Publications of Richard Franklin
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed by Richard Franklin
- The Craftsman against pensions. As published on Saturday December 7, 1728. London : printed by R. Francklin, 1729. ESTC No. T225964. Grub Street ID 247672.
- Craftsman extraordinary: in a letter of advice, to the people of Great-Britain, and Ireland, with respect to some French-officers being arriv'd in that Kingdom, in order to raise recruits, for his Gallick Majesty. By Caleb d'Anvers, of Gray's Inn, Esq; Wednesday November 18, 1730. London : printed by R. Francklin, in Russel street, Covent-Garden, 1730. ESTC No. T192088. Grub Street ID 226673.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Craftsman's first letter of advice, to the people of Great-Britain, and Ireland, with respect to some French-officers being arrived in that kingdom, in order to raise recruits, for his Gallick Majesty. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq; Saturday November 7th. 1730[.]. London : Printed by R. Franklin, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1730. ESTC No. T192092. Grub Street ID 226677.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. Remarks on two pamphlets Lately publish'd, the one entituled, The defence of the measures of the present administration. And the other, considerations on the present state of affairs, with regard to the number of forces in the pay of Great-Britain. By Caleb D'Anvers, esquire, of Gray's-Inn. London : Printed by R. Franklin, in Russel Street, near Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T168996. Grub Street ID 206850.
- Predictions for the year 1731. By the authors of The craftsman. London : printed by R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. N38279. Grub Street ID 26036.
- The Craftsman extraordinary. Or, a letter to Caleb d'Anvers, Esq; on the present state of the affairs of the South-Sea Company. London : printed by H. Haines at R. Franklin's, 1732. ESTC No. T152674. Grub Street ID 197398.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The case of the revival of the salt duty, Fully stated and considered; With some remarks on the Present State of Affairs. In Answer to a late pamphlet. Intitled a Letter to a Freeholder on the late Reduction of the Land-Tax to one Shilling in the Pound. In a Letter from a Member of the House of Commons to a Gentleman in the Country. London : printed by H. Haines at Mr. Francklin's in Russel street, Covent-Garden, 1732. ESTC No. T4209. Grub Street ID 270894.
- A Defence of the craftsman's writings: or, A Christmas-box for somebody. London : Printed by R. Franklin, [1732?]. ESTC No. T217155. Grub Street ID 242300.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The budget opened. Or an answer to a pamphlet intitled, a letter from a member of parliament to his friends in the country, . London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's, 1733. ESTC No. T185798. Grub Street ID 221971.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the projected excise, impartially considered. . London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Franklin's, 1733. ESTC No. T181061. Grub Street ID 217657.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. The second part of An argument against excises; in answer to the objections of several writers; especially with regard to that part of the subject, which relates to the power and conduct of the commissioners and officers of excise. With some remarks on the present state of affairs. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, in the Year MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T47331. Grub Street ID 275298.
- Budgell, Eustace. A short history of Prime ministers in Great Britain. London [i.e. Edinburgh]: printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's [i.e. Robert Fleming], 1733. ESTC No. T78286. Grub Street ID 300150.
- Budgell, Eustace. A short history of Prime Ministers in Great Britain. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T6267. Grub Street ID 288138.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friend in the country; giving his reasons for opposing the farther extension of the excise laws; and shewing, that had the late attempt succeeded, it had been destructive of Parliament, and fatal to the constitution. London : printed by H. Haines at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1733]. ESTC No. T63769. Grub Street ID 288913.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An argument against excises, in several essays, lately published in the craftsman, and now collected together. By Caleb D'anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : Printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T22373. Grub Street ID 246220.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially considered. With Some Proper Hints to the Electors of Great Britain. The second edition.. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Franklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T60580. Grub Street ID 286423.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An argument against excises, in several essays, lately published in the craftsman, and now collected together. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. The second edition.. London : Printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T22374. Grub Street ID 246231.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The budget opened. Or, An answer to a pamphlet. Intitled, a letter from a member of Parliament to his friends in the country, concerning the duties on wine and tobacco. London : Printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T59681. Grub Street ID 285676.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially considered. With Some Proper Hints to the electors of Great Britain. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1733. ESTC No. T59682. Grub Street ID 285677.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The politicks on both sides, with regard to foreign affairs, stated from their own writings, and examined by the Course of Events. With some observations on the present state of affairs in Great Britain, and the effects of our negotiations, for several years past. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. T43989. Grub Street ID 272474.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The politicks on both sides, with regard to foreign affairs, stated from their own writings, ... With some observations on the present state of affairs in Great Britain, and the effects of our negotiations for several years past. London [i.e. Edinburgh]: printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's, 1734. ESTC No. T78287. Grub Street ID 300151.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An humble address to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, elected to represent the commons of Great Britain in the ensuing parliament. By a freeholder. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. T36797. Grub Street ID 266681.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The politicks on both sides, with regard to foreign affairs, stated from their own writings, and examined by the Course of Events. With some observations on the present state of affairs in Great Britain, And the Effects of our Negotiations, for several Years past. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. T10149. Grub Street ID 155371.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, from the year 1721, to Christmas 1733. In which the case of our national debts, the sinking fund, and all extraordinary grants of money are particularly consider'd. Being a sequel to Politicks on both sides. The third edition corrected.. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. T32735. Grub Street ID 263411.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, from the year 1721, to the present time. In which the case of our national debts, the sinking fund, and all extraordinary grants of money are particularly consider'd. Being a sequel to Politicks on both sides. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. T32738. Grub Street ID 263414.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, from the year 1721, to the present time. In which the case of our national debts, the sinking fund, and all extraordinary grants of money are particularly consider'd. Being a sequel to Politicks on both sides. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by H. Haines, at Mr. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1734. ESTC No. N1539. Grub Street ID 5117.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The case of the sinking fund, and the right of the publick creditors to it considered at large; with some farther observations on the national debts, the civil list, the bank contract, votes of credit, and other extraordinary grants of money. Being a defence of an enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, and, a full reply to a late pamphlet, intitled, Some considerations concerning the publick funds, &c. In a letter to the author. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1735. ESTC No. T20277. Grub Street ID 233573.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. The case of the sinking fund, and the right of the publick creditors to it considered at large; with some farther observations on the national debts, the civil list, the bank contract, votes of credit, and other extraordinary grants of money. Being a defence of an enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, and a full reply to a late pamphlet. intitled, Some considerations concerning the publick funds, &c. In a letter to the author. London : Printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, M.DCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. N26893. Grub Street ID 16247.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. The dedication of the Dissertation upon parties, to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's, 1735. ESTC No. N28882. Grub Street ID 18081.
- Some observations on the present plan of peace. Occasion'd by two papers, published in the Gazetteer; intitled, An impartial review of the present state of affairs in Europe. In a letter to a gentleman in the country. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1736. ESTC No. T106769. Grub Street ID 159863.
- Kirby, John Joshua. The description and use of a new instrument called, an architectonic sector. By which any part of architecture may be drawn with facility and exactness. London : Printed for Joshua Kirby, designer in perspective to His Majesty, by R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by T. Payne, at the Mews-Gate; Messrs. Knapton and Horsefield, in Ludgate-Street; Messrs. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; T. Longman, in Paster-Noster-Row; T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Gretton, in Bond-Street, 1761. ESTC No. T219912. Grub Street ID 243820.
