Publications of Henry Gardner
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed by Henry Gardner
- Sallust. C. Sallustii Crispi opera omnia, Quae extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus in usum serenissimi Delphini. In hac editione innumera prioris errata, diligentissim`e animadversa, corriguntur. Londini : Typis M. Brown, impensis S. Ballard, C. Bathurst, J.F. & C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, W. Stuart, H. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Goldsmith, & Scatcherd, & Whitaker, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. N26477. Grub Street ID 15847.
Sold by Henry Gardner
- A letter to the inhabitants of the ward of Farringdon Without, on the choice of Mr. Wilkes for alderman. London : printed for the author, and sold by H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. N19123. Grub Street ID 8550.
- Underwood, Thomas. A word to the wise. A poetical farce, most respectfully addressed to the Critical reviewers. By T. Underwood, Late of St. Peter's College, Cambridge; Author of the Impartialist, Liberty, &c. &c. With an apology to the ingenuity of Mr. Hugh Kelly, for the title of the piece. London : printed by G. Scott. And sold by T. Noteman; H. Gardner, Strand; G. Pearch, No. 12. Cheapside; and J. Marks, St. Martin's Lane, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. N36090. Grub Street ID 24071.
- Lover of genuine Christianity.. Some considerations on original sin, the fall of man, and the doctrine of a christ. Particularly recommended to the antinomians and methodists. By a lover of Genuine Christianity. In a letter to a friend. London : printed for the Author, and sold by F. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Richardson and Urquhart, under the Exchange; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; H. Gardner, in the Strand; S. Bladon, in Paternoster-Row; and S. Gardner, in Gracechurch-Street, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T17193. Grub Street ID 209438.
- The Whitehall evening-post. London] : Sold by C. Corbett, stock broker, at the State Lotery-Office, No. 30, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, where advertisements and letters of intelligence are taken in. Advertisements are also taken in, by T. Wright, No. 126, Chancery-Lane, Fleet-Street; Mr. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, opposite St. [C]lement's Church, in the Strand; Mr. Pearch, No. 12, Cheapside and at the St. James's Cofee House, and the Smyrna, Pall-Mall, [1770?-1802?. ESTC No. P1836. Grub Street ID 55601.
- Coleridge, John. A critical Latin grammar: containing clear and distinct rules for boys just initiated; and notes explanatory of almost every antiquity and obscurity in the language, ... ... somewhat advanced in Latin Learning. By John Coleridge, Vicar and School-Master at Ottery St. Mary, Devon. London : printed for the author; and sld [sic] by H. Gardner, in the Strand; G. Pearch, Cheapside; Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange, London; and Messrs. Thorn, Score, and Gregg, at Exeter, M.DCC.LXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. T153313. Grub Street ID 197702.
- Layman, of Hampshire. An appeal to reason: or, thoughts on religion. Wherein, the interference of the civil power, and the matter of subscription, are candidly considered. By a layman, of Hampshire. Devizes: printed and sold by T. Burrough. Sold also by Mr. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Stuart, in Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, London; and by most other booksellers in England, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T87798. Grub Street ID 307814.
- Friend to Both Countries.. America vindicated from the high charge of ingratitude and rebellion: with a plan of legislation, proposed to the consideration of both Houses, For Establishing a permanent and solid foundation, For a just constitutional Union, between Great Britain and her Colonies. By a friend to both countries. Devizes: printed and sold by T. Burrough; sold also by Mr. Ridley in St. James's Street; Mr. Stuart, in Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, London; and by all Booksellers in England, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T45608. Grub Street ID 273823.
- Cutts, Mrs.. Almeria: or, parental advice: a didactic poem. Addressed to the daughters of Great Britain and Ireland, by a friend to the sex. London : printed for E. and J. Rodwell: and sold by H. Gardner; Mrs. Denoyer; and by Mr. Smith, in Doncaster, 1775. ESTC No. T125227. Grub Street ID 175375.
- Cutts, Mrs.. Almeria: or, parental advice: a didactic poem. Addressed to the daughters of Great Britain and Ireland, by a friend to the sex. The second edition.. London : printed for E. and J. Rodwell: and sold by H. Gardner, in the Strand ; Mrs. Denoyer, Lisle-Street, Leicester-Fields ; and by Mr. Smith, Bookseller, in Doncaster, MDCCLXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T21281. Grub Street ID 239857.
- Glasse, Samuel. A sermon preached in the chapel of the Magdalen-Hospital, before the right honourable Francis, Earl of hertford, &c. President; The Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, And Governors, &c. On Thursday, May 1, 1777. And Printed at their request. By the Reverend Samuel Glasse, D. D. F. R. S. And Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. London : printed for the benefit of the Charity; and sold by H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; and J. Rivington and Sons, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T47881. Grub Street ID 275854.
- Combe, William. The justification: a poem. By the author of The diaboliad. London : printed for the author: and sold by J. Bew, no. 28, Paternoster-Row; and H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T2683. Grub Street ID 258787.
- Lady of quality.. Advice from a lady of quality to her children, in the last stage of a lingering illness, in a series of evening-conferences on the most interesting subjects. Translated from the French. Vol. I. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by J.F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, in St. Paul's Church-Yard T. Cadell, and H. Gardner, in the Strand, London; and S. Arnold, in the High-Street, Oxford, M.DCC.LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T96423. Grub Street ID 315881.
- Way, G. L. Learning at a loss, or the amours of Mr. Pedant and Miss Hartley. A novel. In two volumes. . London : printed for the author, and sold by H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand; and J. Bew, Paternoster-Row, M.D.CC.LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T97491. Grub Street ID 316912.
- Thomas, William. London, [blank] 178 [blank] proposals for publishing by subscription, original designs in architecture, by William Thomas, architect and surveyor. London] : At the Author's ... also at Mr. Gardners ... Mr.Matthews's ... and Mr. Taylor's ..., [1780]. ESTC No. N72327. Grub Street ID 52112.
- Waring, Edward. Meditationes algebraicæ, ab Edvardo Waring, Matheseos Professore Lucasiano, Cantab, Regiae Societatis, Et Academiae Bononiensis Institutisocio. Editio Tertia Recensita Et Aucta. Cantabrigiæ: typis Academicis excudebat J. Archdeacon; veneunt apud J. Nicholson, Cantabrigiae; J. C. & F. Rivington, S. Crowder, H. Gardner, & S. Hayes, Londini; & J. Fletcher, Oxonii, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T113616. Grub Street ID 165528.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws, which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: to the end of the fifteenth Parliament of Great Britain. To which are Added, More than an Hundred Forms of Warrants, Summonses, Recognizances, &c. And a Complete Index or Table of Contents to the Whole. By a country magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by H. Gardner, No. 200, in the Strand, London; and by the booksellers in town and country, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T98886. Grub Street ID 318083.
- Freeman, Stephen, M.D. The ladies friend; or, complete physical library, for the benefit and particular use of the ladies of Great Britain and Ireland; treating of ... various symptoms of all their diseases, ... To which is annexed, The practical midwife, ... The fourth edition, with additions and alterations. By S. Freeman, . London : printed for the author, and may be had at his house, No. 9, Salisbury-Square, Fleet-Street; Mr. Turpin; Mr. Gardner; and by all booksellers, and news-carriers, in Great Britain and Ireland, [1785?]. ESTC No. N19114. Grub Street ID 8540.
- An appeal to scripture, reason, & tradition, In Support of the Doctrines contained in a letter to the Roman Catholics of the city of Worcester, from the late Chaplain of that society, Stating the Motives which induced him to relinquish that Communion: with some strictures on a caveat Since Addressed to the same Society, By W. Pilling, against those Doctrines: In a Letter to William Pilling. By the Rev. John Hawkins. Worcester: printed and sold by J. Tymbs: sold also in London by H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand; Messrs. Evans and Hazell, Glocester; Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham; Allen, Hereford; Wood, Shrewsbury; and most other booksellers in the kingdom, [1785?]. ESTC No. T163712. Grub Street ID 202088.
- American Spy.. Letters written in London by an American spy. From the year 1764 to the year 1785. London : Printed for the editor; and sold by S. Crowder, and J. Bew, Paternoster-row; and H. Gardner, Strand, MDCCLXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. N19201. Grub Street ID 8631.
- Lady of quality.. Advice from a lady of quality, to her children; in the last stage of a lingering illness. Translated from the French, by S. Glasse, D. D. F. R. S. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by J.F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. Cadell, and H. Gardner, Strand; and J. Walter, Charing-Cross, London, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T96421. Grub Street ID 315879.
- Glasse, Samuel. The piety, wisdom, and policy, of promoting Sunday-schools. A sermon preached in the parish church of Painswick, in the county of Glocester, on Sunday, the 24th of September, 1786; by Samuel Glasse,. London : printed [by T. Spilsbury] for, and sold by, Mess. Rivington, and Mr. Gardner, 1786. ESTC No. T28174. Grub Street ID 259826.
- A course of lectures on the figurative language of the Holy Scripture, and the interpretation of it from the scripture itself. Delivered in the Parish Church of Nayland in Suffolk, in the Year 1786: to Which are Added, Four Lectures on the Relation Between the Old and New Testaments, as it is set Forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Also, A Single Lecture on the Natural Evidences of Christianity; Delivered as a Sermon on Mr. Fairchild's Foundation, at the Church of St. Michael, Shoreditch, On the Tuesday in Whitsun Weck, 1787. By William Jones, M. A. F. R. S. Author of the Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity, &c. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. F. and C. Rivington, St Paul's Church-Yard; G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster Row; H. Gardner, in the Strand; W. Keymer, Colchester; and W. Stanes, Chelmsford, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T83898. Grub Street ID 304312.
- Wool Growers in the County of Suffolk.. A letter to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, upon the bill, now depending in Parliament, "For preventing the exportation of live sheep, wool, &c.". Ipswich: printed by Punchard and Jermyn: sold by Rivingtons, and H. Gardner, London; J.& C. Berry, Norwich, 1787. ESTC No. T7621. Grub Street ID 298696.
- Knight, Joel Abraham. Christ condescending to dwell with men: being the Substance of a sermon, preached at the opening of Pentonville Chapel, near Islington, on Sunday, September 28th, 1788. By J.A. Knight, minister of that Chapel. London : sold by Hughes and Walsh, Inner Temple Lane; H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand; T. Pitcher, No. 44, Barbican; J. Matthews, No. 18, Strand; and Mr. Poultney, near the Chapel, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T14041. Grub Street ID 188175.
- Lucas, Bernard. The solution of the quadrature of the circle. By Bernard Lucas, of Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Chesterfield: printed for the author, and sold by J. Bradley; sold also by H. Gardner, No. 200, in the Strand, London, M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T113221. Grub Street ID 165166.
- Pegge, Samuel. A sermon preached at Whittington in the county of Derby, on the grand jubilee, or centenary commemoration of the Glorious Revolution, MDCLXXXVIII. By Samuel Pegge, M. A. Rector Of Whittington. Chesterfield: printed and sold by J. Bradley. Sold also by H. Gardner, In The Strand, London; J. Drewry, Derby; G. Burbage, Nottingham; and J. Gales, Sheffield, [1788]. ESTC No. T117695. Grub Street ID 169280.
- Langford, William. A sermon, for the relief of the widows and orphans of clergymen, belonging to the three dioceses of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester, preached in the Cathedral, at Worcester, Before their Majesties, At the Music-Meeting, on Wednesday, Aug.6, 1788, by W. Langford, D. D. Canon of Windsor, and Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. Worcester: printed by J. Holl, in the High-Street. Sold also by R. Faulder, New Bond-Street; J. Bew, Paternoster-Row; H. Gardner [London], Strand: and M. Swinney, Birmingham, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T141504. Grub Street ID 189021.
- Royal magnificence; or the effusions of ten days: a descriptive and satirical poem, in three cantos. On the subject of His Majesty's late visit to Worcester, on the sixth of August, 1788. London : printed for the author. Sold by J. Bew, Bookseller, Paternoster-Row; H. Gardner, Strand; and W. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T175524. Grub Street ID 212593.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws, which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: to the end of the fifth session of the sixteenth Parliament of Great-Britain, viz. to July 12, 1788. To which are Added, Forms of Warrants, Summonses, and Recognizances; Forms of Conviction and Oaths of Office, and a Compleat Index or Table of Contents. The second edition. By a country-magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, and H. Gardner, Strand, London, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T98885. Grub Street ID 318082.
- De Lolme, Jean Louis. Observations relative to the taxes upon windows or lights. A commutation of these taxes being also suggested, and a Tax assessed from the internal capaciousness, or Tonnage, of houses, pointed out as a more eligible mode of taxation. To which are added, observations on the shop-tax, and the discontent caused by it, ----- Pag. 72 Short Observations on the late Act relative to Hawkers and Pedlars, ---- 100 a hint for the improvement of the metropolis, -105 By John Lewis de Lolme, Advocate, L. L. D. London : printed for the author; and sold by W. Richardson, at the Royal Exchange; B. Law, Avemary-Lane; W. Flexney, opposite Gray's Inn-Gate, Holborn; H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, Strand; T. and J. Egerton, near Whitehall; S. Hayes, near the corner of Argyle-Street, Oxford-Street; T. Hookam, New Bond-Street; and J. Ridgeway, York-Street, St. James's-Square, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T88449. Grub Street ID 308411.
- Philadelphos.. The mutual obligations to the exercise of benevolent affections, as they respect the conduct of all the human race to each other, proved, and applied to the state of the suffering Africans. By Philadelphos. London : sold by H. Gardner, 1788. ESTC No. N64848. Grub Street ID 46808.
