Publications of John Dunton
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Sold by John Dunton
- Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathaniel Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for Heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereto are added some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. London : printed by J[ames]. Astwood, and are to be sold by J[ohn]. Dunton at the black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R180442. Grub Street ID 71482.
- Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for Heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereunto are added some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. London : printed by J. Astwood, and are to be sold by J. dunton at the black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R235328. Grub Street ID 106464.
- Bugg, Francis. New Rome unmask'd, and her foundation shaken; by a farther discovery of the grand errors, deep hypocrisies, popish practices, and pernitious principles of the teachers and leaders of the people, call'd, Quakers; containing also, A brief answer to three books, wrote by G. Whitehead, one of her chief cardinals in nine months time, against Fran. Bugg. The I. entituled, Innocency against envy, &c. The 2. The contentious apostate , and his blow, &c. The 3. The contentious apostate recharged, &c. As also, a brief narrative of the conference between the said G. Whitehead and Fran. Bugg; whereby his notorious lyes are manifest, his errors and deceitful practices confuted and detected. All which is plainly demonstrated to the capacity of every impartial and intelligible reader, by one who was more than 25 years a member of their society, being carried away with thei dissimulation. By Francis Bugg. Licensed, May 4. 1692. London : printed for the author, 1692. And are to be sold by John Gwillin, [sic] bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, over against the Royal-James, and John Dunton, at the Raven, in the Poultry, and Sam Manship, at the Black-Bull in Cornhill, [1692]. ESTC No. R34387. Grub Street ID 116917.
- Bugg, Francis. New Rome arraigned, and out of her own mouth condemned: containing a farther discovery of the dangerous errours and pernitious principles of the teachers and leaders of the people called Quakers, which tend to overthrow the Christian faith: in answer to George Whitehead's Charitable essay, &c. who for his false testimony, together with eleven of his witnesses that came in to his assistance, are examined, tried, and convicted of perjury, and for the same put into the pillory. By one who was more than five and twenty years a member of their society, being carried awa with their dissimulation, Francis Bugg. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by J. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, R. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, and J. Guillim in in Bishopsgate-street over against the Great James, 1693. ESTC No. R24750. Grub Street ID 108505.
- Bugg, Francis. Quakerism withering, and Christianity reviving or, A brief reply to the Quakers pretended vindication. In answer to a printed sheet deliver'd to the Parliament. Wherein their errors, both in fundamentals and circumstantials, are further detected, and G. Whitehead further unmask'd. By an earnest contender for the Christian faith, Francis Bugg. Licens'd, March 3. 1693/4. London : printed for the author, and sold by J[ohn]. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, and J[ohn]. Guillam bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, 1694. ESTC No. R23819. Grub Street ID 107670.
- Priestly tyranny exposed, in five letters to a friend containing a true statement of the conduct of Mr. Joshua Symonds pastor of a church in Bedford, relative to Mr. James Dunton. London : printed by J. Moore, and sold by Mr. James Dunton and by the author, 1786. ESTC No. T206704. Grub Street ID 236118.
Printed for John Dunton
- Shower, John. A sermon preacht upon the death of Mrs Anne Barnardiston, (daughter of Nathanael Barnardiston Esq; late of Hackney:) who departed this life the 30th day of Decemb. 1681. at the age of seventeen. With a brief account of some remarkable passages of her life and death. Published at the desire of her relations. London : printed by J[ames]. A[twood]. for Benjamin Alsop at the Angel and Bible, and John Dunton at the Black Raven, in the Poultrey, 1682. ESTC No. R5070. Grub Street ID 125549.
- Dunton, Reverend John. The house of weeping: or, Mans last progress to his long home: fully represented in several funeral discourses, with many pertinent ejaculations under each head, to remind us of our mortality and fading state. By John Dunton, M.A. late Minister of Aston Clinton near Aylsbury in the county of Bucks. Illustrated with a lively emblem of a funeral solemnity. Recommended as the most proper book yet extant [to] be given on funeral occasions. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1682. ESTC No. R40149. Grub Street ID 121978.
- Howe, John. A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ, Mr. Richard Fairclough, (who deceased July 4. 1682. in the sixty first year of his age.) By John Howe minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultry, 1682. ESTC No. R28698. Grub Street ID 111744.
- Doolittle, Thomas. The Lord's last-sufferings shewed in the Lords-Supper. Or, An historical account of Christ's sorrows in the garden, trial in the ecclesiastical political court, execution at Golgotha, practically improved. Being a second part to a former treatise of the Lord's Supper. By Thomas Doolittell. M. A. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultry, 1682. ESTC No. R27306. Grub Street ID 110487.
- Jay, Stephen. Daniel in the den: or, The lord president's imprisonment, and miraculous deliverance. Represented in a discourse from Heb. XI. v. 33. By S. J. Rector of Chinner in the county of Oxon. London : printed by J[ames]. A[stwood]. for John Dunton, at the Sign of the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1682. ESTC No. R16865. Grub Street ID 64673.
- N, N. The blessed martyrs in flames; or, Queen Marys fury, rage and cruelty, seasonably discovered in the bloody martyrdome of 277 eminent Protestants, some of whose dying expressions are suteably applyed to the present state of affairs in England. To which is added, Gods severe judgements on several late informers, &c. The manner of cursing by Bell, book and candle. A vision of several armed men appearing in the air, turning men out of their pulpits. And the various sorts of cruelties and tortures that have been practised upon [a?]ninent Christians in all ages. Illustrated with several copper-plates. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R180820. Grub Street ID 71705.
- Rogers, Timothy. Early religion: or, The way for a young man to remember his Creator. Proposed in a sermon preach'd upon the death of Mr. Robert Linager, a young gentleman, who left this world, Octob. 26. 1682. With an account of some passages of his life and death. By T. Rogers, M.A. London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, and J. Dunton at the Black-Raven in the Poultrey, M.DC.LXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R27563. Grub Street ID 110715.
- Keach, Benjamin. The travels of true godliness from the beginning of the world to this present day; in an apt and pleasant allegory· Shewing the troubles, oppostitions, reproaches and persecutions, he hath met with in every age. Together with the danger he seems to be in at this present time, by vice, papistry and other grand enemies. Also where he makes his last and final abode. By B.K. author of War with the devil, and Sion in distress. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black-Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Stocks-Market, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R179304. Grub Street ID 70781.
- Compassionate conformist.. Englands vanity: or The voice of God against the monstrous sin of pride, in dress and apparel: wherein naked breasts and shoulders, antick and fantastick garbs, patches, and painting, long perriwigs, towers, bulls, shades, curlings, and crispings, with an hundred more fooleries of both sexes, are condemned as notoriously unlawful. With pertinent addresses to the court, nobility, gentry, city, and country. Directed especially to the professors in London. By a compassionate conformist. Entred according to order. London : printed for John Dunton, at the black Raven in the Poultry, 1683. ESTC No. R32945. Grub Street ID 115601.
- Baxter, Richard. Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion, for prevention of that deceit and damnation of souls, and of those scandals, heresies, and desperate apostal[ ]s, that arethe consequents of a counterfeit or superficial change. By Richard Baxter, minister of the gospel. The fourth edition. Carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Stocks Market, 1683. ESTC No. R172644. Grub Street ID 66456.
- Ness, Christopher. The Devils patriarck, or A full and impartial account of the notorious life of this present Pope of Rome Innocent the 11th. Wherein is newly discovered his rise and reign; the time and manner of his being chosen Pope; his prime procession, consecration and coronation; the splendour and grandeur of his court; his most eminent and gainful cheats, by which he gulls the silly people; his secret and open transactions with the papists in England, Scotland, France and Ireland, and other Protestant countreys to this very day; together with the rest of the hellish policies and infamous actions of his wicked life. Written by an eminent pen to revive the remembrance of the almost forgotten plot against the life of his sacred Majesty and the Protestant religion. Entered according to order. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black-Raven in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R18567. Grub Street ID 74649.
- An Elegy upon that great minister of state Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black-Raven in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R27319. Grub Street ID 110498.
- A continuation of morning-exercise questions and cases of conscience, practicaly resolved by sundry ministers, in October, 1682. London : printed by J.A. for John Dunton at the sign of the Black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Stocks-Market, 1683. ESTC No. R25885. Grub Street ID 109268.
- H., N.. The compleat tradesman: or, the exact dealers daily companion. instructing him throughly in all things absolutely necessary to be known by all those who would thrive in the world; and in the whole art and mystery of trade and traffick; and will be of constant use for all merchants, whole-sale-men, shop-keepers, retailers, young tradesmen, countrey-chapmen, industrious yeomen, traders in petty villages; and all farmers, and others that go to countrey fairs and markets; and for all men whatsoever; that be of any trade, or have any considerable dealings in the world. Composed by N.H. merchant in the city of London. The second edition with large additions.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven, at the Corner of Princes-street, near the Royal-Exchange, 1684. ESTC No. R42683. Grub Street ID 123914.
- Keach, Benjamin. The progress of sin; or the travels of ungodliness: wherein, the pedigree, rise (or original) antiquity, subtilty, evil nature, and prevailing power, [sic] of sin, is fully discovered; in an apt and pleasant allegory: together with the great victories he hath obtained, and abominable evils he hath done to mankind, by the help of the Devil, in all his travels from the beginning of the world, to this very day. As also, the manner of his apprehension, arraignment, tryal, condemnation and execution. By B.K. author of War with the Devil, and Travels of true godliness. London : printed for John Dunton, at the sign of the Black Raven, at the corner of Princes Street near the Royal Exchange, 1684. ESTC No. R11998. Grub Street ID 60214.
- Dunton, Reverend John. Dunton's remains: or, The dying pastour's last legacy to his friends and parishioners. Comprehending these following treatisesDT Viz. I. An affectionate discourse upon the parable of Dives and Lazarus. II. The penitent prodigal on his knees, with the reason and manner of hi returning home to his fathers house. III. His farewell sermon. IV. Closet employment. V. A looking-glass for our English ladies: or daily directions for their dress and apparel. VI. A friendly dialogue between a moderate conformist and one of his parishioners, concerning several points of great moment. VII. Remarks upon the bloody persecution of the Duke de Guise. VIII. The arraignment, tryal, and execution of our Saviour Christ; with his last words upon the cross. By John Dunton, late rector of Aston Clinton near Aylsbury in the county of Bucks. And author of the house of weeping. To this work is prefixt the author's holy life and triumphant death. And at the latter end of it is annext his funeral sermon. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Stocks-Market, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R17002. Grub Street ID 64822.
- H., N.. The compleat tradesman: or, The exact dealers daily companion. Instructing him throughly [sic] in all things absolutely necessary to be known by all those who would thrive in the world, and in the whole art and mystery of trade and traffick, and will be of constant use for all merchants, whole-sale-men, shop-keepers, retailers, young tradesmen, countrey-chapmen, industrious yeomen, traders in petty villages, and all farmers, and others that goe to countrey fairs and markets; and for all men whatsoever, that be of any trade, or have any considerable dealings in the world. Composed by N.H., merchant in the city of London. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven, over against the Stocks-Market, 1684. ESTC No. R30332. Grub Street ID 113207.
- The pleasant art of money-catching, newly and fully discover'd. Being the second and last part of that very useful book, intituled The compleat tradesman. Comprehending the following pleasant and necessary heads, viz. I. How to may debts without money. II. How to get a great estate in a little time. III. How many wayes money may be saved in diet, apparel and recreations, with the pleasant and genteel humours of the money-catchers of this dunning age. IV. The reasons why we should always keep money in our pockets, with the new way how to do it. V. Directions to all tradesmen how they may quickly supply themselves with money enough at all times, when they are in straights and necessities. VI. Directions how to travel all England over without a farthing of money, with a true account of those that have done it. VII. Choice rules, whosoever speedily follows, will certainly thrive, though they went down the wind before. VIII. An account of a strange ship that sails by land as well as by sea, th. London : printed for J. Dunton over against the Stocks-market, 1684. ESTC No. R36587. Grub Street ID 118850.
- Dunton, Reverend John. Dunton's remains: or, The dying pastour's last legacy to his friends and parishioners. Comprehending these following treatisesDT Viz. I. An affectionate discourse upon the parable of Dives and Lazarus. II. The penitent prodigal on his knees, with the reason and manner of hi returning home to his fathers house. III. His farewell sermon. IV. Closet employment. V. A looking-glass for our English ladies: or daily directions for their dress and apparel. VI. A friendly dialogue between a moderate conformist and one of his parishioners, concerning several points of great moment. VII. Remarks upon the bloody persecution of the Duke de Guise. VIII. The arraignment, tryal, and execution of our Saviour Christ; with his last words upon the cross. By John Dunton, late rector of Aston Clinton near Aylsbury in the county of Bucks. And author of the house of weeping. To this work is prefixt the author's holy life and triumphant death. And at the latter end of it is annext his funeral sermon. The second edition, carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Stocks-Market, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R174881. Grub Street ID 67928.
- The amazement of future ages: or, This swaggering world turn'd up-side down. By which means the astonishing curiosities, the charming varieties, the pleasant remarks, the daring adventures, the bloody wars, the ingenious devices, the unspeakable miracles, the merry journeys and voyages, the roaring practices, the strange prodigies, the delightful experiments, the pretty customs, humours, laws, governments, dwellings, inhabitants of the word under our feet. Of the world on which we tread, and of the world in the moon, are faithfully described, to the satisfaction of every curious palate. Written by T. R. on purpose to make delightful sport and pastime these winter nights. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultry, over against the Stocks-Market, 1684. ESTC No. R182336. Grub Street ID 72548.
- Keach, Benjamin. The travels of true godliness from the beginning of the world to this present day; in an apt and pleasant allegory. Shewing the troubles, oppositions, reproaches and persecutions he hath met with in every age. Together with the danger he seems to be in at this present time by vice, papistry, and other grand enemies. Also where he makes his last & final abode. By B.K. authour of these three useful books, entituled The travels of vngodliness: war with the devil. And Sion in destress. The fifth edition, to which is now added five lively cuts, together with true godliness's voyage to sea: with many new additions besides.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the sign of the Black Raven, at the Corner of Princes Street, near the Royal Exchange, 1684. ESTC No. R179305. Grub Street ID 70782.
- Keach, Benjamin. The travels of true godliness. Sixth edition. London : For John Dunton, 1684. ESTC No. R179306. Grub Street ID 70783.