- Kirby, John Joshua. The perspective of architecture. In two parts. A work entirely new; deduced from the principles of Dr. Brook Taylor; And performed by Two Rules only of Universal Application. Part the First, Contains The Description and Use of a new Instrument called the Architectonic Sector. Part the Second, A New Method of Drawing the Five Orders, Elegant Structures, &c. in Perspective. Begun BY Command of His Present Majesty, When Prince of Wales. By Joshua Kirby, Designer in Perspective to His Majesty. London : printed for the author, in Duke-Street, Grosvenor-Square, by R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by T. Payne, at the Mews Gate; Messieurs Knapton and Horsefield, in Ludgate Street; Messieurs Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; T. Longman, in Pater-Noster Row; T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Gretton, in Bond Street, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T133638. Grub Street ID 182385.
Sold by Richard Franklin
- Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Caesar; with the death of Brutus and Cassius: Written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden late poets laureat. As it is now acted by His Majesty's Company of comedians at the Theatre Royal. To which is prefix'd, the life of Julius Caesar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London : Printed for J. Tonson, and sold by W. Mears at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, W. Chetwood at Cato's Head under Tom's Coffee-House in Russel-street, R. Franklin at the Sun in Fleetstreet, and G. Strahan at the Golden Ball in Cornhill, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. N27492. Grub Street ID 16743.
- Osbaldeston, Richard. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in York, ... at the Assizes held there March 7. 1723. By Richard Osbaldeston,. London : printed for W. Mears: and sold by Francis Hildyard, and Richard Francklin, booksellers in York, 1724. ESTC No. N37316. Grub Street ID 25278.
- Sacramental devotions, and suitable meditations. Peculiarly adapted to the communion office. Compiled out of the church-liturgy, and many other eminent tracts of devotion, for private use. Revised by Ja. King, A. M. Preacher of the New Chapel in Long-Acre. The second edition with additions.. London : printed for Jos. Hazard, over-against Stationers-Hall, near Ludgate; and sold by T. Harbin in the Strand; S. Harbin in St. Martins Lane; L. Stokey, at Charing-Cross; J. Graves at St. James's; C. King, in Westminster-Hall; R. Francklyn in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; and J. Walthoe, at the Royal Exchange, 1726. ESTC No. T134093. Grub Street ID 182787.
- Sacramental devotions, and suitable meditations. Peculiarly adapted to the communion office. Compiled out of the church-liturgy, and many other eminent tracts of devotion, for private use. Revised by Ja. King, A.M. preacher of the New Chapel in Long-Acre. The third edition with additions.. London : printed for Jos. Hazard, over-against Stationers-Hall, near Ludgate; and sold by T. Harbin in the Strand; S. Harbin in St. Martins Lane; L. Stokey, at Charing-Cross; J. Graves at St. James's; c. King, in Westminster-Hall; R. Francklyn in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; and J. Walthoe, at the Royal Exchange, 1726. ESTC No. N72158. Grub Street ID 51993.
- Baker, Henry. The second part of Original poems: serious and humorous. By Mr. Henry Baker. London : printed [by John Watts] for the author; and sold by J. Parker next the Cocoa-Tree in Pall-Mall; T. Wotton, and T. Worral in Fleetstreet; R. Franklin in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; J. Brotherton in Cornhill; and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. N21835. Grub Street ID 11189.
- Sewell, George. The tragedy of Richard I. King of England. To which are annexed, some other papers. By George Sewell, ... All faithfully published from his original manuscripts, by his brother. London : printed for G. Sewell; and sold by W. Mears and A. Dodd, J. Brotherton, W. Astley, R. Francklin, J. Jackson, 1728. ESTC No. N64625. Grub Street ID 46612.
- Sewell, George. The tragedy of Richard I. King of England. To which are annexed, some other papers. By George Sewell, M. D. Late of Hampstead All faithfully published from his original manuscripts, by his brother. London : printed for G. Sewell in Clement's-Inn Passage, leading into Clare-Market ; and sold by W. Mears and A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, J. Brotherton in Cornhill, W. Astley in St. Paul's Church-Yard, R. Francklin in Covent-Garden, J. Jackson near St. James's House, 1728. ESTC No. T67589. Grub Street ID 292061.
- The court spy; or the starling's song. To which is added, the disguis'd states man's ramble, a fable. London : printed for R. Franklin, 1730. ESTC No. T220467. Grub Street ID 244145.
- Bristol (England).. Bristol, 1735. The city charters. London] : Sold by R. Franklin, London; Felix Farley; J. Wilson; and by Peter Brown, Bristol, [1735. ESTC No. N43945. Grub Street ID 29537.
Printed for Richard Franklin
- Love's invention: or, The recreation in vogue. An excellent new ballad upon the masquerades. To the tune of, O! London is a fine town. The second edition.. London : Printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. N3235. Grub Street ID 21043.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Strephon's revenge: a satire on the Oxford toasts. Inscrib'd to the author of Merton walks. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet: and sold by J. Bettenham in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T48740. Grub Street ID 276579.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Strephon's revenge: a satire on the Oxford toasts. Inscrib'd to the author of Merton Walks. The second edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet: and sold by J. Bettenham in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T48741. Grub Street ID 276580.
- Farquhar, George. The stage-coach. A comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, By His Majesty's servants. By Mr. George Farquhar. To which is prefix'd, the life and character of Mr. George Farquhar. London : Printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1718. ESTC No. N24060. Grub Street ID 13426.
- M. H, (Mary Hearne).. The lover's week: or, the six days adventures of Philander and Amaryllis. Written by a young lady. London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, both over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T126577. Grub Street ID 176509.
- B., J.. The art of beauty: a poem. Humbly address'd to the Oxford toasts. London : printed for R. Francklin at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, and at the Court of Requests ; and sold by J. Bettenham in Pater-Noster Row, 1719. [1718]. ESTC No. T68937. Grub Street ID 293043.
- Molloy. The coquet: or, the English chevalier. A comedy. As it is acted by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Molloy. London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T67577. Grub Street ID 292050.
- M. H, (Mary Hearne).. The lover's week: or, the six days adventures of Philander and Amaryllis. Written by a young lady. The second edition.. London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, both over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T72369. Grub Street ID 295903.
- Love's invention: or, the recreation in vogue. An excellent new ballad upon the masquerades. To the Tune of, O! London is a fine Town, &c. Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense. London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T127024. Grub Street ID 176872.
- Savage, Richard. Love in a veil. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, By His Majesties Servants. Written by Richard Savage, Gent. Son of the Late Earl Rivers. London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible; and R. Francklin, at the Sun, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel-Court near the Theatre Royal, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T125843. Grub Street ID 175903.
- The english theatre for the year 1718: Consisting of all the new comedies Acted at Both Houses. By his Majesty's Servants. Viz. I. The Non-Juror. By Mr. Cibber. II. The Artful Wife. By Mr. Taverner. III. The Coquet. By Mr. Molloy. IV. Love in a Veil. By Mr. Savage. London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, and R. Francklin at the Sun, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, [1719]. ESTC No. T26892. Grub Street ID 258853.
- Walker, William. English examples of the Latin syntaxis: or, the rules of the Latin syntaxis exemplify'd in English sentences, ... The fifth edition, corrected. By William Walker, . London : printed for R. Francklin, 1719. ESTC No. N66139. Grub Street ID 47910.
