Mather, W.
A very useful manual, or, The young mans companion, containing plain and easy directions for spelling, reading and uniting English, with easy rules, for their attaining to writing, and arithmetick, and the Englishing of the Latin Bible without a tutor; likewise the plotting, and measuring of land, globes, steeples, walls, barrels, timber, stone, boards, glass, &c. The exchange of mony, weights and measures, purchase of annuities, leases, &c. Together with some secrets of navigation, astronomy, astrology, dialling, geometry, law, religion, physick, philosophers stone, ordering of bees, husbandry, &c. And several other considerable, and necessary matters; intended for the good of all, and for promoting love to one another. As by the table annexed particularly appears. Collected by William Mather.
London : printed by T. Snowden, and sold at the Bell in Exchange Alley, in Cornhil, 1681.
ESTC No. R36919.Grub Street ID 119174.