Hutchinson, John.
Moses's principia. Of the Invisible Parts of Matter; of motion: of visible forms; and of their dissolution, and reformation. With notes.
London : printed by J. Bettenham, in the year, MDCCXXIV. [1724].
ESTC No. T170230.Grub Street ID 207946.
Hutchinson, John.
An essay toward a natural history of the Bible, especially of some parts which relate to the occasion of revealing Moses's principia.
London : printed by J. Bettenham: and sold by C. Rivington in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and J. Clarke under the Royal-Exchange, M.DCC.XXV. [1725].
ESTC No. T116098.Grub Street ID 167782.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's principia. Part II. Of the Circulation of the Heavens. Of the Cause of the Motion and Course of the Earth, Moon, &c. Of the Religion, Philosophy, and Emblems of the Heathens before Moses writ, And of the Jews after. In Confirmation of the Natural History of the Bible. With notes. By J. H.
London : printed by J. Bettenham, in the year, MDCCXXVII. [1727].
ESTC No. T170232.Grub Street ID 207948.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's - sine principio: represented by names, by words, by types, by emblems. With an introduction, shewing the nature of body and soul, The First State of Man, The Quality of his Crime, His Condition after his Fall, His State under the Second Covenant. That By Reason of Man's Nature, and of his Fall, Persons, Things, and Actions, Were represented by Substitutes, Types, and Emblems: Before and particularly after the Fall; The taking of Man into the Essence, Purification, Sacrifice, Attonement, &c. Which were Observ'd by All. Believers and Apostates, Misapply'd by Gentiles, afterwards by Jews. By J. H.
London : printed by W. Bowyer, in the Year MDCCXXIX. [1729].
ESTC No. T112817.Grub Street ID 164771.
Hutchinson, John.
A new account of the confusion of tongues: and of the infinite benefits design'd and accruing thereby to the succeeding races of men. The Names and the Attributes of the Trinity of the Gentiles: or, The Elohim of the Gentiles. Their Substance, Mechanism, Joint Powers, Actions, Effects, and The Services for their Actions Reclaimed by Scripture. With Occasional Observations and Reflections. By J.H.
London : printed by W. Bowyer, MDCCXXXI. [1731].
ESTC No. T71080.Grub Street ID 294684.
Hutchinson, John.
A treatise of power essential and mechanical. Wherein the original, and that part of religion which now is natural, is stated. By J. H.
London : printed by W. Bowyer, MDCCXXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T70404.Grub Street ID 294152.
Hutchinson, John.
Kevod Yehovah Glory or gravity essential, and mechanical. Wherein the objects and articles, of the Christian faith, are exhibited; As they were originally and successively reveal'd, hieroglyphically, by representations in figures. And as words were adapted to, and letters revealed to record, the ideas of those figures; the words are so explained: and each by the other illustrated. With some account of the origin and present state of the doctrine of the adversary. By J. H.
London : printed by H. Woodfall, MDCCXXXIII.[-MDCCXXXVIII 1733-1738].
ESTC No. T137598.Grub Street ID 185547.
Hutchinson, John.
The covenant in the cherubim: so the Hebrew writings perfect. Alterations by rabbies forged. Shewing the evidence for the Scriptures; that Christianity was exhibited to Adam; invisibles by visibles, past and to come by types; by cherubim, urim, tumim, sacrifice, cloud, &c. That Jews and gentiles understood them; that tradition was of the things typified. That though they understood the tradition, even of the covenant before the world, they had perverted the intent of it. That the alterations and stories of the Jews, after they had lost their types and Hebrew; are not traditions, but studied evasions, to expositions of inspired Christians, &c. And to support their apostacy. That the grammatical formation of the Hebrew, which is descriptive, so gives proper names, cannot admit vowel pointing; nor Mr. Masclef's method. By J. H.
London : printed by Henry Woodfall, M.DCC.XXXIV. [1734].
ESTC No. T71090.Grub Street ID 294695.
Hutchinson, John.
Libri post S.S. optimi de principiis mosaicis, authore viro eximio Johanne Hutchinsono, lemmata, sive capitula, in manuale philosophicum & theologicum Juxta rerum descriptarum ordinem Summatim disposita, et latinâ linguâ donata, ab authoris ipsius nec non Archetypi ejus studioso T.P. In Usum Juventutis Academicae.
Londini : apud T. Green, prope Charing-Cross, MDCCXXXIV. [1734].
ESTC No. T99487.Grub Street ID 318608.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's principia. Of the invisible parts of matter; of motion: of visible forms; and of their dissolution, and reformation. With notes. By J. H. First printed in the year 1724.
