Publications of Walter Kettilby

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by Walter Kettilby

  • A collection of cases, and other discourses, lately written to recover dissenters to the communion of the Church of England. By some divines of the city of London. The second edition. To which are prefixed, a catalogue of all the cases and discourses, with the authors names; together with three tabled: containing, I. The contents of each discourse. II. The Scriptures illustrated and occasionally explained. III. The several authors cited or examined. London: printed by T. Basset, R. Chiswell, B. Tooke, W. Kettilby, B. Aylmur, W. Rogers, and C. Brome, 1694. ESTC No. R1751. Grub Street ID 68085.

Sold by Walter Kettilby

  • Brerewood, Edward. Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions, through the chief parts of the world. Written by Edw. Brerewood, sometime professour of astronomy in Gresham Colledg in London. London: printed for S[amuel] M[earne] J[ohn] M[artyn] and H[enry] H[erringman] and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R27811. Grub Street ID 110952.
  • The Gunpowder-treason: with a discourse of the manner of its discovery; and a perfect relation of the proceedings against those horrid conspirators; wherein is contained their examinations, tryals, and condemnations: likewise King James's speech to both Houses of Parliament, on that occasion; now re-printed. A preface touching that horrid conspiracy, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln. And by the way of appendix, several papers or letters of Sir Everard Digby, chiefly relating to the Gunpowder-Plot, never before printed. London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, and H. Hills, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1679. ESTC No. R209136. Grub Street ID 85351.
  • The Gunpowder-treason: with a discourse of the manner of its discovery; and a perfect relation of the proceedings against those horrid conspirators; wherein is contained their examinations, tryals, and condemnations: likewise King James's speech to both Houses of Parliament, on that occasion; now re-printed. A preface touching that horrid conspiracy, by the right reverend father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln. And by the way of appendix, several papers or letters of Sir Everard Digby, chiefly relating to the Gunpowder-Plot, never before printed. London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, and H. Hills, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1679. ESTC No. R17295. Grub Street ID 66675.
  • A collection of all the acts, memorials, & letters, that pass'd in the negotiation of the peace: with the treaties concluded at Nimeguen. Translated from the French copy, printed at Paris with privilege. The articles of peace between the Emperor and the French King, and those between the Emperor and the King of Sweden; translated from the Latin copy, printed at Nimeguen. London: printed by H. Hills, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R7730. Grub Street ID 127964.
  • Littleton, Adam. A sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and the right worshipful the aldermen of the City of London. Preached on Febr. 29. 1679/80, at Guildhall-Chappel. By Adam Littleton, D.D. prebend of St. Peters Westminster, and chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. London: printed by S. Roycroft, for Rich. Marriott, and are to be sold by Walter Kettleby at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R21338. Grub Street ID 88842.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London, September 15.1680. At St. Mary Le Bow; and at their request published. By John Scott, rector of St. Peter Poor, London. London: printed for John Baker, and to be sold by him at the three Pigeons in S. Pauls Church-yard, and by Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head, 1680. ESTC No. R11488. Grub Street ID 59768.
  • Clagett, Nicholas. A persuasive to peaceableness and obedience: seasonable and proper for these times. Being a sermon preached at Bury Saint Edmunds in Suffolk, on July 29, 1683, in the time of the assizes held there. By Nicholas Clagett M.A. preacher at St. Maries in St. Edmunds-Bury. London: printed for John Marston in Bury St Edmunds, and are to be sold by W. Kettilby at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R108. Grub Street ID 59141.
  • Aglionby, William. Painting illustrated in three diallogues, containing some choice observations upon the art. Together with the lives of the most eminent painters, from Cimabue, to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo. With an explanation of the difficult terms. London: printed by John Gain, for the author, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M. DC. LXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R204285. Grub Street ID 81271.
  • Aglionby, William. Painting illustrated in three diallogues, containing some choise [sic] observations upon the art. Together with the lives of the most eminent painters, from Cimabue, to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo. With an explanation of the difficult terms. London: printed by John Gain, for the author, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. And Jacob Tonson at the Judges-Head in Chancery-Lane, M.DC.LXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R27095. Grub Street ID 110300.
  • Cooper, C. The English teacher, or, The discovery of the art of teaching and learning the English tongue ... in two parts, the first contains the principles, the second is for the practice of learners / C. Cooper ... London: Printed by John Richardson for the author, and are to be sold by Walter Kettleby .., 1687. ESTC No. R20853. Grub Street ID 84774.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A discourse concerning Sanchoniathon's Phænician history by Henry Dodwell. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, 1691. ESTC No. R27303. Grub Street ID 110484.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. For the susception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. The third edition corrected and improved. Together with the appendix to the second letter, concerning Sanchoniathon's Ph nician history. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometimes Fellow of Trinity Colledge near Dublin in Ireland. London: printed for B. Tooke, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's-Church-yard, 1691. ESTC No. R27304. Grub Street ID 110485.
  • Malalas, John. Joannis Antiocheni cognomento Malalæ historia chronica. E. MS. Cod. Bibliothecæ Bodleian nunc primum edita. Cum interpret. & notis Edm. Chilmeadi & triplice indice rerum autorum, & vocum barbararum. Præmittitur disseratio de autore per Hump. Hodium, S.T.B. Coll. Wad. Soc. Accedit epistola Richardi Bentleii ad ci.v Jo. Millium S.T.P. Cum indice scriptorum, qui ibi emendantur. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano, veneunt in officina Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne capitis episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulmo, M.DC.XCII [1692]. ESTC No. R188326. Grub Street ID 76283.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ: sive Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Pars prior. Quos summâ curâ & ingenti sumptu, (viri in eruditione præstantes ex eadem clarissimâ [p]rosapiâ oriundi) per seculum unum alterumve retroactum, accumulârunt. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's Auction-house in Petty-Cannon Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley, in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, vicessimo primo die Februarii, 1694/5. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard. Wills Coffee-House adjoining to the Court of Requests. Mr. Graves in Cambridg. Mr. Shirley in Oxon. And at the place of sale, [1695]. ESTC No. R216287. Grub Street ID 91209.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ pars tertia & ultima, sive Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Quos vir clarissimus & in omni literaturâ politiori versatissimus per complures annos summâ curâ ingentique sumptu congessit. Quorum auctio habebiture Londini in æadibus Millingtonianis in loco vulgo dicto S. Bartholomew-Close prope Little-Brittain, vicessimo die Junii, 1695. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had of Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall. Mr. West and Mr. Clement in Oxford. Mr. Graves in Cambridg, booksellers. And at the place of sale, at 6 d. per catalogue, 1695. ESTC No. R225021. Grub Street ID 98380.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ: sive collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Pars posterior. Quos summâ curâ & ingenti sumptu, (viri in eruditione præstantes ex eadem clarissimâ prosapi oriundi) per seculum unum alterúmve retroactum, accumulârunt. Una cum Bibliotheca Selectissima Rev. Doct. V.D. Jo. Scott Londinens. defuncti. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's Auction-house in Petty-Cannon Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley, in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, vicesimo tertio die Maii, 1695. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had of Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mr. Goodwin at the Maiden Head in Fleet-Street, Mr. Fox in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Graves in Cambridge, Mr. Shirley in Oxon, and at the place of sale, 1695. ESTC No. R230578. Grub Street ID 102865.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ instructissimæ, Rev. D.V.D. Tim. Puller Nuperrime Lond. defuncti cui accesserunt libri Gallici, Italici, Hispanici, nobilissimarum bibliothecarum hactenus desiderati. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's auction-house in Petty Cannon-Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, decimo die Decembris, 1695. Per Edvardum Millingtonum bibliopolani Londini. [London]: Catalogues may be had at Mr. Kettilby's at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, Mr. Hensman's in Westminster-hall, Mr. Grove's in Cambridge, Mr. Shirley's in Oxford, and at the place of sale, 1695. ESTC No. R220603. Grub Street ID 94932.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Bernardina: sive catalogus variorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, linguisque omnibus, præcipu Orientalibus præ-cæteris maxim insignium. Quos magno sumptu, & summa curâ ex variis Europæ partibus sibi procuravit, doctissimus Edoard. Bernardus nuperrime in Academ. Oxoniens. Astronom. Professor Savilianus. Quorum auctio habebitur in gratiam doctissim. Virorum Academ. Oxoniens. in ædibus adjacentibus northgate (25) die Octobris 1697. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopol. Londin. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Clement bookseller in Oxford. Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and by Mr. Thurlburne in Trumpington-street, Cambridge, 1697. ESTC No. R1922. Grub Street ID 77007.
  • Bugg, Francis. Seventy queries to seventy Quakers. Or, A second sober expostulation with the hearers, amongst the Quakers, by way of interrogation; touching the doctrine and practice of their mercenary teachers, expecting their answer, or else shall conclude by their silence, they assent to what is objected against them by Fra. Bugg. The introduction to the reader. [[London]: written by the author of The Pilgrim's Progress, from Quakerism to Christianity, &c. Sept. 1698. and both sold by W. Kettleby, at the Bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, London, [1698]]. ESTC No. R219419. Grub Street ID 93955.
  • Bugg, Francis. Some reasons humbly proposed to the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons assembled in Parliament, why the Quakers principles and practices should be examined, and censured or suppressed. As also, some reasons why I thus proceed. London: printed for the author, by Rich. Janeway, jun. on Addle- H[ ] [ ]s-Commons, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, and W. Kettilby, at the [ ] in St. Paul's Church-yard; and E. Harris, at the Harrow in Li[ ] [w]here also may be had his other books, 1699. ESTC No. R233986. Grub Street ID 105383.
  • Wilson, George. A compleat course of chymistry. Containing near three hundred operations; several of which have not been publish'd before. Also, the structure of several furnaces, with near three hundred characters, which are dispers'd in chymical authors; and such instruments and vessels as are necessary in a compleat elaboratory. All cut in copper. By George Wilson, chymist. London: printed, and sold at the author's house, in Well-Yard, near St. Bartholomew's Hospital; and by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R7170. Grub Street ID 127451.
  • Bibliotheca selectissima eruditissimi viri Mri Thomæ Creech Coll. Omnium Animarum socii nuper defuncti. Continens libros quamplurimos, raros, omne genus literaturæ, optimarum editionum per clarissimos quosque typographos Aldum, Stephanos, Gryphium, Wechelium, Plantinum, Elzevirios, &c. impressarum. Quorum auctio Oxoniæ habenda est in gratiam celeberrrimæ illius universitatis die Mercurii vicesimo Novembris in ædibus viduæ Weaver in vico Holywell. [Oxford]: Catalogues are to be had of Mr. West, Mr. Clements, and Mr. Peisley in Oxford; and of Mr. Smith at the Prince's Arms, Mr. Kettleby at the Bishop's Head, Mr. Knapton at the Crown, and Mr. Child at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-yard, London, 1700. ESTC No. R215177. Grub Street ID 90265.
  • Holland, Richard. Haman and Mordecai. A fast-sermon, preach'd in the parish church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, on Friday, April 4. 1701. Published at the Request of Several of the Chief Auditors. By Richard Holland, M. A. Chaplain to his Grace the D. of Richmond, Curate of St. Magnus, and Lecturer of Alhallows the Great. London: printed by R. Janeway, and are to be sold by Walter Kettleby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and John Back, at the Black-Boy on London-Bridge, 1701. ESTC No. N17291. Grub Street ID 6761.
  • Bugg, Francis. Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses, proving the leading Quakers great imposters by undeniable evidence, both of the Divines of the Church of England, and many of the ... preachers amongst the Protestant Dissenters . ... London: printed by R. Janeway, for the author, and sold by H. Mortlock, W. Kettleby and Ch. Broome, 1702. ESTC No. T52632. Grub Street ID 279677.
  • Bugg, Francis. Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses, proving the leading Quakers great imposters by undeniable evidence, both of the divines of the Church of England, and many of the most eminent preachers amongst the Protestant Dissenters. Humbly submitted to authority. By Francis Bugg. London: printed by R. Janeway, for the author; and sold by H. Mortlock, and W. Kettleby, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-Street, 1702. ESTC No. N48104. Grub Street ID 32710.
  • Bugg, Francis. Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses; proving the leading Quakers great impostors ... By Francis Bugg. London: Printed by R. Janeway, for the Author; and sold by H. Mortlock, and W. Kettleby, in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-street, 1702. ESTC No. N64005. Grub Street ID 46078.

Printed for Walter Kettilby

  • Anakreontos Teiog Mele. = Anacreontis Teii Carmina. Plurimis quibus hactenus scatebant mendis purgavit, turbata metra restituit, notásque cum novâ interpretatione literali adjecit Willielmus Baxter. Subjiciuntur etiam duo vetustissimæ poetriæ Sapphus elegantissima odaria, unà cum correctione Isaaci Vossii: et Theocriti Anacreonticum in mortuum Adonin. Londini: apud Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi, in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, 1695. ESTC No. R16091. Grub Street ID 63976.
  • Hallywell, Henry. Deus justificatus: or, The divine goodness vindicated and cleared, against the assertors of absolute and inconditionate reprobation. Together with some reflections on a late discourse of Mr. Parkers, concerning the divine dominion and goodness. London: printed by E. Cotes, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in Duck-lane, 1668. ESTC No. R25403. Grub Street ID 109044.
  • Speede, William. Epigrammata juvenilia in partes quatuor. viz. Encomia. Seria. Satyras. Jocosa. distributa authore Guilielmo Speede. Londini: typis J. Redmayne, apud Gualterum Kettilby, ad insigne capitis episcopi in vico vulgo vocato Duck-lane, 1669. ESTC No. R28173. Grub Street ID 111265.
  • Spencer, John. Dissertatio de Urim & Thummim. In Deuteron. c. 33. v. 8. In qua eorum natura & origo, non paucorum rituum Mosaicorum rationes, et obscuriora quædam Scripturæ loca, probabiliter explicantur. Authore Joanne Spencero, S.T.D. Coll. Corp. Christ. in Acad. Cantab. Præfecto. Cantabrigiæ: impensis Gualteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi, in vico vulgò vocato Duck-lane, 1670. ESTC No. R23656. Grub Street ID 107316.
  • Smith, William. The unjust mans doom: as examined by the several kinds of Christian justice, and their obligation. With a particular representation of the injustice & danger of partial conformity. By William Smyth, D.D. London: printed by W. Godbid for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in Duck-Lane, 1670. ESTC No. R10096. Grub Street ID 58493.
  • Acton, George. A letter in answer to certain quæries and objections made by a learned Galenist, against the theorie and practice of chymical physick. Wherein the right method of curing of diseases is demonstrated: the possibility of an universal medicine evinced; and chymical physick vindicated. By George Acton Doctor of Physick. Published for the benefit of such as languish under any grievous distemper without cure. London: printed by William Godbid for Walter Kettleby, at the sign of the Bishops Head in Duck-Lane, 1670. ESTC No. R6585. Grub Street ID 126922.
  • Webster, John. Metallographia: or, An history of metals. Wherein is declared the signs of ores and minerals both before and after digging, the causes and manner of their generations, their kinds, sorts, and differences; with the description of sundry new metals, or semi-metals, and many other things pertaining to mineral knowledge. As also, the handling and shewing of their vegetability, and the discussion of the most difficult questions belonging to mystical chymistry, as of the philosophers gold, their mercury, the liquor alkahest, auram potabile, and such like. Gathered forth of the most approved authors that have written in Greek, Latine, or High-Dutch; with some observations and discoveries of the author himself. By John Webster practitioner in physick and chirurgery. London: printed for A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in Duck-lane, MDCLXXI. [1671]. ESTC No. R203588. Grub Street ID 80678.
  • Hallywell, Henry. A discourse of the excellency of Christianity. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1671. ESTC No. R25404. Grub Street ID 109045.
  • Webster, John. Metallographia: or, An history of metals. Wherein is declared the signs of ores and minerals both before and after digging, the causes and manner of their generations, their kinds, sorts, and differences; with the description of sundry new metals, or semi metals, and many other things pertainging to mineral knowledge. As also, the handling and shewing of their vegetability, and the discussion of the most difficult questions belonging to mystical chymistry, as of the philosophers gold, their mercury, the liquor alkahest, auram potabile, and such like. Gathered forth of the most approved authors that have written in Greek, Latine, or High-Dutch; with some observation and discoveries of the author himself. By John Webster practitioner in physick and chirurgery. London: printed by A[ndrew]. C[lark]. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLXXI. [1671]. ESTC No. R34737. Grub Street ID 117247.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A stop to the course of separation: or, The separation of the nevv separatists from the parish churches condemned, by a sober answer to the chief pleas for this disordrely [sic] practise. Wherein is discovered how contrary it is, 1. To the Holy Scriptures. 2. To the reason of the thing. 3. To the judgement of the old non-conformists. 4. To themselves heretofore. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1672. ESTC No. R17031. Grub Street ID 65033.
  • More, Henry. A brief reply to a late answer to Dr. Henry More his Antidote against idolatry. Shewing that there is nothing in the said answer that does any ways weaken his proofs of idolatry against the Church of Rome, and therefore all are bound to take heed how they enter into, or continue in the communion of that church as they tender their own salvation. London: printed by J. Redmayne, for Walter Kettilby at the Sign of the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R217965. Grub Street ID 92686.
  • Loss, Friedrich. Friderici Lossii Heidelbergensis Palatini medici Dorchestrensis, Observationum medicinalium libri quatuor. Londini: typis E. Flesher, & prostant apud Gualterium Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, 1672. ESTC No. R217741. Grub Street ID 92490.
  • Barrow, Isaac. Lectiones geometricæ in quibus (præfertim) generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur / auctore Isaaco Barrow. Londini: typis Gulielmi Godbid, & prostant venales apud Gualterum Kettilby, 1672. ESTC No. R28357. Grub Street ID 111434.
  • Barrow, Isaac. Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiæ in scholis publicis habitæ; in quibus opticorum phænomen?n genuinæ rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur. Annexæ sunt lectiones aliquot geometricæ. Ab Isaaco Barrow Socio Collegii S. Trinitatis, Mathesos Professore Lucasiano, necnon societatis regiæ sodale. Londini: typis Gulielmi Godbid, & protestant venales apud Gualterum Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, M. DC. LXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R25266. Grub Street ID 108972.
  • More, Henry. An appendix to the late antidote against idolatry. Wherein the true and adequate notion or definition of idolatry is proposed. Most instances of idolatry in the Roman Church thereby examined. Sundry uses in the Church of England cleared. With some serious monitions touching spiritual idolatry thereunto annexed. London: printed by I. R. for Walter Kettilby, at the Sign of the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1673. ESTC No. R223783. Grub Street ID 97551.
  • Eachard, John. Some opinions of Mr Hobbs considered in a second dialogue between Philautus and Timothy. By the same author. London: printed by J. Macock for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops-head in St Pauls Church-yard, 1673. ESTC No. R30964. Grub Street ID 113801.
  • Hallywell, Henry. An account of familism as it is revived and propagated by the Quakers. Shewing the dangerousness of their tenets, and their inconsistency with the principles of common reason and the declarations of Holy Scripture. By Henry Hallywell. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-Yard, 1673. ESTC No. R25413. Grub Street ID 109049.
  • Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and our union and communion with him, &c. By William Sherlock, rector of St. George Buttolph-lane London. London: printed by Andrew Clark for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R203566. Grub Street ID 80651.
  • Smith, William. Two sermons preached at two publick assizes for the county of Suffolk, in the sheriffalty of Will. Soame of Hawleigh, in Suffolk, Esq,. By Will. Smyth D.D. Pr. Nor. and vic. of Mendlesham in Suffolk. London: printed by Andr. Clark for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1674. ESTC No. R21663. Grub Street ID 91510.
  • Falkner, William. Libertas ecclesiastica, or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgy and worship. And manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches. By William Falkner, preacher at St. Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1674. ESTC No. R30969. Grub Street ID 113806.
