Publications of John Bancks


  • Bancks, John. The weaver's miscellany: or, poems On several Subjects. By John Bancks, now a Poor Weaver in Spittle-Fields. London : printed: and sold by the Author at John Knotts at the Queen's-Arms in Dorset-Street Spittle-Fields; S. Hester at White-Fryars-Gate; and by the book-sellers and pamphlet-sellers of London and Westminster, 1730. ESTC No. T53841. Grub Street ID 280744.
  • Bancks, John. Poems on several occasions: consisting of tales, epistles, songs, odes, epigrams, and other miscellaneous pieces, upon subjects of humour, and gallantry. None of them ever before printed. By J. Bancks. London : printed for the author, [1733]. ESTC No. T132356. Grub Street ID 181281.
  • Bancks, John. Love atones for little crimes: an ethic epistle, by way of apology for a darling passion. Cum notis variorum. London : printed for J. Torbuck, in Clare-Court, Drury-Lane, and sold by the booksellers and pamphlet-shops, in London and Westminster, 1738. ESTC No. T38617. Grub Street ID 268067.
  • Bancks, John. Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of John Bancks. Adorned with sculptures and illustrated with notes. . London : printed by T. Aris, in Red-Lyon-Court, Fleet-Street, for the author; and sold by C. Corbett, at Addison's-Head, over-against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-Street; J. Brindley, in New-Bond-Street; Mess. Gilliver and Clarke, in Westminster-Hall; J. James, under the Royal Exchange; Mess. Ward and Chandler, without Temple-Bar; and at their Shops in Coney-Street, York, and at Scarborough Spaw, [and their shops at York and Scarborough], MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T39438. Grub Street ID 268686.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord-Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for J. Smith at the Philosophers-Heads on the Blind-Key, and A. Bradley at the Two Bibles in Dame's-Street, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T134192. Grub Street ID 182867.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, lord-protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By a Gentleman of the Middle-Temple. London : Printed for the author; and sold by John James, at Horace's-Head, under the Piazzas of the Royal-Exchange, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T175506. Grub Street ID 212588.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, lord-protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Containing his descent, alliances, and first advances to popularity; with a view of the motives to the civil war; and the sentiments of Mr. Locke and a British Parliament concerning resistance. His military exploits, and wonderful success in the civil wars, during the life of Charles I. His military actions after that King's death, during his government in Ireland. His war against the Scots under Charles II. till he totally routed them at Worcester. A view of his conduct towards Charles I. with a vindication of him in many particulars. His management towards the Parliament, the Army, and the parties he had to deal with, till he assumed the Sovereignty. A view of his civil government, from his dissolving the long Parliament to his death. His behaviour towards foreign princes and states; his unwearied zeal for the honour of England, the Protestant religion,. London : Printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge; and J. James, at Horace's Head under the Royal Exchange, 1739. ESTC No. T134554. Grub Street ID 183180.
  • Bancks, John. Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of Mr. John Bancks. Consisting of Odes, Songs, &c. sacred to Love, Friendship, and Devotion. Tales and Fables, Humorous, Moral, and Satirical. Epistles, Ethic, Amorous, and Familiar. Epigrams, and other Occasional Poems. Essays in Literature, Theology, and Criticism. Adorned with sculptures, and illustrated with notes. . The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. N3985. Grub Street ID 27081.
