Perry, John.
A regulation for seamen wherein a method is humbly proposed, whereby Their Majesties fleet may at all times be speedily and effectually mann'd, and the merchants be more readily and cheaper serv'd, without having their men at any time press'd or taken away; setting forth the great advantages that will accrue thereby to the King merchant, and subject in general, ... wherein is also propos'd, a method or nursery for training up of seamen to supply the loss and decay of them in time of war: as also, the giving hereby equal liberty and advantage to all seamen, removin many hardships that they now suffer under, and giving them many encouragements that they do not now enjoy. By John Perry, late captain of the Signet-fireship, now a prisoner in the Marshalses, according to the sentence of a late court-marshal. To which is added, a short narrative of his case relating to his loss of the said ship in company of the Diamond-friggat, in September 1693.
London : printed [and are to be sold by John Whitlock], in the year 1695.
ESTC No. R30771.Grub Street ID 113611.
Perry, John.
The state of Russia, under the present Czar. In relation to the several great and remarkable things he has done, as to his naval preparations, the regulating his army, the reforming his people, and improvement of his countrey. Particularly those works on which the author was employ'd, with the reasons of his quitting the Czar's service, after having been fourteen years in that countrey. Also an account of those Tartars, and other people who border on the eastern and extreme northern parts of the Czar's dominions, their religion, and manner of life: with many other observations. To which is annex'd, a more accurate map of the Czar's dominions, than has hitherto been extant. By Captain John Perry.
London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1716.
ESTC No. T105640.Grub Street ID 158906.
Perry, John.
An account of the stopping of Daggenham breach: with the accidents that have attended the same from the first undertaking. Containing Also Proper Rules for performing any the like Work: And Proposals for rendering the Ports of Dover and Dublin (which the Author has been employ'd to Survey) Commodious for Entertaining large Ships. To which is prefix'd, a plan of the levels which were over-flow'd by the breach. By Capt. John Perry.
London : printed for Benj. Tooke at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, and sold by J. Peele, at Lock's-Head in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXI. [1721].
ESTC No. N16219.Grub Street ID 5898.
Perry, John.
An answer to objections against the making of a bason, with reasons for the bettering of the harbour of Dublin. By Capt. John Perry.
Dublin: printed by S. Powell, in Copper-Alley, MDCCXXI. [1721].
ESTC No. T119805.Grub Street ID 171153.
Perry, John.
An answer to objections against the making of a bason, with reasons for the bettering of the harbour of Dublin. By Capt. John Perry.
Dublin: printed by S. Powel, 1721.
ESTC No. T217866.Grub Street ID 242648.