  • Sharp, John. The things that make for peace. Delivered in a sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 23. of August, 1674. By John Sharpe, chaplain to the right honourable Heneage Lord Finch, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. London: printed by Andrew Clark for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church Yard, 1674. ESTC No. R9975. Grub Street ID 130008.
  • Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and our union and communion with him, &c. By William Sherlock, rector of St George Buttolph lane, London. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R33886. Grub Street ID 116452.
  • Grew, Nehemiah. The comparative anatomy of trunks, together with an account of their vegetation grounded thereupon; in two parts: the former read before the Royal Society, Feb. 25. 1674/5; the latter, June 17. 1675. The whole explicated by several figures in nineteen copper-plates; presented to the Royal Society in the years 1673. and 1674. By Nehemiah Grew, M.D. and fellow of the Royal Society. London: printed by J. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby at the sign of the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1675. ESTC No. R218849. Grub Street ID 93450.
  • The mystery of iniquity unfolded: or, The false apostles and the authors of popery compared, in their secular design and means of accomplishing it, by corrupting the Christian religion, under pretence of promoting it. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1675. ESTC No. R10549. Grub Street ID 58911.
  • More, Henry. Henrici Mori Cantabrigiensis Opera theologica, Anglice quidem primits scripta, nunc verò per autorem Latine reddita. Hisce novus præfixus est de synchronismis apocalypticis tractatulus, cum luculenta demonstratione necessariæ & inevitabilis intelligibilitatis visionum apocalypticarum calci ejusdem tractatûs adjecta. Londini: typis J. Macock, impensis Johan. Martyn sub signo Campanæ, & Gualteri Kettilby sub signo Capitis Episcopi in Divi Pauli Cometerio, MDCLXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R12809. Grub Street ID 60959.
  • Hotchkis, Thomas. A discourse concerning the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, and our sins to him; with many useful questions, thereunto pertaining, resolved. Together with reflections more at large upon what hath been published concerning that subject by Mr. Robert Ferguson in his Interest of reason in religion; and by Dr. John Owen in his book styled Communion with God. By Thomas Hotchkis rector of Stanton by Highworth in the county of Wilts. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R4137. Grub Street ID 123012.
  • Glanvill, Joseph. An account of Mr. Ferguson his common-place-book, in two letters. London: printed by Andrew Clark, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1675. ESTC No. R23394. Grub Street ID 105351.
  • Laney, Benjamin. Six sermons preached before His Majesty at White-Hall. Published by command. Tending all to give satisfaction in certain points to such who have thereupon endeavoured to unsettle the state, and government of the church. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin Laney, Late Lord Bishop of Ely. London: printed for Henry Brome and Walter Kettilby, in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1675. ESTC No. R216387. Grub Street ID 91294.
  • Worthington, John. The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will. By the late pious and learned John Worthington, D.D. London: printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, M. DC. LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R21641. Grub Street ID 91310.
  • Worthington, John. The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will. By the late pious and learned John Worthington, D.D. London: printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, M. DC. LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R472567. Grub Street ID 125144.
  • Sherlock, William. A defence and continuation of the Discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and our union and communion with Him. With a particular respect to the doctrine of the Church of England, and the charge of Socinianism and Pelagianism. By the same author. London: printed by A.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R4375. Grub Street ID 124636.
  • Smith, John, M.D.. The pourtract of old age. Wherein is contained a sacred anatomy both of soul, and body, and a perfect account of the infirmities of age incident to them both. Being a paraphrase upon the six former verses of the 12. chapter of Ecclesiastes. By John Smith, M.D. London: printed by J. Macock, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLXVI. [1666, i.e. 1676]. ESTC No. R15290. Grub Street ID 63237.
  • Amyraut, Moïse. A discourse concerning the divine dreams mention'd in Scripture, together with the marks and characters by which they might be distinguish'd from vain delusions. In a letter to Monsieur Gaches, by Moses Amyraldus. Translated out of French, by Ja. Lowde, fellow of Clare-Hall in Cambridge. London: printed by A.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1676. ESTC No. R16142. Grub Street ID 64024.
  • Animadversions on that part of Mr. Robert Ferguson's book, entituled, The interest of reason in religion, which treats of justification: in a letter to a friend. London: printed by T.R. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R5034. Grub Street ID 125517.
  • More, Henry. Remarks upon two late ingenious discourses: the one, an essay touching the gravitation and non-gravitation of fluid bodies: the other, observations touching the Torricellian experiment; so far forth as they may concern any passages in his Enchiridium Metaphysicum. By Dr Henry More. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1676. ESTC No. R2955. Grub Street ID 112514.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Observationes medicæ circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem. Authore Thoma Sydenham M.D. Londini: typis A[ndrew]. C[larke]. impensis Gualteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, 1676. ESTC No. R14300. Grub Street ID 62339.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and Aldermen of London, at Bow-church. By John Sharpe, chaplain to the right honourable Heneage Lord Finch, Lord High Chancellor of England. London: printed by Andrew Clark, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1676. ESTC No. R15183. Grub Street ID 63139.
  • A serious and friendly address to the non-conformists, beginning with the Anabaptists. Or, An addition to the Perswasive to peace and unity. By W.A. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLXXVI. [1676]. ESTC No. R9363. Grub Street ID 129454.
  • Smith, John, M.D.. The pourtract of old age wherein is contained a sacred anatomy both of soul, and body, and a perfect account of the infirmities of age incident to them both : being a paraphrase upon the six former verses of the 12. chapter of Ecclesiastes / by John Smith, M.D. London: Printed by J. Macock for Walter Kettilby .., 1676. ESTC No. R12968. Grub Street ID 61104.
  • Goodall, Charles. The Colledge of Physicians vindicated, and the true state of physick in this nation faithfully represented: in answer to a scandalous pamphlet, entituled, The corner stone, &c. By Charles Goodall, Dr. of Physick. London: Printed by R.N. for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops head, in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R8857. Grub Street ID 128988.
  • Grove, Robert. A vindication of the conforming clergy from the unjust aspersions of heresie, &c. In answer to some part of Mr Jenkyn's funeral sermon upon Dr Seaman. With short reflexions on some passages in a sermon preached by Mr J.S. upon 2 Cor. 5.20. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R21762. Grub Street ID 92390.
  • Smith, William. Two sermons preached at the Cathedral Church of Norwich. The one upon the 3d of May, being Wednesday in Rogation week. The other upon the 29th day of May, being the solemnization of His Majesties birth and restauration. Published at the desire of the chief magistrates of the city of Norwich. By William Smith, D.D. Preb. London: Printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby at the sign of the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1677. ESTC No. R23652. Grub Street ID 107280.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A fresh suit against independency: or The national church-vvay vindicated, the independent church-vvay condemned. First, by the Holy Scriptures. Secondly, by reason. Thirdly, by the judgment of the most eminent divines of the reformed churches abroad, as well as at home. Fourthly, by a great experience amongst our selves, as well as in all other countries where those principles have taken place. By the author of the Stop to the course of separation. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1677. ESTC No. R27457. Grub Street ID 110615.
  • Hallywell, Henry. The sacred method of saving humane souls by Jesus Christ. By Henry Hallywell minister of the gospel at Ifeild in Sussex. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R13918. Grub Street ID 61982.
  • Long, Thomas. The history of the Donatists. By Thomas Long, B.D. and prebendary of St. Peter's Exon. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R1027. Grub Street ID 58659.
  • Falkner, William. Libertas ecclesiastica, or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgie and worship. And manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches. By William Falkner, preacher at St Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R6202. Grub Street ID 126561.
  • Long, Thomas. The character of a separatist: or, Sensuality the ground of separation. To which is added, The Pharisees lesson, on Matth. IX. xiii. and an examination of Mr. Hales Treatise of schisme. By Thomas Long, B.D. and prebendary of St. Peter's Exon. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R33489. Grub Street ID 116099.
  • Sherlock, William. An answer to a late scandalous pamphlet, entituled, A friendly debate between Satan and Sherlock, written by Thomas Danson. By William Sherlock, rector of S. George Buttolph-Lane, London. London: printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R31818. Grub Street ID 114577.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in use in physick. Illustrated with many curious remarks and useful discourses upon each operation. Writ in French by Monsieur Nicholas Lemery. Translated by Walter Harris, Docto of Physick. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R12682. Grub Street ID 60832.
  • Thorp, George. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and Alderman of London, at Guild-Hall Chappel. By George Thorp, B.D. Fellow of Gonvil and Caius Colledg in Cambridg, and rector of St. Antholins, and St. John Baptists, London. London: printed by Andrew Clark, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1677. ESTC No. R1866. Grub Street ID 75197.
  • Gage, Thomas. A new survey of the West-Indies: or, The English American his travel by sea and land: containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America: wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to S. John de Ulhua; and thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angels, and forward to Mexico: with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise his journey from Mexico, through the provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua, with his abode XII. years about Guatemala, especiall [sic] in the Indian towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderful conversion and calling from those remote parts to his native countrey: with his return through the province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Porto bello, Cartagena and Havana, with diverse occurrents and dangers that did befal in the said journey. Also a new and exact discovery of the Spanish nav. London: printed by A. Clark, and are to be sold by John Martyn, Robert Horn and Walter Kettilby, 1677. ESTC No. R13282. Grub Street ID 61394.
  • Hotchkis, Thomas. A postscript, containing the authors vindication of himself and doctrine from the imputations of Dr. John Owen, in his late book styled The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. By Thomas Hotchkis rect. of Stanton by Highworth in the county of Wilts. London: printed by S.R. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in the St. Paul's Church-yard, 1678. ESTC No. R215969. Grub Street ID 90917.
  • Christian liberty asserted in oposition to the Roman yoke, delivered in a sermon preached in His Majesties royal chappel of Windsor. The 8th. of Decemb. 1678. By John Butler, D.D. canon of the said chappel, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by M.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R7538. Grub Street ID 127796.
  • Long, Thomas. Mr. Hales's treatise of schism examined and censured. By Thomas Long, B.D. and prebendary of Exeter. To which are added, Mr. Baxter's Arguments for conformity, wherein the most material passages of the Treatise of schism are answered. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R10056. Grub Street ID 58452.
  • Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and our union and communion with him, &c. To which is annexed a defence and continuation; with a particular respect to the doctrine of the Church of England, and the charge of Socinianism, and Pelagianism. By William Sherlock, rector of St. George Bottolph-Lane, London. London: printed by M. Clark for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R33741. Grub Street ID 116321.
  • The Christians justification stated. Shewing how the righteousness of Christ, the Gospel-covenant, faith, and God himself, do operate to our justification. By W.A. London: printed by A.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R20597. Grub Street ID 82563.
  • Hotchkis, Thomas. The second part of A discourse concerning imputed righteousness. Together with a large preface in answer to Mr Throughtons late book intituled Lutherus redivivus: and a postscript containing a vindication of the authors doctrine in the former part, against the reflection of Dr John Owen in his late book of justification. By Thomas Hotchkis rector of Stanton by Highworth in the county of Wilts. London: printed for Walter Kettleby at the Bishops-head at the West-end of St. Pauls Church-yard, 1678. ESTC No. R2190. Grub Street ID 93591.
  • Sixtus. The Catholick cause; or, The horrid practice of murdering kings, justified, and commended by the Pope, in a speech to his cardinals, upon the barbarous assassination of Henry the Third of France, who was stabb'd by Jaques Clement, a Dominican fryar. The true copy of which speech, both in Latin, and also faithfully rendred into English, you have in the following pages. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1678. ESTC No. R21677. Grub Street ID 91638.
  • Humfrey, John. The nonconformists relief prepared against the sessions of the next justices in London or in the country. By a follower of peace, and lover of sincerity. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1678. ESTC No. R14156. Grub Street ID 62202.
  • Williams, John. Christianity abused by the Church of Rome, and popery shewed to be a corruption of it: being an answer to a late printed paper given about by papists. In a letter to a gentleman. By J.W. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R3178. Grub Street ID 114541.
  • The country club. A poem. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R29276. Grub Street ID 112276.
  • The reasons for non-conformity examined and refuted, in answer to a late letter from a minister to a person of quality, shewing some reasons for his non-conformity. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R8497. Grub Street ID 128664.
  • Harris, Walter. A farewel to popery: in a letter to Dr. Nicholas, vice-chancellor of Oxford, and warden of New-College, from W.H. M.D. lately Fellow of the same college. Shewing, the true motives that with-drew him to the romish religion, and the reasons of his return to the Church of England: concluding with some short reflections concerning the great duty of charity. Licensed, Jan. the 15th. 1679. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R9627. Grub Street ID 129694.
  • A discourse of divine assistance, and the method thereof: shewing what assistance men receive from God in performing the condition of the promise of pardon of sin and eternal life. By W.A. London: printed by M.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R17227. Grub Street ID 66207.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached on the day of the public fast, April the 11th. 1679. At St. Margarets Westminster; before the Honourable House of Commons. By John Sharp, rector of St. Giles in the Fields, and chaplain to the Right Honourable Heneage Lord Finch, Lord High Chancellor of England. Published by order of the House. London: printed by M.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R17020. Grub Street ID 64946.
  • Falkner, William. Christian loyalty: or, A discourse, wherein is asserted that just royal authority and eminency, which in this church and realm of England, is yielded to the king. Especially concerning supremacy in causes ecclesiastical. Together with the disclaiming all foreign jurisdiction; and the unlawfulness of subjects taking arms against the king. By William Falkner, preacher at S. Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R7144. Grub Street ID 127425.
  • Needham, Robert. Six sermons, preached (most of them) at S. Maries in Cambridge. By Robert Needham, M.A. late fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by M. Clark for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R26166. Grub Street ID 109515.
  • More, Henry. Henrici Mori Cantabrigiensis opera philosophica,: tum quae Latine, tum quae Anglice primitus scripta sunt, nunc verò partim à seipso, partim ab amico notionum suarum philosophicarum perinde atque Latinæ linguæ callentissimo, in Latinum versa. Accesserunt scholia, quibus loca quamplurima aut illustrantur, aut emendantur, aut confirmantur deniq; & ab objectionibus quibuscunq; ullius quidem momenti vindicantur, ab authore passim adjecta. Londini: Typis J. Macock, impensis J. Martyn & Gault. Kettilby, sub insignibus Campanae, & Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, M DC LXXIX. [i.e. 1679]. ESTC No. R180692. Grub Street ID 71629.
  • Turner, John. Animadversions upon the doctrine of transubstantiation. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen, Octob. xix. 1679. at the Guild-Hall Chappel, London. By John Turner, Fellow of Christs-Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R34683. Grub Street ID 117198.
  • Woodroffe, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, and Aldermen of the City of London, at the Guild-Hall Chappel, October 26. 1679. By Benjamin Woodroffe, D.D. canon of Christ-Church in Oxford, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by M. Clark, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R22688. Grub Street ID 99800.
  • Sermon, Edmund. The wisdom of publick piety discoursed, in a sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, at the Guild-Hall Chappel, Septemb. xxviii. 1679. By Edmund Sermon, Master of Arts, and late of St. Mary Hall in Oxford. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R16086. Grub Street ID 63971.
  • Lynford, Thomas. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at the Guild-Hall Chappel Novem. xvi. 1679. By Thomas Lynford, A.M. and fellow of Christ-Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R3417. Grub Street ID 116709.
  • Williams, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and aldermen of the City of London, at the Guild-Hall chappel, October 12. 1679. By John Williams, rector of St. Mildreds Poultrey, London. London: printed by M. Clark, for R. Chiswel, and W. Kettilby, at the Rose and Crown, and at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R2997. Grub Street ID 112877.
  • Owen, Thankfull. A true and lively representation of popery: shewing that popery is only new-modell'd paganism, and perfectly destructive of the great ends and purposes of God in the Gospel. London: printed by R. Everingham for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679. ESTC No. R18583. Grub Street ID 74749.
  • The Roman wonder. Being truth confest by papists. Wherein the clergy of the Church of England in their charge of heretical and damnable doctrines upon the Jesuits are fully and fairly justified. First, by the suffrage and consent of the Romish arch-bishops, bishops, and eminent doctors and divines of France. Secondly, by the verdict of the Lords Cardinals Inquisitors at Rome. Thirdly, by the decretal sentence of this present Pope Innocent the XI. made the second of March last was a twelvemonth, 1679. Written originally in Latine and French, and now translated int English; for the satisfactory information of all papists in England, and the unanswerable vindication of the Church of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R5828. Grub Street ID 126235.
  • The grand errour of the Quakers detected and confuted. Shewing how they contradict God's method of directing men to salvation by following that light within which comes by outward teaching, by their directing them to seek it by following that light within which is wrough without external teaching by the scriptures or by men. Wherein those beings are considered likewise, which have betrayed them into delusion. By W.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R215685. Grub Street ID 90665.
  • The Jesuits morals condemned, in sixty-five of their professed maxims or tenents: by the late authentick decree of his Holiness, Pope Innocent the XI. With a table of some of the many authors of the said society, which maintain them. To which is added, a most instructive collection of general rules from scriptures and fathers, in opposition to the pernicious principles of these novelists. And a very satisfactory advertisement touching their condemnation. Translated out of French, as well for the satisfaction of all English Protestants, as for a caution and instruction to the Catholicks. By a loyal subject of the same religion. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R231019. Grub Street ID 103221.
  • Grove, Robert. A vindication of the conforming clergy from the unjust aspersions of heresie, &c. In answer to some part of Mr. Jenkins funeral sermon upon Dr. Seaman. With short reflections on some passages in a sermon preached by Mr. J.S. upon II Cor. V.XX. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R17377. Grub Street ID 67148.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Epistolæ responsoriæ duæ a Thoma Sydenham M.D. prima De morbis epidemicis ab anno 1675. ad annum 1680. ad amplissimum, doctissimumq; virum Robertum Brady M.D. collegii Cajo-Gonevillensis custodem, necnon regium in medicinâ apud Cantabrigiensis professorem long celeberrimum. Secunda De luis venereæ historia & curatione. Ad ornatissimum, eruditissimumque virum Henricum Paman M.D. collegii divi Johannis Cantabrigiensis Socium, Academiæ oratorem publicum, & in collegio Greshamensi apud Londinenses in medicinâ professorem. Londini: typis M.C. impensis Walteri Kettilby, ad insigne capitis Episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R38286. Grub Street ID 120405.
  • Sharp, John. The duty and happiness of doing good. Two sermons: the former, preached at the York-shire feast, in Bow-Church, Feb. 17. 1679. The other, before the Lord Mayor and aldermen of London, at the Spittle, Apr. 14. 1680. By John Sharpe, D.D. Rector of St. Giles in the Fields, and chaplain to the right honourable the Lord High Chancellour of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R6463. Grub Street ID 126807.
  • Smith, William. A sermon preached on the fourth Sunday in Lent, in the Cathedral Church of Norwich. Wherein is represented the great sin and danger of neglecting the Holy Communion. By W. Smyth, D.D. Prebend of Norwich. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R17812. Grub Street ID 69980.
  • Falkner, William. A vindication of liturgies, shewing the lawfulness, usefulness, and antiquity, of performing the publick worship of God, by set forms of prayer. Wherein several other things also of considerable use, are occasionally discussed. In answer to a late book, intituled, A reasonable account, why some pious non-conforming ministers in England, judge it sinful for them to perform their ministerial acts in publick solemn prayer, by the prescribed forms of others. By William Falkner, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R24032. Grub Street ID 107869.
  • Goodman Country: to his worship the City of London. [London: printed by M. Clark for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Churchyard, 1680]. ESTC No. R230775. Grub Street ID 103014.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London at the Spittle, April 14. 1680. By John Sharpe, D.D. Rector of St. Giles in the Fields, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellour of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R15676. Grub Street ID 63590.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the King, at His Majesties free-chappel of Windsor, June 13. 1680. By John Lambe, M.A. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Published by His Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R18056. Grub Street ID 71558.
