The best ornaments of youth. A short essay, on the good things, which are found in some, and should be found in all, young people. And which, wherever they are found, heaven will take a favourable notice of them. A sermon published by a religious society of young people, that were the hearers of it. [Two lines from Peter]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1707. ESTC No. W18397. Grub Street ID 327999.
  • Mather, Cotton. The fall of Babylon. A short and plain catechism, which detects & confutes the principles of popery: and arms the Protestant from the Tower of David, for the defence of his holy religion Intended particularly for the service of the Christians in Maryland, who may be in danger of popish delusions. [Five lines from Revelation]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1707. ESTC No. W18656. Grub Street ID 328265.
  • Mather, Cotton. Frontiers well-defended. An essay, to direct the frontiers of a countrey exposed unto the incursions of a barbarous enemy, how to behave themselves in their uneasy station? Containing admonitions of piety, propos'd by the compassion of some friends unto their welfare, to b lodg'd in the families of our frontier plantations. Boston, in N.E.: Printed by T. Green, 1707. ESTC No. W18662. Grub Street ID 328271.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family-religion, excited and assisted. Boston: Reprinted by B. Green, in the year, 1707. ESTC No. W18682. Grub Street ID 328289.
  • Mather, Cotton. The greatest concern in the world. [Boston: Printed by Timothy Green?, 1707]. ESTC No. W18688. Grub Street ID 328294.
  • Mather, Cotton. The spirit of life entering into the spiritually dead. An essay, to bring a dead soul into the way, wherein the quickening spirit of God & of grace, is to be hoped for; and to prophesy over the dry bones in the valley of death, such words of the Lord, as use to be the vehicles of life unto them. [One line from Ezekiel]. Boston in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1707. ESTC No. W22345. Grub Street ID 332167.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ornamental piety. [Boston: Printed by T. Green?, 1707]. ESTC No. W18265. Grub Street ID 327861.
  • Mather, Cotton. A treacle fetch'd out of a viper. A brief essay upon falls into sins; directing, how a recovery out of such falls, may be attended with a revenue, of special service and glory to God, from the fallen sinner. [Eight lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston in N E: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the west-end of the Town-House, 1707. ESTC No. W19562. Grub Street ID 329210.
  • Mather, Cotton. Corderius americanus. An essay upon the good education of children. And what may hopefully be attempted, for the hope of the flock. In a funeral sermon upon Mr. Ezekiel Cheever. The ancient and Honourable master of the Free-School in Boston. Who left off, but when mortalit took him off, in August, 1708. the ninety fourth year of his age. With an elegy and an epitaph upon him. By one that was once a scholar to him. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, near the corner of School-Street, 1708. ESTC No. W18633. Grub Street ID 328247.
  • Mather, Cotton. Sober considerations, on a growing flood of iniquity. Or, An essay, to dry up a fountain of, confusion and every evil work; and to warn people, particularly of the woful consequences, which the prevailing abuse of rum, will be attended withal. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by John Allen in Pudding-Lane, for Nicholas Boone at the Sign of the Bible in Corn-hill, near the corner of School-Street, 1708. ESTC No. W19431. Grub Street ID 329080.
  • Mather, Cotton. Winthropi justa. A sermon at the funeral of the Honourable John Winthrop Esq. late governour of the colony of Connecticut, in New-England; who died, at Boston, Nov. 27. 1707 and was honourably there interr'd on Decemb. 4. ensuing; in the 69th year of his age. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1708. ESTC No. W20904. Grub Street ID 330622.
  • Mather, Cotton. The man of God furnished. The way of truth, laid out; with a threefold catechism, I. The famous catechism, entituled, Milk for babes ... II. An abridgment of the Assemblies Catechism ... III. Supplies from the tower of Dvaid [sic]. Or, A catechism ... To which are added; several other instruments of piety; to serve the great interests of religion, which ly [sic] near to the hearts of all faithful ministers and all Godly householders. Offered unto the publick service, by several ministers of the Gospel in the churches of New-England. [Two lines from John]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1708. ESTC No. W19226. Grub Street ID 328879.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good evening for the best of dayes. An essay, to manage an action of trespass, against those who mispend the Lords-Day evening, in such things as have a tendency to defeat the good of the day. A sermon preached in the audience of the General Assembly, at Boston, 4 d. 9 m. 1708. And, published, by the order of the House of Representatives. [Three lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1708. ESTC No. W23148. Grub Street ID 333035.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family-religion urged. Or, some serious considerations offer'd to the reason and conscience of every prayerless housholder, with plain directions how the gift of prayer may be sought by persons of the meanest capacity. By Cotton Mather, ... To which is added, a select number of choice hymns, . London] : Printed at Boston in New-England, and since reprinted at London, by Benj. Harris, 1709. ESTC No. N9686. Grub Street ID 54562.
  • Mather, Cotton. A Christian conversing with the great mystery of Christianity. The mystery of the Trinity in the one infinite and eternal God, practically improved and applied, and plainly brought into the life of Christianity. [Five lines of quotations]. [Boston]: Printed & sold by T. Green, 1709. ESTC No. W18619. Grub Street ID 328235.
  • Mather, Cotton. Work within-doors. An essay, to assist the serious in the grand exercise of conversing with themselves, and communing with their own hearts. [Eight lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed and sold by T. Green, in Middle-Street, 1709. ESTC No. W19648. Grub Street ID 329293.
  • Mather, Cotton. Youth in its brightest glory. An essay, directing them that are young in age, to become strong in grace, by the word of God abiding in them. Published by a religious society of young men, that were the hearers of it. [Three lines in Latin from Virgil]. Boston: Printed & sold by T. Green, 1709. ESTC No. W19651. Grub Street ID 329297.
  • Mather, Cotton. A golden curb, for the mouth, which with an head-strong folly, rushes into the sins of profane swearing and cursing [One line from Psalms]. Boston: printed by John Allen, 1709. ESTC No. W18665. Grub Street ID 328274.
  • Mather, Cotton. The sailours companion and counsellour. An offer of considerations for the Tribe of Zebulun; awakening the mariner, to think and to do, those things that may render his voyage prosperous. [Three lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, and sold at his shop near the old-meeting-house in Corn-hill, 1709. ESTC No. W19421. Grub Street ID 329073.
  • Mather, Cotton. The temple opening. A particular church considered as a temple of the Lord. In a sermon preached on a a [sic] day, when such a church was gathered, and a pastor ordained. Now published by that church, as a continual monitor of their duty, and for the more extensive benefit of others, who would be confirmed in the right wayes of the Lord. [Three lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Phillips, 1709. ESTC No. W19723. Grub Street ID 329355.
  • Mather, Cotton. Winthropi justa. A sermon at the funearl of the Honble John Winthrop, Esq. late governour of the colony of Connecticut in New England. Who died at Boston Nov. 27. 1707. in his 69th year. By Cotton Mather. Dedicated to the right honourable, the Lady Rachel Russel, By Sir Henry Ashurst, Bar. London] : Printed at Boston in New-England, and reprinted at London, by B. Harris, at the Golden Boar's Head in Grace-church-street; and sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy, Pater-noster-row, 1709. ESTC No. N35886. Grub Street ID 23947.
  • Mather, Cotton. The cure of sorrow. An essay directing persons under sadness, what course to take, that they may be no more sad. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips at the brick shop, 1709. ESTC No. W30567. Grub Street ID 340914.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nunc dimittis, briefly descanted on. The happy dismission, of the holy believer, from the work of earth, to the joy of heaven; considered in a funeral sermon, for that venerable and memorable servant of Christ, Mr. John Higginson, the aged Pastor of the church in Salem; (with memoirs of his life,) who, on 9 d. 10 m. 1708. in the ninety third year of his age, went from the earthly Salem, to the heavenly. [Three lines from Erasmus]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Eleazar Phillips, at his shop in Corn-hill, 1709. ESTC No. W19298. Grub Street ID 328950.
  • Mather, Cotton. Theopolis Americana. An essay on the golden street of the holy city: publishing, a testimony against the corruptions of the market-place. With some good hopes of better things to be yet seen in the American world. In a sermon, to the General Assembly of the Massachusett-Province in New-England. 3 d. 9 m. 1709. [Five lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green: sold by Samuel Gerrish at his shop, 1710. ESTC No. W28045. Grub Street ID 338184.
  • Mather, Cotton. Elizabeth in her holy retirement. An essay to prepare a pious woman for her lying in. Or, Maxims and methods of piety, to direct and support an handmaid of the Lord, who expects a time of travail. [Three lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop in Corn Hill, 1710. ESTC No. W31866. Grub Street ID 342308.
  • Mather, Cotton. Bonifacius. An essay upon the good, that is to be devised and designed, by those who desire to answer the great end of life, and to do good while they live. A book offered, first, in general, unto all Christians, in a personal capacity, or in a relative. Then more particularly, unto ministers, unto physicians, unto lawyers, unto scholemasters [sic], unto wealthy gentlemen, unto several sorts of officers, unto churches, and unto all societies of a religious character and intention. With humble proposals, of unexceptionable methods, to do good in the world. [Two lines from Ephesians]. Boston in N. England: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop in Corn Hill, 1710. ESTC No. W18611. Grub Street ID 328229.
  • Mather, Cotton. Christianity demonstrated. An essay to consider the sanctifying work of grace on the minds of the faithful, as a noble demonstration to the truth of our holy religion. With an exhortation unto all, but especially unto young persons, to seek after that work of God. [Two lines of quotation]. Printed at Boston in N.E.: Sold by Timothy Green, in Middle Street, 1710. ESTC No. W18623. Grub Street ID 328238.
  • Mather, Cotton. Dust and ashes. An essay upon repentance to the last. Advising a watchful Christian, upon that case; how to keep alive the daily exercise of repentance, to the end of his life? [Six lines of quotations in Latin and English]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Timothy Green, at his shop at the north end of the town in Middle Street, 1710. ESTC No. W18644. Grub Street ID 328256.
  • Mather, Cotton. Winthropi Justa. A sermon at the funeral of the Honble John Winthrop, Esq. late governour of the colony of Connecticut in New-England. Who died at Boston, Nov. 27. 1707. in his 69th year. By Cotton Mather. London] : Printed at Boston in New-England, and reprinted at London, by B. Harris, 1710. ESTC No. N25323. Grub Street ID 14681.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nehemiah. A brief essay on divine consolations, how great they are; and how great the regards to be paid unto them, with an application thereof to some frequent cases; especially, the death of relatives. Offered, at the lecture in Boston. 30 d. 9 m. 1710. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines of quotations]. Boston in New-England.: Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1710. ESTC No. W13820. Grub Street ID 323180.
  • Mather, Cotton. The heavenly conversation. An essay upon the methods of conversing with a glorious Christ, in every step of our life. With directions upon that case, How may the consideration of Christ, be brought into all the life of a Christian? [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by Barth. Green, for Eleazar Phillips, at his shop at the south side of the Town House in Kings Street, 1710. ESTC No. W19203. Grub Street ID 328859.
  • Mather, Cotton. To the truly honourable, & venerable, John Maxwel rector. John Stirling vice-chancellor, and principal. James Brown dean of the faculty. James Simpson profes [sic] of divinity. And the rest of the learned & worthy professors, of the renowned University of Glasgow. [Boston: s.n, 1710]. ESTC No. W19560. Grub Street ID 329208.
  • Mather, Cotton. Advice from Taberah. A sermon preached after the terrible fire, which, (attended with some very lamentable and memorable circumstances, on Oct. 2,3. 1711.) laid a considerable part of Boston, in ashes. Directing a pious improvement of every calamity, but more especially of so calamitous a desolation. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Numbers]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green: sold by Samuel Gerrish, at his shop at the Sign of the Buck over against the South Meeting-House, 1711. ESTC No. W10149. Grub Street ID 319250.
  • Mather, Cotton. Compassions called for. An essay of profitable reflections on miserable spectacles. To which is added, a faithful relation of some late, but strange occurrences that call for an awful and useful consideration. Especially, the surprising distresses and deliverances, of a company lately shipwreck'd on a desolate rock, on the coast of New-England. [Three lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Eleazer Phillips, at his shop the south side of the Town-House, 1711. ESTC No. W30449. Grub Street ID 340785.
  • Mather, Cotton. Manly Christianity. A brief essay on the signs of good growth and strength in the most lovely Christianity. Or the marks of a Christian become strong in the grace that makes him one. A discourse very seasonable in these times of so much controversy from different opinions in religion. London : printed for Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, 1711. ESTC No. N10322. Grub Street ID 330.