- Glasse, magistrate. Samuel. The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws, which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: to the end of the fifth session of the sixteenth Parliament Of Great-Britain, viz. to July 12, 1788. To Which are Added, Forms of Warrants, Summonses, and Recognizances; Forms of Conviction and Oaths of Office, and a Compleat Index or Table of Contents. The second edition. By a country-magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson Pater-Noster-Row,, and H. Gardner, London, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. N12264. Grub Street ID 2273.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, A summary of those laws, which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: to the end of the fifth session of the sixteenth Parliament of Great-Britain, viz. to July 12, 1788. To which are added, forms of warrants, summonses and recognizances; forms of conviction and oaths of office, and a compleat index or table of contents. The second edition. By a country-magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, and H. Gardner, Strand, London, printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and H. Gardner, London, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1788, i.e. 1789]. ESTC No. N70347. Grub Street ID 50989.
- Wilson, Canon of Windsor. Edward. A sermon, preached in Glocester Cathedral, on Sunday, March 8, 1789, being the day appointed for returning thanks for the recovery of His Majesty's health. By the Rev. Edward Wilson, canon of windsor, and prebendary of Glocester. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by the booksellers in Glocester; and H. Gardner in London, [1789]. ESTC No. T47849. Grub Street ID 275820.
- A vindication of the shop-tax: addressed to the landholders of England. London : Sold by Henry Gardner, Bookseller, in the Strand, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. N64724. Grub Street ID 46701.
- Knight, Joel Abraham. St. Paul's parting appeal to the church at Ephesus considered, in a sermon, preached on Sunday, June 21st, 1789, at Pentonville Chapel, near Islington. By J. A. Knight. London : printed for the author, and sold by Hughes and Walsh; Murray; J. Matthews; T. Pitcher; and H. Gardner, 1789. ESTC No. T92437. Grub Street ID 312220.
- Du Fresnoy, Mr.. The art of pronouncing the French language with propriety. By Mr. Du Fresnoy, teacher to his Royal Highness Prince William Frederick, and successor to Mr. Labutte, in the University of Cambridge. Ipswich: printed and sold by Punchard and Jermyn. Sold also by Mr. H. Gardner, Strand, London; Mr. Lunn, and Mess. Merrills, Cambridge; and Mess. Bacon and Yarington, Norwich, 1789. ESTC No. T145142. Grub Street ID 191902.
- Deacon, Daniel. Poems by D. Deacon, jun. Chesterfield: printed for the author by J. Bradley, and sold by Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Mr. Gardner, in the Strand, London. M,DCC,XC. Entered at Stationers-Hall, [1790]. ESTC No. T205. Grub Street ID 235278.
- The duty of constables, containing instructions to constables, petty constables, headboroughs, tythingmen, &c. in the several particulars of their office. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes, and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, and H. Gardner, Strand, London. And by all booksellers in the country, M.DCC.XC. [1790]. ESTC No. T145335. Grub Street ID 192076.
- The duty of constables, containing instructions to constables, petty constables, headboroughs, tythingmen, &c. in the several particulars of their office. Glocester: printed by R.Raikes, and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and H. Gardner, London. And by all booksellers in the country, 1790. ESTC No. N55221. Grub Street ID 38748.
- The duty of constables, containing instructions to constables, petty constables, headboroughs, tythingmen, &c. in the several particulars of their office. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes, and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and H. Gardner, London. And by all booksellers in the country, 1790. ESTC No. N55223. Grub Street ID 38749.
- Deacon, Daniel. Poems by D. Dakeyne, Jun. of the Middle Temple. Chesterfield: printed for the author by J. Bradley, and sold by Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Mr. Gardner, in the Strand, London, M.DCC,XC. [1790]. ESTC No. T65486. Grub Street ID 290403.
- Search, Simon. The spirit of the times. In a series of observations on the important events of the age. Politics. By Simon Search. Containing an account of the English commemoration of the first anniversary of the French Revolution, in a letter to Jos. Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. &c. London : sold by H. Gardner, Strand; J. Evans, Paternoster-Row; and J. Axtell, Royal-Exchange, MDCCXC. [1790]. ESTC No. T122204. Grub Street ID 172928.
- Mansfield, John. Interesting collection of curious anecdotes, scarce pieces, and genuine letters: In Which Some Obscure, But Important, Historical Facts Are Cleared UP, And Set In A Just Light. By a gentleman, formerly of Brazen-Nose College, Oxford. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Bew, Bookseller, Paternoster-Row; and H. Gardner, in the Strand, M.DCC.XC. [1790]. ESTC No. T138902. Grub Street ID 186766.
- Marolles, Louis de. An essay on providence. Written by Mr. Lewis de Marolles; and translated from the French, by John Martin. To which is prefixed, an abridgment of Mr. Jaquelot's History of the sufferings and martyrdom of Mr. de Marolles. London : printed for the editor; sold by J. Stockdale, Piccadilly; R. Faulder, Bond-Street; H. Gardner, in the Strand; H. Trapp, Pater-Noster-Row; W. Button, Newington-Butts; and J. Murray, Princes-Street, Soho, [1790]. ESTC No. T194954. Grub Street ID 228761.
- The spirit of the times. In a series of observations on the important events of the age.... By Simon Search. London [England] : sold by H. Gardner, Strand; J. Evans, Paternoster-Row; and J. Axtell, Royal-Exchange, MDCCXC-MDCCXCI [1790-1791]. ESTC No. P6655. Grub Street ID 58306.
- Cooksey, Richard. Essay on the life and character of John Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham: also sketches of an essay on the life and character of Philip Earl of Hardwicke. Proposed to be inserted in a Compendious History of Worcestershire. By Richard Cooksey, Esq. of the inner Temple. Worcester: printed by J. Holl; (for the author.) And sold by J. Bew, Paternoster-Row; J. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; J. Walter, Piccadilly; H. Gardner, and W. Brown, Strand; London, M.DCC.XCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T57526. Grub Street ID 283807.
- An antidote to popular frenzy, particularly to the present rage for the abolition of the slave-trade; with a view to the probable consequences, both present and remote. By John Scattergood, merchant. London : sold by H. Gardner, Strand; J. Sewell, Corn-Hill; J. Debrett, Piccadilly; and G. Jermyn, Ipswich, M DCC XCII. [1792]. ESTC No. N507007. Grub Street ID 408465.
- The book of nature: or, the true sense of things, explained and made easy to the capacities of children. In two parts. By William Jones, . London : printed for the author, and sold by F. and C. Rivington, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner, and W. Keymer, Colchester, 1792. ESTC No. T91439. Grub Street ID 311281.
- Jones, William. The book of nature: or, the true sense of things, explained and made easy to the capacities of children. In two parts. By William Jones, . The second edition.. London : printed for the author, and sold by F. and C. Rivington, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner, and W. Keymer, Colchester, 1793. ESTC No. N15519. Grub Street ID 5236.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: continued to the end of the session - 1793. ... The third edition. By a country magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. and J. Robinson, Rivington's, and H. Gardner, London, 1794-99. ESTC No. T121825. Grub Street ID 172581.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: continued to the end of the session - 1793. ... The third edition. By a country magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. and J. Robinson, Rivington's, and H. Gardner, London, 1794. ESTC No. N25792. Grub Street ID 15150.
- The book of nature: or, The true sense of things, explained and made easy to the capacities of children. In two parts. By William Jones, M.A. author of The catholic doctrine of the trinity, lectures on the figurative language of the scripture, &c. &c. The third edition.. London : printed for the author, and sold by F. and C. Rivington, G. G. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner; and W. Keymer, Colchester, 1794. ESTC No. T167489. Grub Street ID 205565.
- Wood, James. The elements of algebra: designed for the use of students in the University. Vol. I. By James Wood, B.D. ... Cambridge: printed by John Archdeacon and John Burges; and sold by J. Deighton, J. Nichloson [sic], and W. H. Lunn, Cambridge; F. Wingrave, H. Gardner, and P. Emsley; B. & J. White; and G. & T. Wilkie, London, 1795. ESTC No. N45948. Grub Street ID 30814.
- Vince, Samuel. The principles of fluxions: designed for the use of students in the University. By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Cambridge: printed by J. Burges, printer to the university; and sold by J. Deighton, J. Nicholson, and W.H. Lunn, Cambridge: F. Wingrave, H. Gardner, and P. Emsley, in the Strand; B. & J. White, Fleetstreet; and G. & T. Wilkie, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, MDCCXCV. [1795]. ESTC No. T100901. Grub Street ID 154817.
- The history of the campaign of 1796, in Germany and Italy. London : sold by T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, Strand; G. G. and J. Robinsons, Paternoster-Row; T. Gardiner, Princes-Street, Cavendish-Square; H. Gardner, Strand; J. de Boffe, Gerrard-Street, Soho; and Dulau, Wardour-Street, Soho, 1796. ESTC No. T93281. Grub Street ID 312984.
- Vince, Samuel. The principles of hydrostatics: designed for the use of students in the University. By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy. Vol. III. Part II. Cambridge: printed by J. Burges, Printer to the University; and sold by J. Deighton, J. Nicholson, and W.H. Lunn, Cambridge; F. Wingrave, H. Gardner, and P. Emsley, in the Strand; B. & J. White, Fleetstreet; F. & C. Rivington, and G. & T. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T100900. Grub Street ID 154816.
- Wood, James. The principles of mechanics: designed for the use of students in the University. By James Wood, B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge: printed by J. Burges Printer to the University, and sold by J. Deighton, J. Nicholson, and W.H. Lunn, Cambridge: F. Wingrave, H. Gardner, and P. Emsley, in the Strand; B. & J. White, Fleetstreet; F. & C. Rivington, and G. & T. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T100902. Grub Street ID 154818.
- Bannes, Louise Françoise de Houssay de. A narrative of the sufferings of Louise Francoise de Houssay, de Bannes, who served in the army as a volunteer, from 1792, to July 21, 1795; when she was made a prisoner at Quiberon, with her examination at Vannes, from whence she made her escape, the day before that which was appointed for her execution. Translated from the manuscript of the author. London : printed for the author, and sold by her, at No. 22, Maddox-ttreet, Hanover-square; T. Boosey, No. 4, Old Broad-street, near the Royal Exchange; Richardson, Cornhill; Lowndes, Fleet-street; H. Gardner, Strand; M'Queen, No. 127, Strand; A. Dulau and Co. No. 107, Wardour-street; J. Owen, No. 168, Piccadilly; Hookham and Carpenter, New Bond-street; and H. Escher, German bookseller, Broad-street, Bloomsbury-square, 1796. ESTC No. T114812. Grub Street ID 166596.
- Mead, Henry. Fast-Day. A sermon, preached in Bethel Chapel, St. Pancras, March 9, 1796, being the day appointed for a National Fast. By the Rev. Henry Mead, Minister of the said Chapel, and Lecturer of St. John's, Wapping. London : printed and sold by R. Hindmarsh, printer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Old-Bailey. also sold by Mr. Stratton, No. 12, Tottenham-Court-Road; Mr. Gardner, near St. Clement's Church, Strand; and at the Vestry of Bethel Chapel, 1796. ESTC No. T209494. Grub Street ID 238064.
- The history of the campaign of 1796, in Germany and Italy. London : sold by T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, Strand; G.G. and J. Robinsons, Paternoster-Row; T. Gardiner, Princes-Street, Cavendish-Square; H. Gardner, Strand; J. de Boffe, Gerrard-Street, Soho; and Dulau, Wardour-Street, Soho, 1797. ESTC No. T123167. Grub Street ID 173672.
- Vince, Samuel. A complete system of astronomy; by the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. Vol. I. Cambridge: printed by J. Burges, Printer to the University; and sold by J. Deighton, and J. Nicholson, Cambridge; F. Wingrave, P. Emsley, and H. Gardner, in the Strand; B. & J. White, Fleet-Street; W. H. Lunn, Oxford-Street; R. Faulder, Bond-Street; F. & C. Rivington, and G. & T. Wilkie, St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. & J. Egerton, White-Hall, London; J. Fletcher, and D. Prince & J. Cooke, Oxford, MDCCXCVII. [1797]-1808. ESTC No. T153845. Grub Street ID 198056.
- Cottingham, John. The day of trouble; a sermon preached on ... March the 7th, 1798; in the chapel of Mile-End New Town, Stepney. By the Rev. John Cottingham,. London : sold by J. Johnson, and to be had of H. Gardner, G. Wagstaff, and of D. Taylor, [1798]. ESTC No. T190704. Grub Street ID 225838.
- The duty of thanksgiving. A sermon, preached on the day appointed for a general thanksgiving, in the chapel of Mile-End New-Town, Stepney. By the Rev. John Cottingham, M.A. Minister of the said chapel, and late of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford. London] : printed by J. Johnson, Whitechapel-Road. And to be had of H. Gardner, near St. Clement, Strand; D. Taylor, Mile-End; Murray, Wardour-Street, and G. Wagstaff, corner of Brown's-Lane, Spitalfields, 1799. ESTC No. N493108. Grub Street ID 371220.
- The magistrate's assistant; or, a summary of those laws which immediately respect the conduct of a justice of the peace: to which are added, forms of warrants, summonses, and recognizances; ... The third edition. ... By a country magistrate. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes; and sold by G. G. and J. Robinson; Rivingtons; and H. Gardner, London, 1799. ESTC No. N25793. Grub Street ID 15151.
- Sophocles.. Hai tou Sophokleous trag?diai hepta. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem: nova versione donatæ scholiisque veteribus illustratæ; accedunt notæ perpetuæ, et variæ lectiones, opera Thomæ Johnson, ... Accessere etiam notæ selectæ et emendationes ... Editio prioribus long accuratior, et auctior. ... Etonæ: excudunt M. Pote, et E. Williams; apud quos veneunt: veneunt etiam Londini, apud F. et C. Rivington, Gul. Ginger et Filium, G. G. et J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. Gardner, G. Wilkie [and 5 others in London], 1799. ESTC No. T155371. Grub Street ID 199157.
- Cooksey, Richard. Essay on the life and character of John Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham: also sketches of an essay on the life and character of Philip Earl of Hardwicke. Proposed to be inserted in a compendious history of Worcestershire. By Richard Cooksey, ... Worcester: printed by J. Holl; (for the author) and sold by J. Bew; J. Richardson; J. Walter; H. Gardner, and W. Brown, London, 1791 [1800?]. ESTC No. T171566. Grub Street ID 209181.