  • Philopolite.. The true Englishman: humbly proposing something to rid us of the plot in the state, and of contentions in the Church. Wherein is shewn, how our King may be the happy healer of nations. By a philopolite, and published by his neighbour, Philotheus. London: printed by S.R. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R34079. Grub Street ID 116618.
  • Hickes, George. The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised. In a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on Act-Sunday, July 11. 1680. By George Hickes D.D. prebendary of Worcester, and chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Lauderdale. Printed at the request of Mr. Vice-Chancellor, and many others, who heard it preached. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R10947. Grub Street ID 59276.
  • More, Henry. Apocalypsis Apocalypseos; or The revelation of St. John the Divine unveiled. Containing a brief but perspicuous and continued exposition from chapter to chapter, and from verse to verse, of the whole book of the Apocalypse. By Henry More D.D. London: printed by J.M. for J. Martyn, and W. Kettilby, at the Bell, and the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R7100. Grub Street ID 127387.
  • Libertas evangelica: or, A discourse of Christian liberty. Being a farther pursuance of the argument of the design of Christianity. By Edward Fowler, rector of Alhallows Breadstreet, London. London: printed by R. Norton, for Richard Royston, and Walter Kettilby, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R15452. Grub Street ID 63392.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen, in Bow-Church; on the feast of St. Michael, 1680. At the election of the Lord Mayor for the year ensuing. By John Sharpe, D.D. rector of St. Giles in the Fields, and chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellour of England. London: printed by M.F. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R17019. Grub Street ID 64935.
  • Queen Elizabeth Protestant.. The loyal Protestants vindication, fairly offered to all those sober minds who have the art of using reason, and the power of suppressing passion. By a Queen Elizabeth Protestant. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops-Head, in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R5421. Grub Street ID 125870.
  • A perswasive to peace and unity among Christians, notwithstanding their different apprehensions in lesser things. The second edition much enlarged by way of preface. By W.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St Pauls Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R9364. Grub Street ID 129455.
  • Kidder, Richard. The Christian sufferer supported: or, A discourse concerning the grounds of Christian fortitude. Shewing at once that the sufferings of good men are not inconsistent with Gods special providence, as also the several supports which our religion affords them under their sufferings, and particularly against the fear of a violent death. By Richard Kidder, rector of St. Martin Outwich London. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R656. Grub Street ID 126899.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in use in physick. Illustrated with many curious remarks, and useful discourses upon each operation. Together with additional remarks to the former operations, the process of the volatile salt of Tartar, and some other useful preparations by way of appendix. Writ in French by Monsieur Nicholas Lemery. Translated by Walter Harris, Doctor of Physick. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R179433. Grub Street ID 70853.
  • Grove, Robert. Roberti Grovii S.T.B. Responsio ad nuperum libellum qui inscribitur Celeusma seu clamor ad theologos Hierarchiæ Anglicanæ, &c. Londini: typis J[ohn]. M[acock]. pro Gualt. Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Divi Pauli, 1680. ESTC No. R20259. Grub Street ID 79816.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. An appendix to a course of chymistry. Being additional remarks to the former operations. Together with the process of the volatile salt of tartar, and some other useful preparations. Writ in French by Monsieur Nicholas Lemery. Translated by Walter Harris Doctor of Physick. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R8860. Grub Street ID 128992.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached at the second general meeting of the gentlemen, and others in and near London, who were born within the County of York, in the Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, February 17, 1679/80. By John Sharpe, D.D. Rector of St. Giles in the Fields, and chaplain to the right honourable the Lord High Chancellour of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R18978. Grub Street ID 76785.
  • Brokesby, Francis. A perswasive to reformation and union as the best security against the designs of our popish enemies. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R11932. Grub Street ID 60154.
  • Hesketh, Henry. Piety the best rule of orthodoxy. Or, An essay upon this proposition: that the conduciveness of doctrines to holiness or vice, is the best rule for private Christians to judge the truth or falshood of them by. In a letter to his honoured friend H.M. By Hen. Hesketh, vicar of S. Hellens, and chaplain to his Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R27424. Grub Street ID 110589.
  • Hickes, George. The true notion of persecution stated. In a sermon preached at the time of the late contribution for the French Protestants. By George Hickes, D.D. chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Lauderdale, and vicar of Alhallows-Barkin, London. Published at the earnest request of many that heard it preached. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R20004. Grub Street ID 77590.
  • Sill, William. Freedom from fear of death, through the death of Christ. A sermon preached at Guild-Hall-Chappel, on Good-Friday, A.D. MDCLXXXI. By William Sill, Rector of St. Austins, and St. Faiths united, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops-Head in St Pauls Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R12824. Grub Street ID 60974.
  • Hickes, George. Peculium dei, a discourse about the Jews, as the peculiar people of God. In a sermon preached before the honourable the aldermen and citizens of London, on the sixth of February, 1680/81. By G. Hickes, D.D. vicar of Alhallows-Barkin, London, and chaplain to his Grace the D of Lauderdale. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R20034. Grub Street ID 77883.
  • Grove, Robert. A short defence of the Church and clergy of England. Wherein some of the common objections against both are answered: and the means of union briefly considered. London: printed by J. Macock for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R21438. Grub Street ID 89666.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life, from its beginning, to its consummation in glory; together, with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion and forms of prayer fitted to the several states of Christians. By John Scott, rector of Saint Peter Poor, London. London: printed by M. Clark, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R38893. Grub Street ID 120935.
  • A sermon preached before the judges, &c. In the time of the assizes in the Cathedral Church at Gloucester, on Sunday Aug. 7. 1681. Published to put a stop to false and injurious representations. By Edward Fowler, D.D. London: printed for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, and Walter Kettilby, 1681. ESTC No. R38894. Grub Street ID 120936.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo priores de diluvio & Paradiso. Londini: Typis R.N. impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R200980. Grub Street ID 78448.
  • Turner, Bryan. Testimonium Jesu; or, The demonstration of the spirit for the confirmation of Christian faith, and conviction of all infidelity. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at the Guild Hall-Chappel. By Bryan Turner, B.D rector of Solderne, Oxon, and chaplain to the right honourable, Charles, Earl of Carlisle. London: printed by S. Roycroft for Walter Kettleby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R24645. Grub Street ID 108411.
  • Clagett, William. A reply to a pamphlet called The mischief of impositions; which pretends to answer the Dean of St. Paul's sermon concerning the mischief of separation. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R23257. Grub Street ID 104320.
  • A sermon preached before the judges, &c. in the time of the assizes in the Cathedral church at Gloucester, on Sunday Aug. 7. 1681. Published to put a stop to false and injurious representations. By Edward Fowler, D.D. London: printed for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, and Walter Kettilby, 1681. ESTC No. R10669. Grub Street ID 59014.
  • More, Henry. A plain and continued exposition of the several prophecies or divine visions of the prophet Daniel, which have or may concern the people of God, whether Jew or Christian; whereunto is annexed a threefold appendage, touching three main points, the first relating to Daniel the other two to the Apocalypse. By Henry More D.D. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R5104. Grub Street ID 125579.
  • Protestant loyalty fairly drawn, in an answer to a pair of scandalous and popish pamphlets. The first intituled, A dialogue at Oxford between tutor and pupil, &c. The other intituled, An impartial account of the nature and tendency of the late addresses. Jesuits and the jesuited immortal enemies to Protestant monarchs. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R2230. Grub Street ID 96914.
  • More, Henry. Tetractys anti-astrologica, or, The four chapters in the Explanation of the grand mystery of godliness, which contain a brief but solid confutation of judiciary astrology, with annotations upon each chapter: wherein the wondrous weaknesses of John Butler, B.D. his ansvver called A vindication of astrology, &c. are laid open to the view of every intelligent reader. By Hen. More, D.D. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R32960. Grub Street ID 115614.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo priores de diluvio & Paradiso. Londini: typis R.N. impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R6547. Grub Street ID 126887.
  • Hallywell, Henry. Melampronoea: or A discourse of the polity and kingdom of darkness. Together with a solution of the chiefest objections brought against the being of witches. By Henry Hallywell, master of arts, and sometime fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R9358. Grub Street ID 129450.
  • Inett, John. A sermon preached at the assizes held in Warwick. August the first, 1681. By John Inett M.A. late of Vniversity College in Oxon. now vicar of Nun-Eaton in Warwick-shire. London: printed by M. Flesher for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R9088. Grub Street ID 129200.
  • Hickes, George. The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised. In a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on Act-Sunday, July 11. 1680. By George Hickes D.D. prebendary of Worcester, and chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Lauderdale. Printed at the request of Mr. Vice-Chancellor, and man others, who heard it preached. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R2674. Grub Street ID 110004.
  • Resbury, Nathanael. A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Sir Alan Broderick Kt who dyed at Wandsworth in the county of Surrey, on Thursday, November 25th. and was interr'd there on Friday, Decemb. 3d. 1680. By Nathanael Resbury, M.A. minister of the same place, and chaplain to the Right Honorable Arthur E. of Anglesey Lord Privy Seal. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R36714. Grub Street ID 118967.
  • A practical discourse of humility. By W.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DC LXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R22658. Grub Street ID 99569.
  • Resbury, Nathanael. A sermon preach'd at the anniversary-meeting of the Charter-House scholars: at the chappel in the Charter-House. On Monday, December 13th. 1680. By Nathanael Resbury, minister of Wandsworth in the county of Surrey, and chaplain to the Right Honorable Arthur E. of Anglese Lord Privy Seal. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R36775. Grub Street ID 119033.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Dissertatio epistolaris ad spectatissimum doctissimumq[ue] virum Gulielmum Cole, M.D. De observationibus nuperis circa curationem variolarum confluentium nec non de affectione hysterica. Per Tho. Sydenham, M.D. Londini: typis M[ary]. C[larke]. impensis Walteri Kettilby, ad insigne capitis episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, M d cLxxxii. [1682]. ESTC No. R1024. Grub Street ID 58628.
  • Turner, John. A letter of resolution to a friend, concerning the marriage of cousin Germans: by John Turner late Fellow of Christs-Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by H[enry]. H[ills]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R7495. Grub Street ID 127756.
  • Kidder, Richard. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-hall Chappel, on July the 16th. 1682. By Richard Kidder. London: printed by H[enry]. H[ills]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R36227. Grub Street ID 118545.
  • Hickes, George. The true notion of persecution stated. In a sermon preached at the time of the late contribution for the French Protestants. By George Hickes, D.D. Chaplain to his grace the Duke of Lauderdale, and vicar of Alhallows-Barking, London. Published at the earnest request of many that heard it preached. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in Saint Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R216811. Grub Street ID 91679.
  • Hickes, George. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at Bow Church, on the 30th. of January, 1681/2. By George Hickes, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R12553. Grub Street ID 60721.
  • Turner, John. Two discourses introductory to a disquisition demonstrating the unlawfulness of the marriage of cousin germans: from law, reason, Scripture, and antiquity. By John Turner, late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by H[enry]. H[ills]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R11417. Grub Street ID 59705.
  • Wray, William. The rebellious city destroyed. Being an anniversary sermon in memory of the dreadful fire of London, on the second day of September, 1666. Preached at St. Olave's Hart-Street, London, September the second, 1682. By William Wray, M.A. chaplain to the Right Honourable John Lord Berkley, Baron of Stratton. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R8957. Grub Street ID 129082.
  • Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus: being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel a conventicle-preacher, who was executed the 18th of January, 1677. for an attempt which he made on the sacred person of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews. To which is annexed, an account of the trya of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest and bestiality. In which are many observable passages, especially relating to the Church and State of Scotland. In a letter from a Scottish to an English gentleman. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DC.LXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R19059. Grub Street ID 76860.
  • Evans, John. Moderation stated: in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London. At Guild-Hall Chappel. Octob. 22. 1682. By John Evans, M.A. rector of St. Ethelborough, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R12271. Grub Street ID 60476.
  • Hickes, George. The moral shechinah: or a discourse of Gods glory. In a sermon preached at the last Yorkshire-feast in Bow-church, London. June 11. 1682. By George Hickes, D.D. Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Wallis, for Walter Kettelby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R228806. Grub Street ID 101447.
  • Baxter, Richard. Mr. Baxter's Vindication of the Church of England in her rites and ceremonies, discipline, and church-orders. As faithfully taken out of his own writings, without either false citation, or fraudulent alteration. To which is prefixed: his epistle to the non-conformists: being a just and true abstract of his book, entituled, A defence of the principles of love. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R1229. Grub Street ID 60493.
  • Hickes, George. The moral shechinah: or a discourse of Gods glory. In a sermon preached at the last Yorkshire-feast in Bow-church, London. June 11. 1682. By George Hickes, D.D. Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Wallis, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R10895. Grub Street ID 59232.
  • Smith, Thomas. A sermon concerning the doctrine, unity, and profession of the Christian faith. Preached before the University of Oxford. To which is added an appendix concerning the Apostles Creed. By Tho. Smith, B.D. and Fellow of St. Mary Magdalen Colledge, Oxon. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DC.LXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R17775. Grub Street ID 69744.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London. At Bow-Church on the 29th of May 1682. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of his Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R3012. Grub Street ID 113013.
  • Moore, John. A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, on the 28th of May, 1682. By John Moore, D.D. chaplain to the right honorable Heneage Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Chancellor of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R20127. Grub Street ID 78713.
  • Grove, Robert. Roberti Grovii S.T.D. Defensio suæ responsionis ad nuperum libellum, qui inscribitur celeusma, &c. adversus refutationem ab authore celeusmatis editam. Adjecta sunt parallela imparia, sive, specimen fidei celeusmaticæ. Roberti Grovii. Londini: Typis J.M. Impensis G. Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in cœmeterio Divi Pauli, 1682. ESTC No. R24356. Grub Street ID 108155.
  • Cutlore, Joseph. Two sermons one from Exod. 20. 7. about swearing, the other from Rom. 12. 16. about conceited wisedom; preached at Bury Saint Edmunds in Suffolk. The former at the assizes there held, Mar. 13. 1680. The latter at the following assizes, July 21. 1681. London: Printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R27849. Grub Street ID 110985.
  • Remarks on the grovvth and progress of non-conformity, the fathers seem to call those hereticks, who separated, or made divisions in the Church, though the errour they maintained were very small. See Mr. Baxter's Infants Church-membership, his Answer to Mr. Tombs's valedictory oration at Bewdly, p. 169. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R7094. Grub Street ID 127380.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London. At Bow-Church on the 29th of May 1682. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. One of His Majesties Chaplains in ordinary. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R5415. Grub Street ID 125863.
  • Charleton, Walter. The harmony of natural and positive divine laws. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R19926. Grub Street ID 77484.
  • Bisbie, Nathaniel. Prosecution no persecution: or, The difference between suffering for disobedience and faction, and suffering for righteousness and Christ's sake; truly discussed and stated. In a sermon upon Phil. I.29. preached at Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, on the 22th. of March, 1681. being the time of the general assizes there held. By Nath. Bisbie, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R18612. Grub Street ID 74934.
  • Richardson, Joshua. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, at the Guildhall-Chappel, September XVII. 1682. By Joshua Richardson, A.M. chaplain to his Lordship. London: printed by A[lice]. G[odbid]. and J[ohn]. P[layford]. for W. Ketilby, at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R11880. Grub Street ID 60113.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached, before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, at the Guildhall-Chapel on the fifth of February, 1681/2. By J. Lambe, M.A. one of His Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R17540. Grub Street ID 68308.
  • Browne, Philip, Vicar of Halstead. The sovereign's authority, and the subjects duty, plainly represented in a sermon preached at the visitation, April the 12th. 1681. In the parish-church of Halstead in Essex. By Philip Browne, vicar of the same, and chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Albemarle. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in Saint Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R17468. Grub Street ID 67803.
  • Payne, William. Learning and knowledge recommended to the scholars of Brentvvood School in Essex; in a sermon preached at their first feast, June 29. 1682. By William Payne, M.A. rector of St. Mary Whitechappel, and Fellow of the Royal Society. Published at the earnest desire of the Stewards. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R32171. Grub Street ID 114912.
  • Hickes, George. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at Bow-Church, on the 30th. of January, 1681/2. By George Hickes, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R27427. Grub Street ID 110592.
  • Milbourne, Luke. Samaritanism reviv'd. A sermon preached at the parish church of Great Yarmouth. Upon the ninth of September; being the day appointed for a solemn thanksgiving for the discovery of the late horrid plot, against His Majesty's person and government. By Luke Milbourne. London: printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R7778. Grub Street ID 128007.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life, from its beginning to its consummation in glory; together, with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer fitted to the several states of Christians. By John Scott, rector of St. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by M. Clark, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R220710. Grub Street ID 95008.
  • Fox, Francis. A sermon preached at the Herefordshire feast, at St. Mary Le Bow, July 3. 1683. By Fra. Fox sur-master of Dean Collet's School nigh St. Paul's Church, in the trust of the worshipful Society of the Mercers. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R10557. Grub Street ID 58918.
  • Catholicism: or, Several enquiries touching visible Church-membership, Church-communion, the nature of schism; and the usefulness of national constitutions for the furtherance of religion. By W.A. London: printed by M.C. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R502. Grub Street ID 125501.
  • Smith, William. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Norwich, on the ninth of September, 1683. Being the day of public thanksgiving for His Majesty's late deliverance. By William Smith, preb. London: printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R10063. Grub Street ID 58459.
  • Falkner, William. Libertas ecclesiastica: or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgie and worship. And manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches. By William Falkner, preacher at St Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R234833. Grub Street ID 106088.
  • Jones, John. Novarum dissertationum de morbis abstrusioribus tractatus primus. De febribus intermittentibus. In quo obiter febris continuæ natura explicatur. Authore Johanne Jones, LL.D. et medico. Londini: typis H[enry]. H[ills]. Impensis Gualteri Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, 1683. ESTC No. R7321. Grub Street ID 127593.
  • Hickes, George. Jovian. Or, an answer to Julian the Apostate. The second edition more correct, than the former. By a minister of London. London: Printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII [1683]. ESTC No. R40159. Grub Street ID 121987.
  • Hickes, George. A discourse to prove that the strongest temptations are conquerable by Christians: or, A sober defence of nature and grace, against the cavils, and excuses of loose inconsiderate men. In a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London, and Court of Aldermen, the 14th of January, 1676/7. By George Hickes, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R12654. Grub Street ID 60809.
  • Turner, John. A sermon preached before Sr Patience Ward, upon the last Sunday of his mayoralty. Anno 1681. With additions. By John Turner, late Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R23557. Grub Street ID 106634.
  • Francklin, John. A resolution of this case, viz. whether it be lawful to separate from the publick worship of God in the parochial assemblies of England, upon that new pretence, which some men make, of the case being much altered now from what it was, when the Puritans wrote against the Brownists and the Presbyterians against the Independent. London: printed by A. Grover, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R16565. Grub Street ID 64394.
  • Hickes, George. Jovian. Or, an answer to Julian the Apostate. By a minister of London. London: printed by Sam. Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R24372. Grub Street ID 108171.
  • Falkner, William. Libertas ecclesiastica: or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgie and worship. And manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches. By William Falkner, D.D. late preacher at St Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R6251. Grub Street ID 126609.
  • Turner, John. A discourse of the divine omnipresence and its consequences, delivered in a sermon before the honourable Society of Lincolnes-Inn, upon the first Sunday of this Michaelmas term. By John Turner, late Fellow of Christs-College in Cambridge. London: printed by R[obert]. E[veringham]. for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R5395. Grub Street ID 125843.