  • Mather, Cotton. The old pathes restored. In a brief demonstration, that the doctrines of grace hitherto preserved in the churches of the non-conformists, are not only asserted in the sacred Scriptures, but also in the articles and homilies of the Church of England; and that the general departure from those doctrines, especially in those who have subscribed them, is a most unaccountable apostasy. Extracted from some things formerly published; and contrived into a single sheet, for the use of some that want & ask, for the armour of Christianity, against the seducers of this evil time. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Green, in Middle Street, 1711. ESTC No. W19384. Grub Street ID 329040.
  • Mather, Cotton. Orphanotrophium. Or, Orphans well-provided for. An essay, on the care taken in the divine Providence for children when their parents forsake them. With proper advice to both parents and children, that the care of heaven may be the more conspicuously & comfortably obtained for them. Offered in a sermon, on a day of prayer, kept with a religious family, (28.d. 1.m. 1711) whose honourable parents were lately by mortality taken from them. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1711. ESTC No. W19386. Grub Street ID 329042.
  • Mather, Cotton. Perswasions from the terror of the Lord. A sermon concerning, the day of judgment; preached on a solemn occasion, 15. d. 2. m. 1711. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Eight lines of quotations]. Boston in New-England: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the lower end of Middle-Street, 1711. ESTC No. W11215. Grub Street ID 320395.
  • Mather, Cotton. Compassions called for. An essay of profitable reflections on miserable spectacles. To which is added, A faithful relation of some late, but strange occurrences that call for an awful and useful consideration. Especially distresses and deliverances, of a company lately shipwreck'd on a desolate rock, on the coast of New-England. [Three lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed [by B. Green]: sold by Timothy Green, at the lower end of Middle-Street, 1711. ESTC No. W18268. Grub Street ID 327863.
  • Mather, Cotton. The fisher-mans calling. A brief essay, to serve the great interests of religion among our fisher-men; and set before them the calls of their Saviour, whereof they should be sensible, in the employments of their fishery. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Luke]. Boston in N.E.: Printed: sold by T. Green, 1712 [i.e., 1711]. ESTC No. W12229. Grub Street ID 321485.
  • Mather, Cotton. Memorials of early piety. Occurring in the holy life & joyful death of Mrs. Jerusha Oliver. With some account of her Christian experiences, extracted from her reserved papers: and published, for the service of Christianity; but especially to serve the intentions of early religion. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed and sold by T. Green, at his shop in Middle Street, 1711. ESTC No. W19279. Grub Street ID 328932.
  • Mather, Cotton. The right way to shake off a viper. An essay, on a case, too commonly calling for consideration. What shall good men do, when they are evil spoken of?. London : printed, and are to be sold by Sarah Popping, 1711. ESTC No. N25971. Grub Street ID 15333.
  • Mather, Cotton. Thoughts for the day of rain. In two essay's: I. The Gospel of the rainbow. In the meditations of piety, on the appearance of the bright clouds, with the bow of God upon them. II. The Saviour with his rainbow. And the covenant which God will remember to his people in the cloudy times that are passing over them. By Cotton Mather., D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green: sold by Samuel Gerrish at his shop at the sign of the Buck over against the South Meeting House, 1712. ESTC No. W28084. Grub Street ID 338225.
  • Mather, Cotton. The wayes and joyes of early piety. One essay more, to describe and commend, a walk in the truth of our great Saviour, unto the children of his people. With a testimony against some errors which many of our children run into at a time that very much calls for it: and in the audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusett-Province. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston in N E.: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop at the Sign of the Buck in Malborough Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19641. Grub Street ID 329289.
  • Mather, Cotton. The young man spoken to another essay, to recommend & inculcate the maxims of early religion, unto young persons; and especially the religion of the closet. In a sermon preached unto them on a special occasion. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at the Sign of the Buck in Marlborough Street, over against the South-Meeting-House, 1712. ESTC No. W19649. Grub Street ID 329294.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pastoral desires. A short catalogue of excellent things, which a true pastor, will desire to see approved, and practised, and abounding, among his people. A book, design'd to be lodg'd and left in their hands, by one desirous to be such an one, in his pastoral visits, to the houses of all his people. [Eight lines from II Peter]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop at the Sign of the Bible in Marlborough Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19389. Grub Street ID 329045.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pastoral desires. A short catalogue of excellent things, which a true pastor, will desire to see approved, and practised, and abounding, among his people. A book, design'd to be lodg'd and left in their hands, by one desirous to be such an one, in his pastoral visits, to the houses of all his people. [Eight lines from II Peter]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Timothy Green, at his shop at the lower-end of Middle Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19390. Grub Street ID 329047.
  • Mather, Cotton. Grace defended. A censure on the ungodliness, by which the glorious grace of God, is too commonly abused. A sermon preached on the twenty fifth day of December, 1712. Containing some seasonable admonitions of piety. And concluded, with a brief dissertation on that case, whether the penitent thief on the cross, be an example of one repenting at the last hour, and on such a repentance received unto mercy? By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop in Marlborough Street, 1712. ESTC No. W20402. Grub Street ID 330073.
  • Mather, Cotton. Reason satisfied: and faith established. The resurrection of a glorious Jesus demonstrated by many infallible proofs: and the holy religion of a risen Jesus, victorious over all the cavils of its blasphemous adversaries. [Eight lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for N. Boone, at the sign of the Bible, 1712. ESTC No. W19406. Grub Street ID 329059.
  • Mather, Cotton. Repeated warnings. Another essay, to warn young people against rebellions that must be repented of; but unto repentance when they have been rebellious. Or, Serious advice unto children, to beware of disobedience unto the voice of their teachers; and unto them that should b their teachers, to do their duty to them. With a pathetical relation, of what occurr'd in the remarkable experiences of a young man, who made an hopeful end lately at Lyme in Connecticut. Communicated in a letter to the author. [Three lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop in Marlborough Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19414. Grub Street ID 329066.
  • Mather, Cotton. A soul well-anchored. A little manual for self-examination; to assist a Christian in examining his hopes of a future blessedness. Rescinded from a composure heretofore published. [One line from I Peter]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1712. ESTC No. W19436. Grub Street ID 329085.
  • Mather, Cotton. Winter piety. A very brief essay, on the methods of piety, wherein a serious Christian may propose to meet with his blessed Saviour, at the temple in the winter. Made in a sermon, at Boston-lecture, 27.d. 10.m. 1711. And now offered unto the faithful, for their further assistence [sic] in that good intention, that the liesure [sic] of the winter may be well improved with them. Especially in that important point, of preparing for, and approaching to, the table of the Lord in his holy temple. By Cotton Mather, D.D. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green: sold by T. Green, at his shop in Middle Street, 1712. ESTC No. W20903. Grub Street ID 330621.
  • Mather, Cotton. The old paths restored. In a brief demonstration, that the doctrines of grace hitherto preserved in the churches of the non-conformists, are not only asserted in the sacred scriptures, but also in the articles and homilies of the Church of England; ... Boston, printed and sold by T. Green, in Middle-Street, 1711. And reprinted at London; 1712. With a preface, by Will Whiston, A.M. London] : To be sold by A. Baldwin near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1712. ESTC No. T42176. Grub Street ID 270980.
  • Mather, Cotton. Seasonable thoughts upon mortality. A sermon occasioned by the raging of a mortal sickness in the colony of Connecticut, and the many deaths of our brethren there. Delivered at Boston-lecture, 24.d. 11.m. 1711,12. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotation]. Boston printed: Sold by T. Green, 1712. ESTC No. W22099. Grub Street ID 331911.
  • Mather, Cotton. A true survey & report of the road. A brief essay to rectify the mistakes of men, about the way taken by them. The whole way of transgression, and particularly, the wrong way, wherein men transgress the rules of honesty, proved an hard way. And the good way of religion, therefore preferred & commended. In a lecture at Boston, on a special & mournful occasion. 10.d. 5.m. 1712. [One line from Proverbs]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop in King Street, 1712. ESTC No. W11227. Grub Street ID 320408.
  • Mather, Cotton. Awakening thoughts on the sleep of death. A short essay, on the sleep, which by death, all men must fall into; the meaning of that lively metaphor, the nature of the sleep and the method by which we may enter into an happy rest, when we fall asleep. With a debt paid unto the memory of some that sleep in Jesus. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Acts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, in Middle Street, 1712. ESTC No. W11730. Grub Street ID 320950.
  • Mather, Cotton. Grata brevitas. An essay made in a few words, to demonstrate that a few words may have much comprised in them. With the most weighty matters of religion, offered in several abridgments, as particular demonstrations of it. A winter-sermon preached at Boston lecture 27.d. 9.m. 1712. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line of quotation]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop over against the South Meeting-House, 1712. ESTC No. W12502. Grub Street ID 321778.
  • Mather, Cotton. A town in its truest glory. A brief essay upon, a town happy, and glorious: recommending, those things, by which a town may come to flourish with all prosperity. A discourse, wherein the state of all our towns, is considered; but the peculiar temptations & occasions of some towns among us, are more particularly accommodated. [Four lines from Leviticus]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman at his shop in King Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19561. Grub Street ID 329209.
  • Mather, Cotton. The curbed sinner. A discourse upon the gracious and wondrous restraints laid by the providence of the glorious God, on the sinful children of men, to withold them from sinning against him. Occasioned by a sentence of death, passed on a poor young man, for the murder of his companion. With some historical passages referring to that unhappy spectacle. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Job]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhil, 1713. ESTC No. W37644. Grub Street ID 348427.
  • Mather, Cotton. Adversus libertinos. Or, Evangelical obedience described and demanded; in an essay to establish, the holy law of the glorious God, upon the principles, of justification by the faith of the Gospel. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Nine lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop over against the South Meeting-House in Marlborough Street, 1713. ESTC No. W10144. Grub Street ID 319245.
  • Mather, Cotton. The sad effects of sin. A true relation of the murder committed by David Wallis, on his companion Benjamin Stolwood: on Saturday night, the first of August, 1713. With his carriage ofter condemnation; his confession and dying speech at the place of execution, &c. To whic are added, the sermons preached at the lecture in Boston, in his hearing, after condemnation; and on the day of his execution, being Sept. 24. 1713. Boston, N.E.: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhil, 1713. ESTC No. W2901. Grub Street ID 339228.
  • Mather, Cotton. A Christian funeral. A brief essay, on that case, what should be the behaviour of a Christian at a funeral? Or, some directions, how to regulate a funeral by the rules of religion; and how to enliven religion from the circumstances of the dead, at the house of mourning. [One line from Acts]. Boston.: Printed by Timothy Green. Sold by Daniel Henchman, 1713. ESTC No. W18621. Grub Street ID 328237.
  • Mather, Cotton. The best way of living; which is to die daily: very briefly described and commended in a plain discourse, made at a time, when the author had newly seen repeated strokes of death, on his own family. And the publisher had his family also struck with a sudden death upon a vital part of it. 22. d. IX. m. 1713. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from 2 Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, 1713. ESTC No. W29969. Grub Street ID 340270.
  • Mather, Cotton. The A, B, C. of religion. Lessons relating to the fear of God, fitted unto the youngest & lowest capacities. And children suitably instructed in the maxims of religion. [One line from I John]. Boston: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the lower end of Middle-Street, 1713. ESTC No. W18382. Grub Street ID 327986.
  • Mather, Cotton. Advice from the watch tower. In a testimony against evil customes. A brief essay to declare the danger & mischief of all evil customes, in general; and offer a more particular catalogue of evil customes growing upon us; with certain methods for the prevention and suppression of them. [Nine lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for N. Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1713. ESTC No. W18384. Grub Street ID 327988.
  • Mather, Cotton. What should be most of all tho't upon. A brief essay, to awaken in a dying man, (that is to say, in every man,) a proper and a lively concern for, a good state after death. With some directions, how that good state is to be obtain'd and ensur'd. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Green, for D. Henchman, in King-Sreet, 1713. ESTC No. W19643. Grub Street ID 329291.
  • Mather, Cotton. Golgotha. A lively description of death. With such thoughts, as are to be entertained by men, that they may not perish, in that very day, when the thoughts of men do perish. Occasioned by some fresh instances of early mortality. With a more particular memorial of one of them; namely, Mr. Recompence Wadsworth, a late school-master in Boston. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Ecclesiastes]. Boston in N E: Printed by B Green, for Daniel Henchman at his shop in King Street, 1713. ESTC No. W18666. Grub Street ID 328275.
  • Mather, Cotton. Reasonable religion: or, the truths of the Christian religion demonstrated. With incontestable proofs, that those who would Act Reasonably, must Live Religiously. Together with the Religion of the closet, and family religion urged. By Cotton Mather, D.D. To which is prefix'd, a preface, by the Reverend Dr. Williams. London : printed for N. Cliff, and D. Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1713. ESTC No. T68119. Grub Street ID 292446.
