Publications of John Randall


  • Randall, John. The necessitie of righteousnes. Or A profitable and fruitfull sermon vpon the fift chapter of the Gospell of S. Mathew. vers. 20. Preached and penned by that famous, learned, iudicious, orthodoxall, holy, wise, and skilfull preacher and servant of God, now deceased, and with his God triumphing in Heaven, Iohn Randall, Batchelour of Divinitie, pastour of St Andrewes Hubbart in little East-cheape London, sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. And now published, to the glory of God, the edification of his Church, and the honourable memoriall of the author, by William Holbrooke, preacher of the Word of God in the church aforesaid. London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Nathaniel Newbery and William Sheffard, and are to be sold at their shops in Popes-head Alley, 1622. ESTC No. S115634. Grub Street ID 135325.
  • Randall, John. The great mystery of godlines: or, a treatise opening unto us, first, what God; secondly, what Christ is. Penned by that learned and faithfull seruant of God, Iohn Randall Batchelour of Diuinitie. And now published to the glory of God, the edification of his church, and the honourable memoriall of the author. By William Holbrooke, preacher of the word of God. London: printed by Iohn Legatt, for Richard Redmer, and William Sheffeard, and are to be sold at the entring in of Popes-head Alley out of Lumbard-streete, 1624. ESTC No. S126424. Grub Street ID 145524.
  • Randall, John. Saint Pauls triumph, or, Cygnea illa & dulcissima cantio that swan-like and most sweet song, of that learned and faithfull servant of God, Mast. Iohn Randall, bachelor of divinitie ; vttered by him (in an eleven sermons upon the eight chapter of S. Paul his epistle to the Romanes, vers. 38.39.) lately before his death, in the time of his great and heavie affliction, and upon the communion dayes, eyther altogether, or for the most part. London: Printed for R. Redmer and N. Newbery, and are to be sould at the signe of the starre in Popes-head-alley, 1626. ESTC No. S941. Grub Street ID 152449.
  • Randall, John. The workes of the famous diuine, Master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape Loudon [sic]: containing, I. Saint Pauls triumph. II. The necessitie of righteousnesse. III. The description of the fleshly lusts. IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. All published since the authors death by Master Holbrooke minister of Gods word. London: printed by H. L[ownes]. for Nathanael Newbery, in Popes head Alley at the Starre, 1629. ESTC No. S2292. Grub Street ID 146685.
  • Randall, John. The workes of that famous diuine, Master Iohn Randall, late preacher of the word of God in little Escheape Loudon [sic]: containing, I. Saint Pauls triumph. II. The necessitie of righteousnesse. III. The description of the fleshly lusts. IIII. The great mysterie of godlinesse, &c. All published since the authors death by Master Holbrooke minister of Gods word. London: printed by H. L[ownes]. and are sold by Iohn Grismond, in Ivie-Lane at the Gunne, 1629. [i.e. 1630]. ESTC No. S94832. Grub Street ID 152972.
  • Randall, John. Three and tvventie sermons, or, Catechisticall lectures upon the sacrament of the Lords Supper: preached monthly before the Communion. By that late able, and painfull preacher, Master Iohn Randall Bachelour of Divinitie, pastor of Saint Andrewes Hubbart in little Eastcheap London, sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. Published by his executor Iosh. Randall, as he found it corrected by the authors one hand, in his study, since his death. London: Printed [by Miles Flesher] for Fulke Clifton, and are to be sold at his shop on new Fishstreet-hill, 1630. ESTC No. S115645. Grub Street ID 135335.
  • Randall, John. The great mysterie of godlinesse: or, A treatise opening unto us first, what God is, secondly, what Christ is. Penned by that learned and faithfull seruant of God, Iohn Randall Batchelour of Diuinitie. Now published to the glory of God, the edification of his Church, and the honourable memoriall of the author. By William Holbrooke, preacher of the word of God. London: printed by H. L.[ownes] and R. Y.[oung], [M].[D]C.XXX. [1630]. ESTC No. S125937. Grub Street ID 145120.
  • Randall, John. Tvventy nine lectures of the Church; very necessary for the consolation and support of Gods Church, especially in these times: wherein is handled, first, in generall concerning first, the name; secondly, the titles; thirdly, the nature, fourthly, the diuision of the true Church: secondly, of the visible Church ... and lastly, the application of it to all Churches in the world so farre as they are knowne to vs. By that learned and faithfull preacher, Master Iohn Randall, Batchelor of Diuinity, pastor of Saint Andrewes Hubbart in little Eastcheape, London, and sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. Published by the coppie perfected and giuen by the author in his life time; carefully preserued and adorned with notes in the margent, by the late faithfull minister of Christ, Master William Holbrooke. London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Nathanael Newbery, at the Starre in Popes-head Alley, 1631. ESTC No. S115641. Grub Street ID 135332.
  • Randall, John. St. Pauls triumph, Or, Cygnea illa & dulcissima cantio: that swan-like and most sweet song of that learned and faithfull servant of God, Master John Randall, Batchelour of Divinity. Uttered by him (in eleven sermons upon the eight chapter of S. Paul his Epistle to the Romanes verse 38,39.) lately before his death in the time of his great and heavy affliction, and upon the Communion dayes, either altogether, or for the most part. With an exact table at the end of the booke, shewing and directing to the maine and choyce things handled in this treatise. By William Holbrooke, preacher of the Word of God. London: Printed [by Robert Young] for Robert Young, and Samuel Enderby, at the signe of the Starre in Popes-head Alley, 1640. ESTC No. S115643. Grub Street ID 135334.