Publications of Robert Barclay


  • Barclay, Robert. Theses theologicae omnibus clericis, & præsertim universis doctoribus, professoribus, & studiosis theologiæ, in academiss Europæ versantibus, sive pontificiss, sive Protestantibus, oblatæ, ad manifestandam simplicem illam nudam, & claram veritatem, quam homines, sapientiâ, suâ, vanis altercationibus, nec non commentariss, ac præcipu theologiâ scholasticâ, adeô obnubilaverunt, ut eam centuplo magis occultam reddiderunt quam ex se est / per Robertum Barclaium ... Dedruct in Amsterdam: Ben Christoffel Cunrat .., 1675. ESTC No. R37065. Grub Street ID 119312.
  • Barclay, Robert. Roberti Barclaii Theologiæ ver Christianæ apologia. [Amsterdam]: Typis excusa, M.DC.LXXVI. pro Jacob Claus, bibliopola, habitante Amstelodami, op de oudezijds achter-burgwal, in de vergulde Drie-hoek. Veneunt prætera, Londini, apud Benjamin Clark, in George-Court, Lumbard-street. Roterodami, [apud] Isaacum Næranum, op het Steyger. Francofurti, [apud] Henricum Betkium. Et in quibusdam aliis locis, [1676]. ESTC No. R11963. Grub Street ID 60180.
  • Barclay, Robert. An epistle of love and friendly advice, to the ambassadors of the several princes of Europe, met at Nimeguen to consult the peace of Christendom, so far as they are concerned: wherein the true cause of the present war is discovered, and the right remedy and means for a firm and settled peace is proposed. By R. Barclay a lover and travailer for the peace of Christendom. Which was delivered to them in Latin the 23d. and 24th. dayes of the month called February 1678/7. [sic] and now published in English for the satisfaction of such as understand not the language,. London : printed for, and sold by Benjamin Clark in George-yard in Lumber-street stationer, 1679. ESTC No. R28998. Grub Street ID 112017.
  • Barclay, Robert. Robert Barclay's Apology for the true Christian divinity vindicated from John Brown's examination and pretended confutation thereof, in his book, called, Quakerisme the path-way to paganisme. In which vindication I.B. his many gross perversions and abuses are discovered, and his furious and violent railings and revilings soberly rebuked, by R.B. VVhereunto is added a Christian and friendly expostulation with Robert Macquare, touching his postscript to the said book of J.B. written to him by Lillias Skein, wife of Alexander Skein, and delivered some moneths since a his house in Rotterdam. London] : Printed in the year. 1679. And are to be sold by Benjamin Clerk, stationer, in Georgeyard Lumberstreet, at London, [1679. ESTC No. R25264. Grub Street ID 108970.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture testimonies (without consequences or commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to all other professors. By R.B. a servant of the church of Christ. London : printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard Lombard-street, 1682. ESTC No. R170444. Grub Street ID 65109.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them, which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are mos surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture testimonies (without consequences or commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to all other professors. The third edition. Corrected and very much amended by R.B. a servant of the Church of Christ. London : printed for A. Sowle, at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane in Shoreditch; and sold at the sign of the Three Kyes [sic] in Nags-Head-Court in Grace Church-Street, 1690. ESTC No. R24193. Grub Street ID 107999.
  • Barclay, Robert. Truth triumphant through the spiritual warfare, Christian labours, and vvritings of that able and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Robert Barclay. Who deceased at his own house at Urie, in the kingdom of Scotland, the 3 day of the 8 month 1690. London : printed for Thomas Northcott in George-Yard in Lombard-Street, MDCXCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R25857. Grub Street ID 109240.