- Keach, Benjamin. The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to this present day; in an apt and pleasant allegory. Shewing the troubles, oppositions, reproaches and persecutions he hath met with in every age. Together with the danger he seems to be in at this present time by vice, papistry, and other grand enemies. Also where he makes his last and final abode. By B.K. author of War with the Devil, and Sion in distress. The third edition carefully corrected,. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven over against the Stocks-Market, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R235556. Grub Street ID 106624.
- Keach, Benjamin. The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to this present day; in an apt and pleasant allegory. Shewing the troubles, oppositions, reproaches and persecutions he hath met with in every age. Together with the danger he seems to be in at this present time by vice, papistry, and other grand enemies. Also where he makes his last and final abode. By B.K. author of War with the Devil, and Sion in distress. The third edition, carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven over against the Stocks-Market, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R17933. Grub Street ID 70797.
- H., N.. The compleat tradesman, or, The exact dealers daily companion instructin[g] [h]im throughly in all things absolutely n[ecessar]y to be known by all those who would thrive in the world and in the whole art and mystery of trade and traffick : and will be of constant use fo all merchants, whole-sale-men, shop-keepers, retailers, young tradesmen, countrey-chapmen, industrious yeomen, traders in petty villages and all farmers and others that go to countrey fairs and markets, and for all men whatsoever that be of any trade or have any considerable dealings in the world composed by N.H., merchant in the city of London. The third edition with large additions.. London : Printed for John Dunton .., 1684. ESTC No. R30715. Grub Street ID 113556.
- Dunton, Reverend John. The pilgrims guide from the cradle to his death-bed: with his glorious passage from thence to the New-Jerusalem, represented to the life in a delightful new allegory, wherein the Christian traveller is more fully and plainly directed than yet he hath been by any, in the right and nearest way to the celestial paradice. To which is added the sick-mans passing-bell, with no less than fifty several pleasant treatises besides (rarely if ever handled before) all of them being distinctly useful, and will afford the reader extraordinary pleasure and delight in the perusal if either profit or novelty will do it. To these are annext, The sighs and groans of a dying man. By John Dunton late rector of Aston Clinton. Illustrated with eight curious copper plates. London : printed for John Dunton at the sign of the Black Raven at the Corner of Princes-street, near the Royal-Exchange, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R15557. Grub Street ID 63480.
- Dunton, Reverend John. Heavenly pastime, or, pleasant observations on all the most remarkable passages throughout the Holy Bible, of the Old and New Testament. Newly allegoriz'd, in several delightful dialogues, poems, similitudes, and divine fancies. By John Dunton, author of The sickmans passing-bell. The second edition.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven, at the corner of Princes-street, near the Royal Exchange, 1685. ESTC No. R224130. Grub Street ID 97849.
- Dunton, Reverend John. Heavenly pastime, or, Pleasant observations on all the most remarkable passages throughout the Holy Bible, of the Old and New Testament. Newly allegoriz'd, in several delightful dialogues, poems, similitudes, and divine fancies. By John Dunton, author of The sickmans passing-bell. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven, at the corner of Princes-street, near the Royal Exchange, 1685. ESTC No. R17453. Grub Street ID 67697.
- Dunton, Reverend John. An hue and cry after conscience: or The pilgrims progress by candle-light, in search after honesty and plain-dealing. Represented under the similitude of a dreamDT Wherein is discovered the pritty manner of his setting out. His pleasant humours on his journey. The disappointment he met with after all his search. Together, with his flight at last into another country, where he is still on his rambles. Written by John Dunton, author of the Pilgrims guide, from the cradle to his death-bed. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven, at the corner of Princes-street, near the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill, 1685. ESTC No. R15712. Grub Street ID 63624.
- Wesley, Samuel. Maggots: or, Poems on several subjects, never before handled. By a schollar. London : printed for John Dunton, at the sign of the Black Raven, at the corner of Princes Street, near the Royal Exchange, 1685. ESTC No. R33583. Grub Street ID 116178.
- The popish champion: or, A compleat history of the life and military actions of Richard Earl of Tyrconnel, generalissimo of all the Irish forces now in arms. Wherein you have a true account of his birth and education, his advancement and honours, his treacherous disarmin the Protestants, and cruelties towards them. The progress of his arms; the towns he has taken and demolish'd, and the families he has ruin'd. Together with a relation of all the skirmishes, battels, sieges, and remarkable transactions which have hapned under his government; with the particulars of the late bloody fight in the north, the manner of the late King's landing at Kinsaile, with what remarkable has hapned since. As also a brief description of the Kingdom of Ireland in its provinces, principal towns, fortresses, situation and present deplorable state; the means how it came to be a conquer'd kingdom, with the sundry rebellions made by the natives against the Crown of England, and by what means reduced. Written for. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Compter, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R31936. Grub Street ID 114690.
- Tutchin, John. The dying speeches, letters and prayers, &c. of those eminent Protestants who suffered in the West of England, (and elsewhere,) under the cruel sentence of the late Lord Chancellour, then Lord Chief Justice Jefferys: with an account of their undaunted courage at the barr, and afterwards; and the most remarkable circumstances that attended their execution. Never before published. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Compter; and are to be sold by R. Janeway in Queens-head-Alley in Pater-noster-row, 1689. ESTC No. R42261. Grub Street ID 123657.
- Tutchin, John. The second and last collection of the dying speeches, letters and prayers, &c. Of those eminent Protestants who suffered in the West of England, (and elsewhere,) under the cruel sentence of the late Lord Chancellour, then Lord Chief Justice Jefferys: with an account of their undaunted courage at the barr, and afterwards; with the most remarkable circumstances that attended their execution. With allowance. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Compter; and are to be sold by R. Janeway in Queens-head-Alley in Pater-noster-row, 1689. ESTC No. R32831. Grub Street ID 115500.
- Jay, Stephen. Ta`kanna'kou: the tragedies of sin contemplated, in the ruine of the angels, fall of man, destruction of the old world, confusion of Babel, conflagration of Sodom, &c. Humbly recommended to the present age, for the designed ends of caution and terrour. Together with Remarques on the life of the great Abraham. By Steph. Jay, rector of Chinner in the county of Oxon. London : printed by J. Astwood for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R36028. Grub Street ID 118373.
- Great news from the Duke of Schomberge's army: giving an impartial account of the late bloody fight and engagement between the Irish papists and our English forces: with an account of men kill'd and wounded. Together with a journal of the whole siege of Carrickfergus, and an account of the towns retaken since the generals arrival. Written in a letter from Chester, directed to Mr. John Blackhall citizen in London. Licensed September 4. J.F. From on board the Mary galley at High-lake, August 31. 1689. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R28679. Grub Street ID 111726.
- The saints readiness for their Lord's coming: a funeral sermon preached upon the death of that faithful and laborious servant of Christ, Mr. John Oakes, Dec. 30. 1688. By Samuel Slater minister of the Gospel. London : printed by J. Attwood for J. Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R29237. Grub Street ID 112239.
- Barker, Matthew. Reformed religion, or, Right Christianity described, in its excellency, and usefulness in the whole life of man. By a Protestant-Christian. London : printed by J[ames]. A[stwood]. for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey over against the Compter, 1689. ESTC No. R42840. Grub Street ID 124017.
- Tutchin, John. An impartial history of the life and death of George Lord Jeffreys late Lord Chancellor of England. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R31269. Grub Street ID 114072.
- Tutchin, John. The bloody assizes: or, A compleat history of the life of George Lord Jefferies, from his birth to this present time. Wherein, among other things, is given a true account of his unheard of cruelties, and barbarous proceedings, in his whole western-circuit. Comprehending the whole proceedings; arraignment, tryals, and condemnation of all those who suffer'd in the west of England, in the year 1685. With their undaunted courage at the barr, their behaviour in prison, their cruel whippings afterwards, and the remarkable circumstances that attended their executions. To which is added Major Holmes's excellent speech, with the dying speeches and prayers of many other eminent Protestants. None of which were ever before publish'd. Faithfully collected by several west-countrey gentlemen, who were both eye and ear-witnesses to all the matter of fact. With allowance. London : printed for J. Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, over against the Compter, and sold by R. Janeway in Queens-Head-Alley in Pater-noster-row, 1689. ESTC No. R23364. Grub Street ID 105116.
- A Continuation of news from that part of His Majesties fleet that now lies at High-Lake near Chester: giving an impartial account of all considerable occurrences since its leaving Harwich, to this present time. London [England] : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. P198. Grub Street ID 55711.
- Tutchin, John. A new martyrology: or, The bloody assizes: now exactly methodized in one volume. Comprehending a compleat history of the lives, actions, trials, sufferings, dying speeches, letters, and prayers of all those eminent martyrs who fell in the west of England, and elsewhere, from the year 1678. to 1689. With the pictures of several of the most eminent of them in copper plates. To this treatise is added, The life and death of George Lord Jeffryes. The third edition with large additions.. London : printed (according to the original copies) for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R38963. Grub Street ID 120995.
- The young-man's kindness to his God a sermon preached to young-men, at their desire, Decemb 25, 1688 ... / by Samuel Slater. London : Printed for John Dunton .., 1689. ESTC No. R31005. Grub Street ID 113837.
- Mather, Cotton. Early piety, exemplified in the life and death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who having become at the age of nineteen, an instance of more than common learning and virtue, changed earth for heaven, Oct. 17. 1688. Whereto are added, some discourses on the true nature, the great reward, and the best season of such a walk with God as he left a pattern of. The second edition. With a prefatory epistle by Mr. Matthew Mead. London : printed by J. Astwood for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1689. ESTC No. R20873. Grub Street ID 84956.
- Baxter, Richard. Poetical fragments: heart-imployment with God and it self. The concordant discord of a broken-healed heart. Sorrow-rejoying, fearing-hoping, dying-living. Written partly for himself, and partly for near friends in sickness, and other deep affliction. By Richard Baxter. Published for the use of the afflicted. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultry, 1689. ESTC No. R15522. Grub Street ID 63452.
- B., W.. A treatise of fornication: shewing what the sin is. How to flee it. Motives and directions to shun it. Upon 1 Cor. VI, XVIII. Also, A penitentiary sermon upon John viii. II. By W.B. M.A. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1690. ESTC No. R10545. Grub Street ID 58908.
- Lukin, H. The practice of godliness: or Brief rules directing Christians how to keep their hearts in a constant holy frame, and how to order their conversation aright. With an addition concerning self examination, and the nature of faith. The third edition revised and corrected. B Henry Lukin minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1690. ESTC No. R216817. Grub Street ID 91681.
- Casuistical morning-exercises. The fourth volume. By several ministers in and about London, preached in October, 1689. London : printed by James Astwood for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, over against rhe [sic] Compter, 1690. ESTC No. R614. Grub Street ID 126506.
- The weekly pacquet of advice from Ireland. To which is added, The Irish courant. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven, and John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultry, MDCXC. [1690. ESTC No. P6506. Grub Street ID 58191.
- News from New-England: in a letter written to a person of quality, wherein is a true account of the present state of that countrey, with respect to the late revolution, and the present war with the indians there. Together with a relation of a late and bloody fight between the English and the indians, wherein the latter were routed: as also of a pretended miracle of the French Jesuits in that part of the world. Licens'd Febr. 27. 1689. J. F. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1690. ESTC No. R180932. Grub Street ID 71763.
- R., N.. News from the fleet, being a full account, of a most signal victory, obtained by Admiral Killigrew, over the French Thoulon fleet, commanded by Monsieur Chasten Regnaut. In a letter to a person of quality. Printed according to order,. London : printed for J. Dunton, at the Black Raven, in the Poultrey, 1690. ESTC No. R182333. Grub Street ID 72547.
- The Wonders of free-grace, or, A compleat history of all the remarkable penitents that have been executed at Tyburn and elsewhere for these last thirty years to which is added a sermon preached in the hearing of a condemn'd malefactor immediately before his execution. London : Printed for John Dunton, 1690. ESTC No. R24379. Grub Street ID 108178.
- Boyse, J. A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Alexander Osborn, in reference to the affairs of the north of Ireland: in which some mistakes concerning him (in the printed account of the siege of Derry; the observations on it, and Mr. Walker's Vindication of it) are rectified. And a brief relation of those affairs is given so far as Mr. Osborn, and other n.c. ministers in the north, were concern'd in 'em. Written at Mr. Osborn's request by his friend Mr. J. Boyse. Licens'd Nov. 22. 1689. And entred according to order. London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, Tho. Cockerill, John Lawrence, and John Dunton, in Cheapside and the Poultry, 1690. ESTC No. R10397. Grub Street ID 58770.
- Crysly, James. Good news from Ireland, being a true and faithful account of a late signal victory gain'd by our English forces near Dublin. Together with a report of the taking of that strong city Drogheda, and the speedy advancing of our army from thence towards Dublin. As also an account of the taking of several vessels, and abundance of horses from the enemy, of which the very horse King James rid on in the fight was one, which is now brought to High-lake; with several other things of great moment. In a letter directed from an officer in the fight, to Mr. John Cook at the Sheers in Little Lumbard street, where the true copy is to be seen. Printed according to order. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1690. ESTC No. R21200. Grub Street ID 87707.
- Crow, Francis. The vanity and impiety of judicial astrology whereby men undertake to foretell future contingencies, especially the particular fates of mankind, by the knowledge [of] the stars, i.e. the conjunctions, motions, positions, and influences of the coelesti[al] bodies on the earthly. By Francis Crow, M.A. minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton, at th[e] Raven in the Poultrey, M DC XC. [1690]. ESTC No. R29289. Grub Street ID 112287.
- Carr, Robert. An antidote against lust: or, A discourse of uncleanness, shewing its various kinds, great evil, the temptations to it, and most effectual cure. By Robert Carr, minister of the Church of England. London : printed by J. Astwood for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1690. ESTC No. R231166. Grub Street ID 103331.
- The souls return to its God, in life, and at death. A funeral sermon, preached upon occasion of the death of Mr. John Kent, late of Crouched Friars, who departed this life Decem. 16. 1689. By Samuel Slater, minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultry, 1690. ESTC No. R217893. Grub Street ID 92628.
