Salmon, Nicholas.
The french teacher's assistant; or, a new and easy method to learn children to spell, read, and speak French, With Propriety and Elegance. In Two Parts. Part the First, contains an Easy Spelling-Book, with proper Rules for pronouncing French. Part the Second, contains Rudiments of the French Language, in a Number of familiar Lessons, by Question and Answer: In which will be found, not only all the necessary Rules of Grammar, but also those for the Conjugation of every French Verh, both regular and irregular. The whole written from Practice, upon a Plan entirely new; and so contrived, as to enable any English Person, who can read his own Language, to teach the other with Facility and Expedition. By Nicholas Salmon, Author of the Rules for the French Genders, and Master of the Academy, Red-Lion-Street, Clerkenwell.
London : printed for the author; and George Riley, Bookseller and Stationer, Curzon-Street, May-Fair, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T119159.Grub Street ID 170614.
Salmon, Nicholas.
The expeditious accountant; or, cyphering rendered so short, that half the trouble attending the common methods is saved, in most occurrences; and so easy, that a person of moderate capacity may learn with very little assistance from a master; the rules given being plain, the examples properly illustrated, and numbers of questions, with their answers, being annexed to them, to exercise the learner. A very curious work, totally different from all that have preceded it. In five parts. By Nicholas Salomon, Master of the Academy, Red-Lion-Street, Clerkenwell; and author of The French teacher's assistant, and of The rules for the French genders.
London : printed for the author; and sold by him at his Academy as above; also by Messrs. Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, in Pater-noster-Row; Mr. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Church-yard; Mr. Lowndes, in Fleet-Street; Messrs, Richardson and Urquhart, Royal-Exchange; Mr. Riley, Curzon-Street, May-Fair; and by all the booksellers in town and country, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T100172.Grub Street ID 154153.
Salmon, Nicholas.
A footstep to the French language; containing such observations as will facilitate the acquisition of it, and render its study less disgusting to beginners: or, a short introduction to a work (now in the press), entitled The complete system of the French language. By Nicholas Salmon.
London : printed for the author; and sold by Mr. Elmsley, in the Strand; Mr. Hookham, New Bond-Street; and Mr. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange. M.DCC.LXXXVII. Entered at Stationers Hall, [1787].
ESTC No. T115182.Grub Street ID 166962.
Salmon, Nicholas.
The complete system of the French language; or a Course of Grammatical Observations, wherein the Great Deficiencies of Former Grammars, and Even Dictionaries, are Supplied; The numerous Examples so fully illustrated, and the Phrases so properly selected, that a diligent Person, desirous of learning French, may, with very little other Assistance, be able to write it with the greatest Accuracy and Elegance, as well as speak it with a just Pronunciation, in much less time than heretofore. By Nicholas Salmon, Author of ``a Footstep to the French Language;'' Which is an Introduction to the present Work.
London : printed for the author, by T. Spilsbury, Snow-Hill; and sold by Mr. Elmsley, in the Strand; Mr. Hookham, New Bond-Street; and Mr. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange. M.DCC.LXXXVIII. (entered at Stationers Hall.), [1788].
ESTC No. T114005.Grub Street ID 165845.
Salmon, Nicholas.
Stemmata latinitatis; or, an etymological Latin dictionary: wherein the whole mechanism of the Latin tongue is methodically and conspicuously exhibited, ... With a key, ... Also, a general index ... By Nicholas Salmon, ... In two volumes. .
London : printed for the author, by W. and C. Spilsbury; and sold by C. Dilly; Elmsley; Debrett; Hookham and Carpenter; Johnson; Edwards; and Thomas Payne, 1796.
ESTC No. T147595.Grub Street ID 194137.
Salmon, Nicholas.
Grammaire angloise comparée avec la grammaire françoise; dans laquelle les principes & les tours de phrase des deux langues sont raisonnés d'une manière très-nouvelle, ... Par Nicolas Salmon, .
Londres : de l'imprimerie de W. & C. Spilsbury; et se trouve chez C. Dilly : chez Elmsley & Bremner; chez les libraires étrangers, &c., 1797.
ESTC No. T117594.Grub Street ID 169179.
Salmon, Nicholas.
Guide pour la langue angloise, et pour la langue françoise. Dans lequel on a réuni deux grands avantages, l'utile et l'agréable; ... Par Nicolas Salmon, .
Londres : de l'imprimerie de W. & C. Spilsbury; et se trouve chez C. Dilly; chez Elmsley & Bremner; chez les libraires étrangers, &c., 1797.
ESTC No. T117595.Grub Street ID 169180.
Salmon, Nicholas.
The first principles of English grammar, methodically exhibited and explaiend [sic], ... By Nicholas Salmon, .
London : printed for and sold by the author; and may be had of C. Dilly; Boosey; and Bremner, 1798.
ESTC No. T117596.Grub Street ID 169181.