  • Mather, Cotton. Wholesome words. A visit of advice, given unto families that are visited with sickness; by a pastoral letter, briefly declaring the duties incumbent on all persons in the families, that have any sick persons in them. [Two lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed for D. Henchman, 1713. ESTC No. W20894. Grub Street ID 330611.
  • Mather, Cotton. The will of a father submitted to. The duty of patient submission to every condition, which the providence of God, orders for the children of men. Enforced from the glorious pattern of the blessed Jesus, readily and cheerfully submitting to take the cup, which his father had given him. In a very brief discourse, made with a special regard unto a religious family, burying an only son. And at a time of much affliction in the neighbourhood. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by Thomas Fleet, for Daniel Henchman in King-Street, 1713. ESTC No. W20899. Grub Street ID 330615.
  • Mather, Cotton. A man of his word. A very brief essay, on fidelity in keeping of promises and engagements. Declaring how and why, a good man will be as good as his word. With a touch upon some weighty cases, relating to it. Uttered at Boston-lecture, 11d. 4m. 1713. And now published, that it may be employed among other instruments, to keep truth alive in the land. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Tertius]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1713. ESTC No. W25982. Grub Street ID 335999.
  • Mather, Cotton. Hezekiah. A Christian armed with strength from above; to keep him from fainting in a day of adversity. In a brief essay, made at Boston-lecture; 26. d. IX m. 1713. In a time of much adversity, upon the author, & his neighbourhood. [Six lines of quotations in English and Latin]. Boston: Printed by B.G. [i.e., Bartholomew Green] for Benj Eliot, 1713. ESTC No. W19206. Grub Street ID 328861.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter, about a good management under the distemper of the measles, at this time spreading in the country. Here published for the benefit of the poor, and such as may want the help of able physicians. [Boston: s.n, 1713]. ESTC No. W19218. Grub Street ID 328871.
  • Mather, Cotton. A Christian funeral. A brief essay, on that case, What should be the behaviour of a Christian at a funeral? Or, Some directions, how to regulate a funeral by the rules of religion; and how to enliven religion from the circumstances of the dead, at the house of mourning. [One line from Acts]. Boston.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1713. ESTC No. W30342. Grub Street ID 340670.
  • Mather, Cotton. A flying roll, brought forth, to enter into the house and hand of the thief. The crime & the doom of the thief declared; the various wayes of his theft detected and exposed; and a repentance demanded from the malefactor. In a sermon preached at Boston, p.m. Lords-Day. 11d. 11m. 1712. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Juvenal]. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green. Sold by Timothy Green, at his shop in Middle Street, 1713. ESTC No. W12234. Grub Street ID 321491.
  • Mather, Cotton. A present of summer-fruit. A very brief essay to offer some instruction of piety, which the summer-season more particularly and emphatically leads us to; but such also as are never out of season. Being the short entertainment of an auditory in Boston, on a day distinguished with the heat of the summer; 5 d. 5 m. 1713. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed and sold by B. Green, in Newbury Street, 1713. ESTC No. W28954. Grub Street ID 339166.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nepenthes evangelicum. A brief essay, upon a soul at ease; in what piety will bring both parents and children to. A sermon occasion'd by the death of a religious matron, Mrs. Mary Rock. Who having entred the eighty first year of her age, withdrew from us. 30d. 7m. 1713. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Matthew]. Boston: Printed by Thomas Fleet, for Daniel Henchman at his shop in King-Street, 1713. ESTC No. W19293. Grub Street ID 328945.
  • Mather, Cotton. Things to be more thought upon. A brief treatise on the injuries offered unto the glorious and only saviour of the world: in many instances, wherein the guilty are seldom aware of their being so injurious to the eternal Son of God. With a more particular conviction of the Jewish and Arian infidelity. [Seven lines of quotations in Latin]. Boston: Printed by Thomas Fleet, for Daniel Henchman, in King-Street, 1713. ESTC No. W19557. Grub Street ID 329206.
  • Mather, Cotton. Tabitha rediviva. An essay to describe and commend the good works of a vertuous woman; who therein approves her self a real disciple of an holy Saviour. With some justice done to the memory of that religious and Honourable gentlewoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson. Who expired, 3.d. 12.m. 1712,13. In the LXXI year of her age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, 1713. ESTC No. W28269. Grub Street ID 338426.
  • Mather, Cotton. Verba vivifica. Some words of life, which have a singular tendency in them, if the blessing of heaven accompany them, to quicken a soul cleaving to the dust. Produced on the occasion given, in the death of some young persons, now lying in the dust. At Boston, 19d. VIIm. 1714. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green. Sold at the booksellers shops, 1714. ESTC No. W19570. Grub Street ID 329217.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vita brevis. An essay, upon withering flowers. Or, Mankind considered, as first flourishing, and then withering. In a sermon, preached on, the joyful death of a valuable youth; and the awful death of a desirable child, in the north part of Boston. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1714. ESTC No. W19573. Grub Street ID 329220.
  • Mather, Cotton. The glorious throne. A short view of our great Lord-Redeemer, on his throne; ordering by his providence, all the changes in the world: and most particularly, what has occurr'd in the death of our late memorable sovereign, and the legal succession of the British crown, to the illustrious House of Hanover. In a sermon on that great occasion, at Boston in New-England, on 23 D. VII M. 1714. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green. Sold by S. Gerrish, at his shop at the north-side of the T. House, 1714. ESTC No. W13270. Grub Street ID 322594.
  • Mather, Cotton. A perfect recovery. The voice of the glorious God, unto persons, whom his mercy has recovered from sickness. Exhibited in a brief discourse to the inhabitants of a place, that had pass'd thro' a very sickly winter, and a time of much adversity. With some remarks on the shining patterns of piety, left by some very young persons, who died in the common calamity. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel Gerrish, at the south-side of the Town-House, 1714. ESTC No. W27600. Grub Street ID 337713.
  • Mather, Cotton. Death approaching. A very brief essay on a life drawing nigh unto the grave. What is at such a time to be look'd for; and what is to be done, that men may go well through what is to be look'd for. Made in a lecture at Boston. 11. d. ix. m. 1714. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1714. ESTC No. W18638. Grub Street ID 328251.
  • Mather, Cotton. Duodecennium luctuosum. The history of a long war with Indian salvages, and their directors and abettors; from the year, 1702. To the year, 1714. Comprised in a short essay, to declare the voice of the glorious God, in the various occurrences of that war, which have been thought matters of more special observation. A recapitulation made in the audience, of his Excellency the governour, and the General Assembly of the Massachusett province; at Boston, 30. d. VII. m. 1714. [Two lines from Livy]. Boston: Printed by B. Green. Sold by Samuel Gerrish, at his shop on the north-side of the T. House, 1714. ESTC No. W18642. Grub Street ID 328255.
  • Mather, Cotton. The saviour with his rainbow. A discourse concerning the covenant which God will remember, in the times of danger passing over his church. By Cotton Mather, D.D. London : printed by J. D. and sold by T. Harrison at the Exchange, 1714. ESTC No. N21481. Grub Street ID 10853.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religion of the cross. A brief essay upon the cross whereof our great Saviour, once crucified for us, will have every Christian to be a sufferer. With some instructions unto the Christian, how to bear the cross appointed for him. Occasioned by what was encountred, in the death of that vertuous gentlewoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Mather. Who expired, 9. d. IX. m. 1713. [Four lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by John Allen: and are to be sold by Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1714. ESTC No. W19412. Grub Street ID 329065.
  • Mather, Cotton. The sacrificer. An essay upon the sacrifices, wherewith a Christian, laying a claim to an holy priesthood, endeavours to glorify God by Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel Gerrish, at the north-side of the Town-House, 1714. ESTC No. W19420. Grub Street ID 329072.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pascentius. A very brief essay upon the methods of piety. Wherein people in whom the difficulties of the times have caused anxieties, may have a comfortable assurance of being at all times comfortably provided for. Offered unto the inhabitants of Boston, at their lecture 23. d. X m. 1714. By C. Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot and Joanna Perry, and sold at their shops on the north side of King's Street, 1714. ESTC No. W28857. Grub Street ID 339058.
  • Mather, Cotton. A short life, yet not a vain one. A short essay on the vanity of mortal man. With methods of piety which bring reliefs to that vanity. Occasioned by some instances of mortality. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Six lines of Scripture in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1714. ESTC No. W19426. Grub Street ID 329075.
  • Mather, Cotton. Insanabilia. An essay upon incurables; handling that case, What shall people do under their griefs, when there is no curing of them? And aimed at the comfort and counsil of the many, who encounter those grievous things, for which there is no remedy but patience. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north-side of the Town-House, 1714. ESTC No. W19211. Grub Street ID 328866.
  • Mather, Cotton. A life of piety resolv'd upon. A brief and plain essay, upon, a life of religion in, a walk before the glorious God. And the resolutions wherewith such a walk is to be come into. Made, upon the death of that Honourable and religious gentlewoman, Mrs. Sarah Ting; who afte many steps in that walk, arrived unto the blessed end of it; 28 d. 12. m. 1713, 14. By Cotton Mather, D.D. [One line from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1714. ESTC No. W19222. Grub Street ID 328876.
  • Mather, Cotton. Maternal consolations. An essay on, the consolations of God; whereof, a man whom his mother comforteth, receives a shadow; and all the children of God, enjoy the substance. Made on the death of Mrs. Maria Mather, the consort of the Reverend Dr. Increase Mather, and the daughter of the renowned Mr. John Cotton, who expired on, 4 d. 2 m. 1714. In the seventy third year of her age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. and a son of the deceased gentlewoman. [Three lines from II Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel Gerrish, at the north-side of the Town-House, 1714. ESTC No. W19232. Grub Street ID 328886.
  • Mather, Cotton. A new offer to the lovers of religion and learning. [Boston: Printed by Thomas Fleet?, 1714]. ESTC No. W13899. Grub Street ID 323260.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for communicants. An essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. Offered by an assembly of the New-English pastors, unto their own flocks, and unto all the churches in these American colonies; with a solemn testimony to that cause of God, and religion, in them. [Two lines from Malachi]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish & Daniel Henchman, and sold at their shops, 1714. ESTC No. W27776. Grub Street ID 337889.
  • Mather, Cotton. Teashshinninneongane Peantamooonk wogkouunumun kah anunumwontamun. Nashpe Doctor Cotton Mather. Bostonut [i.e., Boston]: Printeunap nashpe B. Green, 1714. ESTC No. W28027. Grub Street ID 338165.
  • Mather, Cotton. Benedictus. Good men described, and the glories of their goodness, declared. With some character & history of one who belonged unto the tribe: namely, Mr. Thomas Bridge, a late Pastor of the First-Church in Boston; who expired, 26 d. VII m. 1715. Whereto there is added, an instrument, which he wrote, when he drew near his end, and left as a legacy to survivers, relating some of his experiences; and offering some testimonies to the cause of religion. By C. Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, Daniel Henchman, and Benjamin Gray, 1715. ESTC No. W29961. Grub Street ID 340262.
  • Mather, Cotton. Verba opportuna. The circumstances of Boston considered; on the occasion of some occurrences, with which the minds of the people in that populous place, have been considerably exercised. With fresh and strong inculcations of early piety, on the young people, in a place where temptations to youthful lusts are multiplied. A lecture, on 3d. XIIm. 1714-15. [Two lines from Ezekiel]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, on the north-side of the Town-House, 1715. ESTC No. W19920. Grub Street ID 329549.
  • Mather, Cotton. Parentalia. An essay upon the blessings and comforts reserved for pious children after the death of their pious parents. And a commemoration of two such parents; in a sermon preached on a time of prayer, attended by some Christians in the neighbourhood, with the children o an honourable and religious family; whose father first, and then at some distance of time, their mother, have been taken from them. By Cotton Mather, D.D. F.R.S. [Three lines from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for N. Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhil, 1715. ESTC No. W19388. Grub Street ID 329044.
  • Mather, Cotton. The grand point of solicitude. A very brief essay upon Divine desertions; the symptoms of them, and methods of preventing them. A sermon published for the service of others, by one of the hearers, more particularly affected in the hearing of it. [One line in Latin from Alsted]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1715. ESTC No. W20411. Grub Street ID 330083.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religion of the closet. An essay, on the holy employments which are proper for a Christian in his daily retirements. Or, A Christian furnish'd with a companion for solitude. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, & T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the Town-House, in King-Street, 1715. ESTC No. W19411. Grub Street ID 329064.