  • Bancks, John. A new history of the life and reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia, and Father of his country. Giving an exact Relation of I. His Travels, Studies, and Personal Fatigues, for the attaining of Knowledge in Civil and Military Affairs, and the Improvement of his Subjects. II. His Introduction of Arts and Sciences, a Naval Force, and Commerce with foreign Nations: Also his many Reformations in Church and State, the Army, and the Customs and Manners of his People. III. His Wars with the Swedes, Turks, Tartars, and Persians; Victories by Sea and Land; Acquisitions of Territory; and Increase of Power. IV. His Regard to Genius and Merit, particularly in the Instances of General Le Fort, Prince Menzikoff, and the Empress Catharine: And his severe Justice on Offenders, exemplified in the Proceedings against the Czarewitz, and others. To which is prefixed, a chronological summary of the history of Russia, a political view of the constitution and a geographical description of that. London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T88907. Grub Street ID 308850.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the life and reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia, and Father of his country. Containing, I. His Travels, Studies, and Personal Fatigues, for the attaining of Knowledge in Civil and Military Affairs, and the Improvement of his Subjects. II. His Introduction of Arts and Sciences, a Naval Force, and Commerce with Foreign Nations: Also his many Reformations in Church and State, the Army, and the Customs and Manners of his People. III. His Wars with the Swedes, Turks, Tartars, and Persians; Victories by Sea and Land; Acquisitions of Territory, and Increase of Power. IV. His Regard to Genius and Merit, with the surprizing Instarces of his Favour to General Le Fort, Prince Menzikoff, and the Empress Catharine: And his severe Justice on Oflenders, particularly in the Proceedings against the rebellion; Caarewitz. London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T88910. Grub Street ID 308854.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the life and reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia, and Father of his country. Containing, I. His travels, studies, and personal fatigues, for the attaining of knowledge in civil and military affairs, and the improvement of his subjects. II. His introduction of arts and sciences, naval force, and commerce with foreign nations: also his many reformations in church and state, the army, and the customs and manners of his people. III. His wars with the Swedes, Turks, Tartars, and Persians, victories by sea and land; acquisitions of territory, and increase of power. IV. His regard to genius and merit, with the surprizing instances of his favour to General Le Fort, Prince Menzikoff, and the Empress Catharine: and his severe justice on offenders, particularly in the proceedings against the rebellious Czarewitz. Faithfully abridged from the best historians, by J. Bancks, author of miscellaneous works in verse and prose, in octavo, adorned with sculptures, and ill. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-Bridge, M DCC XL. [1740]. ESTC No. N17037. Grub Street ID 6541.
  • Bancks, John. The history of Francis-Eugene Prince of Savoy, Knight of the Golden Fleece, Privy-Counsellor and Prime Minister to his Imperial Majesty, President of the Aulic Council of War, Field-Marshal-General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces of the Emperor, Empire, &c. &c. Containing, the military transactions of above thirty campaigns, made by his Serene Highness in Hungary, Itlay, Germany, and the Low-Countries. And Interspersed with other memorable Events, during a Course of more than Fifty Years. The whole compiled from the best authorities, Printed and Manuscript, By an English officer, who served under his Highness in the last war with France. London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T56090. Grub Street ID 282639.
  • Bancks, John. The history of John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindelheim, Captain-General and Commander in Chief of the Armies of Her Britannick Majesty and the States of the United Provinces, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Master of the Ordnance, &c. Including a more exact, impartial, and methodical Narrative of the late War upon the Danube, the Rhine, and in the Netherlands, than has ever yet appeared. Compiled from authentick journals, without Regard to any Former Attempt of the same Nature. By the author of The history of Prince Eugene. London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T36397. Grub Street ID 266321.
  • Bancks, John. The history of Francis-Eugene Prince of Savoy, Knight of the Golden Fleece, Privy-Councillor and Prime Minister to his Imperial Majesty, President of the Aulic Council of War, Field-Marshal-General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces of the Emperor and the Empire, &c. Containing, the military transactions of above thirty campaigns, made by his Serene Highness in Hungary, Italy, Germany, and the Low-Countries. And Interspersed with other memorable Events, during a Course of more than Fifty Years. The whole compiled from the best authorities, Printed and Manuscript, by an English officer, who served under his Highness in the last war with France. The second edition, corrected by the author.. London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T56091. Grub Street ID 282640.
