Publications of Anthony Fitzherbert


  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. [La graunde abridgement]. [London: Printed by John Rastell and Wynkyn de Worde, 1516 (21 Dec.)]. ESTC No. S122162. Grub Street ID 141719.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Tabula prime [-tercie] partis magni abbreuiame[n]ti libroru[m] legu[m] angloru[m]. [Impress. londini: impensis et industria Ioha[n]nis Rastell, anno. d[omi]ni. M.CCCCCxvij. die. x Februarii. [1517]]. ESTC No. S121431. Grub Street ID 141018.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diversite de courtes lour iurisdictions, & alia necessaris a & vtilia. [Londini: In aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, An. M.D. XXV. Mense Augusti [1525]]. ESTC No. S111241. Grub Street ID 131126.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diuersite de court[es] et lour iurisdictions, et alia necessaria et vtilia. [Londini: In edibus Richardi Pynsonis Regii impressoris, Anno a Christi natu.? 1526. vigesimo idus Iunii] [1526]. ESTC No. S112506. Grub Street ID 132263.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diuersite de courtes et lour iurisdiccions, et alia necessaria [et] vtilia. [Londini: In edibus Roberti Redma[n], Anno saluti nostre M.ccccc.xxviii. die vero v. Ianuarii [1528]]. ESTC No. S120507. Grub Street ID 140136.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diuersite de court[es] et lour iurisdictions, et alia necessaria et vtilia. [Impressum Londini: Anno. M.D.xxiii. Per me Robertum Redman, [1523, i.e. 1532?]. ESTC No. S112505. Grub Street ID 132262.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La nouel natura breuium. [Londini: In aedibus Thomae Bertheleti], An. M.D. XXXIIII. [1534]. ESTC No. S121376. Grub Street ID 140967.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diversite de courtes lour iurisdictions et alia necessaria et vtilia. [Londini: in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, an. M. D. XXXV. [1535]]. ESTC No. S3974. Grub Street ID 148096.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La nouel Natura breuium,. [Londini: In aedibus Thomae Bertheleti regii impressoris], an. M.D.XXXVII. [1537]. ESTC No. S3281. Grub Street ID 147556.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Loffice et auctoryte des iustyces de peas co[m]pyle et extrayte hors des auncie[n]t liures sibien del comen ley co[mm]e dez estatut[es] oue moultes aut[er]s choses necessaries a scauoir nouelment imprime. [Imprynted at Lo[n]don: In Fletestrete: by me Robert Redman, dwellynge at the sygne of the George, nexte to S. Dunstones churche], 1538. ESTC No. S122154. Grub Street ID 141711.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is contayned the offices of sheryffes, bailliffes of liberties, escheatours co[n]stables and coroners, [and] sheweth what euery one of the[m] maye do by vertue of theyr offices, drawen out of bokes of the comon lawe [and] of the statutes. Cum priuilegio. [Imprynted at London: In fletestrete, by me Robert Redman, dwelling at the sygne of the George, nexte to S. Dunstones churche, [1538?]]. ESTC No. S112239. Grub Street ID 132004.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The newe boke of iustices of peas, by A. F. K. lately translated out of Frenche into Englyshe. The yere of our Lord God M.D.XXX viii. The .xxix day of Decembre. Cum priuilegio. [Imprynted at London: in fletestrete at the sygne of the George next to Saynt Du[n]stones Churche, by me Robert Redman], 1538. ESTC No. S110790. Grub Street ID 130766.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The newe boke of iustices of peas, made by Anthony Fitzherbard iudge, lately translated out of Frenche into Englyshe. The yere of our Lorde God M.D.XL. The .xxix. daye of December. Cum priuilegio. [London: Elysabeth Pykerynge late wyfe to R. Redman], 1540. ESTC No. S110801. Grub Street ID 130775.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this boke is conteyned the offyce of sh[y]reffes, bailliffes of liberties, escheatours co[n]stables and coroners, [and] sheweth what euery one of the[m] maye do by vertue of theyr offyces, drawen out of bokes of the comon lawe [and] of the statutes. Cum priuilegio. [Imprynted at London: In fletestrete, by me Elysabeth Pykerynge wydo to Robert Redman dwellynge at the sygne of the Gorge nexte to saynt Dunstones Churche, [1541?]]. ESTC No. S112241. Grub Street ID 132006.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diuersite de court[es] et lour iurisdiccions, et alia necessaria et vtilia. [Impr .. Londini: Anno D[omi]ni M.CCCCC.xliii. per me Wyllyam Myddylton, [1543]]. ESTC No. S111245. Grub Street ID 131129.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. Diversite de courtes et lour iurisdictions, et alia necessaria et utilia. [London: Nicholas Hill for Henry Smith?, 1545?]. ESTC No. S111253. Grub Street ID 131135.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In thys boke is conteyned the offyce of shyryffes, bailliffes of liberties, escheatours co[n]stables and coroners, [and] sheweth what euery one of the[m] maye do by vertue of theyr offyces drawen out of bokes of the comon lawe [and] of the statutes. [Imprynted at London: In fletestrete, at the sygne of the George nexte to saynt Dunstones Church by Wyllyam Myddylton, In the yere of our Lorde M. CCCCC. XLV. The. X. daye of Ianuary. [1545]]. ESTC No. S112242. Grub Street ID 132007.