Publications of Thomas Morton

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by Thomas Morton

  • Voster, Elias. Arithmetic in whole and broken numbers, digested after a new method, and chiefly adapted to the trade of Ireland, to which are added, instructions for book-keeping, extracted from The mercantile library, or compleat English tradesman. By Elias Voster. The twentyfourth edition. Carefully collated with the former editions. Revised by Daniel Voster. Dublin: printed by Thomas Morton Bates, 1790. ESTC No. N16375. Grub Street ID 6031.

Sold by Thomas Morton

  • Walker, John. The universal gazetteer: being a concise description, alphabetically arranged, of the nations, ... capes & promontories in the known world; ... The second edition, with a number of additions. By John Walker. Dublin: printed and sold by Thomas Morton Bates, 1797. ESTC No. N51030. Grub Street ID 35047.


  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of "A cure for the heart ache," "Way to get married," &c. &c. [New York]: London--printed. New-York: re-printed by M.L. & W.A. Davis, for H. Caritat, bookseller, no. 153 Broad-way, 1800. ESTC No. W24233. Grub Street ID 334189.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of A cure for the heart ache, Way to get married, &c. &c. Philadelphia: Printed for John Conrad, & Co. no 30, Chesnut Street--Michael and John Conrad, & Co. no. 140, Market Street, Baltimore--and Rapine, Conrad, & Co. Washington City, 1800. ESTC No. W24234. Grub Street ID 334190.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache. A comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, and by the Old American Company, New-York, with universal applause. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, Way to get married, and Children in the wood. New-York: Printed and sold by R. Wilson, no. 149, Pearl-Street, 1798. ESTC No. W11949. Grub Street ID 321184.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of "a cure for the Heart Ache," "way to get married," &c. &c. London: printed by A. Strahan Printers-Street; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row.1800, 1800. ESTC No. T56639. Grub Street ID 283044.
  • Morton, Thomas. Prioris Corinthiacæ epistola expositio quædam. Londini: [Printed by R. Robinson], apud Robertum Dexter, 1596. ESTC No. S112931. Grub Street ID 132676.
  • Morton, Thomas. Salomon or A treatise declaring the state of the kingdome of Israel, as it was in the daies of Salomon. Whereunto is annexed another treatise, of the Church: or more particularly, of the right constitution of a Church. London: Printed by Robert Robinson for Robert Dexter, 1596. ESTC No. S112936. Grub Street ID 132681.
  • Morton, Thomas. Two treatises concerning regeneration, 1. Of repentance, 2. Of the diet of the soule, shewing, the one, how it ought to be sought after, and may be attained vnto. The other, how it being gotten, is to be preserued and continued. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, for Robert Dexter and Raph Iackson, 1597. ESTC No. S4792. Grub Street ID 148722.
  • Morton, Thomas. Apologia Catholica ex meris Iesuitarum contradictionibus conflata, in qua paradoxa, hæreses, blasphemiæ, scelera, quæ a pontificijs obijci Protestantibus solent, ex ipsorum pontificiorum testimonijs diluuntur omnia. Eius libri duo de notis ecclesiæ. Autore Thoma Mortono Sacræ Theologiæ Baccalaureo, & quondam in celeberrima Academia Cantabrigiensi Collegij Iohannis Euangelistæ, socio. Londini: excudebat Iohannes Norton, serenissimæ Regiæ Maiestatis in Latinis, Græcis, & Hebraicis typographus, Anno Salutis M.DC.V. [1605]. ESTC No. S121524. Grub Street ID 141109.
  • Morton, Thomas. An exact discouerie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion, by pregnant obseruations: collected (not without direction from our superiours) out of the expresse dogmaticall principles of popish priests and doctors. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for C. B[urby] and E. W[eaver] and are to be sould in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1605. ESTC No. S113001. Grub Street ID 132746.
  • Morton, Thomas. An exact discoverie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion, by pregnant obseruations: collected (not without direction from our superiours) out of the expresse dogmaticall principles of popish priests and doctors. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for C. B[urby]. and E. W[eaver]. and are to be sould in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1605. ESTC No. S125024. Grub Street ID 144314.