- Chartres, James. A sermon, Preached in the Parish church Of Manceter, in the county of Warwick, before the Loyal Atherstone Volunteers, of cavalry and infantry, on Wednesday the 4th. day of June 1800, Being the Day of the Consecration and Presentation Of their colours, by the Rev. James Chartres M. A. Late Fellow of King's Coll. Cambridge, Master of the Free Grammar School at Atherstone, Curate of Manceter, And Vicar of West-Haddon in Northamptonshire. Atherstone: (printed for the author,) by James Harris, and sold by R. Leigh, Atherstone; R. Rowell, Rugby; T. Burnham and W. Birdsall, Northampton; H. Sharpe, Warwick; H. Gardner, and Messrs. Rivington's, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, M.D.CCC. [1800]. ESTC No. T196392. Grub Street ID 229783.
Printed for Henry Gardner
- Anti-Thespis: or, a vindication of the principal performers at Drury-Lane Theatre from the false criticisms, illiberal abuse, and gross misrepresentations of the author of a poem lately published, entitled, Thespis. London : printed for H. Gardner , opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand ; J. Walter , at Charing-Cross ; and S. Bladon, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. N5944. Grub Street ID 42565.
- A table representing in one view the genders of nouns, according to the rules in Propria quæ maribus, &c. London : Printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, [between 1767 and 1802]. ESTC No. N506086. Grub Street ID 436213.
- The Covent Garden chronicle. London, England] : Printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, Strand; where letters to authors are received, [1768. ESTC No. P3020. Grub Street ID 56458.
- Collins, Arthur. The peerage of England; containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of that kingdom, now existing, either by tenure, summons, or creation; their descents and collateral lines: Their births, marriages, and issue: famous actions both in war and peace: religious and charitable donations: Deaths, places of burial, monuments, epitaphs: and many valuable memoirs never before printed. Also their paternal coats of arms, crests, supporters and mottoes, curiously engraved on zoo copper-plates. collected from records, old wills, authentic manuscripts, our most approved historians, and other authorities, which are cited. By Arthur Collins, Esq; In seven volumes. The fourth edition, carefully corrected, and continued to the present time. ... London : printed for H. Woodfall, J. Beecroft, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, W. Sandby, J. Fuller, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, R. Horsefield, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, C. Rivington, W. Griffin, M. and J. Shuckburgh, W. Nicoll, S. Bladon, M. Folingsby, T. Payne, J. Ronson, T. Davies, R. Davis, J. Almon, and H. Gardner, MDCCLXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. T114555. Grub Street ID 166354.
- The history of Jack Wilks, a lover of liberty. In two volumes. . London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T72456. Grub Street ID 295980.
- Cott, John. A sermon, preached at the parish church of Chelmsford, on March 1, 1769, at the Lent assizes, before the Hon. Sir S. S. Smythe, Knt. One of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer. Published at the Request of the High Sheriff and the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury. By the Rev. John Cott, B. D. Rector of Great Braxted, and Vicar of Coggeshall in Essex. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand ; and sold by W. Toft and L. Hassell, Booksellers at Chelmsford, M.DCC.LXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T68167. Grub Street ID 292492.
- Gunning. The hermit. A novel. By a lady. In two volumes. . London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, Strand; and sold by J. Walter, at Charing-Cross; and G. Pearch, at No. 12, in Cheapside, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. N33188. Grub Street ID 21695.
- Glasse, Hannah. The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soops aud Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Things for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board a Ship. XII. Of Hogs Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheese-Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt. Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Muffins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies,. A new edition.. London : printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, W. Johnston, L. Davis, T. Longman, R. Baldwin, W. Owen, J. Hinton, B. White, S. Crowder, T. Caslon, Hawes and Co [sic] W. Nicoll, J Robson, T. Becket, T. Davies. J. Wilkie, Robinson and Roberts, J. Almon, J. Knox, T. Cadell, W. Cornish, R. Dymott, H. Gardner, B. Domville, S. Bladon, G. Pearch, and W. and J. Richardson, 1770. ESTC No. T63525. Grub Street ID 288782.
- Minifie, Margaret. The hermit. A novel. By Miss Minifies. In two volumes. . The second edition.. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, MDCCLXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. T190415. Grub Street ID 225569.
- Haywood, Eliza. The female spectator. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. The seventh edition. In four volumes. ... London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. T135109. Grub Street ID 183601.
- The coterie recommended; or, the pleasures of the beau-monde vindicated; in an oration made before that Honorable, and truly-laudable society, on the 4th of April, being the anniversary of its institution. By the Hon. Mr. Shame'em. London : printed for H. Gardner; and sold by J. Marshall; S. Bladon; J. Walter; and J. Binns, in Leeds, 1771. ESTC No. N67391. Grub Street ID 48976.
- Roberti, Antonius. Clavis homerica: sive lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quae continentur in Homeri Iliade et potissim^a parte Odysseae. Cum brevide dialectis appendice. Nec non Mich. Apostolii proverbiis graeco-latinis. Access^ere etiam huic postremae editioni varia elogia seu testimonia de Homero, Ex diversis auctoribus, tum antiquis, tum neotericis collecta. Hanc praeterea editionem pluribus in locis auxit, non pauca emendavit, atque scholis utiliorem reddidit Samuel Patrick, LL. D. et Scholae Carthusianae Subpraeceptor. Londini : excudebant G. Bowyer et J. Nichols: impensis C. Bathurst, J. & F. Rivington, L. Hawes & Soc. W. Johnston, T. Longman, B. Law, G. Pearch, & H. Gardner, M.DCC.LXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. T128424. Grub Street ID 178014.
- A new present for a servant maid: containing rules for her moral conduct both with respect to herself and her superiors: the whole art of cookery, ... By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for G. Pearch; and H. Gardner, 1771. ESTC No. N50031. Grub Street ID 34154.
- Haywood, Eliza. A new present for a servant-maid: containing rules for her moral conduct both with respect to herself and her superiors: the whole art of cookery, pickling, preserving, &c. &c. and every other direction necessary to be known in order to render her a complete, useful, and valuable servant. In ten books. I. Necessary cautions and precepts for gaining goodwill and esteem. II. Directions for marketing, or the method of chusing all kinds of butchers meat, fish, fowl, &c. with instructions for carving. III. The whole art of cookery fully displayed, both with regard to dressing plain victuals, and also that of made dishes, soups, broths, &c. together with the best methods of pickling all kinds of fruits, buds, flowers, &c. IV. The art of preserving the most useful fruits, &c. V. The method of candying the fruits, &c. generally kept in a family. VI. The best methods of making all kinds of english wines, and giving them the true flavour of those imported from abroad. VII. The whole art of distilla. London : printed for G. Pearch, No. 12, Cheapside; and H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. T75385. Grub Street ID 298111.
- Haywood, Eliza. The history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. In four volumes. . The fifth edition.. London : printed for H. Gardner, 1772. ESTC No. N17742. Grub Street ID 7205.
- Gay, John. The works of Mr. John Gay complete, in four volumes. London : printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Buckland, L. Davis, L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins, R. Horsfield, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, J. Wilkie, B. White, T. Cadell, G. Keith, T. Davies, T. Becket, T. Lowndes, G. Robinson, T. Evans, G. Kearsly, W. Richardson, W. Nicoll, S. Bladon, J. Bell, J.D. Cornish, H.L. Gardner, G. Pearch, W. Griffin, W. Goldsmith, and T. Pote, M.DCC.LXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. T13741. Grub Street ID 185384.
- Rowe, Elizabeth. The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe: published by her order, by Mr. Theophilus Rowe. To which are added, poems on several occasions, by Mr. Thomas Rowe. And to the whole is prefixed, an account of the lives and writings of the authors. ... . The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, the history of Joseph, a poem in ten books. London : printed for J. Buckland, G. Keith, W. Nicholl, G. Pearch, and H. Gardner, M.DCC.LXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. T92681. Grub Street ID 312447.
- De Coetlogon, C. E. The divine message; or, the most important truths of revelation, represented in a sermon upon Judges iii. 20. Designed as an antidote to the dangerous and spreading evils of infidelity, arianism, and immorality. By the Rev. Charles De Coetlogon,. The second edition.. London] : Printed for W. Harris, No. 70, St-Paul's Church-Yard; H. Gardner; J. Matthews, 1773. ESTC No. T34748. Grub Street ID 265006.
- A supplement to Mr. T. Ruddiman's Rudiments, containing a compendium of Latin grammar, together with select copies for writing; . London : printed for H. Gardner, 1773. ESTC No. T192799. Grub Street ID 227155.
- Haywood, Eliza. The wife. By Mira, One of the Authors of the Female Spectator, and Epistles for Ladies. The third edition.. London : printed for H. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, facing St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T75407. Grub Street ID 298133.
- De Coetlogon, C. E. The divine message; or, the most important truths of revelation, represented in a sermon upon Judges iii. 20. Designed as an antidote to the dangerous and spreading evils of infidelity, arianism, and immorality. By the Rev. Charles De Coetlogon,. London] : Printed for W. Harris, no. 70, St-Paul's Church-Yard; H. Gardner; J. Matthews, 1773. ESTC No. T208674. Grub Street ID 237476.
- Haywood, Eliza. The invisibe [sic] spy. By Explorabilis. In two volumes. . A new edition.. London : printed for H. Gardner, 1773. ESTC No. T134304. Grub Street ID 182966.
- Le dictionnaire royal fran,cois-anglois et anglois-fran,cois; tir'e des meilleurs auteurs, qui ont 'ecrit dans ces deux Langues; Autrefois Compos'e `a L'Usage de feu S. A. R. le Duc de Glocester, par Mr. A. Boyer. Nouvelle edition, soigneusement revue, corrig'ee, & augment'ee .. par J.C. Prieur. ... Londres : chez C. Bathurst, P. Vaillant, J. Beecroft, J. Hinton, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Fuller, J. Brotherton, J. Buckland, L. Hawes and Co. R. Horsfield, W. Johnston, W. Owen, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, G. Keith, E. Stevens, E. Dilly, T. Davies, C. Corbet, Z. Stuart, T. Becket, R. Baldwin, T. Lowndes, Richardson and Co. T. Cadell, J. Johnson, J. Almon, P. Elmsly, W. Domville, J. Robson, G. Robinson, M. Hingeston, H. Gardner, E. Johnson, W. Taylor, and E. Lyde, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T139228. Grub Street ID 187099.
- Hawes, William. An account of the late Dr. Goldsmith's illness, so far as relates to the exhibition of Dr. James's powders: together with remarks on the use and abuse of powerful medicines in the beginning of acute diseases. By William Hawes, . The second edition.. London : printed for W. Brown, and H. Gardner; J. Hinton, and T. Evans; S. Hooper; J. Williams; and W. Davenhill, 1774. ESTC No. N43053. Grub Street ID 28976.
- A complete and universal English dictionary on a new plan: including not only I. A full explanation of difficult words and technical terms ... II. A pronouncing dictionary; ... VIII. An authentic account of the counties, cities, and market towns in England, Wales, and Scotland; ... To which are prefixed, A free enquiry into the origin and antiquity of letters: an Essay on the origin and antiquity of the English language: a sketch of the constitution, government, and trade of England: a ... grammar of the English language: and ... An outline of antient and moder history; ... By the Rev. James Barclay, ... and others. London : printed for Richardson and Urquhart; W. Otridge; H. Gardner; G. Pearch; S. Leacroft [and 3 others in London], 1774. ESTC No. T162144. Grub Street ID 201011.
- Cornelii Schrevelii Lexicon manuale graeco-latinum & latino-graecum: studio atque opera Josephi Hill, necnon Johannis Entick, vocabulorum decem quasi Millibus auctum; Et insuper quoque ad calcem adjectae sunt sententiae graeco-latinae, quibus omnia gr. lat. primitiva comprehenduntur. Item tractatus duo: alter de resolutione verborum, de articulis alter; uterque perutilis, & adhuc desideratus. Editio nova, prioribus multo auctior & emendatior.. Londini : excudebant Guil. Bowyer & J. Nichols: sumptibus Guil. Bowyer & Co.; J. Beecroft; W. Strahan; J. & F. Rivington; J. Hinton; L. Hawes & Co.; R. Horsfield; J. Pote; W. Owen; C. Bathurst; T. Caslon; S. Crowder; T. Longman; B. Law; E. & C. Dilly; E. Johnson; G. Keith; T. Becket; B. Collins; R. Baldwin; W. Ginger; H. Gardner; G. Robinson; & E. Johnston, in Ludgate-Street, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T153310. Grub Street ID 197699.
- Hawes, William. An account of the late Dr. Goldsmith's illness, so far as relates to the exhibition of Dr. James's Powders: Together with remarks on the use and abuse of powerful medicines in the beginning of fevers, and other acute diseases. By William Hawes, apothecary. The third edition: with corrections, and an appendix.. London : Printed for W. Brown, and H. Gardner, in the Strand; J. Hinton, T. Evans, and J. Bew, Paternoster-Row; S. Hooper, Ludgate-Hill; J. Williams, Fleet-street; and W. Davenhill, opposite the Royal-Exchange, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T18804. Grub Street ID 223889.
- Hawes, William. An account of the late Dr. Goldsmith's illness, so far as relates to the exhibition of Dr. James's powders: together with remarks on the use and abuse of powerful medicines in the beginning of acute diseases. By William Hawes, apothecary. London : printed for W. Brown, and H. Gardner , in the Strand ; J. Hinton, and T. Evans , Paternoster-Row ; S. Hooper , Ludgate-Hill ; J. Williams , Fleet-Street ; and W. Davenhill, opposite the Royal-Exchange, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. N2023. Grub Street ID 9626.