- Proposals for printing a book, entituled the Young students library: containing extracts and abridgements of all the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals, from the year 65. to this preset time. -To which will be added, an introduction to the use of books, in A new essay upon all sorts of learning. Written by the Athenian Society. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1691. ESTC No. R182175. Grub Street ID 72456.
- Rogers, Timothy. Early religion: or A discourse of the duty and interest of youth. With some advices to parents and aged people, to promote it in their several capacities. The second edition much enlarged. By Timothy Rogers, M.A. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1691. ESTC No. R219735. Grub Street ID 94229.
- Chandler, Samuel. The country's concurrence with the London United Ministers in their late heads of agreement: shewing the nature and advantages of a general union among Protestants. In two discourses, delivered before an assembly of ministers in the county of Southampton. By Samuel Chandler, author of The excellency of the Christian religion. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, and John Salusbury at the Rising-Sun over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1691. ESTC No. R11704. Grub Street ID 59960.
- Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London: formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. Licensed and entred according to order. London : printed by R[obert]. R[oberts]. for Tho. Cockerill, at the Three Legs, and John Dunton at the Raven, in the Poultrey, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R16201. Grub Street ID 64079.
- Barker, Matthew. Flores intellectuales: or, Select notions, sentences and observations, collected out of several authors, and made publick, especially for the use of young scholars, entring into the ministry. By Matthew Barker, minister of the Gospel in London. London : printed by J. Astwood for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1691. ESTC No. R13711. Grub Street ID 61789.
- The supplement to the second volume of the Athenian gazette; containing an account of the design and scope of most of the considerable books printed in all languages; and of the quality of the author, if known. As also, the ingenious conferences of the forreign virtuoso's, upon many nice and curious questions. The whole being a translation of what is most rare and valuable, in the Paris Journal des Scavans, the Acta eruditorum Lipsiae, the Universal historical bibliotheque, and in the new book entituled, Entretiens serieuses & galantes [sic], &c. Publishe for the improving of natural, moral and divine knowledge, &c. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, where is to be had the first and second volumes of the Athenian gazette, (and the Supplements to them,) beginning March the 17th. and ending August the 18th. 1691. (or single ones to this time.), [August the 18th. 1691]. ESTC No. R223316. Grub Street ID 97128.
- The supplement to the third volume of the Athenian gazette; containing an account of the design and scope of the most considerable books newly printed in England, and in the foreign journals. And of the quality of their authors, if known. With impartial remarks upon thei undertaking and performance. These supplements will be continued constantly by several learned persons, and comprehend a brief idea of all valuable books published from time to time. Published for the improving of natural, moral and divine knowledge, &c. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, where is to be had the first, second, and third volumes of the Athenian gazette, (and the Supplements to them,) beginning March the 17th. and ending Octob. 17th, 1691. (or single ones to this time.), [Octob. 17th, 1691]. ESTC No. R223317. Grub Street ID 97129.
- Mather, Cotton. The life and death of the renown'd Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an account of the wonderful success which the Gospel has had amongst the heathen in that part of the world: and of the many strange customes of the pagan Indians, in New-England. Written by Cotton Mather. The second edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, M DC XCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R12687. Grub Street ID 60837.
- Williams, Daniel. The vanity of childhood & youth wherein the depraved nature of young people is represented and means for their reformation proposed : being some sermons preached in Hand-Alley at the request of several young men, to which is added a catechism for youth / by Daniel Williams. London : Printed for John Dunton .., MDCXCI [1691]. ESTC No. R31018. Grub Street ID 113847.
- Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London: formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. Licensed and entred according to order. London : printed by R[obert]. R[oberts]. for Tho. Cockerill, at the Three Legs, and John Dunton at the Black Raven, in the Poultrey, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R235278. Grub Street ID 106429.
- Rogers, Timothy. Practical discourses on sickness & recovery, in several sermons, as they were lately preached in a congregation in London. By Timothy Rogers, M.A. after his recovery from a sickness of near two years continuance. London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside, Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, and John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R21490. Grub Street ID 90051.
- Quick, John. The young man's claim unto the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Entred by him into a church of Christ, received and accepted by the pastor, and its other officers. By John Quick, minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1691. ESTC No. R13005. Grub Street ID 61139.
- Williams, Daniel. Gospel-truth stated and vindicated. Wherein some of Dr. Crisp's opinions are considered; and the opposite truths are plainly stated and confirmed. By Daniel Williams. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R24559. Grub Street ID 108332.
- Bush, William. The celestial race. A discourse perswading to the practice of celerity, constancy, & sincerity in the ways of God. Preached at the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Knock, daughter of Mr. Thomas Knock, of Edgerton in Kent, who died January 2. Anno Dom. 1692. in the eleventh year of her age. By William Bush minister of the gospel. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, M DC LXC II. [sic, i.e. 1692]. ESTC No. R1534. Grub Street ID 63283.
- Shower, John. The mourners companion: or, Funeral discourses on several texts. By John Shower. London : printed by J[ames]. A[stwood]. for J. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, and A. Chandler at the Chyrurgeons Arms at the entrance into Bartholomews-Close in Aldersgate-street, 1692. ESTC No. R25149. Grub Street ID 108860.
- Williams, Daniel. Gospel-truth stated and vindicated: wherein some of Dr Crisp's opinions are considered; and the opposite truths are plainly stated and confirmed. By Daniel Williams. The second edition.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R23292. Grub Street ID 104551.
- The supplement to the fourth volume of the Athenian gazette; containing an account of the design and scope of the most considerable books newly printed in England, and in the foreign journals. And of the quality of the authors, if known. With impartial remarks upon their undertaking and performance. These supplements will be continued constantly by several learned persons, and comprehend a brief idea of all valuable books published from time to time. Published for the improving of natural, moral and divine knowledge, &c. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, where is to be had the first, second, third and fourth volumes of the Athenian gazette, (and the Supplements to them) beginning March the 17th. and ending Octob. 17th, 1691 [sic]. (or single ones to this time.) [1691, i.e. 1692]. ESTC No. R223318. Grub Street ID 97130.
- The supplement to the fifth volume of the Athenian gazette; resolving all the most nice and curious questions proposed by the ingenious of either sex. To which is prefixt the new project concerning the natural & artificial rarities of England. As also an ode to the Athenian Society. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, where is to be had the first, second, third fourth, and fifth volumes of the Athenian gazette, (and the Supplements to 'em) compleating the entire set for the year 1691. (or single ones to this time.), [1692. ESTC No. R223319. Grub Street ID 97131.
- Gildon, Charles. The post-boy rob'd of his mail: or, The pacquet broke open. Consisting of five hundred letters, to persons of several qualities and conditions. With observations upon each letter. Publish'd by a gentleman concern'd in the frolick. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1692. ESTC No. R30411. Grub Street ID 113266.
- Hickeringill, Edmund. The good old cause: or, The divine captain characteriz'd. In a sermon (not preach'd, nor needful to be preach'd, in any place so properly as in a camp.) By Edm. Hickeringill, rector of the rectory of All-Saints in Colchester. Licens'd according to order, Feb. 1. 1691/2. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1692. ESTC No. R7616. Grub Street ID 127866.
- Reverend divine.. A practical discourse on the late earthquakes: with an historical account of prodigies and their various effects. By a reverend divine. London : printed for J. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1692. ESTC No. R12910. Grub Street ID 61057.
- Ames, Richard. The double descent. A poem. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R40741. Grub Street ID 122504.
- Barker, Matthew. Flores intellectuales The second part containing three centuries more, of select notions, sentences, and observations. Collected out of several authors, &c. By Matthew Barker Minister of the Gospel in London. London : printed by Tho. Snowden for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R5385. Grub Street ID 125834.
- Dunton, Reverend John. The mourning-ring, in memory of your departed friend, containing. The house of weeping. The sick man's passing-bell. Death-bed-thoughts. The fatal moment. The treatment of the dead, in order to their burial. The funeral solemnity. A conference between the mourners. The history of those that have died suddainly [sic], &c. Observations on the bills of mortality. A walk among the tombs. The pilgrim's Guide from his cradle to his grave. The author's tears, or meditations on his own sickness, death and funeral. & c. The second edition. Recommended as proper to be given at funerals. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven, in the Poultry, 1692. ESTC No. R2302. Grub Street ID 102558.
- The young-students-library, containing, extracts and abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals, from the year sixty five, to this time. To which is added, a new essay upon all sorts of learning; wherein the use of the science is distinctly treated on. By the Athenian Society. Also, a large alphabetical table, comprehending the contents of this volume. And of all the Athenian Mercuries and supplements, &c. printed in the year 1691. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. Where is to be had the intire sett of Athenian Gazettes, and the Supplements to 'em for the year, 1691. bound up all together, (with the alphabetical table to the whole year) or else in separate volumes, (or single Mercuries to this time), 1692. ESTC No. R35551. Grub Street ID 117950.
- Annesley, Samuel. The life and funeral sermon of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Brand. By Dr. Samuel Annesley. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R16341. Grub Street ID 64205.
- The compleat library: or, News for the ingenious. Containing several original pieces. An historical account of the choicest books printed in England, and in the forreign journals. Notes on the memorable passages happening in May. As also, the state of learning in the world. To be published monthly. ... By a London divine, &c. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692-1694. ESTC No. P2049. Grub Street ID 55769.
- Rogers, Timothy. Fall not out by the way: or, A perswasion to a friendly correspondence between the Conformists & Non-conformists. In a funeral discourse on Gen. 45. 24. Occasioned by the desire of Mr. Anthony Dunwell, in his last will. By Timothy Rogers, M.A. London : printed, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultery, 1692. ESTC No. R11323. Grub Street ID 59620.
- Sault, Richard. A conference betwixt a modern atheist, and his friend. By the methodizer of the second Spira. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R28854. Grub Street ID 111886.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and dyed in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictons, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J. S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R1947. Grub Street ID 77080.
- An earnest call to family-catechising, and reformation. By a reverend divine. London : printed by J.W. for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R31403. Grub Street ID 114201.
- Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several vvitches, lately excuted [sic] in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. Together with, I. Observations upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. II. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swede-land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. III. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil-spirits in New-England. IV. A brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of Satan. By Cotton Mather. Printed first, at Bostun [sic] in New-England; and reprinted at London : For John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R37620. Grub Street ID 119838.
- Pomfret, Samuel. A directory for youth through all the difficulties attending that state of life. Or a discourse of youthful lusts. In which the nature and kinds of them are described, and remedies against them laid downDT First preached to young people, and now published at their request By Samuel Pomfret, minister of the Gospel. London : printed for John Dunton at the Black-Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R224107. Grub Street ID 97826.
- Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. By Cotton Mather. The second edition.. Printed first, at Boston in New England, and reprinted at London : For John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R31168. Grub Street ID 113971.
- Foigny, Gabriel de. A new discovery of Terra incognita Australis, or The southern world. By James Sadeur a French-man. Who being cast there by a shipwrack, lived 35 years in that country, and gives a particular description of the manners, customs, religion, laws, studies and wars, of those southern people; and of some animals peculiar to that place: with several other rarities. These memoirs were thought so curious, that they were kept secret in the closet of a late great minister of state, and never published till now since his death. Translated from the French copy, printed at Paris, by publick authority. April 8. 1693. Imprimatur, Charles Hein. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R20648. Grub Street ID 82997.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The third edition, with the Methodizer's apology, wherein is now discover'd to the world the substance of every particular that he knows of in relation to this narrative.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R229793. Grub Street ID 102201.
- Whitaker, Thomas. Comfort for parents, mourning over their hopeful children, that dye young. In a funeral discourse upon Jer. 31. xvii. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord. By Thomas Whitaker, minister of the Gospel at Leeds, in York-shire. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven, in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R221995. Grub Street ID 96058.
- Proposals for the printing of a book of William Leybourn's, : author of the late Cursus mathematicus, and of divers other mathematical tractates, who hath now by him a miscellaneous manuscript ready for the press, which he intends to entitle Pleasure with profit . London, : Printed for John Dunton ..., 1693. ESTC No. R179686. Grub Street ID 70994.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and dyed in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8, 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The second edition, well attested.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R34019. Grub Street ID 116570.
- Evangelisch-Reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich.. Liturgia Tigurina: or, The book of common prayers, and administration of the sacraments. And other ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies, usually practised and solemnly performed in all the churches and chappels of the city and canton of Zurick in Switzerland, and in some other adjacent countries; as by their canons and ecclesiastical laws they are appointed; and as by the supreme power of the Right Honourable the Senate of Zurick they are authorised, established, and commanded. With the orders of that church. Faithfully translated out of the Helvetian into the English tongue, by John Conrad Werndly, formerly minister of the French and Dutch congregation of Santoff in the Isle of Axholme in the county of Lincoln: and now minister of Wraisbury cum Langley in the county of Bucks. London : printed for D. Newman, R. Baldwin, J. Dunton, 1693. ESTC No. R3604. Grub Street ID 118385.
- Tutchin, John. A new martyrology: or, The bloody assizes: now exactly methodized in one volume. Comprehending a compleat history of the lives, actions, trials, sufferings, dying speeches, letters, and prayers of all those eminent Protestants, who fell in the west of England, and elsewhere, from the year 1678, to this present time. With the pictures of the most eminent of them, in copper plates. To this treatise is added the life & death of George L. Geffreys. The fourth edition. Containing several speeches, letters, elegies, and new discoveries, (sent out of the west) never printed before; so that the whole work is now compleat. With an alphabetical table annext to it. Written by Thomas Pitts gent. London : printed (according to the original copies) for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R23782. Grub Street ID 107635.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers: and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Published for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The fifth edition.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R183240. Grub Street ID 73079.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist. Who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his aquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visito of him during his whole sickness. The sixth edition.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R183241. Grub Street ID 73080.
- Williams, Daniel. A defence of Gospel-truth. Being a reply to Mr. Chancey's first part. And as an explication of the points in debate, may serve for a reply to all other answers. Wherein the mistaken may at least see that, I. I affirm that we are justified for or by Christ's righteousness alone, and not by works. II. That we are justified as soon as we truly believe. III. That the righteousness of Christ is imputed to the believer, and not only the effects of it. IV. That Gospel-conditions are not our justifying righteousness, which legal works were to be. V. How the Gospel is a law, explained and proved, &c. VI. That I am not for the Popish or Arminian doctrine of justification, &c. as stated by our divines. VII. That all I contend for is the way which God hath appointed for the application of Christ's merits, and dispensing the effects of free grace, and for a Gospel-ministry suited to this purpose. By Daniel Williams. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R26371. Grub Street ID 109696.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The fourth edition, with a remarkable occurrence further clearing the matter of fact.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R20747. Grub Street ID 83850.