  • Bancks, John. The history of John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindelheim, Captain-General and Commander in Chief of the Armies of Her Britannick Majesty and the States of the United Provinces, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Master of the Ordnance, &c. Including a more exact, impartial, and methodical Narrative of the late War upon the Danube, the Rhine, and in the Netherlands, than has ever yet appeared. Compiled from authentick journals, without Regard to any Former Attempt of the same Nature. By the author of The history of Prince Eugene. The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T36398. Grub Street ID 266322.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the life and reign of Lewis XIV, King of France and Navarre. Containing, an exact and comprehensive relation of all the battles, ... Extracted from the best writers of the French and other nations. In three volumes. . London : printed for James Hodges, 1742-43. ESTC No. N21886. Grub Street ID 11242.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord-Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Comprised under the following heads: His descent, alliances, and first advances to popularity; with a view of the motives to the civil war, and the sentiments of mr. Locke and a British parliament concerning resistance. His military, exploits, and wonderful success in the civil wars, during the life of king Charles I. His military actions after that king's death, during his government in Ireland. His war against the Scots under king Charles II. till he totally routed them at Worcester. A view of his conduct towards king Charles I. with a vindication of him in many particulars. His management towards the parliament, the army, and the parties he had to deal with, till he assumed the sovereignty. A view of his civil government, from his dissolving the long parliament to his death. His behaviour towards foreign princes and states; his zeal for the honour of E. The second edition, carefully revised, and greatly enlarged in every chapter, by the Author; ... London : printed for J. Osborn, and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T135014. Grub Street ID 183543.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the House of Austria, and the German Empire: containing the Germanick constitution, and an account of all their emperors. An account of the pragmatick sanction, with the rise of the several claims on the demise of the late emperor, and the steps that have been taken to assert them. Also, the geography and history of all the dominions belonging to the imperial branch of the Austrian family; with a view of the strength, revenues, &c. of the Queen of Hungary, compared with those of other powers. The history and succession to the estates of th[ful] Duke of Cleves in 1609, and the pretensions now subsisting upon the extinction of the House of Neubourg in the late elector Palatine.[is] The whole giving a more exact and clear idea of the motives and nature of the present war, and what may probably ensue, than is to be met with in any other work. London : printed; and sold by the booksellers in town and country, 1743. ESTC No. N66658. Grub Street ID 48361.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the life and reign of William III. King of England, Prince of Orange, and hereditary Stadtholder of the United Provinces. Containing A Series of memorable Efforts, Military and Political, made from the Year 1672 to the End of 1701, for maintaining the Liberties of Europe, particularly of his Native Country, and the British Monarchy, against the Encroachments of Popery and Arbitrary Power, under the Banners of France. Introduced with A brief Account of the History and Genealogy of his Family. By the author of the Critical review of the life of Oliver Cromwell. London : printed for Charles Marsh and Thomas Davies, both in Round Court in the Strand, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T73188. Grub Street ID 296526.
  • Bancks, John. The history of the life and reign of William III. King of England, Prince of Orange, and hereditary Stadtholder of the United Provinces. Containing, A Series of memorable Efforts, Military and Political, made from the Year 1672 to the End of 1701, for maintaining the Liberties of Europe, particularly of his Native Country, and the British Monarchy, against the Encroachments of Popery and Arbitrary Power, under the Banners of France. Introduced with A brief Account of the History and Genealogy of his Family. By the author of the Critical review of the life of Oliver Cromwell. London : printed for James Hodges at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLIV [1744]. ESTC No. N8521. Grub Street ID 53420.
  • Bancks, John. A compendious history of the House of Austria, and the German Empire. Containing, a general view of the Germanic constitution. A short chronological account of the emperors from Charlemagne to Rodolph of Hapsburg, founder of the House of Austria. A more particlar history from the election of Rodolph to the imperial dignity, in 1273, to the failure of his issue in the male line, upon the death of the late Emperor Charles VI. An account of the pragmatic sanction, the rise of the several claims made on the demise of this emperor, and the steps that have hitherto been taken to assert them. Also the geography and history of all the dominions belonging to the imperial branch of the Austrian family; with a view of the strength, revenues, &c. of the Queen of Hungary, compared with those of other powers. And the history of the succession to the estates of the Duke of cleves, in 1609, and the pretensions now subsisting, upon the extinction of the house of Neuburg in the late elector palatine. The w. London : Printed by and for J. Mechell, at the King's-Arms in Fleet-Street, [1745?]. ESTC No. N3058. Grub Street ID 19502.