- Musapaedia, Or Miscellany poems, never before printed. By several members of the Oxford Poetical Club, Late of Eton and Westminster. London : Printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun agiainst St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street, 1719. ESTC No. N21995. Grub Street ID 11356.
- Musapaedia, or miscellany poems, never before printed. By several members of the Oxford Poetical Club, ... late of Eton and Westminster. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-Street, 1719. ESTC No. N10616. Grub Street ID 625.
- Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Cæsar: with the death of Brutus and Cassius; written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden, ... To which is prefix'd, the life of Julius Cæsar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London : printed for W. Chetwood, and R. Francklin, 1719. ESTC No. N23321. Grub Street ID 12680.
- Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or The fatal enquiry, a novel. London : printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T75397. Grub Street ID 298123.
- Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. The unity of the church, and expediency of forms of prayer; Illustrated in two treatises compos'd by St. Cyprian the Martyr. To which is prefix'd, a large preface, shewing that Christians of all denominations, whether papists or protestants, are oblig'd to heal and compose the divisions of Christendom, and thereby restore to themselves the name of the one catholick and Apostolick Church. With a prayer for the dead, and a paraphrase on the Lord's-prayer; by the Late Pious and learned Dr. Grabe. London : Printed for R. Francklin at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, and J. Bettenham in Pater-noster-row, 1719. ESTC No. N35453. Grub Street ID 23720.
- Holland, Samuel, gent. The spaniard: or, Don Zara del Fogo: translated from the original Spanish by Basilius Musophilus. With notes to Explain the true Meaning of the Author. With a most Ingenious Dedication to the World; Si foret in Terris rideret Democritus. London : printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T131686. Grub Street ID 180657.
- Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Cæsar: with the death of Brutus and Cassius; written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden late Poets Laureat. As it is now acted by His Majesty's Company of Comedians at the Theatre Royal. To which is prefix'd, The life of Julius Cæsar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London : printed for G. Strahan at the Golden Ball in Cornhill; W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Covent-Garden; and R. Francklin at the Sun overagainst St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T51540. Grub Street ID 278769.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Poems on several occasions. Dedicated to the Reverend Dr. Delaune, President of St. John's College in Oxford. By N. Amhurst, sometime of the same College. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T42646. Grub Street ID 271415.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An epistle (with a petition in it) to Sir John Blunt, Bart. one of the directors of the South-Sea Company. By N. Amhurst. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, 1720. ESTC No. T94046. Grub Street ID 313662.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An epistle (with a petition in it) to Sir John Blount, Bart. one of the directors of the South-Sea Company. By N. Amhurst. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street, [1720]. ESTC No. T94371. Grub Street ID 313963.
- Law, John. A full and impartial account of the Company of Mississipi, otherwise call'd the French East-India-Company, projected and settled by Mr. Law. Wherein the Nature of that Establishment and the almost incredible Advantages thereby accruing to the French King, and a great Number of his Subjects, are clearly explain'd and made out. With an account of the establishment of the Bank of Paris, by the said Mr. Law. To which are added, A Description of the Country of Mississipi, and a Relation of the first Discovery of it: In Two Letters from a Gentleman to his Friend. In French and English. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, W. Lewis in Covent-Garden, J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, J. Graves in St. James's-Street, and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T97647. Grub Street ID 317037.
- Toland, John. Reasons most humbly offer'd to the honble House of Commons why the bill sent down to them from the most honble House of Lords, entitul'd, an Act for the better securing the dependency of the kingdom of Ireland upon the crown of Great Britain, shou'd not pass into a law. London : printed for R. Franklin, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T46469. Grub Street ID 274557.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Strephon's revenge: a satire on the Oxford toasts. Inscrib'd to the author of Merton walks. The third edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1720. ESTC No. N23383. Grub Street ID 12743.
- Locke, John. A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke, Never before printed, or not extant in his Works. Publish'd by the author of the life of the ever-memorable Mr. John Hales, &c. London : printed by J. Bettenham for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T117306. Grub Street ID 168905.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. A familiar epistle from Tunbridge-Wells to a gentleman at Oxford. By N. Amhurst. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1720. ESTC No. N49067. Grub Street ID 33518.
- Concanen, Matthew. A match at foot-ball; or the Irish champions. A mock-heroick poem, in three canto's. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Covent-Garden; and J. Graves, in St. James's-Street, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T39033. Grub Street ID 268396.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. The British general; a poem, sacred to the memory of His Grace John, Duke of Marlborough. Inscribed to the Right Honourable William, Earl Cadogan. By N. Amhurst. London : printed for R. Francklin at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1722. ESTC No. T29712. Grub Street ID 261050.
- Gentleman who was concern'd.. Considerations on the unhappy accidents that attended the last undertaker in his works at Dagenham Breach. With remarks on the excuses made use of to screen the deficiency of the workmanship, in a treatise, entitled, An account of the stopping Dagenham Breach, &c. and also Reasons to prove, that the proper Rules for stopping Breaches, or performing any the like Works, contain'd therein, And the proposal for rendering the port of Dublin more commodious, are not the only and the best in the World. A Subject proper to be consider'd by those whose immediate Province it is to transact for the Good of the Nation in General. To which is subjoin'd, An essay on the perpetual motion. By a gentleman who was concern'd. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street. MDCCXXIII. [illegible], [1723]. ESTC No. T191411. Grub Street ID 226311.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Poems on several occasions. Dedicated to the Reverend Dr. Delaune, President of St. John's College in Oxford. By N. Amhurst, sometime of the same College. The second edition, in which is inserted The test of love.. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T95347. Grub Street ID 314859.
- Locke, John. A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke, Never before printed, or not extant in his works. Publish'd by the author of the life of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales, &c. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House in Russel Street Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T188561. Grub Street ID 224352.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Strephon's revenge: a satire on the Oxford toasts. Inscrib'd to the author of Merton walks. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee House in Covent-Garden, [1724]. ESTC No. T129063. Grub Street ID 178547.
- The Oxford miscellany. Consisting of The following Poems, Viz. I. Strephon's Revenge: A Satire on the Oxford Toasts. II. The Art of Beauty; dedicated to Belinda, a celebrated Oxford Beauty. III. The Oxford Critics, a Satire. IV. Several Odes of Horace, Martial and Buchanan imitated. To a Maiden Lady, who preferrs her Cat to all Mankind: On the Power of Musick: On the Death of Dr. Garth: Elirtilla, or the Coquet: The Maiden's Dream: Advice to an arrogant Prude: To the Authors of the foregoing Poem: The Adventure at the Masquerade, to Mrs. B--. On Mrs. M--t's being ill of a Fever: An Epistle to Sir R---St---e, occasion'd by the Eclipse: On the Lady Dorothy Savile: The character of an happy Life: The Arrow, in imitation of Mr. Prior's Dove: On Pride. With several other Odes, Satires, Songs and Translations. V. Mr. Pope's Worms, and a new Song on the Masquerades. VI. Evbvlvs Oxoniensis discipulis suis; being an imitation of the celebrated Qui Mihi, in Praise of Drunkenness. Vii. The six days. London : printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street, 1720 [i.e. 1724?]. ESTC No. N10627. Grub Street ID 636.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Poems on several occasions. Dedicated to the Reverend Dr. Delaune, President of St. John's College in Oxford. By N. Amhurst, sometime of the same College. Jacta est Alea. The third edition, in which is inserted, The test of love.. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T78022. Grub Street ID 299931.