  • Morton, Thomas. Apologia Catholica ex meris Iesuitarum contradictionibus conflata, in qua paradoxa, hæreses, blasphemiæ, scelera, quæ a pontificijs obijci Protestantibus solent, ex ipsorum pontificiorum testimoniijs diluuntur omnia eius libri duo ... autore Thoma Mortono ... Londini: Excudebat Iohannes Norton ..., cI[c]. I[c] c. v. [1605]. ESTC No. S2824. Grub Street ID 147162.
  • Morton, Thomas. A full satisfaction concerning a double Romish iniquitie; hainous rebellion, and more then heathenish æquiuocation. Containing three parts: the two former belong to the reply vpon the Moderate Answerer; the first for confirmation of the discouerie in these two points, treason and æquiuocation: the second is a iustification of Protestants, touching the same points. The third part is a large discourse confuting the reasons and grounds of other priests, both in the case of rebellion, and æquiuocation. Published by authoritie. London: Printed by Richard Field for Edmond Weauer, 1606. ESTC No. S112912. Grub Street ID 132657.
  • Morton, Thomas. Apologiæ Catholicæ pars secunda, iudicem ecclesiæ demonstrans (de qua controuersiâ pendent cæteræ omnes) in libros quinque digesta. Autore Thoma Mortono sacræ Theologiæ Baccalaureo, & quondam in celeberrima Academia Cantabrigiensi Collegij D. Iohannis Euangelistæ, socio. Londini: [Printed by Richard Field] impensis Georgij Bishop, & Ioh. Norton, 1606. ESTC No. S123215. Grub Street ID 142731.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secunda pars Apologiæ Catholicæ iudicem ecclesiæ demonstrans (de qua controuersiâ pendent cæteræ omnes) in libros qninque [sic] digesta. Autore Thoma Mortono sacræ Theologiæ Baccalaureo, & quondam in celeberrima Academia Cantabrigiensi Collegij D. Iohannis Euangelistæ, socio. Londini: excudebat Iohannes Norton, serenissimæ Regiæ Maiestatis in Latinis, Græcis & Hebraicis typographus, 1606. ESTC No. S126707. Grub Street ID 145637.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secunda pars Apologiae Catholicae, iudicem ecclesiæ demonstrans: (de qua controuersiâ pendent cæteræ omnes:) in libros quinque digesta. Autore Thoma Mortono sacræ Theologiæ Baccalaureo, & quondam in celeberrima Academia Cantabrigiensi Collegij D. Iohannis Euangelistæ, socio. Londini: excudebat Iohannes Norton, sereniss. Regiæ Maiest. in Latinis, Græcis, & Hebraicis, typographus, 1606. ESTC No. S126708. Grub Street ID 145638.
  • Morton, Thomas. A catholike appeale for Protestants, out of the confessions of the Romane doctors; particularly answering the mis-named Catholike apologie for the Romane faith, out of the Protestants: manifesting the antiquitie of our religion, and satisfying all scrupulous obiections which haue bene vrged against it. Written by Th. Morton Doctor of Diuinitie. Londini: [Printed by Richard Field] impensis Georg. Bishop & Ioh. Norton, 1609. ESTC No. S115095. Grub Street ID 134789.
  • Morton, Thomas. The encounter against M. Parsons, by a revievv of his last sober reckoning, and his exceptions vrged in the treatise of his mitigation. Wherein moreouer is inserted: 1. A confession of some Romanists, both concerning the particular falsifications of principall Romanists, as namely, Bellarmine, Suarez, and others: as also concerning the generall fraude of thatchurch, in corrupting of authors. 2. A confutation of slaunders, which Bellarmine vrged against Protestants. 3. A performance of the challenge, which Mr. Parsons made, for the examining of sixtie Fathers, cited b Coccius for proofe of Purgatorie ... 4. A censure of a late pamphlet, intituled, The patterne of a Protestant, by one once termed the moderate answerer. 5. An handling of his question of mentall equiuocation (after his boldnesse with the L. Cooke) vpon occasion of the most memorable, and feyned Yorkeshire case of equiuocating; and of his raging against D. Kings sermon. Published by authoritie. London: Printed [by W. Stansby at Eliot's Court Press] for Iohn Bill, 1610. ESTC No. S112913. Grub Street ID 132658.
