Publications of Richard Brathwait


  • Brathwait, Richard. The prodigals teares: or His fare-well to vanity. A treatise, of soueraigne cordials to the disconsolate soule, surcharged with the heauy burthen of his sinnes: ministring matter of remorse to the impertinent, by the expression of Gods iudgements. By Richard Brathvvait. London: Printed by N. O[kes] for T. Gubbins, and are to be sold at his shop, neere Holborne-Conduit, 1614. ESTC No. S115767. Grub Street ID 135457.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The prodigals teares. With a heavenly new yeeres gift sent to the soule; contayning many most zealous and comfortable prayers, with deuout meditations: both worthie the acceptance of all Christians, and their expence of time to peruse. By H. G. preacher of the most sacred Word of God. London: Printed by B. A[lsop] for Iohn Browne, and are to be sold at his shop in Little Brittaine neere Duck Lane end: or else at Bernard Alsop his house, at S. Annes Church, neere Aldersgate, 1620. ESTC No. S114442. Grub Street ID 134154.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Natures embassie: or, the wilde-mans measures: danced naked by twelue satyres, with sundry others continued in the next section. [London]: Printed [by Richard Field] for Richard Whitaker, 1621. ESTC No. S1516. Grub Street ID 145948.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Shepherds Tales, containing satyres, eglogues, and odes. By R.B. Esquire. London: Printed [by J. Haviland] for Richard Whitakers, 1623. ESTC No. S112071. Grub Street ID 131836.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Querela clientis; medela patientis. Integerrimo viro, Iulio Cæsari, Equiti aurato, vni ex intimis Regis consiliariis penitissimo, sacrorum scriniorum magistro; Richardi Brathwait Armigeri humillima petitio. [London: Printed by Thomas Snodham?, 1625?]. ESTC No. S232. Grub Street ID 146713.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Essaies vpon the five senses, rivived by a new supplement; with a pithy one upon detraction. Continued vvith sundry Christian resolves, and divine contemplations, full of passion and devotion; purposely composed for the zealously disposed. By Ric: Brathvvayt Esquire. London: printed by Anne Griffin, 1625. ESTC No. S124648. Grub Street ID 143998.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The shepherds tales reuised and reuiued, by R.B. Esquire. London: Printed [by John Haviland, Eliot's Court Press, and Richard Field] for Robert Bostocke at the Kings head in Pauls Church-yard, 1626. ESTC No. S1518. Grub Street ID 145950.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The English gentlevvoman, drawne out to the full body: expressing, what habilliments doe best attire her, what ornaments doe best adorne her, what complements doe best accomplish her. By Richard Brathvvait Esq. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for Michaell Sparke, dwelling in Greene Arbor, 1631. ESTC No. S122488. Grub Street ID 142022.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Anniversaries upon his Panarete. London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Robert Bostock, at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard, 1634. ESTC No. S119292. Grub Street ID 138934.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Raglands Niobe: or, Elizas elegie: Addressed to the unexpiring memory of the most noble Lady, Elizabeth Herbert, wife to the truly honourable, Edward Somerset Lord Herbert, &c. By Ri. Brathwait, Esq. [London]: Imprinted by F. K[ingston] for Robert Bostocke, at the Kings head in Saint Paul's Church-yard, 1635. ESTC No. S114435. Grub Street ID 134147.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Anniversaries upon his Panarete; continued: With her contemplations, penned in the languishing time of her sicknesse. The second yeeres annivers. London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Robert Bostock, at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard, 1635. ESTC No. S119295. Grub Street ID 138937.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Barnabæ itinerarium, Mirtili & Faustuli nominibus insignitum viatoris solatio nuperrim editum, aptissimis numeris redactum, veterique Tono Barnabæ, public decantatum. [London: J. Haviland, ca. 1636]. ESTC No. S231. Grub Street ID 146702.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Anniversaries upon his Panarete; continued. The third yeeres annivers. London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to bee sold by Robert Bostocke, at the Kings-Head in Pauls Church-yard, 1636. ESTC No. S91185. Grub Street ID 150365.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The fatall nuptiall: or Mournefull marriage. Relating, the heavy and lamentable accident lately occurring, by the drowning of 47. persons, and some of those of especiall quality, in the water of Windermere, in the North. October 19: 1635. London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Robert Bostocke, at the Kings head in Pauls Churchyard, 1636. ESTC No. S120799. Grub Street ID 140427.