- The game of quadrille; or Ombre by four, with its establish'd laws and rules, As it is now Play'd at the French Court. Done from the French, just printed at Paris. To which is added, the game of quintille; or Ombre by Five, Both after the Old and New Manner. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffe-House, Covent-Garden, [between 1724 and 1728]. ESTC No. T116490. Grub Street ID 168155.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Oculus Britanniæ: an heroi-panegyrical poem on the university of Oxford. Illustrated with divers beautiful similes, and useful digressions. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's-Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, [1724]. ESTC No. T93645. Grub Street ID 313307.
- Collins, Anthony. An historical and critical essay, on the thirty nine articles of the Church of England. Wherein it is demonstrated, that this clause, the church has power to decree rites and ceremonies, and authority in controversies of faith, inserted in the 20th article, is not a part of the articles, as they were established by act of Parliament in the 13th of Eliz. or agreed on by the convocations of 1562 and 1571. London : Printed for R. Francklin under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T145483. Grub Street ID 192219.
- Mitchell. Two poetical petitions to the Right Honourable Robert Walpole Esq; I. The sine-cure. II. The equivalent. By Mr. Mitchell. London : printed for R. Franklin, 1725. ESTC No. T25414. Grub Street ID 257846.
- A true, authentick, and impartial history of the life and glorious actions of the Czar of Muscovy: from his birth to his death. Containing, I. An Exact Account of his Title, Descent, Family and Issue. II. His Detection of the several Plots formed against him, and his Punishment of the Conspirators. III. His Wars with the Turks, Swedes and Polanders; and his successful and unparalleled Conquests over those People. IV. His Travels into Europe, &c. for the Improvement of Arts, Sciences, Military Discipline and Naval Affairs, more particularly to Germany, Holland, and the Courts of England and France. V. His Remarkable Speech at his Return Home. VI. His Proceedings against the Czarewitz his Son, his Nomination of a Successor, his Sickness, Death and Interment. The whole compiled from the Russian, High Dutch and French languages, state papers, and other publick authorities. London : printed for J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, J. Jackson near St. James's-House, J. Harding in St. Martin's-Lane, and R. Frankling in Covent-Garden, [1725]. ESTC No. T88904. Grub Street ID 308847.
- A true, authentick, and impartial history of the life and glorious actions of the Czar of Muscovy: from his birth to his death. Containing, I. An exact account of his title, descent, family and issue. II. His detection of the several plots formed against him, and his punishment of the conspirators. III. His wars with the Turks, Swedes and Polanders; and his successful and unparalleled conquests over those people. IV. His travels into Europe, &c. for the improvement of arts, sciences, military discipline and naval affairs, more particularly to Germany, Holland, and the courts of England and France. V. His remarkable speech at his return home. VI. His proceedings against the Czarlwitz his son, his nomination of a successor, his sickness, death and interment. The whole compiled from the Russian, High Dutch and French languages, state papers, and other publick authorities. London : printed for A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster Row, G. Strahan, W. Meadows in Cornhill, J. Stagg in Westminster-hall, J. Graves in St. James's-Street, S. Chapman in Pall-Mall, R. Frankling in Covent-Garden, J. Harding in St. Martin's-Lane, T. Edlin in the Strand, and J. Jackson near St. James's House, [1725?]. ESTC No. N14081. Grub Street ID 3983.
- Mitchell. Two poetical petitions to the Right Honourable Robert Walpole Esq; I. The sine-cure. II. The equivalent. By Mr. Mitchell. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1725. ESTC No. N64303. Grub Street ID 46323.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Terr?-Filius: or, the secret history of the University of Oxford; in several essays. To which are added, remarks upon a late book, entitled, University education, by R. Newton, D. D. Principal of Hart-Hall. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N13422. Grub Street ID 3340.
- Wynne, John. The nature and extent of Christian unity explain'd; and the duty of promoting it particularly recommended to the clergy. In a sermon preach'd at the Cathedral church of St. Asaph in Flintshire: on Sunday, July 10. 1726. ... To which is prefixed an expostulatory letter to the Reverend Dr. Mather, ... By John Wynne,. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1726. ESTC No. T39665. Grub Street ID 268888.
- The true state of England. Containing, lists of the Privy-Council; of the King's Houshold; of the Houshold of the Prince and Princess of Wales; and that of the Princesses Anne, Carolina, and Amelia. Of the Great Officers of State, and the several other Officers employ'd in the Civil and Military Government of this Kingdom. together with the particular duty, business and salary of each officer; done in a more exact and correct Manner than any Performance of this kind, for several Years past. To which is added, A compleat List of the Knights of the Bath, and their Esquires: With a Table of Fees paid by each Knight Yearly, and at their Election, never before published. Also An Account of the Government of the City of London, with the Names of the Magistrates, principal Officers, &c. London : printed for J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall; S. Chapman in Pall-Mall; R. Francklin, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and D. Browne without Temple-Bar, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T75055. Grub Street ID 297843.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Terrae-Filius: or, the secret history of the University of Oxford; in several essays. To which are added, remarks upon a late book, entitled, University education, by R. Newton, D. D. Principal of Hart-Hall. In two volumes. The second edition: to which is prefix'd, a dedication to the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford.. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T114738. Grub Street ID 166539.
- Theobald. Shakespeare restored: or, a specimen of the many errors, as well committed, as unamended, by Mr. Pope in his late edition of this poet. Designed Not only to correct the said Edition, but to restore the True Reading of Shakespeare in all the Editions ever yet publish'd. By Mr. Theobald. London : printed [by Samuel Aris] for R. Franklin and T. Woodman in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, Charles Davis in Hatton-Garden, and S. Chapman in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T136610. Grub Street ID 184770.
- Theobald. Shakespeare restored: or, a specimen of the many errors, as well committed, as unamended, by Mr. Pope in his late edition of this poet. Designed Not only to correct the said Edition, but to restore the True Reading of Shakespeare in all the Editions ever yet publish'd. By Mr. Theobald. London : printed [by Samuel Aris] for R. Francklin under Tom's, J. Woodman and D. Lyon under Will's, Covent-Garden, and C. Davis in Hatton-Garden, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T136611. Grub Street ID 184771.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. The lives and most remarkable maxims of the antient philosophers. London : printed for B. Barker, near the Dean's Yard, Westminster, and R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-house, Covent-Garden, 1726. ESTC No. T41114. Grub Street ID 270078.
- Remarks on a late book, intitled, An essay on the publick debts of this Kingdom, &c. In which the evil tendency of that book, and the design of its author, are fully detected and exposed. Being A Seasonable Warning to the People of Great Britain, against such Authors and such Books. In a Letter to a Member of the House of Commons. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin under Tom's-Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, 1727. ESTC No. T85640. Grub Street ID 305931.