  • Mather, Cotton. Shaking dispensations. An essay upon the mighty shakes, which the hand of heaven, hath given, and is giving, to the world. With some useful remarks on the death of the French king, who left off to make the world a wilderness, and to destroy the cities thereof; on the twenty-first of August. 1715. In a sermon on that great occasion, at Boston, New-England. 13 d. VIII m. 1715. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. Boston: Printed by B. Green. Sold by S. Gerrish, at his shop at the n. side of the T. House, 1715. ESTC No. W3456. Grub Street ID 345194.
  • Mather, Cotton. Successive generations. Remarks upon the changes of a dying world, made by one generation passing off, and another generation coming on. Delivered in the audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-province, New-England. 8d. Xm. 1715. By C. Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [One line from Judges]. Boston: Printed by B. Green: sold by Samuel Gerrish at his shop, 1715. ESTC No. W22372. Grub Street ID 332196.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nuncia bona e terra longinqua. A brief account of some good & great things a doing for the kingdom of God, in the midst of Europe. Communicated in a letter to -- From Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop on the north side of the Town-House, 1715. ESTC No. W13879. Grub Street ID 323242.
  • Mather, Cotton. A sorrowful spectacle. In two sermons, occasioned by a just sentence of death, on a miserable woman, for the murder of a spurious offspring. The one declaring, the evil of an heart hardened, under and against all means of good. The other describing, the fearful case of such as in a suffering time, and much more such as in a dying hour, are found without the fear of God. With some remarkable things, relating to the criminal; proper for all to be informed of. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [One line from Acts]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the Town-House, in King-Street, 1715. ESTC No. W2555. Grub Street ID 335538.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for the children of the covenant. A brief essay on that case, What will be an acceptable method & manner of, laying hold on the covenant of God? An instrument of piety, to be lodged in the hands of those, who seeking baptism for themselves or theirs, make a public profession of the baptismal covenant; that so this important action, may be religiously and profitably performed in our churches. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop on the north-side of the Town-House, 1715. ESTC No. W18264. Grub Street ID 327860.
  • Mather, Cotton. Just commemorations. The death of good men, considered; and the characters of some who have lately died in the service of the churches, exhibited. Unto which there is added, a brief account of the evangelical work among the Christianized Indians of New-England; whereof one of the persons here commemorated, was a valuable and memorable instrument. [Three lines of quotation]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green: sold by Samuel Gerrish at his shop on the north side of the Town House, [1715]. ESTC No. W27545. Grub Street ID 337652.
  • Mather, Cotton. Menachem. A very brief essay, on tokens for good: wherein, together with the good signs which all good men have to comfort them, there are exhibited also some good things of a late occurrence, and of a great importance, which have a comfortable aspect on the Protestant religion in general, and more particularly on a countrey of distinguished Protestants. A sermon, delivered in an honourable audience at Boston. 11 D. VII M. 1716. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [One line from Joshua]. Boston: Printed for Benjamin Gray, at the upper end of King-Street, 1716. ESTC No. W26131. Grub Street ID 336157.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Christian cynick. A brief essay on a merciful Saviour, address'd by an unworthy sinner; with directions and encouragements for the addresses, which will obtain his favours. [Three lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for D. Henchman, at the corner shop over against the brick meeting-house, 1716. ESTC No. W18620. Grub Street ID 328236.
  • Mather, Cotton. The city of refuge. The Gospel of the city explained; and the flight of a distressed sinner thereunto, directed and quickened; with a special aspect on the intentions of early piety. [Two lines from Samuel]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Daniel Henchman, at the corner shop over against the brick meeting-house, 1716. ESTC No. W18625. Grub Street ID 328240.
  • Mather, Cotton. Piety demanded. A very plain and brief essay, to demand piety from all people, more especially from young people; and to direct the answers that are to be returned unto the demands. Deliver'd unto an assembly of young people, associated for the intentions of early piety. I the city of Boston; 8d. Vm. 1716. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Daniel Henchman, over against the Brick Meeting-House, 1716. ESTC No. W19393. Grub Street ID 329050.
  • Mather, Cotton. The stone cut out of the mountain. And the kingdom of God, in those maxims of it, that cannot be shaken. [Two lines from Revelation] Exhibited in the year, seventeen hundred & sixteen. = Lapis e monte excisus. Atque regnum Dei, ejusdemque principia in aeternum stabilienda. [Two lines from Revelation in Latin] Editur Anno Domini, MDCCXVI. [Boston?: s.n, 1716?]. ESTC No. W19441. Grub Street ID 329088.
  • Mather, Cotton. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it. With eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... [Two lines from Erasmus]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, 1716. ESTC No. W33869. Grub Street ID 344473.
  • Mather, Cotton. Fair dealing between debtor and creditor. A very brief essay upon the caution to be used, about coming in to debt, and getting out of it. Offered at Boston-lecture; 5. d. XI. m. 1715/16. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Two lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop over against the north side of the Town-House, 1716. ESTC No. W12184. Grub Street ID 321437.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good evening accommodated with a good employment. Or, Some directions, how the Lord's-Day evening may be spent religiously and advantageously. With perswasives to spend it so ... Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for D. Henchman, at his shop over against the Brick Meeting-House, 1716. ESTC No. W39147. Grub Street ID 349902.
  • Mather, Cotton. Life swiftly passing and quickly ending. A very short sermon, on the shortness of humane life. Preached after the death of Mrs. Mehetable Gerrish, the consort of Mr. Benjamin Gerrish, and the daughter of John Plaisted, Esq. Who died III d. XI m. 1715-16. In the twenty firs year of her age. By C. Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, in Pudding-Lane near the Town-House, 1715-16 [i.e., 1716]. ESTC No. W13678. Grub Street ID 323029.
  • Mather, Cotton. The echo's of devotion. A very brief and plain essay on those acts of compliance, which all calls to piety, are to be entertained withal. More particularly, the most edifying way both of reading the Scripture, and of hearing a sermon, proposed and commended. Now published, that pastoral visits may leave it, as a perpetual and comprehensive monitor, to the visited families. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, 1716. ESTC No. W31796. Grub Street ID 342233.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for communicants, an essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. By Dr. Cotton Mather. [One line from Malachi]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1716. ESTC No. W19287. Grub Street ID 328939.
  • Mather, Cotton. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it. With eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... [Two lines from Erasmus]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Daniel Henchman, at the corner shop over against the brick meeting-house, 1716. ESTC No. W28494. Grub Street ID 338669.
  • Mather, Cotton. Victorina. A sermon preach'd, on the decease and at the desire, of Mrs. Katharin Mather, by her father. Whereunto there is added, a further account of that young gentlewoman, by another hand. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, at his shop over against the brick meeting-house, 1717. ESTC No. W28515. Grub Street ID 338691.
  • Mather, Cotton. The case of a troubled mind. A brief essay, upon, the troubles of a mind; which apprehends the face of a gracious God hidden from it. The symptoms of the troubles, and the methods of preventing them. [Six lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, sold at his shop, 1717. ESTC No. W18615. Grub Street ID 328231.
  • Mather, Cotton. A speech made unto His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; captain general and governour in chief, in and over the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. By the Reverend, Dr. Cotton Mather. Attended with the ministers of the Massachusetts-province, New-England, May 30. 1717. Boston: Printed and sold by B. Green in Newbury-Street, 1717. ESTC No. W16938. Grub Street ID 326444.
  • Mather, Cotton. Piety and equity, united. In two essays. I. The desires of piety; breathing after the blessings, which our great Saviour & High-Priest, has to bestow upon his people. II. The measures of equity; in the golden rule to be observed by all people, in their dealings with one another. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Robert Starke [i.e., Starkey], at his shop near the new North Meeting-House, 1717. ESTC No. W19392. Grub Street ID 329049.
  • Mather, Cotton. Icono-clastes An essay upon the idolatry, too often committed under the profession of the most reformed Christianity; and a discovery of the idols which all Christians are every where in danger of. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines from Ezekiel]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Daniel Henchman, at his shop, over-against the Brick Meeting-House, 1717. ESTC No. W19955. Grub Street ID 329583.
  • Mather, Cotton. The thankful Christian. A brief essay, upon those returns of thankfulness and obedience to the glorious God, in which there lies the most acceptable and ingenuous thanksgiving to him for his benefits. Address'd unto all that have received the favours of heaven; but more especially unto them, who after the good successes of a whaling-season, would express their gratitude unto God their Saviour. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, and sold at his shop near the Town-House, 1717. ESTC No. W19714. Grub Street ID 329347.
  • Mather, Cotton. Zelotes. A zeal for the house of God, blown up, in a sermon unto an assembly of Christians; in the south-part of Boston. On 8. d. XI. m. 1716,17. A day of prayer kept by them, at their first entrance into a new edifice erected by them, for the publick worship of God our Saviour. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines from St. Ambrose]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1717. ESTC No. W21148. Grub Street ID 330887.
  • Mather, Cotton. Hades look'd into. The power of our great Saviour over the invisible world, and the gates of death which lead into that world. Considered, in a sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable, Wait Winthrop Esq; who expired, 7 d. IX m. 1717. In the LXXXVI year of his age. By C. Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: printed by T. Crump, 1717. ESTC No. W12656. Grub Street ID 321941.
  • Mather, Cotton. Febrifugium. An essay for the cure of ungoverned anger: in a sermon preached, at the proposal and on the occasion, of a man under a sentence of death, for a murder committed by him in his anger. At Boston, 23. d. III. m. 1717. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for Benjamin Gray, at the corner shop, on the north-side of the town-house, 1717. ESTC No. W19201. Grub Street ID 328857.
  • Mather, Cotton. Instructions to the living, from the condition of the dead. A brief relation of remarkables in the shipwreck of above one hundred pirates, who were cast away in the ship Whido, on the coast of New-England, April 26. 1717. And in the death of six, who after a fair trial at Boston, were convicted & condemned, Octob. 22. And executed, Novemb. 15. 1717. With some account of the discourse had with them on the way to their execution. And a sermon preached on their occasion. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1717. ESTC No. W19212. Grub Street ID 328867.
  • Mather, Cotton. Malachi. Or, The everlasting Gospel, preached unto the nations. And those maxims of piety, which are to be the glorious rules of behaviour, the only terms of communion, and the happy stops to controversy, among all that would meet and serve those advances which the kingdom of God is now making on the world; and what the distressed nations must see their distresses go on, till they are brought unto. Boston: Printed by T.C. [i.e., Thomas Crump] for Robert Starke, at his shop at the n. end, 1717. ESTC No. W20711. Grub Street ID 330414.
  • Mather, Cotton. The valley of Baca. The divine sov'reignty, displayed & adored; more particularly, in bereaving dispensations. of the divine providence. A sermon preached on the death of Mrs. Hannah Sewall, the religious & Honourable consort of Samuel Sewall Esq; which befell us, on the 19 d. VII m. 1717. In the sixtieth year of her age. By Cotton Mather D.D. & F.R.S. [Two lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1717. ESTC No. W28498. Grub Street ID 338673.
  • Mather, Cotton. The tribe of Asher. A brief essay on the conspicuous blessings with which the people of God, and their off-spring, are known to be the blessed of the Lord. A sermon preached on the baptism of a grand-child. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed [by B. Green?], in the year, 1717. ESTC No. W19563. Grub Street ID 329211.
  • Mather, Cotton. The valley of Hinnom. The terrours of hell demonstrated and the methods of escaping the terrible miseries of the punishments on the wicked there, declared. In a sermon preached in the hearing, and at the request, of a man under a sentence of death for a murder; just before the execution of the sentence; and upon a text by himself assigned for the sermon to insist upon. At Boston, 13.d. IV.m. 1717, [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for Robert Starke, at his shop near the new North Meeting-House, 1717. ESTC No. W19568. Grub Street ID 329214.
  • Mather, Cotton. [The voice of the dove. The sweet voice of piety, and more particularly early piety, articulated. And some notes of it exhibited, in certain memoirs of Mr. Robert Kitchen, a desireable youth, who expired at Salem. 12 d. VII m. 1716.]. [Boston: Printed by John Allen for D. Henchman, 1717]. ESTC No. W39860. Grub Street ID 350462.
  • Mather, Cotton. Faith encouraged. A brief relation of a strange impression from heaven, on the minds of some Jewish children, at the city of Berlin, (in Upper Saxony.) And some remarks, for the improvement of so marvellous an occurrence. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for T. Fleet, and sold at his shop in Newbury Street, a[t] the south end, 1718. ESTC No. W18653. Grub Street ID 328262.
