The Diabo-lady
probably by William Combe
British Museum 1868,0808.10081
Illustration to "London Magazine" (March 1777). The "sovereign of Hell" Lord Inrham chooses a wife. Behind her are the Duchess of Kingston holding a map, "Road from Kingston to Bristol";behind her to the left is the Lady Ligonier, in riding dress; beside her to the right is a woman half dressed as a widow and half as bride; Mrs Rudd, further right, holds a drawing of the gallows labelled "Pereau's."
The verse below the image reads:
Oh fairest of Creation, last and best
Of all Gods works, creature in whom excelled
Whatever can in sight or thought be formed,
Holy, Divine, Good, Amiable, or Sweet,
How art thou lost.
© The Trustees of the British Museum
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