  • Barclay, Robert. Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Substantially asserted. Being an apology in behalf of the people called Quakers, concerning those two heads. By Robert Barclay. London : printed, and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1696. ESTC No. R20190. Grub Street ID 79199.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies (without Consequences or Commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. The fourth edition, corrected and very much amended. By R.B. a servant of the Church o Christ. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1701. ESTC No. T85678. Grub Street ID 305967.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the people, called in scorn, Quakers: being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines, by many Arguments, deduced from Scripture and Right Reason, and the Testimonies of Famous Authors, both Ancient and Modern: With a full Answer to the strongest Objections usually made against them. Presented to the King. Written in Latin and English, by Robert Barclay, And since Translated into Low Dutch, for the Information of Strangers. The fourth edition in English.. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1701. ESTC No. T22240. Grub Street ID 245307.
  • Barclay, Robert. Apologie de la véritable theologie Chrétienne, ainsi qu'elle est soutenue, & prêchée, par le Peuple, appellé par Mépris, les Trembleurs: Qui Est Une Ample Explication, & une Défense de leurs Principes & de leurs Doctrines, par plusieurs Argumens, tirez de L'Ecriture, & de la Droite Raison, & des Témoignages des Fameux Autheurs, tant Anciens que Modernes: Avec une Ample Réponse aux plus fortes Objections qui leur sont faites Communement. Ecrite en Latin & en Anglois, par Robert Barclay, Et depuis Traduite en Allemand & en Hollandois, comme aussi à Present en François, pour L'Instruction des Etrangers. A Londres : imprimé & se vend par T. Sowle, dans la Court appellée du Cerf-Blanc, dans Gracious-Street, 1702. ESTC No. T86094. Grub Street ID 306355.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the People, called in Scorn, Quakers: Being A Full Explanation and Vindication of their Principles and Doctrines, by many Arguments, deduced from Scripture and Right Reason, and the Testimonies of Famous Authors, both Ancient and Modern: With a full Answer to the strongest Objections usually made against them. Presented to the King. Written in Latin and English, by Robert Barclay, And since Translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, and French, for the Information of Strangers. The fifth edition in English.. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street, 1703. ESTC No. T85687. Grub Street ID 305976.
  • Barclay, Robert. The possibility & necessity of the inward and immediate revelation of the spirit of God, Towards the Foundation and Ground of True faith, proved, In a Letter writ in Latin to the Heer Paets; And now also put into English. By Robert Barclay. London : re-printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1703. ESTC No. T63146. Grub Street ID 288436.
  • Barclay, Robert. A modest and serious address to the well meaning followers of Antonia Bourignon upon occasion of the translating and publishing of her warning against the quakers, and its preface to the English reader. By one of the aforesaid people, with a letter from A. I. to Dr. G. G. London?] : Printed in the year, 1708. ESTC No. T170021. Grub Street ID 207779.
  • Barclay, Robert. Apologia de la verdadera theologia Christiana, como ella es professada, y predicada, por el pueblo, llamado en menosprecio los tembladores: ... Escrita en latin `e ingles, por Roberto Barclay, trasladada ... en castellano por Antonio de Alvarado, . London] : Impresso y vendido, en Londres, por J. Sowle, 1710. ESTC No. T93341. Grub Street ID 313045.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies (without Consequences, or Commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added an Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. The sixth edition. By R. B. a servant of the Church of Christ. Dublin: printed by John Ray in Skinner-Row, and are to be sold by John Softlaw in Meath-Street, 1711. ESTC No. T204496. Grub Street ID 235218.
  • Barclay, Robert. The universal love of God to mankind, asserted and proved, ... being part of the fifth and sixth propositions of Robert Barclay's Apology. Dublin: printed by Samuel Fairbrother, for the executors of Elizabeth Ray, 1714. ESTC No. N62840. Grub Street ID 45120.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. ... The fifth edition, corrected and very much amended. By R.B. a servant of the Church of Christ. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1716. ESTC No. T85682. Grub Street ID 305972.
  • Barclay, Robert. An epistle of love and friendly advice, to the ambassadors of the several princes of Europe, met at Nimeguen, to consult the peace of Christendom, so far as they are concerned. Wherein the true cause of the present war is discovered, and the right remedy and means for a firm and setled peace is proposed. By R. Barclay. A lover and traveller for the peace of Christendom. Which was delivered to them in Latin the 23d and 24th days of the month called February, 1677/8. and now published in English for the satisfaction of such as understand not the language. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in the year, 1717. ESTC No. T85665. Grub Street ID 305954.
