Bernard, Richard.
A large catechisme following the order of the common authorized catechisme published for the vse of his Christian friends and welwillers, the inhabitants of Worsopp, Gainsborough, and Epworth by Richard Barnerd ...
[Cambridge, England]: Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge ... and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard by Simon Waterson, 1602.
ESTC No. S4505.Grub Street ID 148492.
Bernard, Richard.
A double catechisme, one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottingham-shire.
Cambridge: Printed by Iohn Legate, 1607.
ESTC No. S113787.Grub Street ID 133512.
Bernard, Richard.
Christian advertisements and counsels of peace. Also disswasions from the separatists schisme, commonly called Brownisme, which is set apart from such truths as they take from vs and other reformed churches, and is nakedly discouered, that so the falsitie thereof may bette be discerned, and so iustly condemned and wisely auoided. Published, for the benefit of the humble and godlie louer of the trueth. By Richard Bernard, preacher of Gods word.
At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1608.
ESTC No. S113766.Grub Street ID 133491.
Bernard, Richard.
The sinners safetie, if heere hee looke for assurance by Richard Barnerd ...
At London: Printed by H.L. for T.M. and Ionas Man, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the West doore of Paules, 1609.
ESTC No. S1489.Grub Street ID 145921.
Bernard, Richard.
Iosuahs godly resolution in a conference with Caleb, touching houshold governement for well ordering a familie: with a twofold Catechisme for instruction of youth; the first short, for the weaker sort, set forth in sixe principall points; the latter large for other of greater growth, & followeth the order of the common authorized catechisme, and is an explanation thereof: both set forth for the benefit of his Christian friends and well-willers. By Richard Bernard preacher of Gods word, at woork soppe in Nottingham-shire.
[London]: Printed by Iohn Legatt, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, 1609.
ESTC No. S90466.Grub Street ID 149816.
Bernard, Richard.
A double catichisme [sic], one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof; now this second time published: the other shorter: for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Notting-hamshire.
Cambridge: Printed [for] Iohn Legate, 1609.
ESTC No. S124456.Grub Street ID 143816.
Bernard, Richard.
Contemplative pictures: with wholesome precepts. The first part: Of God. Of the diuell. Of goodnesse. Of badnesse. Of heauen: and of hell. By Richard Bernard.
London: Printed by William Hall for William Welbie, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Svvan, 1610.
ESTC No. S113785.Grub Street ID 133510.
Bernard, Richard.
Plaine euidences: The Church of England is apostolicall, the separation schismaticall. Directed against Mr. Ainsworth the Separatist, and Mr. Smith the Se-baptist: both of them seuerally opposing the booke called the Separatists schisme. By Richard Bernard, preacher of the word of God at Worsop. ... Set out by authoritie. Anno. 1610.
[London]: Printed by T. Snodham for Edward Weauer, and William Welby, and are to be sould at their shops in Paules Church-yard, [1610].
ESTC No. S113793.Grub Street ID 133518.
Bernard, Richard.
Iosuahs godly resolution in conference with Caleb, touching houshold gouernement for well ordering a familie. With a twofold catechisme for instruction of youth; the first short, for the weaker sort, set forth in sixe principall points; the latter large for other of greate growth, and followeth the order of the common authorized catechisme, and is an explanation thereof: both set forth for the benefit of his Christian friends and wel-willers. by Richard Bernard preacher of Gods word, at Woorksoppe in Nottingam-shire.
Printed at London: By Iohn Legatt, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, 1612.
ESTC No. S113310.Grub Street ID 133050.
Bernard, Richard.
Two twinnes: or Two parts of one portion of scripture. I. Is of catechising. II. Of the ministers maintenance. By Richard Barnard, preacher of the word of Worsop in Nottinghamshire.
London: Printed [by T. Snodham] for George Norton, and are to be sould at his shop neare Temple-barre, 1613.
ESTC No. S115305.Grub Street ID 134997.
Bernard, Richard.
A weekes worke, and a worke for every weeke. By R.B.
London: printed by Felix Kyngston, 1614.