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this boke is conteyned ye office of shyryffes, baylyffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, & coroners and sheweth what euerye one of them may do by vertue of theyr offyces drawen out of bokes of the comen lawe & of the statutes. Jmprynted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the George nexte to saynte Dunstones Churche : By Wyllyam Powell, In the yere of our Lorde God. M.CCCCC.XLIX. The .IX. daye of Marche. ESTC No. S3217. Grub Street ID 147494.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The nevv boke of iustices of peace made by Anthony Fitz herbarde iudge lately tra[n]slated out of French into Englyshe, and newlye corrected. The yere of our Lorde God. M.D.L.I. [London: W. Powell, 1551]. ESTC No. S123996. Grub Street ID 143444.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. [In thys boke is conteyned the offyce of shyriffes, bailleffes ... escheatours constables and coroners]. [Imprynted at London: By [N. Hill for] Rycharde Kele, dwellyng in Luinverde streate at the signe of the egle, Anno .M. D. LII.] [1552]. ESTC No. S113075. Grub Street ID 132819.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La nouuelle natura breuium du Iuge tresreuerend Monsieur Anthoine Fitzherbert dernierement reneue [sic] et corrigee per laucteur auecques vne table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle nouuelleme[n]t composee par Guilliaulme Rastell et iammais par cy deuant imprimee. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Totteli, Anno. 1553. ESTC No. S113138. Grub Street ID 132880.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is conteyned the offyce of shyryffes, baylyffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them maye do by vertue of their offices drawen oute of bookes of the commen lawe and of the statutes. [Imprinted at London: in Crede Lane, by Iohn King, and Thomas Marshe, [1554?]]. ESTC No. S96045. Grub Street ID 153858.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is conteyned the offyce of shyryffes, baylyffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them maye do by vertue of their offices drawen oute of bookes of the romen lawe and of the statutes. [Imprinted at London: in Crede Lane, by Iohn King, [1554?]]. ESTC No. S92545. Grub Street ID 151271.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is conteyned the offyce of shyryffes, baylyffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them maye do by vertue of these offices drawen oute of bookes of the commen lawe and of the statutes. [London]: Imprinted at London, in Crede Lane, by John King, [1558?]. ESTC No. S4296. Grub Street ID 148351.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La nouuelle natura breuiu[m] du Iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement renu & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouelment co[m]posee per Guilliaumle Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Tottelli, anno Do. 1553. [i.e. 1560]. ESTC No. S123091. Grub Street ID 142614.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The neuue boke of iustices of peace made by Anthonie Fitzherbard iudge ; lately translated out of Fre[n]ch into Englishe ; and newlye corrected, the yere of our Lorde 1554. [London]: Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hande and starre, by Richarde Tottyll, the vii. day of February the yeare of our Lorde, 1560. ESTC No. S4295. Grub Street ID 148350.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is conteined the office of shiriffes baylyffes of lybertyes, eschetours, constables and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of these offices drawen out of bokes of the comen law and of the statutes. [London]: Imprynted at London in Fletestrete nere to Saynte Dunstones churche by Thomas Marche, [ca. 1560]. ESTC No. S4297. Grub Street ID 148352.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is contayned the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of libertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of theyr offices drawe[n] out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. [London]: Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to Saynct Dunstons churche by Thomas Marshe, 1562. ESTC No. S4298. Grub Street ID 148353.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is contained the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery[o]ne of the[m] may do by vertue of theyr offices, drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes anno Domini. [London]: Imprinted at London in fleetestrete nere to saynct Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe, [1565?]. ESTC No. S4678. Grub Street ID 148623.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. 