  • Morton, Thomas. A catholike appeale for Protestants, out of the confessions of the Romane doctors; particularly answering the mis-named Catholike apologie for the Romane faith, out of the Protestants: manifesting the antiquitie of our religion, and satisfying all scrupulous obiections which haue bene vrged against it. Written by Th. Morton Doctor of Diuinitie. Londini: [Printed by Richard Field] impensis Georg. Bishop & Ioh. Norton, 1610. ESTC No. S115067. Grub Street ID 134763.
  • Morton, Thomas. A defence of the innocencie of the three ceremonies of the Church of England. viz. the surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiuing of the blessed Sacrament. Diuided into two parts: in the former whereof the generall arguments vrged by the non-conformists; and, in the second part, their particular accusations, against these III. ceremonies seuerally, are answered, and refuted. Published by authoritie. London: Imprinted [by R. Field] for William Barret, 1618. ESTC No. S112905. Grub Street ID 132650.
  • Morton, Thomas. A defence of the innocencie of the three ceremonies of the Church of England. viz. the surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiuing of the blessed Sacrament. Diuided into two parts. In the former whereof the generall arguments vrged by the Non-conformists; and, in the later part, their particular accusations, against these three ceremonies seuerally, are answered, and refuted. Published by authoritie. London: Imprinted [by William Stansby] for William Barret, 1619. ESTC No. S112906. Grub Street ID 132651.
  • Morton, Thomas. Causa regia, sive, De authoritate, et dignitate principum Christianorum, dissertatio; aduersus Rob. Cardinalis Bellarmini tractatum, De officio principis Christiani inscriptum, edita. Authore Reuerendo Patre Thoma Mortono, Couentriensi & Lichfeldensi Episcopo. Londini: Apud Ioannem Billium typographum regium, MDCXX. [1620]. ESTC No. S112904. Grub Street ID 132649.
  • Morton, Thomas. The grand imposture of the (now) Church of Rome: manifested in this one article of the new Romane creede, viz: the holy, catholike, and apostolike Romane Church, mother and mistresse of all other churches, without which there is no saluation. Proued to ba a new, false, sacrilegious, scandalous, schismaticall, hereticall, and blasphemous article (respectiuely) and euerie way damnable. The last chapter containeth a determination of the whole question, concerning the separation of Protestants from the present Church of Rome: whereby may be discerned whether side is to be accounted schismaticall, or may more iustly pleade soules saluation. By the B. of Couentrie & Lichfield. London: Printed by George Miller, for Robert Mylbourne, [1626?]. ESTC No. S112909. Grub Street ID 132654.
  • Morton, Thomas. The grand imposture of the (now) Church of Rome: manifested in this one article of the new Romane creede, viz. "The holy, catholike, and apostolike Romane Church, "mother and mistresse of all other churches, with-"out [sic] which there is no saluation. Proued to be a new false, sacrilegious, scandalous, schismaticall, hereticall, and blasphemous article (respectiuely) and euery way damnable. The last chapter containeth a determination of the whole question, concerning the separation of Protestants from the present Church of Rome: whereby may be discerned, whether side is to be accounted schismaticall, or may more iustly pleade soules saluation. By the B. of Couentrie & Lichfield. The second edition, reuised and supplyed with necessary additions (for corroboration of sundry points) which in the context are thus marked at the beginning [pointing hand]; and ending [swash par.]. But the meere marginall additions are thus inserted [par.] betweene [par.]. London: Printed by George Miller for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Gray-hound, 1628. ESTC No. S112910. Grub Street ID 132655.
  • Morton, Thomas. A treatise of the three-fold state of man. Or, An anatomie of the soule. Wherein is handled, 1 His created holinesse in his innocencie. 2 His sinfulnesse since the fall of Adam. 3 His renewed holinesse in his regeneration. By Tho: Morton. London: Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] and T[homas] F[awcett] for Rob: Davvlman, at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1629. ESTC No. S112951. Grub Street ID 132696.
  • Morton, Thomas. Of the institution of the sacrament of the blessed bodie and blood of Christ, (by some called) the masse of Christ, eight bookes; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abominations of the Romish masse. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By the R. Father in God Thomas L. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. London: Printed by W. Stansby, for Robert Mylbourne in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Grey-hound, MDCXXXI. [1631]. ESTC No. S115096. Grub Street ID 134790.