- A new Latin-English dictionary: Containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the authorities subjoined to each word and phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from the best authors in our language. Both parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding works of the same nature; supplying their deficiencies, and comprising whatever is useful and valuable in all former dictionaries. The fourth edition, corrected and improved. By the King's authority. Designed for the general use of schools and private gentlemen. By the Rev. Mr. William Young, editor of Ainsworth's dictionary. London : Printed for J. Whiston, J. Pote, J. Buckland, C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, B. White; Hawes, Clarke and Collins; T. Longman, S. Crowder, T. Becket, R. Horsfield, T. Caslon, B. Law, H. Baldwin, G. Robinson, W. Ginger, R. Baldwin, H. Gardner, W. Harris, E. Johnston, and B. Collins, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T186769. Grub Street ID 222896.
- Glasse, Hannah. The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soops and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Things for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board a Ship. XII. Of Hogs Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheese-Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Ve. A new edition. With the order of a modern bill of fare, for each month, ... London : printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Hinton, Hawes and Co. W. Johnston, T. Longman, W. Owen, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Caslon, J. Wilkie, G. Robinson, T. Davies, J. Robson, T. Cadell, T. Becket and Co. W. Davis, J. Knox, W. Nicoll, W. Cornish, T. Lowndes, R. Dymott, H. Gardner, B. Domville, J. Richardson, T. Durham, R. Baldwin, and J. Bell, [1774]. ESTC No. T90933. Grub Street ID 310779.
- Gay, John. Fables by the late Mr. Gay. In one volume complete. London : printed for J. Buckland, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, G. Keith, T. Davies, L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins, B. White, T. Longman, S. Crowder, J. Wilkie, T. Caslon, R. Horsfield, G. Robinson, S. Bladon, H. L. Gardner, T. Cadell, J. D. Cornish, W. Goldsmith, and E. Johnston, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T13853. Grub Street ID 186393.
- Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. In three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended: with additions. To which are added, annotations, and an exact index to the whole. Adorned with cutts, designed and engraved by Mr. Hogarth. London : printed for C. Bathurst, E. Johnson, T. Davies, W. Strahan, C. Corbett, B. White, T. Longman, R. Horsefield, T. Becket, J. Nicol, T. Caslon, E. and J. [sic] Dilly, Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, T. Cadell, J. Lowndes, B. Tovey, H. Gardner, and Ed. Johnston, 1775. ESTC No. T125248. Grub Street ID 175397.
- A complete collection of state-trials, and proceedings for high-treason, and Other Crimes and Misdemeanours; the fourth edition; commencing with the eleventh year of the reign of King Richard II. and ending with the sixteenth year of the reign of King George III. with Two Alphabetical Tables to the Whole. To which is prefixed, a new preface By Francis Hargrave, Esquire. Volume the First. London : printed by T. Wright, Essex-Street, Strand; for C. Bathurst, J. and F. Rivington, L. Davis, T. Longman, W. Owen, T. Cadell, M. Folingsby, T. Lowndes, B. Law, J. Wilkie, R. Horsefield, M. Hingeston, S. Bladon, T. Carnan, H. Gardner, W. Otridge, and the rest of the proprietors: and sold by G. Kearsly, No. 46, near Serjeant's-Inn, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXVI. [1776]-81. ESTC No. T112654. Grub Street ID 164619.
- Haywood, Eliza. Epistles for ladies. By the authors of The female spectator. A new edition. In two volumes. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, MDCCLXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. N31103. Grub Street ID 20011.
- Haywood, Eliza. The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. A new edition. ... By the author of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. London : printed for H. Gardner, 1776. ESTC No. N8004. Grub Street ID 52912.
- Country-Curate.. American resistance indefensible. A sermon, preached on Friday, December 13, 1776, being the day appointed for a general fast. By a country curate. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand ; and sold by C. Parker, New Bond-Street ; J. Ridley, St. James's-Street ; S. Leacroft, Charing-Cross ; J. Bew, Pater-Noster-Row ; and Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange, [1776]. ESTC No. T21830. Grub Street ID 242918.
- Garretson, John. English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin. Comprising all the rules of grammar, and other necessary observations; Ascending gradually from the Meanest to Higher capacities. By J. Garretson, School-Master. The twenty-fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. F. & C. Rivington, J. Pote, T. Caslon, T. Longman, B. Law, E. & C. Dilly, J. Wilkie, G. Robinson, H. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Stuart, and Fielding & Walker, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T154385. Grub Street ID 198507.
- The history of Amelia Harcourt and Louisa Darlington. In two volumes. . London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; C. Parker, in New Bond-Street; and J. Bew, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T107714. Grub Street ID 160726.
- A new Latin-English dictionary: Containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the authorities subjoined to each word and phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from the best authors in our language. Both parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding works of the same nature; supplying their deficiencies, and comprising whatever is useful and valuable in all former dictionaries. The fifth edition, corrected and improved. By the King's authority. Designed for the general use of schools and private gentlemen. By the Rev. Mr. William Young, editor of Ainsworth's dictionary. London : Printed for B. White, J. Pote, J. Buckland, C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, T. Caslon, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, T. Becket, H. Baldwin, J. Wilkie, J. Knox, G. Robinson, R. Baldwin, N. Conant, W. Stuart, J. Murray, T. Evans, J. Bew, H. Gardner, Fielding and Walker, and the executors of G. Knapp, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T160495. Grub Street ID 199955.
- Glasse, Samuel. A sermon preached before the president, vice-presidents, and governors, of the Marine Society, at St. Andrew's church, Holborn, ON Occasion Of Their Anniversary Meeting, on Thursday 19th March, 1778. By Samuel Glasse, D. D. F. R. S. Late Student of Christ-Church, Oxon, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. To which is added, an abstract of the proceedings of the Marine Society, from its first institution; Including The General Account of Receipts and Disbursements to the present Time: with the State of the Subscription; and a List of the Governors. London : printed for Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; Gardner, in the Strand; and Sewel, in Cornhill, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T136163. Grub Street ID 184451.
- Ovid. Publii Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon libri XV. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Daniel Chrispinus Helvetius ad usum serenissimi Delphini. In h^ac editione septima fer`e notarum pars expungitur, ... Londini : impensis J. & T. Pote, E. Ballard, C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. F. & C. Rivington, G. Keith, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, E. & C. Dilly, H. Baldwin, H. Gardner, J. Bew, J. Wallis, W. Stuart, J. Knox, G. Robinson, & W. Domville, MDCC,LXX,VIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T99264. Grub Street ID 318415.
- Biographia Britannica: or, the lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages, To The Present Times: collected from the best authorities, Printed And Manuscript, and digested in the manner of Mr. Bayle's Historical and critical dictionary. The second edition, with corrections, enlargements, and the addition of new lives: by Andrew Kippis, D. D. and F. S. A. With the assistance of other gentlemen. . London : printed by W. and A. Strahan; for C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. Rivington and Sons, L. Davis, G. Keith, T. Longman, B. Law, E. and C. Dilly, T. Cadell, G. Robinson, J. Robson, T. Evans, S. Fox, J. Nichols, Whieldon and Waller, H. Gardner, and W. Otridge, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T139263. Grub Street ID 187124.
- Glasse, Hannah. The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soups and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes which may be made use of at any other Time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XII. Of Hog's-Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli,. A new edition, with all the modern improvements. ... London : printed for W. Strahan, J. Rivington and Sons, S. Crowder, J. Hinton, J. Johnson, T. Longman, W. Owen, B. White, T. Caslon, J. Wilkie, J. Robson, G. Robinson, T. Cadell, T. Becket, W. Davies, J. Knox, W. Nicoll, T. Lowndes, R. Dymott, H. Gardner, B. Domville, J. Richardson, T. Durham, R. Baldwin, J. Bew, F. Newberry, W. Goldsmith, Fielding and Walker, J. Wallis, and W. Fox, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T90931. Grub Street ID 310777.
- Caraccioli, Louis-Antoine. Advice from a lady of quality to her children; in the last stage of a lingering illness. Translated from the French, by S. Glasse, D.D. F.R.S. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The second edition.. London : printed by John Rivington, Jun. for J.F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. Cadell, and H. Gardner, in the Strand; J. Walter, at Charing-Cross; and S. Arnold, in Oxford, M.DCC.LXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. N29675. Grub Street ID 18758.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M.T. Ciceronis orationes quaedam selectae, Cum interpretatione & notis quas in usum serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Merouille, S.J. Quibus praefigitur vita Ciceronis per annos consulares digesta. His adjiciuntur in tres orationes notae quaedam non inutiles ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptae. Un`a cum variantibus aliquot per singulas orationes lectionibus. Huic editioni accesserunt dialogi de senectute & de amicitia. Editio decima emendatior.. Londini : Excudebant R. & M. Brown. Impensis C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, B. Collins, B. Law, G. Keith, T. Longman, T. Caslon, G. Robinson, T. Pote, J. Johnson, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, Feilding & Walker, J. Hayes, & W. Fox, MDCCLXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T138916. Grub Street ID 186776.
- Locke, John. The conduct of the understanding. By John Locke, Esq. To which is added, an abstract of Mr. Locke's Essay on human understanding. Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University; for J. Nicholson, Bookseller, in Cambridge, and sold by T. & J. Merrill; J. C. & F. Rivington, S. Crowder, H. Gardner, and S. Hayes, in London; and W. Nicholson, Wisbeach, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T109720. Grub Street ID 162384.
- Nelson, Robert. A companion for the fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The twenty-fifth edition.. London : printed for J. Buckland, W. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, W. Owen, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Corbett, Z. Stuart, J. Robinson, S. Bladon, T. Gardner, E. Stevens, J. Russell, J. Wilkie, J. Walker, and T. Beecroft, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T76508. Grub Street ID 298897.
- Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi: Interprete Theodoro Beza. Londini : apud J. F. & C. Rivington; J. Buckland; G. Keith; T. Caslon; T. Longman; B. Law; J. Johnson; H. Gardner; & J. Walker, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. N40574. Grub Street ID 27540.
- Vince, Samuel. The elements of the conic sections, as preparatory to the reading of Sir I. Newton's Principia. By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University; for J. Nicholson, Bookseller, in Cambridge; and sold by T. & J. Merrill; also by J. C. & F. Rivington, S. Crowder, H. Gardner, and G. Hayes, in London; and W. Nicholson, Wisbeach, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T137924. Grub Street ID 185815.
- Glasse, Samuel. The observation of the Christian sabbath recommended, in a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, and published by request. By S. Glasse, ... With an appendix, containing an abstract of several statutes respecting the observance of the Lord's Day. The third edition, revised and adapted to more general use.. London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, and H. Gardner, 1782. ESTC No. T176864. Grub Street ID 213853.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, prince of Denmark, a tragedy, Written by William Shakespeare, marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, L. Davis, T. Lowndes, R. Horsfield, W. Owen and Son, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, G. Keith, T. Bowles, J . Robson, G. Robinson, T. Payne and Son, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, W. Cater, W. Stuart, S.A. Cumberlege, J. Fielding, T. Evans, S. Hayes, and E. Newbery, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. N17301. Grub Street ID 6771.
- Nelson, Robert. A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The twenty-fourth edition.. London : printed for J. Buckland, W. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, W. Owen, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Corbett, J. Wilkie, T. Lowndes, S. A. Cumberlege, H. Gardner, E. Johnston, T. Beecroft, G. Robinson, R. Baldwin, W. Stuart, J. Knox, W. Flexney, G. J. Russell, J. Fielding, J. Walker, Scatchard and Whitaker, and E. Newbery, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T76507. Grub Street ID 298896.
- Shakespeare, William. The merchant of Venice: a comedy written by William Shakspeare, marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, L. Davis, T. & W. Lowndes, R. Horsfield, W. Owen and Son, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, G. Keith, T. Bowles, J. Robson, G. Robinson, T. Payne and Son, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, W. Cater, W. Stuart, S. A. Cumberlege, J. Fielding, T. Evans, S. Hayes, and E. Newberey, MDCCLXXXIII. [1783]. ESTC No. N4573. Grub Street ID 30603.
- A new Latin-English dictionary: containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the authorities subjoined to each word and phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from the best authors in our language. Both parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding works of the same nature; supplying their deficiencies, and comprising whatever is useful and valuable in all former dictionaries. The sixth edition, corrected and improved. By the King's authority. Designed for the general use of schools and private gentlemen. By the Rev. Mr. William Young, editor of Ainsworth's dictionary. London : Printed for B. White, J. Pote, J. Buckland, C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, H. Baldwin, J. Wilkie, J. Knox, G. Robinson, R. Baldwin, T. Lowndes and Son, T. Cadell, J. Sewell, S. Hayes, B. Collins, J. Murray, T. Evans, J. Bew, H. Gardner, and the executors of G. Knapp, M DCC LXXXIII. [1783]. ESTC No. N506084. Grub Street ID 416421.
- Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure. A comedy written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, L. Davis, T. & W. Lowndes, R. Horsfield, W. Owen and Son, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, T. Bowles, J. Robson, G. Robinson, T. Payne and Son, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, W. Cater, W. Stuart, S. A. Cumberlege, T. Evans, S. Hayes, and E. Newbery, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. N21914. Grub Street ID 11272.
- Shakespeare, William. Cymbeline. A tragedy. Altered from Shakspeare, by David Garrick, Esq. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst; W. and A. Strahan; J. F. and C. Rivington; L. Davis; T. and W. Lowndes; R. Horsfield; W. Owen and Son; S. Crowder; B. White; T. Longman; B. Law; C. Dilly; T. Cadell; T. Bowles; J. Robson; G. Robinson; T. Payne and Son; R. Baldwin; H. L. Gardner; J. Nichols; J. Bew; W. Cater; S. Hayes; W. Stuart; W. Bent, and E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T34529. Grub Street ID 264806.