  • Charleton, Walter. Three anatomic lectures, concerning 1. The motion of the bloud through the veins and arteries; 2. The organic structure of the heart; 3. The efficient causes of the hearts pulsation: read on the 19, 20, and 21 days of March 1682/3 in the anatomic theatre of His Majesties Royal College of Physicians in London. By Walter Charleton, M.D. and Fellow of the same college. Published by command of the most learned president. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the sign of the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1683. ESTC No. R20046. Grub Street ID 77973.
  • Wray, William. Loyalty protesting against popery, and phanaticism popishly affected. Being a sermon preached on the fifth of Nouember, 1682. at St. Olave's Hartstreet, London. By William Wray, M.A. chaplain to the Right Honourable John Lord Berkley Baron of Stratton. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R12946. Grub Street ID 61084.
  • Watson, John. Memoires of the family of the Stuarts, and the remarkable providences of God towards them; in an historical account of the lives of those His Majesty's progenitors of that name, that were kings of Scotland. London: printed by J. Wallis for Walter Kettleby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R35236. Grub Street ID 117664.
  • Turner, John. A sermon preached at Epsom upon the 9th of September, being the day of thanksgiving appointed by His Majesty for the discovery and disappointment of the Republican Plot, and now made publick to obviate false reports. By John Turner, late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R38379. Grub Street ID 120487.
  • Young, Edward. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guild-Hall Chappel, February 4. 1682. By Edward Young, Fellow of the College near Winchester. London: printed by J. Wallis, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Pauls Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R34113. Grub Street ID 116650.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached at St Lawrence-Jury, London, upon the 9th of September, being the day of thanksgiving for the deliverance of the King & kingdom from the late treasonable conspiracy. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. vicar of St. Lawrence-Jury, and one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London: printed by R.E. for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R5418. Grub Street ID 125866.
  • Gaskarth, John. A sermon preached upon the first occasion after the death of His Grace John Duke of Lauderdale, in the chappel at Ham, by John Gaskarth, his late Graces chaplain, and fellow of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R543. Grub Street ID 125876.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Tractatus de podagra et hydrope. Per Tho. Sydenham, M.D. Londini: typis R.N. impensis Gualt. Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, M DC LXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R201065. Grub Street ID 78525.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 30th of September, 1683. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R5722. Grub Street ID 126142.
  • Hopkins, William. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and citizens of the city of London, in the parish church of S. Mary le Bow, September 3. 1683. Being the day of humiliation for the late dreadfull fire. By William Hopkins, B.D. and Prebendary of Worcester. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R17537. Grub Street ID 68287.
  • Meggott, Richard. A sermon preached at White-Hall in Lent, March the 16. 1682/3. By Richard Meggott, D D. Dean of Winchester, and chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. Published by His Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R17024. Grub Street ID 64973.
  • Powell, Charles. The religious rebel. A sermon preach'd at South-Marston near Hyworth in Wiltshire, on the ninth of September; being the day of publick thanksgiving for the deliverance of His Majesty's sacred person, his royal brother, and the government, from the late hellish fanatick conspiracy. By Charles Powell M.. sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R3301. Grub Street ID 115664.
  • Hickes, George. The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised. In a sermon preached before the University of Oxford,on Act-Sunday, July 11. 1680. By George Hickes, D. D. Printed at the request of Mr. Vice-Chancellor, and many others, who heard it preached. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R30785. Grub Street ID 113622.
  • Gipps, Thomas. Three sermons preached in Lent and summer assizes last, at Lancaster; and on one of the Lords days, in the late Guild of Preston. Wherein the nature of subjection to the civil magistrate is explained, the duty proved, and the clergy justified in pressing the same upon thei fellow-subjects. By Thomas Gipps, rector of Bury in Lancashire, chaplain to the right honourable the Earl of Darby, and sometimes Fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by H[enry]. H[ills]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R27382. Grub Street ID 110551.
  • Francklin, John. A resolution of two cases of conscience, in two discourses. The first, Of the lawfulness of compliance with all the ceremonies of the Church of England. The second, Of the necessity of the use of common-prayer in publick. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R22618. Grub Street ID 99288.
  • Bennet, John. Constantius the apostate: being a short account of his life, and the sense of the primitive Christians about his succession: and their behaviour toward him. Wherein is shown the unlawfulness of excluding the next heir upon the account of religion, and the necessity of passive obedience, as well to the unlawfull oppressour, as the legal persecutour: being a full answer to a late pamphlet, intituled Julian the apostate, &c. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R24199. Grub Street ID 108003.
  • Ahitophel's [sic] policy defeated. A sermon preached on the 9th of September, being the day appointed by His Majesty for a publick thanksgiving for his and the kingdoms great deliuerance from the late treasonable conspiracy against his sacred person and government. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R19991. Grub Street ID 77541.
  • Bisbie, Nathaniel. The modern Pharisees: or A sermon on the xxiij. of S. Matt. v.15. shewing the principles of the present Jesuites, and Puritans, to be of the same evil influence with the ancient Pharisees; and equally vexatious and destructive to government. By Nath. Bisbie, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R11042. Grub Street ID 59367.
  • Milbourne, Luke. The originals of rebellion: or, the ends of separation. A sermon preached on the thirtieth of January, 1682. In the parish-church of Great Yarmouth. By Luke Milbourne, curate there. London: printed by J. Wallis, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R916. Grub Street ID 129265.
  • Wagstaffe, Thomas. A sermon preached at Stow, in the county of Bucks, on the ninth of September, 1683. being the day of thanksgiving appointed by the King's declaration, for acknowledging God's great mercy in discovering and defeating the late treasonable conspiracy against His Sacred Majesty's person and government. By Tho: Wagstaffe, M.A. London: printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R1767. Grub Street ID 69117.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, at the Guild-Hall Chappel, the 16th of December, 1683. By John Scott Rector of St. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by Ralph Holt, for Robert Horn at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R14440. Grub Street ID 62464.
  • Battell, Ralph. The civil magistrates coercive power in religious matters asserted, in a sermon [on Matt. vii. 12] preached at the assizes at Hertford, March the 7th, 1683/4. By Ralph Battel, M.A. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and prebendary of Worcester. London: printed by R.E[veringham]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and J. Jones book-seller in Worcester, 1684. ESTC No. R42681. Grub Street ID 123912.
  • Goodall, Charles. The Royal College of Physicians of London founded and established by law; as appears by letters patents, acts of Parliament, adjudged cases, &c. And an historical account of the College's proceedings against empiricks and unlicensed practisers in every princes reign from their first incorporation to the murther of the royal martyr, King Charles the First. By Charles Goodall, Dr. in Physick, and Fellow of the said College of physicians. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R8914. Grub Street ID 129042.
  • S. E, Mennonite.. An answer to several remarks upon Dr. Henry More his expositions of the Apocalypse and Daniel, as also upon his Apology. Written by S.E. Mennonite, and published in English by the answerer. Whereunto are annexed two small pieces, Arithmetica apocalyptica, and Appendicula apocalyptica. Of all which an account is given in the preface. London: Printed by Miles Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R10256. Grub Street ID 58644.
  • Hickes, George. A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of Worcester, on the 29th of May, 1684. Being the anniversary day of His Majesty's birth, and happy restauration. By George Hickes, D.D. Dean of Worcester, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. Published at the joint and earnest request of the mayor, and aldermen of Worcester. London: printed by R.E. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and John Jones bookseller in Worcester, 1684. ESTC No. R20005. Grub Street ID 77600.
  • Of the state of the church in future ages: or An inspection into the divine prophecies, touching the state of the church, in the latter ages of the world. By W.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R20547. Grub Street ID 82210.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life, from its beginning, to its consummation in glory; together, with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer fitted to the several states of Christians. By John Scott Rector of St. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R20826. Grub Street ID 84525.
  • Turner, John. Two exercitations. The first attempting to demonstrate that the Jews till after the return from the captivity of Babylon, were not allowed the publick and promiscuous use of the canonical books of the Old Testament. The second concerning the true pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, or four lettered name of God among the Jews; as also concerning the Pythagorick tetractys and other philological matters that have a connexion with it. Being the second and last part of the digression, in the additions to the sermon before Sir P.W. By John Turner, late Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R6142. Grub Street ID 126509.
  • Hickes, George. A sermon preached at the Church of St. Bridget, on Easter-Tuesday, being the first of April, 1684. before the Right Honourable Sir Henry Tulse, Lord Mayor of London, and the Honourable Court of Aldermen, together with the governors of the hospitals, upon the subject of alms-giving. By George Hickes, D.D. Dean of Worcester, and chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and R. Kettlewell, at the Hand and Scepter in Fleet-Street, 1684. ESTC No. R12554. Grub Street ID 60722.
  • Leigh, Thomas. The keeping of holy days recommended in a sermon preached at Hadham before the right honourable and right reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, &c. at his Lordships late conference with his clergy there. By Thomas Leigh B.D. Vicar of Bishops Stortford. London: printed by H. Hills Jun. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R13950. Grub Street ID 62009.
  • A letter from a country minister to some neighbouring-clergy concerning the usual resort of his parishioners to other churches in contempt of their own. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R218604. Grub Street ID 93250.
  • Country parson.. Eucharistia: or A grateful acknowledgment unto heaven, for the happy discovery of the late horrid plot: with some brief and yet plain remarques upon that hellish conspiracy. Delivered in a discours unto a country auditory upon September IX. 1683. Being a day of publique an solemn thanksgiving appointed by authority for the said wonderful and blessed deliveranc [sic]. By a country parson. London: printed for Walter Kittilby [i.e. Kettilby] at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R31451. Grub Street ID 114245.
  • Lambe, John. The liberty of human nature, discuss'd, stated, and limited, in a sermon. Preached by J. Lambe M.A. and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R32872. Grub Street ID 115539.
  • Hesketh, Henry. An exhortation to frequent receiving the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Or, A plain and practical discourse upon part of I Cor. II. 26. being the substance of several sermons preached in St. Hellens Church, London. By Hen. Hesketh, vicar of St. Hellens, and chaplai to his Majesty. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R39270. Grub Street ID 121176.
  • Bisbie, Nathaniel. Two sermons. The first, shewing the mischiefs of anarchy. The second, the mischiefs of sedition. And both of them, the mischiefs and treasons of conventicles. Preached at the assizes held for the county of Suffolk, ann. 1682/3. And published at the request of Tho. Waldegrave, Esq; High Sheriff of the said county. By Nath. Bisbie, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R3888. Grub Street ID 120924.
  • Turner, John. An exercitation concerning the true time of our Saviour's Passover: being part of a digression in the additions to the Sermon before Sir P.W. By John Turner, late fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R214785. Grub Street ID 89950.
  • Bohun, Edmund. A defence of Sir Robert Filmer, against the mistakes and misrepresentations of Algernon Sidney, Esq; in a paper delivered by him to the sheriffs upon the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Fryday December the 7th 1683. before his execution there. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R2726. Grub Street ID 110445.
  • Falkner, William. Christian loyalty: or, A discourse, wherein is asserted that just royal authority and eminency, which in this church and realm of England, is yielded to the king. Especially concerning supremacy in causes ecclesiastical. Together with the disclaiming all foreign jurisdiction; and the unlawfulness of subjects taking armes against the king. By William Falkner, D.D. late preacher at S. Nicholas, in Lyn Regis. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R31496. Grub Street ID 114287.
  • Turner, John. A resolution of three matrimonial cases; viz. I. Whether it be lawful for a man to marry his deceased wife's sister's daughter? II. Whether the half-blood make kindred? III. Whether such a marriage being made, it ought to be dissolv'd or no? By John Turner, late Fellow o Christ's-Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by H. Hills Jun. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R24646. Grub Street ID 108412.
  • Lowde, James. The reasonableness of the Christian religion a sermon preached at the visitation held at Stoakesly in Cleveland, in Yorkshire : being the first visitation of the Reverend Mr. Long, B.D. and Arch-Deacon of Cleveland / by Ja. Lowde ... London: Printed for Walter Kettilby .., 1684. ESTC No. R14296. Grub Street ID 62334.
  • Battell, Ralph. The civil magistrates coercive power in religious matters asserted, in a sermon preached at the assizes at Hertford, March the 7th, 1683/4. By Ralph Battel, M.A. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and prebendary of Worcester. London: printed by R.E. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R209185. Grub Street ID 85402.
  • Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things. The two first books concerning the deluge, and concerning paradise. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R10963. Grub Street ID 59291.
  • Forster, Richard. Prerogative and privilege represented in a sermon in the cathedral church of Rochester in Kent, March 18. 1683/4. At the assizes holden before the Lord Chief Justice Jones, and Mr. Justice Charlton. Preach'd and publish'd at the request of Archibald Clinkard, Esquire, in the third year of his shrievalty. By Rich. Forster, M.A. rector of Beckly in Sussex. London: printed for B. Tooke and W. Kettilby, at the Ship, and the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R4703. Grub Street ID 125085.
  • Browne, Philip, Vicar of Halstead. The observation of holy days justified, and recommended in a sermon preached before the Right Honorable and Right Reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, &c. at a conference held with his clergy at Castle-Hinningham in the county of Essex. By Philip Browne, vicar of Halstead in the said county, and chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Albemarle:. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R9920. Grub Street ID 129958.
  • Moore, John. Of patience and submission to authority. A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chapel, on the 27th of January, 1683/4. By John Moore. D.D. London: printed for R. Royston, bookseller to his Most Sacred Majesty; and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R32113. Grub Street ID 114855.
  • Crenius, Thomas. The origine of atheism in the popish and Protestant churches, shew'n by Dorotheus Sicurus, 1648. Made English, and a preface added by E.B. Esquire. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R6868. Grub Street ID 127166.
  • Martini Lister, S.R. Lond. De fontibus medicatis Angliæ exercitatio nova, & prior. Londini: impensis Walteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Comiterio D. Pauli, 1684. ESTC No. R16063. Grub Street ID 63949.
  • Boraston, George. The royal law: or, The golden rule of justice and charity. A sermon at the anniversary meeting of the gentlemen, inhabitants of London, and others, born within the county of Worcester; at St. Lawrence Church, Nov. 29. 1683. By George Boraston, M.A. rector of Hever in Kent. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R9969. Grub Street ID 130002.
  • Plato's demon: or, The state-physician unmaskt; being a discourse in answer to a book call'd Plato redivivus. By Thomas Goddard, Esq;. London: printed by H. Hills Jun. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in Saint Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R22474. Grub Street ID 98270.
  • Turner, John. A sermon preached before Sir P.W. anno 1681. With additions: to which are annexed three digressional exercitations; I. Concerning the true time of our saviour's passover. II. Concerning the prohibition of the Hebrew canon to the ancient Jews. III Concerning the Jewish tetragrammaton, and the pythagorick tetractys. By John Turner, late fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R185793. Grub Street ID 74722.
  • Sharp, John. A discourse concerning conscience; wherein an account is given of the nature, and rule, and obligation, of it. And the case of those who separate from the communion of the Church of England as by law established, upon this pretence, that it is against their conscience to joyn in it, is stated and discussed. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1684. ESTC No. R17838. Grub Street ID 70115.
  • Holland, Richard. A sermon preached at the assizes at Leicester, March 19. 1685. Being the county-court, also when the nobility and gentry met to chuse their knights for the ensuing Parliament. By Richard Holland, A.M. and rector of St. George's Church in Stamford. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R805. Grub Street ID 128257.
  • More, Henry. Paralipomena prophetica containing several supplements and defences of Dr Henry More his expositions of the Prophet Daniel and the apocalypse, whereby the impregnable firmness and solidity of the said expositions is further evidenced to the world. Whereunto is also added Phililicrines upon R.B. his notes on the Revelation of S. John. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the sign of the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R217971. Grub Street ID 92691.
  • Grove, Robert. Roberti Grovii Carmen de sanguinis circuitu, a Gulielmo Harvæo Anglo, primum invento. Adjecta sunt, miscellanea quædam. Londini: typis R. E[veringham]. impensis Gualteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, 1685. ESTC No. R23959. Grub Street ID 107799.
  • Bridge, Francis. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at the Church of S. Mary le Bow, the fifth of November 1684. By Francis Bridge, D.D. rector of S. Mildred Breadstreet. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R3795. Grub Street ID 120098.
  • Grove, Robert. Seasonable advice to the citizens, burgesses, and free-holders of England, concerning parliaments, and the present elections. By a divine of the Church of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R2863. Grub Street ID 111681.
  • Bohun, Edmund. An apologie for the Church of England, against the clamours of the men of no-conscience: or the Duke of Buckingham's seconds. By E.B. Esquire. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R5027. Grub Street ID 125509.
  • Charleton, Walter. Gualteri Charletoni Inquisitio physica de causis catameniorum, & uteri rheumatismo. In quâ en pae?d? probatur sanguinem in animali fermentescere nunquam. Londini: impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad Insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Divi Pauli, 1685. ESTC No. R32582. Grub Street ID 115287.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached at White-Hall, in Lent, on Friday, March 20. 1684/5. By John Sharp, D.D. Dean of Norwich. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R7068. Grub Street ID 127356.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Epistolae responsoriae duae a Thoma Sydenham. Londini: Typis R.N., Impensis Walteri Kettilby, 1685. ESTC No. R25794. Grub Street ID 109182.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained, and proved. Volume I. By John Scott Rector of St. Peters Poor, London. London: printed for Robert Horn at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R20527. Grub Street ID 82055.
  • Gaskarth, John. A sermon preached before the Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Bristol, at his primary visitation in Bristol, October 30. And now publish'd at his Lordships request; as also the desire of several others that heard it. By John Gaskarth, fellow of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, and vicar of St. Nicholas in Bristol. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R18419. Grub Street ID 73866.
  • Wagstaffe, Thomas. A sermon preached on the 26th day of July, 1685. Being the day of thanks-giving appointed for His Majesty's victory over the rebels. In the united parishes of St. Margaret Pattons, and St. Gabriell Fenchurch, London. By Tho. Wagstaffe, Chancellor of the cathedral church of Litchfield, and Rector of the said parishes. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R1806. Grub Street ID 71573.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Thomæ Sydenham, M.D. Opera universa. In quibus non solummodò morborum acutorum historiæ & curationes novâ & exquisitâ methodo diligentissim traduntur, verm etiam morborum fer omnium chronicorum curatio brevissima, pariter ac fidelissima in publici commodum exhibetur. Editio altera, priori mltum auctior, & emendatior reddita. Huic etiam de novo accessit index alphabeticus summam omnium rerum, & curationum singularum, in gratiam studiosorum, breviter complectens. Londini: typis R[oger]. N[orton]. impensis Walteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Cometerio D. Pauli, 1685. ESTC No. R5971. Grub Street ID 126357.
  • Bryan, Matthew. The certainty of the future judgment asserted and proved, in a sermon preached at St Michael's Crooked Lane, London, Octob. xxvi. 1684. By Matth. Bryan, lecturer there. Published in the author's vindication. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R19907. Grub Street ID 77468.
  • A list of the prebendaries of St. Paul's Church, appointed to preach upon the holy-days in the year following, at Saint Peter's Church in Corhil. London: printed for W. kettilby, at the Bishop's head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R179849. Grub Street ID 71089.
  • Turner, John. Boaz and Ruth A disquisition upon Deut 25. 5. concerning the brothers propagating the name and memory of his elder brother deceased. In which the antiquity, reason, and circumstances of that law are explained, the mistakes and impositions of the Jewish rabbins, in this and other matters detected, and a fair way opened for a clearer understanding of the most obscure and dark passages in the law of Moses. Together with a discovery of several things, as well in the eastern, as the Roman antiquities, never yet explained or understood by any. By John Turner, hospitaller of St. Thomas Southwark, and late fellow of Christs-College in Cambridge. London: printed by H. Hills Jun. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R10986. Grub Street ID 59313.