- Crow, Francis. Mensalia sacra: or, Meditations on the Lord's Supper. Wherein the nature of the Holy Sacrament is explain'd, and the most weighty cases of conscience about it are resolv'd. By the reverend Mr. Francis Crow, late minister of the Gospel at Clare in Suffolk. To which is prefixt a brief account of the author's life and death. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R29288. Grub Street ID 112286.
- A further account of the tryals of the New-England witches. With the observations of a person who was upon the place several days when the suspected witches were first taken into examination. To which is added, Cases of conscience concerning witchcrafts and evil spirits personating men. Written at the request of the ministers of New-England. By Increase Mather, president of Harvard Colledge. London : Printed for J. Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey 1693. Of whom may be had the third edition of Mr. Cotton Mather's first account of the tryals of the New-England witches, printed on the same size with this last account, that they may bind up together, [1693]. ESTC No. R12688. Grub Street ID 60838.
- Anglesey, Arthur Annesley. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Arthur Earl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy Seal. Intermixt, with moral, political and historical observations, by way of discourse in a letter. To which is prefixt a letter written by his Lordship during his retirement from court in the year 1683. Published by Sir Peter Pett Knight, Advocate General for the kingdom of Ireland. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R3838. Grub Street ID 120488.
- John, Theodore. An account of the conversion of Theodore John, a late teacher among the Jews, together with his confession of the Christian faith, which he delivered immediately before he was baptized in the presence of the Lutheran congregation in the German church in Little-Trinity Lane, London, on the 23d. Sunday after Trinity, being the 31st. of October, in the year of our Lord God 1692. Translated out of High Dutch into English. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R26146. Grub Street ID 109497.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers; and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons, to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The third edition, with the Methodizer's apology, wherein is now discover'd to the world the substance of every particular that he knows of in relation to this narrative.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R212693. Grub Street ID 88252.
- Keith, George. A farther account of the great divisions among the Quakers in Pensilvania. &c. As appears by another of their books lately come over from thence, intituled, Some reasons and causes of the late separation that hath come to pass at Philadelphia, betwixt us, called by some the seperate meeting; and others that meet apart from us. More particularly opened, to vindicate and clear us and our testimony in that repsect, viz. that the seperation lieth at their door, and they (and not we) are justly chargeable with it. With an apology for the present publication of these things. London : printed for J. Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692 [i.e. 1693]. ESTC No. R16901. Grub Street ID 64708.
- Gildon, Charles. The second volume of the Post-boy robb'd of his mail: or, The pacquet broke-open. To which are added several ingenious letters lately sent to the gentlemen concern'd in this frollick· As also copies of those private letters which lately past between - With observations upon each letter. London : printed by J. Wilde, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R17616. Grub Street ID 68808.
- The agreement in doctrine among the dissenting ministers in London. Subscribed Decemb. 16. 1692. London : printed for Thomas Cockerill at the Leggs over against Stocks=Market; and John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R6041. Grub Street ID 126417.
- Panarithmologia, being a mirror breviate treasure mate for merchants, bankers, tradesmen, mechanicks, and a sure guide for purchasers, sellers, or mortgagers of land, leases, annuities, rents, pensions, &c. in present possession or reversion. And a constant concomitant fitted for all mens occasions. In three parts. All performed by tables ready cast up; whereby all questions relating to any of the fore-mentioned particulars, are easily and exactly resolved, without the aid of arithmetick, for the most part by inspection into the tables only; and (in any case) by common addition and subtraction. All which tables are made easie by variety of examples Calculated and published by W. Leybourn. To which is added a necessary appendix, containing heads of daily use to all traders. London : printed by T[homas]. J[ames]. for John Dunton at the Raven, and John Harris at the Harrow, in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R2219. Grub Street ID 95975.
- Barlow, Thomas. The genuine remains of that learned prelate Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Containing divers discourses theological, philosophical, historical, &c. In letters to several persons of honour and quality. To which is added the resolution of many abstruse points. As also directions to a young divine for his study of divinity, and choice of books, &c. With great variety of other subjects. Publish'd from his Lordship's. [sic] original papers. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultery [sic], 1693. ESTC No. R3532. Grub Street ID 117735.
- R., J.. Paedobaptismus vindicatus: or, Infant-baptism stated. In an essay to evidence its lawfulness from the testimony of Holy Scripture; especially St. Matthew, XXVIII. 19. the grand, if not sole place so much insisted on by the antipaedobaptists, to prove their mistaken principle. Handled in a different method from other tracts on the subject, as appears in the contents. With an account of a conference publickly held with an antipaedobaptist of no small fame. By J.R. A.M. a Presbyter of the Church of England. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, M DC XCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R6073. Grub Street ID 126448.
- The frailty and uncertainty of the life of man delivered in a sermon at the funeral of a person that dyed suddainly / by William Bush, minister of the Gospel. London : Printed for John Dunton .., MDCXCIII [1693]. ESTC No. R30261. Grub Street ID 113141.
- Sault, Richard. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, Decemb. 8, 1692. With an account of his sickness, convictions, discourses with friends and ministers, and of his dreadful expressions and blasphemies when he left the world. As also a letter from an atheist of his acquaintance, with his answer to it. Publish'd for an example to others, and recommended to all young persons to settle them in their religion. By J.S. a minister of the Church of England, a frequent visitor of him during his whole sickness. The sixth edition.. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. ESTC No. R2594. Grub Street ID 109307.
- A peaceable enquiry into the nature of the present controversie among our united brethren about justification. Part I. By Stephen Lobb, a lover of peace and truth. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1693. ESTC No. R39069. Grub Street ID 121083.
- Boyse, J. Remarks on a late discourse of William Lord Bishop of Derry: concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God. By J. Boyse. London : printed for J. Lawrence, at the Angel, and J. Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1694. ESTC No. R1880. Grub Street ID 76045.
- Warrington, Henry Booth. The works of the right honourable Henry late L. Delamer, and Earl of Warrington: containing His Lordships advice to his children, several speeches in Parliament, &c. With many other occasional discourses on the affairs of the two last reigns: being original manuscripts written with His Lordships own hand. Never before printed. London : printed for John Lawrence at the Angel, and John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R12531. Grub Street ID 60700.
- A narrative of the late extraordinary cure wrought in an instant upon Mrs. Eliz. Savage, (lame from her birth) without the using of any natural means. With the affidavits which were made before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor; and the certificates of several credible persons, who knew her both before and since her cure. Enquired into with all its circumstances, by noted divines, both of the Church of England, and others: and by eminent physicians of the College: and many persons of quality, who have express'd their full satisfaction. With an appendix, attempting to prove, that miracles are not ceas'd. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven, and John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultry. MDCXCIV. Price 6 d. [1694]. ESTC No. R12248. Grub Street ID 60453.
- Reverend divine.. Some remarkable passages in the life and death of Mr. John Mason, late minister of Water-Stratford, in the county of Bucks. With an account of what was taken by several that were at Water-Stratford, from Mr. Mason's own mouth, and others deputed by him. Drawn up by a reverend divine, &c. Published to preveut [sic] false reports. With a relation of the present state of his followers. To which is added the letters Mr. Mason sent to several of his friends, tending to promote the power of godliness both in persons and families. As also many poems which he writ on special occasions. Never printed before. London : printed for John Dunton, who is removed from the Poultry to the Raven in Jewen-street, 1694. ESTC No. R37971. Grub Street ID 120114.
- Crisp, Thomas. Animadversions on George Whitehead's book, falsly stiled Innocency triumphant. Wherein he, and his abettors, are proved guilty of contempt of the person of our Blessed Saviour, the Holy Scriptures, and governours, perverseness and falshood. Also George Whitehead's charge o sedition, malice, and impudence, on F.B. proved on himself and abettors. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R38830. Grub Street ID 120883.
- Burrows, Ishmael. A narrative of the conversion of Thomas Mackernesse late of March in the Isle of Ely. Who was condemn'd for robbery, &c. and executed at Wisbech, Aug. 19. 1694. With an account of his penitential behaviour, and discourses with the ministers who came to visit him. Publish'd by the Reverend Mr. J. Burroughs minister at Wisbech. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R29165. Grub Street ID 112180.
- Benoist, Elie. The history of the famous Edict of Nantes: containing an account of all the persecutions, that have been in France from its first publication to this present time. Faithfully extracted from all the publick and private memoirs, that could possibly be procured. ... Printed first in French, by the authority of the States of Holland and West-Friezland. And now translated into English. With Her Majesties royal priviledge. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R4319. Grub Street ID 124244.
- An essay upon reason, and the nature of spirits. By Richard Burthogge, M.D. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R1885. Grub Street ID 76411.
- Mather, Cotton. The life and death of the reverend Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an account of the wonderful success which the Gospel has had amongst the heathen in that part of the world: and of the many strange customs of the pagan Indians, in New-England. Written by Cotton Mather. The third edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R31238. Grub Street ID 114043.
- Societies for the Reformation of Manners.. Proposals for a national reformation, of manners, humbly offered to the consideration of our magistrates & clergy. To which is added, I. The instrument for reformation. II. An account of several murders, &c. and particularly a bloody slaughter-house discover'd in Rosemary-lane, by some of the Society for Reformation, as the same hath been sworn before two of Their Majesties Justices of the Peace. As also the Black Roll, containing the names and crimes of several hundreds persons, who have been prosecuted by the Society, for whoring, drunkenness, Sabbath-breaking, &c. Published by the Society for Reformation. Licensed, Feb. 12th. 1693/t [sic]. D. Poplar. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R4427. Grub Street ID 124797.
- Chvremont, Jean-Baptiste de. The knowledge of the world: or, The art of well-educating youth, through the various conditions of life. By way of letters. Vol. I. To be continued in that method till the whole design is finisht. Printed first at Paris, afterwards re-printed at Amsterdam, and now done into English. London : printed for John Dunton, who is remov'd from the Poultry, to the Raven in Jewen-Street, [1694?]. ESTC No. R17014. Grub Street ID 64893.
- Malebranche, Nicolas. Malebranch's Search after truth. Or A treatise of the nature of the humane mind, and of its management for avoiding error in the sciences. Vol. I. Done out of French from the last edition. London : printed for J. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, and S. Manship at the Ship in Cornhil, 1694. ESTC No. R4432. Grub Street ID 124802.
- Williams, Daniel. Man made righteous by Christ's obedience being two sermons at Pinners-Hall : with enlargements, &c. : also some remarks on Mr. Mather's postscript, &c. / by Daniel Williams. London : Printed for J. Dunton .., 1694. ESTC No. R38938. Grub Street ID 120974.
- Mauduit, Isaac. Tri-unity, or, The doctrin of the Holy Trinity asserted in a discourse on 2 Cor. XIII. XIV / by Isaac Mauduit. London : Printed by Hannah Clark for John Dunton .., 1694. ESTC No. R32420. Grub Street ID 115133.
- The souldiers manual: or, directions, prayers, and ejaculations for such as lead a military life. By a member of the Athenian society. London : printed by I. Dawks, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, [1694]. ESTC No. R184342. Grub Street ID 73943.
- H., N.. The ladies dictionary; being a general entertainment for the fair-sex: a work never attempted before in English. Licens'd and enter'd according to order. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R6632. Grub Street ID 126967.
- Pleasure with profit: consisting of recreations of divers kinds, viz. numerical, geometrical, mechanical, statical, astronomical, horometrical, cryptographical, magnetical, automatical, chymical, and historical. Published to recreate ingenious spirits; and to induce them t make farther scrutiny into these (and the like) sublime sciences. And to divert them from following such vices, to which youth (in this age) are so much inclin'd. By William Leybourn, philomathes. To this work is also annext, A treatise of algebra, according to the late improvements, applied to numerical questions and geometry; with a new series for the speedy extraction of roots; as also a converging series for all manner of adsected equations. By R. Sault, master of the mathematick school in Adam's-Court, in Broadstreet, near the Royal Exchange, London. London : printed for Richard Baldwin, and John Dunton; near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane: and at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1694. ESTC No. R20928. Grub Street ID 85502.
- Claude, Isaac. A sermon upon the death of the Queen of England preach'd in the Walloon Church at the Hague, Feb. 6. 1695. Upon these words, Acts, 9. v. 36, 37. By Isaac Claude, minister of the Walloon-Church. Done into English from the second edition printed in French. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, and are to be be sold by Edm. Richardson near the Poultry-Church, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R35644. Grub Street ID 118024.
- Turner, William. The history of all religions in the world: from the creation down to this present time. In two parts. The first containing their theory, and the other relating their practices; each divided into chapters, by the several heads, or common places of divinity, viz. The objec of religious worship, the place, the time, the persons officiating, the manner, and the parts of worship, &c. With various instances upon every head. To which is added, a table of heresies: as also a geographical map, shewing in what countrey each religion is practised. Written in a different method from anything yet published on this subject. By William Turner, M.A. and Vicar of Walberton in Sussex. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street; and are also to be sold by Edm. Richardson in the upper court in Scalding-Alley, near the Poultrey-Church, 1695. ESTC No. R6111. Grub Street ID 126485.
- Turner, W. An essay upon the works of creation and providence: being an introductory discourse to the history of remarkable providences, now preparing for the press. To which is added a further specimen of the said work: as also meditations upon the beauty of holiness. By William Turner M.A. and Vicar of Walberton in Sussex. London : printed [by J. Astwood] for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street, and are also to be sold by Edm. Richardson near the Poultry Church, 1695. ESTC No. R8093. Grub Street ID 128297.
- Hickeringill, Edmund. The lay-clergy: or, The lay-elder. In a short essay in answer to this query; whether it be lawful for persons in holy orders to exercise temporal offices, honours, jurisdictions and authorities. With arguments and objections on both sides, poyz'd, and indifferently weigh'd. By Edm. Hickeringil, rector of the rectory of All-Saints in Colchester. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-Street, 1695. ESTC No. R10850. Grub Street ID 59191.