- Shakespeare, William. Othello, the Moor of Venice, a tragedy, written by William Shakspeare, marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst, W. & A. Strahan, J. F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, T. & W. Lowndes, W. Owen & Son, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, T. Payne & Son, J. Robson, G. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Nicholls, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Bent, S. Bladon, W. Fox, & E.[sic] Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T62199. Grub Street ID 287708.
- A supplement to the fifth edition of Collins's Peerage of England; Containing A general Account of the Marriages, Births, Promotions, Deaths, &c. Which have occurred in each Family, from that publication, in the year 1779, to the present time. Also, Genealogical and Historical Accounts of those Families which have been advanced to the English Peerage, whether by Descent or Creation, since that Period. With their Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, engraved on Thirty-Four Copper Plates. Faithfully collected from authentic Pedigrees in Possession of the Families, or registered in the House of Lords; Records, Monumental Inscriptions, and other Authorities which are cited. By B. Longmate, Editor of the Fifth Edition of Collins's Peerage. London : printed for W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Payne and Son, W. Owen, S. Crowder, T. Longman, C. Rivington, C. Dilly, J. Robson, T. and W. Lowndes, J. Johnson, G. Robinson, T. Cadell, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, R. Baldwin, J. Murray, J. Debrets, W. Fox, J. White, T. Beecroft, W. Bent, and M. Folingsby, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T120339. Grub Street ID 400124.
- A supplement to the fifth edition of Collins's Peerage of England; Containing A general Account of the Marriages, Births, Promotions, Deaths, &c. Which have occurred in each Family, from that publication, in the year 1779, to the present time. Also, Genealogical and Historical Accounts of those Families which have been advanced to the English Peerage, whether by Descent or Creation, since that Period. With Their Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, engraved on Thirty-Four Copper Plates. Faithfully collected from authentic Pedigrees in Possession of the Families, or registered in the House of Lords; Records, Monumental Inscriptions, and other Authorities which are cited. By B. Longmate, Editor of the Fifth Edition of Collins's Peerage. London : printed for W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Payne and Son, W. Owen, S. Crowder, T. Longman, C. Rivington, C. Dilly, J. Robson, T. and W. Lowndes, G. Robinson, T. Cadell, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, R. Baldwin, J. Murray, J. Debrett, W. Fox, J. White, J. Walker, T. Beecroft, and M. Folingsby, M,DCC,LXXXIV. [1784]. ESTC No. T120340. Grub Street ID 400125.
- Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. A tragedy. Written by William Shakspeare, with the additions set to music by Mr. Locke and Dr. Arne. Marked with the variations in the manager's book,at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strahan, J.F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Lowndes, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, T. Payne & Son, J. Robson, G.G.J. & J. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Nicholls, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Bent, S. Bladon, W. Fox, & E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. N4559. Grub Street ID 30468.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays. London : printed for C. Bathurst, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Payne and Son, L. Davis, W. Owen, B. White and Son, T. Longman, B. Law, T. Bowles, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, J. Robson, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T Cadell, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, W. Stuart, R. Baldwin, J. Murray, A. Strahan, T. Vernor, J. Barker, W. Lowndes, S. Hayes, G. and T. Wilkie, Scatcherd and Whitaker, T. and J. Egerton, W. Fox, and E. Newbery, MDCCLXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T138853. Grub Street ID 186722.
- Gay, John. Fables by the late Mr. Gay. In one volume complete. London : printed for J. Buckland, A. Strahan, J.F. and C. Rivington, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, T. Carnan, G. G. J. and J. Robinsons, T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H. L. Gardner, W. Goldsmith, J. Murray, W. Lowndes G. and T. Wilkie, W. Bent, and E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T13864. Grub Street ID 186506.
- Shakespeare, William. The tempest, A comedy; Written by William Shakspeare: The music by Purcel and Dr. Arne; with the additional airs and chorusses, by the Late Mr. Linley, jun. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strahan, J.F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Payne & Son, J. Nicholls, T. Cadell, J. Robson, G.G.J. & J. Robinson, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Fox, Scatcherd & Whitaker, and E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T177479. Grub Street ID 214412.
- Garrick, David. The winter's tale, or Florizel and Perdita. A dramatic pastoral, altered from Shakspeare, by David Garrick, Esq. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst, W. & A. Strahan, J. F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, S. Crowder, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, T. Payne & Son, J. Robson, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Nichols, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, G. & T. Wilkie, S. Bladon, W. Fox, & E. Newbery, M,DCC,LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T62749. Grub Street ID 288169.
- Philalethes. A narrative of facts: supposed to throw light on the history of the Bristol-Stranger; known by the name of the maid of the hay-stack. Translated from the French. London : printed for H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand; Mr. Bull, Bath; Mr. Lloyd, Bristol; Mess. Evans and Hazell, Glocester; and Mr. Harward, Cheltenham, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T146567. Grub Street ID 193194.
- Shakespeare, William. The first part of Henry IV. A tragedy. Written by William Shakspeare, marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst; W. and A. Strahan; J. F. and C. Rivington; L. Davis; W. Lowndes; R. Horsfield; W. Owen and Son; B. White and Son. T. Longman; B. Law; C. Dilly; T. Cadell; T. Bowles; J. Robson; G. G. J. and J. Robinson; T. Payne and Son; R. Baldwin; H. L. Gardner; J. Nichols; J. Bew; W. Cater; S. Hayes; W. Stuart; W. Bent, and E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T62215. Grub Street ID 287726.
- Smith, Charlotte. Elegiac sonnets. By Charlotte Smith. The third edition. With twenty additional sonnets.. London : printed for J. Dodsley, H. Gardner, and J. Bew, [1786]. ESTC No. T32497. Grub Street ID 263196.
- Smith, Charlotte. Elegiac sonnets by Charlotte Smith. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Dodsley, H. Gardner, and J. Bew, 1786. ESTC No. T32498. Grub Street ID 263197.
- Shakespeare, William. Coriolanus. A tragedy. Written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Payne & Son, J. Nichols, T. Cadell, J. Robson, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murrary, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Fox, Scatcherd & Whitaker, E. Newberry, J. Barker, T. & J. Egerton, D. Ogilvy, and R. Faulder, M,DCC,LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T34181. Grub Street ID 264522.
- Extracts from the new version of the Psalms; intended more particularly. for the use of parish churches; and adapted to the tunes in a late collection, from the most approved compositions. London : printed for H. Gardner, No 200. facing St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, 1786. ESTC No. T185906. Grub Street ID 222076.
- Select portions of the Psalms of David, for the use of parish-churches: the words from the old version, and the music from the most approved compositions. The second edition. In which are inserted words selected from the new version, and adapted to the several tunes. London : printed for H. Gardner, No. 200. opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T167340. Grub Street ID 205444.
- Select portions of the Psalms of David, for the use of parish-churches: the words from the old version, and the music from the most approved compositions. The second edition. In which are inserted words selected from the new version, and adapted to the several tunes. London : printed for H. Gardner, 1786. ESTC No. T101113. Grub Street ID 155019.
- Shakespeare, William. Twelfth-night: or, what you will. Written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Payne & Son, J. Nichols, T. Cadell, J. Robson, G.G.J. & J. Robinson, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Bew, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Fox, Scatcherd & Whitaker, E. Newberry, J. Barker, T. & J. Egerton, D. Ogilvy, and R. Faulder, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T174784. Grub Street ID 211853.
- Garrick, David. The taming of the shrew; or, Catherine and Petruchio. A comedy. Altered from Shakspeare, by David Garrick, Esq. Marked with the Variations in the Manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. London : printed for C. Bathurst, J. F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Payne & Son, J. Nichols, T. Cadell, J. Robson, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Fox, Scatcherd & Whitaker, E. Newberry, J. Barker, T. & J. Egerton, and D. Ogilvy, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T62750. Grub Street ID 288171.
- M., V.. Thoughts on the construction and management of prisons; with immediate reference to the intended House of correction, in Middlesex: addressed to William Mainwaring, Esq. One of the Representatives of the Said County, Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, &c. &c. &c. And to the Inhabitants of the County at large. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, 1786. ESTC No. T108316. Grub Street ID 161216.
- Shakespeare, William. As you like it. A comedy. Written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. London : printed for C. Bathurst, J.F. & C. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Owen & Son, B. White & Son, T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, T. Payne & Son, J. Nichols, T. Cadell, J. Robson, G. G. J. & H. Robinson, A. Strahan, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Cater, J. Murray, W. Stuart, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Fox, Scatcherd & Whitaker, E. Newberry, and J. Barker, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T22531. Grub Street ID 247252.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare. Accurately printed from the text of Mr. Malone's edition; with select explanatory notes. In seven volumes. . London : printed for J. Rivington and Sons, L. Davis, B. White and Son, T. Longman, B. Law, H. S. Woodfall, C. Dilly, J. Robson, J. Johnson, T. Vernor, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Sewell, J. Nichols, J. Bew, T. Payne, Jun. S. Hayes, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, Scatcherd and Whitaker, T. and J. Egerton, C. Stalker, J. Barker, J. Edwards, Ogilvie and Speare, J. Cuthell, J. Lackington, and E. Newbery, MDCCXC. [1786-1790]. ESTC No. T135348. Grub Street ID 183779.
- Pomey, François. The pantheon, representing the fabulous histories of the heathen Gods, and most illustrious heroes; in a short, plain, and familiar method, by way of dialogue. For the use of schools. By Andrew Tooke, A.M. late professor of Geometry in Gresham College, and master of the Charter-House-School. The twenty-eighth edition: revised, corrected, amended, and illustrated with new cuts of the several deities.. London : Printed for J.F. & C. Rivington, B. Law, T. Pote, J. Johnson, G.G.J. & J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. Gardner, W. Bent, and G. & T. Wilkie, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. N11795. Grub Street ID 1798.
- The fashionable tell-tale; containing a great variety of entertaining anecdotes and bons mots, expressive of the characters of persons of rank, Distinguished for their wit, taste, or humour. Selected from the most celebrated authors. The third edition, greatly improved. To which is prefixed, a letter from the late David Garrick, Esq. to the editor. In two volumes. . London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, 1787. ESTC No. T190777. Grub Street ID 225889.
- A narrative of proceedings, tending towards a national reformation, previous to, and consequent upon, His Majesty's royal proclamation, for the suppression of vice and immorality. In a letter to a friend. In which are included, The Resolutions of the Pontefract Sessions; The Representation of the Grand Juries of London and Middlesex, with the Steps taken thereon; The Royal Proclamation; The Letter of the Secretary of State; And other curious and interesting Matters. By a country magistrate. London : printed for J. Robson and W. Clarke ; G. G. J. and J. Robinson ; J. Stockdale, and H. Gardner, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T125043. Grub Street ID 175210.
- Berkeley, George. A caution against socinianism given in a discourse preached at the cathedral and metropolitical church of Christ, Canterbury; on Good Friday, 1787. And Published for the Benefit of the Charity-Schools in the Parish of St Clement Danes, Westminster. By George Berkeley. L. L. D. (late Student of Christ Church, Oxford,) Vice - Dean of Canterbury, Chancellor of Brecknock, Rector of Saint Clement Danes, Westminster, and Vicar of Cookham, Berks. Canterbury: printed for Simmons and Kirkby, T. Smith, and Flackton and Marrable; and for --- Gardner, Opposite St Clement's Church, Strand, London, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T77989. Grub Street ID 299897.
- Hawkins, John. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The second edition, revised and corrected.. London : printed for J. Buckland, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Payne and Sons, L. Davis, B. White and Son, T. Longman, B. Law, J. Dodsley, H. Baldwin, J. Robson, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, T. Vernor, W. Nicoll, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, T. Carnan, J. Nichols, T. Bowles, J. Bew, R. Baldwin, N. Conant, P. Elmsly, W. Goldsmith, J. Knox, R. Faulder, Leigh & Sotheby, G. Nicol, W. Otridge, J. Murray, A. Strahan, W. Lowndes, T. Evans, J. Phillips, W. Stuart, J. Sewell, H.L. Gardner, W. Bent, S. Hayes, G. and T. Wilkie, T. & J. Egerton, W. Fox, P. Macqueen, Scatcherd & Whitaker, D. Ogilvie, R. Jameson, J. Barker, B. Collins, and E. Newbery, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T113903. Grub Street ID 165768.
- An essay on the church. Glocester: printed by R. Raikes, for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row; Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand, London, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T67407. Grub Street ID 291992.
- A new Latin-English dictionary: containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; With The Authorities subjoined to each Word and Phrase. To which is prefixed, A new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from the best authors in our language. Both Parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding Works of the same Nature; supplying their Deficiencies, and comprising whatever is useful and valuable in all former Dictionaries. The seventh edition, corrected and improved. By the King's Authority. Designed for the General Use of Schools and Private Gentlemen. By th Rev. Mr. William Young, Editor of Ainsworth's Dictionary. London : printed for B. White and Son, J. Buckland, J.F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, H. Baldwin, T. Pote, J. Johnson, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, T. Cadell, J. Sewell, J. Murray, T. Evans, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, S. Hayes, W. Benj, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, Scatcherd and Whitaker, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T128558. Grub Street ID 178136.
- Glasse, Samuel. Fear God, honour the king. A sermon preached in the Parish Church of Wanstead in Essex, On Sunday, July 15, 1787, in consequence of His Majesty's late Royal proclamation. Published by request. By Samuel Glasse, D.D. F.R.S. Rector of the said Parish, and Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed for J. Robson and W. Clarke; G. G. J and J. Robinson; J. Stockdale, and H. Gardner, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T8370. Grub Street ID 304112.
- Shaw, Stebbing. A tour, in 1787, from London, to the Western Highlands of Scotland. Including excursions to the lakes of Westmorland and Cumberland, with Minute Descriptions of the principal Seats, Castles, Ruins, &c. throughout the Tour. London : printed for L. Davis, Holborn; Messrs. Robson and Clarke, New Bond Street; W. Lowndes, Fleet-Street; H. Gardner, Strand; and J. Walker, Paternoster-Row, [1788?]. ESTC No. T106641. Grub Street ID 159777.