- Lely, Richard. Poems and translations, on several occasions. By Richard Lely, Esq ;. London : printed for J. Batley in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Woodward in Fleet-Street, C. King in Westminster-Hall, J. Jackson near St. James's-Gate, and R. Franklin in Covent-Garden, 1727. ESTC No. T125547. Grub Street ID 175680.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A state of the national debt, as it stood December the 24th, 1716. With the payments made towards the discharge of it out of the sinking fund, &c. compared with the debt at Michaelmas, 1725. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent Garden, 1727. ESTC No. T85822. Grub Street ID 306106.
- The craftsman: being a critique on the times. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Grays-Inn, Esq;. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T146372. Grub Street ID 193023.
- The game of quadrille; or Ombre by four, with its established laws and rules. The second edition. To which is added, the game of quintille; or ombre by five, both after the old and new manner. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, 1728. ESTC No. T119923. Grub Street ID 171268.
- Muralt, Béat Louis de. The customs and character of the English and French nations. With a curious essay on travelling; and a criticism on Boileau's description of Paris. By Mr. Muralt, a Gentleman of Switzerland. The second edition. To which are now added, critical remarks on the whole work, by gentlemen of the English and French nations: with a complete index. Translated from the French. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent Garden, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T190471. Grub Street ID 225622.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. The craftsman: being critique on the times. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Grays-Inn, Esq; vol. I. For the year 1726. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House Covent-Garden, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. N29135. Grub Street ID 18323.
- The craftsman: being a critique on the times. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's Inn, Esq; Vol. II. For the year 1727. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. N29136. Grub Street ID 18324.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Some farther remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain; Particularly with relation to the Spanish depredations and letters of reprisal. In a letter to the Craftsman. To which is added, a postscript, in vindication of the West-India merchants, against a late charge of theft and pyracy. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T204178. Grub Street ID 234516.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. Some considerations on the national debts, the sinking fund, and the state of publick credit: in a letter to a friend in the country. London : printed for R. Franklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T49272. Grub Street ID 277120.
- Huet, Pierre-Daniel. A philosophical treatise concerning human understanding. By Peter Huet, . The second edition.. London : printed for J. Stone; R. Francklin; W. Meadows, and J. Jackson, 1729. ESTC No. N23593. Grub Street ID 12946.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Some farther remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain; Particularly with Relation to the Spanish Depredations and Letters of Reprisal. In a letter to the Craftsman. To which is added, a postscript, in vindication of the West-India merchants, against a late Charge of Theft and Pyracy. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for Richard Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T10146. Grub Street ID 155339.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. The craftsman extraordinary. Being remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great Britain, &c. Published by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T34358. Grub Street ID 264676.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. The craftsman extraordinary. Being remarks on a late pamphlet intitled Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain, &c. Published by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1728/9 [i.e. 1729]. ESTC No. T213202. Grub Street ID 240100.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. The craftsman extraordinary; containing an answer to the Defence of the enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great-Britain. In a letter to the Craftsman. By John Trot, yeoman. Publish'd by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq;. London : printed for Richard Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T34359. Grub Street ID 264677.
- The true state of England. Containing the particular duty, business and salary of every officer, civil and military In All the Publick Offices of Great Britain. As also Complete Lists of the Lords and Gentlemen of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council: Of Their Majesties Housholds: Of the Housholds of the Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family; And of the Great Officers of State, &c. Together with an Account of the Government of the Cities of London and Westminster: With the Names of the Magistrates, Principal Officers, &c. The Whole in a more Exact and Correct Manner than any Performance of this kind, for several Years past. London : printed for C. King, and J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall; R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and D. Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1729. ESTC No. T74415. Grub Street ID 297454.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. The craftsman extraordinary. Being remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled Observations on the conduct of Great Britain, &c. Published by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq;. London : Printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-house, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T199628. Grub Street ID 231668.
- A short view of the state of affairs, with relation to Great-Britain, for four years past; with some remarks on the treaty lately publish'd, and a pamphlet intitled Observations upon it. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. N36907. Grub Street ID 24860.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A letter to Caleb D,anvers, Esq; concerning the state of affairs in Europe as published in the Craftsman, January 4, 1728-9. By John Trott, yeoman. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T38089. Grub Street ID 267591.
- The observations on the treaty of Seville examined. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Gardens, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T41854. Grub Street ID 270664.
- The new year's gift: or, Advice to a Nephew about his Choice in Marriage. Containing the following Heads. I. A Prefatory Epistle to the Reader and Bookseller; in which the Author gives some Account of himself, his Nephew Mr. William Tully, and Mrs. Margaret Jewel, a young Lady of Brumpton, whom the Nephew is inclined, thro' the Uncle's Advice, to marry, which occasion'd the Writing and Publishing the following Pieces in Prose and Verse. II. The Character of a Good Mistress of a Family, from the Proverbs of Solomon, with the Commendation thereof by the Authors of the Guardian. III. The same Character made into a Song, which was fashionable in the Days of Queen Elizabeth, and sung by the Maids of Honour; but not published by the Writer till the Year 1612. VI. The same done in modern English Verse. By Mr. Horace Tully, of Gray's Inn, for the Use of his Nephew. Lastly, Margaret and William: Or, The Choice; being a Meditation on Marriage. A Ballad. By Mr. William Tully. London : printed for P. Meighan under Gray's-Inn Gate Holbourn; J. Wilford behind the Chapter-House near St. Paul's; J. Brindley in Bond-Street; J. Jackson in Pall-Mall near St. James's; N. Blandford near Old Man's Coffee-House Charing-Cross; T. Corbet at Addison's Head near Temple-Bar, and R. Francklyn in Covent-Garden, [1730?]. ESTC No. T179162. Grub Street ID 215948.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A short view of the state of affairs, with relation to Great Britain, for four years past; with some remarks on the treaty lately published and a pamphlet intitled, Observations upon it. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T48239. Grub Street ID 276167.
- Heiss. The history of the empire: containing, it's [sic] rise, growth, revolutions, government, policy, alliances and negotiations. Continued from the time of Charlemagne, down to the present Emperor Charles VI. Being an appendix to the history of the Roman Empire. In two volumes. By the Sieur Heiss. Done into English from the best edition; with divers remarks and new authentick pieces, by P. Chamberlen, Gent. London : printed for R. Francklin, F. Cogan, and L. Gilliver, 1730. ESTC No. N33204. Grub Street ID 21714.
- The Craftsman extraordinary. Upon acts of grace. By Caleb D'anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed, for R. Franklin, 1730. ESTC No. T111100. Grub Street ID 163542.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; Intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. N661. Grub Street ID 47880.
- Hervey, John, 2nd Baron Hervey. A supplement to the Observations on the writings of the Crafts-man. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. N24751. Grub Street ID 14098.
- Walpole, Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole. The case of the Hessian forces, in the pay of Great-Britain, impartially and freely examin'd; with some reflections on the present conjuncture of affairs. ... In answer To a late Pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the present State of Affairs, &c. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1731]. ESTC No. N14590. Grub Street ID 4387.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. T22027. Grub Street ID 244013.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T22028. Grub Street ID 244019.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An answer to a late pamphlet, intitled, Observations on the writings of The craftsman. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. T21982. Grub Street ID 243769.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T22029. Grub Street ID 244025.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A final answer to the remarks on the craftsman's vindication; And to all the libels, which have come, or may come from the same quarter against the person, last mentioned in the craftsman of the 22d of May. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T97310. Grub Street ID 316744.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A final answer to the Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication; and to all the libels, which have come, or may come from the same quarter against the person, last mentioned in the Craftsman of the 22d of May. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T97311. Grub Street ID 316745.