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The two Lancashire lovers, or, The excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea expressing the faithfull constancy and mutuall fidelity of two loyall lovers : stored with no lesse variety of discourse to delight the generous, then of serious advice to instruct the amorous / by Musæus Palatinus. London: Printed by E. Griffin, for R. Best and are to be sold at his shop neare Graies Inne-Gate in Holbourne, 1640. ESTC No. S1519. Grub Street ID 145951.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Ar't asleepe husband? A boulster lecture; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages; extracted, from the choicest flowers of philosophy, poesy, antient and moderne history. Illustrated with examples of incomparable constancy, in the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. By Philogenes Panedonius. London: Printed by R. Bishop, for Richard Best, and are to be sold at his shop neare Graies-Inne-gate in Holdborne [sic], 1640. ESTC No. S115150. Grub Street ID 134845.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The English gentleman; and the English gentlevvoman: both in one volume couched, and in one modell portrayed: to the living glory of their sexe, the lasting story of their worth. Being presented to present times for ornaments; commended to posterity for presidents. With ladies love-lecture and a supplement lately annexed, and entituled The turtles triumph The third edition revised, corrected, and enlarged. By Richard Brathvvait Esq. London: printed by Iohn Dawson, 1641. ESTC No. R10286. Grub Street ID 58672.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Mercurius Britannicus. Judicialis censura; vel, curialis cura. Febris judicialis. Sententia navalis. Tragi-comoedia Lutetiæ, summo cum applausu public acta. Mense terribili mandatur typis, quo stygiis judices appulere ripis. [London: Printed by Felix Kingston, 1641]. ESTC No. R7632. Grub Street ID 127880.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Mercurius Britannicus. Judicialis censura; vel, curialis cura. Febris judicialis. Sententia navalis. Tragi-comoedia Lutetiæ, summo cum applausu public acta. Editio secunda; accuratissim revisa, castigata, & præludio perquàm faceto decorata. Mense terribili mandatur typis quo stygiis judices appulere ripis. [London: printed by Felix Kingston, 1641]. ESTC No. R223951. Grub Street ID 97700.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Astraea's teares. An elegie upon the death of that reverend, learned and honest judge, Sir Richard Hutton Knight; lately one of his Majesties justices in his Highnesse Court of Common Plees at Westminster. London: printed by T.H. for Philip Nevil, and are to be sold at his shop in Ivie Lane, at the signe of the Gun, 1641. ESTC No. R24219. Grub Street ID 108023.
  • Brathwait, Richard. History surveyed in a brief epitomy: or, A nursery for gentry. Comprised in an intermixt discourse upon historicall and poeticall relations. Wherein is much variety of discourse and modest delight. By Richard Braithwaite Esquire. Oxon. London: printed for J.E. and are to be sold by Nathanael Webb and William Grantham, at the Grey-hound in Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R30242. Grub Street ID 113125.
  • Brathwait, Richard. History surveyed in brief epitomy: or, A nursery for gentry. Comprised in an intermixt discourse upon historicall and poeticall relations. Wherein is much variety of discourse and modest delight. By R.B. Esquire, Oxon. London: printed for J.E. and are to be sold by Nathanael Webb and William Grantham at the Black Beare in Pauls Church-yard, neer the little North-door by Pauls Alley, 1652. ESTC No. R34275. Grub Street ID 116802.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Times treasury: or, Academy for gentry. Laying downe excellent grounds both divine and humane, in relation to sexes of both kindes: for their accomplishment in arguments of discourse, habit, fashion: and happy progresse in their spirituall conversation. Revised, corrected, and inlarged, with A ladies love-lecture; and a supplement, entituled The turtles triumph: summing up all in an exquisite character of honour. By Ri: Brathwait Esq. London: printed [by John Dawson] for Nath: Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1652. ESTC No. R28531. Grub Street ID 111593.
  • Brathwait, Richard. A mustur [sic] roll of the evill angels embatteld against S, Michael. Being a collection, according to the order of time, (throughout all the centuries) of the chiefe of the ancient heretikes, with their tenets, such as were condemned by generall councels. Faithfully collected out of the most authentike authors. By R.B. Gent. London: printed for William Sheers, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Pauls Churchyard at the sign of the Bible, 1655. ESTC No. R209469. Grub Street ID 85701.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Lignum vitae. Libellus in quatuor partes distinctus: et ad utilitatem cujusque animæ in altiorem vitæ perfectionem suspirantis, nuperrim editus. Authore Richardo Brathwait armigero; memoratissimæ matris, florentissimæ Academiæ Oxoniensis, humillimo alumno. Londini: excudebat Joh: Grismond, MDCLVIII. [1658, i.e. 1657]. ESTC No. R209181. Grub Street ID 85398.