- Justice of Middlesex.. A letter to a Member of Parliament, containing a narrative of proceedings, relative to His Majesty's proclamation; with other useful and interesting matters. To which are added the resolutions of the magistrates of the county of Gloucester, at their sessions in January 1788. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Robson and W. Clarke; G. G. J. and J. Robinson; J. Stockdale; and H. Gardner, 1788. ESTC No. T148220. Grub Street ID 194604.
- Gay, John. Fables by the late Mr. Gay. In one volume complete. London : printed for J. Buckland, J. F. and C. Rivington, B. and B. White, T. Longman, B. Law T. Carnan, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H. L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Goldsmith. J. Murray, W. Lowndes, J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, G. and T. Wilkie, and E. Newbery, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T13866. Grub Street ID 186525.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Translated into blank verse. By John Canton, . London : printed for J. Debrett; H. Gardner; W. Owen; J. Denis; and J. Johnson, 1788. ESTC No. T12169. Grub Street ID 172448.
- Des Carrieres, A. J. A dissertation on Virgil's description of the ancient Roman plough; Which although mysterious, and hitherto undiscovered by any of the Commentators, yet is now entirely illucidated, by a close Comparison between the above, and a Representation on the Reverse of an undoubted Unique. To which is added, Critical Objections against the ploughs of Mr. Spence and Martyn, manifestly shewing them to be entirely erroneous. By A. J. Des Carrieres. London : printed for H. Gardner, in the Strand; W. Owen, Temple Bar; J. Denis, New Bridge-Street; and G. Nicol, St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T2844. Grub Street ID 260083.
- Brossais du Perray.. Historical remarks on the castle of the Bastille: with curious and entertaining anecdotes of that fortress, &c. &c. From the French. The third edition, considerably enlarged.. London : printed for H. Gardner; J. Sewell; J. Walter; and J. Debrett, 1789. ESTC No. T194102. Grub Street ID 228098.
- Brossais du Perray.. Historical remarks on the castle of the Bastille: with curious and entertaining anecdotes of that fortress, &c. &c. From the French. The second edition, considerably enlarged.. London : printed for H. Gardner , opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand ; J. Sewell , Cornhill ; J. Walter , Charing-Cross ; and J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1789. ESTC No. N17964. Grub Street ID 7437.
- Extracts from the new version of the Psalms; intended ... for the use of parish churches; ... (These extracts are in the list of books dispersed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.). London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington; and H. Gardner, 1789. ESTC No. N9943. Grub Street ID 54821.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M. T. Ciceronis orationes quædam selectæ, cum interpretatione & notis quas in usum Serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Merouille, S. J. Quibus praefigitur vita Ciceronis Per Annos Consulares digesta. His adjiciuntur in Tres Orationes notae quaedam non inutiles ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptae. Una cum variantibus aliquot per singulas Orationers Lectionibus. Huic Editioni accesserunt dialogi De Senectute & de Amicitia. Editio undecima emendatior.. Londini : excudebat M. Brown. Impensis T. Longman, B. Law, T. Pote, W. Ginger, J. Johnson, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, S. Hayes, G. & T. Wilkie, et B. C. Collins, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. T187440. Grub Street ID 223410.
- Brossais du Perray.. Historical remarks on the castle of the Bastille: with curious and entertaining anecdotes of that fortress, &c. &c. From the French. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; J. Sewell, Cornhill; J. Walter, Charing-Cross; and J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1789. ESTC No. T154472. Grub Street ID 198586.
- Member of One of the Universities.. A letter to R. B. Gabriel, D.D. in answer to facts relating to the Rev. Dr. White's Bampton Lectures. By A member of one of the Universities. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, 1789. ESTC No. T899. Grub Street ID 309752.
- The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. . London : printed by John Nichols; for J. Buckland, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Payne and Sons, L. Davis, B. White and Son, T. Longman, B. Law, J. Dodsley, H. Baldwin, J. Robson, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, J. Nichols, J. Johnson, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, P. Elmsly, T. Evans, G. Nicol, Leigh and Sotheby, J. Bew, N. Conant, J. Murray, J. Sewell, W. Goldsmith, W. Richardson, T. Vernor, W. Lowndes, W. Bent, W. Otridge, T. and J. Egerton, S. Hayes, R. Faulder, J. Edwards, G. and T. Wilkie, W. Nicoll, Ogilvy and Speare, Scatcherd and Whitaker, W. Fox, C. Stalker, E. Newbery, 1790. ESTC No. T152606. Grub Street ID 197388.
- Moreton, J. B.. Manners and customs in the West India islands. Containing various particulars respecting the soil, cultivation, produce, trade, officers, inhabitants, &c. &c. With the method of establishing and conducting a sugar-plantation; in which the ill-practices of superintendants are pointed out. Also the treatment of slaves; and the slave-trade. By J. B. Moreton. London : printed for W. Richardson; H. Gardner; and J. Walter, 1790. ESTC No. N10321. Grub Street ID 329.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays and poems of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies, and revised: with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added, an essay on the chronological order of his plays; an essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson; a dissertation ON The Three Parts Of King Henry VI.; an historical account Of The English Stage; And Notes; by Edmond Malone. London : printed by H. Baldwin, for J. Rivington and Sons, L. Davis, B. White and Son, T. Longman, B. Law, H. S. Woodfall, C. Dilly, J. Robson, J. Johnson, T. Vernor, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Sewell, J. Nichols, J. Bew, T. Payne, jun. S. Hayes, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, Scatcherd and Whitaker, T. and J. Egerton, C. Stalker, J. Barker, J. Edwards, Ogilvie and Speare, J. Cuthell, J. Lackington, and E. Newbery, MDCCXC. [1790]. ESTC No. T138858. Grub Street ID 186727.
- Vince, Samuel. A treatise on practical astronomy, by the Rev. S. Vince, ... Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon; for J. & J. Merrill, J. Nicholson and W. Lunn, in Cambridge; J. Deighton, T. Cadell, P. Elmsly, F. Wingrave and H. Gardner, B. White & Son, T. & J. Egerton, R. Faulder, G. & T. Wilkie, and J. Evans, London; J. Fletcher and D. Prince & J. Cooke, Oxford, 1790. ESTC No. T150188. Grub Street ID 196042.
- Sallust. C. Sallustii Crispi opera omnia, qu? extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus in usum serenissimi Delphini. In hac editione innumera prioris errata, diligentissim`e animadversa, corriguntur. Londini : typis M. Brown. Impensis S. Ballard, J. F. & C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, W. & W. Ginger, W. Stuart, H. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Goldsmith, T. & G. Wilkie, Scatcherd & Whitaker, C. D. Piguenit, & C. Stalker, MDCCXC. [1790]. ESTC No. N26478. Grub Street ID 15848.
- Strictures on the letter of the Right Hon. Mr. Burke, on the Revolution in France. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, Strand, 1791. ESTC No. T4781. Grub Street ID 275780.
- Nelson, Robert. A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The twenty-sixth edition.. London : printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law and Son, C. Corbett, G. G. J. and J. Robinsons, R. Baldwin, W. Stuart, J. Nichol, W. Flexney, T. Evans, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, H. Gardner, J. Walker, J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, J. Ryan, and E. Newbery, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T131310. Grub Street ID 180331.
- Political speculations, occasioned by the progress of a democratic party in England. London : printed for H. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; for W. Clarke, New Bond-Street; J. Walter, Charing-Cross; and J. Sewell, Cornhill, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. N11921. Grub Street ID 1925.
- Cornelii Schrevelii lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum & Latino-Graecum: Studio atque opera Josephi Hill, Johannis Entick, nec non Gulielmi Bowyer, vocabulorum undecim quasi millibus auctum; et insuper quoque ad calcem adjectae sunt sententiae Graeco-Latinae, quibus omnia gidling Primitiva comprehenduntur. Item tractatus duo: alter de resolutione verborum, de articulis alter; uterque perutilis, et aequ desideratus. Editio XV, prioribus multo auctior et emendatior.. Londini : Ex officina M. Brown. Sumptibus J. F. & C. Rivington; T. Longman; B. Law; T. Pote; W. Ginger; S. Bladon; C. Dilly; J. Johnson; G.G. J. &J. Robinson; H. Gardner; R. Baldwin; J. Nichols; J. Murray; T. Evans; W. Goldsmith; W. Otridge; P. Wynne; S. Hayes; Ogilvie & Speare; W. Lowndes; Scatcherd & Whitaker W. Bent; G. & T. Wilkie; ET C. Staler, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. N3607. Grub Street ID 24051.
- Barrister at Law.. Legal recreations, or popular amusements in the laws of England. By a barrister at law. . London : printed for J. Bew, Paternoster-Row; W. Clarke; New-Bond-Street, J. Deighton, opposite Gray's-Inn, Holborn; H. Gardner, Strand; E. Harlow, Pall-Mall; T. Kay, late Elliott & Kay, opposite Somerset House, Strand; Knight and Triphook; St. James's-Street; J. Mathews, Strand; W. Miller, Old-Bond-Street; R. Phzney, Inner-Temple-Lane; W. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill; and M. Stace, Hay-Market, [1792-1793?]. ESTC No. N12322. Grub Street ID 2328.
- A complete and universal English dictionary: including not only I. A full explanation of difficult words and technical terms in all faculties and professions ... To the whole is added, an outline of antient and modern history; ... A new edition corrected and improved. By the Rev. James Barclay, . London : printed for J.F. and C. Rivington; B. Law and Son; G.G.J. and J. Robinson; J. Sewell; H.L. Gardner [and 12 others in London], 1792. ESTC No. T86992. Grub Street ID 307089.
- Gay, John. Fables by the late Mr. Gay. In One Volume Complete. London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, B. and B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, G. G. J. and J. Robinson T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H. L. Gardner, W. Goldsmith, J. Murray, W. Lowndes, W. Bent, J. Scatcherd, and J. Whitaker, G. and T. Wilkie, and E. Newbery, MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T13868. Grub Street ID 186544.
- A new Latin-English dictionary; containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the Authorities subjoined to each Word and Phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, Carefully Compiled from The best Authors in our Language. Both Parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding Works of the same Nature; supplying their Deficiencies, and comprising whatever is useful and valuable in all former Dictionaries. The eighth edition, Corrected and Improved. By the King's Authority. Designed for the General Use of Schools and Private Gentlemen. By the Rev. Mr. William Young, Editor of Ainsworth's Dictionary. London : printed for Messie`urs B. White and Son, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, W. Ginger, T. Pote, H. Baldwin, J. Johnson, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, T. Cadell, J. Sewell, J. Murray, T. Evans, H. Gardner, S. Hayes, W. Bent, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, Scatcherd and Whitaker, Vernor, Ogilvie and Speare, J. Evans, and the Executors of J. Knapp., MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T78079. Grub Street ID 299982.
- Alphabetical table of contents to the first volume of legal recreations; being a collection of curious, popular, amusing, remarkable, and interesting cases and topics in the laws of England, designed for general information and entertainment. London : printed for J. Bew, Paternoster-Row; W. Clarke; New Bond-Street; J. Deighton, opposite Gray's-Inn, Holborn; H. Gardner, Strand; E. Harlow, Pall-Mall; T. Kay, late Elliott and Kay, opposite Somerset-House, Strand; Knight and Triphook, St. James's-Street; J. Mathews, Strand; W. Miller, Old Bond-Street; R. Pheney, Inner Temple-Lane; W. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill; and M. Stace, Hay-Market; and may be had of all booksellers in town and country, [1793]. ESTC No. T491713. Grub Street ID 435439.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare. In fifteen volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators. To which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The fourth edition. Revised and augmented (with a glossarial index) by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays. London : printed [by H. Baldwin] for T. Longman, B. Law and Son, C. Dilly, J. Robson, J. Johnson, T. Vernor, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, J. Sewell, J. Nicholls, F. and C. Rivington, W. Goldsmith, T. Payne, Jun. S. Hayes, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, B. and J. White, G. and T. Wilkie, J. and J. Taylor, Scatcherd and Whitaker, T. and J. Egerton, E. Newbery, J. Barker, J. Edwards, Ogilvy and Speare, J. Cuthell, J. Lackington, J. Deighton, and W. Miller, M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T33036. Grub Street ID 263698.
- Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi: interprete Theodoro Beza. Londini : apud T. Longman, B. Law. G.G.J. & J. Robinson, W. Stuart, F. & C. Rivington, H. Gardner, Ogilvie & Speare, Schatcherd & Whitaker, J. Evans, & T. Boosey, M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T106060. Grub Street ID 159250.
- Vince, Samuel. A plan of a course of lectures on the principles of natural philosophy. By the Rev. S. Vince, A. M. F. R. S. Cambridge: printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University; for J. & J. Merrill, J. Nicholson and W. H. Lunn, Cambridge; J. Deighton, H. Gardner, F. Wingrave in the Strand, B. White & Son, Fleetstreet, G. & T. Wilkie, in St. Paul's Churchyard, London; J. Fletcher, and D. Prince & J. Cooke, Oxford, MDCCXCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T112148. Grub Street ID 164153.
- Pomey, François. The pantheon, representing the fabulous histories of the heathen gods, and most illustrious heroes; in a short, plain, and familiar method, by way of dialogue. By Andrew Tooke, A. M. Late Professor of Geometry in Gresham College, and Master of the Charterhouse School. The twenty-ninth edition, improved, and illustrated with cuts of the several deities.. London : printed for B. Law and Son, T. Pote, J. Johnson, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner, R. Baldwin, F. and C. Rivington, Scatcherd and Whitaker, W. Bent, and G. and T. Wilkie. 1793. ESTC No. T111389. Grub Street ID 163714.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M. T. Ciceronis orationes quædam selectæ, cum interpretatione & notis quas in usum serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Merouille, S.J. Quibus præfigitur vita Ciceronis Per Annos Consulares Digesta. His adjiciuntur in tres orationes notæ quaedam non inutiles ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptae. Unà cum variantibus aliquot per singulas Orationes Lectionibus. Huic editioni accesserunt dialogi de senectute & de amicitia. Editio duodecima emendatior.. Londini : excudebat M. Brown. Impensis T. Longman, B. Law, T. Pote, G. & G. Ginger, J. Johnson, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, S. Hayes, G. & T. Wilkie, T. Vernor, et C. D. Piguenit, MDCCXCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T138391. Grub Street ID 186250.