- The Craftsman. Of pensions. London : printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T87772. Grub Street ID 307791.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, remarks on the craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; In which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. N2685. Grub Street ID 16211.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. An answer to a late pamphlet, Intituled, Observations on the writings of the Craftsman. Being a third letter of advice, to the people of Great-Britain and Ireland, &c. London : printed for R. Francklin in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T191560. Grub Street ID 226387.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. N2687. Grub Street ID 16229.
- Walpole, Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole. The case of the Hessian forces, in the Pay of Great-Britain, Impartially and Freely Examin'd; with some Reflections on the present Conjuncture of Affairs. In answer To a late Pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the present State of Affairs, &c. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T20198. Grub Street ID 233065.
- An answer to the Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication; and to all the libels, which have come, or may come from the same quarter against the person, last mentioned in the Craftsman of the 22d of May. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. N1807. Grub Street ID 7542.
- The craftsman. By Caleb D'anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq. London : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M,DCC,XXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T131335. Grub Street ID 180354.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. A collection of poems on several occasions; publish'd in the Craftsman. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T124858. Grub Street ID 175032.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T42775. Grub Street ID 271550.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel[-street,] Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T42776. Grub Street ID 271551.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a tetter [sic] to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. N11494. Grub Street ID 1494.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T221404. Grub Street ID 244704.
- The Craftsman upon non-attendance in Parliament. As published on the 29th of November, 1729. By Caleb D'Anvers. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. T34361. Grub Street ID 264678.
- Johnson, Charles. The tragedy of Medaea. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. With a preface containing, some reflections on the new way of criticism. By Mr. Charles Johnson. London : Printed for R. Francklin in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. T51543. Grub Street ID 278772.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. T124655. Grub Street ID 174839.
- Walpole, Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole. The case of the Hessian forces, in the pay of Great-Britain; impartially and freely examin'd, with some reflections on the present conjuncture of affairs. In answer to a late Pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the present state of affairs, &c. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Grey-Inn, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1731. ESTC No. N26753. Grub Street ID 16125.
- The game of quadrille, or Ombre by four, with its establish'd laws and rules, As it is now Play'd at the French Court. Done from the French. To which is added, the game of quintille; or, ombre by five, both after the old and new manner. To this Edition is likewise added Directions for playing the Game of Ombre by Three. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin in Russel-street, Covent-Garden, 1732. ESTC No. N18068. Grub Street ID 7540.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French. [The second edition].. London : printed for J. Pemberton in Fleet-Street, N. Prevost in the Strand, R. Franklin in Covent-Garden, and C. Davis in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T131954. Grub Street ID 180923.
- The True state of England. Containing the particular duty, business and salary of every officer, civil and military in all the publick offices of Great Britain. As also complete lists of the lords and gentlemen of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council: of their Majesties housholds: of the housholds of the Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal family; and of the great officers of state, &c. as well military as civil. Together with an account of the government of the cities of London and Westminster: with the names of the magistrates, principal officers, &c. The whole in a more exact and correct manner than any performance of this kind, for several years past. With an appendix, containing the alterations, &c. made since the work was in the press. London : Printed for C. King and J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall; R. Francklin, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden; and D. Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1734. ESTC No. T121828. Grub Street ID 172582.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French. The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Pemberton; R. Francklin; and C. Davis, 1735. ESTC No. N24030. Grub Street ID 13393.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. III. Translated from the original French. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleetstreet; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. N24038. Grub Street ID 13401.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-street; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. N38291. Grub Street ID 26046.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleetstreet; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T131958. Grub Street ID 180927.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. III. Translated from the original French. The second edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleetstreet; R. Franklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T131956. Grub Street ID 180925.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. II. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Pemberton, in Fleet-street; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T131957. Grub Street ID 180926.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The fifth edition, carefully revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1739. ESTC No. N46890. Grub Street ID 31670.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Containing What belongs to the Heavens, and the Relations of the several Parts of the Universe with the Wants of Man. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. IV. Translated from the original French. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-street; R. Franklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T131955. Grub Street ID 180924.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. IV. Translated from the original French. The second edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T131959. Grub Street ID 180928.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The fifth edition, carefully revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T28387. Grub Street ID 260033.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. III. Translated from the original French. The fourth edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street; R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T131960. Grub Street ID 180930.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. II. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The fourth edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street; R. Francklin, in Covent Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T131961. Grub Street ID 180931.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. and J. Pemberton in Fleet-Street; R. Francklin, in Covent - Garden; and C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T131962. Grub Street ID 180932.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The fifth edition, carefully revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T18236. Grub Street ID 218842.
- Locke, John. A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke. Publish'd by Mr. Desmaizeaux, under the direction of Anthony Collins, Esq;. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1739. ESTC No. T112895. Grub Street ID 164849.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, [N]ature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of Natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, . The fourth edition.. London : Printed for R. Francelin, in Covent-Garden; C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Pemberton, in Fleetstreet, 1740. ESTC No. T152250. Grub Street ID 197263.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, by Mr Humphreys. The fifth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin; C. Davis; and J. Pemberton, 1740. ESTC No. N24205. Grub Street ID 13562.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper-plates. Vol. II. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; C. Davis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XL. [1740]. ESTC No. N24207. Grub Street ID 13563.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. ... Translated from the original French. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin; C. Davis; and J. Pemberton, 1740. ESTC No. N24208. Grub Street ID 13564.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M. Tullius Cicero Of the nature of the Gods; in three books. With critical, philosophical, and explanatory notes. To which is added, An enquiry into the astronomy and anatomy of the antients. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T138142. Grub Street ID 186016.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history, as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The sixth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden; C. Davis, against Grays-Inn, Holborn; and J. and H. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street, MDCCXLIV. 1743-[44]. ESTC No. T60974. Grub Street ID 286740.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. Remarks on the history of England. From the minutes of Humphry Oldcastle, Esq;. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M,DCC,XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T135572. Grub Street ID 183980.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The sixth edition, carefully revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T16275. Grub Street ID 201466.
- Moore, Edward. Fables for the female sex. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T145050. Grub Street ID 191831.
- Cooke, Thomas. Love the cause and cure of grief, or the innocent murderer. A tragedy. As it is acted by His Majesty's servants at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Cooke. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M,DCC,XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T9299. Grub Street ID 312730.
- Bradshaw, James. A scheme to prevent the running of Irish wools to France, and Irish woollen goods to foreign countries; by prohibiting the importation of Spanish wools into Ireland, and permitting the People of Ireland to send their woollen Goods to England, (not for Consumption, but Re-Exportation) under a Duty at Importation, to be drawn back on Exportation from England to Foreign Countries. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of Parliament. By a merchant of London. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1744?]. ESTC No. T47151. Grub Street ID 275124.
- Cooke, Thomas. A hymn to liberty. London : printed for R. Francklin, R. Dodsley, and M. Cooper, 1746. ESTC No. T53975. Grub Street ID 280844.
- Moore, Edward. Fables for the female sex. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLVI [1746]. ESTC No. T78516. Grub Street ID 300302.