  • Barclay, Robert. Truth clear'd of calumnies: Wherein a book, intituled, A dialogue between a Quaker and a stable Christian, (printed at Aberdeen, and upon good ground judged to be writ by William Mitchell, a Preacher near by it, or at least that he had the chief Hand in it) is examined, and the Dis-Ingenuity of the Author in his Representing the Quakers, is discovered. Here is also Their Case truly Stated, Cleared, Demonstrated, and the Objections of their Opposers Answered, according to Truth, Scripture and Right Reason. By Robert Barclay. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in the year, 1717. ESTC No. T85667. Grub Street ID 305956.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines, the hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold apology for the Church and People of God called in Derision Quakers. Wherein They are Vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confusion on the one hand, and from such as Caluminate them with Tyranny and Imposition on the other: shewing, that as the True and Pure Principles of the Gospel are Restored by their Testimony; so is also the Antient Apostolick Order of the Church of Christ re-established among them, and setled upon it's Right Basis and Foundation. By Robert Barclay. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in the year, 1717. ESTC No. T120647. Grub Street ID 171657.
  • Barclay, Robert. William Mitchell unmask'd: or, the staggering instability of the pretended stable Christian, discovered, his omissions observed, and weakness unvailed, in his late faint and feeble animadversions, by way of reply to a book, intituled, Truth clear'd of calumnies. ... By Robert Barclay. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in the year, 1717. ESTC No. T222186. Grub Street ID 245183.
  • Barclay, Robert. Truth triumphant, through the spiritual warfare, Christian labours and writings of ... Robert Barclay. ... In three volumes. London : re-printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1718. ESTC No. T177304. Grub Street ID 214248.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are mos surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture testimonies, without consequences or commentaries, which are here collected and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to all professors. By R.B. a servant of the church of Christ. [Three lines from John]. [Philadelphia]: London, printed, and re-printed and sold by Samuel Keimer in Second-Street, Philadelphia, 1726. ESTC No. W37333. Grub Street ID 348101.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines, the hierarchy of the Romanists and other Pretended Churches, equally Refused and Refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God called in derision Quakers. Wherein They are Vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confusion on the one hand, and from such as Calumniate them with Tyranny and Imposition on the other: shewing, that as the True and Pure Principles of the Gospel are Restored by their Testimony; so is also the Antient Apostolick order of the Church of Christ re-established among them, and setled upon it's Right Basis and Foundation. By Robert Barclay. Dublin: printed by Eliz. Sadleir on the Blind-Key, for Sam. Fuller, at the Globe in Meath-Street, 1726. ESTC No. T64167. Grub Street ID 289251.
  • Barclay, Robert. Catechismus, et fidei confessio: approbata, & confirmata communi consensu & concilio patriarcharum, prophetarum & apostolorum, Christo ipso inter eos præsidente & proloquente. ... Editio secunda, priore multo emendatior. Authore Roberto Barclaio. Londini : imprimuntur et prostant venales apud assignatos J. Sowle, 1727. ESTC No. N29645. Grub Street ID 18732.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the people, called in scorn, Quakers: being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines, by many arguments, deduced from Scripture and right reason, and the testimonies of famous authors, both ancient and modern: With a full answer to the strongest objections usually made against them. Presented to the King. Written in Latin and English, by Robert Barclay, and since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, and French, for the information of strangers. Newport, Rhode-Island: Printed by James Franklin, 1729. ESTC No. W18484. Grub Street ID 328090.