- Moreton, J. B. West India customs and manners: Containing strictures on the soil, cultivation, produce, trade, officers, and inhabitants: with the method of establishing, and conducting a sugar plantation. To which is added, the practice of training new slaves. By J. B. Moreton, Esq. A new edition. London : printed for J. Parsons, Paternoster Row; W. Richardson, Royal Exchange; H. Gardner, Strand; and J. Walter, Piccadilly, 1793. ESTC No. T98897. Grub Street ID 318094.
- Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled A reply to the sermon, preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal, on Wednesday, January 30, 1793, by Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's. With an appendix, containing observations on the preface to Mr. Hall's Apology for the freedom of the press, and for general liberty. London : printed for H. Gardner; J. Debrett; and J. Johnson, [1793?]. ESTC No. T222171. Grub Street ID 245169.
- Gay, John. Fables by John Gay, with a life of the author, and embellished with a plate to each fable. London : printed by Darton & Harvey, for F. & C. Rivington, B & B. White, T. Longman, B. Law & Son, G.G. & J. Robinson, T. Cadell. S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H.L. Gardner, J. Bew, W. Goldsmith, J. Murray, W. Lowndes, J. Scatcherd & Co. G. & T. Wilkie, & E. Newbery, MDCCXCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T13872. Grub Street ID 186587.
- Wilson, Thomas. An archæological dictionary; or, classical antiquities of the Jews, Greeks, and Romans, alphabetically arranged: containing an account of their manners, customs, diversions, ... heresies in the primitive Church, &c. &c. By the Rev. T. Wilson, . The second edition, with considerable additions.. London : printed for D. Ogilvy, and J. Speare, J. Johnson, J. Wallis, J. Deighton, H. Gardner, B. White and Son, T. Vernor and J. Hood, S. Hayes, and J. Binns, at Leeds, 1793. ESTC No. T116234. Grub Street ID 167905.
- Sallust. C. Sallustii Crispi opera omnia, Quae extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus in usum serenissimi Delphini. In hac editione innumera prioris errata diligentissime animadversa, corriguntur. Londini : Typis M. Brown; impensis S. Ballard, T. Longman, B. Law, W. & W. Ginger, W. Stuart, H. Gardner, F. & C. Rivington, W. Goldsmith, T. & G. Wilkie, Scatcherd & Whitaker, C.D. Piguenit, et Darton & Harvey, 1793. ESTC No. N26479. Grub Street ID 15849.
- Glasse, Samuel. The sinner encouraged to repentance: A sermon, preached at the opening of the chapel of the new house of correction, for the county of Middlesex, on Sunday, Sept.28, 1794, before the chairman of the sessions, and a committee of magistrates; and published at their reqest. With a prefatory address to magistrates in general, and to the magistracy of the county of Middlesex in particular. By Samuel Glasse, D.D. F.R.S. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county. London : Printed for Messrs. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-yard; Messrs. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row; and Mr. Gardner,in the Strand, M,DCC,XCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T48304. Grub Street ID 276231.
- Ovid. Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libri XV. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Daniel Chrispinus Helvetius ad usum serenissimi Delphini. In h^ac editione non^a noturum pars expungitor quarum loco adjiciuntar aliae: et interpretatio passim emendatur.. Londini : impensis F. & C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law & Son, W. & W. Ginger, T. Pote, C. Dilly, R. Baldwin, H. Gardner, G. G. & J. Robinson, J. Sewell, T. Vernor, W. Goldsmith, Scatcherd & Whitaker, J. Johnson, W. Richardson, G. & T. Wilkie, W. Bent, H. Baldwin, S. Hayes, E. Piguenit, & Ogilvy & Co, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T127326. Grub Street ID 177056.
- Penn, William. Vindicæ Britannicæ: being strictures on a late pamphlet, by G. Wakefield, A. B. Late Fellow Of Jesus College, Cambridge, intituled, "the spirit of Christianity compared with the spirit of the times in Great Britain." By an under graduate. London : printed for H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand, 1794. ESTC No. T139484. Grub Street ID 187334.
- Penn, William. An appendix to Vindiciæ Britannicæ: in answer to the calumnies of the Analytical Review. London : printed for H. Gardner, No. 200, Strand, 1794. ESTC No. T139485. Grub Street ID 187335.
- Johnson, Samuel. The lives of the most eminent English poets. With critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. A new edition, corrected. In four volumes. . London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, J. Dodsley, H. Baldwin, J. Robson, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, G.G. & J. Robinson, T. Cadell, P. Elmsly, J. Nichols, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, T. Payne, F. & C. Rivington, W. Otridge, J. Sewell, W. Goldsmith, W. Richardson, R. Faulder, Leigh and Sotheby, G. Nicol, W. Lowndes, W. Bent, S. Hayes, G. & T. Wilkie, C. Davis, W. Nicoll, J. Matthews, J. Egerton, W. Fox, J. Edwards, Ogilvy & Speare, Scatcherd & Whitaker, J. Evans, Vernor & Hood, Clarke and Son, E. Newbery, and H. Murray, 1794. ESTC No. T122612. Grub Street ID 173277.
- Tocquot, J. F. The royal pocket dictionary, French and English, and English and French; containing the signification of words in all their different acceptations; the terms of arts, sciences, and trades. The whole extracted from the best writers. To which is added, a list of the most common Christian and proper names which differ in both languages; also a general table of the value of all the monies in Europe reduced to the English and French standards. By J.F. Tocquot, Master of Arts in the University of Paris. London : printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner, Ogilvy and Speare, R. Faulder, J. Debrett, G. Kearlsey, W. Peacock, W. Millar, C. Law, T.N. Longman, and Vernor and Hood, M.DCC.XCV. [1795]. ESTC No. T117659. Grub Street ID 169245.
- The koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated from the original Arabic; with explanatory notes, taken from the most approved commentators. To which is prefixed, a preliminary discourse. Vol. I. By George Sale, Gent.*. Bath: printed by S. Hazard; for J. Johnson, Vernor and Hood, Ogilvy and Speare, J. Sewell, H. Gardner, and C. and G. Kearsley, London, 1795. ESTC No. T107818. Grub Street ID 160827.
- Nelson, Robert. A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: With collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The twenty-seventh edition.. London : Printed for S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law and Son, C. Corbett, G.G.J. and J. Robinsons, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Hayes, W. Stuart, J. Nichol, T. Evans, F. And C. Rivington, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, H. Gardner, J. Walker, J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, and E. Newbery, MDCCXCV. [1795]. ESTC No. T164227. Grub Street ID 202489.
- The nature, uses, dangers, sufferings, and preservatives, of the human imagination. A sermon, preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on Sunday, January 31, 1796. By William Jones, M.A. F.R.S. author of the Man of sin, &c. [Second edition.]. London : printed for F. and C. Rivington, no. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; G. G. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row; and H. Gardner, Strand, 1796. ESTC No. N72140. Grub Street ID 51979.
- Johnson, Samuel. The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. A new edition, in twelve volumes. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. . London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, J. Dodsley, H. Baldwin, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, G. G. and J. Robinson, P. Elmsly, J. Nichols, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, F. and C. Rivington, W. Otridge and Son, W. Richardson, B. and J. White, A. Strahan, Leigh and Sotheby, R. Faulder, G. Nicol, T. Payne, W. Lowndes, T. Evans, S. Hayes, G. and T. Wilkie, C. Davis, J. Matthews, T. Egerton, W. Fox, J. Edwards, P. McQueen, Ogilvie and Speare, J. Scatcherd, I. Taylor, Hookham and Co. C. and G. Kearsley, J. Walker, B.C. Collins, E. Newbery, Vernor and Hood, J. Deighton, Darton and Harvey, J. Nunn, Lackington, Allen, and Co. J. Stockdale, J. Cuthell, D. Walker, J. Anderson, Clarke and Son, T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, J. Barker, W. Millar, and Murray and Highley, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T82916. Grub Street ID 303414.
- Pickering, Joseph, M.A. A sermon, preached at Wickham, in the county of Southampton, on Wednesday, March 9, 1796, ... By Joseph Pickering,. London : printed for H. Gardner, [1796]. ESTC No. T150341. Grub Street ID 196168.
- The nature, Uses, Dangers, Sufferings, and Preservatives, of the Human Imagination. A sermon, preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on Sunday, January 31, 1796. By William Jones, M.A. F.R.S. author of the man of sin, &c. London : printed for F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; G. G. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row; and H. Gardner, Strand, 1796. ESTC No. T39711. Grub Street ID 268938.
- Cornelii Schrevelii Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum: Studio atque opera Josephi Hill, Johannis Entick, nec non Gulielmi Bowyer, vocabulorum undecim quasi millibus auctum; et insuper quoque ad calcem adjectae sunt sententiae Graeco-Latinae, quibus omnia Gr. Ling. Primitiva Comprehenduntur. Item tractatus duo: alter de resolutione verborum, de articulis alter uterque perutilis, et aeque desideratus. Editio XVI, prioribus multo auctior et emendatior.. Londini : Ex officina M. Brown. Sumptibus T. Longman; B. Law; W. Ginger; S. Bladon; C. Dilly; J. Johnson; G.G. J. &J. Robinson; H. Gardner; R. Baldwin; W. Otridge; Ogilvy & Speare; F. & C. Rivington; T. Evans; R. Faulder; P. Wynne; W. Lowndes; C.D. Piguent; J. Scatcherd; W. Bent; G. & T. Wilkie; J. Walker; ET M. Pote, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. N28355. Grub Street ID 17589.
- Roberti, Antonius. Clavis Homerica: sive Lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quae continentur in Homeri Iliade et potissima parte Odysseae. Cum brevi de dialectis appendice. Nec non Mich. Apostolii proverbiis Graeco-Latinis. Accessere etiam huic postremae editioni varia elogia seu testimonia de Homero, ex diversis auctoribus, tum antiquis, tum neotericis collecta. Hanc praeterea editionem pluribus in locis auxit, non pauca emendavit, atque scholis utiliorem reddidit Samuel Patrick, LL. D. et Scholae Carthusianae Subpraeceptor. Londini : ex officinâ J. Nichols: impensis T. Longman; B. Law; G.G. & J. Robinson, F. & C. Rivington; H. Gardner; T. Evans; C.D. Piguenit; G. & T. Wilkie; Vernor & Hood; M. Pote; & R. Baldwin, M,DCC,XCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. N4987. Grub Street ID 34009.
- Le dictionnaire royal, françois-anglois, et anglois-françois; tiré des meilleurs auteurs qui ont écrit dans ces deux langues; autrefois composé à l'usage de feu S.A.R. le duc de Gloucester, par Mr. A. Boyer. Nouvelle édition, rendue grammaticale par l'addition du régime à tous les mots qui le comportent, & soigneusement revue, corrigée, & augmentée d'un très-grand nombre de mots & de phrases, des termes géographiques, de plusieurs idiotismes; de différentes constructions & façons de parler, tant françoises qu'angloises; de la conjugaison des verbes irréguliers & d'une table & des règles pour la formation de tous les temps des verbes réguliers. Par P. M. Fierville. . À Londres : de l'imprimerie de Thomas Davison, et se trouve chez T. Longman, B. Law, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, G.G. & J. Robinson, W. Richardson, J. Sewell, P. Elmsly, W. Ginger, F. & C. Rivington, R. Baldwin, R. Faulder, H. Gardner, W. Otridge & Son, T. Payne, A. Strahan, S. Bladon, W. Lowndes, J. Walker, Ogilvie & Speare, J. Cuthell, E. Newbery, Lackington & Co. H. Lowndes, G. & T. Wilkie, J. Scatcherd, Vernor & Hood, C.D. Piguenit, J. Deighton, F. Wingrave, Cadell & Davies, & King & Son, M.DCC.XCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T160878. Grub Street ID 200154.
- Gay, John. Fables by the late Mr. Gay. In one volume complete. London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, G.G. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H.L. Gardner, W. Lowndes, F. and C. Rivington, W. Bent, J. Scatcherd, and J. Whitaker, G. and T. Wilkie, E. Newbery, and J. Walker, 1796. ESTC No. N9621. Grub Street ID 54500.
- Glasse, Hannah. The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far excels any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. A List of the various Kinds of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit, in Season, in every Month of the Year. II. Directions for Marketing. III. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection. IV. Sauces for all plain Dishes. V. Made Dishes. VI. To dress Poultry, Game, &c. Vii. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. Viii. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for Suppers, or Side or Corner Dishes. IX. To dress Turtle, Mock-Turtle, &c. X. To dress Fish. XI. Sauces for Fish. XII. Of Soups and Broths. XIII. Of Puddings and Pies. XIV. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which may be made use of at any other Time. XV. Directions for the Sick. XVI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XVII. Of Hog's Puddings, Sausages, &c. XVIII. To pot, make Hams, &c. XIX. Of Pickling. XX. Of making Cakes, &c. XXI. Of Cheesecakes, Cre. A new edition, with all the modern improvements: ... London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, J. Johnson, G. G. and J. Robinson, H. Gardner, T. Payne, F. and C. Rivington, J. Sewell, W. Richardson, W. Lane, W. Lowndes, G. and T. Wilkie, W. Nicoll, W. Fox, Ogilvy and Speare, J. Debrett, J. Scatcherd, Vernor and Hood, Clarke and Son, J. Nunn, J. Barker, B. Crosby, Cadell and Davies, and E. Newbery, 1796. ESTC No. T90932. Grub Street ID 310778.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare. In six volumes. . London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, J. Robson, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Sewell, W. Richardson, J. Nichols, F. & C. Rivington, J. Edwards, T. Payne, Jun. S. Hayes, R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, B. & J. White, G. & T. Wilkie, J. & J. Taylor, J. Scatcherd, T. Egerton, E. Newbery, W. Bent, J. Walker, W. Clarke & Son, J. Cuthell, J. Nunn, J. Lackington & Co. T. Kay, J. Deighton, W. Miller, Vernor & Hood, Cadell & Davies, Murray & Highley, and Lee & Hurst, 1797. ESTC No. T173195. Grub Street ID 210478.