  • Bancks, John. The history of John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindelheim, ... Including a methodical narrative of the late war upon the Danube, the Rhine, and in the Netherlands. London?] : Printed in the year, 1745. ESTC No. N17671. Grub Street ID 7138.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Comprised under the following heads: his descent, alliances, and first advances to popularity; with a view of the motives to the civil war, and the sentiments of Mr. Locke and a British parliament concerning resistance. His military exploits, and wonderful success in the civil wars, during the life of king Charles I. His military actions after that king's death, during his government in Ireland. His war against the Scots under king Charles II. till he totally routed them at Worcester. A view of his conduct towards king Charles I. with a vindication of him in many particulars his management towards the parliament, the army, and the parties he had to deal with, till he assumed the sovereignty. A view of his civil government, from his dissolving the long parliament to his death. His behaviour towards foreign princes and states; his zeal for the honour of Eng. The third edition, carefully revised, and greatly enlarged in every chapter, by the author; who has now first added an appendix, containing many curious pieces, both in prose and verse, relating to the history and character of the Lord Protector.. London : printed for C. Davis, in Holborn; J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge; and J. Osborn, in Pater-noster-Row, 1747. ESTC No. T135437. Grub Street ID 183854.
  • Bancks, John. Advice to a nephew: or, a system of rules and morals for the forming of a young gentleman's conduct. Under the following heads, religion, ... master, &c. ... By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. London : printed for W. Owen, 1747. ESTC No. N67462. Grub Street ID 49040.
  • Bancks, John. Miscellaneous works in verse and prose, of Mr. William Cartaret. Consisting of odes, songs, &c. sacred to love, friendship, and devotion. Tales and fables, humorous, moral, and satirical. Epistles, ethic, amorous, and familiar. Epigrams, and other occasional poems. Essays in literature, theology, and criticism. Adorned with sculptures, and illustrated with notes. London : printed for the author, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T207627. Grub Street ID 236788.
  • Bancks, John. The history of Francis-Eugene Prince of Savoy, ... Containing, the military transactions of above thirty campaigns, made by his Serene Highness in Hungary, Italy, Germany, and the Low-Countries. ... The whole compiled from the best authorities, ... By an English officer, who served under his Highness in the last war with France. London?] : Printed in the year, 1754. ESTC No. N17548. Grub Street ID 7018.
  • Bancks, John. A new history of the life and reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia, and father of his country. ... To which is prefixed, a chronological summary of the history of Russia, ... By the author of The critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell. London?] : Printed in the year, 1754. ESTC No. T196157. Grub Street ID 229620.
  • Bancks, John. A new history of the life and reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia, and Father of his country. Giving an exact relation of I. His travels, studies, and personal fatigues, for the attaining of knowledge in civil and military affairs, and the improvement of his subjects. II. His introduction of arts and sciences, a naval force, and commerce with foreign nations: also his many reformations in church and state, the army, and the customs and manners of his people. III. His wars with the Swedes, Turks, Tartars and Persians; victories by sea and land; acquisitions of territory, and increase of power. IV. His regard to genius and merit, particularly in the instances of general Le Fort, prince Menzikoff, and the emprese Catharine: and his severe justice on offenders, exemplified in the proceedings against the czarewitz, and others. To which is prefixed, a chronological summary of the history of Russia, a political view of the constitution, and a geographical description of that. London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T89340. Grub Street ID 309248.
  • Bancks, John. The history of John Duke of Marlborough. Prince of Mindelheim, ... Compiled from authentick journals, ... By the author of The hist. of Prince Eugene. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for James Hodges, 1755. ESTC No. T36399. Grub Street ID 266323.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. ... By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple. Glasgow: printed by James Knox, 1755. ESTC No. T135013. Grub Street ID 183542.