1565. La graunde abridgement collect par le iudge tresreuerend monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment conferre auesq[ue] la copy escript, et per ceo correct: aueques le nombre del fueil, per quel facilement poies trouer les cases cy abrydges en les lyuers dans, nouelment annote: iammais deuaunt imprimee. Auxi vous troues les residuums de lauter liuer places icy in ceo liuer en le fyne de lour apte titles. [London]: In ædibus Ricardi Tottell, duodecimo Nouembris. (1565). ESTC No. S122166. Grub Street ID 141723.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La novvelle natura breuiu[m] du iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement reneue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouellement co[m]pose per Guilliaulme Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Totelli, anno Do. 1567. ESTC No. S92543. Grub Street ID 151270.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this book is contayned the offices of shiriffes, bayllifes of liberties, escheators, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of their offices drawen out of bookes of the common law and of the statutes. [London]: Anno domini. 1570. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hand and Starre by Rycharde Tottyl, [1570]. ESTC No. S5246. Grub Street ID 149061.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is contained the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of theym maye doe by vertue of theyr offyces,drawen oute of bookes of the common lawe, and of the statutes Anno domini. Imprinted at London: in fleetestrete neare to saynct Dunstanes Churche, by Thomas Marshe, [ca. 1570]. ESTC No. S4299. Grub Street ID 148354.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this book is contained the offices of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of the[m] may doo by vertue of their offices drawen out of books of the common law and of the statutes. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Allde, for Iohn Waley, [1573]. ESTC No. S4679. Grub Street ID 148624.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this book is contayned the offices of shiriffes, byliffes of liberties escheatours, constables and coroners, and the weth what euery one of the[m] may doo by vertue of their offices, drawen out of bookes of the common law and of the satntes [sic]. [Imprinted at London: by Iohn Allde], Anno. domini. 1573. ESTC No. S92546. Grub Street ID 151272.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La novvelle natura breuiu[m] du iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycell, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme Rastell, & iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Tottelli, Ann[o]. Do. 1567 [i.e. 1576]. ESTC No. S4100. Grub Street ID 148196.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. In this booke is contayned the offyces of shyriffes, bayliffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners; and shewed what euerye one of them may doe by vertue of their offices; drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. [Imprynted at London: by Thomas Marshe, [1579]. ESTC No. S4009. Grub Street ID 148124.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. La nouel Natura breuium du iudge tresreuerend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert dernierement reuieu & corrigee per laucteur, auecques vn table perfect, des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per Guilliaulme Rastall. London: printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1609. ESTC No. S5134. Grub Street ID 148980.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium, of the most reverend judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Corrected and revised by the author. With a perfect table of the most material things contained therein, composed by William Rastall. Whereunto is added the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the year-books and abridgments. Never before printed therewith. Newly translated into English. London: printed for W. Lee, M. Walbank, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, and are to be sold at their shops, 1652. ESTC No. R19933. Grub Street ID 77489.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert; corrected and revised. With a perfect table of the most material things contained therein, composed by William Rastall. Whereunto are added the authorities in law and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the year-books and abridgements, never before printed therewith. London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires, anno Dom. 1666. ESTC No. R30456. Grub Street ID 113302.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert; corrected and revised. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the yearbooks and abridgments. With a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. London : printed by George Sawbridge, Thomas Roycroft, and William Rawlins, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, esquires, anno Dom. 1677. ESTC No. R7126. Grub Street ID 127410.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert; corrected and revised. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the year-books and abridgments. With a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. London : printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and M. Flesher, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires, 1686. ESTC No. R40903. Grub Street ID 122654.