  • Morton, Thomas. A discharge of five imputations of mis-allegations, falsly charged upon the (now) Bishop of Duresme, by an English baron. Shewing, that no solid or reall answer is to be expected, from the Romish party, to his late booke (against their Masse) so greatly maligned by them. London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] for R. Milbourne at the signe of the Greyhound in Pauls Churchyard, 1633. ESTC No. S112911. Grub Street ID 132656.
  • Morton, Thomas. Of the institution of the sacrament of the blessed bodie and blood of Christ, (by some called) the masse of Christ, eight bookes; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abominations of the Romish masse. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, now L. Bishop of Duresme, late of Coventry and Lichfield. London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes] for Robert Milbourne, 1635. ESTC No. S121748. Grub Street ID 141319.
  • Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan, or New Canaan containing an abstract of New England, composed in three bookes : the first booke setting forth the originall of the natives, their manners and customes, together with their tractable nature and love towards the English : the second booke setting forth the naturall indowments of the countrie, and what staple commodities it yeeldeth : the third booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their tenents, and practise of their church / written by Thomas Morton ... [S.l.]: Printed for Charles Greene, and are sold in Pauls Church-yard, [1637?]. ESTC No. S455. Grub Street ID 148534.
  • Morton, Thomas. Antidotum adversus Ecclesiæ Romanæ de merito propri dicto ex condigno venenum: ex antiquæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ testimoniis locupletissimis confectum: juxta Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, & Protestantium omnium unanimem sententiam: in gloriam gratiæ divinæ, meritorum Christi, & ad veræ pietatis profectum salutarem. Autore R.P. Thoma Mortono Episcopo Dunelmensi. Cantabrigiæ: [Printed by T. Buck and R. Daniel] ex Academiæ celeberrimæ typographeo. Væneunt à Joanne Sweeting, prope insigne capitis Papæ in Cornhill [, London], 1639. ESTC No. S112900. Grub Street ID 132645.
  • Morton, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Kings most excellent Majestie, in the cathedrall church of Durham. Upon Sunday, being the fifth day of May. 1639. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Duresme. Published by his Majesties speciall command. Imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, 1639. ESTC No. S112915. Grub Street ID 132660.
  • Morton, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Kings most excellent Majestie, in the cathedrall church of Durham. Upon Sunday, being the fifth day of May. 1639. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Duresme. Published by his Majesties speciall command. Imprinted at Newcastle upon Tyne, [i.e. London]: By Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, 1639. ESTC No. S120725. Grub Street ID 140353.
  • Morton, Thomas. A vindication of the Bishop of Durham, from the vile and scandalous calumnies of a libell intituled The downfall of hierarchie, &c. London: printed by Richard Cotes, for Robert Milborne, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the holy Lambe in Little-Brittaine, or at Britaines-Burse, 1641. ESTC No. R23422. Grub Street ID 105574.
  • Morton, Thomas. The presentment of a schismaticke. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Durham. In his sermon preached at the Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls the 19. of Iune 1642. London: printed by T. Badger, for R. Whitaker, and S. Broun, and are to bee sold in Saint Pauls Church-Yard, M.DC.XLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R22069. Grub Street ID 94992.
  • Morton, Thomas. The presentment of a schismaticke. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Durham in his sermon preached at the Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls the 19. of Iune. 1642. London: printed by I. Okes, for R. Whitaker, and S. Broun, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, 1642. ESTC No. R8607. Grub Street ID 128762.
  • Morton, Thomas. The necessity of Christian subiection. Demonstrated, and proved by the doctrine of Christ, and the Apostles; the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of later orthodox divines. [Oxford]: Published by T.C., printed in the yeare 1643. ESTC No. R232334. Grub Street ID 104153.
  • Morton, Thomas. Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines of reformed churches, that episcopacy is in respect of the office according to the word of God, and in respect of the use the best. Together, with a briefe treatise touching the originall of bishops and metropolitans. Oxford: printed by Henry Hall, in the yeare 1644. ESTC No. R21654. Grub Street ID 91420.
  • Morton, Thomas. The Lords Supper; or, a vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body & blood of Christ, according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abominations of the Romish Masse. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton D.D. Bp. of Duresme. London: printed for R.M. And part of the impression to be vended for the use and benefit of Edward Minshew, gentleman, M.D.C.LII. [1652]. ESTC No. R221918. Grub Street ID 95993.