  • Mather, Cotton. The greatest concern in the world. A short and plain essay, to answer that most concerning and all concerning enquiry, What must I do to be saved? Published, with a design to assist the addresses of good men unto their neighbours, whom they press to mind, the one thing that is needful. New London [Conn]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1718. ESTC No. W18689. Grub Street ID 328295.
  • Mather, Cotton. Brethren dwelling together in unity. The true basis for an union among the people of God, offered and asserted; in a sermon preached at the ordination of a pastor, in the church of the Baptists. At Boston in New-England. On 21 d. III m. 1718. By Cotton Mather, D.D. With a preface of the Reverend Dr. Increase Mather [One line from Matthew]. Boston.: Printed for S. Gerrish in Corn-Hill, 1718. ESTC No. W30020. Grub Street ID 340327.
  • Mather, Cotton. [Providence asserted and adored. In a sermon occasioned by the tragical death of several, who were unhappily drowned, near the light-house, at the entrance of Boston-Harbour. With a relation of the unhappy accident.]. [Boston: s.n, 1718]. ESTC No. W39644. Grub Street ID 350334.
  • Mather, Cotton. A man of reason. A brief essay to demonstrate, that all men should hearken to reason; and what a world of evil would be prevented in the world, if men would once become so reasonable. [Three lines in Latin from Cicero]. Boston: in N.E.: Printed for John Edwards, on the south side of the Town-House in King-Street, 1718. ESTC No. W19227. Grub Street ID 328880.
  • Mather, Cotton. Marah spoken to. A brief essay to do good unto the widow; dispensing those lessons of piety, which are, the portion assigned for the widow, in the house and word of God. By one of the ministers in Boston. With a preface of Dr. Increase Mather. [Two lines from Job]. Boston: Printed by T. Crump, for John Edwards, at his shop in King Street, 1718. ESTC No. W19228. Grub Street ID 328881.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vanishing things. An essay on dying man, known in his place no more, when death hath once removed him from it. In a sermon preached on the departure of the shining, and yet humble, Mr. Thomas Bernard, the late pastor of a church in Andover. Who expired suddenly on the 13.d VIII.m. 1718. In the sixtieth year of his age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for D. Henchman, and sold at his shop, 1718. ESTC No. W19569. Grub Street ID 329215.
  • Mather, Cotton. A year and a life well concluded. A brief essay, on the good things wherein the last works of a Christian, may be, and should be, his best works. A sermon preached on the last day of the year, 1719. [One line in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for B. Gray at the corner shop on the north side of the town-house, 1719-20. ESTC No. W29725. Grub Street ID 340009.
  • Mather, Cotton. Desiderius. Or, A desirable man describ'd; in the characters of one worthy to be, a man greatly beloved. And an example of one, who lived very much desired, and has dyed as much lamented; given in some commemoration of the very valuable and memorable Mr. James Keith, late Minister of the Gospel in Bridgwater; who expired, on 23.d. V.m. 1719. In the seventy sixth year of his age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [One line from Hebrews]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, 1719. ESTC No. W20127. Grub Street ID 329772.
  • Mather, Cotton. A glorious espousal. A brief essay, to illustrate and prosecute the marriage, wherein our great Saviour offers to espouse unto himself the children of men. And thereupon to recommend from that grand pattern a good carriage in the married life among them. An essay proper and useful in the hands of those who travel on the noble design of espousing the souls of men unto their Saviour. But more particularly and seasonably to be presented, where a marriage is upon a celebration. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for B. Gray, and J. Edwards, at their shops on the north and south side of the Town-House in King-Street, 1719. ESTC No. W20378. Grub Street ID 330045.
  • Mather, Cotton. Concio ad populum. A distressed people entertained with proposals for the relief of their distresses. In a sermon at Boston; made in the audience of His Excellency the governour, and the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-Bay, New-England. 12 d. Im. 1719. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines from Isaiah]. Boston, New England: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, sold at his shop in King Street, 1719. ESTC No. W30464. Grub Street ID 340802.
  • Mather, Cotton. A voice from heaven. An account of a late uncommon appearance in the heavens. With remarks upon it. Written for the satisfaction of one that was desirous to know the meaning of it. By one of the many who observed it. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: in N.E.: Printed for Samuel Kneeland, at his shop in King-Street, 1719. ESTC No. W19635. Grub Street ID 329286.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vigilius. Or, The awakener, making a brief essay, to rebuke first the natural sleep which too often proves a dead fly, in the devotions of them that indulge it. And then the moral sleep, wherein the souls of men frequently omit the duties, and forfeit the comforts, of religion. In earnest. [One line from 1 Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, 1719. ESTC No. W28580. Grub Street ID 338759.
  • Mather, Cotton. Genethlia pia; or, Thoughts for a birth-day. A very brief essay, on the sentiments of piety, which are never on any day of the year, out of season; but are more especially seasonable to be awakened, in every one, when their birth-day annually arrives unto them. An essay proper to be read, among the exercises of a birth-day; and more particularly proper to be put by parents into the hands of their children, or, by others into the hands of the friends they wish well unto, when such a day recurs unto them. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Edmund Negus, sold at his shop, 1719. ESTC No. W18663. Grub Street ID 328272.
  • Mather, Cotton. The religion of an oath. Plain directions how the duty of swearing, may be safely managed, when it is justly demanded. And strong persuasives to avoid the perils of perjury. Concluding with a most solemn explanation of an oath, which the laws of Denmark have provided for the consideration of them, whom an oath is propos'd unto. Published at the desire of some, who apprehend oaths to be too frequently and faultily trifled with. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for D. Henchman, sold at his shop, 1719. ESTC No. W19408. Grub Street ID 329060.
  • Mather, Cotton. Sincere piety described; and the trial of sincerity assisted. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, at the sign of the Light-House in King-Street, 1719. ESTC No. W19429. Grub Street ID 329078.
  • Mather, Cotton. A testimony against evil customs. Given by several ministers of the Gospel. Boston: in N.E.: Printed by Samuel Kneeland, for Samuel Gerrish, and sold at his shop in Corn-hill, near the Old Meeting-House, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. W19447. Grub Street ID 329093.
  • Mather, Cotton. The tryed professor. A very brief essay, to detect and prevent hypocrisy, and make sure of sincerity, in the profession of religion. A plain, short, and useful manual for the self-examination which every Christian has frequent and solemn occasion for. Boston: in N.E.: Printed by S. Kneeland, 1719. ESTC No. W28402. Grub Street ID 338571.
  • Mather, Cotton. An heavenly life. A Christian taught how to live in an infallible & comfortable perswasion of the Divine love operating in all that he meets withal. [Three lines in Latin from Basil]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House, in Corn-Hill, 1719. ESTC No. W19204. Grub Street ID 328860.
  • Mather, Cotton. An history of seasonable interpositions; especially relating to the twice-memorable fifth of November. Boston 5 d. IX m. 1719. [Boston: s.n, 1719]. ESTC No. W18269. Grub Street ID 327864.
  • Mather, Cotton. Mirabilia Dei. An essay on the very seasonable & remarkable interpositions of the divine providence, to rescue & relieve distressed people, brought unto the very point of perishing; especially relating to that twice-memorable fifth of November. Offered in the audience of His Excellency the governour and the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-province, New-England, on the fifth of November. 1719. By Cotton Mather D.D. & F.R.S. Boston: Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the governour & Council, 1719. ESTC No. W20771. Grub Street ID 330479.
  • Mather, Cotton. A new year well-begun. An essay offered on a New-Years-Day; to provide a good work for such a day, and advise, how a good year may certainly follow the day. Boston, January 1. 1718--19. [Three lines from Psalms]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1719. ESTC No. W19295. Grub Street ID 328947.
  • Mather, Cotton. The quickened soul. A short and plain essay on, the withered hand revived & restored. Showing, what is to be done by them, who feel and own themselves unable to do, what the glorious God has commanded them to do? And aimed, more particularly at the direction of them, whose conversion to piety may be in danger of miscarrying, thro' wretched and foolish pamphlets, which the enemies of grace & of souls, industriously scatter about the country. [Two lines from Ezekiel]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1720. ESTC No. W28989. Grub Street ID 339203.
  • Mather, Cotton. Detur digniori. The righteous man described & asserted as the excellent man; and the excellencies of such an one demonstrated. In a sermon, upon the death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Gerrish, late Pastor to the church in Wenham: who was received, where the weary are at rest on the 6 d. XI m. 1719. In the seventieth year of his age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1720. ESTC No. W37917. Grub Street ID 348718.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family-religion, excited and assisted. Offered to the reason and conscience of the prayerless housholder. Boston: Reprinted by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop, 1720. ESTC No. W18685. Grub Street ID 328292.
  • Mather, Cotton. The greatest concern in the world. [United States: s.n, not before 1720]. ESTC No. W18687. Grub Street ID 328293.
  • Mather, Cotton. The right way to shake off a viper. An essay, upon a case too commonly calling for consideration; what shall good men do, when they are evil spoken of? With a preface of Dr. Increase Mather,. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop, 1720. ESTC No. W19418. Grub Street ID 329069.
  • Mather, Cotton. The salvation of the soul considered. The nature of that great salvation declared; with directions for the obtaining, and incentives to the pursuing, of it. In a brief essay, designed for a dispersion by hands at work for the kingdom of God. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. W29087. Grub Street ID 339313.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Christian philosopher: a collection of the best discoveries in nature, with religious improvements. By Cotton Mather D. D. and fellow of the Royal Society. London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXI. [1721, i.e. 1720]. ESTC No. T67765. Grub Street ID 292218.
  • Mather, Cotton. Coheleth. A soul upon recollection; coming into incontestible sentiments of religion; such as all the sons of wisdom, will and must forever justify. Written by a fellow of the Royal Society. Offering the advice of a father going out of the world, unto a son coming into it. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop, 1720. ESTC No. W20043. Grub Street ID 329680.
  • Mather, Cotton. Undoubted certainties. Or, Piety enlivened from the view of what the living do certainly know of death approaching. In a sermon preached on the death of Mrs. Abigail Sewall, who expired, 26 d. III m. 1720. Aetatis 54. By Cotton Mather D.D. and F.R.S. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1720. ESTC No. W28468. Grub Street ID 338642.
  • Mather, Cotton. The accomplished singer. Instructions how the piety of singing with a true devotion, may be obtained and expressed; the glorious God after an uncommon manner glorified in it, and his people edified. Intended for the assistance of all that would sing Psalms with grace in their hearts; but more particularly to accompany the laudable endeavours of those who are learning to sing by rule, and seeking to preserve a regular singing in the assemblies of the faithful. [Two lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, at his shop in Cornhill, 1721. ESTC No. W23207. Grub Street ID 333100.
  • Mather, Cotton. The ambassadors tears. A minister of the gospel, making his just and sad complaint of an unsuccessful ministry. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet, 1721. ESTC No. W18388. Grub Street ID 327992.
  • Mather, Cotton. The way of the truth laid out. A catechism which, as with Supplies from the Tower of David, arms Christians of all ages, to refute the errors which most commonly assault the cause of Christianity: and to preserve the faith once delivered unto the saints. In seven essays. [Five lines from II Peter]. Boston: Reprinted by S. Kneeland, for D Henchman, at his shop in Corn-Hill, 1721. ESTC No. W19637. Grub Street ID 329287.
  • Mather, Cotton. The world alarm'd. A surprizing relation, of a new burning-island lately raised out of the sea, near Tercera; with a geographical and theological improvement of so astonishing an occurrence. And a brief history of the other ignivomous mountains at this day flaming in the world. In a letter to an Honourable fellow of the Royal Society at London. From a member of the same society, at Boston. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop in Corn Hill, 1721. ESTC No. W19647. Grub Street ID 329292.
  • Mather, Cotton. Tremenda. The dreadful sound with which the wicked are to be thunderstruck. In a sermon delivered unto a great assembly, in which was present, a miserable African, just going to be executed for a most inhumane and uncommon murder. At Boston, May 25th. 1721. To which is added, a conference between a minister and the prisoner, on the day before his execution. [One line from Deuteronomy]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for B. Gray & J. Edwards, & sold at their shops, 1721. ESTC No. W28376. Grub Street ID 338544.
  • Mather, Cotton. A pastoral letter, to families visited with sickness. From several ministers of Boston, at a time of epidemical sickness distressing of the town. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, at his shop near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1721. ESTC No. W28859. Grub Street ID 339060.
  • Mather, Cotton. Genuine Christianity. Or, A true Christian both in life and in death, glorifying the most glorious Lord. A sermon, on the departure of Mrs. Frances Webb, the vertuous consort of Mr. John Webb, (a pastor to one of the churches in Boston.) who expired September 14. 1721. In the twenty-eighth year of her age. By C. Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Three lines from Augustine]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, at his shop in Corn-hill, 1721. ESTC No. W12391. Grub Street ID 321659.