ESTC No. S123566.Grub Street ID 143052.
Bernard, Richard.
A weekes worke, and a worke for every weeke by R.B.
London: Printed by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Nathanael Newbery, 1616.
ESTC No. S1779.Grub Street ID 146192.
Bernard, Richard.
A staffe of comfort to stay the weake from falling, very needfull for the afflicted. By Richard Bernard, preacher of Gods word; at Batcombe in Somerset-shire. Art thou any way tempted, or troubled? reade, beleeue, and reioyce.
London: Printed by Felix Kyngston, for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop, at the South doore of St. Pauls Church, 1616.
ESTC No. S113180.Grub Street ID 132922.
Bernard, Richard.
The fabulous foundation of the popedome: or A familiar conference between two friends to the truth Philalethes, and Orthologus, shewing that it cannot be proued, that Peter was ever at Rome. VVhereunto is added a chronologicall description of Pauls peregrination with Peters travells, and the reasons why he could not be at Rome, that so the truth in one view may more fully and easily be seene of e-every one [sic].
At Oxford: Printed by John Lichfield, and James Short, for William Spier, An. Dom. 1619.
ESTC No. S115275.Grub Street ID 134966.
Bernard, Richard.
The good mans grace. Or His stay in all distresse. By Ric. Bernard.
London: Printed by Felix Kingston, 1621.
ESTC No. S115314.Grub Street ID 135006.
Bernard, Richard.
The seaven golden candlestickes. Englands honour. The great mysterie of Gods mercie yet to come. With peace to the pure in heart aduising to vnitie among our selues. By Richard Bernard, minister at Batcombe in Somersetshire.
London: Printed [by William Stansby] for Iohn Budge, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greene Dragon, 1621.
ESTC No. S113795.Grub Street ID 133520.
Bernard, Richard.
Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edmund Weauer, at his shop, at the great North-doore of Pauls, 1623.
ESTC No. S113791.Grub Street ID 133516.
Bernard, Richard.
Looke beyond Luther: or An ansuuere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edmund Weauer, at his shop, at the great north-doore of Pauls, 1623.
ESTC No. S1180.Grub Street ID 137667.
Bernard, Richard.
Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edmund Weauer, at his shop, at the great North-doore of Pauls, 1623.
ESTC No. S123041.Grub Street ID 142566.
Bernard, Richard.
Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edmund Weauer, at his shop, at the great North-doore of Pauls, 1624.
ESTC No. S115572.Grub Street ID 135263.
Bernard, Richard.
Rhemes against Rome: or, The remoouing of the gagg of the new Gospell, and rightly placing it in the mouthes of the Romists, by the Rhemists; in their English translation of the Scriptures. Which counter-gagg is heere fitted by the industrious hand of Richard Bernard recto of Batcomb, in the county of Sommerset.
At London: Imprinted by Felix Kingston, for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the great south doore of Pauls, 1626.
ESTC No. S115304.Grub Street ID 134996.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, the legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignement, and iudiciall tryall, according to the laws of England. A necessarie direction for waifaring Christians, not acquainted with those perilous wayes they must passe, before they happily arriue at their wished hauen. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. Somers.
London: printed [by Eliot's Court Press?] for Edw. Blackmore, at the great south doore of Pauls, 1626.
ESTC No. S124316.Grub Street ID 143700.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, the legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment, and iudiciall triall, according to the lawes of England. A necessarie direction for way-faring Christians, not acquainted with those perillous wayes they must passe, before they happily arriue at their wished hauen. The third edition. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. Somers.
London: Printed for Edw. Blackmore, at the great south doore of Pauls, 1627.
ESTC No. S125402.Grub Street ID 144644.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man, or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth are detected, and attached, with their arraignment, and iudiciall tryall, according to the laws of England : a necessary direction for waifaring Christians, not acquainted with those perilous wayes they must passe, before they happily arriue at their w[i]shed hauen / by R.B. ...
London: Printed by G.M. for Edward Blackemore, 1627.