The second edition..
London : printed by H. Woodfall, in the year MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. T170233.Grub Street ID 207949.
Hutchinson, John.
The religion of Satan, or Antichrist, delineated, supposed to have proceeded from knowledge and reasoning; but proved to have proceeded from want of both. By J. H.
London : printed by H. Woodfall, without Temple-Bar, MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. T59339.Grub Street ID 285361.
Hutchinson, John.
The use of reason recovered, by the data in Christianity. Whereby we know, the state we are in; That there are Elahim; What they have done for us; The State they offer us; The Terms upon which they offer it. So Have Evidence to reason upon, and may make a Reasonable Choice. By J. H.
London : printed by H. Woodfall, without Temple-Bar, MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. T59340.Grub Street ID 285362.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's --- sine principio: represented by names, by words, by types, by emblems. With an introduction, shewing the nature of body and soul, ... By J. H.
The second edition, corrected..
London : printed by H. Woodfall, 1737.
ESTC No. N35358.Grub Street ID 23628.
Hutchinson, John.
The use of reason recovered by the data in Christianity. Part II. whereby we know the state we are in. That there are elabim. What they have done for us. The state they offer us. The terms for which they offer it. So have evidence to reason upon, and may make a reasonable choice. Taken from the original manuscript of the Late John Hutchinson, Esq;.
London : Printed for G. Strahan, at the Golden-Ball in Cornhill, MDCCXXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. N36119.Grub Street ID 24100.
Hutchinson, John.
The philosophical and theological works of John Hutchinson, Esq; In twelve volumes. Vol.1.
The third edition..
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1748.
ESTC No. T70603.Grub Street ID 294266.
Hutchinson, John.
An essay toward a natural history of the Bible, especially of some parts which relate to the occasion of revealing Moses's principia.
The third edition..
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1748.
ESTC No. T70604.Grub Street ID 294267.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's principia. Part II. ... With notes. Vol.II. By J.H.
The third edition..
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1748.
ESTC No. T70605.Grub Street ID 294268.
Hutchinson, John.
Moses's --- sine principio: represented by names, by words, by types, by emblems. With an introduction, shewing the nature of body and soul, The First State of Man, The Quality of his Crime, His Condition after his Fall, His State under the Second Covenant. That By Reason of Man's Nature, and of his Fall, Persons, Things, and Actions, Were represented by Substitutes, Types, and Emblems: Before and particularly after the Fall; The taking of Man into the Essence, Purification, Sacrifice, Attonement, &c. Which were Observed by All, Believers and Apostates, Misapply'd by Gentiles, afterwards by Jews. Vol.III. By J.H.
The third edition, corrected..
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus's Church, London Bridge, 1748.
ESTC No. T70606.Grub Street ID 294269.
Hutchinson, John.
The philosophical and theological works of the late truly learned John Hutchinson, Esq; In twelve volumes. Vol. I. Moses's Principia, Part I. ... Vol. II. Moses's Principia, Part II. ... Vol. III. Moses's Sine Principio; or, the meaning of the names and titles of God; ... Vol. IV. The confusion of tongues, and trinity of the gentiles; ... Vol. V. Power essential and mechanical ... Vol. VI. Glory or Gravity, or Glory Essential; ... Vol. VII. The Hebrew writings perfect. ... Vol. VIII. Containing the religion of Satan, or natural religion; and the data in Christianity, Part I. ... Vol. IX. The Data in Christianity, Part II. Vol. X. The Human Frame; ... Vol XI. Glory Mechanical; or the agents of nature, ... Vol. XII. A collection of several tracts. on the instincts in the several orders of creatures. ... With indexes.
London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-glass, overagainst St Magnus Church, Londong-Bridge, 1749.
ESTC No. T70602.Grub Street ID 294265.
Hutchinson, John.
A new account of the confusion of tongues: and of the infinite benefits design'd and occuring thereby to the succeeding races of men. The names and the attributes of the Trinity of the Gentiles: or, The Aleim of the Gentiles. Their Substance, Mechanism, Joint Powers, Actions, Effects, and The Services for their Actions Reclaimed by Scripture. With Occasional Observations and Reflections. Vol.IV. By J.H.
The third edition, corrected..
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-aginst St. Magnus's Church, London Bridge, 1749.
ESTC No. T70607.Grub Street ID 294270.
Hutchinson, John.
A treatise of power essential and mechanical. Wherein the original, and that part of religion which now is natural, is stated. By J. H. Vol. V.