- Park, Henry. Lachrymae sacerdotis. A Pindarick poem occasion'd by the death of that most excellent Princess, our late gracious sovereign lady, Mary the Second, of glorious memory. By Henry Park, curate of Wentworth in Yorkshire. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street, and are also to be sold by Edm. Richardson, in the upper Court in Scalding-Alley, near the Poultry-Church, 1695. ESTC No. R11727. Grub Street ID 59984.
- Spanheim, Friedrich. A funeral oration to the sacred memory of the most serene and potent Mary II. Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland. By Francis Spanheimius, F.F. chief professor of the academy of Leyden. Pronounc'd by publick authority in the hall of the most illustrious States. Upon the day of the royal obsequies, March 5. 1694[/]5. Containing many remarkable passages in the life and death of Her Late Majesty, not hitherto made publick. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, and are to be sold by Edm. Richardson near the Poultry-Church, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R29531. Grub Street ID 112501.
- A proposal for a new adventure, wherein none can be unfortunate, greater allowance being made to the blanks, than was in the million adventure, with the same security, and managed by the same commissioners. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-Street, 1695. ESTC No. R233599. Grub Street ID 105089.
- Malebranche, Nicolas. Malebranch's Search after truth: or, A treatise of the nature of the humane mind. And of its management, for avoiding error in the sciences. To which is added, the authors defence against accusations of Monsieur de la Ville. Also the life of Father Malebranch, of the Oratory at Paris: with an account of his works, and several particulars of his controversie with Monsieur Arnaud Dr. of Sorbonne, annd Monsieur Regis, professor in philosophy at Paris. Written by Monsieur Le Vasseur, lately come over from Paris. Vol. II. Done out of French from the last edition. London : printed for J. Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1695. ESTC No. R31872. Grub Street ID 114629.
- A collection of the funeral orations, pronounc'd by publick authority in Holland upon the death of the most serene and potent princess, Mary II· Queen of Great Britain, &c. By Dr. James Perizonius, professor of eloquence, history, and the Greek tongue, in Leiden. Dr. George Grevius, professor of theology, in Utrecht. P. Francius, of Amsterdam. Mr. Ortwinius of Delph. And, the learned author of the Collection of new and curious pieces. To which is added, the invitation of the chancellor of the electoral University of Wittenberg, in Saxony, to George Wilhain Kirchmais, to pronounce a funeral oration upon the Queen's death, &c. Done into English from the Latin originals. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, and are also to be sold by Edmund Richardson near the Poultry-Church, 1695. ESTC No. R10177. Grub Street ID 58570.
- Rowe, Elizabeth. Poems on several occasions. Written by Philomela. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1696. ESTC No. R7317. Grub Street ID 127588.
- The supplement to the first volume of the Athenian gazette; containing the transactions and experiments of the forreign virtuoso's: as also, their ingenious conferences upon many nice and curious questions. To which is added, an account of the design and scope of most of the considerable books printed in all languages; and of the quality of the author if known. The whole being a translation of what is most rare and valuable in the Paris Journal des Scavans, the Acta eruditorum Lipsiae, the Universal historical bibliotheque, and in the new book entituled, Entretiens serieuses & galantes, &c. Published for the improving of natural, moral and divine knowledge, &c. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, where is to be had the first volume of the Athenian gazette, beginning March the 17th. and ending May the 30th. 1691. (or single ones to this time.), [1691]. ESTC No. R223315. Grub Street ID 97127.
- Tyrrell, James. The general history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil, from the earliest accounts of time, to the reign of his present Majesty King William. Taken from the most antient records, manuscripts, and historians. Containing the lives of the kings, and memorials of the most eminent persons in church and state: with the foundations of the noted monasteries, and both the universities. Vol. I. By James Tyrrell, Esq;. London : printed for Henry Rhodes in Fleetstreet, John Dunton in Jewen street, John Salusbury in Cornhil, and John Harris in Little-Brittain, MDCXCVI [1696]. ESTC No. R32913. Grub Street ID 115574.
- A narrative of the extraordinary penitence of Rob. Maynard, who was condemn'd for the murder of John Stockton, late victualler in Grub-street and executed at Tyburn May the 4th. Together with the several conferences held with him in Newgate: as also a copy of the papers which he left to be published after his death. By Joseph Stevens lecturer of Cripple-gate on Sunday mornings. London : printed for John Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-Street, 1696. ESTC No. R29534. Grub Street ID 112504.
- Keith, George. An exact narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, the 11th of the month called June, 1696. Together with the disputes and speeches there, between G. Keith and other Quakers, differing from him in some religious principles. The whole published and revised, by George Keith. With an appendix containing some new passages to prove his opponents guilty of gross errors and self-contradictions. London : printed for B. Aylmer at the Three Pigeons in Cornhill, and J. Dunton at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1696. ESTC No. R14328. Grub Street ID 62361.
- Croese, Gerardus. The general history of the Quakers: containing the lives, tenents, sufferings, tryals, speeches, and letters of all the most eminent Quakers, both men and women; from the first rise of that sect, down to this present time. Collected from manuscripts, &c. A work never attempted before in English. Being written originally in Latin by Gerard Croese. To which is added, a letter writ by George Keith, and sent by him to the author of this book: containing a vindication of himself, and several remarks on this history. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1696. ESTC No. R31312. Grub Street ID 114114.
- Baxter, Richard. Reliquiae Baxterianae: or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and timesDT Faithfully publish'd from his own original manuscript, by Matthew Sylvester. London : printed for T. Parkhurst, J. Robinson, J. Lawrence, and J. Dunton, MDCXCVI. [1696]. ESTC No. R16109. Grub Street ID 63993.
- Albin, Henry. The dying pastor's last farewel to his friends in Froome, Selwood, Shepton-Mallet, Brewton, Wincaton, and the adjacent parts. Being several sermons on 1 Joh. 2. 15. Preached by that learned, and pious divine, Mr. Henry Albin, and prepared for the press with his own hand little before his death. To which is added by another hand, En elegy on Mrs. Mary Hamlen, late of Froome, in Somerset-shire. London : printed for J. Dunton, at the Raven in Jewin-street, 1697. ESTC No. R216266. Grub Street ID 91191.
- Turner, William. A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, both of judgment and mercy, which have hapned in this present age. Extracted from the best writers, the author's own observations, and the numerous relations sent him from divers parts of the three kingdoms. To which is added, whatever is curious in the works of nature and art. The whole digested into one volume, under proper heads; being a work set on foot thirty years ago, by the Reverend Mr. Pool, author of the Synopsis criticorum: and since undertaken and finish'd, by William Turner, M.A. Vicar of Walberton, in Sussex. Recommended as useful to ministers in furnishing topicks of reproof and exhortation, and to private Christians for their closets and families. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven, in Jewen-Street, MDCXCVII. [1697]. ESTC No. R38921. Grub Street ID 120960.
- Williams, Daniel. The excellency of a publick spirit: set forth in a sermon preach'd (since much enlarged) at the funeral of that late reverend divine Dr. Samuel Annesley: who departed this life Dec 31. 1696. in the 77th year of his age. With a brief account of his life and death. By Daniel Williams, minister of the gospel. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen street, 1697. ESTC No. R26373. Grub Street ID 109698.
- The whole parable of Dives and Lazarus, explain'd and apply'd: being several sermons preached in Cripplegate and Lothbury churches. By Joseph Stevens, lecturer at both. Publish'd at the request of the hearers. And recommended as proper to be given at funerals. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1697. ESTC No. R34607. Grub Street ID 117128.
- Pegasus: being an history of the most remarkable events. ... London [England]: printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in Jewen-street, 1697. and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, at the Oxford-Arms-Inn in Warwick-lane, and by Edm. Richardson near the Poultry-Church, [1697]. ESTC No. P6092. Grub Street ID 57847.
- Dunton, John. A congratulatory poem to the ministers sons, on their splendid feast, Thursday December 7th, 1682. London : printed by J.A. for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey, 1682. ESTC No. R33394. Grub Street ID 116014.
- Dunton, John. The informer's doom: or, An amazing and seasonable letter from Utopia, directed to the man in the moon. Giving a full and pleasant account of the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation, of all those grand and bitter enemies, that disturb and molest all kingdoms and states, throughout the Christian world. To which is added (as a caution to honest country-men) the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation, of the knavery and cheats, that are used in every particular trade in the city of London. Presented to the consideration of all the tantivy-lads and lasses in Urope [sic], by a true son of the Church of England. Curiously illustrated with about threescore cuts. Entred according to order. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Black-Raven, in the Poultrey, over-against Stocks-Market, 1683. ESTC No. R27312. Grub Street ID 110493.
- Dunton, John. Religio bibliopolae. In imitation of Dr. Browns Religio medici. With a supplement to it. By Benj. Bridgwater, Gent. London : printed for P. Smart, and are to be sold at the Raven in the Poultry, 1691. ESTC No. R19049. Grub Street ID 76850.
- Dunton, John. The parable of the top-knotsDT Licensed according to order. London : printed for R. Newcome, 1691. ESTC No. R22266. Grub Street ID 96613.
- Dunton, John; Sault, Richard; Wesley, Samuel. The Athenian gazette, resolving weekly all the most nice and curious questions propos'd by the ingenious. London, printed for P. Smart, 1690 [i.e. 1691]. ESTC No. P2614. Grub Street ID 359270.
- Dunton, John; Sault, Richard; Wesley, Samuel. The Athenian mercury. Resolving weekly all the most nice and curious questions propos'd by the ingenious. London, printed for P. Smart, 1690 [i.e. 1691]-1697. ESTC No. P1742. Grub Street ID 359271.
- Dunton, John. A voyage round the world: or, A pocket-library, divided into several volumes. The first of which contains the rare adventures of Don Kainophilus, from his cradle to his 15th. year. The like discoveries in such a method never made by any rambler before. The whole work intermixt with essays, historical, moral, and divine; and all other kinds of learning. Done into English by a lover of travels. Recommended by the wits of both universities. London : printed for Richard Newcome, [1691]. ESTC No. R19949. Grub Street ID 77504.
- Dunton, John. The visions of the soul, before it comes into the body. In several dialogues. Written by a member of the Anthenian Society. London : printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, 1692. ESTC No. R18582. Grub Street ID 74742.
- Dunton, John. Proposals for printing by subscription, the second, third and fourth volumes of the French book of martyrs, or History of the famous edict of Nantes. Which three volumes with the first already publish'd, contain an account of all the persecutions that have been in France, from the beginning of the reformation (there) down to the present time, comprehending the reigns of Henry III. Henry IV. Lewis XIII. and Lewis XIV. The whole work faithfully extracted from all the publick and secret memoirs that cou'd possibly be procured, by that learned and judicious divine Mounsieur Bennoit. Printed first in French by the authority of the states of Holland and West-Friezland, and now translated into English. With Her Majesties royal priviledge. London] : Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey, [1693. ESTC No. R176027. Grub Street ID 68699.
- Dunton, John. England's alarum: being an account of God's most considerable dispensations of mercy and judgement towards these kingdoms for fourteen years last past. And also, of the several sorts of sins and sinners therein; especially the murmurers against the present government. Wit an earnest call to speedy humiliation, supplication and reformation, as the chief means of prospering Their Majesties counsels and preparations. Dedicated to the King and Queen. London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheap-side, near Mercers-Chappel, 1693. ESTC No. R9012. Grub Street ID 129134.
- Dunton, John. An essay, proving, we shall know our friends in heaven. Writ by a disconsolate widower, on the death of his wife, and dedicated to her dear memory. Being a subject never handled before in a distinct treatise. Sent in a letter to a reverend divine. London : printed, and are to be sold by E. Whitlock, near Stationers Hall, 1698. ESTC No. R17080. Grub Street ID 65346.
- Dunton, John. The Dublin scuffle: being a challenge sent by John Dunton, citizen of London, to Patrick Campbel, bookseller in Dublin. Together with the small skirmishes of bills and advertisements. To which is added, the billet doux, sent him by a citizens wife in Dublin, tempting him to lewdness. With his answers to her. Also some account of his conversation in Ireland, intermixt with particular characters of the most eminent persons he convers'd with in that kingdom; but more especially in the city of Dublin. In several letters to the spectators of this scuffle; with a poem o the whole encounter. London : (Printed for the author) [by George Larkin] and are to be sold by A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, and by the booksellers in Dublin, 1699. ESTC No. R17079. Grub Street ID 65339.
- Dunton, John. The case of John Dunton, citizen of London: with respect to his mother-in-law, Madam Jane Nicholas, of St. Albans; and her only child, Sarah Dunton. With the just reasons for her husband's leaving her. In a letter to his worthy friend, Mr. George Larkin, senior. To which is added, his letter to his wife. London : printed, and are to be sold by A. Baldwin, near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCC [1700]. ESTC No. R17041. Grub Street ID 65087.
- Dunton, John. The art of living incognito, being a thousand letters on as many uncommon subjects. Written by John Dunton, during his retreat from the world. And sent to that honourable lady to whom he address'd his conversation in Ireland: with her answer to each letter. Part I. To be continued till the whole correspondence is finished. London : printed (for the author) and are to be sold by A. Baldwin' near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1700. ESTC No. R16692. Grub Street ID 64510.
- Dunton, John. The case is alter'd: or, Dunton's re-marriage to the same wife. Being the first instance of that nature that has been in England. To which is added, the tender letters that pass'd between this new bride and bridegroom; the history of their courtship, &c. As also the articles agreed on for the ruling a wife, &c. With a poem on the re-marriage. Sent (in letters) to those two ladies who publish'd Dialogues concerning the management of husbands. Dedicated to Madam Jane Nicholas of St. Albans. London : printed; and sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, 1701. ESTC No. T71912. Grub Street ID 295463.
- Dunton, John. The merciful assizes: or,A panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys hanging so many in the west. With the lives, characters, and dying speeches of the many hundreds that were converted by his Lordship's sentence. As also some secret memoirs relating to the west, never publish'd till now. In a letter to Madam H- who had a brother drawn, hang'd and quarter'd at Taunton. London : printed for Eliz. Harris at the Harrow in Little Britain; and are to be sold by Thomas Wall in Bristol, Philip Bishop in Exeter, Henry Chalklin in Taunton, and by most other booksellers in the west of England. An. Dom., 1701. ESTC No. T154704. Grub Street ID 198753.
- Dunton, John. The history of living men: or, characters of the royal family, the ministers of state, and the principal natives of the three kingdoms. Being an essay on a thousand persons that are now living. With a poem upon each life. . London : printed and are to be sold by E. Mallet, 1702. ESTC No. N52122. Grub Street ID 36103.