  • Morton, Thomas. Ezekiel's vvheels: a treatise concerning divine Providence: very seasonable for all ages. By Tho: Duresme. London: printed by J.G. for Richard Royston, at the Angell in Ivie-lane, 1653. ESTC No. R201104. Grub Street ID 78562.
  • Morton, Thomas. The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme. London: printed for R.M. And part of the impression to be vended for the use and benefit of Edward Minshew, gentleman, M.D.C.LVI. [1656]. ESTC No. R214243. Grub Street ID 89559.
  • Morton, Thomas. 'Episkopos 'apostolikos, or The episcopacy of the Church of England justified to be apostolical, from the authority of the ancient primitive church: and from the confessions of the most famous divines of the reformed churches beyond the seas. Being a full satisfaction in this cause, as well for the necessity, as for the just right thereof, as consonant to the word of God. By the right reverend father in God Thomas Morton late Lord Bishop of Duresme. Before which is prefixed a preface to the reader concerning this subject: by Sir Henry Yelverton, Baronet. London: printed for J. Collins in Westminster-hall, 1670. ESTC No. R234399. Grub Street ID 105748.
  • Morton, Thomas. An exact account of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracy and rebellion, by pregnant observations collected out of the express dogmatical principles of popish priests and Jesuites. Written and printed immediately after the discovery of the Gunpowder Treason. And now upon the discovery of the present Popish Plot against the life of his Sacred Majesty and the government, reprinted and published. By Ezerel Tonge, D.D. Imprimatur. Guil. Jane, Oct. 5. 1678. London: printed for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet-street, near Temple-Bar, 1679. ESTC No. R27110. Grub Street ID 110315.
  • Morton, Thomas. The inexcusable behaviour of the Jews exemplified, and the divine authority of Moses and Christ asserted. A sermon, preached at Bassingham, April 7th, 1754. By Thomas Morton, ... Lincoln: printed and sold by W. Wood. And sold also by Mess. Hitch and Co. London, 1754. ESTC No. T37156. Grub Street ID 266919.
  • Morton, Thomas. Queries addressed to the Reverend Doctor Law Arch-Deacon of Carlisle. ... Relative to what he has advanced on the soul of man, ... By Thomas Morton, ... Lincoln: printed by W. Wood, 1757. ESTC No. T61186. Grub Street ID 286889.
  • Morton, Thomas. Columbus: or, a world discovered. An historical play. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, of the Honourable society of Lincoln's-Inn. London: printed for W. Miller, old Bond-Street, 1792. ESTC No. T56471. Grub Street ID 282916.
  • Morton, Thomas. Columbus: or, a world discovered. An historical play. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn. London: printed for W. Miller, Old Bond-Srreet, 1792. ESTC No. T93. Grub Street ID 312739.
  • Morton, Thomas. Columbus: or, a world discovered. An historical play. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Of The Honourable Society Of Lincoln's-Inn. Dublin: printed for P. Wogan, P. Byrne, J. Moore, W. Jones, and J. Rice, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T130483. Grub Street ID 179584.
  • Morton, Thomas. Songs, duets, choruses, &c: in The Children in the Wood. A musical piece. In two acts. Performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. London: printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1793. ESTC No. N37051. Grub Street ID 25005.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. A musical piece, in two acts. Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Crow-Street. Dublin: printed for John Rice, NO. 2, College-Green, 1794. ESTC No. T134115. Grub Street ID 182806.
  • Morton, Thomas. Columbus: or The discovery of America. An historical play. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, London. By Thomas Morton, of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn. Boston: Printed and sold by William Spotswood, sold also by H. & P. Rice, Philadelphia, 1794. ESTC No. W11889. Grub Street ID 321119.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood, an opera, in two acts, as performed at the Royal Theatres of Drury-Lane and the Hay-Market. London: printed for the curious, and not sold by the booksellers in general, M.DCC.XCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T183980. Grub Street ID 220342.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. An opera, in two acts. As performed at the Royal Theatres of Drury-Lane, and the Hay-Market. By Mr. Morton, ... London: printed for the curious, and not sold by the booksellers in general, 1794. ESTC No. T766. Grub Street ID 298972.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. An opera, in two acts. As performed at the Royal Theatres of Drury-Lane, and the Hay-Market. By Mr. Morton, ... London: printed for the curious, and not sold by the booksellers in general, 1794. ESTC No. T221460. Grub Street ID 244720.
