Publications of Pierre Viret


  • Viret, Pierre. A verie familiare [and] fruiteful exposition of the .xii. articles of the christian faieth conteined in the co[m]mune crede, called the Apostles Crede, made in dialoges, wherein thou maiste learne al thinges necessarie to be beleued. Compiled bi Peter viret a frenche man [and] translated in to englishe. [Imprinted at London: By [S. Mierdman for] Iohn Day and Wyllyam Seres, dwellynge in Sepulchres Parish at the signe of the Resurrection a litle aboue Holbourne Conduite, [1548?]]. ESTC No. S119203. Grub Street ID 138846.
  • Viret, Pierre. The firste parte of the Christian instruction, and generall so[m]me of the doctrine, conteyned in the holy Scriptures, wherein the principall pointes of the religion are familiarly handled by dialogues, very necessary to be read of all Christians. Translated into Englishe, by Iohn Shute, accordyng to the late copy set forth, by th'author Maister Peter Viret. 1565. Ouersene and perused, accordyng to the order appointed, by the Queenes maiesties iniunctions. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Day, dvvellyng ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martins, [1565]. ESTC No. S119198. Grub Street ID 138841.
  • Viret, Pierre. De cautelen (dat is te segghen, de vvaershouvvinghe ofte ondervvijsinghe) met het canon ende ceremonien vander Misse. Mitsgaders de misse gheintitulert, van tlichaem Iesu Christi. Al in Latyn ende Duytsch, het latyn ghetrauwelijck ghetrocken wten misboeck na het roomsche ghebruyck die ghedruckt was tot Lyons door Iehan van Camerick int iaer M.D. en XX. van den welcken dopschrift in de ander syde volcht. Met zeer bequame ende claere aenteeckennighen ofte wytlegghinghen tot beter verstant des texts, eerst ghemaeckt int Fra[n]cois door Petrum Viretum dienaer e[n]n minister der kercken Christi nu nieuvvelyck ouergesedt voor die ghene diet Francois niet en verstaen. Gheprint te Londen: [By Henry Bynneman], anno. 1568. ESTC No. S119141. Grub Street ID 138785.
  • Viret, Pierre. A Christian instruction, conteyning the law and the Gospell. Also a summarie of the principall poyntes of the Christian fayth and religion, and of the abuses and errors contrary to the same. Done in certayne dialogues in french, by M. Peter Viret, sometime minister of th Word of God at Nymes in Prouince. Translated by I.S. Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Imprinted at London: By [Henry Bynneman? for] Abraham Veale, dwelling in Paules churchyard at the signe of the Lambe, Anno. 1573. ESTC No. S119199. Grub Street ID 138842.
  • Viret, Pierre. The Christian disputations, by Master Peter Viret. Deuided into three partes, dialogue wise: set out with such grace, that it cannot be, but that a man shall take greate pleasure in the reading thereoff. Translated out of French into English, by Iohn Brooke of Ashe. Imprinted at London: By Thomas East, 1579. ESTC No. S119193. Grub Street ID 138836.
  • Viret, Pierre. [The principal points which are at this daye in controuersie, concerning the holly supper and of the masse.]. [London: printed by C. Barker, 1579]. ESTC No. S125565. Grub Street ID 144800.
  • Viret, Pierre. The vvorlde possessed with deuils, conteinyng three dialogues. 1. Of the Deuill let loose. 2. Of blacke deuils. 3. Of white deuils. And of the commyng of Iesus Christe to iudgement, a verie necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous daies. Imprinted at London: [By John Kingston] for Ihon Perin, and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Angell, 1583. ESTC No. S119207. Grub Street ID 138850.
  • Viret, Pierre. The second part of the demoniacke vvorlde, or worlde possessed with diuels, conteining three dialogues: 1. Of familiar diuels. 2. Of lunaticke diuels. 3. Of the coniuring of diuels. Translated out of French into English by T.S. Gentleman. Imprinted at London: [at the three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Davvson] for Iohn Perin, and are to bee solde in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Angel, 1583. ESTC No. S119210. Grub Street ID 138853.
  • Viret, Pierre. The worlde possessed with deuils, conteyning three dialogues. 1. Of the deuill let loose. 2. Of blacke deuils. 3. Of vvhite deuils. And of the comminge of Iesus Christ to iudgment, a very necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous dayes. Imprinted at London: [by H. Bynneman?] for Iohn Perin, and are to bee solde in Paules churchyarde, at the signe of the Angell, 1583. ESTC No. S1159. Grub Street ID 135591.
  • Viret, Pierre. The cauteles, canon, and ceremonies, of the most blasphemous, abhominable, and monstrous popish Masse. Togither, the Masse intituled of the body of Iesus Christ. Fully and wholy set downe, both in Latine and Englishe, the Latine faithfully taken out of the Masse booke after the romishe vse. Imprinted at Lyons by Iohn Cambray, in the yeare a thowsand fiue hu[n]dred and twenty, the title whereof hereafter ensueth on the next page. With certaine annotations for the vnderstanding of the text, set forth by that godly and learned minister in the Church of God Peter Viret, and translated out of French into English by Tho. Sto. Gent. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Vautrollier for Andrewe Maunsell, dwelling in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the brasen Serpent, 1584. ESTC No. S119146. Grub Street ID 138790.