- Dunton, John. The new Quevedo. Or, a vision of Charon's passengers: from the creation of the world, down to this present year 1702. London : printed, and are to be sold by E. Mallet, 1702. ESTC No. N41904. Grub Street ID 28258.
- Dunton, John. The history of living men: or, characters of the royal family, the ministers of state, and the principal natives of the three kingdoms. Being an essay on a thousand persons that are now living. With a poem upon each life. Dedicated to His Royal Highness, Prince George of Denmark. London : printed and are to be sold by E. Mallet near Fleet-Bridge, 1702. ESTC No. N7801. Grub Street ID 52716.
- Dunton, John. Petticoat-government. In a letter to the court ladies. By the author of The Post-Angel. London : printed and are to be sold by E. Mallet near Fleet-Bridge, 1702. ESTC No. T87392. Grub Street ID 307439.
- Dunton, John. The new practice of piety: writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's Religio medici: or, The Christian virtuoso: discovering the right way to Heaven, between all extreams: together with I. The character of a moderate (or right) Christian, in all the degrees of perfection attainable in this world. II. A specimen of holy living and dying; copied from the lives of the primitive Christians. III. The secret diary, shewing how the author intends to govern his thoughts, words and actions, for the remaining part of his life. The whole being a system of uncommon thoughts (speculative and practical) extracted from the Christian experiences of forty years. By a member of the New Athenian Society: the second edition. Dedicated to the learned Mr. John Lock, author of the Essay upon humane understanding. London : printed for S. Malthus, in London-House-Yard, at the West-End of St. Pauls, 1704. ESTC No. T83764. Grub Street ID 304179.
- Dunton, John. The new practice of piety; writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's Religio medici: or The Christian virtuoso: Discovering the Righ way to heaven between all extreams. To which is added, a satyr on the House of Lords, for their throwing out the bill against occasional conformity. London : Printed in the year, 1704. ESTC No. T200342. Grub Street ID 232002.
- Dunton, John. The athenian spy: discovering the secret letters which were sent to the Athenian society by the most ingenious ladies of the three kingdoms. Relating to the management of their affections. Being a Curious System of Love Cases, Platonic and Natural. I. The Principles of Love, according to Plato's Idea, in an intire Series of Platonic Courtship between several Philosophic Gentlemen and Ladies. With the Form of Platonic Matrimony. II. The Way of a Man with a Maid: Or, The Whole Art of Amour: With all its Intrigues and Amusements, till its Consummation in Enjoyment. Intermix'd with great variety of poems. Being as intire Collection of Love-Secrets Communicated from time to time to the Arbenian Society. London : printed for R. Halsey, at the Bible in the Poultray, at the corner of the Old Jewry, 1704. ESTC No. T82754. Grub Street ID 303321.
- Dunton, John. The new practice of piety: writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's Religio medici: or, the Christian virtuoso: discovering the right way to heaven, between all extreams. Together with I. The Character of a Moderate (or Right) Christian, in all the Degrees of Perfection attainable in this World. II. A Specimen of Holy Living and Dying; copied from the Lives of the Primitive Christians. III. The Secret Diary, Shewing how the Author intends to govern his Thoughts, Words and Actions, for the remaining Part of his Life. The whole being a System of Uncommon Thoughts (speculative and Practical) extracted from the Christian Experiences of Forty Years. By a member of the New Athenian Society. The third edition. ... London : printed for John Marshall at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T125501. Grub Street ID 175636.
- Dunton, John. A cat may look on a queen: or, A satyr on Her present Majesty. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1705. ESTC No. T163129. Grub Street ID 201801.
- Dunton, John. The life and errors of John Dunton late citizen of London; written by himself in solitude. With an idea of a new life; wherein is shewn how he'd think, speak, and act, might he live over his days again: Intermix'd with the New Discoveries The Author has made In his Travels Abroad, And in his Private Conversation at Home. Together with the Lives and Characters of a Thousand Persons now Living in London, &c. Digested into Seven Stages, with their Respective Ideas. London : printed for S. Malthus, 1705. ESTC No. T75140. Grub Street ID 297919.
- Dunton, John. Dunton's whipping-post: or, a satyr upon every body. To which is added, a panegyrick on the most deserving gentlemen and ladies in the three kingdoms. With the whoring-pacquet: or, news of the St-ns and kept M-s's. Vol.I. To which is added, The living elegy: or, Dunton's Letter to his Few Creditors. With the Character of a summer-friend. Also, The secret-history of the weekly writers, In a distinct Challenge to each of them. To the Interloping Whipsters. You do not Jerk the Times; are like the Fleas, You bite the Skin, but leap from the Disease. London : printed, and are to be sold by B. Bragg, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Rowe, 1706. ESTC No. T145333. Grub Street ID 192074.
- Dunton, John. The athenian spy: discovering the secret letters which were sent to the Athenian society by several ingenious ladies, relating to the management of their affections. Being a Compleat System of love cases, in which all the Difficult Questions and Nice Points, of that most mysterious Art, are fully Resolved. To which is added, The Way of a man with a maid: Or, The whole Art of Amour; with all its Intrigues and Amusements, till its Consummation in Enjoyment. The second edition enlarg'd, with a collection of poems on several occasions.. London : printed for R. H. [i.e. Halsey] and sold by J. Baker at Mercers Chapel in Cheapside, and Edm. Curll, at the Peacock near St. Clement's Church in the Strand, 1706. ESTC No. T184449. Grub Street ID 220793.
- Dunton, John. Athenian sport: or, two thousand paradoxes merrily argued, to amuse and divert the age: as a paradox in praise of a paradox. Corporeal affections remain after separation. The eye beholds as much when it looks on a shilling, as when it speculates the whole Heaven. Inconstancy is a most commendable virtue. Every man is corporally born twice. No man sees but he that is stark blind. The restor'd maidenhead, or a marry'd woman may be twice a virgin. Athenian, or intellectual, sport is the recreation of pre-existent spirits. 'tis the pleasantest life to be always in danger. The same numerical voice of a preacher is not heard by any two of his auditors. What we call life, is natural death. Content is the greatest misery. He is the happiest man who has neither mony nor friend. Fruition's nothing, or a paradox proving there's no pleasure in copulation. To imprison a debtor is to set him at liberty. Green come from the dead, or no man lives but he that is hang'd. The virgin-paradox, or a young lady may. London : printed for B. Bragg in Pater-Noster-Row, 1707. ESTC No. T93435. Grub Street ID 313137.
- Dunton, John. The Athenian spy: discovering the secret letters which were sent to the Athenian society by the most ingenious ladies of the three kingdoms. Relating to the management of their affections. . The eighteenth edition.. London : printed for H. Rhodes, D. Brown, R. Sare, B. Tooke, and G. Strahan, 1707. ESTC No. N43159. Grub Street ID 29020.
- Dunton, John. The second part of the pulpit-fool. A satyr. Containing, a distinct character of the most noted clergy-men in the Queens dominions, both Church-Men and Dissenters. London : printed for B. Bragge at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, of whom is to be had the first part of The pulpit-fool, a satyr, which (together with the second part) comprehends a general history of the clergy in verse; but more especially of such as are heterodox, leud, and noted for railing at Protestant Dissenters, 1707. ESTC No. T47348. Grub Street ID 275312.
- Dunton, John. The hazard of a death-bed-repentance, furthur argued, from the late remorse of W- late D- of D- with serious reflections on his adulterous life. Being a second answer to Dr. K-'s sermon preach'd at the D-'s funeral. ... To which is added, conjugal perjury, . London : printed by R. Tookey, and are to be sold by John Morphew, 1708. ESTC No. N7160. Grub Street ID 51756.
- Dunton, John. The hazard of a death-bed-repentance, fairly argued, from the late remorse of W- late D-- of D-- with serious reflections on his adulterous life - on his living so long in a known sin - on that Latin epitaph he order'd to be set on the tomb-stone of Miss Campion - and upon his seeming penitence in his last sickness. Also, the dying remonstrance of other persons of quality; and in particular, of John Hampden, Esq; (formerly Knight of the shire for Bucks) being a paper he sent by Monsieur Alix to Dr. Patrick, late Bishop of Ely. The whole resolving that nice question, how far a death-bed-repentance is possible to be sincere? And is publish'd by way of answer to Dr. K-'s sermon, preach'd at the funeral of W- late D- of D-- to which is added, Conjugal perjury, or an essay upon whoredom; address'd to the husbands of quality that keep misses. London : [s.n.], printed in the year, MDCCVIII [1708]. ESTC No. T36047. Grub Street ID 266030.
- Dunton, John. The hazard of a death-bed-repentance, fairly argued, from the late remorse of W- late D- of D-- with serious reflections on his adulterous life - On that Latin epitaph he order'd to be set on the tomb-stone of Miss Capmion - And upon his seeming penitence in his last sickness. Also, the dying remonstrance of other persons of quality; and in particular, of John Hampden, Esq; (formerly knight of the shire for Bucks) being a paper he sent by Monsieur Alix to Dr. Patrick, late Bishop of Ely. The whole resolving that nice question, how for a death-bed-repentance is possible to be sincere? And is publish'd by way of answer to Dr. K-'s sermon, preach'd at the funeral of W- late D- of D the second edition. To which is added, Conjugal perjury, or an essay upon whoredom; address'd to the husbands of quality that keep misses. London : printed by R. Tookey, and are to be sold by J. Morphew, near Stationer's Hall, 1708. ESTC No. N17534. Grub Street ID 7003.
- Dunton, John. The hazard of a death-bed-repentance, fairly argued, from the late remorse of W[blank] late D[blank] of D[blank] With serious reflections on his adulterous life- on his living so long in a known sin- on that Latin epitaph he order'd to be set on the Tomb-Stone of Miss Campion - and upon his seeming penitence in his last sickness. Also, the dying remonstrance of other persons of quality; and in particular, of John Hampden Esq; (formerly Knight of the Shire for Bucks) being a paper he sent by Monsieur Alix to Dr. Patrick, late bishop of Ely. The whole resolving that nice question, how far a death-bed-repentance is possible to be sincere? And is publish'd by way of answer to Dr. K[blank] sermon, preach'd at the funeral of W[blank] late D[blank] of D[blank]. The third edition. To which is added, conjugal perjury, or an essay upon whoredom; address'd to the husbands of quality that keep misses. London : Printed by R. Cookey, and are to be sold by J. Morphew, near Stationer's Hall, 1708. ESTC No. N7126. Grub Street ID 51553.
- Dunton, John. Stinking fish: or, A foolish poem, attempted by John the hermit. Part I. To be continu'd 'till the hermit has cry'd all his stinking fish. i.e. Publish'd a secret, as well as publick history, of all the fools and knaves in the world. London : printed by R. Tookey, and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationer's Hall. MDCCVIII. Of whom also is to be had the Tunbridge Lampoon, entitl'd The rump, or a Touch at the ladies tails. The second edition; written by the same author, [1708]. ESTC No. T121293. Grub Street ID 172134.
- Dunton, John. A cat may look on a Queen: or, a satyr on Her present Majesty. Attempted by John Dunton, author of the Satyr on King William. The second edition. To which is added, a distinct account of the several jewels in the crown of England. London : printed, and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationer's Hall, MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. T20329. Grub Street ID 233914.
- Dunton, John. The athenian spy: discovering the secret letters which were sent to the Athenian society by several ingenious ladies, relating to the management of their affections. Being A Compleat System of Love Cases, in which all the Difficult Questions, and Nice Pbints, of that most mysterious Art, are fully Resolved. To which is added, The Way of a Man with a Maid: Or, The whole Art of Amour; with all its Intrigues and Amusemens, till its Consummation in Enjoyment. The second edition, enlarg'd.. London : printed for R. H. and sold by Samuel Ballard, at the Blue-Ball in Little-Britain, [1709]. ESTC No. T128332. Grub Street ID 177938.
- Dunton, John. The bull-Baiting: or, Sach--ll dress'd up in fire-works. Lately brought over from the bear-garden in Southwark; and expos'd for the diversion of the citizens of London, at six pence a-piece. By John Dunton, Author of the Answer to Dr. K-Net, Entitl'd the Hazard of a Death-Bed Repentance. Being remarks on a scandalons [sic] sermon bellow'd out at St. Paul's on on [sic] the fifth of November last, before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, by Dr. Sach-ll. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by John Morphew near Stationers-Hall; and take notice whatever of these Books are Publish'd, not having Mr. Morphew's Name to 'em (or that are Sold at a Lower Price than 6d.) are a wrong to the Author and a Cheat to the Buyers; All such Stol'n and Imperfect Books, not containing the Fourth Part of Mr. Dunton's Original Copies, 1709. ESTC No. T145188. Grub Street ID 191941.
- Dunton, John. Athenianism: or, The new projects of Mr. John Dunton, author of the essay entitl'd, The hazard of a death-bed-repentance being, six hundred distinct treatises (in prose and verse) written with his own hand; and is an entire collection of all his writings, both in manuscript, and such as were formerly printed. To which is added, Dunton's farewel to printing. In some serious thoughts on those words of Solomon, of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Vol. I. With the author's effigies, to distinguish the original and true copies from such as are false and imperfect. Take care also of being cheated by wooden cuts the right is that which is drawn and 'grav'd by then two celebrated artists, Knight and Vander Gucht. To this work is prefix'd an heroick poem upon Dunton's projects, written by the Athenian Society; with an alphabetical table of the several projects, questions, novelties, poems and characters inserted in this volume. London : printed by Tho. Darrack, in Peterborough-Court, in Little-Britain, and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, and by most booksellers in London, and the country, 1710. ESTC No. T145151. Grub Street ID 191909.
- Dunton, John. The preaching-Weathercock: a paradox, proving Mr. W- R-Dson (lately a dissenting minister, and now a presbiter of the Church of England) will cant, recant, and re-recant, till (to prove he is no Schismatick) he has set his religion and conscience to all the points of the compass: Fairly argued from - The Secret History of his Life, Conversation and Doctrines - Whilst (tho' a Presbyterian) he stickled hard to be chose Pastor to an Independent Congregation in Moorfields; - Or, a Letter to that Universal Turncoat, concerning his so often changing his Religion. The whole Compleating the Weathercock-Paradox in III Parts. Written by John Dunton, a true and constant Son of the Church of England, without Respect to Parties, and Author of those Two Answers to Dean Kennet, and Dr. Sacheverel, intituled - The Bull-Baiting, - and Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance. London : printed by R. Tookey, for the author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1712]. ESTC No. T44174. Grub Street ID 272640.