  • Brathwait, Richard. An excellent piece of conceipted poesy; divided into two subjects: a voice from the vault; and an age for apes. With other exquisite ayers, and select fancies; no lesse ingeniously than modestly descanting on these times: and extracted from the choicest wits of our age. London: printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, and are to be sold by Tho. Vere, at the Angell without Newgate, 1658. ESTC No. R12156. Grub Street ID 60370.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The honest ghost, or A voice from the vault. London: printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne, 1658. ESTC No. R30243. Grub Street ID 113126.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Panthalia: or The royal romance. A discourse stored with infinite variety in relation to state-government and passages of matchless affection gracefully interveined, and presented on a theatre of tragical and comical state, in a successive continuation to these times. Faithfully and ingenuously rendred. London: printed by J.G. and are to be sold by Anthony Williamson at the Queens-Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R209702. Grub Street ID 85929.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Capitall hereticks, or, The evill angels embattel'd against St. Michael being a collection according to the order of time ... of the chief of the antient hereticks, with their tenets, such as were condemned by general councels / by R.B. London: Printed for William Shears .., 1659. ESTC No. R30240. Grub Street ID 113123.
  • Brathwait, Richard. To His Majesty upon his happy arrivall in our late discomposed Albion. By R. Brathwait Esq. London : printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1660. ESTC No. R208925. Grub Street ID 85144.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Regicidium· Sanguinis scrutinium. Tragi-comoedia memoratu dignissima, cedratis tabulis meritò imprimenda. Londini : typis J[ohn]. Grismond, 1665. ESTC No. R173238. Grub Street ID 66880.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The captive-captain: or, The restrain'd cavalier; drawn to his full bodie in these characters; I. Of a prison. II. The anatomy of a jayler. III. A jaylers wife. IV. The porter. V. The century. VI. The fat prisoner. VII. The lean prisoner. VIII. The restrain'd cavalier, with his melancholy fancy. Presented, and acted to life in a suit of durance; an habit suiting best with the place of his residence. London : printed by J. Grismond, 1665. ESTC No. R34274. Grub Street ID 116801.
  • Brathwait, Richard. A comment upon the two tales of our ancient, renovvned, and ever-living poet Sr Jeffray Chavcer, Knight. Who, for his rich fancy, pregnant invention, and present composure, deserved the countenance of a prince, and his laureat honor. The miller's tale and The wife of Bath. Addressed and published by special authority. London : printed by W[illiam]. Godbid, and are to be sold by Robert Clavell at the Stags-Head in Ivy-lane, 1665. ESTC No. R24669. Grub Street ID 108432.
  • Brathwait, Richard. A comment upon the two tales of our ancient, renovvned, and ever-living poet Sr Jeffray Chaucer, Knight. Who, for his rich fancy, pregnant invention, and present composure, deserved the countenance of a prince, and his laureat honour. The miller's tale, and The wife of Bath. Addressed and published by special authority. London : printed by W. Godbid, and are to be sold by Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery-Lane neer Serjeants-Inn, 1665. ESTC No. R223950. Grub Street ID 97699.
  • Brathwait, Richard. A comment upon the two tales of our ancient, renovvned, and ever-living poet Sr Jeffray Chaucer, Knight. Who, for his rich fancy, pregnant invention and present composure, deserved the countenance of a prince, and his laureat honour. The Miller's tale, and the Wife of Bath. Addressed and published by special authority. London : printed by W. Godbid and are to be sold by Peter Dring at the Sun in the Poultrey neer the Rose-Tavern, 1665. ESTC No. R29900. Grub Street ID 112815.