  • Barclay, Robert. Roberti Barclaii Theologiæ verè Christianæ apologia. Editio secunda, priore emendatior.. Londini : excusa, & prostat venalis apud assignatos J. Sowle, ad Insigne Bibliorum, in Areà dictâ George-Yard, in Vico vulgò Lombard-Street, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T86093. Grub Street ID 306354.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines, the hierarchy Of The Romanists And Other Pretended Churches, equally Refused and Refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God called in derision Quakers. Wherein They are Vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confusion on the one hand, and from such as Calumniate them with Iyranny and Imposition on the other: Shewing, That as the True and Pure Principles of the Gospel are Restored by their Testimony; so is also the Antient Apostolick order of the Church of Christ Re-Established among them, and setled upon its Right Basis and Foundation. By Robert Barclay. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1733. ESTC No. T64166. Grub Street ID 289250.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the people called, in scorn, Quakers: Being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines, by many arguments, deduced from scripture and right reason, and the testimonies of famous authors, both ancient and modern: with a full answer to the strongest objections usually made against them. Presented to the King. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and since translated into high Dutch, low Dutch, French and Spanish, for the information of strangers. The sixth edition in English.. London : Printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-street, 1736. ESTC No. T22239. Grub Street ID 245302.
  • Barclay, Robert. A rational discourse exposing the folly and vanity of sundry fashions and customs. ... In the words of Robert Barclay's Apology. From the beginning of his 15th proposition to the end of the ninth section of the same. Dublin: printed by and for Sam. Fuller, 1736. ESTC No. T102509. Grub Street ID 156319.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the ... Quakers: ... Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, ... Dublin: printed and sold by Mary Fuller, 1737. ESTC No. T85688. Grub Street ID 305977.
  • Barclay, Robert. Forsvar for den sande Christelige theologi, som den kundgiôris og prædikis af det folk, som, af foragt, kaldis Quækere: Deter, En Fuld Forklaring og Forsvar paa deris Laerdomme og Hovedstykker, ved mange Beviisninger, uddragne at Skriften og Sund Fornuft, og Berômmelige Authorers Vidnisbyrd, baade Gamle og Nye: Med et fuldt Svar til de sterkiste Modsigelser, som gemeenligen giôris imod Dem. Skreven paa Latin og Engelsk ved Robert Barclay, Og siden oversat paa Tydsk, Hollandsk, Fransk, Spansk, og nu paa Dansk, af C. Meidel, til Fremmedis Underviisning. London : trykt hos T. Sowle Raylton, i George-Yard, i Lombard-Street, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T93338. Grub Street ID 313041.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and Apostles, Christ himself Chief Speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the One Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture-Testimonies (without Consequences or Commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar Questions, sitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. The Sixth Edition By R.B. a Servant of the Church of Christ. The sixth edition.. London : printed by T. Sowle, Raylton, and Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1740. ESTC No. T72136. Grub Street ID 295692.
  • Barclay, Robert. An essay upon faith: shewing the difference between that which is true, and that which is false. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1741. ESTC No. N9424. Grub Street ID 54293.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, ... Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, ... of Quakers; ... The eighth edition. By R. B. ... Dublin: reprinted by and for I. J., 1741. ESTC No. N26924. Grub Street ID 16278.
  • Barclay, Robert. Serious considerations on absolute predestination. Extracted from a late author. Bristol: printed by S. and F. Farley, in Castle-Green, 1741. ESTC No. N22152. Grub Street ID 11518.