  • Mather, Cotton. Honesta parsimonia: or, Time spent as it should be. Proposals, to prevent that great folly and mischief, the loss of time; and employ the talent of time so watchfully and fruitfully that a good account may at last be given of it. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, and sold at his shop, 1721. ESTC No. W19209. Grub Street ID 328864.
  • Mather, Cotton. Marah spoken to. A brief essay to do good unto the widow: dispensing those lessons of piety, which are, the portion assigned for the widow, in the house and word of God. By one of the ministers in Boston. With a preface of Dr. Increase Mather. [Two lines from Job]. Boston: Re-printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, at the corner shop on the south-side of the Town-House, 1721. ESTC No. W19229. Grub Street ID 328882.
  • Mather, Cotton. Three letters from New-England, relating to the controversy of the present time. London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, [1721]. ESTC No. T79042. Grub Street ID 300735.
  • Mather, Cotton. India Christiana. A discourse, delivered unto the Commissioners, for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians which is accompanied with several instruments relating to the glorious design of propagating our holy religion, in the Eastern as well as the Western, Indies. An entertainment which they that are waiting for the kingdom of God will receive as good news from a far country. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, 1721. ESTC No. W20523. Grub Street ID 330207.
  • Mather, Cotton. A vision in the temple. The Lord of Hosts, adored; and the King of Glory proclaimed; on a day of prayer kept (May 10. 1721) at the opening of the New Brick Meeting House in the north part of Boston, by the ministers of the city, with the Society which built it, & this da swarmed into it. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed for Robert Starkey. And sold at his shop in Fleetstreet, 1721. ESTC No. W19538. Grub Street ID 329189.
  • Mather, Cotton. Silentiarius. A brief essay on the holy silence and godly patience, that sad things are to be entertained withal. A sermon at Boston-Lecture, on the death of Mrs. Abigail Willard, and the day before her interment; who expired Septemb. 26. 1721. By her father. Whereunto there is added, a sermon on, the refuge of the distressed, which was preached on the Lord's-Day preceeding. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, 1721. ESTC No. W29424. Grub Street ID 339686.
  • Mather, Cotton. Some account of what is said of inoculating or transplanting the small pox. By the learned Dr. Emanuel Timonius, and Jacobus Pylarinus. With some remarks thereon. To which are added, a few quaeries in answer to the scruples of many about the lawfulness of this method. Published by Dr. Zabdiel Boylston. Boston: Sold by S. Gerrish at his shop in Corn-Hill, 1721. ESTC No. W29446. Grub Street ID 339710.
  • Mather, Cotton. The angel of Bethesda, visiting the invalids of a miserable world [Seven lines of quotations] By a Fellow of the Royal Society. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1722. ESTC No. W18390. Grub Street ID 327995.
  • Mather, Cotton. Divine afflations. An essay, to describe and bespeak those gracious influences of the Holy Spirit, which will produce and confirm the eternal happiness of those who find that blessed spirit of life so entring into them, and making them to live unto God. [Three lines of quotations]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1722. ESTC No. W18641. Grub Street ID 328254.
  • Mather, Cotton. Two funeral sermons preach'd upon mournful occasions, by Dr. Cotton Mather, and Mr. Thomas Foxcroft. [Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1722]. ESTC No. W3525. Grub Street ID 345945.
  • Mather, Cotton. Sober sentiments. In an essay upon the vain presumption of living & thriving in the world; which does too often possess and poison the children of this world. Produced by the premature and much lamented death of Mr. Joshua Lamb, who died (of a fall received a few days before) July 15. 1722. By one of the ministers in Boston. With an appendix by another hand. [One line from Ecclesiastes]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, 1722. ESTC No. W19432. Grub Street ID 329081.
  • Mather, Cotton. Bethiah. The glory which adorns the daughters of God. And the piety, wherewith Zion wishes to see her daughters glorious. [Two lines from Canticles]. Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish, at his shop in Cornhill, 1722. ESTC No. W38484. Grub Street ID 349316.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pia desideria. Or, The smoaking flax, raised into a sacred flame: in a short and plain essay upon those pious desires, which are the introduction and inchoation of all vital piety, delivered unto a religious society of young people; on the Lord's-Day-evening, Aug. 5. 1722. [Five lines of quotations in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland for S. Gerrish, at his shop in Cornhill, 1722. ESTC No. W28875. Grub Street ID 339078.
  • Mather, Cotton. Love triumphant. A sermon at the gathering of a new church, and the ordaining of their pastor; in the north part of Boston; May 23. 1722. With copies of other things offered in the publick actions of that solemn occasion. [Two lines from Augustine]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for Nath. Belknap, at his shop the corner of Clarke's Wharffe, and next door to the Mitre Coffee-House, 1722. ESTC No. W13664. Grub Street ID 323016.
  • Mather, Cotton. Columbanus. Or, The doves flying to the windows of their Saviour. A sermon to a religious society of young people. June 4th. 1722. [Five lines in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, sold at his shop, 1722. ESTC No. W20050. Grub Street ID 329688.
  • Mather, Cotton. The voice of God in a tempest. A sermon preached in the time of the storm; wherein many and heavy and unknown losses were suffered at Boston, (and parts adjacent,) Febr. 24. 1722-3. By one of the ministers in Boston. [One line from Micah]. Boston: N.E.: Printed by S. Kneeland, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. W19577. Grub Street ID 329224.
  • Mather, Cotton. A father departing. A sermon on the departure of the venerable and memorable Dr. Increase Mather, who expired Aug. 23. 1723. In the eighty fifth year of his age. By one who, as a son with a father, served with him in the Gospel. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for N. Belknap, at his shop near Scarlet's Wharf, 1723. ESTC No. W8083. Grub Street ID 357149.
  • Mather, Cotton. Euthanasia. A sudden death made happy and easy to the dying believer. Exemplified in John Frizell, Esq; who so expired, April 10. 1723. [Eight lines of quotations in Latin]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. W32125. Grub Street ID 342593.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good character. Or, A walk with God characterized. With some dues paid unto the memory of Mr. Joseph Belcher, the late Reverend & excellent Pastor of Dedham, who expired April 27. 1723. By one of the ministers of Boston. [Three lines of quotation in Latin] With an Eleg by the Reverend Mr. John Danforth. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1723. ESTC No. W18667. Grub Street ID 328276.
  • Mather, Cotton. The pure Nazarite. Advice to a young man, concerning an impiety and impurity (not easily to be spoken of) which many young men are to their perpetual sorrow, too easily drawn into. A letter forced into the press, by the discoveries which are made, that sad occasions multiply, for the communication of it. [One line of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for John Phillips, at his shop on the south side of the Town-House, 1723. ESTC No. W19405. Grub Street ID 329058.
  • Mather, Cotton. Some seasonable enquiries offered, for the consideration and satisfaction of them that are willing to weigh things in even balances. And for the establishment of the reformed churches; lest being led away with the error of this day, they fall from their own stedfastness. [New London, Conn?]: Printed [by Timothy Green?], in the year, 1723. ESTC No. W19435. Grub Street ID 329084.
  • Mather, Cotton. The Lord-High-Admiral of all the seas, adored. A brief essay upon the miracle of our Saviour walking upon the water. With admonitions of piety, profitable to all; but very particularly agreeable to them, whose business calls them to sailing on the water. [Two lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. W19225. Grub Street ID 328878.
  • Mather, Cotton. Coelestinus. A conversation in heaven, quickened and assisted, with discoveries of things in the heavenly world. And some relations of the views and joys that have been granted unto several persons in the confines of it. Introduced by Agathangelus, or, An essay on the ministry of the holy angels. And recommended unto the people of God, by the very Reverend, Dr. Increase Mather; waiting in the daily expectation of his departure to that glorious world. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for Nath. Belknap, at his shop the corner of Scarletts Wharffe, and next door to the Mitre Coffee House, 1723. ESTC No. W20042. Grub Street ID 329679.
  • Mather, Cotton. Useful remarks. An essay upon remarkables in the way of wicked men. A sermon on the tragical end, unto which the way of twenty-six pirates brought them; at New Port on Rhode-Island, July 19, 1723. With an account of their speeches, letters, & actions, before their execution. [Two lines from Deuteronomy]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1723. ESTC No. W28490. Grub Street ID 338665.
  • Mather, Cotton. Valerius. The prosperity of the soul proposed and promoted, as the best thing that can be wished for. A prospering soul described; with the paternal and pathetic wishes of a pastor for his flock; dispensed in his pastoral visits unto them. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, at his shop near the Brick Meeting-House, 1723. ESTC No. W19567. Grub Street ID 329213.
  • Mather, Cotton. Decus ac Tutamen. A brief essay on the blessings enjoy'd by a people that have men of a right character shining among them. Offered in commemoration of that good and great man the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall Esq; late governour of Connecticut-colony New-England. Who expired, at New-London; Sept 20th. 1724. In the fifty-ninth year of his age. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. [Three lines of quotations]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed by T. Green, 1724. ESTC No. W20111. Grub Street ID 329756.
  • Mather, Cotton. The converted sinner. The nature of a conversion to real and vital piety: and the manner in which it is to be pray'd & striv'n for. A sermon preached in Boston, May 31, 1724. In the hearing and at the desire of certain pirates, a little before their execution. To which there is added, a more private conference of a minister with them. [Two lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed for Nathaniel Belknap, and sold at his shop the corner of Scarletts-Wharff, 1724. ESTC No. W18632. Grub Street ID 328246.
  • Mather, Cotton. Parentator. Memoirs of remarkables in the life and the death of the ever-memorable Dr. Increase Mather. Who expired, August 23. 1723. [One line from II Kings]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nathaniel Belknap, at the corner of Scarlets-Wharff, 1724. ESTC No. W28853. Grub Street ID 339054.
  • Mather, Cotton. Memoirs of the life of the late Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. who died August 23, 1723. With a Preface by the Reverend Edmund Calamy, D. D. London : printed for John Clark and Richard Hett at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. N35391. Grub Street ID 23663.
  • Mather, Cotton. Stimulator. Or, The case of a soul walking in darkness awfully & suitably considered. An essay, to awaken people out of the lethargy which disposes them to continue in a dark uncertainty about their future state, in the world, which is not seen, but is eternal. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by T Green, 1724. ESTC No. W19440. Grub Street ID 329087.
  • Mather, Cotton. Baptistes. Or, A conference about the subject and manner of baptism moderately, but successfully managed, between a minister who maintain'd infant-baptism, and a gentleman who scrupled it. Now published, at the desire and for the service of some serious Christians, who hav apprehended the explanation and the establishment of the truth in this matter, to be of some consequence to the interests of Christianity. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for J. Phillips, at his shop on the south side of the Town-House, 1724. ESTC No. W19200. Grub Street ID 328856.
  • Mather, Cotton. The words of understanding. Three essays; I. The Philomela. With, The notes of morning-piety. II. The Ephemeron. Or, Tears drop'd on dust and ashes. III. Jonah: or, The dove in safety. Occasioned by some early deaths which require such notice to be taken of them. [Three lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, & sold at his shop, 1724. ESTC No. W20936. Grub Street ID 330657.
  • Mather, Cotton. Light in darkness. An essay on the piety which by remembring the many days of darkness, will change them into a marvellous light. With a notable example of it, in a young person Mrs. Rebeckah Burnel, in the seventeenth year of her age: meeting her death, with uncommon triumphs over it. [One line from Job]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for Nath. Belknap, at the corner shop near Scarletts-Wharf, 1724. ESTC No. W19223. Grub Street ID 328877.
  • Mather, Cotton. The true riches. A present of glorious and immense riches, plainly and freely tendered unto those that are willing to accept of them. In a brief essay on the unsearcheable riches of Christ. [Two lines from Ephesians]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nathaniel Belknap, at the corner of Scarlets-Wharff, 1724. ESTC No. W18267. Grub Street ID 327862.
  • Mather, Cotton. Religious societies. Proposals for the revival of dying religion, by well ordered societies for that purpose. With a brief discourse, offered unto a religious society, on the first day of their meeting. [One line from I Thessalonians]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for John Phillips, and sold at his shop over against the south-side of the Town House, 1724. ESTC No. W19552. Grub Street ID 329203.
  • Mather, Cotton. Tela praevisa. A short essay, on troubles to be look'd for. A wise expectation of, and preparation for, troublesome changes, recommended unto the strangers and pilgrims in this present evil world by Cotton Mather D.D. and F.R.S. [One line from Matthew]. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, for Thomas Hancock, and sold at his shop in Ann Street, near the draw-bridge, 1724. ESTC No. W19553. Grub Street ID 329204.