  • Brathwait, Richard. A comment upon the two tales of our ancient, renovvned, and ever-living poet Sr Jeffray Chaucer, Knight. Who, for his rich fancy, pregnant invention, and present composure, deserved the countenance of a prince, and his laureat honour. The miller's tale, and The wife of Bath. Addressed and published by special authority. London : printed by W. Godbid, and are to be sold by Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery-Lane, 1665. ESTC No. R12724. Grub Street ID 60872.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Tragi-comoedia, cui in titulum inscribitur regicidium, perspicacissimis judiciis acurati`us perspecta, pensata, comprobata; authore Ri. Brathwait, armigero; utri'usque Academiae alumno. Londini : typis J.G. & prostat venalis in officin^a Theodori Sadleri, in Strandensi plate^a aedibus Somersetensis contigu^a, 1665. ESTC No. R24220. Grub Street ID 108025.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The history of moderation; or, The life, death and resurrection of moderation. Together with her nativity, country, pedigree, kinred, character, friends, and also her enemies. Written by Hesychius Pamphilus: and now faithfully translated out of the original. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Golden Bible on London Bridge, next the Gate, 1669. ESTC No. R13747. Grub Street ID 61823.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The history of moderation; or, The life, death and resurrection of moderation: together with her nativity, country, pedigree, kinred, character, friends, and also her enemies. Written by Hesychius Pamphilus: and now faithfully translated out of the original. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Golden Bible on London Bridge, next the Gate, 1669. ESTC No. R30241. Grub Street ID 113124.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The trimmer: or, the life and death of moderation. London : Printed for Dorman Newman, at the Kings-Arms in the Poultrey, 1684. ESTC No. R170762. Grub Street ID 65323.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The smoaking age: or, The life and death of tobacco. Containing plenty of pregnant passages, pleasant allusions, liberal and unforc'd relations: accommodated with the strength of ingenuity and invention, and adapted to the humour of the present age. In three parts. 1. The birth of tobacco. 2. Pluto's blessing to tobacco. 3. Times complaint against tobacco. To which is added, chaucer's incensed Ghost. Supervis'd and recommended by several persons of learning and judgment. London : printed and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1703. Price 6d, [1703]. ESTC No. T48469. Grub Street ID 276352.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Barnabees journall, under the names of Mirtilus and Faustulus shadow'd: for the traveller's solace lately publish'd, to most apt numbers reduced, and to the old tune of Barnaby commonly chanted. By Corymbæus. London : printed in the year, 1716. ESTC No. N63795. Grub Street ID 45898.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English verse. Wittily and Merrily (tho' near One Hundred Years ago) compos'd; found among some old musty Books, that had a long time lain by in a Corner; and now at last made publick. To which is added, Bessy Bell. London : printed for S. Illidge, under Searle's Gate Lincolns-Inn New-Square: and sold by S. Ballard in Little-Britain, J. Graves in St. James's-Street, and J. Walthoe over-against the Royal Exchange, 1716. ESTC No. T6263. Grub Street ID 288098.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English metre. Wittily and merrily (tho' an hundred years ago) compos'd; found among some old musty Books that had lain a long time by in a Corner, and now at last made publick. Together with Bessy Bell. The third edition, illustrated with several new copper cuts.. London : printed for S. Illidge, under Serle's Gate Lincolns-Inn New-Square, 1723. ESTC No. T133831. Grub Street ID 182547.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English verse. Wittily and Merrily (though above One hundred Years ago) composed; found among some old mustly Books, that had a long time lain by in a Corner; and now at last made public. To which is added, Bessy Bell, with a compleat index. Dublin: printed for William Williamson, Wholesale-Stationer and Bookseller, at Mecanas's-Head, in Bride-Street, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T202177. Grub Street ID 233199.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English metre. Wittily and merrily (tho' an Hundred Years ago) compos'd; found among some old musty Books that had lain a long Time by in a Corner, and now at last made public. Together with Bessy Bell. Illustrated with several Neat Copper-Plates. The fourth edition.. London : printed by W. Stuart, No. 67 Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. N7247. Grub Street ID 52179.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Barnaby's journal, under the names of Mirtilus and Faustulus shadow'd: for the traveller's solace lately publish'd, to most apt numbers reduc'd, and to the old tune of Barnaby commonly chanted. By Corymbæus. London : printed in the year, 1774. ESTC No. N15671. Grub Street ID 5371.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English metre. ... Together with Bessy Bell. The fourth edition, illustrated with several neat copper-plates.. London : printed by W. Stuart, 1776. ESTC No. T129468. Grub Street ID 178926.
  • Brathwait, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England. In Latin and English metre. Wittily and merrily (tho' an Hundred Years ago) compos'd; found among some old musty Books that had lain a long Time by in a Corner, and now at last made public. Together with Bessy Bell. To which is now added, (never before published) the ancient ballad of Chevy chase. In Latin and English verse. The fourth edition, illustrated with several neat copper-plates.. London : printed for W. Stuart, No. 67 Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T129469. Grub Street ID 178927.