Breues, John.
The familiar catechism, designed for the use of children and young persons in Great Britain, &c. Intended to convince them by Reason and Revelation of the Folly and bad effects of Vice, and of the many Advantages of Virtue, and being truly religious in the Days of their Youth.
London : printed for the author, and sold by M. Cooper at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, and by J. Paton in the Parliament Close, Edinburgh, and other Booksellers in Town and Country, 1748.
ESTC No. T116133.Grub Street ID 167811.
Breues, John.
The fortune hunters: shewing, (from experience) 1. How people may improve their fortunes, and raise themselves in London, by different and quite opposite Ways. II. How Servants, of various Denominations, may obtain the Favour of their Masters and Mistresses, the Love of their Fellow Servants, the Esteem of all People, and gain Preferment. III. Many useful Instructions and Receipts for a great Variety of Businesses; as Brewing, Gardening, Making Wines, Dressing a Turtle, and Victuals of all Sorts, &c. &c. IV. The most distinguishing Characteristics of the several Sects and Professions of Religion in this great City; with some Queries proposed to the Atheistical Clubs. V. How pernicious some epidemic vices practised in London are to the welfare of society; with Proposals for the Suppression thereof. Being a Guide to such as are Strangers to the Ways and Customs of London. By John Breues, Late of Perth, Merchant, &c.
London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate-Street; J. Fox, in Westminster-Hall; W. Shropshire, in New Bond-Street; J. Swan, against Northumberland-House in the Strand; and at all the Booksellers and Pamphlet Shops in Town and Country, [1754].
ESTC No. T107913.Grub Street ID 160909.