  • Mather, Cotton. The nightingale. An essay on songs among thorns. Or The supports & comforts of the afflicted believer. Thankfully published by one that has had experience of them. [Two lines from Job]. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, 1724. ESTC No. W19297. Grub Street ID 328949.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vital Christianity: A brief essay on the life of God, in the soul of man; produced and maintained by a Christ living in us: and the mystery of a Christ within, explained. With an exhibition, in which all that fear God and give glory to him, will be sanctified. [Three lines from Isaiah]. [Philadelphia]: Printed by Samuel Keimer, for Eleazer Phillips, in Charles-Town in New-England, and sold at Rice Peter's, in Chesnut-Street, Philadelphia, 1725. ESTC No. W19575. Grub Street ID 329222.
  • Mather, Cotton. The palm-bearers. A brief relation of patient and joyful sufferings; and of death gloriously triumphed over; in the history of the persecution which the Church of Scotland suffered, from the year 1660, to the year 1688. [Two lines from Hebrews]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W27563. Grub Street ID 337672.
  • Mather, Cotton. Une grande voix du ciel a la France. [Two lines in French from Ecclesiastes]. [Boston?: Printed by B. Green?], MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. W19332. Grub Street ID 328984.
  • Mather, Cotton. El-Shaddai. A brief essay, on all supplied in an alsufficient saviour. Produced by the death of that virtuous gentlewoman, Mrs. Katharin Willard, (the valuable consort of Josiah Willard, Esq;) who died, Aug. 1. 1725. In the thirty-fifth year of her age. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1725. ESTC No. W18646. Grub Street ID 328257.
  • Mather, Cotton. Repeated admonitions. In a monitory letter, about the maintainance [sic] of an able and faithful ministry; directed unto those people, who sin against and sin away the glorious Gospel, by not supporting the worthy dispensers of it. First published some years ago; and now re-printed; in concomitancy with the pious concern about this matter, expressed by the General Assembly of the province. [Five lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House, in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W21805. Grub Street ID 331596.
  • Mather, Cotton. Zalmonah. The Gospel of the brasen serpent, in the Mosaic history. Offered with some uncommon sentiments upon it; and with moving exhibitions and commendations of the glorious Redeemer, by whom we are in wondrous methods, delivered from what the old serpent has brought upo us. [Two lines from Augustine]. Boston: Printed for J. Phillips, and sold at his shop on the south side of the Town-House in King Street, 1725. ESTC No. W19653. Grub Street ID 329299.
  • Mather, Cotton. A proposal for an evangelical treasury; humbly tendred unto the churches. [Boston: s.n, 1725]. ESTC No. W19403. Grub Street ID 329056.
  • Mather, Cotton. Deus nobiscum. A very brief essay, on the enjoyment of God. Answering the grand enquiry of piety; What is it to find the glorious God; and where is he to be met withal? [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W30758. Grub Street ID 341118.
  • Mather, Cotton. Renatus. A brief essay on, a soul passing from death to life; in a translation from the first Adam to the second Adam. And the mystery of the two Adams, explained, as what all real & vital Christianity turns upon. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, and sold at his shop in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W19712. Grub Street ID 329346.
  • Mather, Cotton. Repeated admonitions in a monitory letter, about the maintainance [sic] of an able and faithful ministry; directed unto those people, who sin against and sin away the glorious Gospel, by not supporting the worthy dispensers of it. First published some years ago; and now re-printed; in concomitancy with the pious concern about this matter, expressed by the General Assembly of the province. [Five lines of quotation]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, in the year 1725. ESTC No. W33868. Grub Street ID 344472.
  • Mather, Cotton. Christodulus. A good reward of a good servant. Or, The service of a glorious Christ, justly demanded and commended, from a view of the glory with which it shall be recempensed [sic]. With some commemoration of Mr. Thomas Walter, lately a Pastor to a church in Roxbury: who had an early dismission from what of that service was to be done in this world. Jan. 10. 1724--5. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W37782. Grub Street ID 348574.
  • Mather, Cotton. Memoirs of the life of the late Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. Who died August 23, 1723. With a Preface by the Reverend Edmund Calamy, D.D. London : printed for John Clark and Richard Hett at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T39152. Grub Street ID 268499.
  • Mather, Cotton. Edulcorator. A brief essay on the waters of Marah sweetened. With a remarkable relation of the deporable [sic] occasion afforded for it, in the praemature death of Captain Josiah Winslow, who (with several of his company) sacrificed his life, in the service of his country; engaging an army of Indians, May 1. 1724. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1725. ESTC No. W31809. Grub Street ID 342247.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for the children of the covenant. A brief essay on that case, What will be an acceptable method and manner of, laying hold on the covenant of God? An instrument of piety, to be lodged in the hands of those, who seeking baptism for themselves or theirs, make a publick profession of the baptismal covenant: that so this important action, may be religiously and profitably performed, in our churches. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, at his shop near the brick meeting-house in Cornhill, 1725. ESTC No. W19288. Grub Street ID 328940.
  • Mather, Cotton. Virtue in it's verdure. A Christian exhibited as a green olivetree, in the House of God; with a character of the virtuous Mrs. Abigail Brown: (the amiable and memorable consort of the Honourable Samuel Brown, Esq;) who expired Feb. 18. 1724,5. [Two lines from Augustine in Latin]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1725. ESTC No. W29674. Grub Street ID 339953.
  • Mather, Cotton. The vial poured out upon the sea. A remarkable relation of certain pirates brought unto a tragical and untimely end. Some conferences with them, after their condemnation. Their behaviour at their execution. And a sermon preached on that occasion. [Two lines from Job]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for N. Belknap, and sold at his shop near Scarlet's Wharf, 1726. ESTC No. W19572. Grub Street ID 329219.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ratio disciplinæ fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A faithful account of the discipline professed and practised; in the churches of New-England. With interspersed and instructive reflections on the discipline of the primitive churches. Boston: printed for S. Gerrish, 1726. ESTC No. W28991. Grub Street ID 339206.
  • Mather, Cotton. The choice of wisdom. A brief and plain essay on the best of blessings, to be obtained by the chusing of them and asking for them. Designed for to be left in the hands of those, whom the pastoral visits take notice of. [Two lines from Proverbs]. Boston: Printed for Thomas Hancock, and sold at his shop in Ann-Street near the draw-bridge, 1726. ESTC No. W18617. Grub Street ID 328233.
  • Mather, Cotton. Fasciculus viventium. Or, All good wishes in one. A brief essay on, a soul bound up in the bundle of life; as the best thing, and, all the good, that can be wished for. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Alford Butler, at the lower end of King-Street, near the Crown Coffee-House, 1726. ESTC No. W18660. Grub Street ID 328270.
  • Mather, Cotton. A good old age. A brief essay on the glory of aged piety. Humbly commended and presented unto them, whose arrival to, or near, sixty, ranks them among, the aged. [Four lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, for S. Gerrish, in Cornhill, 1726. ESTC No. W18670. Grub Street ID 328278.
  • Mather, Cotton. Pietas matutina. One essay more, to bespeak and engage early piety; made, on an occasion taken from the early departure of Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, at the age of twenty-two. August 7. 1726. By her father. [One line from Genesis]. Boston: Printed for J. Phillips, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. W19391. Grub Street ID 329048.
  • Mather, Cotton. Manuductio ad ministerium. Directions for a candidate of the ministry. Wherein, first, a right foundation is laid for his future improvement; and, then, rules are offered for such a management of his academical & preparatory studies; and thereupon, for such a conduct after his appearance in the world; as may render his a skilful and useful minister of the Gospel. [Three lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed for Thomas Hancock, and sold at his shop in Ann-Street, near the draw-bridge, 1726. ESTC No. W31194. Grub Street ID 341592.
  • Mather, Cotton. Some seasonable advice unto the poor; to be annexed unto the kindnesses of God, that are dispensed unto them. [Boston?: Printed by Thomas Fleet?, 1726]. ESTC No. W19434. Grub Street ID 329083.
  • Mather, Cotton. Suspiria vinctorum. Some account of the condition to which the Protestant interest in the world is at this day reduced. And the duty, to which all that would prove themselves true Christians must and will count themselves obliged. Briefly laid before the churches of the faithful, by several ministers of the Gospel, desirous to do the work of the day. [Three lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. W19442. Grub Street ID 329089.
  • Mather, Cotton. Terra beata. A brief essay, on the blessing of Abraham; even the grand blessing of a glorious Redeemer, which, all the nations of the earth, are to ask for, and hope for. And the promises of it explained, with some uncommon illustrations. [Six lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed for J. Phillips, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. W19443. Grub Street ID 329090.
  • Mather, Cotton. Hatzar-Maveth. Comfortable words; in a short essay on the comforts of one living to God, but walking through the valley of the shadow of death; and finding it no more than a shadow of death. [Nine lines of quotations]. Boston: printed for S. Gerrish, 1726. ESTC No. W12669. Grub Street ID 321954.
  • Mather, Cotton. The instructor. Offering several very brief and plain instructions; in which the most ignorant may quickly learn the truths of the Gospel; which they must be taught, by those that have the charge of them, and would give up their account with joy and not with grief, unto God the judge of all: and would have some good and fit answer to give, when he shall visit them. [Three lines from II Romans]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. W19213. Grub Street ID 328868.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ecclesia Monilia. The peculiar treasure of the Almighty King opened; and the jewels that are made up in it, exposed. At Boston lecture, July 14. 1726. Whereof one is more particularly exhibited, in the character of Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton, who was laid up a few days before. And certain instruments and memorials of piety, written by that valuable & Honourable gentlewoman. Boston: Printed for Daniel Henchman, and sold at his shop in Cornhill over against the Brick Meeting House, 1726. ESTC No. W31791. Grub Street ID 342230.
  • Mather, Cotton. Nails fastened. Or, Proposals of piety reasonably and seasonably complyed withal. A brief essay on the conduct expected of such as have had their duty proposed unto them. Designed more particularly to be lodg'd and left, where pastoral visits, have watched for the souls of a Gospellized people. [One line from Jeremiah]. Boston: Printed for Joseph Edwards, at the corner shop on the north side of the TownHouse, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. W19291. Grub Street ID 328943.
  • Mather, Cotton. The terror of the Lord. Some account of the earthquake that shook New-England, in the night, between the 29 and the 30 of October. 1727. With a speech, made unto the inhabitants of Boston, who assembled the next morning, for the proper exercises of religion, on so uncommon, and so tremendous an occasion. [One line from Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Kneeland, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1727. ESTC No. W28279. Grub Street ID 338437.
  • Mather, Cotton. Boanerges. A short essay to preserve and strengthen the good impressions produced by earthquakes on the minds of people that have been awakened with them. With some views of what is to be further and quickly look'd for. Address'd unto the whole people of New-England, who have been terrified with the late earthquakes; and more especially the towns that have had a more singular share in the terrors of them. [Three lines from I Chronicles]. Boston: Printed for S. Kneeland, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1727. ESTC No. W38405. Grub Street ID 349232.
  • Mather, Cotton. Agricola. Or, The religious husbandman: the main intentions of religion, served in the business and language of husbandry. A work adapted unto the grand purposes of piety; and commended therefore by a number of ministers, to be entertained in the families of the countrey. [One line from I Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for D. Henchman, over-against the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhil, 1727. ESTC No. W18387. Grub Street ID 327991.
  • Mather, Cotton. The balance of the sanctuary. A short and plain essay; declaring, the true balance wherein every thing should be weighed, and, detecting, the false balance wherein many things are weighed, among the children of men. A lecture; in the audience of the General Assembly at Boston, Oct. 5. 1727. [One line from Leviticus]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet, in Pudding-Lane, near the Town-House, 1727. ESTC No. W18393. Grub Street ID 327998.
  • Mather, Cotton. Evident tokens of salvation. An essay on the scarlet cord, once exhibited as a signal for safety; and the most sinful excited and instructed for the repeting [sic] of the exhibition. [One line from James]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Alford Butler, at the lower end of King-Street, near the Crown Coffee-House, 1727. ESTC No. W18649. Grub Street ID 328260.
  • Mather, Cotton. Restitutus. The end of life pursued, and then, the hope in death enjoyed, by the faithful. Both of them described in a discourse made upon a recovery from sickness. Or, The declaration of one returning from the gates of the grave. [Two lines from Isaiah]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, at the lower end of Cornhill, 1727. ESTC No. W19417. Grub Street ID 329068.
