Thomas Lowndes (1719–1784; fl. 1749–1784)
- Grubstreet: 503
- VIAF: 36970177
- Bookseller
- Publisher
- Circulating Library Proprietor
- Printer
Thomas Lowndes, bookseller, publisher, and circulating library keeper (1749–1784); at the Bible and Crown, Exeter Change (1749); in Exeter Court, Exeter Change, Fleet Street; at 77 Fleet Street.
September 25, 1756, Lowndes gave notice in the Public Advertiser:
Lownds's Circulating Library, is removed from Exeter-Exchange into Fleet-Street, near Salisbury-court, where Ten thousand English, French, and Italian Books, in
History, Novels, Plays, Antiquities, Remances, Poetry, Voyages, Physic, Husbandry, Travels, Surgery, Trade, Lives, Anatomy, Gardenirg, Memoirs, Arts, Coins, Philosophy, Sciences, Minerals. Are lent to read at 3 s. a Quarter, or 10 s. 6 d. a Year. Books in all Languages bought and sold.
A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775, by Henry Plomer et al. (1932)
LOWNDES (THOMAS), bookseller and publisher in Fleet Street, 1756–84. Born 1719. Began business in Fleet Street in 1756. A publisher of plays. Died November 7th, 1784, and was buried in St. Bride's. [Timperley, 1842, p. 752.] A native of Cheshire. He had an extensive circulating library in Fleet Street. He was a strong minded, uneducated man, rough in his manners, but of sterling integrity; and is supposed to have been delineated by Miss Burney in her novel Cecilia under the name of Briggs. [Nichols, III. 646.]