  • Barclay, Robert. Serious considerations on absolute predestination. Extracted from a late author. Very suitable for these times. Boston: Re-printed and sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1743. ESTC No. W18489. Grub Street ID 328095.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, (without Consequences or Commentaries) which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The seventh edition.. London : printed and sold by Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1750?]. ESTC No. T85681. Grub Street ID 305971.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints; as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture- testimonies, without consequences or commentaries, which are here collected and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easie and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to all professors. By R.B. a servant of the church of Christ. [Three lines from John]. Newport [R.I.]: Printed by James Franklin, at the town-schoolhouse, 1752. ESTC No. W37334. Grub Street ID 348102.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great-Britain, Ireland, &c. who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture- testimonies (without consequences or commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to, all other professors. By R.B. a servant of the church of Christ. [Three lines from John]. [Philadelphia]: London, printed. Philadelphia: reprinted and sold by James Chattin, in Church-Alley, 1753. ESTC No. W18488. Grub Street ID 328094.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, (without Consequences or Commentaries) which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The eighth edition.. London : printed and sold by Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1755?]. ESTC No. T85680. Grub Street ID 305970.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters, and other libertines; the hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God, called in derision, Quakers. Wherein they are vindicated from those that accuse them of disorder and confusion on the one hand, and from such as calumniate them with tyranny and imposition on the other; shewing, that as the true and pure principles of the Gospel are restored by their testimony; so is also the antient apostolick order of the Church of Christ re-established among them, and settled upon its right basis and foundation. By Robert Barclay. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. Philadelphia: Re-printed, and sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall, 1757. ESTC No. W18482. Grub Street ID 328088.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief-speaker in and among them. Which containeth A true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great-Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the One Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints: As is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture-Testimonies (without Consequences and Commentaries) which are here collected and inserted by Way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to all other Professors. By Robert Barclay, a Servant of the Church of Christ. Newcastle: printed by Isaac Thompson and Co., MDCCLIX. [1759]. ESTC No. T85685. Grub Street ID 305974.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the People called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, And since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the Information of Strangers. The seventh edition in English.. London : printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark. And sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T85689. Grub Street ID 305978.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the People called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, And since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the Information of Strangers. Birmingham: printed by John Baskerville, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T86111. Grub Street ID 306372.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are sound in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, (without Consequences or Commentaries) which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy, and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The ninth edition.. London : printed and sold by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1769?]. ESTC No. T85679. Grub Street ID 305968.
  • Barclay, Robert. A concise view of the chief principles of the Christian religion, as professed by the people called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. London : re-printed in the year, 1770. ESTC No. T85676. Grub Street ID 305965.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism, and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth A true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, without Consequences or Commentaries, which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The tenth edition.. London : printed and sold by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1770?]. ESTC No. T85683. Grub Street ID 305973.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters, and other libertines; the hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God, called in derision, Quakers. Wherein they are vindicated from those that accuse them of disorder and confusion on the one hand, and from such as calumniate them with tyranny and imposition on the other; shewing, that as the true and pure principles of the Gospel are restored by their testimony; so is also the antient apostolick order of the Church of Christ re-established among them, and settled upon its right basis and foundation. By Robert Barclay. Philadelphia: re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1770. ESTC No. W18483. Grub Street ID 328089.
  • Barclay, Robert. Serious considerations on absolute predestination. Extracted from a late author. Bristol: printed by William Pine, Wine-Street, 1770. ESTC No. T177052. Grub Street ID 214013.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters, and other Libertines, the hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended Churches, Equally Refused, and Refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God, called in derision Quakers. Wherein They are vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confusion on the one Hand, and from such as calumniate them with Tyranny and Imposition on the other: Shewing, That as the true and pure Principles of the Gospel are restored by their Testimony; so is also the Ancient Apostolick Order of the Church of Christ re-established among them, and settled upon its Right Basis and Foundation. By Robert Barclay. To which is added, A brief examination and state of liberty spiritual, Both with Respect to Persons in their private Capacity, and in their Church Society, and Communion. By William Penn. London : printed by Mary Hinde, No 2, George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1771. ESTC No. T60237. Grub Street ID 286123.
  • Barclay, Robert. A concise view of the chief principles of the Christian religion, as professed by the people called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. Worcester: re-printed in the year, 1772. ESTC No. N50802. Grub Street ID 34826.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the information of strangers. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. W18485. Grub Street ID 328091.
  • Barclay, Robert. Robert Barclays Apologie oder Vertheidigungs-Schrift der wahren christlichen Gottesgelahrheit, wie solche unter dem Volk, so man aus Spott Quaker, das ist, Zitterer nennet, vorgetragen und gelehret wird. Oder völlige Erklärung und Rettung ihrer Grundsätze und Lehren, durch viele aus der Heil. Schrift, der gesunden Vernunft, und den Zeugnissen so wohl alter als neuer berühmten Scribenten gezogene Beweissthümer. Nebst einer gründlichen Beantwortung der stärksten Einwürffe, so gemeiniglich wider sie gebraucht werden. Germantown [Pa.]: Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, dem Jüngern, 1776. ESTC No. W18487. Grub Street ID 328093.
