Publications of Henry Low


  • Low, Henry. An almanack and prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde M.D.LIIII. Practised in Sarum, nowe called Salisbury, by Master Henry Lon [sic], doctor of Astronmie and Phisike. Imprinted at London: by Ihon Kingston and Henry Sutton, dwellyng in ..., [1554]. ESTC No. S90180. Grub Street ID 149624.
  • Low, Henry. A prognostication for the yeare of oure Lorde God. M. D. LX. Declarynge the wether, with the notable stormes and some yl chaunce in euery moneth, to the hyghe prayse of God, and commoditye of the people. Practysed in Salisburye by Maister Henry Lou, Doctour in Phisike, dwellynge nere to the close gate. 1560. Imprinted at London: By Henry Sutton dwellynge in Pater noster rowe, at the signe of the blacke boy, [1560]. ESTC No. S116084. Grub Street ID 135777.
  • Low, Henry. [A new almanacke [and] pro]gno[stication, for the] year[e of our Lorde God. 1569.] Prac[tised in Salesbu]rye [neare to the close] gate [by Maister Henry Lovv]. [London: T. Marshe?, 1569]. ESTC No. S90181. Grub Street ID 149625.
  • Low, Henry. 1574, an alm[a]nacke and progno[sti]cation for the yer[e] of our Lord God M.D.lxxiiii ... composed and calculated ... by Maister Henry Lowe ... [S.l.: R. Watkins and J. Roberts, 1574]. ESTC No. S4494. Grub Street ID 148483.