- Dunton, John. High-Church: or a vindication of the Reverend Mr. William Richardson, from near an hundred aspersions that are cast upon him, by Mr. John Dunton, in his paradox intituled The preaching weather-cock. But more especially, those of his picking up a Common Whore, -Her boasting of being with Child (as she impudently calls it) of a young Parson, - His hiring of her (as we do Coachmen) by the Hour, - His tempting of her to Perjury, to clear his Innocence, - His giving the Sacrament the next Day, and being Thrice bound to his Good Behaviour, by a Warrant from the Lord Cheife Justice. In which Vindication - The Secret History of his Life, Conversation and Doctrines - is set in a True Light, and his Low-Church and Fanatick Accusers, are characteriz'd and detected. In a letter to Doctor Calamy a Dissenting Minister. To which is added, Killing no Sin, or a Panegyrick upon Mr. William Richardson, for attempting to murder his Wife and Mother (of which they have made Affidavit). With An Apology for his pr. London : printed by R. Tookey (for the author) and sold by J. Baker in Pater-Noster-Row, 1712. ESTC No. T36193. Grub Street ID 266153.
- Dunton, John. Neck or nothing: in a letter to the right honourable the Lord - being a supplement to the Short history of the Parliament. Answer'd paragraph by paragraph. London : printed by J. Dutton, near Fleet-strrt [sic], 1713. ESTC No. N72204. Grub Street ID 52026.
- Dunton, John. Neck or nothing: in a letter to the Right Honourable the Lord - being a supplement To the short History of the Parliament. Also the new scheme (mention'd in the foresaid History) which the English and Scotch Jacobites have concerted for bringing in the Pretender, Popery and Slavery. With the True Character or Secret History of the Present Ministry. Written by his Grace John Duke of -----. London : printed by T. Warner near Ludgate, 1713. ESTC No. T17772. Grub Street ID 214634.
- Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, meeting accidentaly at the Proclaiming King George. [The] whole Discoveries Humbly inscrib'd to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and contain the True secret History of the White-Staff, in Answer to that False one, lately publish'd by the Earl of O-Ford. The second edition.. London : printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison near the Royal Exchange,, S. Popping in Pater Noster Row, A. Dod and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar; at which four Places are to be had, Mr. Duntons ... Part of Neck or Nothing, and all the other Books he publish'd lately, [1714]. ESTC No. N21910. Grub Street ID 11269.
- Dunton, John. Dunton's ghost; or a speech to the most remarkable persons in church and state. But more especially to a great lord now at the helm of publick affairs. By the unknown author of Neck or Nothing, since he was numbred [sic] among the dead. London [England] : printed for the author, and sold by J. Baker in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison by the Royal Exchange, A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, R. Bond near Charing-cross, and at the Hanover Coffee-House in Fleet-lane (where may be had all the books, pamphlets, and single sheets written by John Dunton), [1714]. ESTC No. P2745. Grub Street ID 56329.
- Dunton, John. The conventicle: or, a narrative of the dissenters new plot against the present constitution in church and state. With the names of the Plotters, and their places of Meeting. Humbly address'd to Her Most Excellent Majesty, by one of the conspirators, and ready to be depos'd upon Oath before her Principal Secretary of State. To which is added, The reasons for disebling all Dissenters for ever voting more for Parliament-Men, and for wholly Repealing the Act of Toleration. With a few queries to those English Schismaticks, whose further Growth is now prevented by Act of Parliament. With a Vindication of the said act, against all Dissenters and Low-Churchmen whatsoever. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by John Oldsworth near the Change, [1714]. ESTC No. T34051. Grub Street ID 264462.
- Dunton, John. The golden age: exemplified in the glorious life and reign of his present Majesty King George, and his numerous issue: or a vision of the future happiness of Great Britain, ... Part I. ... The whole humbly inscrib'd to his ... Majesty by Mr. John Dunton, ... and will be continued monthly . London : printed by S. Keimer, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, S. Popping, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, 1714. ESTC No. T35664. Grub Street ID 265747.
- Dunton, John. Neck or nothing: or, the history of Queen Robin. Detecting the secret reign. Of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman and and [sic] his friend, meeting accidentally at the proclaiming King George. ... Part I. [Dublin]: London: printed for M. Brudenell; and re-printed in Dublin, 1714. ESTC No. N20097. Grub Street ID 9502.
- Dunton, John. Whigg loyalty, or An humble address to Her Majesty. By Mr. John Dunton, author of the Court-spy. In which he offers to appear and prove all his discoveries, and several others of great moment, to the Queen and Kingdom, if Her Majesty will be pleased to grant her royal protection to himself and witnesses. London : printed by T. Warner near Ludgate, 1714. ESTC No. T71911. Grub Street ID 295462.
- Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, meeting accidentaly at the Proclaiming King George. The whole Discoveries Humbly inscrib'd to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and contain the True secret History of the White-Staff, in Answer to that False one, lately publish'd by the Earl of o-ford. London : printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison near the Royal Exchange, S. Popping in Pater Noster Row, A. Dod and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar; at which four Places are to be had, Mr. Duntons First Part of Neck or Nothing, and all the other Books he has publish'd lately, [1714]. ESTC No. T72205. Grub Street ID 295758.
- Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, . The third edition.. London : printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, S. Popping, A. Dod and A. Boulter, [1714?]. ESTC No. N68406. Grub Street ID 49808.
- Dunton, John. The impeachment, or Great Britain's charge against the present M-y, Sir Roger Bold, the L- C-ly, and Dr. S-ll. With The Names of those Credible Persons, that are able to prove (before Her Majesty, or either of Her Two Houses of Parliament) the whole Impeachment, consisting of Sixty Articles. Dedicated to the most Illustrious and ever victorious Prince John Duke of Marlborough. By the unknown author of Neck or nothing, who being buried alive (i. e. forc'd to abscond) for daring to call a Spade a Spade, does here appear (as a Ghost) to do Justice to himself and Witnesses. London : printed for T. Warner, near Ludgate, [1714]. ESTC No. N16820. Grub Street ID 6328.
- Dunton, John. Neck or nothing: or, the true portraicture and character of Queen Robin. Detecting the secret reign of the four last years. [Being] a continuation of the dialogue between Britannicus and Truman. Part 2. [Dublin]: Printed for M. Brudenell; and re-printed in Dublin, 1714. ESTC No. T174060. Grub Street ID 211168.
- Dunton, John. The conventicle, or, A narrative of the Dissenters new plot against the present constitution in church and state. With the names of the Plotters, and their places of meeting. Humbly address'd to Her most excellent Majesty, a fortnight before her death, by one of the principal conspirators, and is now ready to be depos'd upon oath, before our present Sovereign, King George, or the Principal Secretary of State. With a true copy of the treasonable memorial that was publish'd by the Dissenting Ministers, by which it appears what enemies they are to monarchy, episcopacy, and the House of Hanover. To which is added The reasons for disabling all dissenters for ever voting for Parliament men, and for wholly repealing the Act of toleration. With a few queries to those English aschismaticks, whose further growth is now prevented by Act of Parliament. With a vindication of the said act, against all Dissenters and low churchmen whatsoever. The second edition.. London : printed for the author and are to be sold by J. Harrison, at the Corner of Castle-Alley, near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1715. ESTC No. T34052. Grub Street ID 264463.
- Dunton, John. The neck-adventure: or The case and sufferings of Mr. John Dunton, author of those early discoveries, intitled, The court-spy, Neck or nothing, Queen Robin, and, The impeachment. Which not only defeated the Jacobite-Plot in Southwark to restore the pretender, but were the sole occasion why the Irish Parliament inspected the pretender's listing of men in Dublin, and of wholly suppressing that traiterous project. The whole discoveries humbly submitted to the consideration of His Most Excellent Majesty. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1715. ESTC No. T72482. Grub Street ID 296003.
- Dunton, John. King George for ever: or, Dunton's speech to the Protestant associators of Great-Britain: but more especially to those of the Tower-Hamlets, with whom he has enter'd into a voluntary and strict association, to defend his Majesty's just title to the British Crown, against the pretender and all his adherents. With a copy of that loyal association which Mr. Dunton subscrib'd, and is the subject of this speech. To which is added, The neck-adventure; or, the case and sufferings of Mr. John Dunton, for daring to detect the treason and villany of Oxford and Bolingbroke, whilst they were reigning favourites, in his four essays, intituled, The court-spy, Neck or nothing, Queen Robin, and The impeachment. The whole discoveries (and speech) most humbly submitted to the consideration of King George, our alone rightful and ever-glorious sovereign; and inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, one of his Majesty's principal secretaries of state. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-noster-Row, and by most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1715?]. ESTC No. T72483. Grub Street ID 296004.
- Dunton, John. Neck or nothing in verse: Or, A compleat collection of all the treasonable poems that have been privately dispers'd throughout the British dominions in favour of the pretender. With answers to 'em in rhime. Proving King George our rightful and ever glorious sovereign. Part I. To which is added, fair warning to the Whiggs, or an essay upon the fiery-tryal. Being a detection of that bloody persecution that the low-churchmen and Protestant dissenters must expect, if ever that popish pretender, that now attempts to usurp His Majesty's throne, shoud be crown'd king. Written by Mr. John Dunton, author of Neck or nothing in prose. London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Poping in Pater-Noster-Row, [1715?]. ESTC No. T174181. Grub Street ID 211276.
- Dunton, John. The conventicle, or A narrative of the dissenters new plot against the present constitution in church and state. With the names of the plotters. And their places of meeting. Humbly addres'd to Her Most Excellent Majesty; a fortnight before her death, by one of the principal conspirators, and is now ready to be depos'd upon oath, before Our present Sovereign King George, or the principal Secretary of State. With a true copy of the treasonable memorials that were publich'd by the dissenting Ministers, by which it appears what enemies they are to monarchy, episcopacy, and the House of Hanover. To which is added the reasons for disabling all dissenters for ever voting for Parliament, men, and for wholly repealing the Act of Toleration. With a few queries to those English schismaticks, whose further growth is now prevented by Act of Parliament. With a vindication of the said Act, against all dissenters and low churchmen whatsoever. The third edition.. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, at the corner of Castle-Alley, near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1715. ESTC No. T191612. Grub Street ID 226415.
- Dunton, John. The manifesto of K. John the Second; and of those noblemen, gentlemen and others, now arming in defence of his indefeasible and hereditary right to the imperial crown ... With a satyr upon royalty, writ by King John the Second, ... The whole printed by the special order of His Majesty King John; . London] : This manifesto is sold by S. Poping in Pater-noster-Row, [1715?. ESTC No. T68834. Grub Street ID 292977.
- Dunton, John. The mob-war: or a detection of the present state of the Brittish nation: but more especially with respect to that wou'd be King ... that threatens us with a speedy invasion. In sixteen letters. . London : printed for the author, sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dodd and A. Boulter, [1715?]. ESTC No. T41282. Grub Street ID 270208.
- Dunton, John. The hereditary-bastard: or, the royal-intreague of the warming-pan: fully detected, in a sermon upon these words, And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, Zech. 9. 6. Being a full answer to the Pretender's late declaration, wherein he affirms he has an indefeasible hereditar right to His Majesty's crown. This sermon was deliver'd (I can't say preach'd) in publick by a lay-man, and is now publish'd as his first essay to reform the pulpit,. The third edition.. London : printed for the author, and sold by S. Keymer, J. Harrison, and A. Dod, 1715. ESTC No. N51228. Grub Street ID 35220.
- Dunton, John. The medal: or, A Loyal Essay upon King George's Picture, As 'twas presented to Mr. John Dunton, (author of The Golden Age) By His Majesty's Order. Most Humbly Inscrib'd to his Excellency The Baron de Bothmer. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row; where is to be had The First Part of the Golden Age, printed on the same Size with this Essay, intitl'd, The Medal, that they may bind together when The Golden Age is compleated, [1715]. ESTC No. T39091. Grub Street ID 268446.
- Dunton, John. King-Abigail: or, The secret reign of the she-favourite, detected and applied; in a sermon upon these words, And women rule over them, Isa. 3. 12. Deliver'd (I can't say preach'd) by Mr. John Dunton, author of Queen-Robin, and the late sermon, intitl'd Ox- and Bull-. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange; A. Dodd, and A. Boulter, without Temple-Bar, 1715. ESTC No. T29408. Grub Street ID 260796.
- Dunton, John. The shortest way with the King: or, plain English spoke to His Majesty. Being the third part of Neck or nothing; containing, The Secret History of King George's Reign, from the Death of the late Queen, to the Report made in the House of Commons, by the Committee of Secrecy. Introduc'd with the Secret Reign of the Monarchs of Great-Britain, for the last Sixty Years. The whole Discoveries humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Right Honourable James Stanhope, Esq; one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of the First and Second Part of Neck or Nothing. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Enchange, A. Dod, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, [1715]. ESTC No. N22874. Grub Street ID 12233.
- Dunton, John. Frank Scammony: or, the restoring clergy detected, in their names, haunts, plots, heresies, and lewd conversation, in a sermon, Upon these Words, Her Priests have violated my Law-And I am profaned among them, Ezek. 22. 26. Occasion'd By a certain B-p's swearing, We'll have the Pretender by G-d. To which is added, The Pulpit Trumpeter; or the Substance of all The Treasonable Sermons that have been preach'd at Whitechappel, by that Passive Rebel, that drinks a Health to the Fatherless Child and the Widdow. Attested by Two of his constant Hearers. The Sermon (with all the Discoveries) dedicated to that Pious, Loyal, and Healing Prelate, Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of Neck or Nothing; and of those Four Sermous, Intitled,-The Hereditary Bastard, Ox-And Bull Bungey-And King Abigail. London : printed for the author; and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row. J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, without Temple-Bar, [1715?]. ESTC No. T40154. Grub Street ID 269270.
- Dunton, John. Bungey: or the false brother, prov'd his own executioner, ... In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; ... By Mr. John Dunton, . London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, 1715. ESTC No. T29774. Grub Street ID 261101.
