Publications of Patrick Scot


  • Scot, Patrick. Omnibus & singulis. Affording matter profitable for all men, necessarie for euery man; alluding to a fathers aduice or last will to his sonne. Now published for the vse of all men, and particularly of those that doe inhabit Great Brittaine and Ireland. London: printed by William Stansby, 1619. ESTC No. S119563. Grub Street ID 139202.
  • Scot, Patrick. Omnibus & singulis. Affording matter profitable for all men, necessarie for euery man; alluding to a fathers aduice or last will to his sonne. Now published for the vse of all men, and particularly of those that doe inhabit Great Brittaine and Ireland. London: Printed by William Stansby, 1619. ESTC No. S123277. Grub Street ID 142793.
  • Scot, Patrick. A table-booke for princes. Containing short remembrances for the gouernment of themselues and their empire. Wherein also respectiuely the seuerall members of state, and all sorts of subiects, may finde matter worthy their obseruation. By Patricke Scot, Esquire. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaffe-Lane at the signe of the Dolphin, neere Olde Fish-street, 1621. ESTC No. S116871. Grub Street ID 136558.
  • Scot, Patrick. A table-booke for princes. Containing short remembrances for the gouernment of themselues and their Empire. Wherein also respectiuely the seuerall members of state, and all sorts of subiects, may find matter worthy their obseruation. By Patricke Scot, Esquire. London: printed by B.A. and are to bee sold by Robert Swaine, at the signe of the Bible in Brittaines Bursse, 1622. ESTC No. S95069. Grub Street ID 153154.
  • Scot, Patrick. The tillage of light. Or, A true discouerie of the philosophicall elixir, commonly called the philosophers stone. Seruing, to enrich all true, noble and generous spirits, as will aduenture some few labors in the tillage of such a light, as is worthy the best obseruance o the most wise. By Patrick Scot, Esquire. London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes] for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop neere Serieants Inne in Fleetstreet, at the signe of the Golden Bucke, 1623. ESTC No. S116882. Grub Street ID 136569.
  • Scot, Patrick. Vox vera: or, Obseruations from Amsterdam. Examining the late insolencies of some pseudo-puritans, separatists from the Church of Great Brittaine. And closed vp with a serious three-fold aduertisement for the generall vse of euery good subiect within his Maiesties dominions, but more especially of those in the kingdome of Scotland. By Patricke Scot, North-Brittaine. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1625. ESTC No. S116886. Grub Street ID 136573.