ESTC No. S1179.Grub Street ID 137566.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, the legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected, and attached; with their arraignement, and iudiciall tryall, according to the laws of England. A necessary direction for waifaring Christians, not acquainted with those perilous wayes they must passe, before they happily arriue at their w[i]shed hauen. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. Somers.
London: Printed by G. M[iller] for Edward Blackemoore, 1627.
ESTC No. S115144.Grub Street ID 134839.
Bernard, Richard.
A weekes worke, and a worke for euery weeke by R.B.
London: Printed by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Simon Waterson, 1628.
ESTC No. S1787.Grub Street ID 146200.
Bernard, Richard.
Iosuahs resolution for the well ordering of his household. A two-fold catechisme: one short, the other more large; both for instruction. In the end, certaine rules, for guiding to a holy conuersation. By Richard Bernard, Pastor at Batcombe in Somersetshire.
London: printed by Iohn Legatt, and are to bee sold by Iohn Powell Booke-seller in Taunton, 1629.
ESTC No. S124632.Grub Street ID 143982.
Bernard, Richard.
A guide to grand-iury men, diuided into two books: in the first, is the authors best aduice to them what to doe, before they bring in a billa vera in cases of witchcraft, with a Christian direction to such as are too much giuen vpon euery crosse to thinke themselues bewitched. In the second, is a treatise touching witches good and bad, how they may bee knowne, euicted, condemned, with many particulars tending thereunto. By Rich. Bernard of Batcombe.
London: Printed by Felix Kingston for Edw. Blackmore, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church yard, 1629.
ESTC No. S113789.Grub Street ID 133514.
Bernard, Richard.
The bible-battells. Or The sacred art military. For the rightly wageing of warre according to Holy Writ. Compiled for the vse of all such valiant worthies, and vertuously valorous souldiers, as vpon all iust occasions be ready to affront the enemies of God, our king, and country. By Ric. Bernard rector of Batcombe Somersetshire.
[London]: Printed [by W. Jones] for Edward Blackmore at the signe of the Angel in Paules Church-yard, 1629.
ESTC No. S115122.Grub Street ID 134817.
Bernard, Richard.
The Bible-battells. Or The sacred art military. For the rightly wageing of warre according to Holy Writ. Compiled for the vse of all such valiant worthies, and vertuously valerous souldiers, as vpon all iust occasions be ready to affront the enemies of God, our king, and country. By Ric. Bernard rector of Batcombe Somersetshire.
[London]: Printed [by W. Jones] for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold by Iames Boler at the signe of the Flowre de Luce in Paules Church-yard, 1629.
ESTC No. S115391.Grub Street ID 135083.
Bernard, Richard.
Iosuahs resolution for the well ordering of his household. A two-fold catechisme: one short, the other more large; both for instruction. In the end, certaine rules, for guiding to a holy conuersation. By Richard Bernard, Pastor at Batcombe in Somersetshire.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt, and are to bee sold by Simon Waterson, at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1629.
ESTC No. S116974.Grub Street ID 136655.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man, or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached, with their arraignment and iudiciall triall, according to the lawes of England : the spirituall vse thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessarie to be first read, for direction in the right vse of the allegory thoroughout, is added in the end / by R.B. ...
London: Printed for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sould in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1629.
ESTC No. S1486.Grub Street ID 145919.
Bernard, Richard.
Good Christian looke to thy creede: for a true triall of an holy profession, and of the truth of religion, from all crooked by-paths. By Richard Bernard rector of Batcombe in Sumersetshire.
At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edward Blackmore, at the Angell in Pauls Church-yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S90465.Grub Street ID 149815.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, the legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and iudiciall triall, according to the lawe of England. The spirituall vse thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessarie tobe first read, for direction in the right vse of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. Somers.
London: Printed [by F. Kingston?] for Edward Blackmoore, and are to be sould in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1630.
ESTC No. S115303.Grub Street ID 134995.
Bernard, Richard.
The common catechisme, with a commentary therevpon, by questions and answers, following the verie words, as they lie in their order without alteration. A profitable way, as also verie easie, and so likewise pleasant both to the teacher and learner, as by experience will be found true. By Richard Bernard, pastor at Batcomb.