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert; corrected and revised. Whereunto are added. The authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the year-books and abridgments. With a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. London : printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and M. Flesher, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by Charles Harper, William Crooke, and Richard Tonson, at their shops in Fleetstreet, without Temple-Bar, and at Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane, 1687. ESTC No. R17258. Grub Street ID 66412.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert; Corrected and Revised. Whereunto are added, The Authorities in Law, and some other Cases and Notes collected by the Translator out of the Year-Books and Abridgments. With A New and Exact Table of the most Material Things contained therein. London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esqs; in the year, 1704. ESTC No. N10330. Grub Street ID 339.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, The Authorities in Law, and some other Cases and word collected by the Translator out of the Year-Books and Abridgments. With A New and Exact Table of the most Material Things contained therein. The Sixth Edition, carefully corrected from the Errors of the former Impressions. The sixth edition, carefully corrected ... London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer Esq;) and are to be sold by B. Lintot at the Cross-Keys, R. Gosling at the Mitre and Crown, in Fleet-Street; T. Ward in the Inner-Temple-Lane; and J. Browne without Temple-Bar, MDCCXVIII. [1718. ESTC No. N10331. Grub Street ID 340.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator ... With a new and exact table . The sixth edition, carefully corrected ... London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer Esq;) for B. Lintott, R. Gosling; and T. Ward, 1718. ESTC No. N10332. Grub Street ID 341.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with the authorities in law, and cases in the books of reports cited in the margin. And to this edition is added a commentary, containing curious notes and observations on the most remarkable and useful writs, which illustrate and explain many doubtful and abstruse cases, and points in the original. By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for R. Gosling at the Crown and Mitre, against Fetter-Lane in Fleet-street, MDCCXXX. [1730. ESTC No. N10334. Grub Street ID 343.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with the authorities in law, and cases in the books of reports cited in the margin. The seventh edition corrected. To which is added (never before printed), A commentary, containing curious notes and observations on the most remarkable and useful writs, which illustrate and explain many doubtful and abstruse cases, and points in the orgininal. By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) and are to be sold by J. Knapton, A. Bettesworth, R. Gosling, W. Innys, C. Rivington, J. Stagg, D. Browne, T. Osborne and T. Worrall, M DCC XXX. [1730. ESTC No. T96939. Grub Street ID 316389.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the Most Reverend Judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with the authorities in law, ... The eighth edition carefully revised, some errors in the text of the last edition corrected, and the writs accurately translated into English, ... To which is added, a commentary, ... By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a new and exact table . London] : In the Savoy: printed for Henry Lintot; and sold by J. Shuckburgh, 1755. ESTC No. T96239. Grub Street ID 315705.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with The Authorities in Law, and Cases in the Books of Reports cited in the Margin. The Ninth Edition carefully revised, some Errors in the Text of the last Edition corrected, and the Writs accurately translated into English. By an able Hand. To which is Added, A Commentary, Containing Curious Notes and Observations on the most remarkable and useful Writs, which Illustrate and Explain many doubtful and abstruse Cases and Points in the Original. By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a New and Exact Table of the most material Things contained therein. Dublin: printed by H. Watts, Law Bookseller, No. 3, Christ Church Lane. Of whom may be had a large and well chosen Collection of Law Books new and second hand, 1793. ESTC No. N10341. Grub Street ID 351.
  • Fitzherbert, Anthony. The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. To which is added a commentary, supposed to be written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. The ninth edition, collated with former editions, and corrected; some notes and references added; and the index considerably enlarged. In two volumes. . London : printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall, Raw Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for J. Butterworth, Fleet-Street, 1794. ESTC No. N10338. Grub Street ID 347.