  • Bancks, John. Love atones for little crimes: an ethic epistle, being an answer to a dedication, lately published. Cum notis variorum. Dublin: printed and sold by the hawkers, 1758. ESTC No. T170239. Grub Street ID 207953.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Comprised under the following heads. His descent, alliances, and first advances to popularity; With a view of the motives to the civil war, and the sentiments of Mr. Locke and a British parliament concerning resistance. His military exploits, and wonderful success in the civil wars, during the life of King Charles I. His military actions after that king's death, during his government in Ireland. His war against the Scots under King Charles II. till he totally routed them at Worcester. A view of his conduct towards King Charles I. with a vindication of him in many particulars. His management towards the parliament, the army, and the parties he had to deal with will he assumed the sovereignty. A view of his civil government, from his dissolving he Long Parliament to his death. His behaviour towards foreign princes and states; his zeal for the honour of Engl. The fourth edition.. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes; J. Rivington; L. Davis and C. Reymers; S. Crowder; and T. Longman, M.DCC.LX. [1760]. ESTC No. N22589. Grub Street ID 11939.
  • Bancks, John. A compendious history of the House of Austria, and the German Empire. ... By Mr. John Bancks. London : printed for H. Serjeant, 1761. ESTC No. T94561. Grub Street ID 314139.
  • Bancks, John. The history of Francis-Eugene Prince of Savoy, ... Containing, the military transactions of above thirty campaigns, made by his Serene Highness in Hungary, Italy, Germany, and the Low-Countries. ... The whole compiled from the best authorities, ... By an English officer, who served under his Highness in the last war with France. The third edition, corrected by the author.. London : printed for S. Crowder and Co., 1761. ESTC No. T219609. Grub Street ID 243672.
  • Bancks, John. The history of Germany: being an account of all the emperors from Charlemagne to the present time. Containing The Origin of the German Empire, the Emperor King of the Romans, Electors, Princes Courts, Imperial Cities, Barons, Laws, Diets, Courts, &c. with A full and particular Account of the War with the Turks, France, Spain, &c. Also an accurate Account of the famous Battles of Blenheim, Ramilies, Malplaquat, Tunis, Oudenard, &c. With the Succession of the Queen of Hungary; and a full Account of the Rise and Progress of the present War between her and the King of Prussia. By Mr. John Bancks. London : printed for H. Serjeant, at the Star without Temple Bar, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T94562. Grub Street ID 314140.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Comprised under the following heads: His descent, alliances, and first advances to popularity; with a view of the motives to the civil war, and the sentiments of Mr Locke and a British parliament concerning resistance. His military exploits, and wonderful success in the civil wars, during the life of king Charles I. His military actions after that king's death, during his government in Ireland. His war against the Scots under king Charles II. till he totally routed them at Worcester. A view of his conduct towards K. Charles I. with a vindication of him in many particulars. His management towards the parliament, the army, and the parties he had to deal with, till he assumed the sovereignty. A view of his civil government, from his dissolving the long parliament to his death. His behaviour towards foreign princes and states; his zeal for the honour of En. Glasgow: printed by James Knox, and sold at his shop, near the head of the Salt-Mercat, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T135436. Grub Street ID 183853.
  • Bancks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. ... By the late John Banks, ... With an appendix, . The fifth edition.. London : printed for J. Buckland, J. and F. Rivington, L. Davis and C. Reymers, S. Crowder, and T. Longman, 1769. ESTC No. N22590. Grub Street ID 11941.
  • Bancks, John. A critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, ... By the late John Banks, Esq; with an appendix, containing some curious pieces ... London [i.e. Edinburgh?]: sold by A. Thomson, R. Nelson, P. Davidson, W. Jones, S. Durfey, and J. Panton, [1775?]. ESTC No. T110422. Grub Street ID 162953.