- Macklin, Charles. King Henry the Vii. Or the popish impostor. A tragedy. As it is acted by His Majesty's servants, at the Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane. London : printed for R. Francklin , in Covent-Garden ; R. Dodsley , in Pall-Mall ; and J. Brotherton, in Cornhill, M.DCC.XLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N4667. Grub Street ID 31483.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Containing what belongs to the heavens, ... Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. IV. Translated from the original French. The fourth edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis; and H. Pemberton, 1747. ESTC No. N24035. Grub Street ID 13398.
- Le Blanc, Jean Bernard. Letters on the English and French nations; containing curious and useful observations on their constitutions natural and political; ... In two volumes. By Mons. l'Abbé Le Blanc. ... Translated from the original French. London : printed for J. Brindley; R. Francklin; C. Davis; and J. Hodges, 1747. ESTC No. T125073. Grub Street ID 175241.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. Remarks on the history of England. From the minutes of Humphry Oldcastle, Esq;. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M,DCC,XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T75821. Grub Street ID 298441.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A collection of political tracts. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T138788. Grub Street ID 186654.
- Moore, Edward. The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-lane. By Mr. Moore, . The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1748. ESTC No. N6996. Grub Street ID 50758.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon preach'd at the parish church of St. Peter's Cornhill; On the Sunday after the late Dreadful Fire in that Neighbourhood. By Thomas Francklin, M. A. Fellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge. Publish'd at the Request of the Vestry of the said Parish. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1748]. ESTC No. T8434. Grub Street ID 304716.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. ... Illustrated with copper plates. ... Translated from the original French. London : printed for R. Francklin; C. Davis; J. Brindley; J. Hodges; and H. Pemberton, 1748. ESTC No. N24042. Grub Street ID 13406.
- Moore, Edward. The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore, Author of Fables for the Female Sex. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1748. ESTC No. T40068. Grub Street ID 269198.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A collection of political tracts. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T118649. Grub Street ID 170133.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The seventh edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T16281. Grub Street ID 201524.
- Spectacle de la nature: or Nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. V. Translated from the original French. The second edition.. London : Printed for R. Franckling, in Covent Garden; C. Davis, in Holbourn; J. Brindley, in New Bond-street. J. Hodges, on London Bridge; and the executor of H. Pemberton in Fleetstreet, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N24033. Grub Street ID 13396.
- A. Nickelson. Spectacle de la nature: or, Nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history, as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French by Mr. Humphreys. The seventh edition, revised and corrected.. London : Printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. N24037. Grub Street ID 13400.
- Pseudo-Phalaris.. The epistles of Phalaris. Translated from the Greek. To which are added, some select epistles of the most eminent Greek writers. By Thomas Francklin, M. A. Fellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T111261. Grub Street ID 163680.
- Moore, Edward. Fables for the female sex. By Edward Moore. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T125690. Grub Street ID 175790.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French by Mr. Humphreys. The seventh edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, [and 4 others in London], 1750. ESTC No. N37071. Grub Street ID 25025.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon preached before the honourable trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America, and the associates of the late Rev. Dr. Bray; at their anniversary meeting, March 16, 1749-50. In the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster. By Thomas Francklin, M. A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Publish'd at the Desire of the Trustees and Associates. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T47695. Grub Street ID 275653.
- Moore, Edward. Gil Blas. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1751]. ESTC No. T126012. Grub Street ID 176050.
- The truth of the Gospel demonstrated from the dispensations of providence preparative to it, particularly from prophecy; from the evidence with which it was introduced; and the public Testimonials of it ever since subsisting. To which is prefixed, a preliminary discourse concerning the necessity of a revelation. In two volumes. By the Abb'e Le Pluche, Author of Spectacle de la Nature. . London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis, J. Brindley, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, and J. and J. Rivington. MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T100935. Grub Street ID 154853.
- Cooke, Thomas. Pythagoras an ode. To which are prefixed observations on taste, and on education. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1752. ESTC No. N12331. Grub Street ID 2338.
- Foote, Samuel. Taste. A comedy, of two acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Foote. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1752. ESTC No. T18539. Grub Street ID 221578.
- Francklin, Thomas. Translation; a poem. By Thomas Francklin, Fellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge. London : printed for R. Francklin in Covent-Garden, and sold by R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T51580. Grub Street ID 278802.
- Moore, Edward. The gamester. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by R. Dodsley, Pall-Mall, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. N3364. Grub Street ID 22105.
- Foote, Samuel. Taste. A comedy, of two acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Foote. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1753. ESTC No. T18538. Grub Street ID 221570.
- Moore, Edward. The gamester. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for R. Francklin; and sold by R. Dodsley, 1753. ESTC No. T40404. Grub Street ID 269479.
- Moore, Edward. The gamester. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by R. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T40405. Grub Street ID 269480.
- Spectacle de la nature: or nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. ... Translated from the original French. The third edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis, J. Brindley, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, [and 3 others in London], 1753. ESTC No. N24211. Grub Street ID 13567.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; Dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The eighth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T75205. Grub Street ID 297985.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. Remarks on the history of England. From the minutes of Humphry Oldcastle, Esq;. The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1754. ESTC No. T133165. Grub Street ID 182017.
- Amhurst, Nicholas. Terræ-filius; or, the secret history of the University of Oxford; in several essays. To which are added, remarks upon a late book, entitled, University education, by R. Newton, ... By N. Amhurst, . The third edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1754. ESTC No. N13425. Grub Street ID 3343.
- Francklin, Thomas. Translation; a poem. By Thomas Francklin, Fellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin in Covent-Garden, and sold by R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T98763. Grub Street ID 317975.
- Spectacle de la nature: or Nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French by Mr. Humphreys. The eighth edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : Printed for R. Francklin, C. Davis, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. N24581. Grub Street ID 13938.
- Dufresnoy, Charles-Alphonse. De arte graphica; or, the art of painting. Translated from the original Latin of C.A. du Fresnoy. By Mr. Wills. With notes miscellaneous and explanatory. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden, [1754]. ESTC No. T971. Grub Street ID 316542.
- Arne, Thomas Augustine. Abel. An oratorio; or sacred drama for music. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. Set to music by Thomas Augustine Arne. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1755. ESTC No. N28291. Grub Street ID 17525.
- Moore, Edward. Fables for the female sex. By Edward Moore. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1755. ESTC No. N7951. Grub Street ID 52860.
- Moore, Edward. The gamester. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and sold by R. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T40406. Grub Street ID 269481.
- Moore, Edward. The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore, Author of Fables for the Female Sex. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1755]. ESTC No. T129192. Grub Street ID 178675.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon preach'd on Sunday May 16th, 1756, at the parish church of St. George's Bloomsbury, occasion'd by the death of the Rev. Mr. Sturges, Lecturer of the said Parish; Publish'd At the Request of several of the Inhabitants. By Thomas Francklin. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1756. ESTC No. T106816. Grub Street ID 159911.
- Foote, Samuel. The author; a comedy, of two acts. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Foote. London : printed for R. Francklin; and sold by P. Vaillant, 1757. ESTC No. T22800. Grub Street ID 248674.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. III. Translated from the original French. The eighth edition, revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Franklin, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Ward, W. Johnston, T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T131948. Grub Street ID 180916.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. IV. Translated from the original French. The eighth edition, revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Ward, W. Johnston, T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T131951. Grub Street ID 180920.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. II. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The eighth edition, revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Ward, W. Johnston, T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T131952. Grub Street ID 180921.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Vol. I. Translated from the original French, by Mr. Humphreys. The eighth edition, revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Franklin, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher [and 5 others in London], 1757. ESTC No. T131953. Grub Street ID 180922.