  • Turner, Thomas. A sermon preached in the King's Chappel at White-Hall, upon the 29th of May, 1685. By Tho. Turner, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R4483. Grub Street ID 124851.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at the Church of St. Mary le Bow, September the second, 1684. Being the anniversary fast for the dreadful fire in the year 1666. By Benjamin Calamy D.D. vicar of St. Laurence Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in ordinary. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R5723. Grub Street ID 126143.
  • Lent preachers appointed by the Lord-Bishop of London to preach on Wednesdays and Fridays, for the year 1684[/]5. At St. Michaels-Cornhill. St. Dunstans in the West. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R179445. Grub Street ID 70858.
  • Cooke, Shadrach. A sermon preached at Islington, upon the 26th day of July, 1685, (in the afternoon.) Being the day of solemn thanksgiving to almighty God for His Majestie's late victories over the rebels. By Shadrach Cooke, M.A. chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Aylesbury. London: printed by R.N. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R29331. Grub Street ID 112331.
  • Wagstaffe, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at the Guild-Hall Chappel on November the 23d. 1684. By Thomas Wagstaffe, M.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R34696. Grub Street ID 117211.
  • Hinton, John. A sermon preached in the parish church of Newbury, Berks, on the 26th of July, 1685. Being the day of thanksgiving for His Majesty's late victory over the rebels. By John Hinton, A.M. rector of the said church, and prebendary of the church of Sarum. Published at the joyn and earnest request of the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses, and other inhabitants of the place. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R13017. Grub Street ID 61147.
  • More, Henry. Some cursory reflexions impartially made upon Mr. Richard Baxter his way of writing notes on the Apocalypse, and upon his advertisement and postcript. By Phililicrines Parrhesiastes. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R3969. Grub Street ID 121566.
  • Ent, George. Apologia pro circuitione sanguinis. Qua respondetur Æmylio Parisano Medico Veneto. Auctore George Entio. Londini: typis M.F. Impensis Gualteri Kettilby ad Insigne capitis episcopalis in coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R9990. Grub Street ID 130022.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached at the funeral of Dr William Croun on the 23d of October, 1684. at St. Mildred Church in the Poultrey. By John Scott, rector of St. Peters Le-Poor, London. London: printed for Robert Horne, at the south-entrance of the Royal Exchange; and Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church yard, 1685. ESTC No. R10207. Grub Street ID 58602.
  • Graile, John. Three sermons preached at the cathedral in Norwich. And a fourth at a parochial church in Norfolk. Humbly recommending, I. True reformation of our selves. II. Pious reverence toward God and the King. III. Just abhorrence of usurping republicans, and IV. Due affection to th monarchy. By John Graile, rector of Blickling in Norfolk. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R38763. Grub Street ID 120816.
  • Sharp, John. A discourse of conscience. The second part. Concerning a doubting conscience. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R16952. Grub Street ID 64758.
  • More, Henry. An illustration of those two abstruse books in Holy Scripture, the Book of Daniel, and the Revelation of S. John, by continued, brief, but clear notes, from chapter to chapter, and from verse to verse: with very usefull and apposite arguments prefixt to each chapter; framed out of the expositions of Dr. Henry More. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R13329. Grub Street ID 61438.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London. At St. Mary le Bow, July 26. 1685. Being the day of publick thanksgiving for his Majesties late victory over the rebels. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of St. Peters Poor, London. London: printed by R.N. for Rob. Horne at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685. ESTC No. R14439. Grub Street ID 62462.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part I from its beginning to its consummation in glory : together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto : with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer fitted to the several states of Christians / John Scott ... London: Printed by R.N. for Walter Kettilby .., 1686. ESTC No. R13889. Grub Street ID 61952.
  • More, Henry. A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the holy eucharist: wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, M DC LXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R217964. Grub Street ID 92685.
  • Wyvill, Christopher. An assize-sermon preached in the Cathedral-Church of St. Peter in York. March the 8th. 1685/6. before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Nevill and Sir Henry Bedingfield His Majesties justices of assize for the northern circuit. By Christopher Wyvill, fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge, and chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Ormond. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R15591. Grub Street ID 63513.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained, and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of St. Peters Poor, London. London: printed by R.N. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horne at the South-Entrance of the of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1686. ESTC No. R4595. Grub Street ID 124954.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached at the assizes at Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, August 31, 1685. Before the Honourable Sir Thomas Street, Kt. one of the judges of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. By John Scott, D.D. rector of St. Peter's Poor, London. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Rob. Horn at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R38224. Grub Street ID 120350.
  • Turner, John. An argument in defence of the marriage of an uncle with the daughter of his half-brother by the father's side. By John Turner, hospitaller of St. Thomas Southwark, and late fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. Licensed, March 16. 1685/6. Rob. Midgley. London: printed by H. Hills jun. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R6144. Grub Street ID 126511.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Schedula monitoria de novæ febris ingressu. Per Tho. Sydenham, M. D. Londini: typis R.N. impensis Gualt. Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcop: in Cæmeterio Paulino, M DC LXXXVI [1686]. ESTC No. R24564. Grub Street ID 108338.
  • Kidder, Richard. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr William Allen, August 17. 1686. By Richard Kidder, Rector of St Martin Outwich, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R2195. Grub Street ID 94026.
  • More, Henry. A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist: wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R25165. Grub Street ID 108874.
  • Turner, John. Addenda & mutanda, in the late defence of the marriage of an uncle with his niece, being the daughter of the half-brother by the father's side By the author of that defence. London: printed [for Walter Kettilby], anno Dom. 1686. ESTC No. R6190. Grub Street ID 126550.
  • Turner, John. Charity recommended, in a sermon preached at the assizes held at Norwich, upon Thursday the 29th of July, 1686. By John Turner hospitaller of St. Thomas Southwark. And now made publick at the request of the gentlemen that heard it. London: printed by Henry Hills Junior, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R5344. Grub Street ID 125796.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are used in physick. With curious remarks and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such who desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this art. By Nicholas Lemery, M.D. The second edition very much inlarged. Translated from the fifth edition in the French, by Walter Harris, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R30931. Grub Street ID 113772.
  • A list of the præbendaries of St Paul's Church, (and others) appointed to preach upon the holy-days in the year of our Lord, 1686. At Saint Peter's Church in Cornhill. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R27269. Grub Street ID 110454.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London; at the church of St Mary le Bow, September the second, 1686. Being the anniversary fast for the dreadful fire in the year 1666. By John Scott, D.D. rector of St Peters Poor, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, and Thomas Horn at the south end of the Royal Exchange, MDCLXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R34059. Grub Street ID 116602.
  • Rust, George. The remains of that reverend and learned prelate, Dr. George Rust, late lord bishop of Dromore, in the kingdom of Ireland. Collected and published by Henry Hallywell. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R22759. Grub Street ID 100485.
  • Williams, John. An answer to a late printed paper, given about by some of the Church of Rome. In a letter to a gentleman. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R54. Grub Street ID 125846.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our Saviours mediation is explained and proved. Volume II. By John Scott D.D. Rector of St. Peters Poor, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horn, at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1686. ESTC No. R219947. Grub Street ID 94413.
  • Bisbie, Nathaniel. The bishop visiting: or A sermon on I. Cor. XI.xxxiv. Preached at Bury St. Edmunds, before the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord-Bishop of Norwich, at the first session of his Lorship's [sic] primary visitation held there, on May the 3d 1686. By Nath. Bisbie, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R12753. Grub Street ID 60902.
  • Hutton, Charles. The rebels text opened, and their solemn appeal answered. Being a sermon preach'd in the parish church of Up-Lime, on the thanksgiving-day for our wonderful deliverance from the late horrid rebellion. Being Sunday, July 26. 1685. By Charles Hutton, A.M. and rector of the said parish. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the sign of the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R8588. Grub Street ID 128743.
  • A dialogue between Philiater and Momus, concerning a late scandalous pamphlet called the conclave of physicians. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R9162. Grub Street ID 129268.
  • Lent preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London to preach on Wednesdays and Fridays for the year 1685/6 at St. Michael's Cornhill. St. Lawrence's St. Dunstan's in the West. St. James's. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R19738. Grub Street ID 77305.
  • Whitby, Daniel. A treatise in confutation of the Latin service practised, and, by the order of the Trent Council, continued in the Church of Rome. London: printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1687. ESTC No. R34746. Grub Street ID 117257.
  • Clutterbuck, Thomas. A spittle-sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at S. Sepulchres-Church, on Wednesday in Easter-week, being on March 30. 1687. By Tho. Clutterbuck, D.D. Arch-deacon of Winton. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul'sChurch-Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R1137. Grub Street ID 59663.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our Saviours mediation, is explained and proved. Volume II. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of S. Peters Poor, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop-head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horn at the, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1687. ESTC No. R15914. Grub Street ID 63810.
  • Hickes, George. An apologetical vindication of the Church of England: in answer to those who reproach her with the English heresies and schisms, or suspect her not to be a catholick church, upon their account. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R20398. Grub Street ID 81006.
  • Clerke, Gilbert. The spot-dial, very useful to shew the hour within the house. Together with directions how to find a true meridian, the azymuth and declination; and how to draw a dial upon a staff, upon the cieling [sic], upon any pillar or globe. Never before published. By Gilbert Clerke. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R1991. Grub Street ID 77471.
  • Sharp, John. A discourse concerning conscience; the first part. Wherein an account is given of the nature, and rule, and obligation of it. And the case of those who separate from the communion of the Church of England as by law established, upon this pretence, that it is against thei conscience to joyn in it, is stated and discussed. Imprimatur Carolus Alston. R. D. P. Hen. Episc. Lond. à Sacris. Julii. 27. 1686. London: printed for Tho. Basset at the George in Fleet-street. B. Tooke at the Ship, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R221826. Grub Street ID 95913.
  • Mapletoft, John. A perswasive to the consciencious frequenting the daily publick prayers of the Church of England, in a sermon upon I Thessal. verse 17, and 18. London: printed by A[lice]. G[rover]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R124. Grub Street ID 60585.
  • A list of the prebendaries of the cathedral church of St. Paul's, London. : Appointed by the Lords Commissioners to preach upon the holy-days in the year of our Lord, 1687. At Saint Peter's Church in Cornhill. London: Printed for W. Kettilby ..., 1687. ESTC No. R179850. Grub Street ID 71090.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lords Commissioners for the diocess of London, to preach in the city and suburbs of London the ensuing Lent, on Wednesdays and Frydays, at the churches of St. Andrew Undershaft. St. Stephens Wallbroke. St. Dustans in the west. St. Pauls Covent-Garden. London: Printed for W. Kettilby ..., 1687. ESTC No. R179854. Grub Street ID 71093.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Schedula monitoria de novæ febris ingressu. Per Tho. Sydenham, M.D. Londini: typis R[oger]. N[orton]. impensis Gualt. Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R18174. Grub Street ID 72192.
  • Penton, Stephen. Apparatus ad theologiam, in usum academiarum. I. Generalis. II. Specialis. Autore Stephano Penton, rectore de Glympton. Oxon. Londini: typis M. Flesher; prostant venales apud Sim. Miller, ad Stellam, & Gualt. Kettilby, ad Caput Episcopi in Cœmeterio S. Pauli, 1688. ESTC No. R37080. Grub Street ID 119328.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R13644. Grub Street ID 61731.
  • Williams, John. An answer to a late printed paper, given about by some of the Church of Rome. In a letter to a gentleman. The third edition. Imprimatur. April 8. 1686. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R24560. Grub Street ID 108334.
  • Marsden, Thomas. Roman Catholicks uncertain whether there be any true priests or sacraments in the church of Rome: evinced by an argument urg'd and maintain'd (upon their own principles) against Mr. Edward Goodall of Prescot in Lancashire. By Thomas Marsden, Vicar of Walton in the same county. The treatise divided in two parts. The first being explicative of terms. The second argumentative. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R726. Grub Street ID 127538.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R37979. Grub Street ID 120121.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R3518. Grub Street ID 117611.
  • Sharp, John. A discourse of conscience. The second part. Concerning a doubting conscience. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R221827. Grub Street ID 95914.
  • A list of the præbendaries of the cathedral church of St. Paul's London, appointed by the Lords Commissioners for the diocess of London, to preach upon the holy-days in the year of our Lord, 1688. at St. Peter's Church in Cornhill. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R179851. Grub Street ID 71091.
  • Comber, Thomas. A discourse concerning the Second Council of Nice, which first introduced and established image-worship in the Christian Church, anno Dom. 787. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R22713. Grub Street ID 100038.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Sir John Buckworth, at the parish-church of St. Peter's le Poor in Broadstreet, December 29. 1687. By John Scott, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Thomas Horne, at the South-Entrance of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1688. ESTC No. R14391. Grub Street ID 62417.
  • Wagstaffe, Thomas. A sermon preached at a meeting of the natives and inhabitants of the county of Warvvick and city of Coventry, in St. Mary le Bow, Novem. 24. 1687. By Thomas Wagstaffe, Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of Litchfield, and rector of St. Margaret Pattons and St. Gabriel Fanchurch, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R39409. Grub Street ID 121302.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir John Chapman, late Lord Mayor of London at St Lawrence's Church, March 27. 1689. By John Scott, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and Thomas Horne; and are to be sold at the Bishops-Head in St Pauls Church-Yard, and at the South-Engrance of the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill, 1689. ESTC No. R24515. Grub Street ID 108295.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached at Fulham, on Sunday, Oct. 13. 1689. At the consecration of the Right Reverend Fathers in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester, Simon Lord Bishop of Chichester, & Gilbert Lord Bishop of Bristol. By John Scott, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horne, at the south-entrance of the Royal-Exchange, 1689. ESTC No. R24516. Grub Street ID 108296.
  • Alexander, John, converted Jew. God's covenant displayed, by John Alexander a converted Jew. With a proœmial discourse of the reasons of his conversion. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689. ESTC No. R18631. Grub Street ID 75042.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo posteriores de conflagratione mundi, et de futuro rerum statu. Londini: typis R.N. Impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R4314. Grub Street ID 124204.
  • Mariott, Thomas. The danger of division, and necessity of unity, opened in a sermon preached at St. Lawrence's Church, before the election of the Lord Mayor. By Tho. Mariott, M.A. and rector of Little Canfield in Essex. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689. ESTC No. R23513. Grub Street ID 106319.
  • Mariott, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London. At Guild-Hall Chappel, on Easter-day, 1689. By Tho. Mariott, M.A. and Rector of Little Canfield in Essex. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689. ESTC No. R8989. Grub Street ID 129111.
  • Worthington, John. The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will. By the late pious and learned John Worthington, D.D. The second edition. Imprimatur. June 7. 1688. Jo. Battely. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R21347. Grub Street ID 88920.
  • Tullius Cicero, Marcus. The oration of Cicero for M. Marcellus. Done into English. With an appendix relating to the Prince of Orange. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R15376. Grub Street ID 63320.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo priores de diluvio & Paradiso. Editio secunda. Authore T. Burnetio. Londini: typis R.N. Impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R200987. Grub Street ID 78454.
  • Raymond, A.M. George. The pattern of pure and undefiled religion exhibited in the preaching and life of the holy Jesus, shewing the true genius and spirit of Christianity, with an introduction concerning the restoring of true religion by Jesus Christ and his kingdom / by George Raymond. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby .., 1689. ESTC No. R33512. Grub Street ID 116120.
  • Grove, Robert. The Protestant and popish way of interpreting Scripture, impartially compared. In answer to Pax vobis, &c. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689. ESTC No. R14082. Grub Street ID 62130.
  • Burnet, Thomas. A relation of the proceedings at Charter-House, upon occasion of King James the II. his presenting a papist to be admitted into that hospital. In vertue of his letters dispensatory. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R9649. Grub Street ID 129714.
  • Stainforth, William. A sermon preached in the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter in York, January 30th 1688/9. And published at the request of the auditors. By William Stainforth, residentiary canon of York. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Francis Hildyard, bookseller in York, 1689. ESTC No. R13543. Grub Street ID 61635.
  • A discourse of the nature, series, and order of occurrences: as they are prophetically represented in the 11 chap. of the Revelation. By W.A. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689. ESTC No. R20570. Grub Street ID 82372.
  • Lynford, Thomas. God's providence the cities safety. A sermon preached before the right honourable the lord mayor and court of aldermen of the city of London, at Guild-Hall Chappel. February the 24th 1688/9. By Thomas Lynford, A.M. rector of S. Edmund's Lombard-street, and S. Nicholas Acons. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R25019. Grub Street ID 108744.
  • Jeffery, John. Religion the perfection of man. By John Jeffery, M.A. minister of St. Peter's of Mancroft in Norwich. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R1467. Grub Street ID 62674.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach in the city and suburbs of London, in Lent, 1689. on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the churches of St. Peter Cornhill. Christ-Church. St. Andrew Holborne. St. Clement Danes. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R34995. Grub Street ID 117466.
  • Hesketh, Henry. The case of eating and drinking unworthily stated, and the scruples of coming to the Holy Sacrament upon the danger of unworthiness satisfied being the substance of several sermons, preached in the parish church of S. Hellens, London / by Henry Hesketh ... London: Printed for Walter Kettelby .., 1689. ESTC No. R14433. Grub Street ID 62457.
  • Resbury, Nathanael. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, in Guild-Hall Chappel. On Sunday the xxi. of October. 1688. By Nathanael Resbury, chaplain to the Right Honourable James Earl of Anglesey. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R36776. Grub Street ID 119034.
  • The lay-man's religion: humbly offered as a help to a modest enquiry for every man into his own heart; both as being the only means to judge and save himself, and the best way to unite us all against our common enemies. London: printed by Eliz. Holt for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, in the year 1690. ESTC No. R26837. Grub Street ID 110087.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Queen at VVhitehall, on the 11th of April, 1690. By John Sharp, D.D. dean of Canterbury, and one of Their Majesties chaplains. Published by Her Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R6722. Grub Street ID 127043.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached before the Queen, at VVhite-Hall. On Sunday the 26th of October, 1690. By Charles Hickman, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to Their Majesties. By Her Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R11429. Grub Street ID 59716.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the King and Queen at Whitehall, Jan. 19. 1689. By J. Lambe, chaplain to Their Majesties. Published by Their Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R3372. Grub Street ID 116300.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at St Margaret's Westminster, on Sunday the 19th of October, 1690. Being the Thanksgiving-day for the wonderful preservation of His Majesties person, &c. By Charles Hickman, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R2575. Grub Street ID 109147.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St Margaret's Westminster, on Wednesday the 21th of May, 1690. Being the day of the monthly-fast. By John Sharp, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and one of Their Majesties chaplains. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R22295. Grub Street ID 96872.
  • Turner, John. Joannis Turneri ecclesiæ Anglicanæ presbyteri sacerdotis et nosocomii regalis quod est ad D. Thomæ in suburbano Londinensi regii sacellani contra nefandum transubstantiationis dogma dissertatio, A.D. XI. Kal. Maias, anni MDCLXXXI. In publico Cantabrigiensium gymnasio recitata. Londini: apud Gualterum Kettilby, sub Capite Infulato in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, MDCXC. [1690]. ESTC No. R17220. Grub Street ID 66157.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St Margaret's Westminster, on Sunday the 19th of October, 1690. being the thanksgiving-day for the wonderful preservation of His Majesties person, &c. By Charles Hickman, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to Their Majesties. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R11219. Grub Street ID 59528.
  • The lay-man's religion: humbly offered as a help to a modest enquiry for every man into his own heart; both as being the only means to judge and save himself, and the best way to unite us all against our common enemies. London: printed by Eliz. Holt for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, in the year 1690. ESTC No. R16277. Grub Street ID 64146.
  • Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things. The two last books, concerning the burning of the world, and concerning the new heavens and new earth. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R226793. Grub Street ID 99732.