London: Printed by W. Sta[nsby] for Samuel Man, at the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S119253.Grub Street ID 138895.
Bernard, Richard.
A guide to grand-iury men, divided into two books: in the first, is the authors best aduice to them what to doe, before they bring in a billa vera in cases of witchraft, with a Christian direction to such as are too much giuen vpon euery crosse to thinke themselues bewitched. In the second, is a treatise touching witches good and bad, how they may bee knowne, euicted and condemned, with many particulars tending thereunto. The second addition [sic]. By Rich. Bernard of Batcombe.
London: printed by Felix Kyngston for Edw. Blackmore, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S1178.Grub Street ID 137466.
Bernard, Richard.
Christian see to thy conscience, or A treatise of the nature, the kinds and manifold differences of conscience, all very briefly and yet more fully laid upon then hitherto, by Richard Bernard, Parson of Batcombe in Somerset-Shire. Anno 1630.
London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Grayhound, 1631.
ESTC No. S90463.Grub Street ID 149813.
Bernard, Richard.
Christian see to thy conscience, or a treatise of the nature, the kinds and manifold differences of conscience, all very briefly, and yet more fully laid open then hitherto by Richard Bernard, parson of Batcombe in Somerset-Shire. Anno 1630.
London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Angell, 1631.
ESTC No. S113805.Grub Street ID 133531.
Bernard, Richard.
The common catechisme. With a commentary thereupon, by questions and answers, following the very words, as they lye in their order without alteration. By Richard Bernard, pastor at Batcomb.
London: Printed by I. B[eale] for Samuel Man, at the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard, 1632.
ESTC No. S115312.Grub Street ID 135004.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, the legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignement and iudiciall triall, according to the lawes of England. The spirituall vse thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessarie to be first read, for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcomb, Somers.
London: Printed by G. M[iller] for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold at Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1632.
ESTC No. S114049.Grub Street ID 133772.
Bernard, Richard.
The common catechisme. VVith a commentary thereupon, by questions and answers, following the words, as they lye in their order without alteration. By Richard Bernard, pastor of Batcomb.
London: Printed by I. N[orton] for Samuel Man, at the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1634.
ESTC No. S117335.Grub Street ID 137007.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactours disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignement and iudiciall triall, according to the lawe of England. The spirituall vse thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessarie to be first read, for direction in the right vse of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. in sommers.
London: printed by G.M. for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1634.
ESTC No. S2509.Grub Street ID 146897.
Bernard, Richard.
The ready way to good works, or, A treatise of charitie, wherein, besides many other things, is shewed how wee may bee alwayes readie, and prepared both in affection and action to give cheerefully to the poor and to pious uses never heretofore published. By Richard Bernard, rector of the Parish of Batcombe in Sommerset-shire.
London: Printed by Felyx Kyngston, and are to be sold by Edward Blackmore, at the signe of the Angell in Pauls Church-yard, 1635.
ESTC No. S115276.Grub Street ID 134967.
Bernard, Richard.
The common catechisme. Expressed in the common prayer booke, with a commentary thereupon, by questions and answers, following the words, as they lye in their order without alteration By Richard Bernard, pastor of Batcomb.
London: Printed by W. I[ones] for Samuel Man at the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1635.
ESTC No. S115313.Grub Street ID 135005.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected, and attached; with their arraignement, and iudiciall tryall, according to the lawes of England. The spirituall use thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read, for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcomb. Somers.
London: Printed by G. M[iller] for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1640.
ESTC No. S115293.Grub Street ID 134984.
Bernard, Richard.
The common catechisme. Expressed in the Common Prayer Booke, with a commentary thereupon by questions and answers, following the wordes, as they lie in their order without alteration. By Richard Bernard, pastor of Batcomb.
London: Printed by Iohn Norton for Samuel Man, at the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1640.
ESTC No. S113768.Grub Street ID 133493.
Bernard, Richard.
The article of Christs descension into hell, fully in the true sense thereof layd open. By Richard Bernard, pastour of the Church at Batcombe.
