Penrose, Francis.
A treatise on electricity: wherein its various phoenomena are accounted for, and the cause of the attraction and gravitation of solids, assigned. To which is Added, A short account, how the electrical effluvia act upon the animal frame, and in what disorders the same may probably be applied with success, and in what not. By Francis Penrose, Surgeon at Bicester.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for Sackville Parker, Bookseller at Oxford, and W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar, London, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T78104.Grub Street ID 300007.
Penrose, Francis.
An essay on magnetism: or an endeavour to explain the various properties and effects of the load-stone: together with the causes of the same. By Francis Penrose, Surgeon, at Bicester, Oxfordshire.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for Sackville Parker, Bookseller at Oxford, and W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar, London, MDCCLIII. [1753].
ESTC No. T105403.Grub Street ID 158715.
Penrose, Francis.
A physical essay on the animal oeconomy. Wherein the circulation of the blood and its causes are particularly consider'd; also, what assistance the heart and lungs give thereto: and this both from anatomy and experiments. ... By Francis Penrose, .
London : printed for W. Owen; and S. Parker, in Oxford, 1754.
ESTC No. T4906.Grub Street ID 276896.
Penrose, Francis.
Animadversions on a late sermon preached before a bishop and a congregation of clergy within the diocese of Oxford: together with some remarks on the charge that followed it, by y a layman.
London : printed for W. Owen, and S. Parker in Oxford, 1756.
ESTC No. T102281.Grub Street ID 156122.
Penrose, Francis.
A dissertation on the inflammatory, gangrenous, and putrid sore throat. Also on the putrid fever, together with their diagnosticks and method of cure. By F. Penrose, ...
Oxford: printed for D. Prince; and W. Owen, London, 1766.
ESTC No. T34664.Grub Street ID 264932.
Penrose, Francis.
A dissertation on the inflammatory, gangrenous, and putrid sore throat. Also on the putrid fever, together with their diagnosticks and method of cure. By F. Penrose, Surgeon.
The second edition..
London : printed for W. Owen, and D. Prince at Oxford, 1768.
ESTC No. T151589.Grub Street ID 196899.
Penrose, Francis.
Letters, philosophical and astronomical, in which the following operations of nature and treated of and explained, in the most simple and natural Manner, According to Sir Isaac Newton's Opinions, (viz.) the creation; the deluge; Vegetation; the Make and Form of this terraqueous Globe;-Its Motions explained and accounted for. Together with the exact number of days, Years, and Lunations, since the creation. Proved by the New, Full Moons, Equinoxes, and Eclipses. To which is added, a solar and lunar diagram for A.D. 1786, In which the Place of the Sun, Earth, Moon and her Nodes, are pointed out every Day in the Year, and every Day of the Week.
Plymouth: printed and sold by M. Haydon and Son, Printers, Booksellers, and Stationers to his Royal Highness Prince William Henry: sold also by R. Trewman, Printer, Exeter; B. Law, R. Faulder, and W. Lowndes, Booksellers, London; Messrs. Prince and Cooke, Oxford; and W. Lunn, Cambridge, M,DCC,LXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T132556.Grub Street ID 181461.
Penrose, Francis.
Essays, physiological and practical; founded on the modern chemistry of Lavoisier, Fourcroy, &c. &c. &c. With a view to the improvement of the practice of physic. By Francis Penrose, M.D.
London : printed by Alex. Grant, 91, Wardour Street, for Dighton, Holborn, 1794.
ESTC No. T116349.Grub Street ID 168013.
Penrose, Francis.
Letters on philosophical subjects; particularly the creation, the deluge, vegetation, &c. The powers producing these operations are here shewn to be heat, cold, air and water. Since the edition of these letters printed at Plymouth, the late experiments in the new chymistry have confirmed the above theory. These Experiments prove, that Heat and Light, together with Oxygen or Cold, are the Powers which carry on both Animal and Vegetable Life: Light, Heat, Vital Air, and inflammable Gas, are thereby proved to be substances of the first class, and approach nearest to simplicity.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Deighton, Opposite Grays-Inn, Holborn, 1794.
ESTC No. T113306.Grub Street ID 165251.