  • The true cause of all our miseries, discovered in their visible effects: as I find it (to my great satisfaction) most manifest, in The lay-man's religion, lately published. Licensed, Octob. 1. 1690. Which vindicates the doctrine of the Church of England, (above all others,) to allow liberty of conscience, according to the tenour of the Gospel. Unveils the undermining Jesuite, ... We find it impossible to prevent the sly and subtile whispers of designing hypocrites; who in secret do mis-represent the best of Their Majesties subjects, ... Therefore it must be acknowledged, that whoever is the author of that book, he deals plainly and impartially with all; beginning at home, with censuring the criminals of his own party, both clergy and layety; exposing hypocrisie and immorality (as the two extremes) in all. And therefore I have singled out this sheet, as the best service I can do Their Majesties, and the government; heartily wishing it might be distributed throughout the whole kingdom, f. [London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690]. ESTC No. R38360. Grub Street ID 120470.
  • Grove, Robert. A sermon, preached before the King & Queen at Whitehall. June the 1st. 1690. By Robert Grove, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to their Majesties. Published by their Majesties special command. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. ESTC No. R2928. Grub Street ID 112280.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Wednesday the 21th of May, 1690. being the day of the monthly-fast. By John Sharp, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and one of Their Majesties chaplains. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R10685. Grub Street ID 59032.
  • Lambe, John. A dialogue between a minister and his parishioner concerning the Lord's Supper ... to which are annexed three several discourses, of love to God, to our neighbour, and to our very enemies / by J. Lambe ... London: Printed for Walter Kettilby .., 1690. ESTC No. R22514. Grub Street ID 98458.
  • Kidder, Richard. Reflections on a French Testament printed at Bordeaux, an. Dom. MDCLXXXVI. Pretended to be translated out of the Latin into French by the divines of Louvain. By Richard Kidder, D.D. and Dean of Peterborough. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. ESTC No. R31553. Grub Street ID 114336.
  • Burnet, Thomas. A review of The theory of the earth, and of its proofs: especially in reference to Scripture. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R7953. Grub Street ID 128162.
  • Burnet, Thomas. An ansvver to the late exceptions made by Mr Erasmus Warren against the Theory of the earth. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R31281. Grub Street ID 114083.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, : to preach in the city and suburbs of London, in Lent, 1690. on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the churches of St. Peter Cornhil. St. Sepulchres. St Brides. St. Paul's Covent-Garden. London: Printed for W. Kettilby ..., 1690. ESTC No. R179855. Grub Street ID 71094.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach in the city and suburbs of London, in Lent, 1690. on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the churches of St. Peter Cornhil. St. Sepulchres. St. Brides. S. Paul's Covent-Garden. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. ESTC No. R179856. Grub Street ID 71095.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part I. From its beginning, to its consummation in glory; together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer, fitted to the several states of Christians. By John Scott, D.D. rector of St Peter Poor, London. London: printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. ESTC No. R219944. Grub Street ID 94410.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained, and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, D.D. rector of St. Peters Poor, London. London: printed by M.C. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horne at the south-entrance of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1690. ESTC No. R219946. Grub Street ID 94412.
  • The second part of the lay-man's religion: as an appendix to the first. Published to the memory of Queen Elizabeth, the late happy guardian of our established religion, this 17th of November, 1690. London: printed by Eliz. Holt, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R204412. Grub Street ID 81373.
  • Pelling, Edward. A sermon preached before the King & Queen at Whitehall, Decemb. 8th. 1689. By Edward Pelling D.D. chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset. By Her Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. ESTC No. R18267. Grub Street ID 72676.
  • The second part of the lay-man's religion: as an appendix to the first. London: printed by Eliz. Holt, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R235007. Grub Street ID 106226.
  • Overall, John. Bishop Overall's convocation-book, MDCVI. Concerning the government of God's catholick church, and the kingdoms of the whole world. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690. ESTC No. R2082. Grub Street ID 84476.
  • Turner, Bryan. De primi peccati introitu: sive, De lapsu angelorum & hominum, tentamen, quo ratio reddatur amico postulanti. Autore Bryano Turner, S.T.B. rectore de Soldern. Oxon. Londini: impensis Gualteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Divi Pauli, 1691. ESTC No. R11367. Grub Street ID 59661.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached on the 28th. of June, at St Giles in the Fields, by John Sharp, D.D. Arch-Bishop of York elect, at his leaving [the] parish. Published at the request of the gentlemen of the vestry. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R15037. Grub Street ID 62999.
  • Worthington, John. Charitas evangelica. A discourse of Christian love. By the late pious and learned John Worthington, D.D. Published by the author's son. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R34761. Grub Street ID 117272.
  • Sharp, John. Ten sermons formerly preach'd on several occasions, with two discourses of conscience. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R227473. Grub Street ID 100377.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the right honourble the Lord Mayor, and Aldermen of London, at Bow-church. By John Sharpe, D.D. now Lord Arch-Bishop of York. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R10027. Grub Street ID 58425.
  • Kelsey, Joseph. Christ crucified. A sermon preached at Salisbury, August 23. 1691. By Joseph Kelsey, B.D. prebendary of Sarum. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R222. Grub Street ID 96060.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the Queen, at Whitehall, Jan. 24. 1690/1. By J. Lambe, Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R3371. Grub Street ID 116292.
  • Burnet, Thomas. A short consideration of Mr Erasmus Warren's Defence of his exceptions against the Theory of the earth: in a letter to a friend. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R36301. Grub Street ID 118598.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, on the fifth of November, 1691. By the Archbishop of York. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R15085. Grub Street ID 63049.
  • Sharp, John. The things that make for peace. Delivered in a sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chappel, upon the 23. of August, 1674. By John Sharpe, D.D. now Lord Arch-bishop of York. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R41707. Grub Street ID 123266.
  • Hopkins, William. Animadversions on Mr Johnson's answer to Jovian, in three letters to a country-friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's church-yard, 1691. ESTC No. R20836. Grub Street ID 84614.
  • Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things. The two fisrt [sic] books concerning the deluge, and concerning paradise. London: printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1691. ESTC No. R21665. Grub Street ID 91528.
  • Nicholls, William. An answer to an heretical book called The naked Gospel, which was condemned and ordered to be publickly burnt by the convocation of the University of Oxford, Aug. 19. 1690. With some reflections on Dr. Bury's new edition of that book. To which is added a short history of Socinianism. By William Nicholls, M.A. fellow of Merton college in Oxford, and chaplain to the right honourable Ralph Earl of Mountague. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R28145. Grub Street ID 111244.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preached before the Queen, at Whitehall, on Sunday, Jan. 25. 1690/1. By George Hooper, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R4458. Grub Street ID 124829.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach in the city and suburbs of London, in Lent, 1691. on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the churches of S. Botolph Bishops-gate. S. Laurence. S. Dunstan, in the west. S. Anne, Westminster. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1691. ESTC No. R179857. Grub Street ID 71096.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached on the 28th of June, at St. Giles in the fields, by John Sharp, D.D. Arch-bishop of York elect, at his leaving [the] parish. Published at the request of the gentlemen of the vestry. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R23611. Grub Street ID 106946.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached on the 28th. of June, at St Giles in the Fields, by John Sharp, D.D. Arch-Bishop of York elect, at his leaving [the] parish. Published at the request of the gentlemen of the vestry. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R22277. Grub Street ID 96707.
  • Kelsey, Joseph. Melchisedek. Concio de æterno Christi sacerdotio, in visitatione cathedrali to? [sic] makaritou Sethi episcopi Sarisburiensis, habita. Per Josephum Kelsey ejusdem ecclesiæ præbendarium. Londini: impensis Gualteri Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopalis in Cœmeterio D. Pauli., MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R220977. Grub Street ID 95204.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Archæologiæ philosophicæ: sive Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. Libri duo. Londini: typis R.N. impensis Gualt. Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCXCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R4159. Grub Street ID 123184.
  • Bowchier, Richard. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London, at Guild-Hall chappel, on Sunday, Novemb. 13. 1692. By Richard Bowchier, B.D. Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge, and chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R19525. Grub Street ID 77120.
  • Milbourne, Luke. Mysteries in religion vindicated: or, the filiation, deity and satisfaction of our Saviour asserted, against Socinians and others. With occasional reflections on several late pamphlets. By Luke Milbourne, a presbyter of the Church of England. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R34533. Grub Street ID 117057.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, on Sunday, Octob. 2. 1692. By Charles Hickman, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R18595. Grub Street ID 74822.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd before the King & Queen at VVhite-Hall, on Christmas-Day, 1691. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Archbishop of York, primate of England and metropolitan. Published by Their Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R15087. Grub Street ID 63051.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R184584. Grub Street ID 74065.
  • Scott, John. A sermon preached before the Queen the 22d of May, 1692. Upon occasion of the late victory obtained by Their Majesties fleet over the French. By John Scott, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesties special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church Yard, MDCXCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R34060. Grub Street ID 116604.
  • Tillotson, John. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at VVhite-Hall, on Easter-day, March 27. 1692. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England and metropolitan. Published by her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R185147. Grub Street ID 74385.
  • Worthington, John. Charitas evangelica. A discourse of Christian love. By the late pious and learned John Worthington, D.D. Published by the author's son. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R219632. Grub Street ID 94136.
  • A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach in the city and suburbs of London, in Lent, 1692. on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the churches of S. Peter's Cornhil. S. Laurence. S. Brides. S. Anne, Westminster. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1692. ESTC No. R179858. Grub Street ID 71097.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, on Easter-Day, March 27. 1692. By the most reverend father in God, John, Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. ESTC No. R10735. Grub Street ID 59079.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our Saviour's mediation, is explained and proved. Volume II. By John Scott D.D. rector of S. Giles in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-Yard, and Thomas Horn, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1692. ESTC No. R183620. Grub Street ID 73464.
  • A serious and friendly address to the non-conformists, beginning with the Anabaptists. Or, An addition to the Perswasive to peace and unity. By W.A. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R23622. Grub Street ID 107040.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the King and Queen at White-hall, on Sunday, Jan. 15. 1692. By J. Lambe, rector of Wheathamstead in Hartfordshire, and chaplain in ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Their Majesty's special command. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R3370. Grub Street ID 116284.
  • Hollingworth, Richard. The death of King Charles I. proved a down-right murder, with the aggravations of it. In a sermon at St. Botolph Aldgate, London, January 30. 1692/3. To which are added, some just reflections upon some late papers, concerning that King's book. By Rich. Hollingworth, D.D. London: printed by R. Norton for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R13678. Grub Street ID 61757.
  • Articles of enquiry, in a parochial visitation of the churches (as well exempt as not exempt) in the city of London, and liberties thereof, made as well by the most Reverend Father in God John, by the providence of God, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, primate and metropolitane of all England; as by the Right Reverend Father in God Henry, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of London; and the Reverend William Sherlock, Doctor of Divinity, Dean of the Cathedral Church of S. Paul. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R225451. Grub Street ID 98629.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-hall, the 12th. of November, 1693. Being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the gracious preservation of His Majesty, and his safe return. By John, Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Their Majesties special command. London: printed by T.W. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R10320. Grub Street ID 58703.
  • Pritchard, Thomas. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Lady Lumley, at Great Bardfield in Essex, September 20. 1692. By Thomas Pritchard, M.A. and late rector of West-Tilbury in Essex. Imprimatur. C. Alston. Nov. 16. 1692. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R217470. Grub Street ID 92256.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, on Wednesday, March 15. 1692/3. By Charles Hickman, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R18560. Grub Street ID 74605.
  • A philosophical discourse of earthquakes: occasioned by the late earthquake, September the 8th. 1692. By C.H. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R24360. Grub Street ID 108159.
  • A discourse of divine assistance, and the method thereof: shewing what assistance men receive from God, in performing the condition of the promise of pardon of sin and eternal life. By W.A. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R20072. Grub Street ID 78210.
  • A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs Mary Dawes, at Great Bardfield in Essex, January 15. 1690. By Thomas Pritchard, M.A. and late rector of West-Tilbury in Essex. Imprimatur. C. Alston. Nov. 16. 1692. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R220530. Grub Street ID 94872.
  • Strengfellow, William. A sermon preach'd before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and livery-men of the city of London, in the parish-church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, on the feast of St. Michael 1693. At the election of the Lord Mayor for the year ensuing. By William Strengfellow, M.A Lecturer of St. Dunstan's East. London:: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Samuel Eddowes under the Piazza, at the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, 1693. ESTC No. R33814. Grub Street ID 116386.
  • Young, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, on Easter-Day, 1693. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R34115. Grub Street ID 116652.
  • Compton, Henry. A list of the præbendaries of the cathedral church of St. Paul London, : appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach upon the holy-days, in the year of our Lord, 1693. at Saint Peter's Church in Cornhil. London: Printed for W. Kettilby ..., 1693. ESTC No. R179852. Grub Street ID 71092.
  • Wigan, William. A sermon preached before the King and Queen at White-hall, on Sunday, Jan. 8. 1692/3. By William Wigan, chaplain to their majesties. Published by Their Majesties special command. London: printed by R. Norton for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R39394. Grub Street ID 121292.
  • Young, Edward. A sermon concerning the wisdom of fearing God; preach'd at Salisbury, on Sunday, July xxx. 1693. Being the time of the assizes. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Publish'd at the request of the lawyers. London: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R6328. Grub Street ID 126683.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A stop to the course of separation: or, the separation of the new separatists from the parish-churches condemned, by a sober answer to the chief pleas for this disorderly practice. Wherein is discovered how contrary it is, I. To the Holy-Scriptures. II. To the reason of the thing. III. To the judgement of the Old Non-conformists. IV. To themselves heretofore. London: printed for W[alter]. Kettilby, at the bishop's Head in S. Paul's church-yard, 1693. ESTC No. R179922. Grub Street ID 71137.
  • Warly, Jonas. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chapel, on Sunday, Aug. 20. 1693. By Jonas Warly M.A. vicar of Witham in Essex. London: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1693. ESTC No. R8018. Grub Street ID 128226.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, on Wednesday, March 22. 1692. Being the fourth Wednesday in Lent. By J. Lambe, Rector of Wheathamstead in Hartfordshire, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Published by Her Majesty's special command. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693. ESTC No. R17586. Grub Street ID 68602.
  • Battely, John. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, in Christ's-Church, Canterbury; May vi. 1694. By John Battely, D.D. Archdeacon of Canterbury, and one of the canons of the same church. Publish'd by Her Majesty's command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R11113. Grub Street ID 59426.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part I. From its beginning, to its consummation in glory. Together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer, fitted to the several states of Christians. By John Scott, D.D. rector of S. Giles in the Fields. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1694. ESTC No. R18762. Grub Street ID 75821.
  • Blanch, John. The interest of England considered: in an essay upon wooll, our woollen-manufactures, and the improvement of trade. With some remarks upon the conceptions of Sir Josiah Child. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694. ESTC No. R7574. Grub Street ID 127830.
  • Young, Edward. The great advertisement, that a religious life is the best way to present happiness: in two sermons preach'd at White-hall, the 1st. on Sunday, April the 15th. the 2d on Sunday, Apr. 22. 1694. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Publish'd by Her Majesties especial command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DC XCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R19843. Grub Street ID 77405.
  • Hallywell, Henry. A defence of revealed religion in six sermons upon Rom. I, 16 : wherein it is clearly and plainly shown that no man can possibly have any real ground or reason to be ashamed of Christianity / by Henry Hallywell. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby, 1694. ESTC No. R26653. Grub Street ID 109923.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preach'd before the King and Queen, at White-Hall, January xiv. 1693/4. By Geo. Hooper, Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Publish'd by Their Majesties command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R26068. Grub Street ID 109426.
  • Wyvill, Christopher. The duty and obligations of serving God. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at White-Hall, July xxix. 1694. By Christopher Wyvill, D.D. and Dean of Ripon. Publish'd by Her Majesty's especial command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DC XCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R38323. Grub Street ID 120436.
  • Templer, John. A treatise relating to the worship of God, divided into six sections; Concerning I. The nature of divine worship. II. The peculiar object of worship. III. The true worshippers of God. IV. Assistance requisite to worship. V. The place of worship. VI. The solemn time of worship. By John Templer, D.D. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1694. ESTC No. R14567. Grub Street ID 62583.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-Hall, the 4th of March, being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Their Majesties especial command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R5119. Grub Street ID 125591.
  • A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at White-Hall, March xxiii. 1693/4. By John Tyler, Dean of Hereford, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Their Majesties. Publish'd by Her Majesty's command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R20921. Grub Street ID 85428.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-Hall, the 4th of March, being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Their Majesties especial command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R6291. Grub Street ID 126646.
  • Rémond des Cours, Nicolas. The true conduct of persons of quality. Translated out of French. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R14388. Grub Street ID 62413.
  • Lowde, James. A discourse concerning the nature of man, both in his natural and political capacity: both as he is a rational creature, and member of a civil society. With an examination of some of Mr. Hobbs's opinions relating hereunto. By Ja. Lowde, rector of Settington in Yorkshire, sometime Fellow of Clare-hall in Cambridge. London: printed by T. Warren, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694. ESTC No. R36487. Grub Street ID 118760.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-hall, the 4th of March, being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Their Majesties especial command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R6923. Grub Street ID 127224.
  • Penton, Stephen. New instructions to the guardian: shewing that the last remedy to prevent the ruin, advance the interest, and recover the honour of this nation is, I. A more serious and strict education of the nobility and gentry. II. To breed up all their younger sons to some calling and employment. III. More of them to holy orders. With a method of institution from three years of age, to twenty one. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694. ESTC No. R5509. Grub Street ID 125945.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of S. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by M[ary]. C[larke]. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horne, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1695. ESTC No. R14441. Grub Street ID 62465.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preach'd before the King, at Kensington, January 13. 1694/5. By J. Lambe, D.D. Dean of Ely, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Published by His Majesty's Special Command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R3112. Grub Street ID 113934.
  • Hooper, George. A discourse concerning Lent, in two parts. The first, an historical account of its observation: the second, an essay concern- [sic] its original: this subdivided into two repartitions: whereof the first is preparatory: and shews, that most of our Christian ordinances are deriv'd from the Jews: and the second conjectures, that Lent is of the same original. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R29439. Grub Street ID 112415.
  • Gregory, Francis. The doctrine of the glorious Trinity, not explained, but asserted by several texts, as they are expounded by the ancient fathers and later divines. For the satisfaction of such as doubt, the conviction of such as deny, and the confirmation of such as believe this mysterious article of the Christian faith. By Francis Gregory, D.D. and rector of Hambleden in the county of Bucks. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R30319. Grub Street ID 113192.
  • An essay to revive the necessity of the ancient charity and piety. Wherein God's right in our estates, and our obligations to maintain his service, religion, and charity, is demonstrated and defended, against the pretences of covetousness and appropriation. In two discourses. Written to a person of honour and vertue. By George Burghope, Rector of Little Gaddesden, Com. Hertford, and chaplain to the Right Honourable John Earl of Bridgwater. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R26568. Grub Street ID 109865.
  • Young, Edward. Two assize sermons preached at Winchester. The first Feb. 26. 1694. James Hunt of Popham, Esq; being sheriff of the county of Southampton. The second July 14. 1686. Charles Wither of Hull, Esq; being sheriff, &c. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R3087. Grub Street ID 113707.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend John Scott, D.D. late rector of S. Giles in the Fields, March 15. 1694/5. By Z. Isham, D.D. rector of S. Botolph Bishopsgate, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R15920. Grub Street ID 63815.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself, and his contemporaries. By which it is made evident, that the Vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obliged by his own concessions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J.S. [London]: In the Savoy, printed by Edw. Jones, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R34014. Grub Street ID 116566.
  • Grove, Robert. Profitable charity: a sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Lane, Lord Mayor of London, and the honourable Court of Aldermen, &c. at the parish-church of St. Brides, on Easter-Monday, 1695. By Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R16834. Grub Street ID 64642.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend John Scott, D.D., late rector of S. Giles in the Fields, March 15. 1694/5 By Z. Isham, D.D. Rector of S. Botolph Bishopsgate, London. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head, in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1695. ESTC No. R41014. Grub Street ID 122758.