  • Morton, Thomas. Songs, duets, chorusses, in Zorinski: a play in three acts. Performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay-Market. London: printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, in the Strand, 1795. ESTC No. T150270. Grub Street ID 196103.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. A musical piece, in two acts. With the additions and alterations, as performed by the Old American Company. New York: Printed at the Columbian Press, by Robertson and Gowan, for Benjamin Gomez, bookseller and stationer, no. 97, Maiden-Lane, 1795. ESTC No. W35486. Grub Street ID 346154.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. A musical piece, in two acts. With the additions and alterations, as performed at Boston. Boston: Printed, and sold at the office of Jno. and Jos. N. Russell, Quaker-Lane; also sold at the several bookstores in town, [1795]. ESTC No. W30311. Grub Street ID 340636.
  • Morton, Thomas. Zorinski: a play, in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay-Market. By Thomas Morton, author of Columbus-The Children in the wood-&c. - &c. London: printed by G. Woodfall, for T. N. Longman, Paternoster-Row, 1795. ESTC No. T56643. Grub Street ID 283049.
  • Morton, Thomas. Songs, duets, and chorusses, of the Children in the wood. As performed by the Old American Company. Published, with permission of the managers, by William Humphreys, assist. prompter. New-York: Printed by Samuel Loudon & Son, no. 82, Water-Street, [1795]. ESTC No. W4132. Grub Street ID 351172.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood. A musical piece, in two acts. With the additions and alterations, as performed at Boston. Boston: Printed, at the office of Jno. and Jos. N. Russell, Quaker-Lane; sold [by William P. Blake] at the Boston book-store, no 59, Cornhill, [1795]. ESTC No. W37363. Grub Street ID 348133.
  • Morton, Thomas. Zorinski: a play, in three acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Crow-Street, with universal applause. By Thomas Morton, Esq. author of columbus, the children in the wood, &c. &c. [Dublin]: Printed by N. Fitzpatrick, for G. Folingsby, 59, Dame-Street. 1796. Sold by G. Walsh, 19, Wood-Quay, [1796?]. ESTC No. T144158. Grub Street ID 191089.
  • Morton, Thomas. The way to get married; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esquire. Author of Columbus-Zorinski-Children in the Wood, &c. London: printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster-Row, 1796. ESTC No. T56640. Grub Street ID 283046.
  • Morton, Thomas. Zorinski: a play, in three acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Crow-Street, with Universal Applause. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, The Children in The Wood, &c. &c. Dublin: printed by H. Fitzpatrick, for G. Folingsby, 59, Dame-Street, 1796. ESTC No. T168334. Grub Street ID 206260.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache, a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, Way to Get Married, and Children in the Wood. Dublin: printed by G. Folingsby, No. 59, Dame-Street, 1797. ESTC No. T100459. Grub Street ID 154405.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache, a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... Cork: printed by J. Connor, 1797. ESTC No. N4887. Grub Street ID 33336.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache, a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden by Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, way to get married, and Children in the Wood. Dublin: printed by P. Wogan, Old Bridge, 1797. ESTC No. T34490. Grub Street ID 264770.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, Way to get married, and Children in the wood. London: printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster Row, 1797. ESTC No. T34491. Grub Street ID 264771.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, .. London: printed for T. N. Longman, 1797. ESTC No. T34492. Grub Street ID 264772.
  • Morton, Thomas. The way to get married; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... [Dublin]: Sold by G. Walsh, 19, Wood-Quay, [1797?]. ESTC No. T52273. Grub Street ID 279409.
  • Morton, Thomas. The way to get married; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esquire. Author of Columbus-Zorinski-Children in the wood, &c. London: printed for T.N. Longman, Paternoster-Row, 1797. ESTC No. T56638. Grub Street ID 283043.
