Publications of Richard Taverner


  • Taverner, Richard. The garden of wysdom wherin ye maye gather moste pleasaunt flowres, that is to say, proper wytty and quycke sayenges of princes, philosophers, and dyuers other sortes of men. Drawen forth of good authours, as well Grekes as Latyns, by Richard Tauerner. [London]: 1539 [[Printed by Richard Bankes] in ædibus Richardi Tauerneri,] solde in Lomberdstrete at the signe of the Lamb by Ioh?n Haruye, [1539]. ESTC No. S111348. Grub Street ID 131213.
  • Taverner, Richard. The second booke of the Garden of wysedome, wherin are conteyned wytty, pleasau[n]t, and nette sayenges of renoumed personages collected by Rycharde Tauerner anno. M.D.XXXIX. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [London: printed by R. Bankes, 1539]. ESTC No. S125554. Grub Street ID 144790.
  • Taverner, Richard. The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postyll vpon the same from Trinitie sonday tyll Aduent, drawen forth by dyuerse learned men for the singuler c?moditie of al good Christians and namely of prestes and curates. [Imprinted at London: by Richarde Bankes, and solde in Fletestrete at the sygne of the whyte Harte by Anthony Clerke], Anno. M.D.XL. [1540]. ESTC No. S191. Grub Street ID 146311.
  • Taverner, Richard. The second booke of the Garden of wysedome, wherin are conteyned wytty, pleasaunt, and nette sayenges of renowmed personages collected by Rycharde Tauerner anno. M.D.XXXIX. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [Prynted at London: By [E. Whitchurch for] Richard Bankes, [1542?]]. ESTC No. S111350. Grub Street ID 131215.
  • Taverner, Richard. The garden of wysdome conteynynge pleasaunte floures, that is to saye, propre and quicke sayinges of pri[n]ces, pilosophers and other sortes of men. Drawen forth of good aucthours, by Richarde Tauerner. Newly recognised and augmented. Imprynted at London: By Wyllyam Copland for Rycharde Kele dwellynge in Lombard strete nere vnto the Stockes market at the sygne of the Egle, [1550?]. ESTC No. S118168. Grub Street ID 137831.
  • Taverner, Richard. The garden of wysdome conteynynge pleasaunte floures, that is to saye, propre and quicke sayinges of pri[n]ces, pilosophers and other sortes of men. Drawen forth of good aucthours by Richarde Tauerner. newly recognised and augmented. Imprynted at London: in the Fletestrete at the sygne of the Rose Garlande by Wyliyam Copland, [1550?]. ESTC No. S95473. Grub Street ID 153471.
  • Taverner, Richard. An oration gratulatory made upon the ioyfull proclayming of the moste noble princes Quene Mary Quene of Englande. By Richard Tauerner. Imprinted at Londo[n]: by Ihon Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, [1553?]. ESTC No. S126682. Grub Street ID 145613.
  • Taverner, Richard. [The garden of wysdome conteynynge pleasaunte floures, that is to saye, propre and quicke sayinges of pri[n]ces, pilosophers and other sortes of men. Drawen forth of good aucthours, by Richarde Tauerner. Newly recognised and augmented.]. [London: J. King, 1556?]. ESTC No. S95474. Grub Street ID 153472.