  • Raymond, A.M. George. An exposition on the church catechism, by way of question and answer: together with a short system, and brief history of religion. The second edition, corrected and enlarged, by George Raymond, M.A. minister of St. Laurence in Ipswich. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R217515. Grub Street ID 92300.
  • Drake, Nathan. A sermon against bribery preach'd July 8, 1695 in the Cathedral-Church of St. Peter in York before the Right Honourable Mr. Justice Nevill and Baron Turton / by Nath. Drake ... London: Printed for Walter Kettilby .. and Francis Hildyard .., 1695. ESTC No. R20401. Grub Street ID 81037.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself, and his contemporaries. By which it is made evident, that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obligated by his own concessions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J.S. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R16579. Grub Street ID 64403.
  • Wyvill, Christopher. A sermon preach'd in the collegiate-church of Ripon, on Sunday the 22d of September, 1695. Being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving for the reduction of the town and castle of Namur, and the preservation of his Majesties person. By Christopher Wyvill, D.D. and Dean of Ripon. Publish'd at the request of some friends. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1695. ESTC No. R34105. Grub Street ID 116642.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preach'd before the King at Kensington, Sunday, Jan. 20. 1695. By Geo. Hooper, Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Publish'd by His Majesty's command. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R228924. Grub Street ID 101544.
  • Young, Edward. Piety's address to the magistrate. Delivered in a sermon at the assizes held in Winchester, July 11th. 1695. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester College. And Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R34111. Grub Street ID 116648.
  • Maurice, Henry. An impartial account of Mr John Mason of Water-Stratford, and his sentiments. By H. Maurice, rector of Tyringham, Bucks. London: printed by Tho. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R3723. Grub Street ID 119471.
  • Keith, George. Gross error and hypocrisie detected, in George Whitehead, and some of his brethren; as doth appear from the disingenuous and hypocritical answer he and some others have given to some queries sent to the last yearly meeting of the people call'd Quakers, in the third month, 1695. by comparing the said answer with the printed books of the said George Whitehead, William Penn, and John Whitehead, leading men in the said meeting; wherein the great inconistency and contradiction of their present late answers to the express words and sentiments of their printed books, is discovered; with a further account of their vile and pernicious errours. By George Keith. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R3387. Grub Street ID 116436.
  • Six sermons preached before the late incomparable princess Queen Mary, at White-Hall. With several additions, and large annotations, to the discourse of justification by faith. By George Bright, D.D. Dean of St. Asaph, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J[ohn]. H[eptinstall]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R36514. Grub Street ID 118783.
  • Whincop, Thomas. A sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the sons of clergy-men, in the church of St. Mary Le Bow, on Tuesday, Decem. 3. 1695. Printed at the desire of the stewards of the feast; to whom it is humbly presented. By Tho. Whincop, D.D. rector of the united parishes o St. Mary Ab-Church and St. Lawrence Pountney, London. London: printed by Tho. Hodgkin, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R34743. Grub Street ID 117254.
  • Spinckes, Nathaniel. Of trust in God: or, A discourse concerning the duty of casting our care upon God in all our difficulties. Together with An exhortation to patient suffering for righteousness. In a sermon on 1 S. Pet. III. 14, 15. By Nathaniel Spinckes, M.A. a Presbyter of the Church of England. London: printed by J. Heptinstall, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R1589. Grub Street ID 63786.
  • A letter to a gentleman upon occasion of some new opinions in religion. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R17766. Grub Street ID 69686.
  • An enquiry into the new opinions (chiefly) propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland; together with some animadversions on a late book, entitled, A defence of the vindications of the kirk: in a letter to a friend at Edinburgh. By A.M. D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. ESTC No. R7. Grub Street ID 127294.
  • Beddevole, Dominique. Essays of anatomy, wherein the formation of the organs and their mechanical operations are clearly explained, according to the new hypotheses. By Mons. Beddevole, Dr. of Physick. Written originally in French. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R13984. Grub Street ID 62038.
  • Hickman, Charles. A sermon preached at St. Bride's Church, on St. Cæcilia's Day, Nov. 22. 1695. Being the anniversary feast of the lovers of musick. By Charles Hickman, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed for Walther Kettelby, at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. ESTC No. R18559. Grub Street ID 74598.
  • Hooper, George. A discourse concerning Lent, in two parts. The first, an historical account of its observation: the second, an essay concerning its original: this subdivided into two repartitions: whereof the first is preparatory: and shews, that most of our Christian ordinances are deriv'd from the Jews: and the second conjectures, that Lent is of the same original. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R28114. Grub Street ID 111217.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life, part III. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification are fully explained and inforced. Vol. IV. By John Scott D.D. late rector of St. Giles's in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R218661. Grub Street ID 93298.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preached before the King, at St. James's-Chapel, Jan. 19th, 1695/6. By J. Lambe D.D. Dean of Ely, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Published by His Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R3325. Grub Street ID 115891.
  • Jeake, Samuel. Logistik?logia, or Arithmetick surveighed and reviewed: in four books. Viz. 1 book 1 part intergers. 2 part fractions. 2 book 1 part geodæticals. 2. part figurals 3 book 1 part decimals. 2 part astronomicals. 3 part logarithmes. 4 part coffics. 5 part surds. 6 part species. 4 book 1 part ratios. 2 part proportions disjunct. 3 part proportions continued. 4 part Æquations. Wherein the nature of numbers absolutely abstract, generally and specially contract, with their simple and comparative elements, are plainly declared, and fully handled. Every part furnished with such necessary rules, cases, theoremes, questions, observations, and varieties of operation, as principally to them belong, ... and delivered in so familiar a style, as may befit mean capacities, and if practically applied, become more than ordinarily useful both in mechanical and mathematica arts and sciences. By Samuel Jeake senior. London: printed by J.R. and J.D. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Richard Mount on Tower-Hill, near the Postern, M DC XCVI. [1696]. ESTC No. R218510. Grub Street ID 93157.
  • Saywell, Samuel. Concio ad clerum. A sermon preach'd to the clergy at the arch-deacon's visitation, held at Huntington, May 19. 1696. Publisht at their request. To which is added a preface to the clergy. By Sam. Saywell, B.D. and rector of Bluntsham in Huntingtonshire, and sometime fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R23166. Grub Street ID 103659.
  • Scott, John. Practical discourses upon several subjects. Vol. I. By John Scott D.D. late rector of St. Giles's in the fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard; and Samuel Manship at the Ship near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1697. ESTC No. R18726. Grub Street ID 75565.
  • Hitchcock, John, M.A. The reasonableness and necessity of the Christian faith manifested. In a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, at Guild-Hall Chapel, Oct. 17. 1697. By John Hitchcock, M.A. London: printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R178053. Grub Street ID 69942.
  • Eachard, John. Dr. Echard's works. Part II. Containing a second dialogue concerning some opinions of Mr. Hobbes. And his discourse, entitled Moon-shine, or the restauration of Jewes-trumps and bag-pipes. In answer to Dr. R. Wild's letter on occasion of the declaration for liberty of conscience. London: printed by B[enjamin]. M[otte]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R174811. Grub Street ID 67897.
  • Achard, J. Moon-shine, or the restoration of jews-trumps and bagpipes. Being an answer to Dr. R. Wild's letter, and his Poetica licentia, &c. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R203608. Grub Street ID 80701.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our Saviour's mediation, is explained and proved. Volume II. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of St. Giles in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horn, at the South-Entrance of the Royal-Exchange, 1697. ESTC No. R5303. Grub Street ID 125758.
  • Hitchcock, John, M.A. The reasonableness and necessity of the Christian faith manifested in a sermon / preach'd before the right honourable the lord mayor at Guild-Hall Chapel, Oct. 17, 1697, by John Hitchcock ... London: Printed by Tho. Warrren for Walter Kettilby .., 1697. ESTC No. R36597. Grub Street ID 118858.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the sons of clergy-men. In the church of S. Mary-Le-Bow. On Thursday, Decemb. 3. 1696. By Z. Isham, D.D. rector of S. Botolph Bishopsgate, London. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[eake]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R8984. Grub Street ID 129108.
  • Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things. The two last books, concerning the burning of the world, and concerning the new heavens and new earth. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R226801. Grub Street ID 99741.
  • Lancaster, William. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on the 30th of January, 1696/7. By William Lancaster, D.D. Vicar of S. Martin's in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R6275. Grub Street ID 126629.
  • Grew, Nehemiah. A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt. Easily known from all counterfeits by its bitter taste. Written originally in Latin, by Nehemiah Grew, Dr. in Physick. And now published in English, by Joseph Bridges, Dr. in Physick. With animadversions on a late corrupt translation publish'd by Francis Moult, chymist. London: printed by John Darby, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Chuch-yard, 1697. ESTC No. R42926. Grub Street ID 124075.
  • Achard, J. Moon-shine, or, The restoration of jews-trumps and bagpipes being an answer to Dr. R. Wild's letter, and his Poetica licentia, &c. London: Printed for Walter Kettilby ..., 1697. ESTC No. R42526. Grub Street ID 123828.
  • Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things. The two first books concerning the deluge, and concerning paradise. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R25316. Grub Street ID 109017.
  • Wigan, William. A funeral sermon preach'd on the decease of the Right Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Cutts, late wife of the Right Honourable the Lord Cutts, on the 5th of December, 1697. at Kensington-Church. By William Wigan, chaplin in ordinary to His Majesty, and vicar of Kensington. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1697. ESTC No. R19988. Grub Street ID 77538.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are used in physick. With curious remarks and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such as desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this art. By Nichola Lemery, M.D. London: printed by R.N. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R202695. Grub Street ID 79918.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part III. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification are fully explained and inforced. Vol. IV. By John Scott, D.D. late rector of S. Giles's in the Fields. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R5302. Grub Street ID 125757.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicines which are used in physick. With curious remarks, and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such as desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this art. By Nicholas Lemery, M.D. London: printed for W. Kettilby, and sold by James Bonwicke at the Hat and Star in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R223654. Grub Street ID 97442.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King and Queen, at White-Hall, the 4th of March, being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the most reverend Father in God, John Lord Arch-bishop of York. Published by Their Majesties especial command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1698. ESTC No. R221829. Grub Street ID 95915.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are used in physick. With curious remarks and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such who desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this art. By Nichola Lemery, M.D. The third edition, translated from the eighth edition in the French, which is very much enlarged beyond any of the former. London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R43684. Grub Street ID 124593.
  • Tillotson, John. Two discourses. The first, of evil-speaking: by His Grace, John, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The second, of the government of the thoughts: by His Grace, John, Lord Archbishop of York. Both preach'd before Their Majesties, 1694. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, Brabazon Aylmer, and William Rogers: in St. Paul's Church-yard, Cornhill, and Fleetstreet, 1698. ESTC No. R219325. Grub Street ID 93874.
  • Scott, John. Practical discourses concerning obedience and the love of God. Vol. II. By John Scott, D.D. late Rector of St. Giles's in the Fields. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard; and S. Manship at the Ship near the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R32130. Grub Street ID 114874.
  • Milbourne, Luke. A false faith not justified by care for the poor. Prov'd in a sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Church August 28th 1698. By Luke Milbourne a Presbyter of the Church of England. London: printed by R[obert]. R[oberts]. for W. Kettelby and B. Aylmer: at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and at the Three Pigeons against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R9394. Grub Street ID 129482.
  • Lynford, Thomas. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord-Mayor, the aldermen and governours of the several hospitals of the city of London; at St. Bridgets Church, on Wednesday in Easter week, 1698. Being one of the anniversary spittle-sermons. By Tho. Lynford, D.D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R3444. Grub Street ID 116964.
  • Graile, John. Sacra priuata in duas partes distributa: quarum una tractatum continet de religiligiosâ [sic] solitudine, privatis precibus aliisque officiis piis, cum doctrinæ studio conjungendis. Altera varias id genus preces, literatorum (in primis juniorum) pietati augendæ destinatas. Authore Joanne Graile, A.M. Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, ac di?ceseos Norvicensis, presbytero. Londini: typis J. L[eake]. impensis autem Gualteri Kettilby ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in Cœmeterio Paulino, 1699. ESTC No. R23952. Grub Street ID 107793.
  • Burnet, Thomas. Reflections upon The theory of the earth, occasion'd by a late examination of it. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R4161. Grub Street ID 123197.
  • Blackall, Offspring. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, January 30th. 1698/9. By Ofspring Blackall, chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R13120. Grub Street ID 61248.
  • Hesketh, Henry. A sermon preach'd at the assizes held for the county of Surrey, at Kingston upon Thames, March 30. 1699. By Henry Hesketh, rector of Charlewood, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R5317. Grub Street ID 125771.
  • Blackall, Offspring. Mr. Blackall's reasons for not replying to a book lately published, entituled, Amyntor. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R15646. Grub Street ID 63563.
  • Pulleyn, John. A sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the gentlemen educated at St. Paul's School, at St. Paul's Church, January 25. 1698/9. By John Pulleyn, A.M. and Prebendary of St. Pauls. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R34562. Grub Street ID 117086.
  • Blackall, Offspring. Mr. Blackall's reasons for not replying to a book lately published, entituled, Amyntor. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-haed in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R12919. Grub Street ID 61061.
  • Tillotson, John. Two discourses: the first, of evil-speaking: by His Grace, John, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. The second, of the government of the thoughts: by His Grace, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. Both preach'd before Their Majesties, 1694. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, Brabazon Aylmer, and VVilliam Rogers: in St. Paul's Church-yard, Cornhill, and Fleetstreet, 1699. ESTC No. R205288. Grub Street ID 82070.
  • Hesketh, Henry. Great mens advantages and obligations to religion: represented in a sermon preached before the King, in the chapel at St. James's, July the 17th. 1698. By Henry Hesketh, Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Printed by the King's special command. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[eake]. for Walter Kettleby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R12140. Grub Street ID 60356.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein is shew'd, I. The worth and excellency of the soul. II. The divinity and incarnation of our Saviour. III. The authority of the Holy Scripture. IV. A dissuasive from apostacy. Vol. V. and last. By John Scott, D.D. late rector of St. Giles's in the Fields. London: printed for W. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and S. Manship at the Ship near the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, MDCXCIX. [1699]. ESTC No. R203522. Grub Street ID 80615.
  • Young, Edward. Two sermons concerning nature and grace. Preach'd at White-hall, April, 1699. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by W. Bowyer, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R41169. Grub Street ID 122886.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, on the thirtieth of January, 1699/700. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Arch-bishop of York. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R40613. Grub Street ID 122383.
  • Blackall, Offspring. No reason to desire new revelations; a sermon preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, October 7th. 1700. Being the seventh, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By Ofspring Blackall, D.D. Rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R18677. Grub Street ID 75307.
  • More, Henry. Henrici Mori Cantabrigiensis Opera theologica, Anglice quidem primits scripta, nunc verò per autorem Latine reddita. Hisce novus præfixus est de synchronismis apocalypticis tractatulus, cum luculenta demonstratione necessariæ & inevitabilis intelligibilitatis visionum apocalypticarum calci ejusdem tractatûs adjecta. Londini: impensis Gualteri Kettilby, sub signo Capitis Episcopi in D. Pauli Cœmeterio, M D C C. [1700]. ESTC No. R42333. Grub Street ID 123707.
  • Remarks upon the Quakers: wherein the plain-dealers are plainly dealt with. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R32280. Grub Street ID 115008.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our Saviour's mediation, is explained and proved. Volume II. By John Scott. D.D. late rector of St. Giles in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horn, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1700. ESTC No. R234780. Grub Street ID 106050.
  • Campion, Abraham. The inheritance of the saints in light; set forth in a sermon preach'd at Whitehall, August 11. 1700. By Ab. Campion, D.D. dean of Lincoln, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. Publish'd by order of the Lords Justices. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R1424. Grub Street ID 62285.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of the Scripture-revelation, as to the matter of it. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, February the 5th. 1699/1700. Being the second, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By Ofspring Blackall, rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R9822. Grub Street ID 129870.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, on the thirtieth of January, 1699/1700. The second edition. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Arch-Bishop of York. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R22264. Grub Street ID 96594.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of the scripture-revelation, as to the proof of it. Part II. Two sermons preach'd at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, April 1st. and May 6th. 1700. Being the fourth and fifth, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, esq; by Ofspring Blackall, rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R12868. Grub Street ID 61016.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of a standing revelation. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, January the 1st. 1699/1700. Being the first, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; by Ofspring Blackall, Rector of St. Mary Aldermary and Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R4206. Grub Street ID 123517.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part I. From its beginning, to its consumation in glory. Together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with directions for private devotion, and forms of prayer, fitted to the several states of christians. By Joh Scott, D.D. rector of S. Giles in the Fields. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[eake]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R32636. Grub Street ID 115337.
  • Sharp, John. The reasonableness of believing without seeing. A sermon preach'd before the King in St. James's Chappel, on Palm-Sunday, March 24. 1699/700. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by His Majesty's special command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard: and William Rogers, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1700. ESTC No. R10684. Grub Street ID 59031.
  • Sharp, John. Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. The last of which was never before printed. By the most reverend father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York, primate of England, and Metropolitan. London: printed by Will. Bowyer, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R4705. Grub Street ID 125094.
  • Sharp, John. A perswasive to prayer. A sermon preach'd before the King, at St. James's. March 13. 1697/8. By the Most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. London: printed by J. Matthews, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R222752. Grub Street ID 96694.
  • Young, Edward. Two sermons concerning nature and grace. Preach'd at White-Hall, April, 1699. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by W[illiam]. Bowyer, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R187816. Grub Street ID 75960.
  • Scott, John. Practical discourses upon several subjects. Vol. I. By John Scott. D.D. late Rector of St. Giles's in the fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Samuel Manship at the Ship near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1700. ESTC No. R32131. Grub Street ID 114875.
  • Lémery, Nicolas. Pharmacopœia Lemeriana contracta: Lemery's universal pharmacopœia abridg'd, in a collection of recepe's and observations, compar'd with the London and with Bates's dispensatories; and also, with Charas's Royal pharmacy. To which are added, some remedies recommended by the members of the French Royal Academy of Sciences, most collected out of the history of that society, lately published by John Baptista du Hamel. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R26151. Grub Street ID 109502.
  • Young, Edward. The wisdom of believing: in two sermons preach'd at court, April 7, and 14. 1700. By E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Publish'd by His Majesty's command. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[atthews]. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R517. Grub Street ID 125637.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of the Scripture-revelation, as to the proof of it. Part I. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, March the 4th. 1699/1700. Being the third, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By Ofspring Blackall, rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R26453. Grub Street ID 109769.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, D.D. Rector of S. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by J.H. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Horne at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1700. ESTC No. R230259. Grub Street ID 102611.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of the scripture-revelation, as to the proof of it. Part III. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, September 2d. 1700. Being the sixth, for the year 1700, of the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By Ofspring Blackall, D.D. rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R23404. Grub Street ID 105433.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R221891. Grub Street ID 95967.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The sufficiency of a standing revelation in general, and of the Scripture revelation in particular. Both as to the matter of it, and as to the proof of it; and that new revelations cannot reasonably be desired, and would probably be unsuccessful. In eight sermons, preach'd in the cathedral-church of St. Paul, London; at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; in the year MDCC. By Ofspring Blackall, D.D. rector of St. Mary Aldermary, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R6615. Grub Street ID 126949.
