Psalmanazar, George.
An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c. of the inhabitants. Together with a relation of what happen'd to the author in his travels; particularly his conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity, with his objections against it (in defence of paganism) and their answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a native of the said island, now in London. Illustrated with several cuts.
London : printed for Dan. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; G. Strahan, and W. Davis, in Cornhill; Fran. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane; and Bernard Lintott, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-Street, 1704.
ESTC No. N17869.Grub Street ID 7337.
Psalmanazar, George.
An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c. of the inhabitants. Together with a relation of what happen'd to the author in his travels; particularly his conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity with his objections against it (in defence of paganism) and their A answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a native of the said island, now in London. Illustrated with several cuts.
London : printed for Dan. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; G. Strahan, and W. Davis, in Cornhill; and Fran. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1704.
ESTC No. T137016.Grub Street ID 185087.
Psalmanazar, George.
An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an Account of The Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happened to the Author in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity, with his Objections against it (in defence of Paganism) and their Answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an Account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a Native of the said Island, now in London: The second edition corrected, with many large and useful Additions, particularly a new Preface clearly answering every thing that has been objected against the Author and the Book. Illustrated with several cuts. To which are added, a map, and the figure of an idol not in the former edition.
London : printed for Mat. Wotton, Abel Roper and B. Lintott, in Fleetstreet; Fr. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, G. Strahan and W. Davis in Cornhill, [1705].
ESTC No. T137017.Grub Street ID 185088.
Psalmanazar, George.
A dialogue between a Japonese and a Formosan, about some points of the religion of the time. By G. P--n--r.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott at the Cross-Keys next Nando's Coffee-House, Fleetstreet, 1707.
ESTC No. T139486.Grub Street ID 187336.
Psalmanazar, George.
An enquiry into the objections against George Psalmanaazaar of Formosa. In which the accounts of the people, and Language of Formosa by Candidius, and the other European Authors, and the Letters from Goneva, and from Suffolk, about Psalmanaazaar, are proved not to contradict his accounts. With accurate and authentick maps of Forniosa and the Isles adjacent, as far as Leuconia, China, and Japan. With two other very Particular Descriptions of Formosa. To which is added, George Psalmanaazaar's answer to Mons. D'Amalvy of Sluice.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott at the Cross-Keys between the two Temple Gates in Fleetstreet, [1710?].
ESTC No. T136710.Grub Street ID 184855.
Psalmanazar, George.
Essays on the following subjects: I. On the reality and evidence of miracles, especially those on which the Jewish and Christian Religion are built: And on those which were wrought by Moses in Egypt: And why stiled by God his Judgments on the Egyptian Deities. Exod. xii. 12. II. On the extraordinary Adventure of Balaam, the famed Eastern Prophet and Diviner. Num. xxii. & seq. III. On the surprising March, and signal Victory, gained by Joshua over Jabin King of Hazor, and his numberless Confederates. Jesh. x. IV. On the religious War of the Israelitish Tribes against that of Benjamin, and the almost total Destruction of that impious Tribe. Jud. xviii. & seq. V. On the amazing speedy Relief which Saul, the newly chosen King of Israel, brought to the besieged Inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead; and the signal Overthrow which he gave to the Ammonites, and their Confederates. 1 Sam. xi. Wherein The most considerable Objections raised against each respective Subject, are fully answered; the Difficulties r.
London : printed for A. Millar, in the Strand, M.DCC.LIII. [1753].
ESTC No. T66512.Grub Street ID 291263.
Psalmanazar, George.
Memoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself in order to be published after his death. Containing An Account of his Education, Travels, Adventures, Connections, Literary Productions, and pretended Conversion from Heathenism to Christianity; which last proved the Occasion of his being brought over into this Kingdom, and passing for a Proselyte, and a Member of the Church of England.
London : printed for the executrix. Sold by R. Davis, in Picadilly ; J. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church-Yard ; L. Davis, and C. Reymers in Holborn, MDCCLXIV. [1764].
ESTC No. T66823.Grub Street ID 291484.
Psalmanazar, George.
Memoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, in order to be published after his death: Containing An Account of his Education, Travels, Adventures, Connections, Literary Productions, and pretended Conversion from Heathenism to Christianity; which last proved the Occasion of his being brought over into this Kingdom, and passing for a Proselyte, and a Member of the Church of England.
The second edition..
London : printed for R. Davis, in Picadilly; J. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; L. Davis and C. Reymers, in Holborn, MDCCLXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T136711.Grub Street ID 184856.
Psalmanazar, George.
Memoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself in order to be published after his death. Containing An Account of his Education, Travels, Adventures, Connections, Literary Productions, and pretended Conversion from Heathenism to Christianity; which last proved the Occasion of his being brought over into this Kingdom, and passing for a Proselyte, and a Member of the Church of England.
Dublin: printed for P. Wilson, J. Exshaw, E. Watts, S. Cotter, J. Potts, and J. Williams, M,DCC,LXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T136712.Grub Street ID 184857.