London: printed by Jo: Beale for Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at his shop in Wood-streete, at the signe of the Bible, neare the Counter, 1641.
ESTC No. R18777.Grub Street ID 75930.
Bernard, Richard.
A threefold treatise of the Sabbath; distinctly divided into the patriarchall Mosaicall, Christian Sabbath: for the better clearing and manifestation of the truth in this controversie concerning the weekly Sabbath. By Richard Bernard rectour of Batcombe.
London: printed by Richard Bishop for Edward Blackmore, and are to bee sold at the signe of the Angel in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1641.
ESTC No. R34406.Grub Street ID 116931.
Bernard, Richard.
An epistle directed to all iustices of peace in England and Wales. And presented to the High Court of Parliament by R.B.
London: printed for M.S., 1641 [i.e. 1642].
ESTC No. R210112.Grub Street ID 86319.
Bernard, Richard.
An epistle directed to all iustices of peace in England and Wales.
London: printed for M. S., 1642.
ESTC No. R19844.Grub Street ID 77406.
Bernard, Richard.
Thesaurus Biblicus seu Promptuarium sacrum. Whereunto are added all the marginall readings, with the words of the text, and many words in the text expounded by the text, all alphabetically set downe throughout the Bible. In the end is annexed an abstract of the principal mattters [sic] in the Holy Scripture. By Richard Bernard, late rector of Batcombe. See the contents and use of all, in the Epistle to the reader.
Imprinted at London: by Felix Kingston, for Andrew Crooke at the Signe of the Greene-Dragon in Paules Church-Yard, 1644.
ESTC No. R229773.Grub Street ID 102185.
Bernard, Richard.
Certaine positions seriously to bee considered of shewing the danger of doing any thing in and about the worship of God that hath not warrant from his written word ... / written by Mr. Richard Barnard.
[London]: Printed for Giles Calvert, 1644.
ESTC No. R27750.Grub Street ID 110889.
Bernard, Richard.
Thesaurus Biblicus seu Promptuarium sacrum. Whereunto are added all the marginall readings, with the words of the text, and many words in the text expounded by the text, all alphabetically set downe throughout the Bible. In the end is annexed an abstract of the principal matters in the Holy Scripture. By Richard Bernard, late rector of Batcombe. See the contents and use of all, in the epistle to the reader.
Imprinted at London: by Felix Kingston, and are to be sold at his house in Pater-Noster-Row, at the signe of the Gilded Cock, 1644.
ESTC No. R38697.Grub Street ID 120760.
Bernard, Richard.
Thesaurus Biblicus seu Promptuarium sacrum.
London Imprinted at London by Felix Kingston, for Luke Fawne 1644.
ESTC No. R176631.Grub Street ID 69081.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man. Or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judiciall tryall, according to the laws o England. The spirituall use thereof, with an apologie for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read, for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcombe in Somers.
London: printed by J.D. for Edward Blackmore, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angel, 1648.
ESTC No. R28918.Grub Street ID 111944.
Bernard, Richard.
A vveekes worke. Containing rules and directions how to walke in the wayes of godliness both to God and man: being an antidote to preserve all people against the back-sliding errours of these latter and dangerous times of ignorance and prophanesse. With prayers and meditations very usefull for all Christians. By that reverend divine Mr. Richard Barnerd, at Batcomb in Somerset-shire.
Newly printed at London: [By Felix Kingston] and are to be sold by Fr. Coles, at the half-Bowle in the old Baily, [ca. 1650?].
ESTC No. S122406.Grub Street ID 141953.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man, or, The legal proceeding in Man-shire against sinne wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and common-wealth, are detected and attached, with their araignment and judicial trial, according to the laws of England : the spiritual use thereof, with an apology for the manner of handling most necessary to be first read for direction in the right use of the allegory through-out, is added in the end / by R.B. ...
London: Printed by R.I. for Edward Blackmore .., 1658.
ESTC No. R39540.Grub Street ID 121424.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, The legall proceeding in Man-shire against sin. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church & Common-Wealth are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial trial according to the laws of England. The spirituall use thereof; with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary, to be first read for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. Rector of Batcombe in Sommers.