  • Eyre, Robert. The sinner a traitor to his king and country. In a sermon preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of Winchester, at the assizes held there, July 24. 1700. By Robert Eyre, D.D. Fellow of the college near Winchester. London: printed by W. Bowyer, for Walt. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R5514. Grub Street ID 125950.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, the Aldermen, and governours of the hospitals of London; at St. Bridget's Church. On Wednesday in Easter week, MDCC by Z. Isham, D.D. rectour of S. Botolph Bishopsgate, London. London: printed for Walter Kettleby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R15563. Grub Street ID 63486.
  • Saywell, Samuel. The divine original of the holy right of confirmation, and the true intent of the Church of England in her use of it; with the great Benefits which might be obtain'd by the restoring of it to Constant and Regular Practice. Most of it deliver'd in a sermon preach'd at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, James Lord Bishop of Lincoln, held at Huntingdon, June 20th, 1700. and now Publish'd, with some Additions, at the Request of his Lordship, and others. To which is added an Appendix, containing some Rules of Direction to be observ'd for the better Receiving of Confirmation, and for the preserving and increasing the Holy Ghost in the Confirmed Persons; with a short Description of the Nature, Operations, Gifts, and Fruits of the Spirit, and Prayers suitable to these Occasions. By Samuel Saywell, B. D. Rector of Bluntsham in Huntingdonshire, and sometime Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walker Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T103562. Grub Street ID 157188.
  • Baldwin, William. A sermon preach'd before the honourable fraternity of Trinity-House, at Deptford church in Kent, on Trinity-Monday June the sixteenth, 1701. By William Baldwin, ... London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1701. ESTC No. T93701. Grub Street ID 313358.
  • Lambe, John. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Abney, Lord Mayor of the City of London, ... in the parish church of St. Bridget's, on Tuesday in Easter-week, Apr. 22. By J. Lambe, ... London: printed for W. Kettilby, 1701. ESTC No. T9651. Grub Street ID 315961.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preach'd on the day of the publick fast, April the 4th. 1701. in King Henry Viith's Chapel, before the reverend clergy of the Lower House of Convocation. By Z. Isham, D. D. Rector of St. Botolph Bishopgate, and Proctor for the Clergy of the Diocese of London. London: printed by J. L. for Robert Clavel at the Peacock, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church yard, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T49204. Grub Street ID 277055.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preach'd before the Honourable the House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Friday the 4th of April, 1701. Being The Day of Publick fast and Humiliation. By George Hooper, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, and Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church yard, 1701. ESTC No. T12006. Grub Street ID 171334.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preach'd before the Honourable the House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Friday the 4th of April, 1701. Being The Day of Publick fast and Humiliation. By George Hooper, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, and Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T49001. Grub Street ID 276834.
  • Sharp, John. Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By The Most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England, and Metropolitan. London: printed by Will. Bowyer, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T104630. Grub Street ID 158139.
  • Whincop, Thomas. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, the aldermen, and governours of the several hospitals of the City of London; At St. Bridget's Church, on Wednesday in Easter-Week, Apr. 23. 1701. Being one of the Anniversary Spittle-Sermons. By Tho. Whincop, D.D. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Mary-Ab-Church, and St. Laurence-Pountney, London. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's. Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T10631. Grub Street ID 159481.
  • A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Thursday the 5th of November, 1702. Being The Anniversary Thanksgiving for the Happy Deliverance of King James the First, and the Three Estates of the Realm, from the Gunpowder-Treason Plot. By Tho. Whincop D. D. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Mary Abchurch and S. Laurence Pountney's, London. London: printed by J. L. [John Leake] for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T10632. Grub Street ID 159491.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-Man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1702]. ESTC No. T100981. Grub Street ID 154895.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part III. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification ... Vol. IV. By John Scott, ... London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1702. ESTC No. N44259. Grub Street ID 29737.
  • Young, Edward. Sermons on several occasions. ... By the Reverend, Mr. E. Young, ... London: printed by J. Heptinstall for Walter Kettilby, 1702-03. ESTC No. T105182. Grub Street ID 158548.
  • Altham, Roger. The just and pious magistrate. A sermon preach'd at St. Lawrence's Church, September the 29th. 1702, Being the Day of Election for the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor. By R. Altham, D. D. Chaplain to the Right Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, and Rector of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate. London: printed by J. L. [John Leake] for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T9028. Grub Street ID 310136.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd at the coronation of Queen Anne, in the abby-church of Westminster, April XXIII. MDCCII. By ... John Lord Arhbishop of York. ... London: printed for Walter Kettilby and William Rogers, 1702. ESTC No. T14101. Grub Street ID 188626.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd at the coronation of Queen Anne, in the abby-church of Westminster, April XXIII. MDCCII. By ... John Lord Archbishop of York. ... London: printed for Walter Kettilby and William Rogers, 1702. ESTC No. T45946. Grub Street ID 274149.
  • Sharp, John. A serious exhortation to repentance and a holy life. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's chappel, on Ashwednesday [sic], February 10. 1702/3. By ... John Lord Archbishop of York. ... London: printed for Walter Kettilby: and William Rogers, 1703. ESTC No. T47513. Grub Street ID 275464.
  • Lake, Edward. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, London, on Sunday the 28th of February, 1702/3. Being The Third Sunday in Lent, before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of this city. By Edward Lake, D. D. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Mary at hill, and St. Andrew Hobart. London: printed by J.L. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIII. [1703]. ESTC No. T10722. Grub Street ID 160281.
  • Blackall, Offspring. St. Paul and St. James reconcil'd. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at St. Mary's Church, on Commencement-Sunday In the Afternoon, June 30th 1700. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIII. [1703]. ESTC No. T10608. Grub Street ID 159269.
  • Sharp, John. The duty and advantages of frequently receiving the holy sacrament. A sermon Preach'd before the Queen at St. James's Chappel, On Good-Friday, March 26. 1703. By the Most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archibishop of York. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Especial Command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard: and William Rogers, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1703. ESTC No. T35059. Grub Street ID 265254.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King and Queen, at White-hall, the 4th of March, ... 1693/4. By ... John Lord Arch-bishop of York. ... London: printed for Walter Kettilby, 1703. ESTC No. T45824. Grub Street ID 274018.
  • Tillotson, John. Two discourses: the first, Of evil-speaking: by His Grace John, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. The second, Of the Government of thoughts: by His Grace, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. Both preach'd before Their Majesties, 1694. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, Brabazon Aylmer, and William Rogers: In St. Paul's Church-Yard, Cornhill, and Fleetstreet, 1703. ESTC No. T59315. Grub Street ID 285337.
  • Blackall, Offspring. St. Paul and St. James reconcil'd. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at St. Mary's Church, on commencement-Sunday ... June 30th 1700. By Ofspring Blackall, ... London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1703. ESTC No. N23937. Grub Street ID 13299.
  • Blackall, Offspring. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, aldermen and citizens of London, at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, January the 19th. 1703/4. Being The Fast-Day, Appointed by Her Majesty's Proclamation, Upon Occasion of the Late Dreadful Storm and Tempest; And to Implore the Blessing of God, upon Her Majesty, and Her Allies, in the Present War. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London: printed by J.Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T10543. Grub Street ID 158738.
  • Milbourne, Luke. The hope of a future life, the sole foundation of a Christian's happiness. A sermon preach'd at the funeral of the Reverend Sidrach Symson, ... November the 9th. 1704. By Luke Milbourn, ... London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1704. ESTC No. T10331. Grub Street ID 156954.
  • Scott, John. Sermons upon several occasions: by the late Reverend John Scott, D. D. All Published singly by Himself, and never before Collected into a Volume. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head and Richard Wilkin at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704. ESTC No. T84549. Grub Street ID 304925.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part I. From its beginning, to its consummation in glory. ... By John Scott, ... London: printed by J. H. for Walter Kettilby, 1704. ESTC No. N44263. Grub Street ID 29741.
  • Scott, John. The Christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, ... London: printed by E. P. for Walter Kettilby, and Thomas Horne, 1704. ESTC No. N44264. Grub Street ID 29742.
  • Charleton, Walter. Oratio anniversaria, recitata in theatro inclyti Collegii Medicorum Londinensium 18mo die Octobris, A.D. 1701. ... in commemorationem beneficiorum ab immortali Harveo, ... a Gualtero Charletono, ... Londini: prostant apud Gualt. Kettilby, 1704. ESTC No. T220371. Grub Street ID 244081.
  • Isham, Z. A sermon preached in Lambeth-Chappel, Octob. 31. At the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God, George, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. By Z. Isham, D. D. Prebendary of Canterbury. London: printed by W. S. for Robert Clavel at the Peacock, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T47860. Grub Street ID 275833.
  • Beveridge, William. A sermon preach'd before the House of Peers, in the Abbey-Church of Westminster, on Sunday, November the 5th. 1704. Being the Anniversary Thanksgiving for the happy deliverance from the Gunpowder-Treason plot. By William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T49036. Grub Street ID 276871.
  • Hooper, George. A sermon preach'd before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-Church of Westminster, on Monday January the 31st. 1703/4. ... By George Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1704. ESTC No. T10621. Grub Street ID 159380.
  • Beveridge, William. The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704. ESTC No. T72689. Grub Street ID 296100.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, 1704. ESTC No. N47305. Grub Street ID 31998.
  • Isham, Z. A discourse of confirmation: preach'd at Coleshill, Apr. 21.1705. at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God John, Lord Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, By Z. Isham, D. D. Rector of Solyhul in Warwickshire. London: printed for Robert Clavell at the Peacock, and Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T11434. Grub Street ID 166155.
  • Beveridge, William. Institutionum chronologicarum libri II. Unà cum totidem arithmetices chronologicæ libellis. Per Guilielm. Beveregium, M. A. Nunc Episcopum Asaphensem. Londini: typis Samuelis Roycroft, & prostant apud Gualterum Kettilby, ad insigne Capitis Episcopi in D. Pauli Coemiterio, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T143139. Grub Street ID 190228.
  • Sydenham, Thomas. Thomæ Sydenham, M.D. Opera universa. In quibus non solummodò Morborum Acutorum Historiae & Curationes novâ & exquisitâ methodo diligentissim traduntur, verm etiam Morborum fer omnium Chronicorum Curatio brevissima, pariter ac fidelissima in Publici commodum exhibetur. Londini: typis J. Heptinstall, impensis Walteri Kettilby, ad Insigne Capitis Episcopi in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T136718. Grub Street ID 184863.
  • Wells, Zachary. The advantages of a learned and religious education. In a sermon preach'd at St. Austin's Church, December the 6th 1705. before the gentlemen educated at Eton-Coll. By Zachary Wells, M. A. Late Fellow of Kings-College in Cambridge, and Lecturer of St. Michael Bassishaw. Publish'd at the Request of the Stewards. London: printed by T. Warren, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705. ESTC No. T11445. Grub Street ID 166262.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The subjects duty. A sermon preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Dunstan in the West, on Thursday, March the 8th 1704/5. Being the Anniversary day of Her Majesty's Happy Accession to the Throne. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen of the Vestry of the said Parish. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T48764. Grub Street ID 276604.
  • Gaskarth, John. The beautiful sanctuary, and the holy offering. A sermon Preach'd in the Parish-Church of All Saints Barking, London, on May the 13th 1705. At the First Opening of the said Church, After its having been Re-Paired without, and new Pewed, and in several Respects Improved, as well as Beautified within. By John Gaskarth, D. D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, 1705. ESTC No. T12016. Grub Street ID 171414.
  • Beveridge, William. The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705. ESTC No. T72690. Grub Street ID 296102.
  • Sharp, John. The design of Christianity. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's Chappel on Christmas-Day, 1704. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Archbishop of York. Published by her Majesties Especial Command. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and William Rogers at the Sun in Fleetstreet, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T12882. Grub Street ID 178357.
  • Sharp, John. Christ's resurrection sufficiently proved by chosen witnesses. A sermon Preached before the Queen, at St. James's Chappel, On Easter-Day, 1705. By the most Reverend Father in God John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. Sharp Published by her Majesty's Special Command. London: printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and W. Rogers, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, 1705. ESTC No. T30715. Grub Street ID 261566.
  • Beveridge, William. The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by T. H. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705. ESTC No. T88180. Grub Street ID 308160.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The lawfulness and the right manner of keeping Christmas, and other Christian festivals: a sermon preached at the Parish-Church of St. Dunstan in the West, upon Christmas-Day, 1704. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Published at the Desire of the Church-Wardens, and the rest of the Gentlemen of the Inquest of the said Parish. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705. ESTC No. T37617. Grub Street ID 267236.
  • Young, Edward. Sermons on several occasions. Vol. I. By the Reverend, Mr. E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and late Dean of Sarum. London: printed by J. H. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T105177. Grub Street ID 158542.
  • Humfrey, John. De justificatione: being a letter to a friend, upon a passage in one of the printed sermons of His Grace, the present Archbishop of York. Set forth for the putting a Conclusion to the several Books and Papers written upon this great Controverted Article. By John Humfrey, Aged Eighty Five, & supra. London: printed by J. Darby for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.VI. [1706]. ESTC No. N28524. Grub Street ID 17746.
  • Blackall, Offspring. Fourteen sermons preach'd upon several occasions. By Ofspring Blackall, D.D. ... London: printed for Walter Kettilby; and William Rogers, 1706. ESTC No. N47410. Grub Street ID 32103.
  • Hickes, George. An apologetical vindication of the Church of England: in answer to her adversaries who reproach her with the English heresies and schisms. With an appendix of papers relating to the schisms of the Church of Rome. By George Hickes, D.D. London: printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T88668. Grub Street ID 308622.
  • Beveridge, William. A sermon preach'd before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, on the 30th day of January, 1705/6. Being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles the Ist. By William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T49045. Grub Street ID 276881.
  • Blackall, Offspring. Fourteen sermons preach'd upon several occasions. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T56656. Grub Street ID 283063.
  • A thanksgiving sermon preach'd on June 27th 1706. at St. Michael's-Church juxtà Crooked-lane, for a glorious victory in Brabant, ... By Jam. Gardiner, ... London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, 1706. ESTC No. T9663. Grub Street ID 316087.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The blessedness of the poor in spirit. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's, Nov.17. 1706. By Ofspring Blackall, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, MDCCVII. [1707]. ESTC No. T22888. Grub Street ID 249101.
  • The works of Mr. William Allen, consisting of thirteen distinct tracts on several subjects. With a sermon preach'd at his funeral by Bishop Kidder; A large Index of Texts of Scripture explain'd; and an Alphabetical Table of the Principal Matters contain'd in the Whole. To which is prefix'd a preface, concerning the Author and his Writings, by John Lord Bishop of Chichester. London: printed by W. B. for Walter Kettilby, Richard Wilkin, and William Hawes; and are to be sold at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1707. ESTC No. T87440. Grub Street ID 307486.
  • Blackall, Offspring. The blessedness of the poor in spirit. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's, Nov.17. 1706. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command. London: printed by J. L. for W. Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1707. ESTC No. T4256. Grub Street ID 271327.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-Man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1707]. ESTC No. T101791. Grub Street ID 155638.
  • Sharp, John. Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England, and Metropolitan. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1709. ESTC No. T104565. Grub Street ID 158075.
  • Scott, John. The christian life. Part III. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification are fully explained and inforced. Vol. IV. By John Scott, D. D. late Rector of St. Giles in the Fields. London: printed by J. L. for Walter Kettilby, and are to be sold by Richard Wilkin, at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1710. ESTC No. N44261. Grub Street ID 29739.
  • Scott, John. The christian life. Part II. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, The Doctrine of our Saviour's Mediation, is Explained and Proved. Volume II. By John Scott, D. D. Late Rector of St. Giles in the Fields. London: printed for Walter Kettilby; and for Thomas Horn, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, and sold by Richard Wilkin at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1710. ESTC No. N44262. Grub Street ID 29740.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's chapel, On Ashwednesday, Feb.14. 1710/11. By the Most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command. London: printed for W. Kettilby; and for W. Rogers at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet street: and sold there, and by R. Wilkin at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1711. ESTC No. T12880. Grub Street ID 178346.
  • Sharp, John. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's Chapel, On Ashwednesday, Feb. 14. 1710/11. By the most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command. London: printed for W. Kettilby; and for W. Rogers at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet: and sold there, and by Richard Wilkin at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXI. [1711]. ESTC No. T12881. Grub Street ID 178355.
  • Scott, John. The christian life. Part I. From its beginning, to its consummation in glory. Together with The several Means and Instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto; with Directions for Private Devotion, and Forms of Prayer, Fitted to the several States of Christians. By John Scott, D. D. Rector of St. Giles in the Fields. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1712. ESTC No. T209522. Grub Street ID 238087.
  • Scott, John. The christian life. Part II. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained and proved. Volume I. By John Scott, D. D. Rector of S. Peter Poor, London. London: printed by J. H. for Walter Kettilby; and for Thomas Horne at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange; and sold by Richard Wilkin at the King's Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T209526. Grub Street ID 238091.
  • Stanley, William. The faith and practice of a Church of England-Man. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Rich. Wilkin at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713. ESTC No. T186098. Grub Street ID 222262.
  • Worthington, John. The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will: by the pious and learned John Worthington, D. D. Sometime Prebendary of Lincoln. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1714. ESTC No. N18030. Grub Street ID 7504.
  • Beveridge, William. The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London: printed by J. Leake, for Walter Kettilby; and are to be sold by Richard Wilkin, at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1714. ESTC No. T72692. Grub Street ID 296104.
  • Sharp, John. Sermons preached on several occasions: with two discourses of conscience. By the Most Reverend Father in God, Dr. John Sharp, late Lord Arch-Bishop of York. Vol. II. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, Benj. Tooke, and Tho. Caldecott; and sold by Richard Wilkin, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, B. T. at the Middle Temple-Gate, and T. C. at the Sun in Fleet-Street, 1715. ESTC No. N24346. Grub Street ID 13706.
  • Sharp, John. Eighteen sermons preached on several occasions. By ... Dr. John Sharp, ... Vol. IV. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, 1716. ESTC No. N48224. Grub Street ID 32813.
  • Sharp, John. Sixteen casuistical sermons preached on several occasions. By ... John Sharp, ... Vol. III. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, 1716. ESTC No. N36462. Grub Street ID 24440.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction, ... By which it is made evident, that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obliged ... to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. ... By J. S. London: printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, 1717. ESTC No. T147071. Grub Street ID 193660.
  • Sharp, John. Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By ... Dr. John Sharp, ... Vol. I. London: printed by J. L. for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin, 1717. ESTC No. N31463. Grub Street ID 20350.

Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Walter Kettilby

  • Bugg, Francis. The picture of Quakerism drawn to the life. In two parts. The first, shewing the vanity of the Quakers pretence of their being the one, only Catholick Church of Christ; and that the apostolick order thereof; is re-established amongst them; and them only; also shewing, that legal punishment is not persecution, whereby the Christian magistrates of the English government, are cleared from the odious scandal of persecution; charged on them by the Quakers. The second, containing, a brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism; being a modest correction of the general history of the Quakers wrot in Holland by Gerrard Croese. By Francis Bugg, Sen. London: printed for, and are to be sold by W. Kettleby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and W. Rogers at the Sun in Fleet-street, 1697. ESTC No. R6912. Grub Street ID 127212.
  • Bugg, Francis. The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism, to Christianity. Containing a farther discovery of the danger of the growth of Quakerism, not only in point of doctrine, but also in their politicks, in what they call their church-government, both from matter of fact, practice and experience; from the connection of the use and design of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, and yearly meetings, &c. their fund or common stock; with the consequence of it. Together with a remedy proposed for the cure of Quakerism. To which is added an appendix: shewing, wherein ther is a most damnable plot contrived and carrying on by New-Rome, and that by a united confederacy against the reformed religion, and the professors thereof; both magistrates, ministers and people. With a challenge to Geo. Whitehead, (her chief cardinal) to prove the same. By Francis Bugg, Sen. London: printed for, and are to be sold by W. Kettleby, at the Bishops-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1698. ESTC No. R20074. Grub Street ID 78230.