Rudd, Anthony.
A sermon preached at Greenwich before the Kings Maiestie vpon Tuesday in VVhitson weeke being the 14. of Iune. 1603. By the Reuerend Father in God Antonie Rudd, Doctor of Diuinitie, and Lord Bishop of Saint Dauids.
London: Imprinted by I. H[arrison] for Thomas Man and Clement Knight, 1603.
ESTC No. S112125.Grub Street ID 131889.
Rudd, Anthony.
A sermon preached at Greenewich before the Kings Maiestie vpon Tuesday in Whitson weeke, beeing the xiiii. of Iune. 1603. By the Reuerend Father in God Antonie Rudd, Doctor of diuinitie, and Lord Bishop of Saint Dauids.
London: imprinted by T. E[ast]. for Thomas Man and Clement Knight, 1604.
ESTC No. S4057.Grub Street ID 148161.
Rudd, Anthony.
A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie at White-Hall vpon the ninth of Februarie. 1605. By the Reuerend Father in God, Anthonie Rudd, Doctor in Diuinitie, and Lord Bishop of Saint Dauids.
London: printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Clement Knight, 1606.
ESTC No. S112126.Grub Street ID 131890.