Publications of Simon Heuring


  • Heuring, Simon. An almanack and pronostication for the yeare of our Lorde. M.D.LJ. Imprinted at London: By [N. Hill for] Iohn Turck, [1551]. ESTC No. S112367. Grub Street ID 132128.
  • Heuring, Simon. An almanacke and prognosticatyon, for the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LI. Practised by Simo[n] Heuringius, and Ludowike Bogard Doctors in Phisike and Astronomye. Declarynge the dysposition of the palnettes and wether: of princes and peoples, of peace and warre: of plentie or scarcitie of corne and frutes: of dyseases, wyth chosen dayes for phisicke and surgery, and for the husbande man. At Worceter: In [the] hygh strete by Ihon Oswell. [They be also to sell at Shrewesbury], [1551]. ESTC No. S116082. Grub Street ID 135775.