  • Morton, Thomas. The way to get married; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esquire. Author of Columbus-Zorinski-Children in The Wood, &c. Dublin: printed for P. Wogan, P. Byrne, T. M'donnel, B. Smith, B. Dugdale, J. Moore, P. Moore, and G. Folingsby, 1797. ESTC No. T168326. Grub Street ID 206252.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache. A comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, and by the Old American Company, New-York, with universal applause. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, Way to get married, and Children in the wood. New-York: Printed by R. Wilson, for Evert Duyckinck & Co. Pearl-Street, 1798. ESTC No. W37645. Grub Street ID 348428.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secrets worth knowing; a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Children in the Wood, Cure for the Heart Ache, &c. &c. London: printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster Row, [1798]. ESTC No. T100458. Grub Street ID 154404.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secrets worth knowing; a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Children in the Wood, Cure for the Heart Ache, &c. &c. London: printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster Row, [1798]. ESTC No. T109044. Grub Street ID 161870.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secrets worth knowing; a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Children in the Wood, cure for the heart ache, &c. &c. Dublin: printed by William Porter, (69) Grafton-Street, 1798. ESTC No. T172385. Grub Street ID 209833.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secrets worth knowing; a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... Cork: printed by M. Harris, 1798. ESTC No. T172386. Grub Street ID 209834.
  • Morton, Thomas. The children in the wood, an opera, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane, and the Haymarket. By the author of Columbus. London: printed in the year, 1799. ESTC No. T134117. Grub Street ID 182808.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heart-ache; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of Columbus, Zorinski, way to get married, and Children in the Wood. London: printed by A. Strahan, Printers Street, Gough Square, for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster Row, [1799]. ESTC No. T34493. Grub Street ID 264773.
  • Morton, Thomas. Secrets worth knowing: a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Thomas Morton Esq. Author of Columbus, Children in the wood, Cure for the heart-ache, &c. &c. [New York]: London, printed: re-printed by J. Buel, no. 2 Cedar-Street, 1799. ESTC No. W24235. Grub Street ID 334191.
  • Morton, Thomas. Columbus: or, a world discovered. An historical play. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, Author of Zorinski; cure for the Heart Ache; way to get married, &c. London: printed for J. Barker, Dramatic Repository, Great Russell-Street, Covent-Garden, 1799. ESTC No. N28121. Grub Street ID 17347.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden by Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. T56472. Grub Street ID 282917.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of "a Cure for the Heart Ache," "way to get Married," &c. &c. London: printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, [1800]. ESTC No. T100460. Grub Street ID 154406.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause, at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of a Cure for the Heart Ache, Way to get Married, &c. &c. Dublin: printed by William Porter, for G. Burnet - P. Wogan - H. Colbert - W. Porter - C. Browne -B. Dornin-W. Jones-G. Folingsby- by-J. Rice, N. Kelly-P. Moore-And T. Burnside, 1800. ESTC No. T100461. Grub Street ID 154407.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of a Cure for the Heart Ache, Way to Get Married, &c. &c. Dublin: printed by William Porter, for G. Burnet - P. Wogan - H. Colbert - W. Porter - C. Browne -B. Dornin-W. Jones-G. Folingsby-J. Rice N. Kelly-P. Moore-And T. Burnside, 1800. ESTC No. T100462. Grub Street ID 154408.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. T100469. Grub Street ID 154415.
  • Morton, Thomas. A cure for the heartache; a comedy, in five acts, as performed at Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees; by T. Woodfall, 1800. ESTC No. T34494. Grub Street ID 264774.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-garden. By Thomas Morton, ... Cork: printed by J. Haly, M. Harris, J. Connor, and W. H. Creagh, 1800. ESTC No. T193866. Grub Street ID 227914.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. N24078. Grub Street ID 13444.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden by Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of "a Cure for the Heart Ache," "way to get married," &c. &c. London: printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, 1800. ESTC No. T56641. Grub Street ID 283047.
  • Morton, Thomas. Zorinski: a play, in three acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay-Market. By Thomas Morton, author of Columbus, the children in the wood, &c. &c. &c. London: printed by A. Straham, Printers Street, for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, 1800. ESTC No. T56642. Grub Street ID 283048.
  • Morton, Thomas. The way to get married: a comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. N25169. Grub Street ID 14522.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. N37321. Grub Street ID 25283.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author Of "A Cure For The Heart Ache," "way To Get Married," &c. &c. London: printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, [1800]. ESTC No. T131173. Grub Street ID 180212.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author Of "A Cure For The Heart Ache," "wat To Get Married," &c. &c. London: printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, [1800]. ESTC No. T136315. Grub Street ID 184565.
  • Morton, Thomas. Speed the plough: a comedy, in five acts. As performed ... at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Morton, ... London: printed by A. Strahan; for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800. ESTC No. T49745. Grub Street ID 277503.