- Pope, Alexander. The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In nine volumes, complete. With notes and illustrations by Joseph Warton, D.D. and others. . London : printed for B. Law, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, G.G. and J. Robinson, J. Nichols, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, F. and C. Rivington, J. Sewell, T. Payne, J. Walker, R. Faulder, J. Scatcherd, B. and J. White, Ogilvy and Son, T.N. Longman, Cadell jun. and Davies, and E. Pote, 1797. ESTC No. T5463. Grub Street ID 281415.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens's last edition, with a selection of the most important notes. In eight volumes. . London : printed for T. Longman, B. Law, C. Dilly, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H.L. Gardner, J. Sewell, W. Richardson, J. Nichols, F. and C. Rivington, T. Payne, Jun. R. Faulder, W. Lowndes, B. and J. White, G. and T. Wilkie, J. and J. Taylor, J. Scatcherd, T. Egerton, E. Newbery, W. Bent, J. Walker, W. Clarke and Son, J. Barker, J. Edwards, D. Ogilvy and Son, J. Cuthell, J. Nunn, J. Anderson, J. Lackington and Co. T. Kay, J. Deighton, W. Miller, Vernor and Hood, Cadell and Davies, Murray and Highley, and Lee and Hurst, 1797. ESTC No. T134830. Grub Street ID 183405.
- Glasse, Samuel. A course of lectures on the holy festivals; with practical remarks on each, and Exhortations to a more Devout and Solemn Observance of them. By Samuel Glasse, D.D. F.R.S. Rector of Wanstead, Essex, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. London : printed for G. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Robson, New Bond-Street; and H. Gardner, Strand, 1797. ESTC No. T96405. Grub Street ID 315863.
- Pomey, François. The pantheon, representing the fabulous histories of the heathen gods, and most illustrious heroes; in a short, plain, and familiar method, by way of dialogue. By Andrew Tooke, A.M. The thirtieth edition, corrected and improved, and illustrated by cuts of the several deities. London : printed for B. Law, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson, H.L. Gardner, R. Baldwin, F. and C. Rivington, J. Scatcherd, W. Bent, G. Wilkie, T.N. Longman, Pote and Williams, 1798. ESTC No. N11790. Grub Street ID 1793.
- Glasse, Samuel. The personal and public advantages of friendly societies. A sermon, preached in the Parish-Church of Wanstead, in the county of Essex, with an address to the members of a Friendly Society, on delivering a banner to the stewards, on Tuesday, the 29th of May, 1798, and published at the request of the society. By Samuel Glasse, D.D. F.R.S. rector of the said parish, and chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : Printed for Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Messrs. Cadell and Davies, Strand; Mr. Faulder, New Bond Street; and Mr. Gardner, Strand, 1798. ESTC No. T43886. Grub Street ID 272396.
- The duty of constables; containing instructions to constables, petty constables headboroughs, tythingmen, &c. In the several particulars of their office. The fifth edition.. London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row; Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Messrs. Cadell and Davies, and H. Gardner Strand; and R. Faulder, New Bond Street, M.DCC.XCVIII. [1798]. ESTC No. T121033. Grub Street ID 171907.
- Sallust. C. Sallustii Crispi opera omnia, quae extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus in usum serenissimi Delphini. In hac editione innumera prioris errata diligentissime animadversa, corriguntur. Londini : typis M. Brown, impensis G. G. et J. Robinson, W. et W. Ginger, H. Gardner, F. et C. Rivington, G. Wilkie, J. Scatcherd, T. N. Longman, C. Law, J. Walker, et Darton et Harvey, 1798. ESTC No. T131430. Grub Street ID 180415.
- A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation; particularly the British and Irish; from the earliest accounts of time to the present period. Wherein their remarkable actions and sufferings, their virtues, parts, and learning, are accurately displayed. With a catalogue of their literary productions. A new edition, in fifteen volumes, greatly enlarged and improved. .... London : printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, J. Johnson, J. Nichols, J. Sewell, H.L. Gardner, F. and C. Rivington, W. Otridge and Son, G. Nicol, E. Newbery, Hookham and Carpenter, R. Faulder, W. Chapman and Son, J. Deighton, D. Walker, J. Anderson, T. Payne, J. Lowndes, P. Macqueen, J. Walker, T. Egerton, T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, R. Edwards, Vernor and Hood, J. Nunn, Murray and Highley, T.N. Longman, Lee and Hurst, and J. White, 1798. ESTC No. T138966. Grub Street ID 186830.
- Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens's last edition. In nine volumes. . London : printed by H. Baldwin and Son, for C. Dilly, J. Johnson, G. G. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, H. L. Gardner, [and 32 others in London], 1798. ESTC No. N11784. Grub Street ID 1786.
- A complete and universal English dictionary: including not only I. An explanation of difficult words and technical terms in all faculties and professions whether in Algebra Anatomy Architecture Arithmetic Astronomy Botany Chymistry Dialling Divinity Gardening Geography Geometry Grammar Heraldry History Husbandry Hydrostatics Law Mathematics Mechanics Military art Music Natural history Navigation Optics Painting Perspective Philosophy Pneumatics Poetry Rhetoric Sculpture Surveying &c. But also II. A pronouncing dictionary in which the proper sounds of English words are so given, that both natives and foreigners may acquire a just pronunciation. III. The origin of each word; with its different meanings; illustrated by authorities, properly accented; and followed by initial letters denoting the part of speech to which it is appropriated. IV. The differences pointed out between words esteemed synonimous. V. An epitome of the history of England; from the time of Egbert to the year 1798, arrang. London : Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson; H.L. Gardner; J. Sewell; W.J. and J. Richardson; J. Mathews; W. and J. Otridge; F. and C. Rivington; W. Lowndes; Hookham and Carpenter; D. Ogilvy and son; P. Macqueen; J. Scatcherd; G. Wilkie; C. Law; Darton and Harvey; T.N. Longman; W. Miller; Lee and Hurst, 1799. ESTC No. T162142. Grub Street ID 201010.
- Langhorne, John. The correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia, from their first acquaintance to the departure of Theodosius: with the letters which passed between them after constantia had taken the veil. A new edition.. London : printed by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; for Vernor and Hood, Poultry; J. Cuthell, Holborn; and H. L. Gardner, Strand, 1799. ESTC No. T63777. Grub Street ID 288919.
- Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi: interprete Theodoro Beza. Londini : Apud G.G. & J. Robinson, F. & C. Rivington, H. Gardner, Ogilvy & Son, J. Scatcherd, C. Law, Longman & Rees, T. Boosey, Wynne & Co. & Lackington & Co., 1799. ESTC No. T176685. Grub Street ID 213701.
- Gay, John. Fables by John Gay with the life of the author. Embellish'd with seventy elegant engravings. In one volume complete. London : printed by C. Whittingham Dean Street Fetter Lane. For G. & J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell I. Johnson, H.L. Gardner W. Lowndes, F. & C. Rivington, J. Scatcherd, G. Wilie, F. Newbery, I. Walker, R. Lea, C. Law. T.N. Longman & O. Rees, Cadell & Davies, Pote & Williams, H.D. Symonds, I. Barker, B. Crosby Darton & Harvey, E. Jeffery & S. Steel, [1800?]. ESTC No. T13878. Grub Street ID 186645.
- Hale, Matthew. Historia placitorum coronae. The history of the pleas of the Crown. By Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Published from the original manuscripts by Sollom Emlyn, of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq. With additional notes and references to modern cases concerning the pleas of the Crown. By George Wilson, Serjeant at Law. A new edition. And an abridgment of the statutes relating to felonies continued to the present time, with notes and references, by Thomas Dogherty, Esq. of Clifford's-Inn. In two volumes. . London : printed by E. Rider, for T. Payne, H. L. Gardner, W. Otridge, E. and R. Brooke and J. Rider, J. Butterworth, W. Clarke and Son, R. Pheney, J. Cuthell, J. Walker, J. Bagster, and R. Bickerstaff, 1800. ESTC No. T101060. Grub Street ID 154965.
- Rollin, Charles. The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. By Mr. Rollin, late principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and member of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres. Translated from the French. In eight volumes. ... . The ninth edition. Illustrated with copper-plates. London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson; W. Richardson and Co.; H. Gardner; W. Otridge and Son; R. Baldwin; J. Sewell; S. Hayes; D. Ogilvy and Son; W. Lowndes; F. and C. Rivington; Longman and Rees; C. Law; J. Nunn; J. Cuthell; Vernor and Hood; Darton and Harvey; R. Lea; G. Cawthorn; T. Hurst; J. Walker; and Lackington, Allen, and Co. By Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-Street, M.DCCC. [1800]. ESTC No. T186127. Grub Street ID 222293.
- Longinus, Cassius. Dionysius Longinus on the sublime: translated from the Greek. With notes and observations, and some account of the life, writings, and character of the author. By William Smith, D. D. Dean Of Chester. The fifth edition, corrected and improved.. London : printed by C. Whittingham, Dean Street, Fetter Lane, for F. and C. Rivington, T.N. Longman and O. Rees, W. Otridge and Son, H. Gardner, R. Faulder, T. Reynolds, J. Cuthell, J. Walker, J. Scatcherd, Vernor And Hood, J. Nunn, S. Bagster, Lackington, Allen, And Co, 1800. ESTC No. T118858. Grub Street ID 170343.
- Rollin, Charles. The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, professor of eloquence in the Royal College, and member of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Letters. Translated from the French. In ten volumes ... The ninth edition. Illustrated with copper-plates. London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson; W. Richardson and Co.; H. Gardner; W. Otridge and Son; R. Baldwin; J. Sewell; S. Hayes; D. Ogilvy and Son; W. Lowndes; F. and C. Rivington; Longman and Rees; C. Law; J. Nunn; J. Cuthell; Vernor and Hood; Darton and Harvey; R. Lea; G. Cawthorn; T. Hurst; J. Walker; and Lackington, Allen and Co. by Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-Street, M.DCCC. [1800]. ESTC No. N16393. Grub Street ID 6051.
- Nelson, Robert. A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The twenty-eighth edition.. London : printed for F. and C. Rivington, G. G. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, J. Nichols, R. Faulder, H. Gardner, J. Walker, J. Nunn, W. Lowndes, G. Wilkie, J. Scatcherd, E. Newbery, Longman and Rees, and T. Hurst, By T. Rickaby, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street, MDCCC. [1800]. ESTC No. N32141. Grub Street ID 20931.
Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Henry Gardner
- An essay on the nature, causes, and cure, of the rheumatism: being an attempt to form an exact theory of the disease, And Facilitate the Means of acquiring Relief to those who are unfortunately subject to its Attacks. To which are added, observations on the medical treatment of the Rev. Mr. Sterne, During his last Illness. Pointing Out The Impropriety of the Means employed. London : printed, and sold by Mr. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, by Mr. Gardner, in the Strand, and by the booksellers in Bath and Bristol, M,DCC,LXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. N9434. Grub Street ID 54303.
- Parkin, Charles. The history and antiquities of Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk. Collected from antient records, and other authentic materials. By the late Rev. Charles Parkin, A. M. Rector of Oxburgh. Lynn: printed and sold by W. Whittingham; R. Baldwin, Paternoster-Row; H. Gardner, Strand; W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street, London, MDDCLXXVI [1776]. ESTC No. N33019. Grub Street ID 21540.
- Philipot, John. Villare Cantianum; or, Kent surveyed and illustrated. Being an exact description of all the parishes, boroughs, villages, and other respective manors in the county of Kent; and, The Original and Intermedial Possessors of them, down to the Author's time. Drawn out of Charters, escheat-rolls, fines, And other Public evidences; But especially out of Gentlemen's private deeds and muniments. By Thomas Philipott, Esq; Formerly of Clare-Hall, in Cambridge. To which is added an historical catalogue of the High Sheriffs of Kent; collected by John Philipott, Esq; Father to the Author. Lynn: printed and sold by W. Whittingham; R. Baldwin, Paternoster-Row; H. Gardner, Strand; W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street, London; W. Mercer, Maidstone; Smith and Son, Canterbury; T. Fisher, Rochester; J. Sprange, Tunbridge Wells; J. Hogben, junior, Rye; J. Hall, Tenterden, MDCCLXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T144482. Grub Street ID 191354.
- Parkin, Charles. The history of Great Yarmouth. Collected from antient records, and other authentic materials. Lynn: printed and sold by W. Whittingham; R. Baldwin, Paternoster-Row; H. Gardner, Strand; W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street, London, MDDCLXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T145507. Grub Street ID 192245.
- Burton, William. The description of Leicestershire: containing, matters of antiquity, history, armoury, and genealogy. By the late William Burton, Esq. Lynn: printed and sold by W. Whittingham: R. Baldwin, Pater-Noster Row; T. Payne and son, Mews-Gate; Benjamin White, Fleet-Street; H. Gardner, Strand, London; and J. Gregory, Leicester, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T165690. Grub Street ID 203954.
- Bradshaw, Thomas. The slave trade inconsistent with reason and religion. A sermon preached in the Parish-Church of Tottenham, Middlesex, On Sunday, March 16, 1788, By Thomas Bradshaw, D.D. Master of the Academy, Tottenham. London : printed and sold by W. Richardson, Royal Exchange, and Henry Gardner, Strand, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T7605. Grub Street ID 298538.