  • Mather, Cotton. Signatus. The sealed servants of our God, appearing with two witnesses, to produce a well-established assurance of their being the children of the Lord Almighty or, the witnesses of the Holy Spirit, with the spirit of the beleever [sic], to his adoption of God; briefly and plainly described. At Boston lecture 1726--7. Boston: Printed for Daniel Henchman, over-against the Brick Meeting-House, in Cornhill, 1727. ESTC No. W19427. Grub Street ID 329076.
  • Mather, Cotton. Hor-Hagidgad. An essay upon, an happy departure. Occasioned by the decease of the valuable Mr. William Waldron, late Pastor to one of the churches in Boston; who departed, Sept. 11. 1727. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, S. Kneeland, N. Belknap, and B. Love, 1727. ESTC No. W12634. Grub Street ID 321919.
  • Mather, Cotton. The terror of the Lord. Some account of the earthquake that shook Newengland, in the night, between the 29 and the 30 of October, 1727. With a speech, made unto the inhabitants of Boston, who assembled the next morning, for the proper exercises of religion, on so uncommo and so tremendous an occasion. [One line from II Corinthians]. Boston: Printed for S. Kneeland, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1727. ESTC No. W19445. Grub Street ID 329091.
  • Mather, Cotton. The terror of the Lord. Some account of the earthquake that shook New-England, in the night, between the 29 and the 30 of October, 1727. With a speech, made unto the inhabitants of Boston, who assembled the next morning, for the proper exercises of religion, on so uncommon, and so tremendous an occasion. [One line from II Corinthians]. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Kneeland, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1727. ESTC No. W19446. Grub Street ID 329092.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ignorantia scientifica. A brief essay on mans not knowing his time: the just inferences from it, and the great advantages of it. Upon a special and mournful occasion. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston in N E: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, the lower end of Corn-hill, 1727. ESTC No. W17505. Grub Street ID 327049.
  • Mather, Cotton. Juga jucunda. A brief essay to obtain from young people, an early and hearty submission to the yoke of their Saviour, and his religion. With a relation of the glorious peace and joy, which brightened the dying hours of Mrs. Abiel Goodwin; who having born the yoke in her youth, triumphantly expired October 3. 1727. A sermon preached at the desire of the deceased. [One line from Deuteronomy]. Boston: Printed for D. Henchman at the corner shop over against the Brick Meeting House in Corn-hill, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. W19215. Grub Street ID 328869.
  • Mather, Cotton. Hor-Hagidgad. An essay upon, an happy departure. Occasioned by the decease of the valuable Mr. William Waldron, late Pastor to one of the churches in Boston; who departed, Sept. 11. 1727. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [Four lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, S. Kneeland, N. Belknap, and B. Love, 1727. ESTC No. W20476. Grub Street ID 330154.
  • Mather, Cotton. The marrow of the Gospel. A very brief essay, on the union between the Redeemer and the beleever [sic]. [One line from Psalms]. Boston: Printed for N. Belknap, at the corner of Scarlet's Wharf, at the north end, 1727. ESTC No. W19231. Grub Street ID 328885.
  • Mather, Cotton. Christian loyalty. Or, Some suitable sentiments on the withdraw of King George the First, of glorious memory, and the access of King George the Second, unto the throne of the British Empire. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet, at his printing-house in Pudding-Lane, near the Town-House, 1727. ESTC No. W20028. Grub Street ID 329663.
  • Mather, Cotton. The comfortable chambers, opened and visited, upon the departure of that aged and faithful servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher [i.e., Thacher], the never-to-be-forgotten pastor of Milton. Who made his flight thither, on December 17. 1727. [One line from Canticles]. Boston: Printed for J. Edwards, at the corner shop on the north-side of the Town-House, 1728. ESTC No. W37449. Grub Street ID 348224.
  • Mather, Cotton. Juga jucunda. A brief essay to obtain from young people, an early and an hearty submission to the yoke of their saviour, and his religion. With a relation of the glorious peace and joy, which brightened the dying hours of Mrs. Abiel Goodwin, who having born the yoke in her youth, triumphantly expired October 3. 1727. A sermon preached at the desire of the deceased. Boston: Printed for D. Henchman, at the corner shop over against the Brick Meeting House in Corn-hill, 1728. ESTC No. W19216. Grub Street ID 328870.
  • Mather, Cotton. The mystical marriage. A brief essay, on, the grace of the Redeemer espousing the soul of the believer. By the late Reverend Dr. Cotton Mather. Approved by several pastors of our churches, as a present, proper to be offered unto our young people: and very particularly when the celebration of a marriage affords an agreeable occasion for it. Boston N.E.: Printed for N. Belknap, and sold at his shop near Scarlet's Wharf, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. W26318. Grub Street ID 336358.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vital Christianity: A brief essay on the life of God, in the soul of man; produced and maintained by a Christ living in us: and the mystery of a Christ within, explained. With an exhibition, in which all that fear God, and give glory to him, will be satisfied. [Three lines from Isaiah]. Philadelphia: Printed by David Harry, 1730. ESTC No. W19574. Grub Street ID 329221.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for communicants. An essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. Offered by an assembly of the New-English pastors, unto their own flocks, & unto all the churches in these American colonies: with a solemn testimony to that cause of God, and religion in them. N London [i.e., New London, Conn.]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1732. ESTC No. W19286. Grub Street ID 328938.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitory letter to them who needlessly and frequently absent themselves from the publick worship of God. Briefly representing the nature and intent of religious assemblies, and the grievous evil of profane absence from them. Published and dispersed by some, who desire the reformation of that growing evil. [Two lines from Hebrews]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, for D. Henchman in Corn-hill, and Nath. Procter at the Bible and Dove in Fish Street, 1738. ESTC No. W19894. Grub Street ID 329519.
  • Mather, Cotton. A letter, about a good management under the distemper of the measles, at this time spreading in the country. Here published for the benefit of the poor, and such as may want the help of able physicians. [Boston: Printed and sold by Thomas Fleet at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1739]. ESTC No. W19219. Grub Street ID 328872.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family-religion, excited and assisted. [Newport, R.I.: Printed by Ann Franklin, 1740?]. ESTC No. W18683. Grub Street ID 328290.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family-religion, excited and assisted. Newport [R.I.]: Reprinted by the Widow Franklin, [1740?]. ESTC No. W18684. Grub Street ID 328291.
  • Mather, Cotton. Vital Christianity: A brief essay on the life of God in the soul of man; produced and maintained by a Christ living in us: and the mystery of a Christ within, explained. With an exhibition, in which all that fear God and give glory to him, will be sanctified. By the late Reverend Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boston in New-England. [Boston]: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle, at the printing-office over-against the south-east corner of the Town-House in Boston, 1741. ESTC No. W19576. Grub Street ID 329223.
  • Mather, Cotton. The case of a troubled mind. A brief essay, upon the troubles of a mind; which apprehends the face of a gracious God hidden from it. The symptoms of the troubles, and the methods of preventing them. By the late Reverend Dr. Cotton Mather. Boston: Printed by G. Rogers for N. Procter, at the Bible and Dove in Fish-Street, 1741. ESTC No. W18616. Grub Street ID 328232.
  • Mather, Cotton. Ornaments for the daughters of Zion. Or The character and happiness of a virtuous woman: in a discourse which directs the female sex how to express the fear of God in every age and state of their life; and obtain both temporal and eternal blessedness. Written by Cotton Mather. [Five lines from Tertullian]. Boston: Re-printed & sold by S. Kneeland, and T. Green, in Queen-Street, 1741. ESTC No. W19385. Grub Street ID 329041.
  • Mather, Cotton. An essay on comets, their nature, the laws of their motions, the cause and magnitude of their atmosphere, and tails; with a conjecture of their use and design. [Boston]: Sold by Rogers and Fowle at their printing-house next to the prison in Queen-Street, Boston, 1744. ESTC No. W15322. Grub Street ID 324797.
  • Mather, Cotton. Family religion urged. Or, Some serious considerations offer'd to the reason and conscience of every prayerless housholder. With plain directions how the gift of prayer may be sought by persons of the meanest capacity. To which is added, a select number of choice hymns, upon extraordinary occasions, collected from the works of several eminent ministers of the Gospel in Great-Britain. By Cotton Mather, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston, New-England. Boston: Reprinted for D. Henchman in Cornhil, 1747. ESTC No. W18657. Grub Street ID 328266.
  • Mather, Cotton. Signatus. The sealed servants of our God, appearing with two witnesses, to produce a well-established assurance of their being the children of the Lord Almighty. Or, the wintess of the Holy Spirit, with the spirit of the believer, to his adoption of God; briefly and plainl described. Boston-lecture, 1726,7. By the late Rev. Dr. Cotton Mather. With a preface and appendix by the Rev. Mr. Crosswell. Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street, 1748. ESTC No. W19428. Grub Street ID 329077.
  • Mather, Cotton. A monitor for communicants. An essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. Offered by an assembly of the New-English pastors, unto their own flocks, and unto all the churches in these American colonies; with a solemn testimony to that cause of God, and religion, in them. [Two lines from Malachi]. Boston: Re-printed and sold by S. Kneeland, over against the prison in Queen-Street, 1750. ESTC No. W20776. Grub Street ID 330484.
  • Mather, Cotton. The greatest concern in the world. A short and plain essay to answer that most concerning and all concerning inquiry, What must I do to be saved? Now published with a design to assist the addresses of good men unto their neighbours, whom they press to mind the one thing needful. [New Haven, Conn.]: Printed for and sold by Roger Sherman and Benjamin Mecom in New-Haven, M,DCC,LXV. [1765]. ESTC No. W18690. Grub Street ID 328296.
  • Mather, Cotton. The everlasting Gospel. The Gospel of justification by the righteousness of God; as it is held and preached in the churches of New-England: expressed in a brief discourse on that important article; made at Boston, in the year 1699, by Cotton Mather. Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. W18648. Grub Street ID 328259.
  • Mather, Cotton. Corderius americanus. An essay on the good education of children. And what may be hopefully attempted for the hope of the flock: in a funeral sermon on Mr. Ezekiel Cheever, the ancient and honorable master of the Free-School in Boston: who left off but when mortality took him off, in August 1708, in the ninety-fourth year of his age. With an elegy and an epitaph on him. By one who was once a scholar to him. [One line epigram in Latin]. Boston: Printed by Ezekiel Russell, next the cornfield, Union-Street, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. W18634. Grub Street ID 328248.
  • Mather, Cotton. The good old way: or, Christianity described, from the glorious lustre of it appearing in the lives of the primitive Christians. An essay: tending, from illustrious examples, of a sober, and a righteous, and a godly life, occurring in the ancient church history, to reviv the languishing interests of genuine and practical Christianity. [One line from I Chronicles]. New-York: Printed by Hodge and Shober, for Noel and Hazard, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. W18672. Grub Street ID 328280.
  • Mather, Cotton. Dr. Cotton Mather's student and preacher. Intituled, Manuductio ad ministerium; or, directions for a candidate of the ministry. Wherein I. A right foundation is laid for his future improvement. II. Rules are offered for such a management of his academical and preparatory studies: and, upon that, for such III. A conduct after his appearance in the world, as may render him a skilful and useful Minister of the Gospel. Republished by John Ryland, A. M. of Northampton. London : printed for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T56534. Grub Street ID 282972.
  • Mather, Cotton. Dr. Cotton Mather's student and preacher; or, directions for a candidate of the ministry. Wherein, I. A right foundation is laid for his future improvement. II. Rules are offered for such a management of his academical and preparatory studies: and, upon that, for such III. A conduct after his appearance in the world, as may render him a skilful and useful Minister of the Gospel. To which is added, a literal translation of Dr. Cotton Mather's famous Latin preface; with an abridgment of Mr. Ryland's preface to his edition. Carefully revised and corrected by a lover of the Gospel. London : printed by R. Hindmarsh, Printer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, No. 32, Clerkenwell-Close: for T. Scollick, City Road, near Moorfields; and J. Matthews, Strand, 1789. ESTC No. T56533. Grub Street ID 282971.
  • Mather, Cotton. The comfortable chambers, opened and visited, upon the departure of that aged and faithful servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher [i.e., Thacher], the never to be forgotten pastor of Milton, who made his flight thither, on December 17. 1727. By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. (The last sermon the author ever delivered.) [One line from Canticles]. Boston: Re-printed by Thomas Fleet, Jun. Cornhill, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. W30414. Grub Street ID 340747.
  • Mather, Cotton. The gospel of justification. By the righteousness of God. By Cotton Mather. Wilmington [Del.]: Printed by Bonsal & Niles, for Molleston Correy, [1800]. ESTC No. W18673. Grub Street ID 328281.