- Dunton, John. Bungey: or The false brother, prov'd his own executioner, In a sermon, upon these words, and went and hang'd himselself, Matth. XXVII. 5. In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; and the black charge exhibited against him, offer'd to be attested in any Court of Justice (or even in St. Andrews Pulpit) when ever the Dr. will appoint the time. [B]y Mr. John Dunton. Author of Neck or nothing, and the three late sermons intitled, The hereditary bastard, Ox- and Bull- and King Abigail. The third edition.. London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison, near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dod, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, 1715. ESTC No. T29775. Grub Street ID 261102.
- Dunton, John. The hereditary-Bastard: or, the royal-intreague of the warming-pan: fully detected, in a sermon upon these words, And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, Zech. 9. 6. Being a full answer to the Pretender's late declaration, wherein he affirms he has an indefeasible hereditar right to His Majesty's crown. This sermon was deliver'd (I can't say preach'd) in publick by a lay-man, and is now publish'd as his first essay to reform the pulpit, which (as appears by his Majesty's Directions to our Archbishops and Bishops) has been greatly profan'd by the bitter Invectives and scurrilous Language of some of the Clergy. London : printed for the author, and sold by S. Keymer at the Printing Pross in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, and A. Dod, without Temple-Bar, [1715?]. ESTC No. N17440. Grub Street ID 6909.
- Dunton, John. Dunton's recantation; or, His reasons for deserting his Whiggish principles and turning Jacobite, at this time when a new rebellion is so much talk'd off [sic]. With the cause of his dissaffection to King George, and the present ministry. Inscrib'd to that noble duke, that revolves to serve the lawful King, with his life and fortune. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Poping [sic] in Pater-Noster-Row, and most booksellers in Great-Brittain [sic] and Ireland, 1716. ESTC No. T145332. Grub Street ID 192073.
- Dunton, John. Royal gratitude; (or King George's Promise never to forget his Obligations to those who have Distinguish'd themselves in his Service) critically consider'd. In a letter To the Right Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq; The First Lord of the Treasury, casion'd by a general Report that Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing) will speedily be Rewarded with a considerable Place or Pension. Written by that Person of Honour that sent Mr. Dunton those Early Discoveries of Oxford's and Bolingbroke's Treason, which no Man durst publish but himself, and which he therefore call'd Neck or Nothing. To which is added, The High-Church Gudgeons: or, A Day's Ramble to catch the foolish Jacks with their own Treason, with Mr. Dunton's Speech to the Lord-Mayor of London upon this Occasion. Also, A Trip to the Loyal Mug-House at Night, to Drink a Health to King George and the Royal Family. London : printed by R. Tookey, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater Noster Row, and most Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, 1716. ESTC No. T27900. Grub Street ID 259695.
- Dunton, John. The Devil's martyrs: or, plain dealing, in answer to the Jacobite speeches of ... William Paul ... and John Hall. ... To which is added, The high-church martyrology: ... Written by Mr. John Dunton, . London : printed for the Author, and are to be sold by S. Poping, 1716. ESTC No. T31764. Grub Street ID 262556.
- Dunton, John. Mordecai's memorial: or, There's Nothing done for Him. Being A Satyr upon Some-Body, but I name No-Body: (or, in Plainer English, A Just and Generous Representation of Unrewarded Services, by which the Protestant Succession has been sav'd out of Danger.) Written By an Unknown and Disinterested Clergy-Man, And most humbly Inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Guardian of these Realms. London : printed for S. Popping; and are to be sold by J. Harrison, near the Royal Exchange, and A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, [1716]. ESTC No. T27637. Grub Street ID 259540.
- Dunton, John. Seeing's believing: or, K---ng G----rge prov'd a us----per; and his whole reign one continu'd act of cr-ty and op-n, and other notorious fail-ngs. Written by a subject to the lawful king. And Inscrib'd to A Noble Earl, Who lately fought in Defence of the Right Title to the British Crown. London : printed for S. Keimer (now a close Prisoner in the Fleet) ; and are to be sold (privately) by most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland [1716?]. ESTC No. N21067. Grub Street ID 10456.
- Dunton, John. Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, Upon these Words, With the Serious Advice that was given to Ox-And Bull-, to prepare for the Axe; at a time when Beasts could Speak, and pretended to Reason and Loyalty. Also, An Elegy upon their Untimely End, to be sung the same Day they are Quarter'd. The whole dedicated to that State-Butcher, Jack Catch, Esq; By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing, and the Sermon, intituled, The Hereditary-Bastard) and is his second Attempt to Reform the Pulpit. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, [1715] [1716]. ESTC No. T43517. Grub Street ID 272096.
- Dunton, John. Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, ... By Mr. John Dunton, . The second edition.. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter, 1715 [1716]. ESTC No. T43518. Grub Street ID 272097.
- Dunton, John. Ox- and Bull- or, A funeral sermon for the two beasts That are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, upon these words, but these as natural brute beasts, made to be taken, and destroy'd. 2 Pet. ii. 12. With the serious advice that was given to Ox- and Bull--, to prepare for the Axe; at a time when beasts could speak, and pretended to reason and loyalty. Also, an elegy upon their untimely end, to be sung the same day they are quarter'd. The whole dedicated to that state-butcher, Jack Catch, Esq; By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing, and the sermon, intituled, the hereditary-bastard) and in his second attempt to reform the pulpit. The third edition.. London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, 1715. ESTC No. T43519. Grub Street ID 272098.
- Dunton, John. The pulpit-Lunaticks: or a mad answer to the Mad Report, Made by a Committee of Mad Priests, against Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. Being A Mad Venture of Neck or Nothing to save the Church, By that Mad Author, who ran the same Hazard to save the State. The whole Satyr Consisting of nothing but Mad Reflections upon the Mad Steps that were lately taken by the Lower House of Convocation, (now most deservedly call'd The New Bedlam) in charging this Right Reverend Father in God with Dangerous Positions and Doctrines, in his Preservative and Sermon, Preach'd March 31. 1717, and contains A Secret History of the Raving Fits of the Pulpit-Lunaticks (or Convocation-Madmen) for above a Thousand Years, but more especially from Arch-Bishop Lauds High-Church Phrenzy down to their late Prorogation with A Distinct and Mad Character of the Atheism, Pride, Heresies and Treason of all those Dignify'd clergymen that have occasion'd the present Distraction both in Church and State. Also, A Mad Speech to th. London : printed, and sold by S. Popping, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T64427. Grub Street ID 289462.
- Dunton, John. The hanover-Spy: or, secret history of St. James's. From the reign of Queen Robin, down to the late misunderstanding in the royal palace. Publish'd by order of that person of honour who detected those Jacobite secrets that furnish'd out Neck or nothing; and consists only of such State Secrets as this Spy was privy to, or can prove by Persons now living at Court. The whole discoveries ascrib'd to that true Englishman and generous patriot, Benjamin Childe, Esq; late High-Sheriff for the County of Berks. By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing) And is his Tenth successful Attempt to detect the Enemies to King George, and His Illustrious House, at the Hazard of his Life and Fortune, as is prov'd in-A Secret History of Whiggish Ingratitude, Inscrib'd to the King - And in - A Most Humble Petition to His Majesty-That he might be Presently Hang'd or Rewarded. - Both which are prefix'd to these New Discoveries. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster Row, and most booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland , [1718]. ESTC No. N7269. Grub Street ID 52203.
- Dunton, John. The state-weathercocks: or, a new secret history of the most distinguished favourites, both of the late and present reign. ... Writ by that Person of honour, that sent to Mr. John Dunton all those Jacobite secrets that composed Neck or nothing, ... To these new discoveries is added, the twentieth edition of Neck or nothing, ... Also Mordecai kneeling at the King's gate: . London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Poping [sic], [1719]. ESTC No. T48635. Grub Street ID 276489.
- Dunton, John. Mordecai's memorial: or, there's nothing done for him proving the several early, expensive, and succesful discoveries in Mr. John Dunton's neck adventures to secure the Protestant succession in the illustrious house of Hanover, to be all matter of fact. And that he is a parallel instance to the Persian Mordecai, for his distinguish'd (tho' as yet unrewarded) services, in detecting the Jacobite plot against his Majesty's royal person and family, both in the late, and present reign. Written by a reverend and dissinterested clergy-man. And most humbly inscrib'd, to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, when guardian of these realms. The second edition corrected.. London : printed for S. Popping; and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1719. ESTC No. N72303. Grub Street ID 52089.
- Dunton, John. Neck for nothing or, A satyr upon two great little men now in the ministry. Who (as 'tis generally thought) have been the sole occasion why the author of Neck or nothing has gone five years unrewarded for his early, expensive, and successful hazards in detecting His Majesty's enemies in the worst of times. As 'twas sent in a letter to the Right Honourable James Graggs, Esq; one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of state. With some reflections upon his honour's answer to this letter, which was only this, i don't know Mr. Dunton. To which is added, Mordecai's dying groans from the fleet-prison: or, Mr. John Danton's humble appeal to His Majesty's royal honour, justice, gratitude, and the rest of his princely virtues, whether he deserves a royal bounty to pay his debts (as a reward for the frequent venture of his life and fortune of secure the protestant succession in the illustrious House of Hanover) or else to be starved in a jayl to gratify the revenge of a covetous Duke and his proud. London : Printed for the author (Mr. John Dunton) and are to be sold by S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater noster-Row and most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1719?]. ESTC No. N34635. Grub Street ID 22968.
- Dunton, John. A word without doors: or, a paradox, proving the honour of deserving a knighthood exceeds the title. In two letters: ... betwixt a clergyman of the Church of England, and Mr. John Dunton, . London : printed for S. Poping, 1720. ESTC No. N36140. Grub Street ID 24117.
- Dunton, John. A collection of choice, scarce, and valuable tracts, being taken from manuscripts and printed books, very uncommon, and not to be found but in the libraries of the curious, by a gentleman who has search'd after them for above twenty years. London : printed for D. Browne at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, and G. Strahan at the Golden Ball in Cornhill, 1721. ESTC No. T144454. Grub Street ID 191326.
- Dunton, John. Upon this moment depends eternity: or; Mr. John Dunton's serious thoughts upon the present and future state, in a fit of sickness that was judg'd mortal, in which many new opinions are started and prov'd; and in particular this, that the sincere practice of known duties, or dying daily to this life and world, would of it self resolve the most ignorant person in all the abstruse points of the Christian religion-being, a new directory for holy living and dying; compos'd of the author's own experience in religion, politicks, and morals, from his childhood to his sixty third year, (but more especially during his dangerous disease in Ireland, in the year ninety eight, when his life was despair'd of)-and compleated in twenty essays upon such nice and curious points in divinity, as were never handled before-to which is added, The sick-man's passing-bell. To remind all men of that death and eternity to which they are hastening ... (4.) The real period of Dunton's life: or, A philosophical essay upo. London] : Printed for S. Popping in Pater-noster-Row, [1723. ESTC No. T71913. Grub Street ID 295464.
- Dunton, John. Mr. John Dunton's dying groans from the Fleet-Prison: or the national complaint, that the author of Neck or nothing has gone twelve years unrewarded, for his Early, Bold, and Successful Venture of Life and Fortune, in detecting his Majesty's Enemies when plotting in the Royal Palace to restore the Pretender, as 'twas represented, In an Humble Petition to his Majesty, that Mr. Dunton might not be left to Starve in a Jail, for the Debts he has contracted in serving The Royal Family: This Petition proving to our Gracious Sovereign, that 'tis Sir Robert Walpole's Duty, and Place (as First Lord of the Treasury) to see Publick Services rewarded, but more especially Mr Dunton's, as his Honour formerly acknowledg'd them in a Noble Present of Guineas, and by a Solemn Promise to see him further Rewarded, the Non-Performance whereof (it his Honour prove so ungrateful to a Man that ventur'd his All in the Service of his King and Country) will not only lay Mr. Dunton's utter Ruin at Sir Robert Walpole's. London : printed for the author, (mr. John Dunton) and are to be sold by most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1723?]. ESTC No. T145674. Grub Street ID 192400.
- Dunton, John. The hazard of a death-bed-repentance, argued from the remorse of conscience of W- late D- of D- when dying; the Earl of Marlburg, the Lord Rochester, Sir Duncomb Colchester, and John Hampden, ... With many original papers wrote by them, . The tenth edition.. London] : Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1728. ESTC No. T104459. Grub Street ID 157975.
- Dunton, John. An essay on death-bed-charity, Exemplify'd in the Life of Mr. Thomas Guy, Late Bookseller in Lombard-Street, Madam Jane Nicholas, Of St. Albans. And Mr. Francis Bancroft, Late of London Draper: Proving that great Misers giving large Donatives to the Poor in their last Wills is no Charity, To which is added the last Will of Mr. Francis Bancroft. Now publish'd as a necessary Appendix to the Hazards of a Death-Bed-Repentance, of which the Tenth Edition was lately Published. London : printed by D. L. and sold by J Roberts near the Oxford Arms, in Warwick Lane. Where may be had, The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance, 1728. ESTC No. T694. Grub Street ID 293409.
- Dunton, John. Religio bibliopolæ: or the religion of a bookseller: which is likewise not improper to be perus'd by those of any other calling or profession. London : printed, and sold by T. Warner at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T110555. Grub Street ID 163069.
- Dunton, John. The danger of living in a known sin, and the hazard of a Death-Bed Repentance, Fairly argued from the late Remorse of W- D- of D-. With Serious Reflections on his Adulterous Life, and a Parallel drawn between his Penitence and that of the E. of Rochester, the E. of Marlborough, and other great Penitents. In answer to Dr. K---'s sermon preach'd at his funeral. Address'd to the husbands of quality, who keep misses. The second edition.. London] : Printed for R. Cater, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1738. ESTC No. T54925. Grub Street ID 281552.
- Dunton, John. Religio bibliopolæ. The religion of a bookseller. After the manner of the Religio medici, by the late ingenious and learned Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. London : printed for C. Corbett, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, [1740?]. ESTC No. T110556. Grub Street ID 163070.
- Dunton, John. Religio bibliopolæ: or, the religion of a bookseller: originally written by one of that calling, and now publish'd for the benefit of all. London : printed for W. Warren; and sold at the Three-Flower de luces in the Old-Baily, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T110554. Grub Street ID 163068.