- Voltaire. An epistle from M. Voltaire to the King of Prussia. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.LVII. [1757]. ESTC No. N6238. Grub Street ID 44745.
- Rolt, Richard. Eliza; an English opera, as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. The music compos'd by Mr. Arne. London] : Printed for R. Francklin in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1757. ESTC No. N6973. Grub Street ID 50660.
- Fielding, John. A plan for a preservatory and reformatory, for the benefit of deserted girls, and penitent prostitutes; by John Fielding, Esq;. London] : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1758. ESTC No. T173784. Grub Street ID 211009.
- Fielding, John. A plan of the asylum; or, house of refuge for orphans and other deserted girls of the poor in this metropolis. By John Fielding, Esq;. London] : Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1758. ESTC No. T177269. Grub Street ID 214215.
- Sophocles.. The tragedies of Sophocles, from the Greek; by Thomas Francklin, . London : printed for R. Francklin, 1758-59. ESTC No. T141000. Grub Street ID 188621.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon preach'd at Queen-Street chapel, and St. Paul's, Covent-Garden; on Friday the 17th of February, 1758. Being the Day appointed for a General Fast. By the Rev. Thomas Francklin, M. A. Publish'd at the Desire of those who heard it. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1758]. ESTC No. T27111. Grub Street ID 259060.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon, occasioned by the death of His late Majesty. Preached on the ninth of November. In the morning at Queen-Street chapel, and in the afternoon at St. Paul's, Covent-Garden. By the Revd. Thomas Francklin. Published at the Request of Those, who heard it. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCLX. [1760]. ESTC No. T67699. Grub Street ID 292153.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M. Tullius Cicero of the nature of the gods; in three books. ... To which is added, an enquiry into the astronomy and anatomy of the antients. London : printed for R. Franklin, 1761. ESTC No. T213878. Grub Street ID 240506.
- Moore, Edward. Fables for the female sex. By Edward Moore. The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, 1761. ESTC No. N7952. Grub Street ID 52861.
- Voltaire. The Henriade. By Mr. de Voltaire. Translated from the French, by T. Smollett M.D. T. Francklin, M.A. and others. Vol. XXIV. London : printed for J. Newbery, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, and Co. J. Coote, T. Davies, W. Johnston, R. Francklin, and G. Kearsley, 1762. ESTC No. N30280. Grub Street ID 19246.
- The sacrifice: or, Death of Abel. An oratorio; or, sacred drama for music. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Set to music by Doctor Arne. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M DCC LXII. [1762]. ESTC No. N72240. Grub Street ID 52045.
- Francklin, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Friday May 6th, 1763. By Thomas Francklin, M. A. Vicar of Ware in Hertfordshire, and Minister of Queen's-Street Chapel, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. To which is annexed, a list of the annual amount of the collection for this charity, from the year 1721. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T114509. Grub Street ID 166308.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper-plates. ... Translated from the original French. The third edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Hitch, J. Rivington, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Buckland, H. Woodfall, S. Crowder and Co. and T. Longman, M D C C L X I I I. [1763]. ESTC No. T131947. Grub Street ID 180915.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper-plates, ... Translated from the original French. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Hitch, J. Rivington, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Buckland, H. Woodfall, S. Crowder and Co. and T. Longman, M,DCC,LXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T131949. Grub Street ID 180917.
- Spectacle de la nature: or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to to [sic] excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. ... Translated from the original French. The fourth edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Francklin, C. Hitch, J. Rivington, L. Davis and C. Reymers, J. Buckland, H. Woodfall, S. Crowder and Co. and T. Longman, M DCC LXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T131950. Grub Street ID 180919.
- An act before the first act of the tragedy of Elvira, by David Mallet. London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1763?]. ESTC No. T19404. Grub Street ID 228042.
- Voltaire. Miscellaneous poems. By Mr. de Voltaire. Translated from the French, by T. Smollet M.D. T. Francklin, M.A. and others. . London : printed for J. Newbery, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder and Co. J. Coote, T. Davies, W. Johnston, R. Francklin, and G. Kearsley, 1764. ESTC No. N30608. Grub Street ID 19532.
Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Richard Franklin
- Synge, Richard, Chaplain at Somerset House. Loyalty to His Majesty King George, recommended in eight sermons upon the following subjects: the advantages design'd for mankind by the Christian religion. A serious Admonition to the Members of the Church of England, deduc'd from God's Dealings with his People Israel. The fatal Consequences of over-much Wickedness; preach'd upon the Execution of some Gentlemen concern'd in the late Rebellion. God the Author of Peace, and wicked Men the Authors of Confusion. A Thanksgiving Sermon for the quashing the late unnatural Rebellion. On his sacred Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne. Seasonable Advice to seditious Male-Contents. The Advantages of good Government, and the Blessings we derive from the happy Revolution. Publish'd for the Benefit of unhappy Youths, and other inconsiderate Persons, who are drawn from their Allegiance by the artful Delusions of ill-designing Men, Enemies to our Happy Establishment both in Church and State. By Rich. Synge, Chaplain at Somerset-House. London : printed; and sold by R. Francklin, at the Sun over-against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T104929. Grub Street ID 158345.
- Defoe, Daniel. A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies. Giving a particular and diverting account of whatever is curious and worth observation, viz. I. A description of the principal cities and towns, their situation, magnitude, government, and commerce. II. The customs, manners, speech, as also the exercises, diversions, and employment of the people. III. The produce and improvement of the lands, the trade, and manufactures. IV. The sea ports and fortifications, the course of rivers, and the inland navigation. V. The publick edifices, seats, and palaces of the nobility and gentry. With useful observations upon the whole. Particularly fitted for the reading of such as desire to travel over the island. By a Gentleman. London : Printed, and sold by G. Strahan, in Cornhill. W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-house, Covent-Garden; S. Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-Mall. R. Stagg, in Westminister-Hall, and J. Graves, in St. James's-Street, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T71278. Grub Street ID 294851.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A final answer to the remarks on the craftsman's vindication; And to all the libels which have come, or may come from the same quarter, against the person last mentioned in the craftsman of the 22d of May. By the late Lord B- -l- - -ke. The eighth edition.. London : Printed by and for R. Francklin in Covent-Garden, [M,DCC,XXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. N31532. Grub Street ID 20422.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A final answer to the Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication; and to all the libels which have come, or may come from the same quarter, against the person last mentioned in the Craftsman of the 22d of May. By the late Lord B--l---ke. London: printed by and for R. Francklin, 1731. ESTC No. T182946. Grub Street ID 219387.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The second edition.. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's, 1735. ESTC No. T1506. Grub Street ID 196353.
- St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. The third edition.. London : printed by H. Haines, at R. Francklin's in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1735. ESTC No. T34691. Grub Street ID 264956.
- Franklin, Richard. A new year's gift for the R----t H----e, the E---- of B----; in a letter from R----d F----n, B----s----r, to his L----p. London : printed for W. Bickerton, in the Temple-Exchange, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, [1744]. ESTC No. T102040. Grub Street ID 155888.