  • Barclay, Robert. A concise view of the chief principles of the Christian religion, as professed by the people called Quakers. By Robert Barclay. London : printed by James Phillips, 1779. ESTC No. N5161. Grub Street ID 35596.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which Containeth A true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers; yet are found in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, without Consequences or Commentaries, which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is Added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The eleventh edition.. London : printed and sold by James Phillips, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1780?]. ESTC No. T85670. Grub Street ID 305959.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the People called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, And since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the Information of Strangers. The eighth edition in English.. London : printed by J. Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC.LXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T85686. Grub Street ID 305975.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, And since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the Information of Strangers. Dublin: printed for L. Flin, NO. 15, Castle-Street, MDCCLXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. N16332. Grub Street ID 6006.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the information of strangers. The eighth edition in English.. London : printed by J. Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC.LXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T140008. Grub Street ID 187822.
  • Barclay, Robert. The anarchy of the ranters, and other libertines; the hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God, called in derision, Quakers. ... By Robert Barclay ... Wilmington: Re-printed by James Adams, 1783. ESTC No. W42388. Grub Street ID 352125.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which Containeth A true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers: yet are found in the one Faith with the primitive Church and Saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture Testimonies, without Consequences or Commentaries, which are here collected, and inserted by way of Answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar Questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest Capacities. To which is Added, An Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By Robert Barclay. The twelfth edition.. London : printed and sold by James Phillips, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1787. ESTC No. T85677. Grub Street ID 305966.
  • Barclay, Robert. A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto, by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are mos surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture- testimonies, (without consequences or commentaries) which are here collected, and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities. To which is added, an expostulation with, and appeal to, all other professors. By Robert Barclay. [Three lines from John]. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph James, in Chesnut-Street, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. W37335. Grub Street ID 348103.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French and Spanish, for the information of strangers. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph James, in Chesnut Street, M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. W18486. Grub Street ID 328092.
  • Barclay, Robert. Serious considerations on absolute predestination. Extracted from a late author. London : printed and sold at the New Chapel, City-Road; and at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's preaching-houses, in town and country, 1790. ESTC No. T26609. Grub Street ID 258591.
  • Barclay, Robert. A treatise on Christian discipline, formerly published by Robert Barclay, under the title of The anarchy of the ranters, and other liberties, the hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, &c. London : printed: sold by James Phillips and Son, George Yard, Lombard Street, [1795?]. ESTC No. T149153. Grub Street ID 195211.
  • Barclay, Robert. Apologie de la vraie théologie Chrétienne; contenant l'explication et la défense des principes et de la doctrine de la société dite des Quakers. Ecrite en Latin et en Anglois par Robert Barclay. Et traduit depuis en Allemand, en Hollandois, en Espagnol; Et actuellement en Francois, par E. P. Bridel, Pour L'Instruction des Etrangers. A Londres : de l'imprimerie de Jaques Phillips et Fils, George Yard, Lombard Street, 1797. ESTC No. T93340. Grub Street ID 313044.
  • Barclay, Robert. Universal love considered, and established upon its right foundation: being a serious inquiry how far charity may, and ought to, be extended, towards persons of different judgments in matters of religion: and Whose principles, among the several sects of Christians, do most naturally lead to that due moderation required. Written in the spirit of love and meekness, for the removing of stumbling blocks out of the way of the simple; by a lover of the souls of all men, Robert Barclay. A new edition.. London : printed and sold by James Phillips and Son, George Yard, Lombard Street, 1799. ESTC No. T85675. Grub Street ID 305964.
  • Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the Principles and Doctrines of the People Called Quakers. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and Since Translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the Information of Strangers. Dublin: printed by Robert Napper, for John Gough, No. 20, Meath-Street, 1800. ESTC No. T85671. Grub Street ID 305960.