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over against St. Magnus's Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLIX. [1749].
ESTC No. T70608.Grub Street ID 294271.
Hutchinson, John.
Kevod Yehovah Glory or gravity essential and mechanical. Wherein the objects and articles of the Christian faith, are exhibited; as they were originally and successively reveal'd, hieroglyphically, by representations in figures. ... With some account of the origin and present state of the doctrine of the adversary. By J. H. Vol.VI.
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70609.Grub Street ID 294272.
Hutchinson, John.
The covenant in the cherubim: so the Hebrew writings perfect. Alterations by Rabbies forged. Shewing The Evidence for the Scriptures; That Christianity was exhibited to Adam; Invisibles by Visibles, past and to come by Types; By Cherubim, Urim, Tumim, Sacrifice, Cloud, &c. That Jews and Gentiles understood them; That Tradition was of the Things typified. That though they understood the Tradition, Even of the Covenant before the World, They had perverted the Intent of it. That the Alterations and Stories of the Jews, After they had lost their Types and Hebrew; Are not Traditions, but studied Evasions. To Expositions of inspired Christians, &c. And to support their Apostacy. That the Grammatical Formation of the Hebrew, Which is descriptive, so gives proper Names, Cannot admit Vowel Pointing; Nor Mr. Masclef's Method. By J.H. Vol.VI.
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over against St. Magnus's Church, London Bridge, 1749.
ESTC No. T70610.Grub Street ID 294273.
Hutchinson, John.
The religion of Satan, or Antichrist, delineated, supposed to have proceeded from knowledge and reasoning; but proved to have proceeded from want of both. By J.H.
London : printed for James Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70611.Grub Street ID 294274.
Hutchinson, John.
The use of reason recovered, by the data in Christianity. ... By J. H.
London : printed for James Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70612.Grub Street ID 294275.
Hutchinson, John.
The use of reason recovered by the data in Christianity. Part II. ... Taken from the original manuscript of the late John Hutchinson, Esq; Vol. IX.
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70613.Grub Street ID 294276.
Hutchinson, John.
An attempt to explain the oeconomy of the human frame, upon the principles of the new philosphy. Vol.X.
London : printed for James Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70614.Grub Street ID 294277.
Hutchinson, John.
Glory or gravity, the mechanical or second part. Taken from the MSS. of the late John Hutchinson, Esq; mostly from loose papers. Vol.XI.
London : printed for James Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70615.Grub Street ID 294278.
Hutchinson, John.
The state of nature or instincts. With a treatise on mining. And observations in 1706. By John Hutchinson, Esq; Vol.XII.
London : printed for J. Hodges, 1749.
ESTC No. T70616.Grub Street ID 294279.
Hutchinson, John.
Symbolum H***nianum: or, the essential articles of the H****n creed. Extracted out of the inspired writings of the truly Learned J*** H*********, Esq; And agreed on in Full Club, held at the Calf's-Head, at * * * * * * *. Now first Published according to Order. To which is added, a prefatory discourse, on the Occasion of Publishing, and in Vindication of, this Creed; against the frivolous and trifling Objections of Infidels, Apostates, Rationalists, and Imaginers, &c. By T***** Jack, A. M. Professor of Conundrums at * * * * * * *.
London : printed for Timothy Whackum, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.L. [1750].
ESTC No. T70405.Grub Street ID 294153.
Hutchinson, John.
An abstract from the works of John Hutchinson, Esquire. Being a summary of his discoveries in philosophy and divinity.
Edinburgh: printed by R. Fleming: and sold by A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson, at Edinburgh; by S. Parker, at Oxford; and W. Owen near Temple-Bar, London, M.DCC.LIII. [1753].
ESTC No. T99488.Grub Street ID 318609.
Hutchinson, John.
An abstract from the works of John Hutchinson, Esq; being a summary of his discoveries in philosophy and divinity.
London : printed for E. Withers, 1755.
ESTC No. T99489.Grub Street ID 318610.
Hutchinson, John.
An abstract from the works of John Hutchinson, Esq; being a summary of his discoveries in philosophy and divinity.
The second edition, corrected..
London : printed for E. Withers, at the Seven Stars, Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LV. [1755].
ESTC No. T99490.Grub Street ID 318611.
Hutchinson, John.
An abstract from the works of John Hutchinson, Esq; being a summary of his discoveries in philosophy and divinity.
Dublin: printed for Thomas Watson, at the Poets Heads in Caple-Street, M,DCC,LVI. [1756].
ESTC No. N15819.Grub Street ID 5520.