London: printed for Nathaniel Ranew, and are to be sold at his shop at the Angel in Paul's Church-yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R17814.Grub Street ID 69983.
Bernard, Richard.
Thesaurus Biblicus, seu Promptuarium sacrum. Whereunto are added, all the marginal readings, with the words of the text; and many words in the text expounded by the text; all alphabetically set down throughout the Bible. In the end is annexed an abstract of the principal matters contained in the holy Scripture. By Richard Bernard, late rector of Batcombe. See the contents and use of all, in the Epistle to the reader. The second edition, very much enlarged, by William Retchforde.
London : printed for Nathaniel Ranew, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Angel in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661.
ESTC No. R172728.Grub Street ID 66508.
Bernard, Richard.
Thesaurus Biblicus, seu Promptuarium sacrum. Whereunto are added, all the marginal readings, with the words of the text; and many words in the text expounded by the text; all alphabetically set down throughout the Bible. In the end is annexed an abstract of the principal matters contained in the holy Scripture. By Richard Bernard, late rector of Batcombe. See the contents and use of all, in the Epistle to the reader. The second edition, very much enlarged, by William Retchforde.
London : for Andrew Crook, Luke Fawne, and John Williams, 1661.
ESTC No. R25305.Grub Street ID 109006.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, The legal proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial trial, according to the laws of England. The spiritual use thereof; with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. rector of Batcombe in Somers.
The fourteenth edition..
London : printed by T. Milbourn for T.S. and are to be sold by John Wright at the Globe in Little Brittain, 1668.
ESTC No. R25279.Grub Street ID 108985.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, The legal proceeding in Man-shire against sin. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial tryal, according to the laws of England. The spiritual use thereof, with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read, for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. Rector of Balcomb Somerf.
Glasgow: by Robert Sanders, printer to the City and University, and are to be sold in his shop, 1674.
ESTC No. R14147.Grub Street ID 62193.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man, or, The legal proceedings in Man-shire against sinne wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth are detected and attached, with their arraignment and judicial tryal according to the laws of England ... / by R.B.
The fifteenth edition..
London : Printed for William Bromwich, 1677.
ESTC No. R28920.Grub Street ID 111947.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man: or, The legal proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors discribing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial tryal, according to the laws of England. The spiritual use thereof; with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. R.B. Rector of Batcombe in Somers.
The fifteenth edition..
London : printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for J[ohn]. Wright, and T[homas]. Sawbridge, at the Globe, and at the three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, M DC LXXVII. [1677].
ESTC No. R172727.Grub Street ID 66507.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man: or, The legal proceeding in Man-shire against sinne. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and common-wealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial tryal according to the laws of England. The spiritual use thereof; with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout, is added in the end. By R.B. Rector of Batcombe in Somers.
The sixteenth edition..
London : printed by T.M. and are to be sold by most book-sellers, 1683.
ESTC No. R30224.Grub Street ID 113107.
Bernard, Richard.
The Isle of Man. Or, The legal proceeding in Man-Shire against sin. Wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached; with their arraignment and judicial tryal, according to the laws of England. To which is added, the contents of the book for spiritual use; with an apology for the manner of handling, most necessary to be first read, for direction in the right use of the allegory throughout. By Richard Bernard, Rector of Batcomb in Somersetshire.
Boston: Reprinted by J. Franklin, for B. Eliot, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1719.
ESTC No. W13048.Grub Street ID 322363.
Bernard, Richard.
The isle of man, or the legal proceedings in Man-Shire against sin. Wherein by way of allegory, the principal malefactors, both in the Heart and Practice are detected and Attached, with their Arraignment and Trial, according to the laws of England, and sentence pronounced upon them, according to the word of God. Written upwards of one hundred and fifty years ago, by the late Rev. Richard Bernard, Rector of Batcomb, in the County of Somerset.
Liverpool: printed by George Woods, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778].
ESTC No. N16839.Grub Street ID 6345.